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Continuous Integration (CI) :: Classic Diagram Is Available To Explain These Terms in Below AWS Website

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Continuous Integration (CI):

Continuous Integration (CI) is the process of automating

the build and testing of code every time a team member
commits changes to version control/GIT.
Continuous Delivery (CD)
Continuous Delivery (CD) is the process to build, test,
configure and deploy from a build to a production

Classic Diagram is available to explain these terms in below

AWS Website

Basics of Deployment:
What are Application Servers
An application/Web server is a server specifically designed to run
applications (or) It is server to host applications.
It handles Http requests and send response calls over Http protocol.

What are Hosted Servers?

Hosted Servers are nothing but physical machines where
application/Web/Databases servers are hosted

- Application server can start at any port in Hosted Server. And can be accessed
HostedServerIpAddress: portNumber

We can map HostedServerIpAddress: portNumber to any custom Domain Name

so that we can access the application server directly with Domain Name
Dist- ng -build
Mvn clean install

To keep our Developed App running on server and access it from anywhere, we
should first build the code so that build files will be generated. These build files
should be placed into App/Web Server
And then we can access the developed App directly on the browser with
HostedServerIpAddress :portNumber or with Domain Name if mapped.

Java, Maven & Jenkins setup on AWS Linux EC2 Instance

1. Create AWS EC2 Instance

2. Download MobaXTerm to connect to EC2 Instance

3. What is Yum?
 yum is the primary tool for getting, installing, deleting, querying, and managing software


4. Download Java

Install Java in Linux

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

Java is installed in usr/lib directory

Set Java Home Path in Bash profile


5. Install Maven in Linux

Wget solely lets you download files from an HTTP/HTTPS or FTP server. You give it a link and it
automatically downloads the file where the link points to. It basically helps to download Binaries

wget <downloadlinkofMaven>
tar xzvf <mavenfoldername>

Set Maven in System variables




6. Install Jenkins

 sudo wget -O
/etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo http://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat/jenkins.rep
 sudo rpm --import http://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat/jenkins.io.key
 sudo yum install jenkins

 Start Jenkins
sudo service jenkins start/stop/restart
 sudo chkconfig jenkins on

7. Create New Jenkin Job and verify War file generation

Deploying App into another Server with Jenkins and Start the
Application on Docker Container

Phase 1:
 Spin up New AWS Instance for deploying application
Create New User with Password

passwd ec2-user (Make sure you are in root)

 Enable Password Authentication in below File Path

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
 Reload Service with service sshd reload
 Add the Server into Jenkins from Manage Jenkins
 Download Publish over SSH Plugin in Jenkins
 Add Docker Server SSH to Jenkins in the job
 Run the Deployment Job to deploy the artifacts into Application
Server from Jenkins Server

Phase 2 :

 Install Docker with – yum install docker

 cat /etc/group - to see all groups available for root user
 giving permission access to group
usermod -aG docker ec2-user
 Login as ec2-user and start docker service
sudo service docker start
 Pull Tomcat Image from Docker hub and start container with
below command
 docker pull tomcat:latest
sudo docker run -d --name tomcat-container -p 8080:8080
 Check if Container is up and running with below command
docker ps
 Get Access to container with below command and see where
tomcat is installed inside the container
Use the command  docker exec -it <container name> /bin/bash  to get a bash shell in the
 Understand where should Webapp.war file should be placed in
Tomcat in Container
 Create Docker file which can pull Tomcat Image and perform
necessary configurations to deploy war file
 Create Image from Docker file
docker build -t tomcatimage .
 Create and Run Container on created Image
docker run -d --name newcontainer -p 8080:8080 tomcatimage
 Access the Application with IPAddress:Port

SSH Connection to another Linux Server/LocalHost

 Try SSh from Server X (Application Server) into another Server Y
with below command
ssh user@<ipaddr>
 Now go to the Server Y and update Password Authentication to
Yes and provide password to the ec2-user
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
 service sshd reload
 Come back to Server X and Create SSH Keys with below command
 Give below command to copy Public Key Server to Y through ssh
ssh-copy-id user@<target-server> - Authorized_keys

 You are all Set to connect remotely to Server Y from X

ssh user@<ipaddr>

SSH_Localhost – private and public key -

How Does Key-based Authentication Work?
Key-based authentication works by creating a pair of keys: a private
key and a public key.

The private key is located on the client machine and is secured and kept

The public key can be given to anyone or placed on any server you wish

to access.

When you attempt to connect using a key-pair, the server will use the
public key to create a message for the client computer that can only be
read with the private key.

What is Ansible?

Ansible is a simple IT automation engine that automates all the commands

you can provide on terminal
it uses a very simple language (YAML, in the form of Ansible Playbooks) that
allow you to describe your automation jobs in a way that approaches plain
Ansible works by connecting to your nodes and pushing out small programs,
called "Ansible modules" to them
Ansible then executes these modules (over SSH by default), and removes
them when finished.
To Install Ansible

1. We need to first install Python first with below command

yum install python

2. From Pip Package Manager install Ansible with below command

pip install ansible

3. After installation Check if it is detecting in the system with below command

ansible –version

4. Add Sudo Access to ec2-user

echo "ec2-user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

docker stop customcontainer

docker rm customcontainer
docker rmi customimage
Create Ansible Playbook with your requirements

Create Inventory/hosts file

Cross check if you can give SSh connection to the host you are

Run playbook with below command

ansible-playbook -i <hostsfile> <playbook.yml>

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