SK Tool Alloy C-S (Up 23-Gf-200-Ckz)
SK Tool Alloy C-S (Up 23-Gf-200-Ckz)
SK Tool Alloy C-S (Up 23-Gf-200-Ckz)
Nickel base alloy of the "HASTELLOY C" type, designed for hardsurfacing parts subject to oxidation, corrosion and mechanical
stresses at high temperature (1.100 °C).
Hot shear blades, pits points, mill guides, drawing guides, hot extrusion dies, blast furnace bell seats.
C Mn Si Cr Ni Mo W Fe
All Weld 0.05 0.2 0.6 16.00 Bal. 16.0 4.0 7.0
Hardness as welded
200 HB
Microstructure Solid solution of the austenite type
Machinability Good
Oxy-acetylene cutting Cannot be flame cut
Deposit thickness Depends upon application and procedure used
Welding flux Record SA
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Revision : 200508171426