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Response of Tall Building G 21 Under Sei

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© 2017 IJSRST | Volume 3 | Issue 6 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X

Themed Section: Science and Technology

Response of Tall Building (G+21) Under Seismic Load using

Staad Pro
S. Dada Khalandar1, Syed Rizwan2
*1M.Tech Student, St.Mark Educational Institutions Society Group of Institutions, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, St.Mark Educational Institutions Society Group of Institutions, Anantapur, Andhra
Pradesh, India

The principle objective of this project is to analyse and design a multi-storeyed building [G +21 (3 dimensional
frame)] using STAAD Pro. The design involves load calculations manually and analysing the whole structure by
STAAD Pro. The design methods used in STAAD-Pro analysis are Limit State Design conforming to Indian
Standard Code of Practice. STAAD Pro features a state-of-the-art user interface, visualization tools, powerful
analysis and design engines with advanced finite element and dynamic analysis capabilities. From model generation,
analysis and design to visualization and result verification, STAAD Pro is the professional’s choice. Initially we
started with the analysis of simple 2 dimensional frames and manually checked the accuracy of the software with
our results. The results proved to be very accurate. We analysed and designed a G + 7 storey building [2-D Frame]
initially for all possible load combinations [dead, live, wind and seismic loads]. STAAD Pro has a very interactive
user interface which allows the users to draw the frame and input the load values and dimensions. Then according to
the specified criteria assigned it analyses the structure and designs the members with reinforcement details for RCC
frames. We continued with our work with some more multi-storeyed 2-D and 3-D frames under various load
combinations. Our final work was the proper analysis and design of a G + 21 3-D RCC frame under various load
combinations. Complicated and high-rise structures need very time taking and cumbersome calculations using
conventional manual methods. STAAD Pro provides us a fast, efficient, easy to use and accurate platform for
analysing and designing structures.
Keywords: STAAD Pro, Load Combinations, Live Load, Dead Load, User Interface

I. INTRODUCTION The STAAD analysis and design engine: It is a

general-purpose calculation engine for structural
STAAD Pro features a state-of-the-art user interface, analysis and integrated Steel, Concrete, Timber and
visualization tools, powerful analysis and design engines Aluminium design. To start with we have solved some
with advanced finite element and dynamic analysis sample problems using STAAD Pro and checked the
capabilities. From model generation, analysis and design accuracy of the results with manual calculations. The
to visualization and result verification, STAAD Pro is results were to satisfaction and were accurate. In the
the professional’s choice for steel, concrete, timber, initial phase of our project we have done calculations
aluminium and cold-formed steel design of low and regarding loadings on buildings and also considered
high-rise buildings, culverts, petrochemical plants, seismic and wind loads. Structural analysis comprises
tunnels, bridges, piles and much more. the set of physical laws and mathematics required to
study and predicts the behaviour of structures. Structural
The STAAD Pro Graphical User Interface: It is used analysis can be viewed more abstractly as a method to
to generate the model, which can then be analysed using drive the engineering design process or prove the
the STAAD engine. After analysis and design is soundness of a design without a dependence on directly
completed, the GUI can also be used to view the results testing it. The aim of design is the achievement of an
graphically. acceptable probability that structures being designed will

IJSRST1736135 | Received : 15 August 2017 | Accepted : 31 August 2017 | July-August-2017 [(3) 6: 634-639]
perform satisfactorily during their intended life. With an creep and shrinkage of the structure, the differential
appropriate degree of safety, they should sustain all the settlements to which the structure may undergo.
loads and deformations of normal construction and use
and have adequate durability and adequate resistance to WIND LOAD:
the effects of seismic and wind. Structure and structural Wind is air in motion relative to the surface of the earth.
elements shall normally be designed by Limit State The primary cause of wind is traced to earth’s rotation
Method. Account should be taken of accepted theories, and differences in terrestrial radiation. The radiation
experiment and experience and the need to design for effects are primarily responsible for convection either
durability. Design, including design for durability, upwards or downwards. The wind generally blows
construction and use in service should be considered as a horizontal to the ground at high wind speeds. Since
whole. The realization of design objectives requires vertical components of atmospheric motion are
compliance with clearly defined standards for materials, relatively small, the term ‘wind’ denotes almost
production, workmanship and also maintenance and use exclusively the horizontal wind, vertical winds are
of structure in service. always identified as such. The wind speeds are assessed
The design of the building is dependent upon the with the aid of anemometers or anemographs which are
minimum requirements as prescribed in the Indian installed at meteorological observatories at heights
Standard Codes. The minimum requirements pertaining generally varying from 10 to 30 metres above ground.
to the structural safety of buildings are being covered by
way of laying down minimum design loads which have DESIGN WIND SPEED (V,)
to be assumed for dead loads, imposed loads, and other The basic wind speed (V,) for any site shall be obtained
external loads, the structure would be required to bear. from and shall be modified to include the following
Strict conformity to loading standards recommended in effects to get design wind velocity at any height (V,) for
this code, it is hoped, will not only ensure the structural the chosen structure:
safety of the buildings which are being designed. a) Risk level;
b) Terrain roughness, height and size of structure; and
II. LOADS CONSIDERED c) Local topography.
It can be mathematically expressed as follows: Where:
DEAD LOADS: V = Vb * kl * k* ks
Vb = design wind speed at any height z in m/s;
All permanent constructions of the structure form the kl = probability factor (risk coefficient)
dead loads. The dead load comprises of the weights of k = terrain, height and structure size factor and ks =
walls, partitions floor finishes, false ceilings, false floors topography factor
and the other permanent constructions in the buildings.
The dead load loads may be calculated from the Risk Coefficient (kI Factor) gives basic wind speeds
dimensions of various members and their unit weights. for terrain Category 2 as applicable at 10 m above
The unit weights of plain concrete and reinforced ground level based on 50 years mean return period. In
concrete made with sand and gravel or crushed natural the design of all buildings and structures, a regional
stone aggregate may be taken as 24 kN/m3 and 25 kN/ basic wind speed having a mean return period of 50
m3 respectively. years shall be used.

IMPOSED LOADS: Terrain, Height and Structure Size Factor (k, Factor)
Imposed load is produced by the intended use or Terrain - Selection of terrain categories shall be made
occupancy of a building including the weight of with due regard to the effect of obstructions which
movable partitions, distributed and concentrated loads, constitute the ground surface roughness. The terrain
load due to impact and vibration and dust loads. category used in the design of a structure may vary
Imposed loads do not include loads due to wind, seismic depending on the direction of wind under consideration.
activity, snow, and loads imposed due to temperature Wherever sufficient meteorological information is
changes to which the structure will be subjected to, available about the nature of wind direction, the

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) 635

orientation of any building or structure may be suitably must be provided or the analysis will not be performed.
planned. Weight density (DEN) is used only when self weight of
the structure is to be taken into account. Poisson's ratio
Topography (ks Factor) - The basic wind speed Vb (POISS) is used to calculate the shear modulus
takes account of the general level of site above sea level. (commonly known as G) by the formula,
This does not allow for local topographic features G = 0.5 x E/ (1 + POISS)
such as hills, valleys, cliffs, escarpments, or ridges
which can significantly affect wind speed in their SUPPORTS:
vicinity. The effect of topography is to accelerate wind Supports are specified as PINNED, FIXED, or FIXED
near the summits of hills or crests of cliffs, escarpments with different releases (known as FIXED BUT). A
or ridges and decelerate the wind in valleys or near the pinned support has restraints against all translational
foot of cliff, steep escarpments, or ridges. movement and none against rotational movement. In
other words, a pinned support will have reactions for all
WIND PRESSURES AND FORCES ON forces but will resist no moments. A fixed support has
BUILDINGS/STRUCTURES: restraints against all directions of movement.
The wind load on a building shall be calculated for: Translational and rotational springs can also be
a) The building as a whole, specified. The springs are represented in terms of their
b) Individual structural elements as roofs and walls, and spring constants. A translational spring constant is
c) Individual cladding units including glazing and their defined as the force to displace a support joint one
fixings. length unit in the specified global direction. Similarly, a
rotational spring constant is defined as the force to
rotate the support joint one degree around the specified

The structure may be generated from the input file or MEMBER LOAD:
mentioning the co-ordinates in the GUI. The figure Three types of member loads may be applied directly to
below shows the GUI generation method. a member of a structure. These loads are uniformly
distributed loads, concentrated loads, and linearly
varying loads (including trapezoidal). Uniform loads
act on the full or partial length of a member.
Concentrated loads act at any intermediate, specified
point. Linearly varying loads act over the full length of
a member. Trapezoidal linearly varying loads act over
the full or partial length of a member. Trapezoidal loads
are converted into a uniform load and several
concentrated loads. Any number of loads may be
specified to act upon a member in any independent
loading condition. Member loads can be specified in the
member coordinate system or the global coordinate
system. Uniformly distributed member loads provided
in the global coordinate system may be specified to act
IV. MATERIAL CONSTANTS along the full or projected member length.

The material constants are: modulus of elasticity (E);

weight density (DEN); Poisson's ratio (POISS); co-
efficient of thermal expansion (ALPHA), Composite
Damping Ratio, and beta angle (BETA) or coordinates
for any reference (REF) point. E value for members

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) 636

Fig: Generation of member property
Member load configuration
Generation of member property can be done in
STAAD Pro by using the window as shown above.
The member section is selected and the
dimensions have been specified. The beams are
having a dimension of 0.6 * 0.3 m and the
columns are having a dimension of 0.8 * 0.8 m at
the ground floor and at the other top floors they
are having a dimension of 0.5 * 0.5 m.

Fig: Plan of the G+21 storey building

Fig: Fixing supports of the structure

The structure was designed for concrete in accordance

with IS code. The parameters such as clear cover, Fy,
Fc, etc were specified. The window shown below is the
input window for the design purpose. Then it has to be
specified which members are to be designed as beams
and which member are to be designed as columns.
Fig: elevation of the G+21 storey building

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) 637

Shear Force

Fig: Input window for design purpose.

The above figure shows that the bending moment and
the shear force can be studied from the graphs
VI. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RESULTS generated by STAAD Pro. The whole structure is
shown in the screen and we may select any member
Post Processing Mode and at the right side we will get the BMD and SFD for
that member.


STAAD PRO has the capability to calculate the

reinforcement needed for any concrete section. The
program contains a number of parameters which are
designed as per IS:456(2000). Beams are designed for
flexure, shear and torsion.

Design for Flexure:

Maximum sagging (creating tensile stress at the bottom
face of the beam) and hogging (creating tensile stress at
the top face) moments are calculated for all active load
Bending Moment
cases at each of the above mentioned sections. Each of
these sections are designed to resist both of these critical
sagging and hogging moments. Where ever the
rectangular section is inadequate as singly reinforced
section, doubly reinforced section is tried.

Design for Shear:

Shear reinforcement is calculated to resist both shear
forces and torsional moments. Shear capacity calculation
at different sections without the shear reinforcement is
based on the actual tensile reinforcement provided by
STAAD program. Two-legged stirrups are provided to
take care of the balance shear forces acting on these

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (www.ijsrst.com) 638

Beam Design Output:
The default design output of the beam contains flexural
and shear reinforcement provided along the length of the

Column Design:
Columns are designed for axial forces and biaxial
moments at the ends. All active load cases are tested to
calculate reinforcement. The loading which yield
maximum reinforcement is called the critical load.
Column design is done for square section. Square
columns are designed with reinforcement distributed on
each side equally for the sections under biaxial moments
and with reinforcement distributed equally in two faces
for sections under uni-axial moment. All major criteria
for selecting longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement as stipulated by IS: 456 have been taken
care of in the column design of STAAD.


[1]. Dr. S.R. Karve & Dr. V.L. Shah - "Illustrated design of
Reinforced concrete Buildings"
[2]. N. Krishna Raju - "Advanced Reinforced Concrete
[3]. "STAAD Pro 2004 – Getting started & tutorials"-
Published by: R .E. I.
[4]. "STAAD Pro 2004 – Technical reference manual"-
Published by: R.E.I.
[5]. IS 875 - Bureau Of Indian Standards Manak Bhavan, 9
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002
[6]. Is 456 - Bureau Of Indian Standards Manak Bhavan, 9
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi 110002
[7]. IS 1893-2000 - Bureau Of Indian Standards Manak
Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi
[8]. IS 1893-2002 - Bureau Of Indian Standards Manak
Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi

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