Smart Generator Monitoring System in Industry Using Microcontroller
Smart Generator Monitoring System in Industry Using Microcontroller
Smart Generator Monitoring System in Industry Using Microcontroller
Email address: (S. Boopathi)
Abstract: The electrical power systems are highly non-linear, extremely huge and complex networks. On the other hand, all
the developed and countries have not sufficient supply of power. My Project focuses the detection of power failure and takes
reflex action to solve the problem with help of GSM communication. The power failure will be detect by relay, and it
communicates to Microcontroller to alerts the authorized person. In addition to that, parameters of Generator like Fuel level,
Oil level, Temperature, battery status, etc., are monitored and communicated to authorized person. The acquired parameters are
processed and recorded in the system memory. If there is any abnormality in their process, according to some predefined
instruction and policies that are stored on the embedded system EEPROM then GSM alerts to concerned person immediately.
Keywords: Microcontroller, GSM Modem (SIM 300), Fuel Level (PH606), Oil Level (R Series),
Temperature Sensors (LM35)
when power failures occur due to natural disasters such as generator control. It can be difficult to focus on the right
typhoons or floods, or during other unexpected crises. actions, simply because there isn’t enough information on
Generally, the diesel generator operates in analog. The analog fuel levels, oil pressure or battery status for each generator.
type controller cannot be processed precisely due to the With a cloud-based remote management solution, we can
distortions and noises coming from the data. In order to have immediate access to generator parameters via a regular
increase data accuracy, the controller needs to be digitalized web browser being able to analyse each generator remotely
[2] enables you to better understand their health and more
Vimalraj et al have described a distribution transformers efficiently schedule field service visits and Fuel theft can be a
have a long service life if they are operated under good and significant problem[6].
rated conditions. However, their life is significantly reduced Chetan Patil et al have discussed the design of BTS safety
if they are overloaded, resulting in unexpected failures and and fault management system the measures are taken to
loss of supply to a large number of customers thus effecting rectify these problems. The method makes use of GSM
system reliability. This system provides flexible control of modem which gives the instant message about the each
load parameters accurately and also provides effective means activity happening in the site. The temperature sensors will
for rectification of faults if any abnormality occurs in power sense the temperature of the room and if it rises above the
lines using SMS through GSM network [3]. threshold value the GSM module will send the message to
Andriy Palamar et al proposed the system the Cellular the master mobile which is already set in the system [7].
phone containing SIM (Subscriber’s Identifying Module) Y Jaganmohan Reddy et al is discussed the model of
card has a specific number through which communication combination of Photo Voltaic (PV) cell System, Wind turbine
takes place. The mode of communication is wireless and system, Fuel cell (FC), and Battery systems for power
mechanism works on the GSM (Global System for Mobile generation, and to improve power quality they proposing
communication) technology. Here, the communication is Motor-Generator model instead of using static converters,
made bi- directional where the user transmits and also and an energy management and control unit using
receives instructions to and from the system in the form of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The power
SMS [4]. transformer is regarded as the heart of any electrical
Kwang Seon Ahn et al have discussed the Using remote transmission and distribution system [8].
management; you can check operating hours, oil pressure, A.P.Agalgaonkar et al have discussed the measurement
battery status, coolant temperatures, generated power output, and control of temperature, humidity and the other
fuel level, GPS position and more. A notification also could parameters at different places. The Data Acquisition is
be generated whenever a critical level has been reached, such defined as the process of taking a real-world signal as input,
as when a generator has been running more than expected, or such as a voltage or current any electrical input, into the
when the running hours exceed the service interval [5]. computer, for processing, analysis, storage or other data
Henrik Arleving proposed system by using a cloud-based manipulation or conditioning[9].
remote management solution with a communication gateway
can help reduce costs, avoid fuel theft and improve power 3. Block Diagram
The user can decide whether to switch the generator on/off bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-system programmable
and issue the command. Based on the message, the Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s
commands sent will be extracted and executed by the high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is
Microcontroller. In this case, if the EB power supply resumes, compatible with the industry standard 80C51 instruction set
again the user is made to know the status of on-site.. and pin out. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory
to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional
4.1. Microcontroller nonvolatile memory programmer.
The AT89S51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8- 4.2. Sensor Used
Tab 1. Description of Sensor types
The oil mainly used in generator for purpose of using cooling of generator. When
1.Oil Level(R SERIES) Detecting Range:10-2000mm
temperature of generator goes high, oil level in generator tank decreases due to
heating effect.
The temperature sensor which is used to monitoring the generator temperature and
2.Temperature(LM35D) Detecting Range: -55° to +150°C
when the generator temperature exceeds predefined limits it is known through
temperature sensor.
The fuel level sensor using to monitoring the fuel level of generator. The generator
3 .Fuel level(PH606) Detecting Range : 10 -2000mm
to maintain the level of fuel and an abnormal decrease in content could indicate fuel
is being stolen.
This GSM Modem can accept any GSM network operator It can also be used in GPRS mode to connect to internet
SIM card and act just like a mobile phone with its own and do many applications for data logging and control.
unique phone number. Advantage of using this modem will The SIM300 is a complete Tri-band GSM solution in a
be that you can use its RS232 port to communicate and compact plug-in module. Featuring an industry-standard
develop embedded applications. Applications like SMS interface, the SIM300 delivers GSM/GPR
Control, data transfer, remote control and logging can be S900/1800/1900Mhz performance for voice, SMS, data and
developed easily. The modem can either be connected to PC Fax in a small form factor and with low power consumption.
serial port directly or to any microcontroller. It can be used to
send and receive SMS or make/receive voice calls. 4.5. Flow Chart
4.6. Algorithm
5. Output
To monitor temperature range and fuel, oil level and circuit
breaker status of generator.
Under normal condition
Temperature Range: 100 degree Celsius
Fuel Level: 1000 Liter
Oil Level: 4 Liter
Taking the data of previous fault condition and intimated
Fig. 7. Various Signal Conditioning Boards.
automatically when they exist their limit. Regarding taking
threshold value, we have to take account the normal fuel,
temperature, oil of generator and associated errors. 6. Conclusion
The hunch delineated of this project is immense in the ever
changing technological world. It allows a greater degree of
freedom to an individual to sway via GSM. In particular the
suggested system will be a powerful, flexible and secure tool
that will offer this service at any time, and from anywhere
with the constraints of the technologies being applied. The
embedded controllers are capable of sensing and controlling
the various parameter of generator in normal and abnormal
condition .this proposed system provides the immediate
solution for catastrophic failure of generator using GSM
communication. The embedded controller offers a wide
scope of application in the field of remote digital controllers
in the diesel generator industry.
Fig. 4. Electronic Control Unit arrangement.
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S. Boopathi is pursuing, PG in the discipline Mr. L. Manivannan is currently working as
of Embedded System Technologies at an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, Electrical and Electronics Engineering at
under Anna University, Chennai, India. He Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem,
received him UG degree in the discipline of Tamilnadu. He received his UG degree in
Electrical and electronics engineering in the discipline of Electrical and Electronics
CMS collage of Engineering at Namakkal Engineering from Institute of Road and
under Anna University, Coimbatore, Transport Technology under Anna
India .He has published and presented a number of technical University, Chennai and PG degree in the discipline of Power
papers in Technical symposiums and he got best project award in Electronics and Drives from K.S.R. College of Engineering under
project event international level organized by central government. Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore. He presented
He is an Executive member of Embedded Club in Knowledge technical papers at National and International level conferences.
Institute of Technology at Salem. Mr. M. Dhanasu is currently working as an
Assistant General Manager in the
Mr. M. Jagadeeshraja is currently working Department of Electrical at, Salem Steel
as an Assistant Professor in the Department Plant. He received his B.E. - Electrical and
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Electronics Engineering Degree from
Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem. Government Engineering College under
He received his B.E. - Electrical and Anna University, Chennai and M.E. –
Electronics Engineering Degree from Paavai Applied Electronics Government
Engineering College under Anna University, engineering College, under Anna University of Technology, Salem.
Chennai and M.E. – Embedded System Technologies form His research includes in Embedded System, Re-winding of
Academic Campus, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore. distribution transformer, industrial Drives and control, PLC,
He has published and presented number of technical papers in SCADA for power system. He has published and presented
National and International conferences. He is guiding number of number of technical papers in National and International
projects for UG and PG students. conferences.