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SGC Web Sockets

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sgcWebSockets 4.1.

Table of Contents
IDE Editions ............................................................................................................................... 5
Delphi supported IDE ......................................................................................................... 5
CBuilder supported IDE ...................................................................................................... 5
AppMethod supported IDE ................................................................................................. 5
FreePascal supported IDE ................................................................................................. 5
HTML supported IDE .......................................................................................................... 5
Free Version ....................................................................................................................... 6
Library .................................................................................................................................... 6
Installation .................................................................................................................................. 7
Delphi / CBuilder / Lazarus .................................................................................................... 7
HTML5 Builder ....................................................................................................................... 9
QuickStart ................................................................................................................................ 11
VCL Server ....................................................................................................................... 11
VCL Client ........................................................................................................................ 11
WebBrowser Client ........................................................................................................... 11
How To Use ...................................................................................................................... 12
Linux Compiler .................................................................................................................. 12
Linux (Lazarus) ................................................................................................................. 13
WebBrowser Test .................................................................................................................... 14
Custom Sub-Protocols ............................................................................................................. 15
Client Example Code ........................................................................................................ 15
Server Example Code ...................................................................................................... 16
Implementation ................................................................................................................. 17
Features ................................................................................................................................... 19
Authentication ...................................................................................................................... 19
Custom Objects .................................................................................................................... 21
Secure Connections ............................................................................................................. 22
Compression ........................................................................................................................ 24
Flash..................................................................................................................................... 25
Bindings................................................................................................................................ 26
Quality Of Service ................................................................................................................ 27
Queues ................................................................................................................................. 29
Transactions ......................................................................................................................... 31
SubProtocol .......................................................................................................................... 33
HTTP .................................................................................................................................... 34
Throttle ................................................................................................................................. 35
Server-sent Events (Push Notifications) .............................................................................. 36
LoadBalancing ..................................................................................................................... 39
HeartBeat ............................................................................................................................. 40
WatchDog............................................................................................................................. 41
Files ...................................................................................................................................... 42
Proxy .................................................................................................................................... 43
Logs...................................................................................................................................... 44
General .................................................................................................................................... 45
WebSocket Events ............................................................................................................... 45
WebSocket Parameters Connection .................................................................................... 46
Using inside a DLL ............................................................................................................... 47
TsgcWebSocketServer ............................................................................................................ 49
Methods ............................................................................................................................ 49
Properties ......................................................................................................................... 50
TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer................................................................................................... 53
Methods ............................................................................................................................ 54
Properties ......................................................................................................................... 54
TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI ........................................................................................... 56
Methods ............................................................................................................................ 56
TsgcWebSocketClient ............................................................................................................. 58
Methods ............................................................................................................................ 58

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Properties ......................................................................................................................... 59
TsgcWebSocketClient_SocketIO ............................................................................................ 62
Methods ............................................................................................................................ 62
Properties ......................................................................................................................... 63
Properties ......................................................................................................................... 63
TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP ............................................................................................ 65
Methods ............................................................................................................................ 65
Properties ......................................................................................................................... 65
TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer ...................................................................................... 67
TsgcWebSocketProxyServer ................................................................................................... 68
TsgcIWWebSocketClient ......................................................................................................... 69
Methods ............................................................................................................................ 69
Properties ......................................................................................................................... 69
Connections ............................................................................................................................. 71
TsgcWSConnection ............................................................................................................. 71
Protocols .................................................................................................................................. 73
Protocols .............................................................................................................................. 73
Protocols Javascript ............................................................................................................. 75
Subprotocols ........................................................................................................................ 78
Default .............................................................................................................................. 79
Dataset ............................................................................................................................. 88
Files .................................................................................................................................. 97
WebRTC ......................................................................................................................... 102
WAMP............................................................................................................................. 105
WAMP 2.0....................................................................................................................... 112
MQTT.............................................................................................................................. 118
APIs ....................................................................................................................................... 121
WebSocket APIs ................................................................................................................ 121
API...................................................................................................................................... 122
API Blockchain ............................................................................................................... 122
API Bitfinex ..................................................................................................................... 124
API Pusher ..................................................................................................................... 129
Extensions ............................................................................................................................. 133
Extensions .......................................................................................................................... 133
Extensions | PerMessage-Deflate ...................................................................................... 134
Extensions | Deflate-Frame ................................................................................................ 135
Library .................................................................................................................................... 137
Library | Build ......................................................................................................................... 138
QuickStart .............................................................................................................................. 139
QuickStart | Library | Delphi ............................................................................................... 139
QuickStart | Library | C# ..................................................................................................... 140
Client ...................................................................................................................................... 141
Library | Client .................................................................................................................... 141
Library Client | SocketIO .................................................................................................... 143
Library | Client Protocol SGC ............................................................................................. 147
Server .................................................................................................................................... 150
Library | Server ................................................................................................................... 150
Library | Server Protocol SGC............................................................................................ 152
WebSockets ........................................................................................................................... 155
JSON ..................................................................................................................................... 156
JSON-RPC 2.0 ...................................................................................................................... 157
Parsers ........................................................................................................................... 157
WAMP .................................................................................................................................... 158
WebRTC ................................................................................................................................ 159
MQTT ..................................................................................................................................... 160
Server-Sent Events ................................................................................................................ 161
License................................................................................................................................... 163

WebSockets represent a long awaited evolution in client/server web technology. They allow a
long-held single TCP socket connection to be established between the client and server which
allows for bi-directional, full duplex, messages to be instantly distributed with little overhead
resulting in a very low latency connection.

Both the WebSocket API and the well as native WebSocket support in browsers such as
Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and a prototype Silverlight to JavaScript bridge implementation
for Internet Explorer, there are now WebSocket library implementations in Objective-C, .NET,
Ruby, Java, node.js, ActionScript and many other languages.

The Internet wasn’t built to be all that dynamic. It was conceived to be a collection of HyperText
Markup Language (HTML) pages linking to one another to form a conceptual web of
information. Over time the static resources increased in number and richer items, such as
images, began to be part of the web fabric. Server technologies advanced allowing for dynamic
server pages - pages whose content was generated based on a query.

Soon the requirement to have more dynamic web pages lead to the availability of Dynamic
HyperText Markup Language (DHTML) all thanks to JavaScript (let’s pretend VBScript never
existed). Over the following years we saw cross frame communication in an attempt to avoid
page reloads followed by HTTP Polling within frames. Things started to get interesting with the
introduction of LiveConnect, then the forever frame technique, and finally, thanks to Microsoft,
we ended up with the XMLHttpRequest object and therefore Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
(AJAX). In turn, AJAX made XHR Long-Polling and XHR Streaming possible. But none of these
solutions offered a truly standardised cross browser solution to realtime bi-directional
communication between a server and a client.

Finally WebSockets represent a standard for bi-directional realtime communication between

servers and clients. Firstly in web browsers, but ultimately between any server and any client.
The standards first approach means that as developers we can finally create functionality that
works consistently across multiple platforms. Connection limitations are no longer a problem
since WebSockets represent a single TCP socket connection. Cross domain communication
has been considered from day one and is dealt with within the connection handshake. This
means that services such as Pusher can easily use them when offering a massively scalable
realtime platform that can be used by any website, web, desktop or mobile application.

WebSockets don’t make AJAX obsolete but they do supersede Comet (HTTP Long-
polling/HTTP Streaming) as the solution of choice for true realtime functionality. AJAX should
still be used for making short-lived web service calls, and if we eventually see a good uptake in
CORS supporting web services, it will get even more useful. WebSockets should now be the go
to standard for realtime functionality since they offer low latency bi-directional communication
over a single connection. Even if a web browser doesn’t natively support the WebSocket object
there are polyfill fallback options which all but guarantee any web browser can actually establish
a WebSocket connection.

sgcWebSockets is a complete package providing access to WebSockets protocol, allowing to

create WebSockets Servers, Intraweb Clients or WebSocket Clients in VCL, Firemonkey, Linux
and FreePascal applications.

 Fully functional multithreaded WebSocket server according to RFC 6455.

 Supports Firemonkey (Windows and MacOS).
 Supports NEXTGEN Compiler (IOS and Android Support).
 Supports LINUX Compiler.
 Supports Lazarus / FreePascal.
 Supports CBuilder.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

 Supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer (including

iPhone, iPad and iPod)
 Supports C#.NET using compiled library (for Windows 32 and 64 bits).
 Supports Microsoft HTTP Server API and IOCP for high performance
Windows Servers.
 Multiple Threads Support
 Supports Message Compression using PerMessage_Deflate extension RFC
 Supports Text and Binary Messages.
 Supports Server and Client Authentication.
 Server component providing WebSocket and HTTP connections through the
same port.
 Proxy Server component allowing to Web Browsers to connect to any TCP
 Load Balancing Server.
 Client WebSocket based on WinHTTP API.
 Client WebSocket supports connections through Socket.IO Servers.
 FallBack support through Adobe Flash for old Web Browsers like Internet
Explorer from 6 to 9.
 Supports Server-Sent Events (Push Notifications) over HTTP Protocol.
 WatchDog and HeartBeat built-in support.
 Client WebSocket supports connections through HTTP Proxy Servers and
SOCKS Proxy Servers.
 Events Available: OnConnect, OnDisconnect, OnMessage, OnError,
 Built-in sub-protocols: JSON-RPC 2.0, Dataset, WebRTC, MQTT and WAMP
(1.0 and 2.0)
 Client Built-in API: Blockchain, Bitfinex, Pusher...
 Support for JSON parsers: Delphi JSON and XSuperObject.
 Built-in Javascript libraries to support browser clients.
 Easy to setup
 Javascript Events for a full control
 Async Events using Ajax
 SSL/TLS Support for Server / Client Components (OpenSSL libraries

Main components available are:

 TsgcWebSocketServer: Non-visual component, it's used to manage client

threaded connections. Supports RFCC 6455. Based on Indy library.
 TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer: Non-visual component, it's used to manage
client threaded connections. Supports RFCC 6455. Supports HTTP Requests using an
unique port for WebSocket and HTTP Connections. Based on Indy library.
 TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer: Non-visual component, it's used to
distribute messages across several back-up servers. Based on Indy library.
 TsgcWebSocketClient: Non-visual component, used to establish a WebSocket
connection with a WebSocket server, based on Indy LIbrary.
 TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP: Non-visual component, used to establish a
WebSocket connection with a WebSocket server based on WinHTTP API.
 TsgcWebsocketProxyServer: Non-visual component, used to translate
websocket connections to normal TCP connections. Based on Indy library.
 TsgcIWWebSocketClient: Non-visual component, used on Intraweb forms to
establish a WebSocket connection with a WebSocket Server.

You can use WebSockets too, using sgcWebSockets.dll, modules available:


 Delphi
 C# .NET

IDE Editions
Delphi supported IDE

 Delphi 7 (* only supported if upgraded to Indy 10, Intraweb is not supported)

 Delphi 2007
 Delphi 2009
 Delphi 2010
 Delphi XE
 Delphi XE2
 Delphi XE3
 Delphi XE4
 Delphi XE5
 Delphi XE6
 Delphi XE7
 Delphi XE8
 Delphi 10 Seattle
 Delphi 10.1 Berlin
 Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

CBuilder supported IDE

 CBuilder 2010
 CBuilder XE
 CBuilder XE2
 CBuilder XE3
 CBuilder XE4
 CBuilder XE5
 CBuilder XE6
 CBuilder XE7
 CBuilder XE8
 CBuilder 10 Seattle
 CBuilder 10.1 Berlin
 CBuilder 10.2 Tokyo

AppMethod supported IDE

 AppMethod 2014

FreePascal supported IDE

 Lazarus

HTML supported IDE

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

 HTML5 Builder

Free Version

Compiled *.dcu files provided with free version are using default Indy and Intraweb version. If
you have upgraded any of these packets, probably it won't work or you need to buy full source
code version.

Just copy sgcWebSockets.dll to your Application folder or to a common path. Supported

 Delphi
 C# .NET


Delphi / CBuilder / Lazarus

1. Unzip the files included into a directory {$DIR}

2. From Delphi\CBuilder:

Add the directory where the files are unzipped {$DIR} to the Delphi\CBuilder library path
under Tools, Environment options, Directories

All Delphi\CBuilder Versions

Add the directory {$DIR}\source to the library path

For specific Delphi version

Delphi 7 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD7 to the library path

Delphi 2007 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2007 to the library path
Delphi 2009 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2009 to the library path
Delphi 2010 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2010 to the library path
Delphi XE : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE to the library path
Delphi XE2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE2\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE3 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE3\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE4 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE4\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE5 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE5\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE6 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE6\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE7 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE7\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi XE8 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE8\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 10 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 10.1 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_1\$(Platform) to the library path
Delphi 10.2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_2\$(Platform) to the library path

For specific CBuilder version

C++ Builder 2010 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD2010 to the library path
C++ Builder XE : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE to the library path
C++ Builder XE2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE2\$(Platform) to the library
C++ Builder XE3 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE3\$(Platform) to the library
C++ Builder XE4 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE4\$(Platform) to the library
C++ Builder XE5 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE5\$(Platform) to the library
C++ Builder XE6 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE6\$(Platform) to the library
C++ Builder XE7 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE7\$(Platform) to the library
C++ Builder XE8 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libDXE8\$(Platform) to the library
C++ Builder 10 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10\$(Platform) to the library
C++ Builder 10.1 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_1\$(Platform) to the library

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

C++ Builder 10.2 : Add the directory {$DIR}\libD10_2\$(Platform) to the library


For all CBuilder versions, Add dcp\$(Platform) to the library path (contains .bpi

For AppMethod

AppMethod : Add the directory {$DIR}\libAppMethod\$(Platform) to the library


3. From Delphi

File, Open and browse for the correct Packages\sgcWebSockets.groupproj (First
compile sgcWebSocketsX.dpk and then install dclsgcWebSocketsX.dpk)

packages files for Delphi

sgcWebSocketsD7.groupproj : Delphi 7
sgcWebSocketsD2007.groupproj : Delphi 2007
sgcWebSocketsD2009.groupproj : Delphi 2009
sgcWebSocketsD2010.groupproj : Delphi 2010
sgcWebSocketsDXE.groupproj : Delphi XE
sgcWebSocketsDXE2.groupproj : Delphi XE2
sgcWebSocketsDXE3.groupproj : Delphi XE3
sgcWebSocketsDXE4.groupproj : Delphi XE4
sgcWebSocketsDXE5.groupproj : Delphi XE5
sgcWebSocketsDXE6.groupproj : Delphi XE6
sgcWebSocketsDXE7.groupproj : Delphi XE7
sgcWebSocketsDXE8.groupproj : Delphi XE8
sgcWebSocketsD10.groupproj : Delphi 10
sgcWebSocketsD10_1.groupproj : Delphi 10.1
sgcWebSocketsD10_2.groupproj : Delphi 10.2

4. From CBuilder

File, Open and browse for the correct Packages\sgcWebSockets.groupproj (First
compile sgcWebSocketsX.dpk and then install dclsgcWebSocketsX.dpk)

packages files for CBuilder

sgcWebSocketsC2010.groupproj : C++ Builder 2010

sgcWebSocketsCXE.groupproj : C++ Builder XE
sgcWebSocketsCXE2.groupproj : C++ Builder XE2
sgcWebSocketsCXE3.groupproj : C++ Builder XE3
sgcWebSocketsCXE4.groupproj : C++ Builder XE4
sgcWebSocketsCXE5.groupproj : C++ Builder XE5
sgcWebSocketsCXE6.groupproj : C++ Builder XE6
sgcWebSocketsCXE7.groupproj : C++ Builder XE7
sgcWebSocketsCXE8.groupproj : C++ Builder XE8
sgcWebSocketsC10.groupproj : C++ Builder 10
sgcWebSocketsC10_1.groupproj : C++ Builder 10.1
sgcWebSocketsC10_2.groupproj : C++ Builder 10.2


5. From AppMethod

File, Open and browse for the correct Packages\sgcWebSockets.groupproj
(First compile sgcWebSocketsX.dpk and then install dclsgcWebSocketsX.dpk)

packages files for AppMethod

sgcWebSocketsAppMethod.groupproj : AppMethod

6. From Lazarus

Choose : File, Open and browse Packages\sgcWebSocketsLazarus.lpk (First compile and

then install)

Compiled files are located on Lazarus Directory, inside this, there is a Indy directory with
latest Indy source version.

Tested with Lazarus 1.6.4 and Indy

7. Demos

All demos are available in subdirectory Demos. Just open the project and run it. Intraweb
demos may need to modify some units due to different Intraweb Versions.

HTML5 Builder
1. Copy "esegece" directory into HTML5 Builder’s RPCL directory.

C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\HTML5 Builder\5.0\rpcl

2. From HTML5 Builder

go to Home > Packages and press button "Add Package"

Locate your package file (sgcWebSockets.package.php), select it and click Open.

3. If you start a new project you will see a new palette called "SGC - WebSockets", drop a
sgcWebSocket component on a Form and configure required properties.

4. Demos

All demos are available in subdirectory Demos. Just open the project and run it.

Let's start with a basic example where we need to create a Server WebSocket and 2 client
WebSocket types: VCL Application Client and Web Browser Client.

VCL Server

1. Create a new VCL Forms Application on Delphi

2. Drop a TsgcWebSocketServer in a Form.

3. On Events Tab, Double click OnMessage Event, and type following code:

ShowMessage('Message Received From Client: ' + Text);

4. Drop a TButton in a Form, Double Click and type this code:

sgcWebSocketServer1.Active := True;

5. Build Project and that's all, you have configured a basic WebSocket Server.

VCL Client

1. Create a new VCL Forms Application on Delphi

2. Drop a TsgcWebSocketClient in a Form and configure Host and Port Properties to connect to

3. Drop a TButton in a Form, Double Click and type this code:

sgcWebSocketClient1.Active := True;

4. Drop a TButton in a Form, Double Click and type this code:

sgcWebSocketClient1.WriteData('Hello Server From VCL Client');

5. Build Project and that's all, you have configured a basic WebSocket Client.

WebBrowser Client

1. Create a new html file

2. Open file with a text editor and copy following code:


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

<script type="text/javascript"
<a href="javascript:var socket = new
<a href="javascript:socket.send('Hello Server From Web

You need to replace host and port in this file for your custom Host and Port!!

3. Save File and that's all, you have configured a basic WebSocket Web Browser Client.

How To Use

1. Start VCL Server Application and press button to start WebSocket Server to listen new

2. Start VCL Client Application and press button1 to connect to server and press button2 to
send a message. On Server Side, you will see a message with text sent by VCL Client.

3. Open HTML file with your Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer 10+),
press Open to open a connection and press send, to send a message to server. On Server
Side, you will see a message with text sent by Web Browser Client.

Linux Compiler

Simple Server example (listening on port 5000).

program sgcWebSockets_linux;


{$R *.res}

System.SysUtils, sgcWebSocket;

oServer: TsgcWebSocketServer;

oServer := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oServer.Port := 5000;
oServer.Active := True;

while oServer.Active do


on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);

Linux (Lazarus)

If you compile a Lazarus project for linux and you get this message:

Semaphore init failed (possibly too many concurrent threads)

Just add cthreads unit to your project file.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

WebBrowser Test
TsgcWebSocketServer implements a built-in Web page where you can test WebSocket Server
connection with your favorite WebBrowser.

To access to this Test Page, you need to type this url:


Example: if you have configured your WebSocket Server on IP and uses port 80, then
you need to type:

In this page, you can test following WebSocket methods:



Custom Sub-Protocols
Client can request that the server use a specific subprotocol by including the subprotocol name
in its handshake. If it is specified, the server needs to include one of the selected subprotocol
values in its response for the connection to be established.

In order to create your own subprotocol, you must inherit from TsgcWSProtocol_Client_Base
and TsgcWSProtocol_Server_Base in order to create your custom subprotocols.

Client Example Code

unit sgcWebSocket_Protocol_Example_Client;


{$I sgcVer.inc}

sgcWebSocket_Protocol_Base_Client, Classes,

TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Client =
{ from TsgcWSComponent }
procedure DoEventConnect(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection);
procedure DoEventMessage(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; const
Text: string);
procedure DoEventDisconnect(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection;
Code: Integer);
{ from TsgcWSComponent }
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;



constructor TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Client.Create(aOwner:
// ... here add your protocol name
FProtocol := 'MyProtocol';


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

// ... add your own code when client connects to server

TsgcWSConnection; Code: Integer);
// ... add your own code when client disconnects from server

TsgcWSConnection; const Text: string);
// ... process messages received from server
// ... you can send a message to server using WriteData('your
message') method


Server Example Code

unit sgcWebSocket_Protocol_Example_Server;


{$I sgcVer.inc}

sgcWebSocket_Protocol_Base_Server, Classes,

TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server =
{ from TsgcWSComponent }
procedure DoEventConnect(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection);
procedure DoEventMessage(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection; const
Text: string);
procedure DoEventDisconnect(aConnection: TsgcWSConnection;
Code: Integer);
{ from TsgcWSComponent }
constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override;




constructor TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server.Create(aOwner:
// ... here add your protocol name
FProtocol := 'MyProtocol';

// ... add your own code when a client connects to server

TsgcWSConnection; Code: Integer);
// ... add your own code when a client disconnects from server

TsgcWSConnection; const Text: string);
// ... process messages received from clients
// ... you can answer to client using
WriteData(aConnection.Guid, 'your message') method
// ... you can send a message to all clients using
BroadCast('your message') method



Once your custom subprotocol is implemented, then you only need to assign to your Client or
Server websocket component. Example:

procedure InitalizeClient;
oClient: TsgcWebSocketClient;
oProtocol: TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Client;
oClient := TsgcWebSocketClient.Create(nil);
oProtocol := TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Client.Create(nil);
oProtocol.Client := oClient;

procedure InitalizeServer;
oServer: TsgcWebSocketServer;
oProtocol: TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server;

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

oClient := TsgcWebSocketServer.Create(nil);
oProtocol := TsgcWSProtocol_Example_Server.Create(nil);
oProtocol.Server := oServer;

Supported by

Java script (*only URL Authentication is supported)

WebSockets Specification doesn't has any authentication method and Web Browsers
implementation don't allow to send custom headers on new WebSocket connections.

To enable this feature you need to access to the following property:

Authentication/ Enabled

sgcWebSockets implements 3 different types of WebSocket authentication:

Session: client need to do a HTTP GET passing username and password, and if
authenticated, server response a Session ID. With this Session ID, client open
websocket connection passing as a parameter. You can use a normal HTTP request to
get a session id using and passing user and password as parameters


example: (user=admin, password=1234) -->


This returns a token that is used to connect to server using WebSocket connections:


URL: client open websocket connection passing username and password as a



example: (user=admin, password=1234) -->


Basic: implements Basic Access Authentication, only applies to VCL Websockets

(Server and Client) and HTTP Requests (client webbrowsers don't implement this type of
authentication). When a client tries to connect, it sends a header using AUTH BASIC

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

You can define a list of Authenticated users, using Authentication/ AuthUsers property. You
need to define every item following this schema: user=password. Example:


There is an event called OnAuthentication where you can handle authentication if user is not
in AuthUsers list, client don't send an authorization request... You can check User and
Password params and if correct, then set Authenticated variable to True. example:

procedure WSServerAuthentication(Connection: TsgcWSConnection;

aUser, aPassword: string; var Authenticated: Boolean);
if (aUser = 'John') and (aPassword = '1234') then
Authenticated := True;


Custom Objects
Supported by


Every time a new WebSocket connection is established, sgcWebSockets creates a

TsgcWSConnection class where you can access to some properties like identifier, bytes
received/sent, client IP... and there is a property called Data where you can store objects in
memory like database access, session objects...

You can create a new class called MyClass and create some properties, example:

TMyClass = class
FRegistered: Boolean;
FUser: String;
property Registered: Boolean read FRegistered write
property User: String read FUser write FUser;

Then, when a new client connects, OnConnect Event, create a new TMyClass and Assign to

procedure WSServerConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection);

Connection.Data := TMyClass.Create;

Every time a new message is received by server, you can access to your custom object using
Connection.Data property.

procedure WSServerMessage(Connection: TsgcWSConnection; const

Text: string);
if TMyClass(Connection.Data).Registered then

When a connection is closed, you may free your object:

procedure TfrmServerChat.WSServerDisconnect(Connection:
Code: Integer);
oMyClass: TMyClass;
oMyClass := TMyClass(Connection.Data);
if Assigned(oMyClass) then
Connection.Data := nil;

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Secure Connections
Supported by

Web Browsers

SSL support is based on Indy implementation, so you need to deploy openssl libraries in order
to use this feature. In Compiled Demos file, there is a directory called Third-Parties/ openssl,
where you can find the libraries need for every Delphi Version.

Server Side

To enable this feature, you need to enable the following property:

SSL/ Enable

There are other properties that you need to define:

SSLOptions/ CertFile/ KeyFile/ RootCertFile: you need a certificate in .PEM format in

order to encrypt websocket communications.

SSLOptions/ Password: this is optional and only needed if certificate has a password.

SSLOptions/ Port: port used on SSL connections.

Client Side

To enable this feature, you need to enable the following property:

TLS/ Enable


There are 2 events which can be used to customize your SSL settings:

1. OnSSLGetHandler: this event is raised before SSL handler is created, you can create
here your own SSL Handler (needs to be inherited from TIdServerIOHandlerSSLBase or
TIdIOHandlerSSLBase) and set the properties needed:

procedure OnServerSSLGetHandler(Sender: TObject; aType:

TwsSSLHandler; var aSSLHandler: TIdServerIOHandlerSSLBase);
aSSLHandler := TCustomSSLHandler.Create(nil);

2. OnSSLAfterCreateHandler: if no custom SSL object has been created, it

creates by default using OpenSSL handler. You can access to SSL Handler
properties and modify if needed:


procedure OnSSLAfterCreateHandler(Sender: TObject;

aType: TwsSSLHandler; aSSLHandler:
:= sslvSSLv3;

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Supported by

Web Browsers like Chrome

This is a feature that works very well when you need to send a lot of data, usually using a binary
message, because it compresses WebSocket message using protocol "PerMessage_Deflate"
which is supported by some browsers like Chrome.

To enable this feature, you need to activate the following property:

Extensions/ PerMessage_Deflate / Enabled

When a client tries to connect to a WebSocket Server and this property is enabled, it sends a
header with this property enabled, if Server has activated this feature, it sends a response to
client with this protocol activated and all messages will be compressed; if Server doesn't has
this feature, then all messages will be sent without compression.

On Web Browsers, you don't need to do anything, if this extension is supported it will be used
automatically, if not, then messages will be sent without compression.

If WebSocket messages are small, is better don't enable this property because it consumes cpu
cycle to compress/decompress messages; but if you are using big amount of data, you will
notify and increase on messages exchange speed.


Supported by


WebSockets are supported natively by a wide range of web browsers (please check
http://caniuse.com/websockets), but there are some old versions that don't implement
WebSockets (like Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8 or 9). You can enable Flash Fallback for all these
browsers that don't implement WebSockets.

Almost all other or older browser support Flash installing Adobe Flash Player. To Support Flash
connection, you need to open port 843 on your server because Flash uses this port for security
reasons to check for cross-domain-access. If port 843 is not reachable, waits 3 seconds and
tries to connect to Server default port.

Flash is only applied if Browser doesn't support websockets natively. So, if you enable Flash
Fallback on server side, and Web Browser supports WebSockets natively, it will still use
WebSockets as transport.

To enable Flash Fallback, you need to access to FallBack / Flash property on server and
enable it. There are 2 properties more:

1. Domain: if you need to restrict flash connections to a single/multiple domains (by default all
domains are allowed). Example: This will allow access to domain swf.example.com


2. Ports: if you need to restrict flash connections to a single/multiple ports (by default all ports
are allowed). Example: This will allow access to ports 123, 456, 457, and 458


Flash connections only support Text messages, binary messages are not supported.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Supported by


Usually Server have more than one IP, if you enable a WebSocket Server and set listening port
to 80, when server starts, tries to listen port 80 of ALL IP, so if you have 3 IP, it will block port 80
of each IP's.

Bindings allows to define which exact IP and Port are used by the Server. Example, if you need
to listen on port 80 for IP (internal address) and (public address), you
can do this before server is activated:

With WSServer.Bindings.Add do
Port := 80;
IP :=;
With WSServer.Bindings.Add do
Port := 80;
IP :=;


Quality Of Service
Supported by

Java script

SGC Default Protocol and MQTT implements a QoS (Quality of Service) for message delivery,
there are 3 different types:

Level 0: "At most once", where messages are delivered according to the best efforts of
the underlying TCP/IP network. Message loss or duplication can occur. This level could
be used, for example, with ambient sensor data where it does not matter if an individual
reading is lost as the next one will be published soon after.

Level 1: "At least once", where messages are assured to arrive but duplicates may

Level 2: "Exactly once", where message are assured to arrive exactly once. This level
could be used, for example, with billing systems where duplicate or lost messages could
lead to incorrect charges being applied.

Level 0

The message is delivered according to the best efforts of the underlying TCP/IP network.
A response is not expected and no retry semantics are defined in the protocol. The
message arrives at the server either once or not at all.

The table below shows the QoS level 0 protocol flow.

Message and
Client Server

QoS = PUBLISH Action: Publish message to

0 ----------> subscribers

Level 1

The receipt of a message by the server is acknowledged by a ACKNOWLEDGMENT

message. If there is an identified failure of either the communications link or the sending
device, or the acknowledgement message is not received after a specified period of time,
the sender resends the message. The message arrives at the server at least once.

A message with QoS level 1 has a Message ID in the message.

The table below shows the QoS level 1 protocol flow.

Message and
Client Server

QoS = 1 PUBLISH Actions:

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Message ID = x ---------->  Store message

Action: Store  Publish message to
message subscribers
 Delete message


message <----------

If the client does not receive a ACKNOWLEDGMENT message (either within a time
period defined in the application, or if a failure is detected and the communications
session is restarted), the client may resend the PUBLISH message.

Level 2

Additional protocol flows above QoS level 1 ensure that duplicate messages are not
delivered to the receiving application. This is the highest level of delivery, for use when
duplicate messages are not acceptable. There is an increase in network traffic, but it is
usually acceptable because of the importance of the message content.

A message with QoS level 2 has a Message ID in the message.

The table below shows the QoS level 2 protocol flow. There are two semantics available
for how a PUBLISH flow should be handled by the recipient.

Message and
Client Server

QoS = 2
Message ID = x PUBLISH
Action: Store message
Action: Store ---------->

Message ID = x


PUBREL  Publish message to

Message ID = x
----------> subscribers
 Delete message


Message ID = x
message <----------

If a failure is detected, or after a defined time period, the protocol flow is retried from the
last unacknowledged protocol message. The additional protocol flows ensure that the
message is delivered to subscribers once only.


Supported by

Java script

SGC Default Protocol implements Queues to add persistence to

published messages (it's only available for Published messages)

Level 0: Messages are not queued on Server

Level 1: only last message is queued on Server, and is sent

every time a client subscribes to a new channel or connects to

Level 2: All messages are queued on Server, and are sent

every time a client subscribes to a new channel or connects to

Level 0

The message is not queued by Server

The table below shows the Queue level 0 protocol flow.

Message and
Client Server
Queue = PUBLISH Action: Publish message to
0 ----------> subscribers

Level 1

A message with Queue level 1 is stored on server and if there

are other messages stored for this channel, are deleted.

The table below shows the Queue level 1 protocol flow.

Client Message Server

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

 Deletes All
messages of this
Queue = 1 channel
 Store last message by

Action: Every time a new

Action: Process NOTIFY
client subscribes to this
message <----------
channel, last message is sent.

This is useful where publishers send messages on a "report by

exception" basis, where it might be some time between
messages. This allows new subscribers to instantly receive data
with the retained, or Last Known Good, value.

Level 2

All messages with Queue level 2 are stored on server.

The table below shows the Queue level 2 protocol flow.

Client and Server
Queue = 2 Action: Store message

Action: Every time a new

Action: Process NOTIFY client subscribes to this
message <---------- channel, ALL Messages are


Supported by

Java script

sgcWebSockets SGC Protocol supports transactional messaging,

when a client commits a transaction, all messages sent by client are
processed on server side. There are 3 methods called by client:


Creates a New Transaction on server side and all messages that

are sent from client to server after this method, are queued on
Server side, until client calls to Commit or Rollback

Message and
Client Server
Action: Creates a
STARTTRANSACTION new Queue to store
Channel = X
----------> all Messages of
specified channel
Action: Message is
Channel = X stored on Server
Action: Server
Action: Client returns an
get confirmation Acknowledgment to
of message sent client because
message is stored.
.... .... ....


When a client calls to commit, all messages queued by server are


Client Message and Server

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Channel COMMIT Action: Process all messages
=X ----------> queued by Transaction


When a client calls to RollBack, all messages queued by server are

deleted and not processed on server side.

Message and
Client Server
Channel ROLLBACK Action: Delete all messages
=X ----------> queued by Transaction


Supported by


WebSocket provides a simple subprotocol negotiation, basically adds a header with protocols
name supported by request, this protocols are received and if receiver supports one of them,
sends a response with subprotocol supported.

sgcWebSockets supports several SubProtocols: MQTT, WAMP... and more. You can implement
your own subprotocols using a very easy method, just call RegisterProtocol and send
SubProtocol Name as argument.

Example: you need to connect to a server which implements subprotocol "Test 1.0"

Client.Host := server host;

Client.Port := server.port;
Client.RegisterProtocol('Test 1.0');
Client.Active := True;

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Supported by


TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer is a component that allows to handle WebSocket and HTTP

connections using the SAME port. Is very useful when you need to setup a server where only
HTTP port is enabled (usually 80 port). This component supports all TsgcWeBSocketServer
features and allows to serve HTML pages.

You can serve HTML pages statically, using DocumentRoot property, example: if you save
test.html in directory "C:\inetpub\wwwroot", and you set DocumentRoot to
"C:\inetpub\wwwroot". If a client tries to access to test.html, it will be served automatically,


Or you can serve HTML or other resources dynamically by code, to do this, there is an event
called OnCommandGet that is fired every time a client requests a new HTML page, image,
javascript file... Basically you need to check which document is requesting client (using
ARequestInfo.Document) and send a response to client (using AResponseInfo.ContentText
where you send response content, AResponse.ContentType which is the type of response and
a AResponseInfo.ResponseNo with number of response code, usually is 200), example:

procedure WSServerCommandGet(AContext: TIdContext; ARequestInfo:

TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
if ARequestInfo.Document = '/myfile.js' then
AResponseInfo.ContentText :=
AResponseInfo.ContentType := 'text/javascript;
AResponseInfo.ResponseNo := 200;


Supported by


Bandwidth Throttling is supported by Server and Client components, if enabled, can limit the
amount of bits per second sent/received by socket. Indy uses a blocking method, so if a client is
limiting its reading, unread data will be inside client socket and server will be blocked from
writing new data to client. As much slower is client reading data, much slower is server writing
new data.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Server-sent Events (Push Notifications)

Supported by

Java script

SSE are not part of WebSockets, defines an API for opening an HTTP connection for receiving
push notifications from a server.

SSEs are sent over traditional HTTP. That means they do not require a special protocol or
server implementation to get working. In addition, Server-Sent Events have a variety of features
that WebSockets lack by design such as automatic reconnection, event IDs, and the ability to
send arbitrary events.


 Open: when a new SSE connection is opened.

 Message: when client receives a new message.
 Error: when there any connection error like a disconnection.

JavaScript API

To subscribe to an event stream, create an EventSource object and pass it the URL of your

var sse = new EventSource('sse.html');

sse.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
}, false);

sse.addEventListener('open', function(e) {
// Connection was opened.
}, false);

sse.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
if (e.readyState == EventSource.CLOSED) {
// Connection was closed.
}, false);

When updates are pushed from the server, the onmessage handler fires and new data is be
available in its e.data property. If the connection is closed, the browser will automatically
reconnect to the source after ~3 seconds (this is a default retry interval, you can change on
server side).


The following field names are defined by the specification:


The event's type. If this is specified, an event will be dispatched on the browser to the listener
for the specified event name; the web site would use addEventListener() to listen for named
events. the onmessage handler is called if no event name is specified for a message.



The data field for the message. When the EventSource receives multiple consecutive lines that
begin with data:, it will concatenate them, inserting a newline character between each one.
Trailing newlines are removed.


The event ID to set the EventSource object's last event ID value to.


The reconnection time to use when attempting to send the event. This must be an integer,
specifying the reconnection time in milliseconds. If a non-integer value is specified, the field is

All other field names are ignored.

For multi-line strings use #10 as line feed.

Examples of use:

If you need to send a message to a client, just use WriteData method.

Connection.WriteData('Notification from server');

To send a message to all Clients, use Broadcast method.

Connection.Broadcast('Notification from server');

To send a message to all Clients using url 'sse.html', use Broadcast method and Channel

Connection.Broadcast('Notification from server', '/sse.html');

You can send a unique id with an stream event by including a line starting with "id:":

Connection.WriteData('id: 1' + #10 + 'data: Notification from


If you need to specify an event name:

Connection.WriteData('event: notifications' + #10 + 'data:

Notification from server');

javascript code to listen "notifications" channel:

sse.addEventListener('notifications', function(e) {
console.log('notifications:' + e.data);
}, false);

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


Supported by


Load Balancing allows to distribute work between several back-end servers, every time a new
client request a connection, it connects to a load balancer server (which is connected to back-
end servers) and returns a connection string with information about host, port... which is used
by client to connect to a server. If you have for example 4 servers, with this method all servers
will have, more or less, the same number of connections, and work load will be similar.

If a client want to send a message to all clients of all servers, just use broadcast method, and
this message will be broadcast to all servers connected to Load Balancer Server.

To enable this feature:

1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer component, set a listening port and set

active to True.

2. Server and Client components, have a property called LoadBalancer, where you need
to set host and port of Load Balancer Server, and enabled True.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Supported by


On Server components, automatically sends a ping to all active WebSocket connections every x

On Client components, automatically sends a ping to server every x seconds.


Supported by


On Server components, automatically restart server after unexpected disconnection.

On Client components, automatically reconnect to server after unexpected disconnection.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Supported by

This protocol allows to send files from client to server and from server to client in an easy way.
You can send from really small files to big files using a low memory usage. You can set:

1. Packet size in bytes.

2. Use custom channels to send files to only subscribed clients.
3. Progress of file send and received.
4. Authorization of files received.
5. Acknowledgment of packets sent.


Supported by


Client WebSocket components support WebSocket connections through HTTP proxies, to

enable proxy connection you need to activate the following properties:

Proxy / Enabled

Once set to True, you can setup:

Host: Proxy server address

Port: Proxy server port
UserName/Password: Authentication to connect to proxy, only if required.

You can configure SOCKS proxies accessing to SOCKS property and setting Enable to True.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Supported by


This is a useful feature that allows to debug WebSocket connections, to enable this, you need
to access to the following property:

LogFile/ Enabled

Once enabled, every time a new connection is established it will be logged in a text file. On
Server component, if file it's not created it will be created but with you can't access until server is
closed, if you want to open log file while server is active, log file needs to be created before start

Example: Stat Connected. Recv 09/11/2013 11:17:03: GET / HTTP/1.1

Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache
Sec-WebSocket-Key: 1n598ldHs9SdRfxUK8u4Vw==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: x-webkit-deflate-frame Sent 09/11/2013 11:17:03: HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols

Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: gDuzFRzwHBc18P1CfinlvKv1BJc= Stat Disconnected. Stat Disconnected.


WebSocket Events
WebSocket connections have the following events:

Event raised when a new connection is established.

Event raised when a connection is closed.

Event raised when a connection has any error.

Event raised when a new text message is received.

Event raised when a new binary message is received.

By default, sgcWebSockets uses an asynchronous mechanism to raise these events, when

any of these events is raised internally, it queues this message and is dispatched by operating
system when is allowed. This behavior can be modified using a property called NotifyEvents,
by default neAsynchronous is selected, if neNoSync is checked then events will be raised
without synchronizing with the main thread (if you need to update any VCL control or access to
shared resources, then you will need to implement your own synchronizing method).

neNoSync is recommended when:

1. You need to handle a lot of messages on a very short period of time.

2. Your project is built for command line (if you don't set neNoSync, you won't gent any event).
3. Your project is a library.

If no, then you can set default property to neAsynchronous.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

WebSocket Parameters Connection

Supported by

Java script
Sometimes is useful to pass parameters from client to server when a
new WebSocket connection is established. If you need to pass
some parameters to server, you can use the following property:

Options / Parameters

By default, si set to '/', if you need to pass a parameter like id=1, you
can set this property to '/?id=1'

On Server Side, you can handle client parameters using the

following parameter:
procedure WSServerConnect(Connection: TsgcWSConnection);
if Connection.URL = '/?id=1' then

Using Javascript, you can pass parameters using connection url, example:

<script src="http://localhost/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://localhost/?id=1');


Using inside a DLL

If you need to work with Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) and sgcWebSockets (or console
applications), NotifyEvents property needs to be set to neNoSync.

TsgcWebSocketServer implements Server WebSocket Component and can handle multiple
threaded client connections. Follow next steps to configure this component:

1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketServer component in the form

2. Set Port (default is 80). If you are behind a firewall probably you will need to configure it.

3. Set Specifications allowed, by default all specifications are allowed.

RFC6455: is standard and recommended WebSocket specification.

Hixie76: it's a draft and it's only recommended to establish Hixie76 connections if you want to
provide support to old browsers like Safari 4.2

4. If you want, you can handle events:

OnConnect: every time a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired.

OnDisconnect: every time a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired.

OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handkshake), this event is

OnMessage: every time a client sends a text message and it's received by server, this event
is fired.

OnBinary: every time a client sends a binary message and it's received by server, this event
is fired.

OnHandhake: this event is fired after handshake is evaluated on server side.

OnException: every time an exception occurs, this event is fired.

OnAuthentication: if authentication is enabled, this event if fired. You can check user and
password passed by client and enable/disable Authenticated Variable.

OnStartup: raised after server has started.

OnShutdown: raised after server has stopped.

5. Create a procedure and set property Active := True

sgcWebSocketServer1.Active := True


Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients.

Message / Stream: message or stream to send to all clients.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Channel: if you specify a channel, message will be sent only to subscribers.

Protocol: if defined, message will be sent only to specific protocol.

Exclude: if defined, list of connection guid excluded (separated by comma).

Include: if defined, list of connection guid included (separated by comma).

WriteData: sends a message to a single or a multiple clients. Every time a

Client establishes a WebSocket connection, this connection is identified by a Guid,
you can use this Guid to send a message to a client.

Ping: sends a ping to all connected clients. If a time-out is specified, it waits a

response until a time-out is exceeded, if no response, then closes connection.

DisconnectAll: disconnects all active connections.

Start: uses a secondary thread to connect to server, this prevents your

application freezes while try to connect.

Stop: uses a secondary thread to disconnect from server, this prevents your
application freezes while try to disconnect.


Authentication: if enabled, you can authenticate websocket connections against a

username and password.

Authusers: is a list of authenticated users, following spec:


Implements 3 types of WebSocket Authentication

Session: client need to do a HTTP GET passing username and password, and if
authenticated, server response a Session ID. With this Session ID, client open
websocket connection passing as a parameter.

URL: client open websocket connection passing username and password as a


Basic: implements Basic Access Authentication, only applies to VCL Websockets

(Server and Client) and HTTP Requests (client webbrowsers don't implement this type of

Bindings: used to manage IP and Ports.

Connections: contains a list with all clients connections.

Count: Connections number count.

Extensions: you can enable compression on messages sent (if client don't support
compression, messages will be exchanged automatically without compression).


FallBack: if WebSockets protocol it's not supported natively by browser, you can enable the
following fallbacks:

Flash: if enabled, if browser hasn't native websocket implementation and has flash enabled,
it uses Flash as a Transport.

ServerSentEvents: if enabled, allows to send push notifications from server to browser


Retry: interval in seconds to try to reconnect to server (3 by default).

HeartBeat: if enabled try to keeps alive websocket client connections sending a ping every x

Interval: number of seconds between each ping.

Timeout: max number of seconds between a ping and pong.

LoadBalancer: it's a client which connects to Load Balancer Server to broadcast messages
and send information about server.

AutoRegisterBindings: if enabled, sends automatically server bindings to load balancer


AutoRestart: time to wait in seconds after a load balancer server connection has been
dropped and tries to reconnect; zero means no restart (by default);

Bindings: here you can set manual bindings to be sent to Load Balancer Server, example:


Enabled: if enabled, it will connect to Load Balancer Server.

Guid: used to identify server on Load Balancer Server side.

Host: Load Balancer Server Host.

Port: Load Balancer Server Port.

MaxConnections: max connections allowed (if zero there is no limit).

NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify websocket events.

neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous

mode, adds events to a queue that are synchronized with the main thread

neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode,

needs to synchronize with the main thread to notify this events.

neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to
controls that are not thread-safe you need to implement your own synchronization


FragmentedMessages: allows to handle Fragmented Messages

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

frgOnlyBuffer: message is buffered until all data is received, it raises OnBinary or

OnMessage event (option by default)
frgOnlyFragmented: every time a new fragment is received, it raises
OnFragmented Event.
frgAll: every time a new fragment is received, it raises OnFragmented Event with
All data received from first packet. When all data is received, it raises OnBinary or
OnMessage event.

HTMLFiles: if enabled, allows to request Web Browser tests, enabled by default.

JavascriptFiles: if enabled, allows to request Javascript Built-in libraries, enabled by


RaiseDisconnectExceptions: enabled by default, raises an exception every time there

is a disconnection by protocol error.

ReadTimeOut: time in milliseconds to check if there is data in socket connection, 10 by


ValidateUTF8: if enabled, validates if message contains UTF8 valid characters, by

default is disabled.

ReadEmptySource: max number of times an HTTP Connection is read and there is no data
received, 0 by default (means no limit). If limit is reached, then connection is closed.


OriginsAllowed: define here which origins are allowed (by default accepts connections
from all origins), if origin is not in the list closes connection.

SSL: enables secure connections.

SSLOptions: used to define SSL properties: certificates filenames, password...

ThreadPool: if enabled, when a thread is no longer needed this is put into a pool and
marked as inactive (do not consume cpu cycles), it's useful if there are a lot of short-live

MaxThreads: max number of threads to be created, by default is 0 meaning no limit. If

max number is reached then connection is refused.

PoolSize: size of ThreadPool, by default is 32.

WatchDog: if enabled, restart server after unexpected disconnection.

Interval: seconds before reconnects.

Attempts: max number of reconnects, if zero, then unlimited.

Throttle: used to limit the amount of bits per second sent/received.


TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer implements Server WebSocket Component and can handle
multiple threaded client connections as TsgcWebSocketServer, and allows to server HTML
pages using a built-in HTTP Server, sharing the same port for websocket connections and
HTTP requests.

Follow next steps to configure this component:

1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer component in the form

2. Set Port (default is 80). If you are behind a firewall probably you will need to configure it.

3. Set Specifications allowed, by default all specifications are allowed.

RFC6455: is standard and recommended WebSocket specification.

Hixie76: it's a draft and it's only recommended to establish Hixie76 connections if you want to
provide support to old browsers like Safari 4.2

4. If you want, you can handle events:

OnConnect: every time a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired.

OnDisconnect: every time a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired.

OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handkshake), this event is

OnMessage: every time a client sends a text message and it's received by server, this event
is fired.

OnBinary: every time a client sends a binary message and it's received by server, this event
is fired.

OnHandhake: this event is fired after handshake is evaluated on server side.

OnCommandGet: this event is fired when HTTP Server receives a GET command
requesting a HTML page, an image... Example:

AResponseInfo.ContentText :=

OnCommandOther: this event is fired when HTTP Server receives a command different of

OnCreateSession: this event is fired when HTTP Server creates a new session.

OnInvalidSession: this event is fired when an HTTP request is using an invalid/expiring


OnSessionStart: this event is fired when HTTP Server starts a new session.

OnCommandOther: this event is fired when HTTP Server closes a session.

OnException: this event is fired when HTTP Server throws an exception.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

OnAuthentication: if authentication is enabled, this event if fired. You can check user and
password passed by client and enable/disable Authenticated Variable.

5. Create a procedure and set property Active := True

sgcWebSocketHTTPServer1.Active := True


Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients.

Message / Stream: message or stream to send to all clients.

Channel: if you specify a channel, message will be sent only to subscribers.

Protocol: if defined, message will be sent only to specific protocol.

Exclude: if defined, list of connection guid excluded (separated by comma).

Include: if defined, list of connection guid included (separated by comma).

WriteData: sends a message to a single or a multiple clients. Every time a

Client establishes a WebSocket connection, this connection is identified by a Guid,
you can use this Guid to send a message to a client.

Ping: sends a ping to all connected clients.

DisconnectAll: disconnects all active connections.


Connections: contains a list with all clients connections.

Bindings: used to manage IP and Ports.

DocumentRoot: here you can define a directory where you can put all html files (javascript,
html, css...) if a client sends a request, server automatically will search this file on this directory,
if it finds, it will be served.

Extensions: you can enable compression on messages sent (if client don't support
compression, messages will be exchanged automatically without compression).

MaxConnections: max connections allowed (if zero there is no limit).

Count: Connections number count.

AutoStartSession: if SessionState is active, when server gets a new http request, creates a
new session.

SessionState: if active, enables http sessions.

KeepAlive: if enabled, connection will stay alive after the response has been sent.


ReadStartSSL: max. number of times an HTTPS connection tries to start.

SessionList: read-only property used as a container for TIdHTTPSession instances created

for the HTTP server.

SessionTimeOut: timeout of sessions.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

The HTTP Server API enables applications to communicate over HTTP without using Microsoft
Internet Information Server (IIS). Applications can register to receive HTTP requests for
particular URLs, receive WebSocket requests, and send WebSocket responses. The HTTP
Server API includes SSL support so that applications can exchange data over secure HTTP
connections without IIS. It is also designed to work with I/O completion ports.

Follow next steps to configure this component:

1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI component in the form

2. Add which URL/s you need register, example: if connections to port 8080 with "/ws/"
parameter are websocket connections, register the following URL


3. Set Specifications allowed, by default all specifications are allowed.

RFC6455: is standard and recommended WebSocket specification.

Hixie76: it's a draft and it's only recommended to establish Hixie76 connections if you want to
provide support to old browsers like Safari 4.2

4. If you want, you can handle events:

OnConnect: every time a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired.

OnDisconnect: every time a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired.

OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handkshake), this event is

OnMessage: every time a client sends a text message and it's received by server, this event
is fired.

OnBinary: every time a client sends a binary message and it's received by server, this event
is fired.

OnHandhake: this event is fired after handshake is evaluated on server side.

OnException: this event is fired when HTTP Server throws an exception.

OnAuthentication: if authentication is enabled, this event if fired. You can check user and
password passed by client and enable/disable Authenticated Variable.

5. Create a procedure and set property Active := True

sgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI1.Active := True


Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients.


Message / Stream: message or stream to send to all clients.

Channel: if you specify a channel, message will be sent only to subscribers.

Protocol: if defined, message will be sent only to specific protocol.

Exclude: if defined, list of connection guid excluded (separated by comma).

Include: if defined, list of connection guid included (separated by comma).

WriteData: sends a message to a single or a multiple clients. Every time a

Client establishes a WebSocket connection, this connection is identified by a Guid,
you can use this Guid to send a message to a client.

Ping: sends a ping to all connected clients.

DisconnectAll: disconnects all active connections.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

TsgcWebSocketClient implements Client VCL WebSocket Component and can connect to a
WebSocket Server, it's based on Indy library. Follow next steps to configure this component:

1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketClient component in the form

2. Set Host and Port (default is 80) to connect to an available WebSocket Server. You can set
URL property and Host, Port, Parameters... will be updated from URL. Example:
wss:// will result:

Host := '';
Port := 80;
TLS := True;
Options.Paramters := '/ws/';

3. You can select if you want TLS (secure connection) or not, by default is not Activated.

4. You can connect through a HTTP Proxy Server, you need to define proxy properties:

Host: host name of proxy server.

Port: port number of proxy server.
Username: user to authenticate, blank if anonymous..
Password: password to authenticate, blank if anonymous.

5. If server supports compression, you can enable compression to compress messages sent.

6. Set Specifications allowed, by default all specifications are allowed.

RFC6455: is standard and recommended WebSocket specification.

HIxie76: always is false

7. If you want, you can handle events

OnConnect: when a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired

OnDisconnect: when a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired

OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handkshake), this event is

OnMessage: every time server sends a text message, this event is fired

OnBinary: every time server sends a binary message, this event is fired

OnHandhake: this event is fired when handshake is evaluated on client side.

OnException: every time an exception occurs, this event is fired.

8. Create a procedure and set property Active := True

sgcWebSocketClient1.Active := True



WriteData: sends a message to a WebSocket Server. Could be a String or TStream. If "size"

is set, packet will be split if size of message is greater of size.

Ping: sends a ping to a Server. If a time-out is specified, it waits a response until a

time-out is exceeded, if no response, then closes connection.

Start: uses a secondary thread to connect to server, this prevents your

application freezes while try to connect.

Stop: uses a secondary thread to disconnect from server, this prevents your
application freezes while try to disconnect.


Authentication: if enabled, websocket connection will try to authenticate passing a

username and password.

Implements 2 types of WebSocket Authentication

Session: client need to do a HTTP GET passing username and password, and if
authenticated, server response a Session ID. With this Session ID, client open
websocket connection passing as a parameter.

URL: client open websocket connection passing username and password as a


Host: IP or DNS name of server.

HeartBeat: if enabled try to keeps alive websocket a connection sending a ping every x

Interval: number of seconds between each ping.

Timeout: max number of seconds between a ping and pong.

ConnectTimeout: max time in miliseconds before a connection is ready.

LoadBalancer: it's a client which connects to Load Balancer Server to broadcast messages
and get information about servers.

Enabled: if enabled, it will connect to Load Balancer Server.

Host: Load Balancer Server Host.

Port: Load Balancer Server Port.

Servers: here you can set manual WebSocket Servers to connect (if you don't make use of
Load Balancer Server get server connection methods), example:

ReadTimeout: max time in miliseconds to read messages.

Port: Port used to connect to host.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

LogFile: if enabled save socket messages to a specified log file, useful for debugging.

Enabled: if enabled every time a message is received and sent by socket it will be saved
on a file.

FileName: full path to filename.

NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify websocket events.

neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous

mode, adds events to a queue that are synchronized with the main thread

neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode,

needs to synchronize with the main thread to notify this events.

neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to
controls that are not thread-safe you need to implement your own synchronization

Options: allows to customize headers sent on handshake.

FragmentedMessages: allows to handle Fragmented Messages

frgOnlyBuffer: message is buffered until all data is received, it raises OnBinary or

OnMessage event (option by default)
frgOnlyFragmented: every time a new fragment is received, it raises
OnFragmented Event.
frgAll: every time a new fragment is received, it raises OnFragmented Event with
All data received from first packet. When all data is received, it raises OnBinary or
OnMessage event.

Parameters: define parameters used on GET.

Origin: customize connection origin.

RaiseDisconnectExceptions: enabled by default, raises an exception every time there

is a disconnection by protocol error.

ValidateUTF8: if enabled, validates if message contains UTF8 valid characters, by

default is disabled.

Extensions: you can enable compression on messages sent.

Protocol: if exists, shows current protocol used

Proxy: here you can define if you want to connect through a HTTP Proxy Server. If you need
to connect to SOCKS proxies, just enable SOCKS.Enable property too.

WatchDog: if enabled, when an unexpected disconnection is detected, tries to reconnect to

server automatically.

Interval: seconds before reconnects.

Attempts: max number of reconnects, if zero, then unlimited.

Throttle: used to limit the amount of bits per second sent/received.


TLS: enables secure connection.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

TsgcWebSocketClient_SocketIO inherits all properties and methods from TsgcWebSocketClient
and allows to connect to a Socket.IO Server.


These messages are only supported by ioAPI0:

SendDisconnect: Signals disconnection. If no endpoint is specified, disconnects the entire



Disconnect a socket connected to the /test endpoint.


Disconnect the whole socket


SendConnect: Only used for multiple sockets. Signals a connection to the endpoint. Once
the server receives it, it's echoed back to the client.

Example, if the client is trying to connect to the endpoint /test, a message like this will be

SendConnect('[path] [query]');



To acknowledge the connection, the server echoes back the message. Otherwise, the
server might want to respond with a error packet.

SendHeartBeat: Sends a heartbeat. Heartbeats must be sent within the interval negotiated
with the server. It's up to the client to decide the padding (for example, if the heartbeat timeout
negotiated with the server is 20s, the client might want to send a heartbeat evert 15s).



SendTextMessage: A regular message.

Example: send a text message "Hi Folks", with id "fjghs121" to clients connected to
EndPoint "/test"

SendTextMessage('Hi Folks', 'fjghs121', '/test');

SendJSONMessage: A JSON encoded message.

Example: send a JSON encoded message "{"a":"b"}"



SendEvent: An event is like a json message, but has mandatory name and args fields. name
is a string and args an array.
The event names: 'message', 'connect', 'disconnect', 'open', 'close', 'error', 'retry',
'reconnect' are reserved, and cannot be used by clients or servers with this message

Example: send event "test" with arguments "["1","2","3"]"

SendEvent('test', ["1","2","3"]);

SendACK: An acknowledgment contains the message id as the message data. If a + sign

follows the message id, it's treated as an event message packet.

Example: simple acknowledgement of message id "2"


SendError: For example, if a connection to a sub-socket is unauthorized.

Example: send error "not authorized" with advise "connect with admin user"

SendError("not authorized", "connect with admin user");

SendNoop: No operation. Used for example to close a poll after the polling duration times




These events are only raised if "RawMessages" property is disabled and ioAPI0 is selected.











sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

RawMessages: if not enabled (which is default) socket.io messages are processed and
specific socket.io messages events are raised, if enabled, then socket.io messages are not
processed and OnMessage event is raised.

IO_API: specifies SocketIO version:

ioAPI0: supports socket.io 0.* servers (selected by default)

ioAPI1: supports socket.io 1.* servers

IO_CloseTimeout: close timeout received from Socket.io server.

IO_HandShakeTimestamp: only enable if you want to send timestamp as a parameter when

a new session is requested (enable this property if you try to access to a gevent-socketio
python server).

IO_HeartBeatTimeout: HeartBeat timeout received from Socket.io server.

IO_SessionId: SessionId received from Socket.io server.

IO_Base64: if enabled, binary messages are received as base64.

IO_HandShakeCustomURL: allows to customize url to get socket.io session.

IO_Namespace: allows to set a namespace when connects to server.


TsgcWebSocketClient implements Client VCL WebSocket Component and can connect to a
WebSocket Server, it's based on WinHTTP API and requires Windows 8 or higher. Follow next
steps to configure this component:

1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP component in the form

2. Set Host and Port (default is 80) to connect to an available WebSocket Server. You can set
URL property and Host, Port, Parameters... will be updated from URL. Example:
wss:// will result:

Host := '';
Port := 80;
TLS := True;
Options.Paramters := '/ws/';

3. You can select if you want TLS (secure connection) or not, by default is not Activated.

4. If you want, you can handle events

OnConnect: when a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired

OnDisconnect: when a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired

OnError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handkshake), this event is

OnMessage: every time server sends a text message, this event is fired

OnBinary: every time server sends a binary message, this event is fired

OnException: every time an exception occurs, this event is fired.

8. Create a procedure and set property Active := True

sgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP1.Active := True


WriteData: sends a message to a WebSocket Server. Could be a String or TStream.


Authentication: if enabled, websocket connection will try to authenticate passing a

username and password.

Implements 1 type of WebSocket Authentication

Basic: client open websocket connection passing username and password inside

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Asynchronous: by default, requests are synchronous, execution of your application stops

when you make a new requests and resumes when you get a response. If you don't want that
requests stops your application, enable this property.

Host: IP or DNS name of server.

HeartBeat: if enabled try to keeps alive websocket a connection sending a ping every x

Interval: number of seconds between each ping.

Timeout: max number of seconds between a ping and pong.

ReadTimeout: max time in miliseconds to read messages.

Port: Port used to connect to host.

NotifyEvents: defines which mode to notify websocket events.

neAsynchronous: this is the default mode, notify threaded events on asynchronous

mode, adds events to a queue that are synchronized with the main thread

neSynchronous: if this mode is selected, notify threaded events on synchronous mode,

needs to synchronize with the main thread to notify this events.

neNoSync: there is no synchronization with the main thread, if you need to access to
controls that are not thread-safe you need to implement your own synchronization

Options: allows to customize headers sent on handshake.

Parameters: define parameters used on GET.

Origin: customize connection origin.

Protocol: if exists, shows current protocol used

Proxy: here you can define if you want to connect through a HTTP Proxy Server.

WatchDog: if enabled, when an unexpected disconnection is detected, tries to reconnect to

server automatically.

Interval: seconds before reconnects.

Attempts: max number of reconnects, if zero, then unlimited.

TLS: enables secure connection.


TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer allows to distribute messages across a group of servers
and distributes clients connections using a random sequence or less connections algorithm.

Load Balancer Server, inherits all methods and properties from TsgcWebSocketServer.

Follow next steps to configure this component:

1. Drop a TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer component in the form

2. Set Port (default is 80). If you are behind a firewall probably you will need to configure it.

3. Configure LoadBalancer properties:

3.1 lbRandom: every time a new client request a new connection, it will return a random

3.1 lbConnections: every time a new client request a new connection, it will return server
with less clients connected.

4. There are serveral events which are specific of LoadBalancerServer:

OnBeforeSendServerBinding: raised before a binding is sent to a new client connection.

OnClientConnect: every time a client connection is stablished, this event is fired.

OnClientDisconnect: every time a client connection is dropped, this event is fired.

OnClientMessage: raised when a new text message is received from server.

OnClientBinary: raised when a new binary message is received from server.

OnClientFragmented: raised when a new fragmented message is received from server.

OnServerConnect: raised when a new server connects to LoadBalancerServer.

OnServerDisconnect: raised when a server disconnects from LoadBalancerServer.

OnServerReady: raised when a server is ready to accept messages.

5. Configure "LoadBalancer" property of back-up servers, to connect to LoadBalancer Server.

6. Create a procedure and set property Active := True

sgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer1.Active := True

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

TsgcWebSocketProxyServer implements a WebSocket Server Component which listens client
websocket connections and forward data connections to a normal TCP/IP server. This is
specially useful for browser connections, because allows a browser to virtually connect to any


TsgcIWWebSocketClient implements Intraweb WebSocket Component and can connect to a
WebSocket Server. Follow next steps to configure this component:

1. Drop a TsgcIWWebSocketClient component in the form

2. Set Host and Port (default is 80) to connect to an available WebSocket Server. You can set
URL property and Host, Port, Parameters... will be updated from URL. Example:
wss:// will result:

Host := '';
Port := 80;
TLS := True;
Paramters := '/ws/';

3. You can select if you want TLS (secure connection) or not, by default is not Activated.

4. Set Transports allowed.

WebSockets: it will use standard WebSocket implementation

Emulation: if browser don't support WebSockets, then it will use a loop AJAX callback

5. If you want, you can handle events

OnAsyncConnect: when a WebSocket connection is established, this event is fired

OnAsyncDisconnect: when a WebSocket connection is dropped, this event is fired

OnAsyncError: every time there is a WebSocket error (like mal-formed handkshake), this
event is fired

OnAsyncMessage: every time server sends a message, this event is fired

OnAsyncEmulation: this event is fired on every loop of emulated connection

6. Create an Async Procedure and set property Active := True



Open: Opens a WebSocket Connection.

Close: Closes a WebSocket Connection.

WriteData: sends a message to WebSocket Server.


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Connected: is a read-only variable and returns True if connection is Active, otherwise returns

JSOpen: here you can include JavaScript Code on client side when a connection is opened.

JSClose: here you can include JavaScript Code on client side when a connection is closed.

JSMessage: here you can include JavaScript Code on client side when clients receives a
message from server. You can get Message String, using Javascript variable "text".

JSError: here you can include JavaScript Code on client side when an error is raised. You
can get Message Error, using Javascript variable "text".


TsgcWSConnection is a wrapper of client WebSocket connections, you can access to this
object on Server or Client Events.


WriteData: sends a message to the client.

Disconnect: close client connection from server side. A "CloseCode" can be specified

Ping: sends a ping to the client.

Subscribed: returns if connection is subscribed to a custom channel.


Data: user session data object, here you can pass a object and access this every time you
need, example: you can pass a connection to a database, user session properties...

Protocol: returns sub-protocol used on this connection.

IP: returns Peer IP Address.

Port: returns Peer Port.

LocalIP: returns Host IP Address.

LocalPort: returns Host Port.

URL: returns url requested by client.

Guid: returns connection ID.

HeadersRequest: returns a list of Headers received on Request.

HeadersResponse: returns a list of Headers sent as Response.

RecBytes: number of bytes received.

SendBytes: number of bytes sent.

Transport: returns the transport type of connection:

trpRFC6455: a normal websocket connection.

trpHixie76: a websocket connection using draft websocket spec.

trpFlash: a websocket connection using Flash as FallBack.

trpSSE: a Server-Sent Events connection.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


With WebSockets you can implement Sub-protocols allowing to create customized
communications, for example: you can implement a sub-protocol over WebSocket protocol to
communicate a customized application using JSON messages, and you can implement another
sub-protocol using XML messages.

When a connection is open on Server side, it will validate if sub-protocol sent by client is
supported by server, if not, then it will close the connection. A server can implement several
sub-protocols, but only one can be used on a single connection.

Sub-protocols are very useful to create customized applications and be sure that all clients
support same communication interface.

Although protocol name is arbitrary, it's recommended to use unique names like

With sgcWebSockets package you can build your own protocols and you can use built-in sub-
protocols provided:

1. Protocol SGC: implemented using JSON-RPC 2.0 messages, provides following patterns:
RPC, PubSub, Transactional Messages, Messages Acknowledgment and more.

2. Protocol Dataset: inherits from Default Protocol, can send dataset changes (new record,
save record or delete record) from server to clients.

3. Protocol Files: implemented using binary messages, provides support for send files: packet
size, authorization, QoS, message acknowledgment and more.

4. Protocol WebRTC: open source project aiming to enable the web with Real Time
Communication (RTC) capabilities.

5. Protocol WAMP 1.0: open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous
messaging patterns: RPC and PubSub.

6. Protocol WAMP 2.0: open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous
messaging patterns: RPC and PubSub.

7. Protocol MQTT: MQTT is a Client Server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol. It

is light weight, open, simple, and designed so as to be easy to implement.

If you need to use more than one protocol using a single connection (example: you may
need to use default protocol to handle Remote Procedure Calls and Dataset protocol to
handle database connections) you can assign a "Broker" to each protocol component and all
messages will be exchanged using this intermediary protocol (you can check "Tickets Demo" to
get a simple example of this).

Protocols can be registered at runtime, just call Method RegisterProtocol and pass protocol
component as parameter.

Javascript Reference

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Here you can get more information about common javascript library used on sgcWebSockets.


Protocols Javascript
Default Javascript sgcWebSockets uses sgcWebSocket.js file.

Here you can find available methods, you need to replace {%host%} and {%port%} variables as
needed, example: if you have configured your sgcWebSocket server to listen port 80 on
www.example.com website you need to configure your access to sgcWebSocket.js file as:

<script src="http://www.example.com:80/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>

Open Connection

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

sgcWebSocket has 3 parameters, only first is required:

sgcWebSocket(url, protocol, transport)

 URL: websocket server location, you can use "ws:" for normal websocket
connections and "wss:" for secured websocket connections.



 Protocol: if server accepts one or more protocol, you can define which is the
protocol you want to use.

sgcWebSocket('ws://', 'esegece.com')

 Transport: by default, first tries to connect using websocket connection and if

not implemented by Browser, then tries Server Sent Events as Transport.

Use websocket if implemented, if not, then use Server Sent Events:


Only use websocket as transport:

sgcWebSocket('ws://', '', ['websocket'])

Only use Server Sent as transport:

sgcWebSocket('ws://', '', ['sse'])

Open Connection With Authentication

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


Send Message

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.send('Hello sgcWebSockets!');

Show Alert with Message Received

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('message', function(event)

Binary Message Received

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('stream', function(event)
document.getElementById('image').src =
event.stream = "";

Binary (Header + Image) Message Received

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('stream', function(event)
sgcWSStreamRead(evt.stream, function(header, stream) {
document.getElementById('text').innerHTML = header;
document.getElementById('image').src =
event.stream = "";


Show Alert OnConnect, OnDisconnect and OnError Events

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcWebSocket('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('error', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Error: ' + event.message);

Close Connection

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>

Get Connection Status

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5




Protocol Default

This is default sub-protocol implemented using "JSONRPC 2.0" messages, every time you send
a message using this protocol, a JSON object is created with following properties:

jsonrpc: A String specifying the version of the JSON-RPC protocol. MUST be exactly "2.0".

method: A String containing the name of the method to be invoked. Method names that begin
with the word rpc followed by a period character (U+002E or ASCII 46) are reserved for rpc-
internal methods and extensions and MUST NOT be used for anything else.

params: A Structured value that holds the parameter values to be used during the invocation of
the method. This member MAY be omitted.

id: An identifier established by the Client that MUST contain a String, Number, or NULL value if
included. If it is not included it is assumed to be a notification. The value SHOULD normally not
be Null [1] and Numbers SHOULD NOT contain fractional parts [2]

JSON object example:

{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23], "id": 1}

 Publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many
message distribution and decoupling of applications.
 A messaging transport that is agnostic to the content of the payload
 Acknowledgment of messages sent.
 Supports transactional messages through server local transactions. When
the client commits the transaction, the server processes all messages
queued. If client rollback the transaction, then all messages are deleted.
 Implements QoS (Quality of Service) for message delivery.

TsgcWSPClient_sgc: Server Protocol Default VCL Component.

TsgcWSPClient_sgc: Client Protocol Default VCL Component.

Javascript Component: Client Javascript Reference.

Browser Test
If you want to test this protocol with your favorite WebBrowser, please type this url (you need to
define your custom host and port)


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


This is Server Protocol Default Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketServer Component using Server Property.

Publish: sends a message to all subscribed clients.

RPCResult: if a call RPC from client is successful, server will respond with this method.

RPCError: if a call RPC from client it has an error, server will respond with this method.

Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients, if you need to broadcast a message to
selected channels, use Channel argument.

WriteData: sends a message to a single or multiple selected clients.

RPCAuthentication: if enabled, every time a client requests a RPC, method name needs to
be authenticated against a username and password.

Methods: is a list of allowed methods. Every time a client sends a RPC first it will search if
this method is defined on this list, if it's not in this list, OnRPCAuthentication event will be fired.

Subscriptions: returns a list of active subscriptions.

OnRPCAuthentication: if RPC Authentication is enabled, this event is fired to define if a
client can call this method or not.

OnRPC: fired when server receives a RPC from a client.

OnNotification: fired every server receive a Notification from a client.

OnBeforeSubscription: fired every time before a client subscribes to a custom channel.

Allows to deny a subscription.

OnSubscription: fired every time a client subscribes to a custom channel.

OnUnSubscription: fired every time a client unsubscribes from a custom channel.

OnRawMessage: this event is fired before a message is processed by component.



This is Client Protocol Default Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.

Publish: sends a message to all subscribed clients.

RPC: Remote Procedure Call, client request a method and response will be handled
OnRPCResult or OnRPCError events.

Notify: client sends a notification to a server, this notification don't need a response.

Broadcast: sends a message to all connected clients, if you need to broadcast a message to
selected channels, use Channel argument.

WriteData: sends a message to a server. If you need to send a message to a custom

TsgcWSProtocol_Server_sgc, use "Guid" Argument. If you need to send a message to a single
channel, use "Channel" Argument.

Subscribe: subscribe client to a custom channel. If client is subscribed, OnSubscription event

will be fired.

Unsubscribe: unsubscribe client to a custom channel. If client is unsubscribed,

OnUnsubscription event will be fired.

UnsubscribeAll: unsubscribe client from all subscribed channel. If client is unsubscribed,

OnUnsubscription event will be fired for every channel.

GetSession: requests to server session id, data session is received OnSession Event.

StartTransaction: begins a new transaction.

Commit: server processes all messages queued in a transaction.

RollBack: server deletes all messages queued in a transaction.

OnEvent: this event is fired every time a client receives a message from a custom channel.

OnRPCResult: this event is fired when client receives successful response from server after a
RPC is sent.

OnRPCError: this event is fired when client receives error response from server after a RPC is

OnAcknowledgment: this event is fired when client receives error an acknowledgment from
server that message has been received.

OnRawMessage: this event is fired before a message is processed by component.

OnSession: this event is fired after a successful connection or after a GetSession request.


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Queue: disabled by default, if True all text/binary messages are not processed and queued
until queue is disabled.

QoS: Three "Quality of Service" provided:

Level 0: "At most once", the message is delivered according to the best efforts of the
underlying TCP/IP network. A response is not expected and no retry semantics are
defined in the protocol. The message arrives at the server either once or not at all.

Level 1: "At least once", the receipt of a message by the server is acknowledged by an
ACKNOWLEDGMENT message. If there is an identified failure of either the
communications link or the sending device, or the acknowledgement message is not
received after a specified period of time, the sender resends the message. The message
arrives at the server at least once. A message with QoS level 1 has an ID param in the

Level 2: "Exactly once", where message are assured to arrive exactly once. This level
could be used, for example, with billing systems where duplicate or lost messages could
lead to incorrect charges being applied. If there is an identified failure of either the
communications link or the sending device, or the acknowledgement message is not
received after a specified period of time, the sender resends the message.

Subscriptions: returns a list of active subscriptions.



This is Intraweb Client Protocol Default Component, you need to drop this component in the
form and select a TsgcIWWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.

WriteData: sends a message to a server. If you need to send a message to a custom
TsgcWSProtocol_Server_sgc, use "Guid" Argument. If you need to send a message to a single
channel, use "Channel" Argument.

Subscribe: subscribe client to a custom channel. If client is subscribed, OnSubscription event

will be fired.

Unsubscribe: unsubscribe client to a custom channel. If client is unsubscribed,

OnUnsubscription event will be fired.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Protocol Default Javascript

Default Protocol Javascript sgcWebSockets uses sgcWebSocket.js and esegece.com.js files.

Here you can find available methods, you need to replace {%host%} and {%port%} variables as
needed, example: if you have configured your sgcWebSocket server to listen port 80 on
www.example.com website you need to configure:

<script src="http://www.example.com:80/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://www.example.com:80/esegece.com.js"></script>

Open Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

Send Message
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.send('Hello sgcWebSockets!');

Show Alert with Message Received

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcmessage', function(event)

Publish Message to test channel

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.publish('Hello sgcWebSockets!', 'test');
Show Alert with Event Message Received
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcevent', function(event)
alert('channel:' + event.channel + '. message: ' + event.message);

Call RPC
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>


var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

var params = {param:10};
socket.rpc(GUID(), 'test', JSON.stringify(params));

Handle RPC Response

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcrpcresult', function(event)
alert('result:' + event.result);
socket.on('sgcrpcerror', function(event)
alert('error:' + event.code + ' ' + event.message);

Call Notify
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
var params = {param:10};
socket.notify('test', JSON.stringify(params));

Send Messages in a Transaction

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

socket.publish('Message1', 'sgc:test');
socket.publish('Message2', 'sgc:test');
socket.publish('Message3', 'sgc:test');

Show Alert OnSubscribe or OnUnSubscribe to a channel

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcsubscribe', function(event)
alert('subscribed: ' + event.channel);
socket.on('sgcunsubscribe', function(event)
alert('unsubscribed: ' + event.channel);

Show Alert OnConnect, OnDisconnect and OnError Events

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('error', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Error: ' + event.message);

Get Session
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcsession', function(event)

Close Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>

Get Connection Status

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');


Set QoS
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

socket.publish('message', 'channel');

Set Queue Level

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');


socket.publish('message1', 'channel1');
socket.publish('message2', 'channel1');

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


Protocol Dataset

This protocol inherits from Protocol Default and it's useful if you want to broadcast dataset
changes over clients connected to this protocol.

It uses "JSON-RPC 2.0" Object, and every time there is a dataset change, it sends all field
values (* only fields supported) using Dataset Object.

To allow component to search records on dataset, you need to specify which fields are the Key,
example: if in your dataset, ID field is the key you will need to write a code like this

procedure OnAfterOpenDataSet(DataSet: TDataSet);

DataSet.FieldByName('ID').ProviderFlags :=
Dataset.FieldByName('ID').ProviderFlags + [pfInKey];

TsgcWSPServer_Dataset: Server Protocol Dataset VCL Component.

TsgcWSPClient_Dataset: Client Protocol Dataset VCL Component.

Javascript Component: Client Javascript Reference.

Browser Test
If you want to test this protocol with your favorite WebBrowser, please type this url (you need to
define your custom host and port)




This is Server Protocol Dataset Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketServer Component using Server Property and select a Dataset
Component using Dataset Property.

This component inherits from TsgcWSProtocol_Server_sgc all methods and properties.

ApplyUpdates: if enabled, every time server receives a dataset update from client, it will be
saved on server side.

NotifyUpdates: if enabled, every time dataset server changes, server broadcasts this
change to all connected clients.

NotifyDeletes: if enabled, every time a record is deleted, server broadcasts this to all
connected clients.

AutoEscapeText: if enabled (disabled by default), automatically escape/unescape

characters inside field values like "{", "["...

AutoSynchronize: if enabled, every time a client connects to server, server will sent
metadata and all dataset records to client.

UpdateMode: if umWhereAll (by default) all fields are broadcasted to clients, if

umWhereChanged only Fields that have changed will be broadcasted to connected clients.

BroadcastRecord: sends dataset record values to all connected clients.

MetaData: sends metadata info to a client.

Synchronize: sends all dataset records to a client.

These events are specific on dataset protocol.

OnAfterDeleteRecord: event fired after a record is deleted from Dataset.

OnAfterNewRecord: event fired after a record is created on Dataset.

OnAfterUpdateRecord: event fired after a record is updated on Dataset.

OnBeforeDeleteRecord: event fired before a record is deleted from Dataset. If Argument

"Handled" is True, means that user handles this event and if won't be deleted (by default this
argument is False)

OnBeforeNewRecord: event fired before a record is created on Dataset. If Argument

"Handled" is True, means that user handles this event and if won't be inserted (by default this
argument is False)

OnBeforeUpdateRecord: event fired before a record is updated on Dataset. If Argument

"Handled" is True, means that user handles this event and if won't be updated (by default this
argument is False)

OnBeforeDatasetUpdate: event fired before a dataset record is updated.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5



This is Client Protocol Dataset Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketClient Component using Client Property and select a Dataset
Component using Dataset Property.

This component inherits from TsgcWSProtocol_Client_sgc all methods and properties.

Subscribe_all: subscribe to all available channels

new: fired on new dataset record.

update: fired on post dataset record.
delete: fired on delete dataset record.

Synchronize: requests all dataset records from server

GetMetaData: requests all dataset fields from server

These events are specific on dataset protocol.

OnAfterDeleteRecord: event fired after a record is deleted from Dataset.

OnAfterNewRecord: event fired after a record is created on Dataset.

OnAfterUpdateRecord: event fired after a record is updated on Dataset.

OnAfterSynchronize: event fired after a synchronization has ended.

OnBeforeDeleteRecord: event fired before a record is deleted from Dataset. If Argument

"Handled" is True, means that user handles this event and if won't be deleted (by default this
argument is False)

OnBeforeNewRecord: event fired before a record is created on Dataset. If Argument

"Handled" is True, means that user handles this event and if won't be inserted (by default this
argument is False)

OnBeforeUpdateRecord: event fired before a record is updated on Dataset. If Argument

"Handled" is True, means that user handles this event and if won't be updated (by default this
argument is False)

OnBeforeSynchronization: event fired before a synchronization starts.

OnMetaData: event fired after a GetMetaData request. Example:

procedure OnMetaData(Connection:
TsgcWSConnection; const JSON: TsgcObjectJSON);
i: integer;
vFieldName, vDataType: string;
vDataSize: Integer;
vKeyField: Boolean;
for i:= 0 to JSON.Count -1 do
vFieldName := JSON.Item[i].Node['fieldname'].Value;

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

vDataType := JSON.Item[i].Node['datatype'].Value;
vDataSize := JSON.Item[i].Node['datasize'].Value;
vKeyField := JSON.Item[i].Node['keyfield'].Value;

AutoSubscribe: enabled by default, if True, client subscribes to all available channels after
successful connection.

ApplyUpdates: if enabled, every time client receives a dataset update from server, it will be
saved on client side.

AutoEscapeText: if enabled (disabled by default), automatically escape/unescape characters

inside field values like "{", "["...

NotifyUpdates: if enabled, every time dataset client changes, is sends a message to server
notifying this change.

UpdateMode: if umWhereAll (by default) all fields are transmitted to server, if

umWhereChanged only Fields that have changed will be transmitted to server.



This is Intraweb Client Protocol Dataset Component, you need to drop this component in the
form and select a TsgcIWWebSocketClient Component using Client Property and select a
Dataset Component using Dataset Property.

This component inherits from TsgcIWWSPClient_sgc all methods and properties.

Subscribe_New: fired on new dataset record
Subscribe_Update: fired on post dataset record
Subscribe_Delete: fired on delete dataset record

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Protocol Dataset Javascript

Dataset Protocol Javascript sgcWebSockets uses sgcWebSocket.js and

dataset.esegece.com.js files.

Here you can find available methods, you need to replace {%host%} and {%port%} variables as
needed, example: if you have configured your sgcWebSocket server to listen port 80 on
www.example.com website you need to configure:

<script src="http://www.example.com:80/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>

Open Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

Send Message
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.send('Hello sgcWebSockets!');

Show Alert with Message Received

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcdataset', function(event)

Show Alert with Dataset Received

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcmessage', function(event)

Show Alert OnSubscribe or OnUnSubscribe to a channel

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>


var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

socket.on('sgcsubscribe', function(event)
alert('subscribed: ' + event.channel);
socket.on('sgcunsubscribe', function(event)
alert('unsubscribed: ' + event.channel);

Show Alert OnConnect, OnDisconnect and OnError Events

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('error', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Error: ' + event.message);

Subscribe All Dataset Changes

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>

UnSubscribe All Dataset Changes

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>

Handle Dataset Changes

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_dataset('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

socket.on('sgcdataset', function(evt){

if ((evt.channel == "sgc@dataset@new") || (evt.channel ==

"sgc@dataset@update")) {

... here you need to implement your own code

insert/update records ...

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

else if (evt.channel == "sgc@dataset@delete") {

... here you need to implement your own code to delete

records ...


Close Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>

Get Connection Status

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>



Protocol Files

This protocol allows to send files using binary websocket transport. It can handle big files with a
low memory usage.

 Publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many
message distribution and decoupling of applications.
 Acknowledgment of messages sent.
 Implements QoS (Quality of Service) for file delivery.
 Optionally can request Authorization for files received.
 Low memory usage.

TsgcWSPServer_Files: Server Protocol Files VCL Component.

TsgcWSPClient_Files: Client Protocol Files VCL Component.

TsgcWSMessageFile: object which encapsulates file packet information.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


This is Server Files Protocol Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketServer Component using Server Property.

SendFile: sends a file to a client, you can set the following parameters
aSize: size of every packet in bytes.
aData: user custom data, here you can write any text you think is useful for client.
aChannel: if you only want to send data to all clients subscribed to this channel.
aQoS: type of quality of service.

BroadcastFile: sends a file to all connected clients. You can set several parameters:
aSize: size of every packet in bytes.
aData: user custom data, here you can write any text you think is useful for client.
aChannel: if you only want to send data to all clients subscribed to this channel.
aExclude: connection guids separated by comma, which you don't want to send this file.
aInclude: connection guids separated by comma, which you want to send this file.
aQoS: type of quality of service.

Files: files properties.

BufferSize: default size of every packet sent, in bytes.

SaveDirectory: directory where all files will be stored.

QoS: quality of service

Interval: interval to check if a qosLevel2 message has been sent.

Level: level of quality of service.

qosLevel0: message is sent.

qosLevel1: message is sent and you get an acknowledgment if message has

been processed.

qosLevel2: message is sent, you get an acknowledgment if message has been

processed and packets are requested by receiver.

Timeout: maximum wait time.

OnFileBeforeSent: fired before a file is sent. You can use this event to check file data before
is sent.

OnFileReceived: fired when a file is successfully received.

OnFileReceivedAuthorization: fired to check if file can be received.

OnFileReceivedError: fired when an error occurs receiving a file.

OnFileReceivedFragment: fired when a fragment file is received. Useful to show a progress.

OnFileSent: fired when a file is successfully sent.


OnFileSentAcknowledgment: fired when a fragment is sent and receiver has processed.

OnFileSentError: fired when an error occurs sending a file.

OnFileSentFragment: fired when a fragment file is sent. Useful to show a progress.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


This is Server Files Protocol Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.

SendFile: sends a file to server, you can set the following parameters
aSize: size of every packet in bytes.
aData: user custom data, here you can write any text you think is useful for server.
aQoS: type of quality of service.

Files: files properties

BufferSize: default size of every packet sent, in bytes.

SaveDirectory: directory where all files will be stored.

QoS: quality of service

Interval: interval to check if a qosLevel2 message has been sent.

Level: level of quality of service.

qosLevel0: message is sent.

qosLevel1: message is sent and you get an acknowledgment if message has

been processed.

qosLevel2: message is sent, you get an acknowledgment if message has been

processed and packets are requested by receiver.

Timeout: maximum wait time.

OnFileBeforeSent: fired before a file is sent. You can use this event to check file data before
is sent.

OnFileReceived: fired when a file is successfully received.

OnFileReceivedAuthorization: fired to check if file can be received.

OnFileReceivedError: fired when an error occurs receiving a file.

OnFileReceivedFragment: fired when a fragment file is received. Useful to show a progress.

OnFileSent: fired when a file is successfully sent.

OnFileSentAcknowledgment: fired when a fragment is sent and receiver has processed.

OnFileSentError: fired when an error occurs sending a file.

OnFileSentFragment: fired when a fragment file is sent. Useful to show a progress.



This object is passed as a parameter every time a file protocol event is raised.

 BufferSize: default size of packet.
 Channel: if specified, this file only will be sent to clients subscribed to specific
 Method: internal method.
 FileId: identifier of a file, is unique for all files received / sent.
 Data: user custom data. Here user can set whatever text.
 FileName: name of file.
 FilePosition: file position in bytes.
 FileSize: Total file size in bytes.
 Id: identifier of a packet, is unique for every packet.
 QoS: quality of service of message.
 Streaming: for internal use.
 Text: for internal use.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


Protocol WebRTC

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an API definition being drafted by the World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C) to enable browser to browser applications for voice calling, video chat
and P2P file sharing without plugins.The RTC in WebRTC stands for Real-Time
Communications, technology that enables audio/video streaming and data sharing between
browser clients (peers). As a set of standards, WebRTC provides any browser with the ability to
share application data and perform teleconferencing peer to peer, without the need to install
plug-ins or third-party software.

WebRTC components are accessed with JavaScript APIs. Currently in development are the
Network Stream API, which represents an audio or video data stream, and the PeerConnection
API, which allows two or more users to communicate browser-to-browser. Also under
development is a DataChannel API that enables communication of other types of data for real-
time gaming, text chat, file transfer, and so forth.

TsgcWSPServer_WebRTC: Server Protocol WebRTC VCL Component.

Browser Test
If you want to test this protocol with your favorite WebBrowser, please type this url (you need to
define your custom host and port)




This is Server Protocol WebRTC Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketServer Component using Server Property.

There is no need to configure any parameter.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Protocol WebRTC Javascript

Here you can find available methods, you need to replace {%host%} and {%port%} variables as
needed, example: if you have configured your sgcWebSocket server to listen port 80 on
www.example.com website you need to configure:

<script src="http://www.example.com:80/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>

Open Connection
When a websocket connection is opened, browser request access to local camera
and microphone, you need to allow access.

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/webrtc.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_webrtc('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

Open WebRTC Channel

When a browser has accessed to local camera and microphone, 'sgcmediastart'
event is fired and then you can try to connect to another client using
webrtc_connect procedure

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/webrtc.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_webrtc('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcmediastart', function(event)
socket.webrtc_connect('custom channel');

Close WebRTC channel

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/webrtc.esegece.com.js"></script>
socket.webrtc_disconnect('custom channel');



Protocol WAMP

WAMP is an open WebSocket subprotocol that provides two asynchronous messaging patterns:
RPC and PubSub.

Technically, WAMP is an officially registered WebSocket subprotocol (runs on top of

WebSocket) that uses JSON as message serialization format.

What is RPC?

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a messaging pattern involving peers to two roles: client and
A server provides methods or procedure to call under well known endpoints.
A client calls remote methods or procedures by providing the method or procedure endpoint and
any arguments for the call.
The server will execute the method or procedure using the supplied arguments to the call and
return the result of the call to the client.

What is PubSub?

Publish & Subscribe (PubSub) is a messaging pattern involving peers of three roles: publisher,
subscriber and broker.
A publisher sends (publishes) an event by providing a topic (aka channel) as the abstract
address, not a specific peer.
A subscriber receives events by first providing topics (aka channels) he is interested.
Subsequently, the subscriber will receive any events publishes to that topic.
The broker sits between publishers and subscribers and mediates messages publishes to
subscribers. A broker will maintain lists of subscribers per topic so it can dispatch new published
events to the appropriate subscribers.
A broker may also dispatch events on it's own, for example when the broker also acts as an
RPC server and a method executed on the server should trigger a PubSub event.
In summary, PubSub decouples publishers and receivers via an intermediary, the broker.

TsgcWSPServer_WAMP: Server Protocol WAMP VCL Component.

TsgcWSPClient_WAMP: Client Protocol WAMP VCL Component.

Javascript Component: Client Javascript Reference.

Browser Test
If you want to test this protocol with your favorite WebBrowser, please type this url (you need to
define your custom host and port)


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


This is Server Protocol WAMP Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketServer Component using Server Property.

CallResult: When the execution of the remote procedure finishes successfully, the server
responds by sending a message with result.

CallId: this is the ID generated by client when request a call to a procedure

Result: is the result, can be a number, a JSON object...

CallError: When the remote procedure call could not be executed, an error or exception
occurred during the execution or the execution of the remote procedure finishes unsuccessfully
for any other reason, the server responds by sending a message with error details.

CallId: this is the ID generated by client when request a call to a procedure

ErrorURI: identifies the error.
ErrorDesc: error description.
ErrorDetails: application error details, is optional.

Event: Subscribers receive PubSub events published by subscribers via the EVENT message.

TopicURI: channel name where is subscribed.

Event: message text.

OnCall: event fired when server receives RPC called by client

CallId: this is the ID generated by client when request a call to a procedure

ProcUri: procedure identifier...
Arguments: procedure params, can be a integer, a JSON object, a list...

OnPrefix: Procedures and Errors are identified using URIs or CURIEs, this event is fired when
a client sends a new prefix

Prefix: compact URI expression.

URI: full URI.



This is Client Protocol WAMP Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.

Prefix: Procedures and Errors are identified using URIs or CURIEs, client uses this method to
send a new prefix.

aPrefix: compact URI expression.

aURI: full URI.

Subscribe: A client requests access to a valid topicURI (or CURIE from Prefix) to receive
events published to the given topicURI. The request is asynchronous, the server will not return
an acknowledgement of the subscription.

aTopicURI: channel name.

UnSubscribe: Calling unsubscribe on a topicURI informs the server to stop delivering

messages to the client previously subscribed to that topicURI.

aTopicURI: channel name.

Call: sent by client when requests a Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

aCallId: this is the UUID generated by client

aProcURI: procedure identifier.
aArguments: procedure params, can be a integer, a JSON object, a list...

Publish: The client will send an event to all clients connected to the server who have
subscribed to the topicURI.

TopicURI: channel name.

Event: message text.

OnWelcome: is the first server-to-client message sent by a WAMP server

SessionId: is a string that is randomly generated by the server and unique to

the specific WAMP session. The sessionId can be used for at least two
situations: 1) specifying lists of excluded or eligible clients when publishing event
and 2) in the context of performing authentication or authorization.
ProtocolVersion: is an integer that gives the WAMP protocol version the
server speaks, currently it MUST be 1.
ServerIdent: is a string the server may use to disclose it's version, software,
platform or identity.

OnCallError: event fired when the remote procedure call could not be executed, an error or
exception occurred during the execution or the execution of the remote procedure finishes
unsuccessfully for any other reason, the server responds by sending a message with error

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

CallId: this is the ID generated by client when request a call to a procedure

ErrorURI: identifies the error.
ErrorDesc: error description.
ErrorDetails: application error details, is optional.

OnCallResult: event fired when the execution of the remote procedure finishes successfully,
the server responds by sending a message with result.

CallId: this is the ID generated by client when request a call to a procedure

Result: is the result, can be a number, a JSON object...

OnEvent: event fired when client receive PubSub events published by subscribers via the
EVENT message.

TopicURI: channel name where is subscribed.

Event: message text.


Protocol WAMP Javascript

Here you can find available methods, you need to replace {%host%} and {%port%} variables as
needed, example: if you have configured your sgcWebSocket server to listen port 80 on
www.example.com website you need to configure:

<script src="http://www.example.com:80/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://www.example.com:80/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>

Open Connection
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

Send New Prefix

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.prefix('sgc', 'http://www.esegece.com');

Request RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.call('', 'sgc:CallTest', '20')

Subscribe to a TopicURI
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

UnSubscribe to a TopicURI
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');

Publish message
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.publish('sgc:channel', 'Test Message', [], []);

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Show Alert with Message Received

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('sgcmessage', function(event)

Show Alert OnCallResult or OnCallError

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('wampcallresult', function(event)
alert('call result: ' + event.CallId + ' - ' + event.CallResult);
socket.on('wampcallerror', function(event)
alert('call error: ' + event.CallId + ' - ' + event.ErrorURI + ' -
' + event.ErrorDesc + ' - ' + event.ErrorDetails);

Show Alert OnEvent

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('wampevent', function(event)
alert('call result: ' + event.TopicURI + ' - ' + event.Event);

Show Alert OnConnect, OnDisconnect and OnError Events

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>
var socket = new sgcws_wamp('ws://{%host%}:{%port%}');
socket.on('open', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Open!');
socket.on('close', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Closed!');
socket.on('error', function(event)
alert('sgcWebSocket Error: ' + event.message);

Close Connection


<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>

Get Connection Status

<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/sgcWebSockets.js"></script>
<script src="http://{%host%}:{%port%}/wamp.esegece.com.js"></script>

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

WAMP 2.0

Protocol WAMP 2

WAMP provides Unified Application Routing in an open WebSocket protocol that works with
different languages.

Using WAMP you can build distributed systems out of application components which are loosely
coupled and communicate in (soft) real-time.

At its core, WAMP offers two communication patterns for application components to talk to each

 Publish & Subscribe (PubSub)

 Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)

WAMP is easy to use, simple to implement and based on modern Web standards: WebSocket,
JSON and URIs.

TsgcWSPClient_WAMP2: Client Protocol WAMP2 VCL Component.



This is Client Protocol WAMP Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.

Session Methods
ABORT: Both the Router and the Client may abort the opening of a WAMP
session by sending an ABORT message.

Reason MUST be an URI.

Details MUST be a dictionary that allows to provide additional, optional
closing information (see below).

No response to an ABORT message is expected.

GOODBYE: A WAMP session starts its lifetime with the Router sending a
WELCOME message to the Client and ends when the underlying transport
disappears or when the WAMP session is closed explicitly by a GOODBYE
message sent by one Peer and a GOODBYE message sent from the other Peer
in response.

Reason MUST be an URI.

Details MUST be a dictionary that allows to provide additional, optional
closing information.

Publish/Subscribe Methods
PUBLISH: When a Publisher requests to publish an event to some
topic, it sends a PUBLISH message to a Broker:

Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Publisher and

used to correlate the Broker's response with the request.
Options is a dictionary that allows to provide additional
publication request details in an extensible way. This is described
further below.
Topic is the topic published to.
Arguments is a list of application-level event payload elements.
The list may be of zero length.
ArgumentsKw is an optional dictionary containing application-
level event payload, provided as keyword arguments. The
dictionary may be empty.

If the Broker is able to fulfill and allowing the publication, the Broker
will send the event to all current Subscribers of the topic of the
published event.
By default, publications are unacknowledged, and the Broker will not
respond, whether the publication was successful indeed or not.

SUBSCRIBE: A Subscriber communicates its interest in a topic to a

Broker by sending a SUBSCRIBE message:

Request MUST be a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the

Subscriber and used to correlate the Broker's response with the
Options MUST be a dictionary that allows to provide additional
subscription request details in a extensible way.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Topic is the topic the Subscriber wants to subscribe to and MUST

be an URI.

UNSUBSCRIBE: When a Subscriber is no longer interested in receiving

events for a subscription it sends an UNSUBSCRIBE message

Request MUST be a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the

Subscriber and used to correlate the Broker's response with the
SUBSCRIBED.Subscription MUST be the ID for the subscription
to unsubscribe from, originally handed out by the Broker to the

RPC Methods
CALL: When a Caller wishes to call a remote procedure, it sends a
CALL message to a Dealer:

Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Caller and

used to correlate the Dealer's response with the request.
Options is a dictionary that allows to provide additional call
request details in an extensible way. This is described further
Procedure is the URI of the procedure to be called.
Arguments is a list of positional call arguments (each of arbitrary
type). The list may be of zero length.
ArgumentsKw is a dictionary of keyword call arguments (each of
arbitrary type). The dictionary may be empty.

REGISTERCALL: A Callee announces the availability of an endpoint

implementing a procedure with a Dealer by sending a REGISTER

Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Callee and

used to correlate the Dealer's response with the request.
Options is a dictionary that allows to provide additional
registration request details in a extensible way. This is described
further below.
Procedure is the procedure the Callee wants to register

UNREGISTERCALL: When a Callee is no longer willing to provide an

implementation of the registered procedure, it sends an UNREGISTER message
to the Dealer:

Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Callee and used to

correlate the Dealer's response with the request.
REGISTERED.Registration is the ID for the registration to revoke,
originally handed out by the Dealer to the Callee.

INVOCATION: If the Dealer is able to fulfill (mediate) the call and it allows the
call, it sends a INVOCATION message to the respective Callee implementing the

Request is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Dealer and used to

correlate the Callee's response with the request.
REGISTERED.Registration is the registration ID under which the
procedure was registered at the Dealer.
Details is a dictionary that allows to provide additional invocation request
details in an extensible way. This is described further below.


CALL.Arguments is the original list of positional call arguments as

provided by the Caller.
CALL.ArgumentsKw is the original dictionary of keyword call arguments
as provided by the Caller.

YIELD: If the Callee is able to successfully process and finish the execution of
the call, it answers by sending a YIELD message to the Dealer:

INVOCATION.Request is the ID from the original invocation request.

Options is a dictionary that allows to provide additional options.
Arguments is a list of positional result elements (each of arbitrary type).
The list may be of zero length.
ArgumentsKw is a dictionary of keyword result elements (each of arbitrary
type). The dictionary may be empty.

OnWAMPSession: After the underlying transport has been established, the opening of a
WAMP session is initiated by the Client sending a HELLO message to the Router

 Realm: is a string identifying the realm this session should attach to

 Details: is a dictionary that allows to provide additional opening information

OnWAMPWelcome: A Router completes the opening of a WAMP session by sending

a WELCOME reply message to the Client.

 Session: MUST be a randomly generated ID specific to the WAMP

session. This applies for the lifetime of the session.
 Details: is a dictionary that allows to provide additional
information regarding the open session.

OnWAMPAbort: Both the Router and the Client may abort the opening of a WAMP
session by sending an ABORT message.

 Reason: MUST be an URI.

 Details: MUST be a dictionary that allows to provide additional, optional
closing information.

OnWAMPGoodBye: A WAMP session starts its lifetime with the Router sending
a WELCOME message to the Client and ends when the underlying transport disappears or when
the WAMP session is closed explicitly by a GOODBYE message sent by one Peer and
a GOODBYE message sent from the other Peer in response.

 Reason: MUST be an URI.

 Details: MUST be a dictionary that allows to provide additional, optional
closing information.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

OnWAMPSubscribed: If the Broker is able to fulfill and allow the subscription, it answers by
sending a SUBSCRIBED message to the Subscriber

SUBSCRIBE.Request: MUST be the ID from the original request.

Subscription: MUST be an ID chosen by the Broker for the subscription.

OnWAMPUnSubscribed: Upon successful unsubscription, the Broker sends an

UNSUBSCRIBED message to the Subscriber

UNSUBSCRIBE.Request: MUST be the ID from the original request.

OnWAMPPublished: If the Broker is able to fulfill and allowing the publication, and
PUBLISH.Options.acknowledge == true, the Broker replies by sending a PUBLISHED message
to the Publisher:

PUBLISH.Request: is the ID from the original publication request.

Publication: is a ID chosen by the Broker for the publication.

OnWAMPEvent: When a publication is successful and a Broker dispatches the event, it

determines a list of receivers for the event based on Subscribers for the topic published to and,
possibly, other information in the event. Note that the Publisher of an event will never receive
the published event even if the Publisher is also a Subscriber of the topic published to. The
Advanced Profile provides options for more detailed control over publication. When a
Subscriber is deemed to be a receiver, the Broker sends the Subscriber an EVENT message.

SUBSCRIBED.Subscription: is the ID for the subscription under which the

Subscriber receives the event - the ID for the subscription originally handed out
by the Broker to the Subscribe*.
PUBLISHED.Publication: is the ID of the publication of the published event.
DETAILS: is a dictionary that allows the Broker to provide additional event
details in a extensible way.
PUBLISH.Arguments: is the application-level event payload that was provided
with the original publication request.
PUBLISH.ArgumentKw: is the application-level event payload that was
provided with the original publication request.

OnWAMPError: When the request fails, the Broker sends an ERROR

METHOD: is the ID of the Method.

REQUEST.ID: is the ID of the Request.
DETAILS: is a dictionary that allows the Broker to provide additional event
details in a extensible way.
ERROR: describes the message error.
PUBLISH.Arguments: is the application-level event payload that was provided
with the original publication request.
PUBLISH.ArgumentKw: is the application-level event payload that was
provided with the original publication request.

OnWAMPResult: The Dealer will then send a RESULT message to the original Caller:

CALL.Request: is the ID from the original call request.

DETAILS: is a dictionary of additional details.


YIELD.Arguments: is the original list of positional result elements as returned

by the Callee.
YIELD.ArgumentsKw: is the original dictionary of keyword result elements as
returned by the Callee.

OnWAMPRegistered: If the Dealer is able to fulfill and allowing the registration, it answers by
sending a REGISTERED message to the Callee:

REGISTER.Request: is the ID from the original request.

Registration: is an ID chosen by the Dealer for the registration.

OnWAMPUnRegistered: When a Callee is no longer willing to provide an implementation of

the registered procedure, it sends an UNREGISTER message to the Dealer:

Request: is a random, ephemeral ID chosen by the Callee and used to

correlate the Dealer's response with the request.
REGISTERED.Registration: is the ID for the registration to revoke, originally
handed out by the Dealer to the Callee.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


Protocol MQTT

MQTT is a Client Server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol. It is light

weight, open, simple, and designed so as to be easy to implement. These
characteristics make it ideal for use in many situations, including constrained
environments such as for communication in Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet
of Things (IoT) contexts where a small code footprint is required and/or network
bandwidth is at a premium.

The protocol runs over TCP/IP, or over other network protocols that provide
ordered, lossless, bi-directional connections. Its features include:

· Use of the publish/subscribe message pattern which provides one-to-many

message distribution and decoupling of applications.

· A messaging transport that is agnostic to the content of the payload.

· Three qualities of service for message delivery:

· "At most once", where messages are delivered according to the best
efforts of the operating environment. Message loss can occur. This level could
be used, for example, with ambient sensor data where it does not matter if
an individual reading is lost as the next one will be published soon after.
· "At least once", where messages are assured to arrive but duplicates
can occur.
· "Exactly once", where message are assured to arrive exactly once.
This level could be used, for example, with billing systems where duplicate or
lost messages could lead to incorrect charges being applied.

· A small transport overhead and protocol exchanges minimized to reduce

network traffic.

· A mechanism to notify interested parties when an abnormal disconnection


 Publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many
message distribution and decoupling of applications.
 Acknowledgment of messages sent.
 Implements QoS (Quality of Service) for message delivery (all levels: At
most once, At least once and Exactly once)
 Last Will Testament.
 Secure connections.
 HeartBeat and Watchdog.
 Authentication to server.

TsgcWSPClient_MQTT: MQTT Client Component.



This is Client Protocol MQTT Component, you need to drop this component in the form and
select a TsgcWebSocketClient Component using Client Property.

Connect: this method is called automatically after a successful websocket connection.

Ping: Sends a ping to server, usually to keep connection alive. If you enable HeartBeat
property, ping will be sent automatically by defined interval.

Subscribe: subscribe client to a custom channel. If client is subscribed, OnMQTTSubscribe

event will be fired.

Unsubscribe: unsubscribe client to a custom channel. If client is unsubscribed,

OnMQTTUnsubscribe event will be fired.

Publish: sends a message to all subscribed clients. There are the following parameters:
Topic: is the channel where the message will be published.
Text: is the text of message.
QoS: is the Quality Of Service of published message. There are 3 possibilities:
mtqsAtMostOnce: (by default) the message is delivered according to the best
efforts of the underlying TCP/IP network. A response is not expected and no retry
semantics are defined in the protocol. The message arrives at the server either
once or not at all.
mtqsAtLeastOnce: the receipt of a message by the server is acknowledged by
an ACKNOWLEDGMENT message. If there is an identified failure of either the
communications link or the sending device, or the acknowledgement message is
not received after a specified period of time, the sender resends the message.
The message arrives at the server at least once. A message with QoS level 1 has
an ID param in the message.
mtqsExactlyOnce: where message are assured to arrive exactly once. This level
could be used, for example, with billing systems where duplicate or lost messages
could lead to incorrect charges being applied. If there is an identified failure of
either the communications link or the sending device, or the acknowledgement
message is not received after a specified period of time, the sender resends the
Retain: if True, Server MUST store the Application Message and its QoS, so that it can
be delivered to future subscribers whose subscriptions match its topic name. By default is

Disconnect: disconnects from MQTT server.

OnMQTTBeforeConnect: this event is fired before a new connection is established. There are
2 parameters:
CleanSession: if True (by default), server must discard any previous session and start a
new session. If false, server must resume communication.
ClientIdentifier: every new connection needs a client identifier, this is set automatically
by component, but can be modified if needed.

OnMQTTConnect: this event is fired when client is connected to MQTT server. There are 2
Session: if True, server has created a new session. If false, session has resume a
previous session.
ReturnCode: returns a code with the result of connection.

OnQTTDisconnect: this event is fired when client is disconnected from MQTT server.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

OnMQTTPing: this event is fired when client receives an acknowledgment from a ping
previously sent.

OnMQTTPubAck: this event is fired when receives the response to a Publish Packet with QoS
level 1. There is one parameter:
PacketIdentifier: is packet identifier sent initially.

OnMQTTPubComp: this event is fired when receives the response to a PubRel Packet. It is
the fourth and final packet of the QoS 2 protocol exchange. There is one parameter:
PacketIdentifier: is packet identifier sent initially.

OnMQTTPublish: this event is fired when client receives a message from server. There are 2
Topic: is the topic name of published message.
Text: is the text of published message.

OnMQTTPubRec: this event is fired when receives the response to a Publish Packet with QoS
2. It is the second packet of the QoS 2 protocol exchange. There is one parameter:
PacketIdentifier: is packet identifier sent initially.

OnMQTTSubscribe: this event is fired as a response to subscribe method. There are 2

PacketIdentifier: is packet identifier sent initially.
Codes: codes with the result of subscription.

OnMQTTUnSubscribe: this event is fired as a response to subscribe method. There is one

PacketIdentifier: is packet identifier sent initially.

Authentication: disabled by default, if True an UserName and Password are sent to server to
try user authentication.

HeartBeat: eanbled by default, if True, send a ping every X seconds (set by Interval property)
to keep alive connection.

LastWillTestament: if there is a disconnection and is enabled, a message is sent to all

connected clients to inform that connection has been closed.


WebSocket APIs
There are several implementations based on WebSockets: finance, message publishing,
queues... sgcWebSockets implements the most important APIs based on WebSocket protocol.
In order to use an API, just attach API component to client and all messages will be handled by
API component (only one API component can be attached to a client).

List of APIs:

1. Blockchain: Blockchain WebSocket API allows developers to receive Real-Time notifications

about new transactions and blocks.

2. Bitfinex: Bitfinex is one of the world's largest and most advanced cryptocurrency trading
platform. Users can exchange Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, EOS, Bitcoin Cash, Iota, NEO,
Litecoin, Ethereum Classic...

3. Pusher: Pusher is an easy and realiable platform with flexible pub/sub messaging, live user
lists, authentication...

APIs can be registered at runtime, just call Method RegisterAPI and pass API component as

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


API Blockchain


Blockchain WebSocket API allows developers to receive Real-Time notifications about new
transactions and blocks.

Once WebSocket is open you can subscribe to a channel:

 SubscribeTransactions: Subscribe to notifications for all new bitcoin

 UnsubscribeTransactions: UnSubscribe to notifications for all new bitcoin

 SubscribeAddress: Receive new transactions for a specific bitcoin address.

 UnSubscribeAddress: Stop receiving new transactions for a specific bitcoin

Transactions are received OnNewTransaction Event:

"op": "utx",
"x": {
"lock_time": 0,
"ver": 1,
"size": 192,
"inputs": [
"sequence": 4294967295,
"prev_out": {
"spent": true,
"tx_index": 99005468,
"type": 0,
"addr": "1BwGf3z7n2fHk6NoVJNkV32qwyAYsMhkWf",
"value": 65574000,
"n": 0,
"time": 1440086763,
"tx_index": 99006637,
"vin_sz": 1,
"vout_sz": 1,
"relayed_by": "",
"out": [
"spent": false,


"tx_index": 99006637,
"type": 0,
"addr": "1A828tTnkVFJfSvLCqF42ohZ51ksS3jJgX",
"value": 65564000,
"n": 0,

 SubscribeBlocks: Receive notifications when a new block is found. Note: if the

chain splits you will receive more than one notification for a specific block height.
 UnSubscribeBlocks: Stop receiving notifications when a new block is found.
Note: if the chain splits you will receive more than one notification for a specific block

Blocks are received OnNewBlock event:

"op": "block",
"x": {
"txIndexes": [
"nTx": 0,
"totalBTCSent": 0,
"estimatedBTCSent": 0,
"reward": 0,
"size": 0,
"blockIndex": 190460,
"prevBlockIndex": 190457,
"height": 170359,
"version": 1,
"time": 1331301261,
"bits": 436942092,
"nonce": 758889471

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

API Bitfinex


Bitfinex is one of the world's largest and most advanced cryptocurrency trading platform. Users
can exchange Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, EOS, Bitcoin Cash, Iota, NEO, Litecoin, Ethereum

Bitfinex Websocket API version is 2.0

Each message sent and received via the Bitfinex's websocket channel is encoded in JSON

A symbol can be a trading pair or a margin currency:

 Trading pairs symbols are formed prepending a "t" before the pair (i.e
 Margin currencies symbols are formed prepending a "f" before the currency (i.e
fUSD, fBTC, ...)

After a successful connection, OnBitfinexConnect event is raised and you get Bitfinex API
Version number as parameter.

You can call Ping method to test connection to server.

If server sends any information, this can be handle using OnBitfinexInfoMessage event, where
a Code and a Message are parameters with information about message sent by server.
Example codes:

20051 : Stop/Restart Websocket Server (please reconnect)

20060 : Entering in Maintenance mode. Please pause any activity and resume after
receiving the info message 20061 (it should take 120 seconds at most).
20061 : Maintenance ended. You can resume normal activity. It is advised to
unsubscribe/subscribe again all channels.

In case of error, OnBitfinexError will be raised, and information about error provided. Example
error codes:

10000 : Unknown event

10001 : Unknown pair

In order to change the configuration, call Configuration method and pass as a parameter one
of the following flags:

CS_DEC_S = 8; // Enable all decimal as strings.

CS_TIME_S = 32; // Enable all times as date strings.
CS_SEQ_ALL = 65536; // Enable sequencing BETA FEATURE
CHECKSUM = 131072; // Enable checksum for every book iteration. Checks the top 25
entries for each side of book. Checksum is a signed int.

Subscribe Public Channels

There are channels which are public and there is no need to authenticate against server. All
messages are raised OnBitfinexUpdate event.



The ticker is a high level overview of the state of the market. It shows you the current best bid
and ask, as well as the last trade price. It also includes information such as daily volume and
how much the price has moved over the last day.

// Trading pairs
// Funding pairs


This channel sends a trade message whenever a trade occurs at Bitfinex. It includes all the
pertinent details of the trade, such as price, size and time.

// on trading pairs (ex. tBTCUSD)


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

// on funding currencies (ex. fUSD)



The Order Books channel allow you to keep track of the state of the Bitfinex order book. It is
provided on a price aggregated basis, with customizable precision. After receiving the response,
you will receive a snapshot of the book, followed by updates upon any changes to the book.

// on trading pairs (ex. tBTCUSD)


// on funding currencies (ex. fUSD)



These are the most granular books.

// on trading pairs (ex. tBTCUSD)




// on funding currencies (ex. fUSD)



Provides a way to access charting candle info. Time Frames:

1m: one minute

5m : five minutes
15m : 15 minutes
30m : 30 minutes
1h : one hour
3h : 3 hours
6h : 6 hours
12h : 12 hours
1D : one day
7D : one week
14D : two weeks
1M : one month


Subscribe Authenticated Channels

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

This channel allows you to keep up to date with the status of your account. You can receive
updates on your positions, your balances, your orders and your trades.

Use Authenticate method in order to Authenticate against server and set required parameters.

Once authenticated, you will receive updates of: Orders, positions, trades, funding offers,
funding credits, funding loans, wallets, balance info, margin info, funding info, funding trades...

You can request UnAuthenticate method if you want log off from server.


API Pusher


Pusher it's an easy and reliable platform with nice features based on websocket protocol:
flexible pub/sub messaging, live user lists (presence), authentication...

Pusher WebSocket API is 7.

Data is sent bidirectionally over a WebSocket as text data containing UTF8 encoded JSON
(Binary WebSocket frames are not supported).

You can call Ping method to test connection to server. Essentially any messages received from
the other party are considered to mean that the connection is alive. In the absence of any
messages either party may check that the other side is responding by sending a ping message,
to which the other party should respond with a pong.

Before you connect, you must complete following fields:

Pusher.Cluster := 'eu'; // cluster where is located your pusher account

Pusher.Key := '9c3b7ef25qe97a00116c'; // your pusher api key
Pusher.Name := 'js'; // optional, name of your application
Pusher.Version := '4.1'; // optional, version of your application
Pusher.TLS := True; // if encrypted, set to True
Pusher.Secret := '2dc792e1916ac49e6b3f'; // pusher secret string (needed for private and
absence channels)

After a successful connection, OnPusherConnect event is raised and you get following fields:

 Socket ID: A unique identifier for the connected client.

 Timeout: The number of seconds of server inactivity after which the client
should initiate a ping message (this is handled automatically by component).

In case of error, OnPusherError will be raised, and information about error provided. An error
may be sent from Pusher in response to invalid authentication, an invalid command, etc.


Indicates an error resulting in the connection being closed by Pusher, and that attempting
to reconnect using the same parameters will not succeed.

4000: Application only accepts SSL connections, reconnect using wss://

4001: Application does not exist
4003: Application disabled
4004: Application is over connection quota
4005: Path not found
4006: Invalid version string format
4007: Unsupported protocol version
4008: No protocol version supplied


Indicates an error resulting in the connection being closed by Pusher, and that the client
may reconnect after 1s or more.

4100: Over capacity


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Indicates an error resulting in the connection being closed by Pusher, and that the client
may reconnect immediately.

4200: Generic reconnect immediately

4201: Pong reply not received: ping was sent to the client, but no reply was
received - see ping and pong messages
4202: Closed after inactivity: Client has been inactive for a long time (currently 24
hours) and client does not support ping. Please upgrade to a newer WebSocket
draft or implement version 5 or above of this protocol.


Any other type of error.

4301: Client event rejected due to rate limit


Channels are a fundamental concept in Pusher. Each application has a number of channels,
and each client can choose which channels it subscribes to.

Channels provide:

 A way of filtering data. For example, in a chat application there may be a

channel for people who want to discuss ‘dogs’
 A way of controlling access to different streams of information. For example, a
project management application would want to authorise people to get updates about

It's strongly recommended that channels are used to filter your data and that it is not achieved
using events. This is because all events published to a channel are sent to all subscribers,
regardless of their event binding.

Channels don’t need to be explicitly created, and are instantiated on client demand. This means
that creating a channel is easy. Just tell a client to subscribe to it.

There are 3 types of channels:

 Public channels can be subscribed to by anyone who knows their name

 Private channels introduce a mechanism which lets your server control access
to the data you are broadcasting
 Presence channels are an extension of private channels. They let you
‘register’ user information on subscription, and let other members of the channel know
who’s online

Public Channels
Public channels should be used for publicly accessible data as they do not require any form
authorisation in order to be subscribed to.

You can subscribe and unsubscribe from channels at any time. There’s no need to wait for the
Pusher to finish connecting first.

Example: subscribe to channel "my-channel".


If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error
you will get a message in OnPusherError event.


All messages from subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.

Private Channels
Requires Indy 10.5.7 or later

Private channels should be used when access to the channel needs to be restricted in some
way. In order for a user to subscribe to a private channel permission must be authorised.

Example: subscribe to channel "my-private-channel".

APIPusher.Subscribe('my-private-channel', pscPrivateChannel);

If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error
you will get a message in OnPusherError event.

All messages from subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.

Presence Channels
Requires Indy 10.5.7 or later

Presence channels build on the security of Private channels and expose the additional feature
of an awareness of who is subscribed to that channel. This makes it extremely easy to build
chat room and “who’s online” type functionality to your application. Think chat rooms,
collaborators on a document, people viewing the same web page, competitors in a game, that
kind of thing.

Presence channels are subscribed to from the client API in the same way as private channels
but the channel name must be prefixed with presence-. As with private channels a HTTP
Request is made to a configurable authentication URL to determine if the current user has
permissions to access the channel.

Information on users subscribing to, and unsubscribing from a channel can then be accessed by
binding to events on the presence channel and the current state of users subscribed to the
channel is available via the channel.members property.

Example: subscribe to channel "my-presence-channel".

APIPusher.Subscribe('my-presence-channel', pscPresenceChannel,
'{"user_id":"John_Smith","user_info":{"name":"John Smith"}}');

If you are subscribed successfully OnPusherSubscribe event will be raised, if there is an error
you will get a message in OnPusherError event.

All messages from subscribed channel will be received OnPusherEvent event.

Publish Messages

Not only you can receive messages from subscribed channels, you can send messages to other
subscribed users.
Call method Publish to send a message to all subscribed users of channel.

Example: send an event to all subscribed users of "my-channel'

APIPusher.Publish('my-event', 'my-channel');

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Publish no more than 10 messages per second per client (connection). Any events triggered
above this rate limit will be rejected by Pusher API. This is not a system issue, it is a client
issue. 100 clients in a channel sending messages at this rate would each also have to be
processing 1,000 messages per second! Whilst some modern browsers might be able to handle
this it’s most probably not a good idea.


WebSocket protocol is designed to be extended. WebSocket Clients may request extensions
and WebSocket Servers may accept some or all extensions requested by clients.

Extensions supported:

1. Deflate-Frame: compress websocket frames.

2. PerMessage-Deflate: compress websocket messages.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Extensions | PerMessage-Deflate
PerMessage is a WebSocket protocol extension, if the extension is supported by Server and
Client, both can compress transmitted messages:

 Uses Deflate as compression method.

 Compression only applies to Application data (control frames and headers are
not affected).
 Server and client can select which messages will be compressed.

Max Window Bits

This extension allows to customize Server and Client size of sliding window used by LZ77
algorithm (between 8 - 15). As greater is this value, more probably will find and eliminate
duplicates but consumes more memory and cpu cycles. 15 is default value.

No Context Take Over

By default, previous messages are used to compression and decompression, if messages are
similar, this improves the compression ratio. If Enabled, then each message is compressed
using only its message data. By default is disabled.


This value is not negotiated between Server and Client. when set to 1, it uses the least memory,
but slows down the compression algorithm and reduces the compression ratio; when set to 9, it
uses the most memory and delivers the best performance. By default is set to 1.

* Indy version provided with Rad Studio XE2 raises an exception because zlib version mismatch
with initialization functions, to fix this, just update your Indy version to latest.


Extensions | Deflate-Frame
Is a WebSocket protocol extension which allows the compression of frames sent using
WebSocket protocol, supported by webkit browsers like chrome or safari. This extension is
supported on Server and Client Components.

This extension has been deprecated.

* Indy version provided with Rad Studio XE2 raises an exception because zlib version mismatch
with initialization functions, to fix this, just update your Indy version to latest.


The sgcWebSockets.dll will need to be on any machine that your program will run on. It needs
to be in the path. Typically, you would install it in the same directory as your executable, or in
the C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory.

sgcWebsockets.dll is located inside Lib Directory:

Win32: dll for Windows 32bits.

Win64: dll for Windows 64bits.

Include the files sgcWebSocketLib.pas, sgcWebSocketLib_Types.pas and
sgcWebSocketLib_Const.pas in your project. These files are Pascal import units which defines
all of the sgcWebSocket methods and events defined.

Add sgcWebSocketLib to your uses clauses.

Example of use: open a new websocket client connection to host '' and port 8080.

sgcWebSocketLib.Instance.Client_Initialize('', 8080);


C# (C Sharp .NET)
Include the file sgcWebSocketLib.cs in your project. That file defines all of the sgcWebSocket
methods and events defined.

Add esegece.sgcWebSockets and System.Runtime.InteropServices to your uses clauses.

Example of use: open a new websocket client connection to host '' and port 8080.

sgcWebSocketLib.Instance.Client_Initialize("", 8080);


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Library | Build

If you are a registered customer, you can rebuild

sgcWebSockets.dll, to do this, just open sgcWebSockets
project located inside Package directory and recompile the


QuickStart | Library | Delphi
Let's start with a basic example where we need to create a Client WebSocket.

1. Add sgcWebSocketLib.pas, sgcWebSocketLib_Types.pas and sgcWebSocketLib_Const.pas

to your project.

2. Add sgcWebSocketLib to your uses clauses.

3. Create Methods to handle WebSocket events:

procedure WSClientConnect(const aGuid: widestring); stdcall;

// Log('#connected');

procedure WSClientDisconnect(const aGuid: widestring; const Code:

// Log('#disconnected (' + IntToStr(Code) + ')');

procedure WSClientError(const aGuid, Error: widestring); stdcall;

// Log('#error: ' + Error);

procedure WSClientMessage(const aGuid, Text: widestring);

// Log(Text);

4. Register event methods:


5. Start a new WebSocket connection (Host is and Port 80):

sgcWebSocketLib.Instance.Client_Initialize('', 80);

6. Send a message to Server:

sgcWebSocketLib.Instance.Client_WriteData('Hello World');

7. Stop WebSocket connection:


sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

QuickStart | Library | C#
Let's start with a basic example where we need to create a Client WebSocket.

1. Add sgcWebSocketLib.cs to your project.

2. Add esegece.sgcWebSockets and System.Runtime.InteropServices to your uses clauses.

3. Create Methods to handle WebSocket events:

private void OnConnectEvent([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]

string ID)
// Log("#connected: " + ID);

private void OnDisconnectEvent([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]

string ID, int aCode)
// Log("#disconnected: " + ID);

private void OnMessageEvent([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]

string ID, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string aText)
// Log(ID + ":" + aText);

private void OnError([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string ID,

[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string aError)
// Log("#error: " + aError);

4. Register event methods:


5. Start a new WebSocket connection (Host is and Port 80:

sgcWebSocketLib.Instance.Client_Initialize('', 80);

6. Send a message to Server:

sgcWebSocketLib.Instance.Client_WriteData('Hello World');

7. Stop WebSocket connection:



Library | Client

Create WebSocket Clients to connect to WebSocket Servers. Library client is based on VCL
WebSocket Client, more info.


Client_Create(aID: WideString = '')

Creates a new websocket client. aID parameter is used if you want to create multiple
instances of a client.

Client_Clear(aID: WideString = '')

Destroys an existing websocket client.

Client_Initialize(aHost: WideString = ''; aPort: Integer = 80;

aID: WideString = '')

This method needs to be called before a new connection is started. You can define which
is the Server Host and Port where you want to connect.


Used internally to delete all clients created.

Client_Start(aID: WideString = '')

Starts a new websocket connection.

Client_Stop(aID: WideString = '')

Stops a websocket connection.

Client_LoadOptions(aOptions: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Load websocket client options from a string.

Client_WriteData(aText: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Text message.

Client_WriteData(aStream: TMemoryStream; aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Binary Message.


Client_OnConnect(aOnConnect: TsgcWSClient_OnConnect;

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a new websocket connection is opened.

Client_OnDisconnect(aOnDisconnect: TsgcWSClient_OnDisconnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a websocket connection is closed.

Client_OnMessage(aOnMessage: TsgcWSClient_OnMessage;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when client receives a new text message from server.

Client_OnBinary(aOnBinary: TsgcWSClient_OnBinary;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when client receives a new Binary message from server.

Client_OnError(aOnError: TsgcWSClient_OnError; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when there is any error on websocket connection.


TsgcWSClient_OnConnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString);

TsgcWSClient_OnMessage = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aText: WideString);
TsgcWSClient_OnBinary = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aStream: TMemoryStream);
TsgcWSClient_OnBinary_Bytes = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aBytes: TBytes; const aContinue: Integer);
TsgcWSClient_OnDisconnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aCode: Integer);
TsgcWSClient_OnError = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aError: WideString);


Library Client | SocketIO

Create SocketIO clients to connect to SocketIO WebSocket Servers. Library client is based on
VCL WebSocket SocketIO Client, more info.


Client_SocketIO_Create(aID: WideString = '')

Creates a new websocket client. aID parameter is used if you want to create multiple
instances of a client.

Client_SocketIO_Clear(aID: WideString = '')

Destroys an existing websocket client.

Client_SocketIO_Initialize(aHost: WideString = ''; aPort: Integer = 80;

aID: WideString = '')

This method needs to be called before a new connection is started. You can define which
is the Server Host and Port where you want to connect.


Used internally to delete all clients created.

Client_SocketIO_Start(aID: WideString = '')

Starts a new websocket connection.

Client_SocketIO_Stop(aID: WideString = '')

Stops a websocket connection.

Client_SocketIO_LoadOptions(aOptions: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Load websocket client options from a string.

Client_SocketIO_WriteData(aText: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Text message.

Client_SocketIO_WriteData(aStream: TMemoryStream; aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Binary Message.

Client_SocketIO_SendDisconnect(aEndPoint: WideString = ''; aID: WideString =


Signals disconnection. If no endpoint is specified, disconnects the entire socket.

Client_SocketIO_SendConnect(aEndPoint: WideString = ''; aID: WideString = '')

Only used for multiple sockets. Signals a connection to the endpoint. Once the server
receives it, it's echoed back to the client.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Client_SocketIO_SendHeartBeat(aID: WideString = '')

Sends a heartbeat. Heartbeats must be sent within the interval negotiated with the
server. It's up to the client to decide the padding (for example, if the heartbeat timeout
negotiated with the server is 20s, the client might want to send a heartbeat evert 15s).

Client_SocketIO_SendTextMessage(aText, aMessageId, aEndPoint: string;

aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Text message.

Client_SocketIO_SendJSONMessage(aJSON, aMessageId, aEndPoint: string;

aID: WideString = '')

Sends a JSON encoded message.

Client_SocketIO_SendEvent(aEventName, aEventArgs, aMessageId,

aEndPoint: string; aID: WideString = '')

An event is like a json message, but has mandatory name and args fields. name is a
string and args an array.
The event names: 'message', 'connect', 'disconnect', 'open', 'close', 'error', 'retry',
'reconnect' are reserved, and cannot be used by clients or servers with this message

Client_SocketIO_SendACK(aMessage, aData: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

An acknowledgment contains the message id as the message data. If a + sign follows

the message id, it's treated as an event message packet.

Client_SocketIO_SendError(aReason, aAdvice, aEndPoint: WideString; aID:

WideString = '')

For example, if a connection to a sub-socket is unauthorized.

Client_SocketIO_SendNoop(aID: WideString = '')

No operation. Used for example to close a poll after the polling duration times out.


Client_SocketIO_OnConnect(aOnConnect: TsgcWSClient_OnConnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a new websocket connection is opened.

Client_SocketIO_OnDisconnect(aOnDisconnect: TsgcWSClient_OnDisconnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a websocket connection is closed.

Client_SocketIO_OnMessage(aOnMessage: TsgcWSClient_OnMessage;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when client receives a new text message from server.


Client_SocketIO_OnBinary(aOnBinary: TsgcWSClient_OnBinary;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when client receives a new Binary message from server.

Client_SocketIO_OnError(aOnError: TsgcWSClient_OnError; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when there is any error on websocket connection.

These events are only raised if "RawMessages" property is disabled.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageDisconnect; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives a Disconnect message.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageConnect; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives a Connect message.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageHeartBeat; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives a HeartBeat message.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageEvent; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives an Event Message.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageText; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives a Text message.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageJSON; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives a JSON message.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageACK; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives an Acknowledgment message.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageError; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives an Error message.

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageNoop; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client receives a Noop message.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5


TsgcWSClient_OnConnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString);

TsgcWSClient_OnMessage = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aText: WideString);
TsgcWSClient_OnBinary = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aStream: TMemoryStream);
TsgcWSClient_OnDisconnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aCode: Integer);
TsgcWSClient_OnError = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aError: WideString);

TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageDisconnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;

const Text: WideString; var Handled: Boolean) stdcall;
TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageConnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const
Text: WideString; const EndPoint: WideString) stdcall;
TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageHeartBeat = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const
WideString; var Handled: Boolean) stdcall;
TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageEvent = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const
Text, MsgId, MsgEndPoint, EventName, EventArgs, JSON: WideString) stdcall;
TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageText = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const
Text, MsgId, MsgEndPoint, MsgText: WideString) stdcall;
TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageJSON = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const
Text, MsgId, MsgEndPoint, JSON: WideString) stdcall;
TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageACK = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const Text,
MsgData: WideString) stdcall;
TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageError = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const
Text, MsgEndPoint, MsgError: WideString) stdcall;
TsgcWSClient_SocketIO_OnMessageNoop = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const
Text: WideString) stdcall;


Library | Client Protocol SGC

Create WebSocket Clients to connect to WebSocket Servers. Library client is based on VCL
WebSocket Client using protocol SGC, more info.


Client_Create(aID: WideString = '')

Creates a new websocket client. aID parameter is used if you want to create multiple
instances of a client.

Client_Clear(aID: WideString = '')

Destroys an existing websocket client.

Client_Initialize(aHost: WideString = ''; aPort: Integer = 80;

aID: WideString = '')

This method needs to be called before a new connection is started. You can define which
is the Server Host and Port where you want to connect.


Used internally to delete all clients created.

Client_Start(aID: WideString = '')

Starts a new websocket connection.

Client_Stop(aID: WideString = '')

Stops a websocket connection.

Client_LoadOptions(aOptions: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Load websocket client options from a string.

Client_WriteData(aText: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Text message.

Client_WriteData(aStream: TMemoryStream; aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Binary Message.

Client_sgc_Subscribe(aChannel: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Subscribe to a new channel.

Client_sgc_UnSubscribe(aChannel: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Unsuscribe from a channel.

Client_sgc_Broadcast(aText, aChannel: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Sends a Text message to all clients connected to an specified channel.

Client_sgc_RPC(aIdMethod, aMethod, aParams: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Remote Procedure Call.

Client_sgc_Notify(aMethod, aParams: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Notify a message to server.

Client_sgc_Publish(aText, aChannel: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Sends a Text message to all clients connected to an specified channel.

Client_sgc_GetSession(aID: WideString = '')

Requests Session ID from Server.

Client_sgc_StartTransaction(aChannel: WideString = ''; aID: WideString = '')

Starts a New Transaction.

Client_sgc_Commit(aChannel: WideString = ''; aID: WideString = '')

Commits all messages of a Transaction.

Client_sgc_RollBack(aChannel: WideString = ''; aID: WideString = '')

RollBack all messages of a Transaction.

Client_sgc_Broker(aID_Broker: WideString = ''; aGUID_Broker:

WideString = ''; aID: WideString = '')

Connect sgc protocol to a broker.


Client_sgc_OnConnect(aOnConnect: TsgcWSClient_OnConnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a new websocket connection is opened.

Client_sgc_OnDisconnect(aOnDisconnect: TsgcWSClient_OnDisconnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a websocket connection is closed.

Client_sgc_OnMessage(aOnMessage: TsgcWSClient_OnMessage;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when client receives a new text message from server.

Client_sgc_OnBinary(aOnBinary: TsgcWSClient_OnBinary;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when client receives a new Binary message from server.


Client_sgc_OnError(aOnError: TsgcWSClient_OnError; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when there is any error on websocket connection.

TsgcWSP_sgc_OnSubscription; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised if a new subscription is received from server.

TsgcWSP_sgc_OnUnSubscription; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised if an unsubscription is received from server.

Client_sgc_OnEvent(aOnEvent : TsgcWSPClient_sgc_OnEvent; aID: WideString

= '')

Event raised when a new event is received.

Client_sgc_OnSession(aOnSession : TsgcWSPClient_sgc_OnSession; aID: WideString

= '')

Event raised when a Session ID is received from server.

Client_sgc_OnAcknowledgment(aOnAcknowledgment :
TsgcWSPClient_sgc_OnAcknowledgment; aID: WideString
= '')

Event raised when client receives an Acknowledgment from server that message has
been received.

Client_sgc_OnRPCError(aOnRPCError: TsgcWSPClient_sgc_OnRPCError; aID:

WideString = '')

Event raised if server sends an error as response to a Remote Procedure Call.

Server_sgc_OnRPCResult(aOnRPCResult : TsgcWSPClient_sgc_OnRPCResult;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when server sends a response to client after a Remote Procedure Call.


TsgcWSClient_OnConnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString);

TsgcWSClient_OnMessage = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aText: WideString);
TsgcWSClient_OnBinary = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aStream: TMemoryStream);
TsgcWSClient_OnDisconnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aCode: Integer);
TsgcWSClient_OnError = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aError: WideString);
TsgcWSP_sgc_OnSubscription = procedure(const aGuid, aChannel: string);
TsgcWSP_sgc_OnUnSubscription = procedure(const aGuid, aChannel: string);
TsgcWSPClient_sgc_OnRPCResult = procedure(const aGuid, aId, aResult: string);
TsgcWSPClient_sgc_OnRPCError = procedure(const aGuid, aId: string;
aErrorCode: Integer; const ErrorMessage, ErrorData: string);
TsgcWSPClient_sgc_OnEvent = procedure(const aGuid, aChannel, aText: string);

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Library | Server

Create WebSocket Servers. Library server is based on VCL WebSocket Server, more info.


Server_Create(aID: WideString = '')

Creates a new websocket server. aID parameter is used if you want to create multiple
instances of a server.

Server_Clear(aID: WideString = '')

Destroys an existing websocket server.

Server_Initialize(aPort: Integer = 80; aID: WideString = '')

This method needs to be called before a new connection is started. You can define which
is the Port to listen client connections.


Used internally to delete all servers created.

Server_Start(aID: WideString = '')

Starts a server.

Server_Stop(aID: WideString = '')

Stops a server.

Server_LoadOptions(aOptions: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Load websocket server options from a WideString.

Server_Broadcast(aText: WideString; aID: WideString = '';

aExclude: WideString = ''; aInclude: WideString = '')

Sends a Text message.

Server_Broadcast(aStream: TMemoryStream; aID: WideString = '';

aExclude: WideString = ''; aInclude: WideString = '')

Sends a Binary message.



Server_OnConnect(aOnConnect: TsgcWSServer_OnConnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a new websocket connection is opened.

Server_OnDisconnect(aOnDisconnect: TsgcWSServer_OnDisconnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a websocket connection is closed.

Server_OnMessage(aOnMessage: TsgcWSServer_OnMessage;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when server receives a new text message from client.

Server_OnBinary(aOnBinary: TsgcWSServer_OnBinary;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when server receives a new Binary message from client.

Server_OnError(aOnError: TsgcWSServer_OnError; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when there is any error on a websocket connection.

: TsgcWSServer_OnAuthentication; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client tries to authenticate agains server.


TsgcWSServer_OnConnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString);

TsgcWSServer_OnMessage = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aText: WideString);
TsgcWSServer_OnBinary = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aStream: TMemoryStream);
TsgcWSServer_OnBinary_Bytes = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aBytes: TBytes; const aContinue: Integer);
TsgcWSServer_OnDisconnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aCode: Integer);
TsgcWSServer_OnError = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aError: WideString);
TsgcWSServer_OnAuthentication = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
aUser, aPassword: WideString; var Authenticated: Boolean);

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Library | Server Protocol SGC

Create WebSocket Servers. Library server is based on VCL WebSocket Server using SGC
Protocol, more info.


Server_Create(aID: WideString = '')

Creates a new websocket server. aID parameter is used if you want to create multiple
instances of a server.

Server_Clear(aID: WideString = '')

Destroys an existing websocket server.

Server_Initialize(aPort: Integer = 80; aID: WideString = '')

This method needs to be called before a new connection is started. You can define which
is the Port to listen client connections.


Used internally to delete all servers created.

Server_Start(aID: WideString = '')

Starts a server.

Server_Stop(aID: WideString = '')

Stops a server.

Server_LoadOptions(aOptions: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Load websocket server options from a WideString.

Server_Broadcast(aText: WideString; aID: WideString = '';

aExclude: WideString = ''; aInclude: WideString = '')

Sends a Text message.

Server_Broadcast(aStream: TMemoryStream; aID: WideString = '';

aExclude: WideString = ''; aInclude: WideString = '')

Sends a Binary message.

Server_sgc_Publish(aMessage, aChannel: WideString; aExclude: WideString = '';

aInclude: WideString = ''; aID: WideString = '')

Publish a new message to all clients subscribed to a custom channel.

Server_sgc_RPCResult(aIdMethod, aMethod: WideString;

aID: WideString = '')


Sends result as response of Remote Procedure Call.

Server_sgc_RPCError(aIdMethod: WideString; aCode: Integer;

aMessage, aData: WideString; aID: WideString = '')

Sends an error as response of Remote Procedure Call.


Server_sgc_OnConnect(aOnConnect: TsgcWSServer_OnConnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a new websocket connection is opened.

Server_sgc_OnDisconnect(aOnDisconnect: TsgcWSServer_OnDisconnect;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a websocket connection is closed.

Server_sgc_OnMessage(aOnMessage: TsgcWSServer_OnMessage;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when server receives a new text message from client.

Server_sgc_OnBinary(aOnBinary: TsgcWSServer_OnBinary;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when server receives a new Binary message from client.

Server_sgc_OnError(aOnError: TsgcWSServer_OnError; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when there is any error on a websocket connection.

(aOnSubscription: TsgcWSP_sgc_OnSubscription; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client requests a new subscription to a channel.

(aOnUnSubscription: TsgcWSP_sgc_OnUnSubscription; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when a client requests an unsubscription from a channel.

: TsgcWSPServer_sgc_OnNotification; aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when server receives a notification from a client.

Server_sgc_OnRPC(aOnRPC: TsgcWSPServer_sgc_OnRPC;
aID: WideString = '')

Event raised when server receives a Remote Procedure Call from a client.

: TsgcWSPServer_sgc_OnRPCAuthentication; aID: WideString = '')

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

Event raised when server receives a RCP which requires authentication.


TsgcWSServer_OnConnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString);

TsgcWSServer_OnMessage = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aText: WideString);
TsgcWSServer_OnBinary = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aStream: TMemoryStream);
TsgcWSServer_OnDisconnect = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
const aCode: Integer);
TsgcWSServer_OnError = procedure(const aGuid: WideString; const aError: WideString);
TsgcWSServer_OnAuthentication = procedure(const aGuid: WideString;
aUser, aPassword: WideString; var Authenticated: Boolean);

TsgcWSP_sgc_OnSubscription = procedure(const aGuid, aChannel: string);

TsgcWSP_sgc_OnUnSubscription = procedure(const aGuid, aChannel: string);
TsgcWSPServer_sgc_OnNotification = procedure(const aGuid, aMethod,
aParams: string);
TsgcWSPServer_sgc_OnRPC = procedure(const aGuid, aId, aMethod,
aParams: string);
TsgcWSPServer_sgc_OnRPCAuthentication = procedure(const aGuid, aMethod,
aUser, Password: string; var Authenticated: Boolean);

WebSocket is a web technology providing for bi-directional, full-duplex communications
channels, over a single Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) socket.

The WebSocket API is being standardized by the W3C, and the WebSocket protocol has been
standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455.
WebSocket is designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers, but it can be
used by any client or server application. The WebSocket protocol makes possible more
interaction between a browser and a web site, facilitating live content and the creation of real-
time games. This is made possible by providing a standardized way for the server to send
content to the browser without being solicited by the client, and allowing for messages to be
passed back and forth while keeping the connection open. In this way a two-way (bi-direction)
ongoing conversation can take place between a browser and the server. A similar effect has
been done in non-standardized ways using stop-gap technologies such as comet.

In addition, the communications are done over the regular TCP port number 80, which is of
benefit for those environments which block non-standard Internet connections using a firewall.
WebSocket protocol is currently supported in several browsers including Firefox, Google
Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari. WebSocket also requires web applications on the server
to be able to support it.

More Information
Browser Support

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

JSON or JavaScript Object Notation, is a text-based open standard designed for human-
readable data interchange. It is derived from the JavaScript scripting language for representing
simple data structures and associative arrays, called objects. Despite its relationship to
JavaScript, it is language-independent, with parsers available for many languages.

The JSON format is often used for serializing and transmitting structured data over a network
connection. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, serving
as an alternative to XML.

More Information


JSON-RPC is a stateless, light-weight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. Primarily this
specification defines several data structures and the rules around their processing. It is
transport agnostic in that the concepts can be used within the same process, over sockets, over
http, or in many various message passing environments. It uses JSON (RFC 4627) as data

Example: client call method subtract with 2 params (42 and 23). Server sends a result of 19.

Client To Server --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23],
"id": 1}

Server To Client<-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 19, "id": 1}


sgcWebSockets provides a built-in JSON component, but you can use your own JSON parser.
Just implement following interfaces located at sgcJSON.pas:


There are 3 implementations of theses interfaces

 sgcJSON.pas: default JSON parser provided.

 sgcJSON_System.pas: uses JSON parser provided with latest versions of
 sgcJSON_XSuperObject.pas: uses JSON library written by Onur YILDIZ, you
can download sources from: https://github.com/onryldz/x-superobject

To use your own JSON parser or use some of the JSON parsers provided, just call
SetJSONClass in your initialization method. For example: if you want use XSuperObject JSON
parser, just call:


If you don't call this method, sgcJSON will be used by default.

More information

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

The WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) is an open WebSocket subprotocol
that provides two asynchronous messaging patterns: RPC and PubSub.

The WebSocket Protocol is already built into modern browsers and provides bidirectional, low-
latency message-based communication. However, as such, WebSocket it is quite low-level and
only provides raw messaging.

Modern Web applications often have a need for higher level messaging patterns such as
Publish & Subscribe and Remote Procedure Calls.

This is where The WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) enters. WAMP adds the
higher level messaging patterns of RPC and PubSub to WebSocket - within one protocol.

Technically, WAMP is an officially registered WebSocket subprotocol (runs on top of

WebSocket) that uses JSON as message serialization format.

More Information


WebRTC is a free, open project that enables web browsers with Real-Time Communications
(RTC) capabilities via simple Javascript APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized
to best serve this purpose. The WebRTC initiative is a project supported by Google, Mozilla and

WebRTC offers web application developers the ability to write rich, realtime multimedia
applications (think video chat) on the web, without requiring plugins, downloads or installs. It's
purpose is to help build a strong RTC platform that works across multiple web browsers, across
multiple platforms.

More Information

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport or Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is an ISO standard
(ISO/IEC PRF 20922) publish-subscribe-based "lightweight" messaging protocol for use on top
of the TCP/IP protocol. It is designed for connections with remote locations where a "small code
footprint" is required or the network bandwidth is limited. The publish-subscribe messaging
pattern requires a message broker. The broker is responsible for distributing messages to
interested clients based on the topic of a message. Andy Stanford-Clark and Arlen Nipper of
Cirrus Link Solutions authored the first version of the protocol in 1999.

The specification does not specify the meaning of "small code footprint" or the meaning of
"limited network bandwidth". Thus, the protocol's availability for use depends on the context. In
2013, IBM submitted MQTT v3.1 to the OASIS specification body with a charter that ensured
only minor changes to the specification could be accepted.MQTT-SN is a variation of the main
protocol aimed at embedded devices on non-TCP/IP networks, such as ZigBee.
Historically, the "MQ" in "MQTT" came from IBM's MQ Series message queuing product line.
However, queuing itself is not required to be supported as a standard feature in all situations.

More Info


Server-Sent Events
Server-sent events (SSE) is a technology for where a browser gets automatic updates from a
server via HTTP connection. The Server-Sent Events EventSource API is standardized as part
of HTML5 by the W3C.

A server-sent event is when a web page automatically gets updates from a server. This was
also possible before, but the web page would have to ask if any updates were available. With
server-sent events, the updates come automatically.

Examples: Facebook/Twitter updates, stock price updates, news feeds, sport results, etc.

More information
Browser Support

eSeGeCe Components End-User License Agreement
eSeGeCe Components ("eSeGeCe") End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal
agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and the Author of eSeGeCe for
all the eSeGeCe components which may include associated software components, media,
printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("eSeGeCe components"). By
installing, copying, or otherwise using the eSeGeCe components, you agree to be bound by the
terms of this EULA. This license agreement represents the entire agreement concerning the
program between you and the Author of eSeGeCe, (referred to as "LICENSER"), and it
supersedes any prior proposal, representation, or understanding between the parties. If you do
not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the eSeGeCe components.
The eSeGeCe components is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties,
as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The eSeGeCe components is licensed,
not sold.
The eSeGeCe components is a freeware. You may evaluate it for free and You can use the
eSeGeCe components for commercial purpose. If you want SOURCE CODE you need to pay
the registration fee. You must NOT give the license keys and/or the full editions of eSeGeCe
(including the DCU editions and Source editions) to any third individuals and/or entities. And
you also must NOT use the license keys and/or the full editions of eSeGeCe from any third
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The eSeGeCe components is licensed as follows:
(a) Installation and Use.
LICENSER grants you the right to install and use copies of the eSeGeCe components on your
computer running a validly licensed copy of the operating system for which the eSeGeCe
components was designed [e.g., Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 2000,
Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10].
(b) Royalty Free.
You may create commercial applications based on the eSeGeCe components and distribute
them with your executables, no royalties required.
(c) Modifications (Source editions only).
You may make modifications, enhancements, derivative works and/or extensions to the
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(d) Backup Copies.
You may also make copies of the eSeGeCe components as may be necessary for backup and
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(a) Maintenance of Copyright Notices.
You must not remove or alter any copyright notices on any and all copies of the eSeGeCe
(b) Distribution.
You may not distribute registered copies of the eSeGeCe components to third parties.
Evaluation editions available for download from the eSeGeCe official websites may be freely
You may create components/ActiveX controls/libraries which include the eSeGeCe components
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(c) Prohibition on Distribution of SOURCE CODE (Source editions only).
You must NOT distribute or publish the SOURCE CODE, or any modification, enhancement,
derivative works and/or extensions, in SOURCE CODE form to third parties.
You must NOT make any part of the SOURCE CODE be distributed, published, disclosed or
otherwise made available to third parties.
(d) Prohibition on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly.

sgcWebSockets 4.1.5

You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the eSeGeCe components, except
and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding
this limitation.
(e) Rental.
You may not rent, lease, or lend the eSeGeCe components.
(f) Support Services.
LICENSER may provide you with support services related to the eSeGeCe components
("Support Services"). Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the Support
Services shall be considered part of the eSeGeCe components and subject to the terms and
conditions of this EULA.
eSeGeCe is licensed to be used by only one developer at a time. And the technical support will
be provided to only one certain developer.
(g) Compliance with Applicable Laws.
You must comply with all applicable laws regarding use of the eSeGeCe components.
Without prejudice to any other rights, LICENSER may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply
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eSeGeCe components in your possession.
All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the eSeGeCe components and any
copies thereof are owned by LICENSER or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights
in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the eSeGeCe components is the
property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other
intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All
rights not expressly granted are reserved by LICENSER.
LICENSER expressly disclaims any warranty for the eSeGeCe components. The eSeGeCe
components is provided "As Is" without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including
but not limited to any warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, or fitness of a particular
purpose. LICENSER does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or
completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within the
eSeGeCe components. LICENSER makes no warranties respecting any harm that may be
caused by the transmission of a computer virus, worm, time bomb, logic bomb, or other such
computer program. LICENSER further expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to
Authorized Users or to any third party.
In no event shall LICENSER be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, lost profits,
business interruption, or lost information) rising out of "Authorized Users" use of or inability to
use the eSeGeCe components, even if LICENSER has been advised of the possibility of such
damages. In no event will LICENSER be liable for loss of data or for indirect, special, incidental,
consequential (including lost profit), or other damages based in contract, tort or otherwise.
LICENSER shall have no liability with respect to the content of the eSeGeCe components or
any part thereof, including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel,
infringements of rights of publicity, privacy, trademark rights, business interruption, personal
injury, and loss of privacy, moral rights or the disclosure of confidential information.


A Protocol WebRTC Javascript ................. 104
API Bitfinex .............................................124 Protocols15, 73, 75, 79, 84, 88, 94, 97, 102,
API Blockchain .......................................122 104, 105, 109, 112, 118, 147, 152
API Pusher .............................................129 Protocols Javascript ................................. 75
APIs ............................... 121, 122, 124, 129 Proxy ........................................................ 43
Authentication ........................................... 19 Q
B Quality ...................................................... 27
Bindings .................................................... 26 Service ................................................. 27
C Quality Of Service .................................... 27
Compression ............................................ 24 Queues .................................................... 29
Custom Objects ........................................ 21 QuickStart Library C............................... 140
Custom Sub .............................................. 15 QuickStart Library Delphi ....................... 139
Deflate-Frame.........................................135 Secure Connections................................. 22
Delphi Editions............................................ 5 Server-Sent Events .......................... 36, 161
E Service ..................................................... 27
Editions ....................................................... 5 Quality .................................................. 27
Extensions ..............................................133 SubProtocol ............................................. 33
Files .......................................................... 42 Throttle ..................................................... 35
Flash ......................................................... 25 Transactions ............................................ 31
G TsgcIWWebSocketClient ......................... 69
Guid .......................................................... 88 TsgcIWWSPClient_Dataset ..................... 93
H TsgcIWWSPClient_sgc ............................ 83
HeartBeat ................................................. 40 TsgcWebSocketClient.............................. 58
HTTP ........................................................ 34 TsgcWebSocketClient_SocketIO............. 62
I TsgcWebSocketClient_WinHTTP ............ 65
Installation .................................................. 7 TsgcWebSocketHTTPServer ................... 53
Introduction ................................................. 1 TsgcWebSocketLoadBalancerServer ...... 67
J TsgcWebSocketProxyServer ................... 68
JSON ................................................88, 156 TsgcWebSocketServer ............................ 49
L TsgcWebSocketServer_HTTPAPI ........... 56
Library137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 147, TsgcWSConnection ................................. 71
150, 152 TsgcWSMessageFile ............................. 101
Library Build............................................138 TsgcWSPClient_Dataset ......................... 91
Library Client ..........................141, 143, 147 TsgcWSPClient_Files ............................ 100
Library Client Protocol SGC ...................147 TsgcWSPClient_MQTT.......................... 119
Library Client SocketIO ..........................143 TsgcWSPClient_sgc ................................ 81
Library Server .................................150, 152 TsgcWSPClient_WAMP ........................ 107
Library Server Protocol SGC ..................152 TsgcWSPClient_WAMP2 ...................... 113
License ...................................................163 TsgcWSProtocol_Client_dataset ............. 91
LoadBalancing .......................................... 39 TsgcWSProtocol_Client_sgc ................... 81
Logs .......................................................... 44 TsgcWSProtocol_Server_dataset............ 89
M TsgcWSProtocol_Server_sgc .................. 80
MQTT .....................................................160 TsgcWSPServer_Dataset ........................ 89
O TsgcWSPServer_Files ............................. 98
Overview................................................... 11 TsgcWSPServer_sgc ............................... 80
P TsgcWSPServer_WAMP ....................... 106
PerMessage-Deflate ...............................134 TsgcWSPServer_WebRTC ................... 103
Protocol Dataset .................................88, 94 U
Protocol Dataset Javascript...................... 94 Using DLL ................................................ 47
Protocol Default ............................79, 84, 88 W
Protocol Default Javascript....................... 84 WAMP .................................................... 158
Protocol Files ............................................ 97 WatchDog ................................................ 41
Protocol MQTT .......................................118 Web Browser Test ................................... 14
Protocol WAMP ..............................105, 109 WebRTC ................................................ 159
Protocol WAMP Javascript .....................109 WebSocket Events................................... 45
Protocol WAMP2 ....................................112 WebSocket Parameters Connection........ 46
Protocol WebRTC ..........................102, 104 WebSockets ............................... 45, 46, 155


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