Continuous Integration (CI) :: Classic Diagram Is Available To Explain These Terms in Below AWS Website
Continuous Integration (CI) :: Classic Diagram Is Available To Explain These Terms in Below AWS Website
Continuous Integration (CI) :: Classic Diagram Is Available To Explain These Terms in Below AWS Website
Basics of Deployment:
What are Application Servers
An application/Web server is a server specifically designed to run
applications (or) It is server to host applications.
It handles Http requests and send response calls over Http protocol.
- Application server can start at any port in Hosted Server. And can be accessed
HostedServerIpAddress: portNumber
To keep our Developed App running on server and access it from anywhere, we
should first build the code so that build files will be generated. These build files
should be placed into App/Web Server
And then we can access the developed App directly on the browser with
HostedServerIpAddress :portNumber or with Domain Name if mapped.
3. What is Yum?
yum is the primary tool for getting, installing, deleting, querying, and managing software
4. Download Java
Wget solely lets you download files from an HTTP/HTTPS or FTP server. You give it a link and it
automatically downloads the file where the link points to. It basically helps to download Binaries
wget <downloadlinkofMaven>
tar xzvf <mavenfoldername>
6. Install Jenkins
sudo wget -O
sudo rpm --import
sudo yum install jenkins
Start Jenkins
sudo service jenkins start/stop/restart
sudo chkconfig jenkins on
Deploying App into another Server with Jenkins and Start the
Application on Docker Container
Phase 1:
Spin up New AWS Instance for deploying application
Create New User with Password
Phase 2 :
The private key is located on the client machine and is secured and kept
When you attempt to connect using a key-pair, the server will use the
public key to create a message for the client computer that can only be
read with the private key.
What is Ansible?
Cross check if you can give SSh connection to the host you are