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Cicn 2014

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An Efficient Progressive Analysis on Different Dielectric Substrates to Design a

Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Mobile Phones

Conference Paper · November 2014

DOI: 10.1109/CICN.2014.16


1 799

2 authors:

Deepak Punetha Vartika Mehta

Indian Institute of Technology Patna Seemant Institute of Technology, Pithoragarh, India


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2014 Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks

An Efficient Progressive Analysis on Different

Dielectric Substrates to Design A Rectangular
Microstrip Patch Antenna for Mobile Phones


Department of Electronics and Communication Department of Electronics and Communication
Tula's Institute Graphic Era Hill University
Dehradun, India Dehradun, India
er.punetha@gmail.com vartika.mehta11@gmail.com

Abstract— This paper report describes a novel and efficient

procedure for rectangular shape microstrip patch antenna for
the mobile communication. Mathematical modeling provided for
select the dimension of rectangular slot with different dielectric
substrates such as RT Duroid 5880, Fused Quartz, Alumina and
Epsilam. For performance analysis of an antenna, material
properties play an important role. Different designs proposed in
this work with validation of scattering parameter measurements,
and it is obtained that alumina substrate gives the best
performance when used in frequency range of the mobile
communication. The design strategy is optimized for adaptive
resonance frequency range of 1 GHz to 3 GHz and thickness of
1.59 mm. The Simulations results and analysis of the radiation
pattern, Directivity of an antenna, Gain of an antenna and
electric far field is obtained by using advanced design system
(ADS). Fig. 1. Microstrip Patch Antennas inside the various Cellular Phones

Keywords— rectangular shape microstrip patch antenna; These drawback actually have been minimized in recent years
dielectric substrates; scattering parameter measurements; mobile in one can achieve a bandwidth of microstrip antennas is about
communication; antenna parameters; radiation pattern 65% [3]. An another drawbacks is their relatively low radiation
efficiency as one can go up in frequency or when the antenna
I. MICROSTRIP ANTENNA OVERVIEW array size increases and this is due to the increase in the
feeding network losses which increase the lengths of the
Microstrip antennas are one of the most popular antennas in feeding lines increase and also with the frequency. Again this
the wireless communication market. One can find application kind of drawback can be traced back to the initial design of the
of Microstrip antennas in various safe fields of high-tech microstrip antennas but in the recent years also a significant
technology like in mobile communication, in our cellular breakthrough has been done. Various rectangular shape patch
phone (fig. 1), in satellite communication either in fixed the antenna designs has been simulated in this paper report which
antenna so fixed application of mobile applications beside a is based on a wave guide, hybrid wave guide in Microstrip
climatory, biomedical uses or either siege them. Microstrip lines or planar plate wave guides in which the network losses
antenna receive considerable attention starting in 1974's in a have been minimized dramatically and one can obtain a high
paper written by Robert E. Munson [1], although the idea of a efficiency even at a very high frequencies up to 70 or 40 GHz.
Microstrip antenna can be traced back to G. A. Deschamps in Another drawback of microstrip antennas is their relatively low
1953 [2]. Microstrip antenna are also very easy to fabricate and power level that they can confine because there is danger of
can be integrated with other Microstrip components in break through between patch antenna and their ground.
monolithic applications like RFIC and MMIC. However they Therefore they cannot feed very well for application like high
have also some drawbacks. Those drawbacks which are power radars in which one can try to transmit a power in
discussed in this paper report are initially when Microstrip KWatts and MWatts. So the simulation result has been
antenna has started to be present in the market but some of presented for an antenna which can operate very well in
them have been minimized dramatically. The major drawback hundreds of watts but not very high power.
of a microstrip antenna is its low frequency bandwidth and the
reason for their low frequency bandwidth is because of their
physical basic concept.

978-1-4799-6929-6/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE 21

DOI 10.1109/CICN.2014.16
II. MICROSTRIP ANTENNA FEEDING METHODS there is need to get some short of distance between those two
Since a microstrip antenna is some sort of resonator so a radiating slots has to be  /2 [8]. Another way to look to this
device is actually to consider this microstrip transmission line
designer need some feeding methods to excite a field in this
which is opened on both sides and therefore one can obtain
resonator. There are various ways to feed the antenna [4]. The here some short of resonator and this resonator develops inside
most common way is basically to use of a coaxial probe in a field distribution and therefore it actually has feature of
which the probe is actually penetrate the ground plane and resonators and it is some short of resonator which is leaking
shorted to the upper conductive of the antenna [5]. By the way from its edge.
upper conductive antenna is also called patch, because it can
actually have many shapes. In this paper report rectangular
shape has been discussed, but it can be of any shape
essentially. The second way of feeding a resonator over the Now let's talk about computation of radiation pattern. The
cavity domain under the patch is using some short of inset a radiation pattern of using transmission line model is done by
microstrip into the cavity [6]. The third way is using a strip considering the radiation from two equivalent radiating slots on
which is penetrating the cavity domain under the patch both sides of the patch antenna [9]. The radiated electric field
without touching anything and by electromagnetic coupling is of an arbitrary antenna can be expressed as:
actually excite the cavity domain under the patch. Fourth way − ∧ ∧ e − jk0 r
which is used also for a feeding microstrip antenna is using E (r,θ , φ ) = [θ Fθ (θ , φ ) + φFφ (θ , φ )] V / m (1)
microstrip lines which excite a slot and this slot actually excite r
the cavity domain under a patch antenna. This feeding has − ∧ ∧
appropriate for multilayer applications while in which don't where E is the electric field vector, θ and φ are unit vectors
want to use from one layer to another layer and therefore is in the spherical coordinate system, r is the radial distance from
popular specially for multilayer application in which one can the origin, and k0 = 2/ is the free-space propagation constant,
actually integrate an arc section with antenna [7]. with wavelength  = c/ f . Also defined in (Eq. 1) are the
III. MICROSTRIP ANTENNA RADIATION CONCEPT pattern functions, F (, ) and F (, ). The magnetic fields
associated with the electric field of (Eq. 1) can be found as
Basically the microstrip antenna concept a trace back to the
microstrip line and in fig. 2 field distribution in cross section of Eθ
microstrip line represented. The interesting fact is that even the Hφ = (2)
microstrip line is able to radiate and a model that radiation η0
from a microstrip line is equivalent from two radiating slots on
each sides of this strip. In microstrip line is actually those in − Eφ
Hθ = (3)
which electric field radiating slots is in the opposite in η0
direction. Therefore one can get a minimum radiation on axis
which is normal to the substrate. where 0 = 377 , the wave impedance of free-space.
What one can notice actually here that the patch antenna with
rectangular shape is pretty wide in beam width and in both in
H-plane half power beam width of approximately 70 to 80
degrees. And therefore a patch antenna can be used actually
either a single element or as an element in a ray in one can
obtained to control the radiation feature of a large antenna.


In this paper report a rectangular microstrip patch antenna
has been designed for cellular phones. By using Advanced
Fig. 2. Electric Field Components at the two edges along the width
Design System simulation tools, one can obtained the results
containing several parameters like directivity, gain, axial ratio,
Therefore a microstrip line is not so beneficial in terms of far field and scattering parameter measurement [10-11].
transmission because transmission line is normal axis of the
microstrip. In microstrip antenna actually the effect of radiation A. Design Specifications
from those equivalent radiating slot is used in more clever way. The three essential parameters for the design of a
In a microstrip antenna, there is a gain a microstrip but which rectangular Microstrip Patch Antennas are:
is open safe in both side of microstrip line. The two radiating 1) Frequency of operation ( f0 ): The resonant frequency
slots equivalent edges of microstrip line, there are excited in of the antenna must be selected appropriately. The Personal
phase and then radiating far field on an axis which is normal to Communication System (PCS) uses the frequency range from
antenna, they actually combined in phase and one can obtained
1850-1990 MHz [12]. Hence the antenna designed must be
enhancement of the radiation. In order to obtain two radiating
slots are combined in phase on an axis normal to an antenna, able to operate in this frequency range. The resonant

frequency selected for design a microstrip antenna in this §W ·
paper report is 1.9 GHz. For measure the scattering parameters (ε reff + 0.3) ¨ + 0.264 ¸
© h ¹
an adaptive range of 1 GHz to 3 GHz has been used. ΔL = 0.412h (7)
§W ·
2) Dielectric constant of the substrate ( r ): The
dielectric material selected for antenna design is RT Duroid (ε reff − 0.258 ) ¨ + 0.8 ¸
© h ¹
5880, Fused Quartz, Alumina and Epsilam. A substrate with a
5) Calculation of actual length of patch ( L ): The actual
high dielectric constant has been selected since it reduces the
length is obtained by re-writing equation (8) as:
dimensions of the antenna [13].
3) Height of dielectric substrate ( h ): For the microstrip L = Leff − 2ΔL (8)
patch antenna to be used in cellular phones, it is essential that 6) Calculation of the ground plane dimensions (Lg and Wg
the antenna is not bulky. Hence, the height of the dielectric ): The transmission line model is applicable to infinite ground
substrate is selected as 1.59 mm. planes only. However, for practical considerations, it is
essential to have a finite ground plane. It has been shown by
[14] that similar results for finite and infinite ground plane can
be obtained if the size of the ground plane is greater than the
patch dimensions by approximately six times the substrate
thickness all around the periphery. Hence, for this design, the
ground plane dimensions would be given as:
Lg = 6h + L (9)
Wg = 6h + W (10)
7) Calculation of the cut depth of inset feed (y0): The
Fig. 3. Microstrip Patch Antenna accurate inset feed cut depth (y0) for a rectangular shape
microstrip patch antenna [15] with thin dielectric substrates to
B. Design Procedure get 50 ohm input impedance is:
For designing an antenna several parameters has been ­0.001699ε r 7 + 0.13761ε r 6 − 6.1783ε r 5 ½
needed like width, length etc. Some essential parameters such ° °L
y0 = 10−4 ®+93.187ε r 4 − 682.69ε r 3 + 2561.9ε r 2 ¾ (11)
as chop cut width of rectangular slot kept 5 mm and width of
the feed is fixed to 3.009 mm. For different substrates different °−4043ε + 6697 °2
¯ r ¿
shape of rectangular patch antennas have been designed
because the value of designing parameters changes with the (2 ≤ ε r ≤ 10)
substrates [7]. The proposed antenna based on the Rectangular Microstrip
1) Calculation of the Width (W ): The width of the Patch Antenna. The antenna is planar Rectangular Patch
Microstrip patch antenna is given by equation (4) as: Antenna fed by Microstrip line on the PCB (Print Circuit
Board) substrates with dielectric constant values and 1.59 mm
W= (4) of thickness (h). This antenna is design at adaptive frequency

2 f0
( ε r + 1) range of 1 GHz to 3 GHz, width of microstrip is 3.009 mm for
match impedance with 50 ohms of transmission line. The
2 Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna is shown in fig. 3. The
where c = free space velocity of light Essential parameters of the design are shown in table 1.
2) Calculation of Effective dielectric constant ( reff):
Equation (5) gives the effective dielectric constant as: TABLE I. Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Designing Specifications

ε r + 1 ε r −1 ª hº 2 Dielectric Substrates
ε reff = + «1 + 12 » (5) Epsilam
2 2 ¬ W¼ Antenna RT Duroid 5880 Fused Quartz
r=2.2 r=3.75
Parameters (Loss
3) Calculation of the Effective length (Leff ): Equation (6) (Loss Tangent (Loss Tangent (Loss Tangent
=0.001) =0.0001) =0.0001)
gives the effective length as: =0.002)
33.8173 30.9657
c W 62.4133 mm 51.2278 mm
Leff = (6) mm mm
2 f 0 ε reff reff 2.12508 3.54869 9.00805 10.8263
26.304028 23.99
4) Calculation of the length extension ( L ): Equation (7) Leff 54.1564 mm 41.9086 mm
mm mm
gives the length extension as: 0.6714
L 0.8394 mm 0.7537 mm 0.6799 mm
24.9442 22.6472
L 52.4776 mm 40.4012 mm
mm mm

Dielectric Substrates The axial ratio is simulated for an antenna to demonstrate the
Epsilam desired polarization is circular.
Antenna RT Duroid 5880 Fused Quartz Alumina
Parameters r=2.2 r=3.75 r=9.9 Axial ratio= major axis ÷ minor axis
(Loss Tangent (Loss Tangent (Loss Tangent
=0.001) =0.0001) =0.0001) Fig. 5 represents the electric far field pattern for RT Duroid
Lg 62.0176 mm 49.9412 mm
34.4842 32.1872 5880, Fused Quartz, Alumina and Epsilam.
mm mm
43.3573 40.5057 B. Antenna Parameters
Wg 71.9533 mm 60.7678 mm
mm mm
For analyze the performance of an antenna, several
antenna parameters play a vital role. These parameters are
VI. SIMULATION SETUP AND RESULTS such as power radiated, Effective angle, Directivity and Gain
of an antenna [18]. Directivity is a key parameter of an
Microstrip Patch Antennas is very popular in the field of antenna. Directivity measure the direction of an antenna's
Mobile phone communication because of its small size, light
radiation pattern. Table 2 represents the antenna parameters of
weight, easy fabrication and low cost. In the modern
technology era mobile phone industry need a small size a rectangular shape microstrip patch antenna using different
antenna which can easily mount inside the cell phone. The dielectric substrates. When an antenna radiates equally
simulation results have been obtained by using ADS simulation distribution in all the direction then its directivity would be 0
tool [10-11]. There are some other parameters of an antenna dB.
which can affect the performance like directivity of an antenna,
TABLE II. Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Parameters
a better gain, bandwidth and many more. Fig. 4 represents the
proposed rectangular shape microstrip patch antenna.
Dielectric Substrates
Parameters RT Duroid
Fused Quartz Alumina Epsilam
Directivity (dB) 5.6119 5.3533 5.3694 5.3582

Gain (dB) 5.2393 5.3305 4.5720 2.2091

Power Radiated
0.0023558 9.206e-006 1.86e-006 1.521e-006
Effective Angle
197.76 209.90 209.11 209.65
Intensity 0.0006825 2.513e-006 5.097e-007 4.159e-007

Antenna gain is use to describing the power in the direction of

Fig. 4. Praposed Rectangular Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna
radiation. RT Duroid 5880 shows better performance at the
frequency above 2 GHz. By using fused quartz in the
A. Electric Far Field substrate, one can get the good gain and directivity but not
The simulation result shows the electric far field for the valid for scattering parameters in the frequency range of
microstrip antenna. For an antenna 3D measurement E Theta cellular phone. In the case of Alumina substrate, cellular
and E phi together represent the variation of electric field E in antenna can get better directivity, power radiated, Gain and
free space. Axial ratio plot shows the measurement of effective angle characteristics. The Gain of an antenna for
polarization characteristics of a microstrip antenna. alumina substrate is comparatively high then Epsilam.
Different designs proposed in this work with validation of
scattering parameter measurements, and it is obtained that
alumina substrate gives the best performance when used in
frequency range of the mobile communication.

C. Scattering Parameter Measurements

Scattering parameter play a vital role in designing of an
antenna. S11 is defined as the input reflection factor, which
shows how much of the input signal is actually reflected back
to the transmitter [16]. Cellular mobile phone services operate
within the frequency ranges 872-960 MHz and 1710-1875MHz
[17]. The proposed rectangular patch has been designed using
different substrates. A microstrip patch antenna consisting RT
Duroid 5880 as substrates is simulated in adaptive frequency
band of 1 GHz to 3 GHz. The length and width of the inset
feed is kept fixed to 40 mm. It has been observed that
Fig. 5. Electric Far Field Pattern scattering parameter S11 shows the best characteristics after 2

GHz frequency, which is not desirable for mobile 5880, Fused Quartz, Alumina and Epsilam. The essential
communication. The inset feed cut depth (y0) for a rectangular parameters of an antenna such as radiation pattern, Directivity,
shape microstrip patch antenna with RT Duroid 5880 dielectric Gain and electric far field have been compared. An antenna
substrate is 12.6295 mm. with RT Duroid 5880 is costly and performs better at higher
frequency (>2 GHz). However in the frequency range of
mobile communication, the result revealed that alumina
substrate performs better than other dielectrics keeping
thickness of antenna 1.59 mm. The simulation results have
been obtained by using ADS simulation tool.

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