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Membuat Sitasi Dan Daftar Pustaka Menggunakan Mendeley: Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah

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Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah









TAHUN 2021-2022

new citations. The popular Connections theme shows editions, Santrock's proven learning goals
system provides a clear roadmap to course mastery.(Development & Santrock, n.d.)

The demand for assessment of medical technology is growing in all health care systems. The
need for such assessment might even be higher in developing countries than in developed due to
the scarcity of resources and the need to use them effectively. Upholding high quality of care in
the nursing professions demands applica- tion of appropriate (K et al., 1988)

Fungsi dari payudara adalah memproduksi susu untuk nutrisi bayi. Manusia mempunyai
sepasang kelenjar payudara, yang beratnya kurang lebih 200 gram, saat hamil 600 gram dan saat
menyusui 800 gram. Pada(P & Kes, n.d.)

Theoretical models for health care practice are important both as tools for guiding daily
practice and for explaining the philosophical basis for care.
Aim: The aim of this study was to defifine and develop an evidence-based midwifery model of
(AniKa, 2006)

The experiences of pregnancy, giving birth and having a baby create lifelong memories for
women. The impact of maternity experiences on women can be empowering and lead to feelings
of self-worth and self-confidence or may cause negative maternal health outcomes such as
postpartum depression and post-traumatic stress disorder(Shahinfar et al., 2021)

Compliance with dietary guidelines among pregnant women can positively influence not only
their own health but also the health of their babies.(Ding et al., 2021)

Understanding of the workings of the brain in learning can facilitate teachers in designing
learning model. Currently, the development of science and technology has an impact on the
development of models, strategies, and methods of learning. Brain-based learning is a new
revolution in shaping the paradigm of cooperation some knowledge from various fields such as
neuroscience, biology, and psychology.(Handayani & Corebima, 2017)
Induksi persalinan adalah upaya menstimulasi uterus untuk memulai terjadinya persalinan.
Sedangkan augmentasi atau akselerasi persalinan adalah meningkatkan frekuensi, lama, dan
kekuatan kontraksi uterus dalam persalinan. (Saifuddin, 2002).(Ii et al., 2013)

population-based study consisting of 23,894 postpartum women, carried out in the period
between February 2011 and October 2012, in 266 healthcare settings. The study included all
vaginal births involving physicians or nurses/nurse-midwives.(Gama et al., 2016)

In the late 18th century, philosophes such as Rousseau and Diderot had contrasted the healthy
lifestyle of the “noble savage” with the artificial manners of the upper classes, arguing that
luxury, fashion, and city life were induc- ing habits that were detrimental to health.(Moscucci,


AniKa, N. (2006). UNTUK Oleh : dr . Nia Kania , SpA ., MKes. 1–10.

Development, P. D. F. C., & Santrock, J. (n.d.). Click here for download.
Ding, Y., Xu, F., Zhong, C., Tong, L., Li, F., Li, Q., Chen, R., Zhou, X., Li, X., Cui, W., Zhang,
Y., Huang, L., Xu, S., Liu, C., & Wu, J. (2021). Association between Chinese Dietary
Guidelines Compliance Index for Pregnant Women and Risks of Pregnancy Complications
in the Tongji Maternal and Child Health Cohort. 5.
Gama, S. G. N. Da, Viellas, E. F., Torres, J. A., Bastos, M. H., Brüggemann, O. M., Theme
Filha, M. M., Schilithz, A. O. C., & Leal, M. D. C. (2016). Labor and birth care by nurse
with midwifery skills in Brazil. Reproductive Health, 13(Suppl 1).
Handayani, B. S., & Corebima, A. D. (2017). Model brain based learning ( BBL ) and whole
brain teaching ( WBT ) in learning. 1(2), 153–161.
Ii, B. A. B., Persalinan, A. I., & Persalinan, D. I. (2013). Rupture Membrane .
K, Kakoma, C., Lungu, F., Darkwah, C. G., & Chikamata, D. (1988). Midwifery Care Routines
and Prevention of Heat Loss in the Newborn : A Study in Zambia. 34(October), 1–2.
Moscucci, O. (2003). Holistic obstetrics: The origins of “natural childbirth” in Britain.
Postgraduate Medical Journal, 79(929), 168–173. https://doi.org/10.1136/pmj.79.929.168
P, A. H., & Kes, M. (n.d.). BUKU AJAR.
Shahinfar, S., Abedi, P., Najafian, M., Abbaspoor, Z., Mohammadi, E., & Alianmoghaddam, N.
(2021). Women’s perception of continuity of team midwifery care in Iran: a qualitative
content analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21(1), 1–9.

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