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Week 4 English 9: Judging The Validity of The Evidence From A Text

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Jason’s family is going to the mall, but he doesn’t want to go.

He argues that he should be

Week 4
allowed to stay home and says that his friend Ray often stays at home alone.
English 9 Based on the argument and evidence in the scenario, should Jayson be allowed to stay at
home? You have two minutes to think. Write your answer on a piece of paper. Reserve your answer for
the discussion later.
Name: __________________________________Year and Section: _____________ 1. What makes a claim valid?
EXPECTATIONS If you answered one of these: It is true. It is on topic. It is reasonable. It is logical. It can be
We are in the 3rd Quarter of our set of lessons, and I hope everybody will delight in learning today with supported. It is important. You’re on the right track, correct.
Lesson No. 4: Judging the Validity of the Evidence from a Text
2. What is evidence?
Great! Evidence is a proof. It is the basis of your belief, an indication of something; the
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to: evidence is a support, and these are facts.
A. Evaluate the validity of a text 3. From the answers, we have in questions 1 and 2, now, how can we define valid evidence?
B. Use evidence to support claims in arguments. Valid Evidence is always true. It is reasonable information based on fact and supports an
Now that we recalled the purposes of argumentation, this time, let us find out our lesson for 4. How can we ensure that we have valid evidence?
today. Are you ready?
When we cite the source of our proof or provide an acceptable example to support our claim.
Yes. From the lesson title, our lesson would be focusing on judging the validity of evidence
from a text. How can we judge the validity of a text? Before answering that question let us first arrange Now, let us check your answer from the scenario given at the beginning of this lesson. If you
the letters to form a word in each item. want to change your answers you may do so. Please share your answers now. Let us analyze the
a. M I A L C scenario.
b. E T I C
c. E C N E D I V E Jason’s family is going to the mall, but he doesn’t want to go. He argues that he should be
d. Y T I D I L A V allowed to stay home and says that his friend Ray often stays at home alone.
The first word is _____________. You’re right it’s CLAIM. A claim is defined as a statement
that a person asserts as true. Question: Was Jayson able to provide valid evidence on his claim to support his argument for
The second word is_______. CITE. Cite is a verb which means is to state a source or provide staying home alone? Yes or No? Explain your answer.
an example to support a response.
You are right. Unfortunately, Jayson failed to provide valid evidence. His reason was not
Next is the third word, what is it? Yes, the word is EVIDENCE. Evidence refers to information
enough. He missed citing an acceptable source or example to support his claim.
that supports a claim.
In this scenario, it describes that a person’s age does not determine whether he or she is
Finally, we have the word. Correct. It is VALIDITY. What is validity? Validity refers to
capable of staying home alone. Just because Ray can stay home alone; it does not mean that Jayson
statements that can be described as true or real.
can do it as well. It was not an acceptable reason.
Again let us recall and be familiar with the following terms:

Our next task is to read the following scenario. It is an example of an argument.

Kinds of Evidence in an Argument PASSAGE – the evidence must be found somewhere in the passage

1. Direct Evidence- any piece of evidence that stands alone to prove an argument. (It could be in just one paragraph, several places throughout the passage, sometimes the best
supporting piece of evidence comes later in the text.)
Example: If a witness says he saw the accused set fire to a building.
REFERENCE – the specific location of the text
2. Indirect/Circumstantial Evidence – a set of facts that, when taken together, lead to the
desired conclusion. (It says in paragraph ___ on page ____, that….)
Example: If he saw the accused sneakily leaving the building just before the fire broke out. OFFER SUPPORT – the connection between the question and the evidence
Where can we get these pieces of evidence? (I know because…/The reason I think ____ is because _______.)
Yes, when we use evidence in your argument, be sure it comes from a reliable source. VIEW OF AUTHOR – provides the author’s perspective on the topic
Possible sources of evidence are newspapers, magazines, official documents, historical papers, or
statements made by trustworthy public officials or private persons. (The author stated that…/.”For instance, the author says…”)

But when you cite a person’s statement as evidence, be sure that the source is capable of EYES CAN SEE IT – something that is seen physically in the text
giving the evidence, that he/she has a reputation for honesty and accuracy, and that he/she does not
(In the text, it explicitly states…/ The text said….)
have pre-judgment.
INFERENCE – be a reading detective; use clues from the text to figure something not stated in the text
Source: English Communication Arts & Skills through Anglo-American and Filipino Literature Unit Six
Two Kinds of Evidence pp. 408 (I can infer from ______ that _______.)
How about with news? How do we check for the validity of the news we read and hear via TEXT FEATURES – help the reader understand the text. Watch out for the titles, headings, charts,
television, radio, and social media? tables, graphs, illustrations, etc.
Correct! We have to look for the source. Is it real news? Or fake news? (The illustration shows…/The graph showed…/Based on the section…/According to the title…)
In this age of technology, news spreads fast. When a story is big news, it is often quick to
spread. There is a lot of fake news coming around. But we should be careful about sharing this news Other ways you can validate the reliability and trustworthiness of a text is the C.R.A.A.P. method, which
because we will be responsible for that information. stands for:
CURRENCY is the timeliness of the information
How can we easily identify whether we are reading real or fake news?
RELEVANCE is the importance of the information for your needs. AUTHORITY is the source
Yes, we must always check for reliable sources cited in the news. of information.
ACCURACY is the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of information
Bonus Tip: Remember to do these things on how to find text evidence. You need to PURPOSE is the reason the information exists
P – Passage/Paragraph/Page I – Inference
R – Reference T – Text Feature
O – Offer support
V – View of Author
E – Eye can see it
Activities Claim # 5-Topic: Bullying is a real problem in schools across the nation.
Activity 1: This time, let us try to practice knowledge on the validity of evidence in each statement. For
each claim, write the answer option that presents the best valid evidence for the truth of the claim on a A. Bullied children suffer from negative experiences that can interfere with their emotional and
piece of paper. Remember to check for the sources and examples cited. Based on the claim, which social health.
choice is an example of valid evidence?
B. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their
Claim#1- Topic: Simple changes can cut your carbon emissions greatly! school years.
A. I think that we need to do something quickly to help save the environment. C. Several actions need to be taken to stop bullying now!
B. If you hang your clothes outside on the clothesline instead of using the electric dryer, you https://www.pdesas.org/ContentWeb/Content/Content/19199/Lesson%20Plan
can cut your carbon emission by 351 lbs/year
Activity 2: In this activity, you need to read each statement carefully and identify whether the
C. Kids can help parents by doing some household chores. sentence is a claim or evidence. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.
______________ 1. Our new advertising agency is ineffective.
Claim# 2- Topic: Exercise is important for children’s growth and development.
______________ 2. The author stated that the pandemic would end.
A. Children watch too much television and gather information quickly.
______________ 3. Because of the pandemic, people stay at home.
B. Children love to ride their bikes outside and trails through the forest.
______________ 4. Based on the text, Mr. Lim effortlessly showed greatness.
C. Active children will have stronger muscles and bones and will live longer.
______________ 5. If you study hard, you won’t fail.

Claim # 3- Topic: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has many benefits. POSTTEST
Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each number.
A. Fruits and vegetables taste good especially when eaten regularly.
_______ 1.It refers to the information that supports the claim.
B. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables lowers your risk of heart disease.
A. reference B. evidence C. cite D. issue

_______ 2. Which of the following is not an example of valid evidence?

Claim # 4- Topic: Cigarette smoking is harmful to one’s health.
A. verifiable statistics C. third-hand information
A. The mix of nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes boosts the heart rate and blood
B. testimony from expert witnesses D. facts
pressure, causing strain on the heart and blood vessels.
B. Cigarette smoke smells bad and that smell sticks to thehair strands and clothes’ fabric. _______ 3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a claim?

C. Secondhand smoking is more dangerousbecause people who inhale the cigarette smoke A. A healthy breakfast is necessary for memory retention.
will be easily contaminated with toxic substance. B. Online video streaming has made video rental stores obsolete.
C. Women should be paid the same as men for similar work.
D. Facebook has users all over the world.
_______ 4. Which is valid evidence to support the following claim?
We need to stop cutting down forests.
A. If the current rate deforestation continues, there will be no more forests in 100 years.
B. Forests are fun to walk through.
C. There are many different kinds of trees and animals that can be found in forests.
D. Flowers are pretty when they are planted in gardens around your home.

_______ 5. Which is an appropriate counterargument for the following claim?

School uniforms take away the pressure of having to wear designer clothes for those
who can’t afford to buy them.
A. school uniforms ensure that everyone is wearing appropriate clothing.
B. School uniforms are expensive and are added expense for some people.
C. Students should have to wear uniform to school.
D. Students should not have to wear uniforms to school.

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