Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
In This portion the student nurse would discuss the
recommendations for specific persons/groups.
The patient should obey all of the doctor's orders, including taking
drugs and following the discharge instructions, and keeping track of
his or her condition.
Significant people of the patient:
Important people in the patient's life should always help the patient
recover quickly, offer guidance and hope, constantly track the
patient, and respond to the patient's needs.
Nursing students:
Nursing students should always consider the patient's condition and
look for other aggravating factors that could lead to complications,
correctly prescribe drugs, and provide adequate nursing intervention.
College of nursing:
That the college of nursing will continue to help students and
encourage them to learn more and gain more clinical experience.
Clinical instructors:
That clinical instructors will continue to advise and help students
in all of their endeavors, as well as understand their lapses, as they
improve their knowledge and expertise, and that they will never stop
sharing their knowledge and expertise with us.
This clinical paper turns into a reality with the full and kind
support of these individuals. I would like to extend my sincere
gratitude and appreciation to them.
Above all, I would offer this venture to our God Almighty for the
guidance and wisdom he has granted upon me, the strength, peace of
mind and good health in order to comply and finish this clinical
I would like to express my credit and appreciation to our Clinical
instructor assigned, Mr. Leemuel Steve Rodriguez, RN, for the
encouragement and support in pursuing a successful clinical paper
along with making suggestions or comments that we have nurtured and
brought in our journey which has helped us a lot in constructing this
clinical paper.
To my parents and siblings, who have continued to physically,
mentally, and financially support me. Who has never failed to remind
me to do my best and keep going no matter what obstacles I face, and
has been a constant source of support during the process of making
this clinical paper.
I'd like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my rotation
groupmates for being so accommodating and respectful of each of the
members' queries and clarifications. For putting in their best effort
in assisting each member of the party.