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RA-02 Installation of Aco Tech Panel

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Company :
Installation of Acotec Panel / Conducted By:
Process / Location :
Project Site
Approved By : Last Review Date: 30 Sept 2020 Next Review Date: 29 Sept 2023
(Name, Designation, Date)
Reference No.: RA-02 Revision No.: 01

Hazard Identification Risk Evaluation Risk Control

Action Officer,

Possible Accident / Ill Designation/

Existing Risk Control Likeli- Risk Additional Risk Likeli- Risk
S/N Work Activity Hazard Health & Persons-at- Severity Severity Signature
(if any) hood Level Control hood Level
Risk (Follow-up

1. Transportation/ shifting Falling object Injury to workers and (1) Materials properly 5 2 10 (1) Brief SWP 5 1 5 -
of Acotec panels to while damage to property / PM tied up and stacked. to workers
other levels transporting/ Hoist Workers keep clear of during
shifting materials. toolbox
panels to other (2) Workers to wear meeting
level PPE (e.g. safety shoes,
gloves, protective (2) Supervisor
clothing) to provide
(3) Damaged Panels adequate
should remove or manpower
properly secured to carry
(4) Supervisor to heavy load
conduct routine check to
ensure workers wear
proper PPE
Falling object Injury to workers (1) Workers to secure 5 2 10 (1) Brief 5 1 5 -
the opened pallet with U workers
–rebars from both sides during
to prevent from falling toolbox
(2) Supervisor to meeting
conduct routine check to about the
ensure that the opened hazard.
pallets are secured with
U-rebars at all the times

Manual lifting of Injury / Sprain to back of (1) Proper manual lifting 3 2 6 (1) To brief and 3 1 3 -
heavy load person (s) techniques to be briefed ensure
during tool box meeting Worker
(2) Trolley or wheel should not
barrow to be used when allow to
carry load that are more carry
than 25 kg manually
(3) No job repetitive more than
(4) Supervisor to 25Kg
conduct routine check to (2) Supervisor
ensure workers adopt to provide
the more
Correct posture when manpower
carry load to carry
heavy load

Cut by sharp Injury to person(s) (1) Workers to wear 4 2 8 (1) Briefing 4 1 4 -

edges gloves at all times conducted
(2) Supervisor to during Daily
conduct routine check to tool box
ensure workers wear meeting
gloves at all times (2) Close
2 Cutting of Acotec Panel Fire /Electric Injuries to workers / Death (1) Use good condition 5 2 10 (1) Briefing 5 1 5 -
shock tools only for work conducted
(2) Proper maintenance during Daily
by LEW tool box
(3) Hang up the meeting
electrical cables from about the
floor electrical
(4) Fire prevention to hazards
made work place safe
such as remove all (2) Defective
inflammable materials Tools and
(5) Brief SWP to workers cables
during toolbox meeting should not
(6) Supervisor to allow to use
conduct routine check to
ensure workers wear
proper PPE while cutting

Dust gets into Short/long term health (1) Provide adequate 3 2 6 (1) Remind 3 1 3 -
body/lungs effect (vapors, rash PPE such as N95 face workers
allergy) dust hazard mask and hand gloves during daily
(2) Worker to spray tool box
water to control the dust meeting to
while cutting panels prevent dust
(3) Supervisor to (spray water
conduct routine check to while cutting
ensure workers wear the Panel)
proper PPE and spray
water at all times
3 Mixing cement and Dust gets into Short/long term health (1) Provide adequate 3 2 6 (1) Remind 3 1 3 -
provide to work place body and effect (vapors, rash PPE such as N95 face workers
contact with skin allergy) dust hazard mask, hand gloves and during daily
full hand sleeves tool box
(2) Safety instruction meeting to
/training on safe use of prevent dust
Hazardous substance (spray water
(3) Supervisor to ensure while
that workers follow SWP cement
while using Hazardous mixing)
(4) Supervisor to ensure
that workers wear
proper N95 mask, hand
gloves and full hand
sleeves while mixing
4 Installation of Acotec Hit by falling Injuries to person/ Death (1) Work area to be 5 2 10 (1) Briefing/ 5 1 5 -
Panel panel/ worker cordon off and warning Training
falling from A- signage to be displayed should
frame ladder (2) Follow buddy system conduct
while using A-frame safe use of
ladder to prevent from the A frame
falling ladder
(3) After install panel (2) To ensure A
workers must and Frame
should secure the panel ladder with
with Dowel bars and valid
timber wedges to monthly
prevent from falling inspection
(4) Follow safe work Tag.
procedure (3) User daily
(5) Workers to wear should
proper PPEs at all the conduct
times visual
(5) Supervisor to ensure inspection
that workers follow (4) To ensure
buddy system while adequate
using A-frame ladder workers
(6) Supervisor to deploy for
conduct routine check to the panel
ensure that the panels installation
are secured with
wedges and Dowell bars
5 Hoisting and Panel falling off Serious injury / Death 1. Cordon off the 5 2 10 (1) Ensure attachment 5 1 5 Supervisor
Installation of hollow during hoisting / surrounding work area is properly secured
wall panel by using installation and display the warning with panel before
Chain block sign lifting.
2. Only trained and (2) Daily Inspection of
authorized panel handler chain block and
are allowed to operate. regular
3.valid LM for chain maintenance WSHS
block and valid LG (3) Cracked damaged
required. panel shall be
4. Ensure suspension removed from usage.
points and anchorages (4) Follow installation
are adequate for the full procedures.
imposed load. Ensure (5) Check the load
the landing area is chain/wire rope is
properly prepared hanging freely and is
5. Operator should not twisted or knotted.
ensure no one is (6). Position the hook
allowed to work inside over the center of
the cordon off area gravity of the load.
simultaneously when the (7) Check the
hoisting/ installation is in operation of the brake
operation. before making the lift.
6. Panel weight should (8) Ensure the slings
not exceed SWL. are secure and load is
7. Attachment support free to be lifted.
shall be removed from (9) Check the travel
the panel only after path is clear.
securing with timber (10) Close supervision
wedge. by supervisor/WSHS
6 Tripping hazards Injury to person(s) (1) To clear all debris 3 2 6 (1) Brief / train 3 1 3 WSHS
Housekeeping due to debris after work / loading workers on
such as loose bricks properly proper
materials and (2) Regular housekeepin
pallets housekeeping g after the
(3) Supervisor to ensure work
that debris cleared after
every activity

Mosquito Health disease such as (1) To clear all water 3 2 6 (1) Supervisor to 3 1 3 WSHS
breeding in malaria / mosquito bites regularly conduct regular
potential (2) To ensure all water check for
breeding ground drums to be covered potential
with plastic sheet and mosquitoes
plywood breeding spot
(3) To wear protective
(4) Regular oiling
carryout on site

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