“Good Governance is not enough. Let us work on being good citizen. Let us translate the good
citizenship values derived from the preamble of constitution into concrete actions in order to
build our nation.”
Good Governance is not enough. Let us work hard on being good citizen. We must endeavor to
become part of the solution and stop being part of the problem. But where we can find Good
Citizenship. Just refer to the 1987 Constitution, where we can derive good citizenship values.
We as Filipinos can be good citizens by living the 16 good citizenship values enshrined in
1. Faith in God
2. Unity
3. Patriotism
4. Work
5. Respect for law and Government
6. Truth
7. Respect for life
8. Justice
9. Freedom
10. Love
11. Equality
12. Peace
13. Promotion of the common good
14. Concern for family and future
15. Concern for the environment
16. Order
There are still hope for our country. And all of us. Let us not have our future in the hands of our
leaders alone. As an ordinary citizen we can transform into something. The challenge, who sincerely love
our country? Be a good citizen so that we can transform and build a peaceful and progressive nation.
Self-acceptance means knowing no one is perfect and understanding that everyone has value –
including you. A sense of humor is a great way to develop self-acceptance. Laughing at yourself from
time to time can help you to accept your unique qualities and promotes a sense of well-being. Self-
improvement the activity of learning new things on your own that make you a more skilled or able
Most of the times people often choose self-acceptance rather than self-improvement. One of
the biggest mistakes that comes from trying to improve yourself is the idea that you’re inherently
broken, or that something’s wrong with you. And in fairness: yes, you are flawed. But then again, so am
I. So’s everybody else out there. There is literally nobody out there who is without flaws. This is where
the disconnect comes in. The assumption is that self-improvement can only come by believing there’s
something inherently wrong or flawed within you and must be corrected for.
I believe that there is always room for improvement. In my case self-improvement is my focus, I
always find way to excel in different ways. I never let my fears overcome me. It’s not bad to accept
yourself but it is more genuine If you improve yourself.
I am Ciedelle Marie D. Aranda, daughter of Espieranza and Job Aranda, 19 years old and is now a college
The purpose of life, then, is to lead a life of purpose and its meaning is to give life meaning. But
what is meant by purpose and meaning? They simply mean the "big picture," vision, chief aim, or core
values that all other goals are subordinate to. For example, our PURPOSE might be to leave the world a
better place than the way we found it, or to make everyone we meet happier. Either of these purposes
would be noble and achievable. How can we help create a better world or make others happier?
Wouldn't you agree that one way is by refusing to steal, criticize, intimidate, gossip, or argue? Another
way would be to treat others with kindness, generosity, honesty, and respect. Our goal should be not
merely to be good, but to be good for something; to have value that we offer to the world. I am living
for my purpose.
Most of people don't realize and think the meaning of existence because it is pretty hard to find out
what they are. But I want to seek what I am and figure out the meaning of living with reasons at this
The first reason I live is because God created me and my parents gave me a birth. There is an
important truth that I am born in this world, which is the continuance of life. God sent me to my parents
to let human beings keep going on, which means I have a purpose to connect the past and the present.
This is the main reason that I can be existing since I was born.
The second reason I live is because I should make my own history until I die. As people draw their
own history, either negatively or affirmatively, on the large paper called 'life', I should do the same thing
too. It looks like a simple matter, but it is the most complicated mission that God has given to all
The third reason I live is because I want to contribute my life to volunteering for the world, which
is the process of making my own history affirmatively. Many people get lost finding the way to achieve
the goal, falling into the negative world. Unlike them, to achieve the goal in the positive way is so
valuable that I can be proud of myself.
It is certain that nobody can answer the reason why they live easily, but I tried to answer it with
an enthusiastic attitude. I think it's meaningful to live a life with reasons because it offers strength to
overcome the hardships coming in my whole life and an identity that is distinguished from others. I
found out that there is none like me from realizing my own reasons to live. Knowing that, I'm about to
start a new life.
Growing up I had dreams of what I wanted to be when I grew up. As I got older my dreams changed to
new things, I never stuck to one thing for too long. I soon realized that one day I would have to pick one
thing and actually pursue it. There are many things I would like to do but to this day I still cannot pick
one. When I was younger I wanted to be many things “when I grew up.” I wanted to be a dancer, a
teacher, a gymnast, a professional sports player, a singer, anything you could think of I wanted to be it.
And I actually pretended to be all of these things. Some still interest me and others I’ve grown out of.
I’ve always loved trying new things and finding what I’m good at and discovering the things I’m bad at.
The things I found I was bad at I would try and try to be better at them. As I got older I knew one day I
would have to pick something that interested me enough that I would actually enjoy sticking with and
studying. I still have many interests and things I would like to pursue in college but I still have no idea
which one to make my major. I have taken a variety of classes in the past four years to help me figure
this out but the more classes I take, the harder the decision becomes. Many people know what they
want to study in college and have known for a while by now. People tell me all the time that I don’t need
to know what my major is to go to college, but seeing all my classmates already knowing makes it even
more stressful. This has been the hardest decision to make because I know whatever I chose will affect
rest of my life. Eventually, I know I will be able to make this huge decision but as of right now I can’t
pick. I know this decision is very important but I have so many interests that I don’t know what to do
with. My dreams may still change but one day, soon, I will have the answer.
Equality and diversity, or multiculturalism, is the idea of promoting and accepting the
differences between people. More specifically, equality is about ensuring individuals are treated fairly
and equally, no matter their race, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation. Diversity is about
recognizing and respecting these differences to create an all-inclusive atmosphere. I can show equality
in daily life by, respecting each and everyone around me.
Promoting equality and diversity in education is essential for both teachers and students. The
aim is to create a classroom environment where all students can thrive together and understand that
individual characteristics make people unique and not ‘different’ in a negative way.
“In your own knowledge how can you encourage and cultivate yourselves to have a concern for the
First I’ll start it within myself. It will never be hard for me for I love nature and I am always
responsible for what I am doing. Attending Environmental Seminars will help us to get ourselves involve
in environment awareness, in that case we tend to encourage ourselves to have concern in the