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DC Motor Simulation Using LTSpice

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The paper simulates a DC motor model using LTSpice simulator in order to understand how a DC motor operates before building a real circuit prototype.

The paper is trying to simulate a DC motor model using the LTSpice simulator. It aims to model the motor gradually to help understand the correlation between the modeling and real-world data.

The simulation models the DC motor gradually by first using a simplified model, then considering inductance and inertia effects, and finally adding in effects from the commutator ring.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


DC Motor Simulation using LTSpice

To cite this article: J Linggarjati 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 426 012137

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The 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 426 (2020) 012137 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/426/1/012137

DC Motor Simulation using LTSpice

J Linggarjati
Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Bina Nusantara
University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

Corresponding Author: jimmyl@binus.edu

Abstract. DC motor is simulated in this paper, in which LTSpice simulator is used. DC Motor
is still highly needed in industrial world, for applications that needs goods’ movement in the
process line. Therefore, in this paper, it is important to do simulation before real-world
electronic circuit is developed. Thereby we promote green eco-friendly environment, by
reducing electronic waste caused by prototyping. The simulation of DC Motor is divided into
three (3) parts. First, a simplified DC motor model is assumed, and then the effect of
inductance and inertia of the DC motor are considered. Lastly, a small perturbation is
noticeable in the output of the electrical DC motor, and after a careful insight into the slip-ring
mechanical inside of the DC motor, the effect of it is added in the final simulation model. This
gradual modelling methodology certainly helps students to correlate between DC motor
modelling with the sampled real-world data, which is taken directly from the experimental

Keywords: DC Motor, LTSpice, Simulation.

1. Introduction
In industrial world, the controlled DC Motor is needed for various automation applications, such as
one in plastic flying shear machine, as was written in [2]. Therefore, in this paper, an LTSpice
electronic circuit simulation [1] for understanding how a DC motor operates, is developed.
LTSpice simulator is developed by analog devices [3]. And as most of the electronic simulator, it
is a derivative product of SPICE [4]. PSpice has also been used for simulation of electro-mechanical
devices, such as induction motor in industrial application, as written in [5]. LTSpice has been used
widely in electrical and electronic students around the world, such as the following report written in
Permanent Magnet DC Motor (PMDC) is a class of motor in which the stator has a fixed field, due
to the permanent magnet attached to it. This type of motor has a linear characteristic with regards to its
excitation voltage at the rotor. And therefore, the control of speed can be done, by adjusting the
voltage terminal at the rotor field.

2. Simulation Model of DC Motor

Based on Figure 1, the following formulas are used:

𝑣 = 𝑅𝑖 + 𝐿 𝑑𝑡 + 𝑉𝑒 (1)

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
The 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 426 (2020) 012137 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/426/1/012137

𝑇=𝐽 𝑑𝑡
+ 𝑇𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 + 𝑏𝑤 (2)

Figure 1. Permanent Magnet DC Motor Circuit

2.1. Simplified model of DC Motor in LTSpice

In order to understand the basic principle of DC Motor, the model of DC Motor is simplified to
contain only the resistance of its coil, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Simplified DC Motor Modeling with Pure Resistance Only

The circuit diagram in Figure 2, model the DC Motor as it is only consisting of pure resistance
only. And to model the magnetic coupling between the electrical part of the motor and the mechanical
part of the motor, we used dependent voltage source of type CCVS (Current Controlled Voltage
Source), as shown in Figure 2, as B1, B2, B3, and B4.
B1 models the back-emf (electromagnetic force), which is a voltage that emerges as the rotor spins.
Therefore, the bemf voltage is controlled by the speed of the rotor. And in this simulation, it is
modeled as current which exist in B2. While B2 is a voltage source that model the mechanical torque
being developed as a result of magnetic coupling between rotor and stator. The current of B2 is the
value that determines the speed of the rotor, and it is controlling B1 in the form of bemf voltage.
Therefore, the equation 1, is modeling between electrically bemf and the mechanical speed that caused
𝑉 = −𝐼(𝐵2) (3)

Notice that the minus sign is because the polarity of V bemf always opposed with the motor voltage
source. If we look from the mechanical side, B2 models the torque produced by the magnetic coupled.
The torque value depends also with the current at B1, so it can be concluded that torque is decreased

The 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 426 (2020) 012137 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/426/1/012137

as the speed of DC motor increased. This happens because the Vbemf is approaching Vsource, causing the
current to decrease, as shown in Equation 4.
𝑣− 𝑉𝑏𝑒𝑚𝑓
= 𝐼(𝑠) (4)

Equation 4 is corresponding nicely with the graphic characteristic of PMDC motor, as shown in
Figure 3. The vertical axis is speed, while the horizontal axis represents torque. As we give load to the
mechanical rotor, a power maximum transfer occurs at maximum torque (Ts) divided by 2. The
efficiency graph below, further describes the efficiency of the motor input power over the motor
output power. And as plotted in Figure 3, we must use the motor operation point below Ts/2,
otherwise energy heating inside the motor is wasted.

Figure 3. PMDC Motor Characteristic [7]

2.2. Inductance and Inertia in DC Motor Modelling

The second step toward realistic DC Motor modelling in LTSpice software, is to put inductance and
inertia as part of the DC Motor Modelling. As we have learned from the physics of inductor, it is
considered as a memory component, which means that ideally it consumes no power, and the rate of
current change will produce voltage across the inductor, as shown in equation 5. In the mechanical
part, we have the motor inertia (Jm), being modelled as inductor in LTSpice. And the torque produces
by the motor inertia is the inertia multiplied by the rate of angular speed change, as shown in equation

𝑉𝑙 = 𝐿 𝑑𝑡 (5)

𝑇𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑎 = 𝐽𝑀 𝑑𝑡

In Figure 4, we added the inductance to the DC Motor model.

The 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 426 (2020) 012137 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/426/1/012137

Figure 4. DC Motor Modelling with R and L

2.3. Commutator Effect in DC Motor Modelling

If we look closely into the design of commutator, it actually switches on and off the voltage source, as
the rotor coils rotates through the commutator (as illustrated in Figure 5). Figure 6 shows the circuit
that does the modelling of the commutator.

Figure 5. Commutator Illustration in DC Motor

Figure 6. Commutator Switch Model in DC Motor Modelling

The 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 426 (2020) 012137 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/426/1/012137

3. Simulation Result
Here, we discuss the results of modeling DC Motor in LTSpice. The results are divided into 3 gradual
steps, to foster better understanding of how a DC Motor works.

3.1. Simplified model of DC Motor in LTSpice

By using the circuit modelling of Figure 2, we can see that the simulation output for speed and back-
emf voltage are exactly following the voltage source, as shown in Figure 7. Notice that the back emf
voltage is approximately 2 volts less than the voltage input (12 volt). This is due to the mechanical
load applied, which is simulated in B4 (in Figure 6).


Figure 7. Motor Speed (a) and Vbemf (b)

3.2. Inductance and Inertia in DC Motor Modelling

Referring to circuit simulation in Figure 4, a more realistic DC Motor behaviour is achieved. This is
shown in Figure 8. The motor speed does not immediately jump to a no-load speed but has a sloped
due to the inertia of the rotor. The deceleration speed is also sloped. And if we look at the motor
current, it is not flat, but has a spike due to the inductance of the DC Motor.

(a) (b)

Figure 8. Motor Speed (a), Motor Current (b), Back-emf voltage (c)

The 3rd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 426 (2020) 012137 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/426/1/012137

3.3. Inductance and Inertia in DC Motor Modelling

The DC Motor voltage is not flat, as shown in Figure 9. It has spike with a constant interval, dictated
by the mechanical slotted ring. And by using simulation circuit in Figure 6, we can simulate the
disrupted effect from the commutator ring.


Figure 9. Commutator Effect on Vmotor (a) and Imotor (b)

4. Conclusion
LTSpice as a free and yet powerful electronic simulator, has great beneficial for students to do
simulation before they build the circuit prototype. This has promoted high productivity for students
and promote green environment by reducing garbage prototyping.
The simulation result of a permanent magnet DC motor has been shown in Figure 8 and 9. And it
has been confirmed with the real experimental data shown in the oscilloscope. Therefore, this
simulation result is a better PMDC Modelling motor, which can be further used in control system
where students will encounter for their next study in control engineering courses.
The LTSpice has also helped students in understanding theory of DC Motor by comparing the
simulation result with the experimental data. Future work will further investigate real DC Motor
characteristic and then used their data as input to the simulation circuit.


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