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Title Defense 2020

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Research Title

Research Title 1
Lived Experiences of Senior
High School Students under
Modular Distance Learning

Research Title 2
Effects of the Acid Rain to
the Crops of Local Farmers
of Calamba City based on
their Observations
Research Title 3
Memes and News: The
relationship of internet
memes with online digital
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Lived Experiences of Senior High School
Students under Modular Distance Learning
Short Rationale:

A Modular learning is a form of distance learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based
on the most essential learning competencies (MELCS) that include sections on motivation and
assessment that serve as a complete guide of both teachers' and students' desired
competencies provided by the Department of Education.
This study is an appropriate topic in today’s phenomenon. Due to the global pandemic caused
by COVID-19 that struck every country including the Philippines. Thus, the Department of
Education decided to implement a modular distance learning to all schools both private and
public establishments. this study will tackle the various lived experiences and the
perception of senior high school students under modular distance learning and establish an
appropriate solution to the current issue.
According to the study conducted by Dunnick (2013) a participant’s perception that college
preparedness offered the greatest benefit, technology issues posed the greatest challenge
and, courses offered were predominantly asynchronous in format and offered for college
credit, and further expansion of the program should include more high school level courses
according to participants.

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Lived Experiences of Senior High School
Students under Modular Distance Learning
On the other hand, Nwankwo (2015) used a qualitative study to examine the learning
experiences and perceptions of students in online courses at a university in the western
United States and to assess interactions among students, instructors, and course content.
Results showed that participants rated interaction with course material as most important,
followed by interaction with the instructor. Next in importance was the character of the
learner, followed by student-student interaction. This study contributes to social change by
informing the efforts of postsecondary faculty and administrators to review and modify online
course content. Doing so will ensure that the university is able to meet students’ needs by
generating timely, positive, and constructive, feedback; establishing a social communication
network to foster student-student interaction; and creating a more student-friendly content
material delivery method.

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Type Research Title 1

Objective 1 Objective 3
To identify the obstacles To gain an individual
faced by the students in perception towards
modular learning modular learning

Objective 2 Objective 4
To examine the experience To gain understanding to
of the students towards the environment of the
modular learning students during a modular
Note: You may edit the number of your objectives distance learning
Significance of your Study
This study will be significant for the
students and future researchers to
identify the different obstacles and
factors that affects the learning
experience of a student.
The researcher will provide a
questionnaire via google form
that will be distributed to 30
to 40 senior high school
students in CCIS. The google
form is consisted of random
and genuine questions made by
the researcher itself. . P52

Dunnick, Roger Dale. (2013). The Effectiveness of Distance Education in a Small Rural

High School: A Phenomenological Study. Retrieved from


Nwankwo, Alex Azike. (2015). Students' Learning Experiences and Perceptions of

Online Course Content and Interactions. Retrieved from


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Type Research Title No. 2 Here
Acid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic, meaning that
it has elevated levels of hydrogen ions. It can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic
animals, and infrastructure (Google.com).

Acid rain has been implicated as being directly phytotoxic. A review of the experimental
evidence was conducted. Although there are several mechanisms by which acid rain could
influence plant growth, the evidence suggests that plants are probably not being directly
affected by ambient acid rain. Rain acidity may affect soils with poor buffering capabilities
and thus indirectly influence plant growth in some regions. (Amthor, 1984)

Based on the results of this overview, it is clear that acid deposition has significant
potential to impact the Asian region. However, empirical evidence is urgently needed to
confirm this and to provide early warning of increases in the magnitude and spread of acid
deposition and its effects throughout this part of the world. (Bhatti, N., Streets, D.G. &
Foell, W.K. Acid rain in Asia. Environmental Management 16, 541–562 (1992).

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Type Research Title No. 2 Here
Based on these, we could see that Acid Rain has affected soil and agriculture. It is visible
to some areas of our country. This may include but not limited to: less harvest, shortened
crops life, and soil becoming less fertile. As one of the main economic drivers in our
country, knowing what are the effects of Acid Rain on agriculture and the lives of the
localities, especially the local farmers, could potentially lead to a more efficient way of

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Type Research Title 2

Objective 1 Objective 3
To know what has happened To examine the effects of
to their plants from 3-4 the acid rain based on
years before. farmers’ past

Objective 2
To gain insights of
farmers about acid rain.

Note: You may edit the number of your objectives

Significance of your Study
Acid rain may not be directly affecting agriculture,
rather it is contributing to rapid deterioration of
the quality of the soil. The findings of this study
will benefit future researchers and will also
indirectly benefit farmers to identify what are the
different effects of farming that is exposed to a
certain factor, particularly the acid rain.
Conduct a short survey regarding the Acid Rain
effects based on plants based on the respondents
observations. Will also ask them for what type of
plants, soil, and/or even fertilizers or pesticides
used on that time scale.
The questionnaires will be a mixed of open-ended
and closed-ended questions.
The survey will not exceed 10-15 mins.
. P52
The survey will be carried out using Google Forms. Title
Data Collection Procedure

This research is a qualitative one, which means all

the data gathered will be sorted out according to
the similarities of their answers; also, they are
free to answer the questionnaires however they
want, but with some considerations.
. P52

Bhatti, N., Streets, D., & Foell, W. (n.d.). Acid rain in Asia. Retrieved April 05, 2021,
from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF02394130

Amthor, J. (2003, August 20). Does acid rain directly influence plant growth? Some comments
and observations. Retrieved April 05, 2021, from

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Memes and News: The relationship of
internet memes with online digital discourse.
The term meme was coined by British Ethologist Richard Dawkings in 1976. This refers to the
human spreading, replication and modification of ideas and culture. According to this
definition, a meme can be anything that is capable of transferring information. The rise of
the internet and social media resulted in the popularization of internet memes. These can be
in the form of text, images and even videos that convey information mainly in a comedic
manner. Online communities such as ones in reddit or facebook would share these memes and
result in huge amounts of information sharing. (Chen, 2012)

Most internet users in social media encounter memes pertaining to current news and events.
This sparks interest in the users to search more about the news. The internet memes of news
can be seen as a form of citizen journalism. Citizen journalism refers to the idea of normal
citizens taking photos and videos and events and reporting it themselves. (Noor, 2017) The
main advantage of this compared to traditional journalism is that ordinary citizens are
always on the field compared to camera crews of news stations.

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Type Research Title 3

Objective 1 Objective 3
To examine internet memes To evaluate the
in facebook with the contribution of
subject matter of current internet memes on
news and events in the
information sharing
Objective 2
To gain understanding on
how these memes
contribute to online
Significance of your Study
The study aims to provide a deeper understanding
on how meme culture in the internet affects
traditional journalism. This will be achieved through
analysis of previous events throughout the year
2020 to present day. This provides insight for future
research on meme culture.
The methodology would involve interviews of
experts in the field. This includes admins of “Meme
pages” and popular meme creators in facebook.
Also journalists would also be interviewed for their
opinion on the matter. These interviews would be
compiled and analyzed for documentation.

. P52

Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Diehl, T., & Dobusch, L. (2017). Memes as games: The evolution of
a digital discourse online. New Media & Society, 20(8), 2862-2879.

Wall, M. (2015). Citizen journalism: A retrospective on what we know, an agenda for what we
don’t. Digital Journalism, 3(6), 797-813.

Chen, C. (2012). The creation and meaning of internet memes in 4chan: Popular internet
culture in the age of online digital reproduction. Habitus, 3(1), 6-19.


-Hirsch, A., Schmierbach, M., Appelman, A., & Boyle, M. P. (2020). The ineffectiveness of
fact-checking labels on news memes and articles. Mass Communication and Society, 23(5),
682-704. doi:10.1080/15205436.2020.1733613

Noor, R. (2016). Citizen journalism vs. Mainstream Journalism: A study on challenges posed by
amateurs. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications, 3(1), 55-76.
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