Seismic Behavior of Symmetric and Asymmetric Building For Static and Dynamic Analysis Using STAAD - Pro
Seismic Behavior of Symmetric and Asymmetric Building For Static and Dynamic Analysis Using STAAD - Pro
Seismic Behavior of Symmetric and Asymmetric Building For Static and Dynamic Analysis Using STAAD - Pro
Shubham Pandey1
1M.Tech, Department of Structural Engineering, Himgiri Zee University Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Abstract - The main objective of this research is the In this research two set of (G+9) commercial office RCC
comparative study on the seismic behavior of two sets of buildings are designed and analyzed by using response
commercial office buildings (G+9) using both static and spectrum analysis method in STAAD.Pro.
dynamic response analysis method in STAAD.Pro. SET-A is
regular and symmetric building while SET-B is irregular and SET A: Regular and symmetrical (G+9) RCC building with
asymmetric building. Revit Architecture is used for 3D
72x24m in plan. (Fig.-1)
modelling of buildings and STAAD. Pro is used for analysis of
3D framed structure. This project is done to analyze the two SET B: Irregular and asymmetrical (G+9) RCC building
set of multi-story buildings for response spectrum and finding with 69x36m in plan. (Fig.-4)
out the base shear, horizontal forces (i.e. lateral load on
structure due to earthquake), mode shape of buildings due to 1.1 Salient features of SET-A & SET-B buildings:
response spectrum, displacement of joints, maximum shear
forces, bending moments, axial forces on beams & columns, Building type: Commercial office building
maximum absolute stresses & displacement in slabs and Type of construction: RCC framed structure
reinforcement details for the structural components of No. of stories: 10 (G+9)
building (such as beams, columns and slabs) to develop the No. of floors: 10(+1 roof)
economic design. Thickness of floors: 0.150m
Thickness of roof slab: 0.125m
Key Words: Base shear, displacement, dynamic loading, Floor to floor height: 3.5m
reinforcement, response spectrum, seismic, structure, Size of all beams = 400 x 450mm
STAAD.Pro. Size of columns (base to 5th story) = 850 x 850mm
Size of columns (6th to 10th story) = 600 x 600mm
1. INTRODUCTION Type of walls: Brick wall
Thickness of walls: 0.230m
Structural analysis is the analysis of behavior of the
structure subjected to self-weight of the structural members 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
(such as beams, columns, slabs, ceilings), dead load (such as
weight of furniture’s, doors, windows, tiles), imposed load STAAD.Pro is a Structural Analysis and Design Program used
to analyze input data, verify results and using these results
(such as load due to movement of people), dynamic load
steel or concrete designing is done. STAAD.Pro v8i is used in
(due to wind, earthquake loads) etc.. this project.
Base shear (VB) is the maximum horizontal force on the base 2.1 Formation of SET-A building:
of the structure due to wind and seismic activity. To calculate
base shear, dynamic analysis is done. In STAAD.Pro base Shape of building= Regular and symmetric
shear is calculated using following formula: X-coordinate of structure= 0 to 72m
Y-coordinate of structure= -3.5 to 35m
(-3.5 to 0 m for substructure & 0 to 35 m for super structure)
VB = A x B x C x D Z-coordinate of structure= 0 to 24m
Here; A = Mass participation factor for that node, Total no. of nodes/ joints=1500
B= Total mass specified for that direction, Total no. of beams (both horizontal & vertical) =3795
C= Spectral acceleration for that node ( ) Total no. of plates = 968
D= Direction factor for particular load. Total no. of supports = 125
In STAAD.Pro there are two methods of dynamic analysis: Total degree of freedom = 8250
Total primary load cases = 6
a) Response spectrum analysis, and
No. of mode requested = 15
b) Time history analysis.
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Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Load of roof finishing tiles = -1 KN/m2 (There are total 7 combination method in response spectrum
Total dead load of roof slab = -4.125 KN/m2 analysis).
(Slab load is applied as floor load in STAAD.Pro and negative Subsoil class = Medium soil (assumed)
sign indicate downward direction of load) Damping ratio = 5%
Design horizontal seismic coefficient;
3.2 Live load: [Ah = ] ……Eqn- 2
It is assumed as floor load of,
Here; Z = Zone factor = 0.24
-4 KN/m2; (for commercial office buildings)
I = Importance factor = 1.5
-1.5 KN/m2; (at roof 14m)
R = Response reduction factor = 5
= Average response acceleration coefficient (from fig. 7)
3.3 Seismic load:
Using the IS code 1893-2002/2005 of seismic load for both For SET-A building:
the set of the buildings; Ah in x- dirn = = 0.09
Location of buildings = Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Seismic Zone- IV (Z=0.24)
Response reduction factor (RF) = 5 (for Special Moment Ah in Z- dirn = = 0.076
Resisting Frame)
Importance factor (I) = 1.5 (for commercial office buildings) For SET-B building:
Soil site factor = 2 (assumed medium soil condition) Ah in X & Z- dirn = = 0.09
Damping ratio = 5% (from IS 1893(Part 1):2002)
Approximate fundamental natural period of vibration in
3.6 Load Combination:
seconds; [ ] ……Eqn- 1 There are total 15 no. of load combinations are used in static
Here; h = Height of building in m = 35m analysis. Major combinations are;
d = Base dimension of building along the considered
direction of the lateral force in meter. 1. 1.5 [DL + LL]
For SET-A building: 2. 1.2 [DL + LL]
Time period in X- dirn = = 0.371 s 3. 1.2 [DL + LL ± EQ]
4. 1.5 [DL ± EQ]
Time period in Z- dirn = = 0.643 s 5. 0.9 DL ± 1.5 EQ
For SET-B building:
Earthquake load is provided in both X (i.e. EQ-X) and Z (i.e.
Time period in X- dirn = = 0.379 s EQ-Z) directions.
Time period in Z- dirn = = 0.525 s
Fig -7: Value of for different fundamental natural period 4.1 Lateral load on buildings (using static analysis):
Lateral loads are live loads due to horizontal forces like-
3.4 Temperature load: seismic load. From static analysis following lateral loads are
For both the set of buildings: obtained for both the set of buildings in x & z dirn (table-1).
The maximum temperature of Dehradun in summer = 38˚C
The minimum temperature of Dehradun in winter = 3˚C Table -1: Lateral load at different levels of structures
Assume ambient temperature = 20˚C Lateral load in (KN)
Hence change in temperature for axial elongation of beams, Height
For SET-A Building For SET-B Building
columns & slabs, Δt1 = 38 – 20 = 18˚C of floor
Δt2 = 3 – 20 = -17˚C in (m) In X- dirn In Z- dirn In X- dirn In Z- dirn
0.0 94.868 80.262 90.863 90.863
3.5 Response Spectrum load: 3.5 379.474 321.048 363.450 363.450
For dynamic response spectrum analysis all the dead loads 7.0 853.817 722.358 817.764 817.764
and live loads are applied in all the three directions i.e. global 10.5 1517.896 1284.191 1453.800 1453.800
x, y & z with positive values of loads. 14.0 2371.711 2006.549 2271.566 2271.566
Following are the parameters used for both the set of
17.5 3102.779 2625.062 2971.599 2971.599
21.0 3797.910 3213.163 3637.097 3637.097
Code used = IS 1893
Combination method=Complete Quadratic Combination 24.5 4960.538 4196.787 4750.494 4750.494
(CQC) 28.0 6278.178 5311.555 6012.339 6012.339
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Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
31.5 7750.834 6557.476 7422.637 7422.637 VB in Z-dirn = 39033.47 KN (Mass participation= 93.873%)
35.0 6504.240 5502.805 6327.296 6327.296 [Check- a. Now VB is greater than Vb
Total 37612.244 31821.248 36118.896 36118.896 b. Sum total of modal masses of all modes (i.e. 50) is more
than 90% of the total seismic mass.]
From IS 1893(Part 1):2002- base shear calculated using
fundamental period T; Vb = Ah x W 4.3 Mode shape of the structure:
Here; Ah = Horizontal seismic coefficient (from Eqn -2) A total 2 no. of mode shapes (out of 15) in response
W = Seismic weight of building spectrum analysis for both the set of buildings is shown
(It is equal to total dead load plus 50% of live load). below; (Fig.-8 and fig.-9)
= 417913.824 KN (for SET-A building)
= 401321.056 KN (for SET-B building)
For SET-A building (using static analysis method):
Vb in X-dirn = 0.09 x 417913.824 = 37612.244 KN
Vb in Z-dirn = 0.076 x 417913.824 = 31821.248 KN
For SET-B building (using static analysis method):
Vb in X & Z-dirn = 0.09 x 401321.056 = 36118.896 KN
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
SET-B 2382 1354.181
Type of Beam
Case Load case Axial force
building no.
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5514
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Fig -15: Corner displacement for plate (no. 3981) of maxm Fig -16: L-section and cross-section of beams
principal stress in SET-B building
5.3 Concrete design of columns:
5. CONCRETE DESIGN Concrete design results for the columns of maximum axial
forces for both the set of buildings: (table-7)
5.1 Design parameter for beams and columns:
Following are the design parameters used in both the set of Table -7: Reinforcement detailing of lower columns
buildings: (Here designing is done as per dynamic analysis); Design Results of Column
Code used= IS 456 M30(concrete) Fe500 (Main bar) Fe500 (Secondary bar)
Clear cover= 25mm (for beams) Length: 3500mm Size: 850x850mm Cover: 40mm
Type of
= 40mm (for columns) SET-A SET-B
Grade of concrete = M30 Column no. 3840 2338
Compressive strength of concrete for (M30); fc = 30 N/mm2 Type of column Tension column Tension column
Required steel
Grade of steel = fe500 area
17918.01 mm2 25896.69 mm2
Yield strength of main reinforcement; FY = 500 N/mm2 Required
704582.12 mm2 696603.44 mm2
Yield strength of shear reinforcement; FY = 500 N/mm2 concrete area
60@20mm ɸ 56@25mm ɸ
Maximum size of main reinforcement = 25mm Main =18849.55mm2 (i.e. =27488.94mm2 (i.e.
Maximum size of secondary reinforcement = 20mm reinforcement 2.61%, between 3.80%, between 0.8%
provided 0.8% to 6% of cross to 6% of cross section
Minimum size of main reinforcement = 16mm section area) area)
Minimum size of secondary reinforcement = 12mm Tie 12mm ɸ rectangular 12mm ɸ rectangular
Maximum % of longitudinal reinforcement allowed = 4% reinforcement ties @300mm c/c ties @300mm c/c
Axial force PUZ= 16567.87 KN PUZ= 19691.01 KN
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5515
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 07 | July 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
[1.] User manual guide of STAAD. Pro
[2.] IS 456: 2000 code for design of beams, columns
and slabs
[3.] IS 875 (Part-1) - 1987 code for calculation of
dead load
[4.] IS 875 (Part-2) - 1987 code for calculation of
Fig -17: Cross section of upper 600x600mm column live load
[5.] IS 1893 (Part-1) – 2002 code for calculation of
5.4 Required quantity of concrete & reinforced seismic load and response spectrum load.
Quantity of concrete & reinforced bar required for beams BIOGRAPHY
and columns for both the sets of buildings:
Total volume of concrete for SET-A building = 4347.4 m3 Author:- Shubham Pandey
Total volume of concrete for SET-B building = 4174.6 m3 M.Tech, Structural Engineering,
Himgiri ZEE University Dehradun,
Table -8: Quantity of reinforcing steel Uttarakhand, India.
Bar Dia. (in Weight (in N)
mm) For SET-A building For SET-B building
12 1027864 988739
16 2182065 2243732
20 1971911 1896420
25 508201 887083
Total 5690040 6015974
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