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Week 1 English 8: Example

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Week 1 2.

Names and titles

English 8 The way a person is described or labeled can influence how we think about
him or her.

Name: __________________________________Year and Section: _____________ Example:

John Doe, an ex-con, is now running for office.
EXPECTATIONS John Doe, who was convicted 20 years ago for a minor offense, is now running for
This is your self-instructional learner module in English 8. All the activities provided office.”
in this lesson will help you learn and understand the Author’s Biases.
Objectives: 3. Placement and size
Usually, stories in a newspaper or on a news program that are chosen to be
A. Recognize the author’s biases. put first are seen as the most important stories. Stories that appear at the back of a
B. Use graphic organizer in presenting ideas. newspaper or at the end of a broadcast are seen as less important.
Develop multiple intelligences through differentiated activities.
LESSON If a story about the disaster in the Philippines is on the front page of the
What is an author’s bias? newspaper, it will be seen as important. If the story about the typhoon in the Philippines
is buried at the back of the paper, it will be regarded as less important.
A bias is basically when an author is unfair or inaccurate in his or her
presentation of something. In their attempt to persuade, authors often make mistakes in
4. Selection or omission
their thinking patterns and writing choices. This is because every author has a point of
Sometimes, certain details or facts will be cut out of a story, and others will be
included. This can change how readers/viewers think about the story. Make sure to
Discussion/Modelling consider multiple sources to get the full story.
Every author holds opinions that affect his or her discussion of an issue,
opinions that you as a reader must try to recognize and understand. Such judgments A news story could be written about people booing during a speech. “The
show an author's biases or preference for one side of an issue over another. President’s remarks were greeted by loud jeers. A small handful of people disagreed
How can we spot bias? with the President’s remarks.
1. Word choice and connotation
5. Images and videos Example
Connotation is a further understanding of a word's meaning. (As well as a
Some photos can
literal meaning, It is also a word that carry an additional idea or feeling. As a writer, you
make the subject look
can influence your readers' opinions with the words you choose. The connotations of
serious, beautiful, healthy,
your chosen words determine whether your text is biased or unbiased.
and so on. Other photos,
Your friends described you as forceful. however, can be very
unflattering and make the
Is forceful the right word? Perhaps assertive, which has a more positive connotation subject look ridiculous, sick,
would be more accurate. etc. The image of someone
in the news can influence
how people think about him 4. _______________ 5. _______________
or her. Activity 2
Multiple Choice: Identify the ways on how to spot bias from the following items.
ACTIVITIES Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Activity 1
Identify the Author’s Biases being described in the pictures. Choose the letter of 1.
your answer from the given items below.

A. Word choice and connotation

B. Names and titles
C. Selection or omission
D. Placement and size
E. Images and videos
a. Names and Titles c. Selection or Omission
b. Placement and Size d. Word Choice and Connotation

2. Brianna’s research proposal is unusual.

a. Names and Titles c. Selection or Omission
b. Placement and Size d. Word Choice and Connotation

3. Manny Pacquiao known as the People’s Champ had won many boxing competitions.
a. Names and Titles c. Selection or Omission
b. Placement and Size d. Word Choice and Connotation


1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________

a. Names and Titles c. Selection or Omission

b. Placement and Size d. Word Choice and Connotation

a. Images and Videos c. Selection and Omission

b. Placement and size d. Word choice and Connotation

Multiple Choice: Read and following sentences. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

_____ 1. An author’s bias in which stories in a newspaper or on a news program are chosen to
be put first and seen as the most important stories.
A. Names and title C. Selection and omission
B. Placement and size D. Word choice and connotation

_____ 2. Where details or facts will be cut out of a story, and others will be included.
A. Names and title C. Selection and omission
B. Placement and size D. Word choice and connotation

_____ 3. The image of someone in the news can influence how people think about him or her.
A. Images and videos C. Selection and omission
B. Placement and size D. Word choice and connotation

_____ 4. Writers can influence your readers' opinions with the words you choose.
A. Images and videos C. Selection and omission
B. Placement and size D. Word choice and connotation

_____ 5.The way a person is described or labeled.

A. Names and title C. Selection and omission
B. Placement and size D. Word choice and connotation

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