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 Valmont Industries, Inc. 2005 All rights reserved

Valley Basic Control Panel

DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY .........................................................................................................................3
ELECTRICAL SAFETY STATEMENT ......................................................................................................................4
SAFETY ....................................................................................................................................................................5
INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................................11
ABOUT THIS MANUAL ..........................................................................................................................................11
VALLEY BASIC PANEL CONTROLS/COMPONENTS ..........................................................................................11
Main Disconnect.............................................................................................................................................12
3 Second Auto Restart ...................................................................................................................................12
Start-Stop/safety override Switch ...................................................................................................................12
Safety Return Light ........................................................................................................................................12
Forward/Reverse Switch ................................................................................................................................12
Wet/Dry Switch...............................................................................................................................................13
Voltage Meter .................................................................................................................................................13
Percentage Timer ...........................................................................................................................................13
Options ...........................................................................................................................................................13
Voltage Meter ............................................................................................................................................13
Engine Run/start Switch ............................................................................................................................14
SIS On/Off Switch......................................................................................................................................14
Auxiliary On/Off Switch ..............................................................................................................................14
PANEL OPERATION ...............................................................................................................................................15
Starting The System Wet (With Water)...........................................................................................................15
Starting The System Dry (Without Water) ......................................................................................................15
Stopping The System .....................................................................................................................................16
PERCENT TIMER SETTING CALCULATIONS ......................................................................................................17
Percent Timer Setting Calculation Worksheet ................................................................................................19

Specifications, descriptions and illustrative material contained herein were as accurate as

known at the time this publication was approved for printing.

Valmont Industries Inc., reserves the right to change specification or design without incurring
obligation. Specifications are applicable to systems sold in the United States and may vary
outside the U.S.
Valley Basic Control Panel

in accordance to ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004
NO. 001-2005
Manufacturer Name: Valmont Industries Inc.

Manufacturer Address: 7002 North 288th Street,

PO Box 358
Valley Nebraska 68064-0358

declares that the product:

Product Name: Basic Control Panel

Model Numbers: 8000


conform to the following EC standards:

EN-292 Safety of Machinery

EN-60204-1 Safety of Machinery
EN-909 Safety, Irrigation Machinery

Supplementary Information:
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the following EC directives and carry the CE marking

Machinery 98/37/EC
Low Voltage 73/23/EEC
Electromagnetic Compatibility 89/336/EC

The product also complies with the following articles, codes and standards:

National Electrical Code 240 Overcurrent protection

250 Grounding
310 Conductors for general wiring
430 Motors, motor circuits and controllers

Canadian Electrical Code C22.1-1990 Safety standards for electrical installations

ANSI/ASAE Standard S362 Wiring and equipment for electrically driven or controlled
irrigation machine.
S397.2 Electrical service and equipment for irrigation.

Signed ______________________________ April 22, 2005

Date Issued_____________
Jacob L. LaRue
Product Manager

Valley Basic Control Panel



Valmont Industries Inc. does not install a differential (ground fault) circuit breaker in the control panel of the Valley
electric irrigation machine because the standards of protection vary according to country of destination. The
distributor must provide and install a differential (ground fault) circuit breaker that meets the standards of the country
where the Valley irrigation machine is installed.

In the European Union, differential circuit breaker protection is fixed at a maximum of 24 volts.

Good grounding of the Valley irrigation machine is required.

• If resistance to ground is lower than 80 ohms, a differential (ground fault) circuit breaker of 300mA will meet

• If resistance to ground is between 80 and 800 ohms, a differential (ground fault) circuit breaker of 30mA will
meet requirements.

The power supply installation and inspection of equipment protection components or systems are the responsibility
of the installer. Valmont Industries Inc. is not responsible for the failure of equipment protection components or
systems not of their manufacture.

Valley pivot irrigation machines receiving power from a generator must have a cable connected from the irrigation
machine structure to a ground rod and another cable from the irrigation machine structure to the ground terminal on
generator in order for the differential (ground fault) circuit breaker to work.

Valley linear irrigation machines equipped with a generator are not equipped with a ground rod but must have a
cable connected from the linear irrigation machine structure to the ground terminal of the generator in order for the
differential (ground fault) circuit breaker to work.

• The resistance between the irrigation machine and the generator must be substantially below 80 ohms.

Valley Basic Control Panel

SAFETY ! Keep your machine in proper working condition.

The Valley center pivot irrigation system is designed Unauthorized modifications may impair the
with electrical and mechanical safety in mind. However, function and/or safety of the machine.
if this machine is operated incorrectly, it may pose a
safety threat to the operator. ! If you do not understand any part of these safety
guidelines or any other part of this manual and
A good safety program is much like a chain. It is need further assistance, contact your Valley
only as strong as its weakest link. The manufacturer, dealer.
dealer and operator must maintain and improve all
safety programs. ! PROPER GROUNDING
Do NOT attempt to start the system until the electrical
Following is a list of safety operating tips which you service is properly installed and grounded by a
and all other persons servicing or operating the qualified electrician as per the electrical standards.
machine must first read and understand.
As with any electrical machinery, if the power
! RECOGNIZE SAFETY INFORMATION supplied to the center pivot is not grounded properly,
This is the safety alert symbol. If you severe injury or death can result should an electrical

see this symbol on your machine or malfunction occur.
in this manual, be alerted there is
the potential for personal injury. It is your responsibility to ensure that your power
supplier and/or electrical contractor has grounded the
Read and follow recommended irrigation system as required by the National Electrical
precautions and safe operating practices Code and by applicable local electrical codes.

! SIGNAL WORDS If a system is properly grounded and fuse sizing

The following words: is correct, there is extremely low probability of an
DANGER individual being injured by electrical shock.
are used with the safety alert symbol to make the
operator aware of potential hazards.

DANGER poses the most serious threat to the

operator and in some conditions can lead to death if

DANGER or WARNING safety signs identify and

locate specific hazards.

CAUTION safety signs list specific safety precaution


IMPORTANT: All 480 volt AC power supply services

! READ THE OWNER/OPERATORS MANUAL MUST be a 4 conductor service. Three 480 Volt
AND FOLLOW SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AC power lines and one ground conductor which is
as large as the power carrying conductors for that
! It is essential that you, maintenance personnel service.
or any other operator of the system read and
understand tis manual before operating this IMPORTANT: Each time a towable system is moved,
equipment. Carefully read all safety messages the ground wire MUST be re-attached to the ground
in this manual and safety signs on the irrigation rod and checked for electrical integrity before
machine. restarting the machine.

! Do NOT let anyone operate this equipment

without proper instructions.

Valley Basic Control Panel


ALWAYS disconnect electrical power before servicing An electric motor on each tower of the center pivot
or performing maintenance to the machine. powers two drive shafts connected to wheel gear
drives. These drive shafts start and stop without
If you are going to perform maintenance to the warning.
machine, YOU MUST shut off and lock the main
power disconnect as shown below. The Danger decal illustrated below is placed on each
drive tower to warn the operator of this Danger!



NEVER depress the override button longer than 3 to

5 seconds.

The operator MUST inspect the entire system

between each start attempt.

Repeated override start attempts can cause severe

structural damage.

Call the local Valley dealer should the system fail to



Fuses are sized for the protection of a specific

The blue (OSHA safety color code) tag shown below Be certain you have the proper fuse sizes in place
should also be filled out and attached to the disconnect before initial start-up and when replacing fuses.
after locking.

The tag should reveal the name of a person to contact

before restoring power to the system. Caution MUST be taken by the operator when this
button is depressed as it will by-pass or disable all of
the system’s automatic safety shutdown circuits.

NEVER depress this button for more than 3 to 5

seconds. If the system is not in full view by the
operator, do not use the Safety Override switch.


Stay away from the machine during an electrical

The center pivot makes a good path to earth. It is also

probably the tallest object in the field, which makes it
a good lightning receptor!

Valley Basic Control Panel


Make sure all objects, livestock or persons are clear If you suspect a short circuit due to a “rippling
of the system before starting. tingle”, DO NOT touch the machine again. Call a
qualified electrician or an authorized Valley dealer
Center pivot drive trains are powerful and can climb immediately.
over vehicles, equipment, etc.
Avoid exposure to system spray while chemicals are Spraying water has a cooling effect and water will
being injected into the water. freeze even though the air temperature is slightly
above freezing.
If you plan on chemigating, make certain you have
complied with state or local regulations in regard Shut the system down at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.5
to safety equipment, certification, operation and degrees Celsius).
calibration of the injector pump.
Do not operate system when temperature
Make certain you have first aid and fresh water Is below 40°F (4.5C).
available in case of an accident.
Read and understand the Valley operator manual
You must also be familiar with the correct clean up before operating this equipment.
procedures in case of a spill.
Your Valley system is NOT equipped with a cold
Use of protective clothing is recommended when weather shut-off!
handling chemicals. Safety glasses, gloves and
protective outerwear should be available. Cold weather shut-off controls are available from other
vendor sources which will cause system shutdown
Contamination of the water supply may occur if when the air temperature reaches 40 F.
effective safety devices are not installed/used in
connection with injection equipment for chemigation. Installation of these types of shut down controls should
not take the place of regular checks by the operator
Read EPA Label Improvement Program (PR Notice when the system must operate during marginally cold
87-1) and all instructions for chemical applications. weather (40-50 F).

Damage to equipment resulting from freeze-up is

! KEEP CHILDREN AWAY NOT covered under warranty.
Center pivots are NOT playground equipment.
It is important to make sure all pipe drains function
Prevent children from playing or climbing around properly to prevent pipe line freeze-up during cold
on the machine. This can be extremely dangerous, weather.
especially if the machine is operating.
AVOID HIGH PRESSURE WATER STREAMS Avoid DO NOT operate the system if it moves in the direction
body contact with high pressure water streams, such opposite to that which was chosen.
as end guns.
Forward should be clockwise and reverse counter-
DO NOT crawl out on system overhangs to service clockwise.
end guns. The added weight of your body to the
overhang may cause serious injury if it fails or you
Disconnect power before connecting or disconnecting
Do not attempt to adjust an end gun as it operates.
any plug-in connectors.

Valley Basic Control Panel


Avoid ditches, rough terrain, overhead power lines, It is Very Important to instruct your employees on the
etc. when towing a system from field to field. safe use of this equipment at the time of their initial
assignment to operate it.
The ground wire MUST be re-attached to the ground
rod and checked for electrical integrity each time the Safety training should be presented annually and
system is towed and before restarting the system. the owner/operator should ensure employees fully
understand the safety messages and what to do in
case of emergencies.


If you do not understand electricity or other parts of
the system, have qualified service personnel perform ! GUARD ALL POWER TAKE-OFF DRIVES
any hazardous repairs or maintenance. This includes all belt and power line drives.

Replace any guards and shields removed for

DO NOT touch the system if you suspect a short- It is against the law in most states to allow water to
circuit situation. spray on state and county roadways. This is a serious
hazard to passing motorists.
Circumstances which may cause you to suspect
hazardous voltage situations may include: If end guns are used, make sure you read and
. Physical damage to the machine or span cable understand the correct procedures for setting the on
. Recent electrical storms (lightning) and off positions to avoid watering the roadways.
. Unusual operating characteristics of the system
If an end gun is watering a roadway, immediately
discontinue use and adjust the shutoff setting or
call your Valley dealer to repair the end gun shut off
Do NOT deep rip or chisel near the buried power
service wires.

Do NOT deep rip in a circle at the drive unit. The ! EMERGENCY STOPPING
deep chisel track will cause severe stresses on the The machine can be stopped at any time at any tower
structure. by turning the disconnect switch, located underneath
the tower box, to the OFF position, .
If you do deep rip your field, run the system at full
speed for the first revolution.


If your system reverses direction at a roadway or a
physical object such as a building, tree line, power
pole etc., then you MUST provide some backup
device to stop the system if the reversing mechanism
were to fail.

Contact your Valley dealer for more information

concerning physical barricades for machines under
these circumstances.

Drive Unit Mounted Auto Reverse/Auto Stop Option

Valley Basic Control Panel

These Danger, Warning and Caution decals appear in various locations on a Valley irrigation machine. You MUST
familiarize yourself and other operator’s with these safety decals. For replacement of any decal, contact your local
Valley dealer.

Valley Basic Control Panel

Valley Basic Control Panel


Congratulations on the purchase of your Valley This manual only covers the operation of the Valley
center pivot irrigation system with the Valley Basic Basic Control Panel.
Control Panel.
Sections related to safety, pivot hardware, maintenance,
This panel has been designed for the operator with towing, troubleshooting, winterization and electrical
ease of use in mind. The large rocker switches and standards are covered in The Valley Pivot System
the easy to read percent timer, volt meter and hour Owners Manual.
meter all combine to give you the most user-friendly
center pivot controls in the industry. You, as the owner/operator, should familiarize yourself
with the capabilities of the system in order to obtain
The modular design of the controls also gives the user optimum system performance.
maximum flexibility from a serviceability standpoint.
Enjoy your new purchase! It should be remembered that the sprinkler will perform
according to your knowledge of the equipment, soil
and water relationships and equipment application


DANGER: 480 VOLTS – Do not open the interior control panel door.
Electrical shock may occur. All needed controls and monitoring devices
are on the outside of the interior control panel door. Service work done on
the control panel is to be performed by a qualified service person only.

Figure 1.1

Valley Basic Control Panel

MAIN DISCONNECT If Center Pivot safety circuit is complete, the machine

This switch disconnects all power to the system will continue to run.
except at the incoming (upper) terminals on the Main To stop the machine, move the rocker switch to the
Disconnect Switch inside the control panel. STOP position.

The function of the disconnect is to turn the power When the Start-Stop switch is placed and held in
OFF when doing any maintenance or repairs and the START position, the Center Pivot safety circuit is
bypassed! This is why the rocker switch should never
when the system is not in use. be held in the START position for more than three
seconds at anyone time.

If, for some reason, the Center Pivot misaligns and the
safety circuit is broken (open), it will be necessary to
ON OFF override the safety circuit momentarily to realign the

Caution must be taken by the operator when the Start-
Stop rocker switch is held in the START positions. It will
bypass or disable all the Center Pivot safety circuits!
NEVER hold the Start-Stop rocker in the START position
for more than three to five seconds. If the machine is
not in full view by the operator, it is not recommended
Figure 1.2
the Start-Stop switch be held in the START position.

NEVER hold the Start-Stop rocker in the START position

3 SECOND AUTO RESTART for longer than three to five seconds. The operator
MUST inspect the entire machine between each start
A three second auto restart is standard equipment attempt. Repeated safety override start attempts can
built into the circuitry of the Valley system. In the cause severe structural damage. Call your local Valley
event of a momentary power loss or voltage drop, the dealer should the machine fail to start.
system will automatically restart, if power is returned
within three seconds.
! CAUTION The small light above the Start-Stop rocker switch is
PUMP DUE TO A MOMENTARY POWER LOSS OF When lit, it indicates that there is power going out
3 SECONDS OR LESS, A PUMP RESTART DELAY to the end og the machine and coming back to the
IS REQUIRED IN THE PUMP CIRCUIT BETWEEN control panel on the center pivot return safety circuit.
This indicator lamp will also light when the Start-Stop
START-STOP/SAFETY OVERRIDE rocker switch is pressed to the start position.
START The Valley “Basic” Control Panel
is equipped with a combination
Start-Stop Safety Override
rocker switch. FORWARD/REVERSE
Enables the operator to run the
The Start-Stop rocker starts and system in the forward (clockwise)
stops the Center Pivot. or reverse (counter clockwise)
direction assuming all safety circuits
To start the machine, the switch
is moved from the STOP to the are complete.
Figure 1.3
START position.
The direction of travel can be
The switch should be pressed and held in the START changed while the system is moving
position for approximately three seconds and then or selected before start-up.
released at which time the switch will return to a center
Figure 1.4
neutral “RUN” position.

Valley Basic Control Panel

By-passes the optional low
pressure switch. The low pressure The percentage timer determines the percentage of
switch can be adjusted to close at one minute which the end tower of the system will
a range of pressures. For example, run, therefore, regulating the revolution time of the
the operator may choose to set the system.
switch at 15 psi. When the water
pressure at the switch location Refer to the system’s sprinkler chart to provide water
reaches 15 psi, the switch will application amounts at different settings.
close which completes the safety
Figure 1.5 circuit and allows the system to run. The Percent Timer Setting Calculations section
Therefore, if the switch was in the explains the calculation process for determining water
WET position and the pressure dropped below 15 applications at different percent timer settings.
psi, the system would shut down, thus providing the
operator a low pressure shutdown. OPTIONS
Options on the Valley Basic Control Panel include an
However, if the operator wants to run the system dry AC Voltage Meter, Engine Run/Start, SIS On/Off and
(without water), the low pressure switch MUST be the Auxiliary On/Off rocker switches.
by-passed. This can be accomplished by setting the
switch in the DRY position. The low pressure switch is VOLTAGE METER
then removed from the safety circuit and the system 460 Volts Minimum.
will run without water pressure.
505 Volts Maximum.

If the switch is left in the DRY position when the operator
is applying water the system will NOT shut down if the
pressure falls below the low pressure setting.


The percentage timer
regulates the revolu- Optimum Operating
tion time of the sys- Voltage = 480 Volts AC.

The amount of water

which the operator ap- Figure 1.8
plies is determined by
setting the percentage The voltage meter displays the voltage being delivered
timer. to the system in the panel. The meter should read 460 to
505 volts during normal operation.
Figure 1.6 A percentage timer
setting of 100 percent
indicates the end tower of the system would move NOTE
continuously, providing the shortest revolution time. Some long or high amperage systems may need to
be run at 500 volts minimum.
One hundred percent is also the setting at which the
minimum amount of water can be applied.
If the percentage timer is set at 50 percent, the DO NOT operate the system if the meter reads below
revolution time of the system and the water application 460 or above 505 volts. Operating the system outside
amount is doubled. The end tower of the system these limits could cause damage to the electrical
would move for approximately 30 seconds out of components. 480 volts AC is the recommended
each minute at a setting of 50%. operating voltage.

Valley Basic Control Panel

A standard engine RUN/START
switch is installed for easy wiring of
an engine shutdown circuit.

If the switch is in the RUN position,

the engine would shut down if the
pivot system stops for some reason.

The switch MUST be in the START

Figure 1.8 position to start the engine.

Allows the optional stop-in-slot to be
activated or by-passed.

Stop-in-slot, stops the system at a

preset location in the field (set by the
operator) when the switch is in the
ON position.

Setting the switch in the OFF position

Figure 1.9 by-passes stop-in-slot, so the system
will NOT stop at the preset location.

To set the stop location, refer to the End Gun Shut-Off

and Stop In Slot Option section in The Valley Pivot
System Owners Manual.

This optional switch is available
for such uses as injector pump
operation, manual end gun control
or other options the operator may
decide to install.

Figure 1.12

Valley Basic Control Panel

PANEL OPERATION 8) Place the WET/DRY switch in the WET

Starting The System Wet (With Water) position.
1) Inspect the wheel tracks to ensure there are no 9) Select the direction of travel by placing the
vehicles or other equipment which will obstruct FORWARD/REVERSE switch in either the
the system upon start-up or operation. FORWARD or REVERSE position. Remember,
2) Place the WET/DRY switch in the DRY position Forward is clockwise and Reverse is counter-
to by-pass the low pressure switch. clockwise.
3) If an engine shutdown circuit is utilized, place the 10) Press the START-STOP switch to the START
Engine RUN/START switch in the START position. location for 1 – 2 seconds and release. The
4) Partially close the mainline valve to the system. system should now start.
This will help to prevent “water hammer” if the 11) Place the Engine RUN/START switch in the RUN
pump is powered by an electric motor. position.
5) Start the pump. (The pump may be wired such 12) Set the percentage timer to the desired speed
that when the START switch on the center pivot setting.
control panel is pressed, the pump automatically 13) If the system is equipped with the optional stop-
starts. Check with your Valley dealer to determine in-slot, place the SIS ON/OFF switch in the
how your pump has been wired into your pivot desired position.
control panel.)
6) Slowly introduce more water into the system Starting The System Dry (Without Water)
by either opening the mainline valve or by To operate the system DRY (without water), follow
increasing the engine speed. Examine the Valley the previous “Starting the System WET (With Water)”
System’s pressure gauge to ensure the desired procedure, eliminating steps 4, 5, 6 and 8.
operating pressure.
7) Turn the main disconnect switch to the ON The WET/DRY switch must be in the DRY position.
position. If the power is supplied by an engine
driven generator, adjust the RPM of the generator
until the voltmeter reads 480 – 505 volts. DO NOT


Figure 1.15

Valley Basic Control Panel

Stopping The System

1) Press the START-STOP switch to the STOP
position. DO NOT shut the system off by slowly idling down
2) Turn the main disconnect switch to the OFF the engine-generator set. This practice causes
position. low voltage and will damage system components.
3) Turn the pumping unit OFF (if not automatic). ALWAYS STOP the irrigation system prior to shutting
4) If an engine generator set is utilized, place the down the engine-generator set.
Engine Run/Start switch to the Start position for
the next start-up sequence.


Valley Basic Control Panel


The percent timer regulates the system speed which .15 100 21
.20 77 28
controls the amount of water being applied per .30 51 41
revolution. .40 39 55
.50 31 69
.60 26 83
A percent timer setting of 100% would indicate that .70 22 96
the end tower moves continuously or 100% of the .80 19 110
time. .90 17 124
1.00 15 138
1.25 12 172
A percent timer setting of 50% would indicate that the 1.50 10 207
end tower runs 50% of the time or 30 seconds out of 1.75 9 241
each minute, therefore, doubling the amount of water 2.00 8 276
2.50 6 345
being applied. 3.00 5 413
3.50 4 482
A sprinkler chart like the one illustrated in figure
Figure 1.23
1.23 will provide the operator with the necessary
information to determine water application depths and If the system length, flow rate in GPM and revolution
revolution times at different percent timer settings. times are known, these values can be calculated as
described in the following procedure.

1. Determine The System Length



SL = Total System Length (feet) SL = DLRDU + OH + EGR

DLRDU = Distance to the Last Regular Drive Unit (feet)
OH = Overhang Length (feet) Example: DLRDU = 1260’
EGR = End Gun Radius (feet) OH Length = 64’
EGR = 100’
SL = 1260’ + 64’ + 100’
SL = 1424’
Approximate End Gun Radius Coverages

Rainbird 85 = 60 feet
Rainbird 95 = 65 feet
Nelson 100 = 100 feet
Rainbird 103 = 100 feet

Valley Basic Control Panel

2. Determine the End Tower Rotational Speed at 100% Timer Setting from the following chart:

Standard Tires Retread High Float Maxi-Float

LRDU*** 11.2 x 24 11 x 24.5 14.9 x 24 16.9 x 24 11.2 x 38
Center Drive Output RPM ft./min. M/min. ft./min. M/min. ft./min. M/min. ft./min. M/min. ft./min. M/min.

30 6.10 1.86 6.33 1.93 6.77 2.06 7.22 2.20 8.34 2.54
37 7.53 2.30 7.82 2.38 8.53 2.60 8.9 2.71 10.28 3.13
56 11.39 3.47 11.83 3.61 12.63 3.85 13.48 4.11
*** RPM and speed for 480 V, 60 Hz service.
For 50 Hz service reduce travel by factor of 0.833.

LRDU = Last Regular Drive Unit

Example: 30 RPM center drive motor with 14.9 x 24 High Float Tires = 6.77 ft./min.

3. Determine Inches/Day the System will Apply

Inches/Day = (GPM) (735.3)
Example: Assume GPM = 800 gpm
SL = 1424’
Inches/Day = (800) (735.3)
= 0.29 inches/day

4. Determine Hours/Revolution at 100 Percent Timer Setting

Hours/Revolution = (.105) (DLRDU)
(100%) nnn (Speed in ft./min.)
Example: DLRDU = 1260’
Speed in ft./min. = 6.77 ft./min.
Hours/Revolution = (.105) (1260)
(100%) nnn (6.77)
= 19.5 Hours/Revolution at 100%

5. Determine Inches/Revolution at 100 Percent Timer Setting

Inches/Revolution = (Hours/Revolution) (Inches/Day)
(100%) nnn 24
Example: Hours/Revolution = 19.5
Inches/Day = 0.29
Inches/Revolution = (19.5) (.29)
(100%) nnn = 24
= 0.24 Inches/Revolution at 100%

6. Determine Inches/Revolution and Hours/Revolution for any percent timer setting using these two formulas:
Inches/Revolution = (Inches/Revolution at 100%) (100)
(Percent Timer Setting)
Example: Inches/Revolution = (0.24) (100)
at 50%nnnnnnnnn (50)
= 0.48 inches at 50%
Hours/Revolution = (Hours/Revolution at 100%) (100)
(Percent Timer Setting)
Example: Hours/Revolution = (19.5) (100)
at 50%nnnnnnnnn 50
= 39 Hours/Revolution at 50%

Valley Basic Control Panel

Percent Timer Setting Calculation Worksheet

1. Determine System Length
SL = __________ feet

2. Determine the End Tower Rotational Speed at 100% Timer Setting

Speed = __________ ft./min.

3. Determine Inches/Day the system will apply.

Inches/Day = (GPM) (735.3)
= (______) (735.3)

= (______)
= _______

4. Determine Hours/Revolution at 100 Percent Timer Setting

Hours/Revolution = (.105) (DLRDU)
(100%)nnnn (Speed in ft./min.)
= _____________
(.105) (______)

= (______)
= _______

5. Determine Inches/Revolution at 100 Percent Timer Setting

Inches/Revolution = (Hours/Revolution) (Inches/Day)
(100%)nnnn 24
= _______________
(______) (______)
= (______)
= _______

Valley Basic Control Panel

6. Determine Inches/Revolution and

Hours/Revolution for any percent timer 100% = (________) Inches Per Revolution
setting using these two formulas: 90% = (________) ÷ (.98) = ________ In./Rev.
Inches/Revolution = (Inches/Revolution at 100%) (100) 80% = (________) ÷ (.88) = ________ In./Rev.
(Percent Timer Setting)
70% = (________) ÷ (.78) = ________ In./Rev.
= (______) (100)
60% = (________) ÷ (.68) = ________ In./Rev.
50% = (________) ÷ (.58) = ________ In./Rev.
= (______)
40% = (________) ÷ (.48) = ________ In./Rev.
30% = (________) ÷ (.38) = ________ In./Rev.
= _______
25% = (________) ÷ (.25) = ________ In./Rev.
20% = (________) ÷ (.28) = ________ In./Rev.
15% = (________) ÷ (.15) = ________ In./Rev.
10% = (________) ÷ (.18) = ________ In./Rev.
5% = (________) ÷ (.05) = ________ In./Rev.

Hours/Revolution = (Hours/Revolution at 100%) (100)

(Percent Timer Setting) 100% = (________) Hours Per Revolution
90% = (________) ÷ (.98) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
= (______) (100)
(______) 80% = (________) ÷ (.88) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
70% = (________) ÷ (.78) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
= (______)
(______) 60% = (________) ÷ (.68) = ________ Hrs./Rev.

= _______ 50% = (________) ÷ (.58) = ________ Hrs./Rev.

40% = (________) ÷ (.48) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
30% = (________) ÷ (.38) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
25% = (________) ÷ (.25) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
20% = (________) ÷ (.28) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
15% = (________) ÷ (.15) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
10% = (________) ÷ (.18) = ________ Hrs./Rev.
5% = (________) ÷ (.05) = ________ Hrs./Rev.


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