Question#1: Name: Nouman Raza Section: 1D Roll# 124 Subject: Islamiyat
Question#1: Name: Nouman Raza Section: 1D Roll# 124 Subject: Islamiyat
Question#1: Name: Nouman Raza Section: 1D Roll# 124 Subject: Islamiyat
Section: 1D
Roll# 124
Subject: Islamiyat
Explain any two characteristics of successful people as mentioned in the first five verses of
Surah Al-Baqarah.
1.Establishment of Salat:
The important characteristic in Salat if a person does a good deed but a totally misses his
prayers, all the good deeds he does will be vanished. If anyone misses prayer by his own choice
he will be considered out of boundary of islam because prayer is the only thing that differs
Muslims with Non-Muslims.
2. Charity:
Another important thing is charity. It is mentioned that we must help poor people and those
who needs our help. Charity could not be only in form of Money. It can be in form of time
,knowledge and energy and everything else which could be helpful to poor people. Everyone
should help according to his ability and capability.
How does the meaning of Sirat relate to the meaning of Mustaqeem as revealed in the 6 th
(verse) of the Surah Al-Fatihah?
Human life is a journey, and you need a way to go. Naturally, there are many routes you can
take to get somewhere. However, there is only one highway to get you to your destination of
life in the Almighty Allah ,which is called Sirat-al-Mustaqee. In Arabic, the word “Sirat” means
path and “Mustaqeem” means “Istiqamah” which means straight. This means it does not lean
left or right. This highway does not turn. The combination of these two words indicates the
quickest route to your destination, that is. Sirat al Mustaqeem.
What is the concept of Sadqa-e-jaria in Islam?
Sadaqah Jariyah is a gift that not only benefits others in this life but also benefits us and our
loved ones
In Islam, there are many actions that can lead to immeasurable rewards - today and in our Rest;
these acts are often called sadaqah jariyah.
Sadaqah jariyah is an act of giving in a way that continues to give. For example, if you were to
invest in a tree, that tree would continue to provide long-term shelter as it meant - meaning
you would get a steady income as long as you stopped.
Darwin’s theory states that evolution happens by natural selection. Give your opinion/view that
the theory of evolution is compatible with Islam?
Darwin’s Theory of evolution:
In the theory of natural selection, organisms produce more offspring that are able to survive in
their environment. Those that are better physically equipped to survive, grow to maturity, and
reproduce. Those that are lacking in such fitness, on the other hand, either do not reach an age
when they can reproduce or produce fewer offspring than their counterparts. Natural selection is
sometimes summed up as “survival of the fittest” because the “fittest” organisms—those most
suited to their environment are the ones that reproduce most successfully, and are most likely to
pass on their traits to the next generation.