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Week 7 English 8: "Litteratura"

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literature is that literature, a body of written works.

Derived from the Latin “litteratura” meaning “writing

Week 7
formed with letters,” literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including
English 8 poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and in some instances, song. It’s difficult to define, many
have tried, but the most agreed definition is constantly changing and evolving.

Name: __________________________________Year and Section: _____________ Literature reflects the ideas and the feelings or emotions of the author. Literature is an example of a
way to express oneself through writing. We all have different experiences, through literature we can
EXPECTATIONS share our cultures and traditions to others. We can use literature to become one with others and
This is your self-learning module in English 8. All the activities provided in this lesson will help understand them even we differ from them.
you learn and understand: Literature: Mirror to a Shared Heritage of People with Diverse Backgrounds.
Specifically, you will learn about the following: ACTIVITIES
1. Define different terms.
Draw a if the sentence is right and if it is not.
2. Appreciate literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds.
_____ 1. Literature is derived from the Latin word, “litteratura”.
LESSON _____ 2. Literature has not affected our way of living and our life.
Look at these pictures. _____ 3. We all have a different understanding on literature which is a body of written works.
_____ 4. Literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry, drama,
fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and in some instances, song.
_____ 5. We all have different experiences, through literature we can share our cultures and traditions
to others.

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

________ 1. Literature has been part of many different cultures for a long time.
________ 2. Literature is derived from the Latin “litteratura” which means writing formed with letters.
________ 3. Literature does not reflect the ideas and the feelings or emotions of the author.
________ 4. Literature is an example of a way to express oneself through writing.
________ 5. We cannot use literature to become one with others and understand them even we differ
from them.

1. Identify genre of notable literary works written by South East Asian writers;
2. Analyze selected notable works by South East Asian writers; and
3. Appreciate notable works by Southeast Asian writers.

What did you notice in the pictures? Can you see some connections? In this lesson, you will
learn about literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse backgrounds.

What is literature? What is the purpose of literature? Literature has been part of many different
cultures for a long time. It has affected our way of living and our life, many people still doesn’t know or
understand literature. We all have a different understanding on Literature, a basic information about
Let us get to know a literary work written by a Southeast Asian writer. Once Basilio comes inside, Sisa sees that he’s bleeding from the forehead. He tells her that
the chief sexton ordered him to stay until ten but that he slipped away, defying the town’s curfew in
Noli Me Tangere, Latin for “Touch Me Not” is a novel written by Jose P. Rizal during order to come home. On his way, two members of the Civil Guard spotted him and fired gunshots, and
colonization of the Philippines by Spain to describe inequalities of the Spanish Catholic friars and the one of the bullets grazed his forehead. He tells his mother that Crispin has stayed behind in the parish
ruling government. house and changes the subject when she asks if he’s still alive. He tells her about the accusations that
Crispin is a thief, and she believes him when she says these claims are false.
Excerpt from Noli Me Tangere
Basilio goes to sleep while his mother prays. In his dreams, he sees the chief sexton, the
Crispin and Basilio, the two young apprentice sextons that Tasio spoke with earlier, stand at
priest (Father Salvi) and Crispin, who trembles in fright and looks for a place to hide. Furious, the priest
the top of the bell tower as the storm rages on. Basilio tolls the bell and Crispin laments that sextons
and priest have accused him of stealing. He wishes they were at home with their mother, who is questions him and the viciously strikes him with his cane. Crispin tries to run, but the chief sexton takes
expecting them for dinner. Since they’vestarted studying to be sextons, they rarely get to see her, and hold of him and the savage beating continues. Suddenly, Crispin swells with rage and bites the priest’s
she doesn’t know the torment they live through day-to-day basis in the church. Calculating how much hand. The priest drops the cane, but the sexton finds a walking stick and slams it against Crispin’s
the church claims Crispin owes, the two boys determine that the sum is far larger than what they head, knocking the boy unconscious. Angry that he’s been wounded, the priest goes on caning the
regularly earn. “Now I’m sorry I didn’t steal anything!” Crispin complains. When his brother reproaches youngster, who no longer responds to pain.
him, he responds, “The priest told me he would beat me to death if the money didn’t appear…if I had Sisa wakes Basilio up and asks him why he’s crying. Basilio lies about his dream, not wanting
taken it I could make it appear…” to divulge his terrible visions. After several moments, he admits he no longer wants to be a sexton,
As Crispin and Basilio worry that their mother will think if the priest tells her Crispin is a thief, instead proposing a new plan. The next day, he explains, he’ll go get Crispin from the parish house and
the chief sexton appears from the stairwell. Scolding Basilio for not tolling the bells in the correct visit Ibarra, who he’s heard has returned from Spain and who he thinks is probably a good man, given
rhythm, he tells Crispin that he must stay in the tower until what he stole is replenished. The boy tells that he’s Don Raphael’s son. Basilio will ask Ibarra if he can work on him farmland, and Crispin can
him that their mother is expecting them at eight, to which the sexton says the brothers won’t be study with Old Tasio. “What more do we have fear from the priest?” he asks. “Can he make us any
permitted to leave until ten. Crispin points out that the town’s curfew is at nine o’ clock which means
poorer than we already are?” He tells Sisa that he has seen Tasio privately praying in church when
they won’t be able to walk the streets at ten. This correction upsets the sexton, who grabs Crispin,
nobody is around to see. Sisa agrees to this plan, and the boy falls asleep happy.
slaps Basilio away and hauls Crispin down the steps. Petrified, Basilio remains in the dark tower as he
hears his brother scream. They’re going to kill me!” until all is silent again.
After few moments, Basilio descends the tower and goes into the church, following his ACTIVITIES
brother’s fading screams until a door closes and he loses sound. He wanders through the church and Activity A
slips outside again. Moments, thereafter, two gunshots and a handful of voices are audible in the street, “Love of Country” is a well-known poem in the Philippines and was written by Andres Bonifacio, one of
but nobody pays any attention and the night envelops itself once again in silence. the Philippine heroes.
As poor people in the outskirts of the village sleep or think of their ones-for whom they must Here are some lines taken from “Love of Country” written by Andres Bonifacio (translated from Tagalog
sacrifice their money to save from purgatory, since “heaven is expensive” and the church won’t “save by Epifanio delos Santos, its original title is “Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Bayan”)
beloved souls for free”- Crispin and Basilio’s mother, Sisa waits in the darkness for her boys. She is an
impoverished and luckless woman married to a gambling addict who abuses her. On this night though, Unhappy the exile from his country! His mind, full of sad recollections, is haunted by anxious
she has prepared a decadent feast for her sons. longing. For the land where stood his cradle.
Unfortunately, her husband appears and eats the majority of the food before leaving again, Misfortune and death seem lighter when we suffer them for our country. And the more for it we
telling her to save for him any money the boys bring home. The night wears on and Sisa sobs, worried suffer, the more our love grows-oh marvel
about her sons. She prays for a moment then an apparition of Crispin comes to life near the fireplace. If our land with danger is threatened and help must be quickly forthcoming, children, wife and
Just then, Basilio’s voice shakes her from this vision. “Mother, open up!” he says, banging on the door. parents and brothers at her first call we must abandon.
And if our land, Filipinas, is offended, and outraged her honor and her dignity into the mire is
dragged by the foreign impostor.
Will by boundless grief not invaded be the heart of the Filipino? And will not the most peaceful B. It talks about consequences of being colonized.
even rise to avenge her honor? C. It enumerates ways to fight for freedom.
And whence will it come, the vengeance, the sacrifice of our life blood, if at the end of the D. The writer expressed his thoughts in an entertaining manner.
struggle, we shall fall into cruel bondage?
If to her fall and prostration into the mire of fraud and derision will be added the lash and the
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
shackles naught being left but her mourning?
Who is there whom her condition will not fill the soul with sorrow? Will the heart most _______ 1. The following are characteristics of fiction except one.
hardened by treachery not be moved to give her its bood? A. It contains facts C. It entertains
Will not, perchance, her sorrow drives the Filipinos to come to the rescue of the mother in B. It has plot and themes D. The characters are product of creative
agony, trampled underfoot by the foe disgusting? imagination
_______ 2. In the poem “Love of Country”, which idea was emphasized?
Where is Filipino honor? Where the blood that must be set flowing? Their country in peril-why
A. Fight for freedom is not easy.
passive? Will they calmly see her suffer? B. We should take care of our homeland’s resources.
C. One should not be an exile in his own country.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. D. Freedom is given for those who pray for it.
_______ 3. In the essay Freedom from Fear, the writer said that people’s lives has been
_______ 1. Which line best describes the writer?
A. He is satisfied with how the society works. disfigured with which of the following?
B. He feels the strong desire for freedom and equality. A. A miserable journey of endless drifting
C. He feels so much fear and anxiety. B. A battle for power
D. He is proud and ambitious. C. An endless road
_______ 2. What is the author’s purpose in writing the poem? D. A result of differences
A. To ask for an equal rights for Filipinos. _______ 4. In Sorrow of War, how did the character describe war?
B. To make Filipinos feel hopeless and just agree with the invaders. A. A miserable journey of endless drifting
C. To make Filipinos act as one and fight against foreign rulers in our country. B. A battle for power
D. To narrate what the current situation is. C. An endless road
_______ 3. The following Filipino characteristic can be shown in the poem except for one D. A result of differences
A. Filipinos can be colonized as long as an invader will treat _______ 5. Noli Me Tangere and Freedom from Fear has the following social
problems except for one.
the country fairly.
A. Abuse of power C. Impatient citizen
B. Filipinos will sacrifice their own life for fight of freedom.
B. Unjust society D. Corruption
C. Filipinos value its country’s liberty.
D. Filipinos are determined to fight for country’s freedom.
_______ 4. What does this line imply, “Misfortune and death seem lighter when we suffer them for our
country. And the more for it we suffer, the more our love grows-oh marvel”?
A. Liberty has a price to pay.
B. Freedom is for the courageous people only.
C. The sacrifice made for the sake of one’s homeland is worth it.
D. The success of a country depends on its citizen.

_______ 5. What makes the poem a notable literary piece in the Philippines?
A. It aims to make people realise and appreciate the value of freedom.

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