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Best Practice

SABP-Y-067 22 June 2016

Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems
Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee

1 Purpose...........................................................2
2 Scope.............................................................. 2
3 Disclaimer....................................................... 2
4 Conflicts with Mandatory Standards............... 2
5 References......................................................3
6 Definitions and Acronyms............................... 4
7 Instructions...................................................... 5
Appendix 1 - Factory/Site Acceptance
Test Procedures and Reporting….... 8
Appendix 2 - Test Records Sheets………...……. 22
Appendix 3 - System Punch List………….….….. 49
Appendix 4 - Test Equipment Calibration
Certificates…….............................. 50
Appendix 5 - Skid Instrument Calibration
Certificates..............................…… 51

Previous Issue: New Next Planned Update: TBD

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Contacts: Al-Jumah, Yousef Ahmed (jumahya) on +966-13-8801372 and
Hassell, James Clyde (hasseljc) on +966-13-8801374

©Saudi Aramco 2016. All rights reserved

Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SABP-Y-067
Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

1 Purpose

The purpose of this Practice is to establish guidelines in conducting Factory Acceptance

Test (FAT) and Site Acceptance Test (SAT) for Custody Truck Bottom Loading and
Unloading Metering Systems.

2 Scope

This Best Practice specifies the requirements to FAT and SAT Custody Truck
Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems as specified by 34-SAMSS-167 and
34-SAMSS-168, to demonstrate, to the fullest extent possible at the manufacturer’s
facilities and site location, that the subject Metering Systems meet all requirements of
project Functional Specification Document before being shipped to the site and before

This Best Practice is not applicable to truck loading and unloading metering systems
used for LPG, heavy fuel oil with viscosities greater than 180 cSt, molten sulfur or

3 Disclaimer

This Best Practice is being provided for the general guidance and benefit of Saudi
Aramco engineers conducting FAT and SAT. The use of this Best Practice during
factory acceptance test or site acceptance test; however, does not relieve the
manufacturer from his responsibility or duty to confirm or to verify the accuracy of any
information presented or from his contractual liability to perform an accurate FAT that
conforms to Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements. Moreover, this Best
Practice is intended only to provide guidelines for Saudi Aramco engineers and shall
not be considered as a replacement for the Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
Requirements. Saudi Aramco® is a registered trademark of the Saudi Arabian Oil

4 Conflicts with Mandatory Standards

In the event of a conflict between this Best Practice and other Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirement, the Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement shall

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Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SABP-Y-067
Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

5 References

This Best Practice is based on the below referenced standards:

5.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard

SAES-J-600 Pressure Relief Devices

Saudi Aramco Material System Specifications

01-SAMSS-010 Fabrication Steel Piping
12-SAMSS-007 Fabrication of Structural and Miscellaneous Steel
17-SAMSS-515 Auxiliary Electrical Systems for Skid-Mounted
34-SAMSS-167 Truck Loading Metering System
34-SAMSS-168 Truck Unloading Metering System
34-SAMSS-831 Instrumentation for Packaged Units

Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings

AA-036123 Truck Loading Facility (Custody Transfer Truck
Loading Metering Systems of Hydrocarbon
Liquids by Positive Displacement Meters)
AA-036139 Truck Unloading Facility (Custody Transfer Truck
Unloading Metering Systems of Hydrocarbon
Liquids by Positive Displacement Meters)
AA-036146 Truck Loading Facility (Custody Transfer Two
Product Metering System by Positive
Displacement Meters)
AB-036521 Bridge Weld and Typical Brace Seal Welded and
Socket Welded Valves on Process Lines
AE-036141 General Arrangement

Saudi Aramco Library Drawings

DC-950040 Pressure Indicators and Switches
DC-950041 Pressure Indicators and Switches Panel or Wall
Mounted Instrument Piping Details

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Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

Saudi Aramco Forms and Data Sheets

SA-7213 Mechanical Completion Certificate
SA-8020-167 Instrument Specification Sheet - Truck Loading
SA-8020-168 Instrument Specification Sheet - Truck Unloading

5.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Petroleum Institute

Chapter 6, Section 2 Loading Rack Metering Systems
API RP 1004 Bottom Loading and Vapor Recovery

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME SEC VIII Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Rules for
Construction Pressure Vessels

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 V Max.)

6 Definitions and Acronyms

Custody Transfer Measurement: A specialized form of measurement that provides

quantity and quality information used for the physical and fiscal documentation of a
change in ownership and/or responsibility of hydrocarbon commodities. This includes
measurement of hydrocarbon liquid movements (deliveries or receipts) between Saudi
Aramco and its customers, suppliers, joint ventures and transport contractors including
VELA ships.

Factory Acceptance Test (FAT): A series of tests conducted at the vendor’s plant on
the integrated system to demonstrate compliance of the System with the job
specification requirements, to the maximum extent possible in the Contractor's factory

Functional Specification Document (FSD): Provides the technical requirements for

the System.

Pre-FAT: A comprehensive test, completed by the vendor prior to FAT, which ensures
that the System can be tested according to FAT procedures without unanticipated

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Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

Proponent: The Saudi Aramco organization responsible for signing the Saudi Aramco
Form SA-7213, Mechanical Completion Certificate. In the context of this document,
the Proponent is the Saudi Aramco organization responsible for operating and
maintaining the metering facility.

Project Management Team (PMT): The team of Company individuals who are
assigned the responsibility of managing the project.

Site Acceptance Test (SAT): A series of tests conducted at the site location on the
installed System that demonstrates compliance with all requirements, except

System: The metering skid system that is procured under the Contract.

Vendor: The party that supplies or sells integrated metering systems, metering
equipment, or components sometimes called Integrator.

7 Instructions

7.1 General
a. The Practice laid out in this procedure are designed to provide a level of
confidence in the truck loading and unloading metering systems. The tests
are not designed to recalibrate individual instruments.
b. The FAT shall be conducted in approved manufacturer plant using flow
media (water or as recommended by the manufacturer) to simulate actual
loading and unloading operation. Vendor shall provide all needed utilities
to perform the FAT.
c. Pre FAT/SAT shall be conducted prior to the official FAT/SAT by
manufacturer to ensure the metering system is ready for the official
FAT/SAT. Pre FAT/SAT report shall be submitted to Operating
Department, PMT and P&CSD/Custody Measurement Unit for review and
d. Ensure availability, copy, of approved Functional Specification Document
(FSD) and P&ID during the FAT and SAT. Also, a copy of calibration
certificate for all instruments and equipment for review.
e. FAT and SAT requirements are the same with exception that the SAT will
take place under normal operation conditions at the site after skid
installation and commissioning where hydrocarbon will be introduced in the
metering system.
f. FAT and SAT of truck loading metering system and unloading metering
system are the same with exception that additional tests will be required for

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Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

unloading metering system, include, but not limited to, functionality /

operation of:
 Adjustable Frequency Drive
 Air Eliminator
 Meter Prover Connection
 Unloading Pump

7.2 Pre-requisites
a. Ensure that all parts of the metering system with its components have been
integrated as per 34-SAMSS-167 for truck loading metering system, and
34-SAMSS-168 for truck unloading metering system, and are ready for
b. Ensure that all skid components were purchased from approved Saudi
Aramco suppliers, where specified.
c. All test equipment needed for all aspects of FAT/SAT shall be identified.
Valid calibration certificates of the test equipment shall be available prior to
the start of FAT/SAT.
d. Ensure the Vendor conducted a Pre-FAT/SAT. It is basically a trial run of all
FAT/SAT procedures to identify and correct any deficiencies that could cause
delays during FAT/SAT. The pre-FAT/SAT is carried out without the
presence of Company representatives. The purpose of the pre-FAT/SAT is to
ensure that all hardware, software, and application program deficiencies have
been identified and corrected before the official FAT/SAT. This includes but
not limited to:
 Wiring from the test panel to the I/O points
 Wiring inside the equipment
 I/O modules
e. A formal, signed pre-FAT/SAT report shall be submitted to Saudi Aramco
before commencement of FAT/SAT, the vendor shall complete Pre-FAT/SAT
utilizing the approved FAT/SAT procedure/report.

7.3 Factory/Site Acceptance Test Report

7.3.1 FAT and SAT Reports

The report shall contain the following sections, as a minimum:

a) Identify System and Vendor

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Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

b) Description of the metering system and serial number

c) FAT/SAT location, start date, completion date
d) Name of Contractor/Vendor representative and signature
e) List of Company representatives and signatures
f) Scope of the FAT/SAT
h) List of tests
g) A FAT/SAT Punch List with description/exception items.

7.3.2 All documents referenced in the FAT/SAT Procedure shall be listed with
their revision numbers and publication date. Documentation which is
part of System and/or is needed during FAT/SAT shall be available.
Specific items typically include User's Manuals, Maintenance Manuals,
configuration drawings, connection drawings, database listings, logic
drawings, instrumentation loop drawings (ILD), P&IDs.

7.3.3 Appendices

Appendices 1 to 6 are the FAT and SAT reports that list the required
tests and documents for truck loading metering system and truck
unloading metering systems, when approved by the Company
representatives, these reports shall be used as the certification that the
FAT and SAT has been successfully completed.
Appendix 1 - Factory/Site Acceptance Tests Procedure and Reporting
Appendix 2 - Test Record Sheets
Appendix 3 - System Punch List
Appendix 4 - Test Equipment Calibration Certificates
Appendix 5 - Skid Instruments Calibration Certificates

Revision Summary
22 June 2016 New Saudi Aramco Best Practice that establishes guidelines in conducting Factory Acceptance
Test (FAT) and Site Acceptance Test (SAT) for Custody Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading
Metering Systems.

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Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

Appendix 1 – Factory/Site Acceptance Test Procedures and Reporting

Truck Loading Metering System and Truck Unloading Metering System

1. Introduction

This document is the Factory/Site Acceptance Test (FAT/SAT) Best Practice and
Reporting to inspect and verify the functionality of Truck Loading Metering System,
Truck Unloading Metering System and associated control. This document contains
detailed test procedures with associated lists, tables and a buyer’s comment and sign off
area in order to verify and document that each test has been carried out successfully and in
accordance with the buyer’s specification (FSD).

The Practice laid out in this procedure are designed to provide a level of confidence in the
truck loading and unloading metering systems. The testes are not designed to recalibrate
individual instruments but to demonstrate the functionality of the system and its operation
in accordance with project specification.

The SAT requirements are the same with exception that the SAT will take place under
normal operation conditions at the site after skid installation and commissioning where
hydrocarbon will be introduced in the metering system.

2. Test Overview

The test shall follow a structured plan according to this document. The FAT and SAT shall
begin with a full review of documentation, followed by the inspection of the skid and flow
test. During the flow test the functionality of the instruments shall be verified.

Any test failures shall be fully documented and discussed at the daily review. Failures shall
be evaluated and prioritized according to impact on both further system testing and test
schedule time frame. Test schedule shall be modified to continue testing on the unaffected
part of the system. Low priority failures which cannot be rectified immediately and do not
prevent further testing shall be revisited at the end of the scheduled test period.

Truck Loading Metering System shall be checked against project FSD and 34-SAMSS-167.
Truck Unloading Metering System shall be checked against project FSD and 34-SAMSS-168.
Any deviation from these documents shall be recorded as part of the punch-list and resolved
prior to shipping the metering system to the site.

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Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

3. System Checks

FAT and SAT shall include the following tests, checks, and documents as minimum.
Additional tests may be added and recorded under unstructured/ miscellaneous tests
(Record Sheet # 22):

 Skid identification for wet (flow) tested

 Reference and applicable documents
 Test equipment
 Utility requirements
 Skid instruments calibration certificates
 Visual inspection
 Functionality tests
 Flow test
 Miscellaneous test/ Other test as deemed necessary by Buyer/Inspector
 Punch list
 System Acceptance Certificate (Test Record Closure)

4. Skid identification for wet (flow) tested

List the skid that will be subject to a wet (flow) FAT/SAT

Table 4.1
Modules BI Number Plant Name Plant # Skid Tag # Service Test Medium
Bottom AA-123456 AAAAAA 123 12-3-45689 Diesel,
Loading Gasoline
Crude Oil or

5. Reference and applicable documents

As a minimum, the following documents, Table 5.1, shall be made available prior to

Table 5.1
Title Document # Revision Date
Approved Functional Specification Document
Approved Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
Pre FAT test results
Add Approved GA drawings

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Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

Title Document # Revision Date

System Block Diagram
Pressure Transmitters Detailed and Complete
Technical Information
Temperature Transmitter Detailed and
Complete Technical Information
Pressure Gauges Detailed and Complete
Technical Information
Preset Controller Detailed and Complete
Technical Information
Printer Detailed and Complete Technical
Flow control valve, solenoid valves Detailed
and Complete Technical Information
Flow switches and vapor flow switches,
Detailed and Complete Technical Information
Grounding system
Loading arm hoses
Recommended Spare Parts list for two years
of operation
Saudi Aramco Detail Vent, Drain and Samplers
Saudi Aramco locally mounted pressure
indicators and switches
Instrument Piping Details – Pressure
Instruments – Blind and Indicating type
As built drawings of Electrical and
Relief Valve Setting

6. Test Equipment

All test equipment needed for all aspects of FAT shall be identified and be made available.
Valid calibration/certification reports of test equipment shall be available (Appendix 4).
As a minimum, the following equipment, Table 6.1, is required:

Table 6.1
Description Manufacturer Model S/N
Expiration Date
Digital Multi-meter
Timer Counter
Hart Communicator
Pulse generator
Dead Weight Tester

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Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

Description Manufacturer Model S/N
Expiration Date
Decade Resistance Box
Digital thermometer
Tape measure
Other as applicable

7. Utility requirements

The following supplies are required to perform the FAT/SAT-Flow Test

Table 7.1
Description Rating
Water Pump To accommodate the required flow rate
Water Storage Tank To accommodate the required volume
Control panel power supply To accommodate the required VAC
Hoses and Coupler/adapter To accommodate the required valve sizes
Air Compressor To test operation of Air Eliminator

8. Skid instruments and calibration certificates

 Check that all system component (listed in Table 8.1) were supplied by approved
 Calibration certificate shall be provided (Appendix 5) for all instruments listed in the
table as applicable.

Table 8.1
Description Manufacturer Model S/N
Preset Controller
Flow Meters
Flow Control Valve
Solenoid valve
RTD/Temperature Transmitter
Pressure Transmitter
Differential Pressure Switch
Ball/Plug Valve

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Description Manufacturer Model S/N

Pressure Indicator
Temperature Indicator
Grounding System
Over fill Sensor
Level Switch
Safety Relief Valves

9. Visual inspection
 Visual inspection consists of three sections; Mechanical, Electrical and
 The tests shall demonstrate and document the satisfaction of all requirements of the
System as stated in the applicable references listed in Section 5. Also, to verify the
skid is in line with relevant P&ID, GA and 34-SAMSS-167 or 34-SAMSS-168.
 List of tests and observation shall be Recorded Test Record Sheet # 1 (Appendix 2).

10. Functionality Tests

10.1 Manual Valves Operation (Ball Valve and Plug Valve)

 Ensure that each valve is tagged in accordance to relevant P&ID.
 Ensure that each manually operated valve can be opened and closed smoothly.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 2 (Appendix 2).

10.2 Preset Controller

 Apply power and observe the unit start up to default display.
 Verify configuration (constants, version, unit of measurements, correction table,
etc.) by having the unit in ‘Programming Mode’, against approved FSD.
 Test Arm 1 Permissive by applying power (VAC) to designated terminals at the
Control Junction Box (CJB).
 Test Arm 2 Permissive by applying power (VAC) to designated terminals at the
 Test Arm 1 Pump Enable by having the unit in ‘Hardware Test Mode’, force the
status of the discrete output and observe change of dry contact status from the
designated terminals at the CJB.

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Issue Date: 22 June 2016 Factory and Site Acceptance Testing
Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

 Test Arm 2 Pump Enable by having the unit in ‘Hardware Test Mode’, force the
status of the discrete output and observe change of dry contact status from the
designated terminals at the CJB.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 3 (Appendix 2).

10.3 Pressure Transmitter

 Using a pressure calibrator, vary the inputs at 0 and 100% of span range and
verify the display at the transmitter and preset controller. This test is to check
working of the instrument not calibration.
 Disconnect PT during loading operation and record observation
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 4 (Appendix 2)

10.4 Pressure Indicator

 A known pressure shall be applied to the instrument by means of a pressure
 Check that the pressure displayed on the relevant pressure indicator matches the
pressure test value.
 Record the results for rising and falling pressure at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of
range on the attached test record sheets.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 5 (Appendix 2).

10.5 Temperature Element

 Using a decade resistance box, vary the resistance at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of
span range and verify the display at the Preset Controller.
 Compare RTD element output reading on preset to temperature reading on the
test thermowell.
 Test temperature signal at prover socket.
 Disconnect RTD during loading operation and record observation.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 6 (Appendix 2).

10.6 Solenoid Valves/Digital Set-Stop Valves

 Provide power supply (VAC/or VDC) for all the skids.
 With Preset Controller in ‘Hardware Test Mode’, energize/de-energize each
solenoid by turning On/Off the corresponding discrete output
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 7 (Appendix 2)

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10.7 Solenoid Valve on Air Eliminator (Truck Unloading Only)

This test to verify the functionality of low and high level switches in the Air
Eliminator and switches set-points (low/high).
 The Solenoid will energize (vent open) when liquid is below the low level switch.
 The Solenoid will de-energize (vent closed) when liquid covers the high level
 Verify level switches set-points against requirements.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 8 (Appendix 2)

10.8 Pressure Differential Indicating Transmitters

 Using a pressure source, vary the input (diff-pressure) at 0, 25. 50, 75 and100%
of span range and verify the reading on the instrument.
 Verify alarm set point.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 9 (Appendix 2)

10.9 Truck Grounding

 Common for all arms (Already installed in the Skid)
 Apply power (VAC) and verify that the Blue Indicating Light is ‘Off’, and
indication contact is ‘Open’ at the CJB.
 Connect truck grounding probe to a truck / Dummy and verify that the Blue
Indicating Light turns ‘On’, and indication contact is ‘Closed’ at the CJB.
 Disconnect grounding and record observation
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 10 (Appendix 2)

10.10 Truck Overfill and Bypass Tests (Truck loading only)

10.10.1 Overfill Test

 Common for all arms (Already installed in the Skid)
 Upon Power-up RED’ not-permissive’ indicator to light up.
 Connect the plug to a truck / test kit
 Detector automatically detects 5-wire or 2-wire configuration and wet
probes also
 5-wire or 2-wire mode is correctly displayed by respective indicator on
the detector
 Wet probes if any are displayed against the respective probe numbers

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Next Planned Update: TBD for Truck Bottom Loading and Unloading Metering Systems

 If overfill permissive is OK, then the RED, ‘Not Permissive’ Light

would go off and the GREEN ‘Permissive’ light would go on
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 11 (Appendix 2)

10.10.2 Overfill Bypass Test (Truck loading only)

 Swipe the coded wireless bypass key across the global panel area.
(Note: Key cannot be interchanged between controller as they are coded).

 This will bring the controller in to overfill bypass mode. Ground mode
cannot be bypassed.
 Ground light BLUE should be go on, RED and GREEN indicators will
be flashing and 5 wire / 2 wire mode indicators will be lit.
 The detector will return to normal mode from bypass mode once the test
kit or truck is disconnected.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 11 (Appendix 2).

10.11 Level Switch

 Common for all arms (Already installed in the Skid).
 Apply power (VAC) and verify the designated terminals for over flow on CJB to
be ‘Closed’.
 Fill the overfill line with liquid / water and verify that the designated terminals on
CJB for overflow to be ‘Open’.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 12 (Appendix 2).

10.12 Flow Switch

 Common for all arms (Already installed in the Skid).
 Apply power (VAC) and verify that the designated contacts for on CJB for vapor
sensing to be ‘Open’.
 Inject air into the overfill line and verify for the designated terminals for vapor
sensing to be ‘Closed’.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 13 (Appendix 2).

10.13 Flow and Level Indicator Switch

 Inject power (VAC) to the respective terminals on terminals on the CJB for the
 Once the voltage is applied, both indicators should light up.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 14 (Appendix 2)

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10.14 Key-Lock Override Switch

 Operate the key lock override switch from one position to another and verify
contact status change at the designated terminals at the CJB.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 15 (Appendix 2).

10.15 Truck Loading/Unloading Arm Assembly and Movement

 Check the truck loading arm assembly and movement.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 16 (Appendix 2).

11. Flow Test

11.1 General
 Flow test at the manufacturer plant shall be wet test/liquid. Flow test during
commissioning shall be actual product.
 During FAT, signals from Terminal Management Systems will be simulated,
however, during the SAT all signals will be coming from the TMS and loading
and unloading operations will controlled by the TMS.
 Prior to flow test ensure all loading and unloading permissives are contacted from
Truck Grounding, Truck Overfill (loading only), Level Switch, Vapor Switch and
Key lock Override.
 Pre-set Controller Arm 1 and Arm 2 Loading/Unloading Permissive shall be
 Pre-set Controller Arm 1 and Arm 2 Pump Enable shall be wired.
Note: For Truck Unloading application, one meter and two unloading arms are
installed per skid.

11.2 Loading Operation

This test is to demonstrate the functionality of Ramp up, Ramp Down, Start and
Stop loading operation, smooth operation, completion of loading operation.
a. Apply 120 VAC power supply for pre-set Controller, Truck Grounding/Truck
Overfill, Level Switch, and Vapor Switch.
b. Line up truck for loading.
c. Set key lock override position switch if required.
d. Pre-set Controller default display of “Connect Interlock” should change to
“Order number” upon connecting truck grounding/overfill plug to the truck.
e. Pre-set Controller should allow any number to be entered for “Order Number”,
“Driver Number” and “Truck Number” in succession.

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f. Enter ‘Arm 1 Pre-set Quantity followed by start and Arm 1 should start counting
g. Verify that Vapor switch is triggered within 30 seconds after Start button is
pressed for Arm 1.
h. Enter ‘Arm 2 Pre-set Quantity followed by start and Arm 2 should start counting
i. Ramp-up for Slow Start Quantity
Verify Arm 1 and Arm 2 Flow Rate at the Pre-set Controller to be 650L/M when
the delivered quantity is less than 1500L (Slow Start Quantity).
j. Ramp-up after Slow Start Quantity
Verify that the flow rate for arm 1 and 2 ramp up to the configured value
XXXXL/M when the delivered quantity reached the configured value XXXXL.
k. Ramp-down for Pre-stop Quantity
 The Pre-set Controller will implement the following (example) ramp down
flow rates:
Remaining (L) Flow Rate (L/M)
900 1125
600 675
400 450
200 225
Note: Remaining and flow rate may vary from system to another system.

 Verify that Arm 1 and Arm 2 stops counting when it reaches the “Pre-set
Quantity” for each arm.
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 17 (Appendix 2)

11.3 Loading Interruptions

Initiate loading operation for Arm 1 and initiate the following actions
a. Loss of Truck Grounding
Disconnect one leg of Truck Grounding indication contact wiring at CJB and
verify that Arm 1 Counter is not incrementing.
b. Truck High Level
Disconnect one leg of Truck Overfill indication contact wiring at CJB and verify
that Arm 1 Counter is not incrementing.
c. Absence of Vapor Flow
Disconnect one leg of Vapor Flow Switch indication contact wiring at CJB and
verify that Arm 1 Counter is not incrementing after 30 seconds.

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d. Truck Overflow
Disconnect one leg of Level Switch indication contact connection at the CJB
and verify that Arm 1 Counter is not incrementing.
e. Faulty Pressure Transmitter
Disconnect one leg of pressure transmitter connection at the EJB and verify that
Arm 1 Counter is not incrementing.
Arm 1 will be rendered unavailable for loading unless the error is corrected.
f. Faulty Temperature Element
Disconnect one leg of Temperature Element connection at the EJB and verify
Arm 1 Counter is not incrementing.
Arm 1 will be rendered unavailable for loading unless the error is corrected.
g. Breached of Level B Pulse Security
 Disconnect Arm 1 Pulse A Input connection, during loading operation, at
EJB and verify that Arm 1 Counter is not incrementing. Arm 1 will be
rendered unavailable for loading unless the error is corrected.
 Disconnect Arm 1 Pulse B Input connection, during loading operation, at
EJB and verify that Arm 1 Counter is not incrementing. Arm 1 will be
rendered unavailable for loading unless the error is corrected.
 Disconnect the wires from pick-up A prior to loading, start the loading
operation the process shall stop after the time set in “Flow Error Delay” and
ensure the error message FLOW ERROR will be displayed.
 Disconnect the wires from pick-up B prior to loading, start the loading
operation the process shall stop after the time set in “Flow Error Delay” and
ensure the error message FLOW ERROR will be displayed
 Disconnect the wires from pick-up A & B and start the loading process.
Check the response from the Pre-set Controller. The NO FLOW ALARM
shall be raised after the time set in “No Flow Time out”
 Reverse the connection to meter pick up A and B (B connected to A and A
connected to B).
 Record observations in test Record Sheet # 18 (Appendix 2)

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Initiate loading operation for Arm 2 and initiate the following actions.
Repeat tests of a to f for loading Arm 2
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 18 (Appendix 2)
11.4 Unloading Operation
Unloading skid is equipped with Pump and Adjustable Frequency Drive (AFD).
This test will be for operation of the skid, the pump, and AFD.
11.4.1 AFD Test
 Testing of AFD will consist of two tests; at low speed and at high speed.
The sequence will be Low-High-Low (starting of unloading operation-
normal unloading operation-end of unloading operation).
 Along with that observing the flow rate at different speed to ensure the
speed of the AFD matching the flow rate (low speed at low flow and
high speed at high flow).
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 19 (Appendix 2).
11.4.2 Unloading and Pump Operation
 Prior to the FAT/SAT the pump shall be pre tested. This include
alignment, free of blockage, free rotation of motor, proper direction of
the pump rotor as explained in Operation Manual and Pump
Manufacturer’s Installation Operation Instructions.
 Prior to start up, check that all suction and product delivery valves are
open and control valve have been set for the safe operation of the pump.
 Close all vents drain valves on the truck unloading skid and connect
unloading arms.
 Start unloading operation by opening isolation of unloading arm and
gravity feed product into the skid.
 Once the pump is primed up by looking in the sight glass on both arms,
start the pump from local push button/and or preset controller. This is to
verify correct operation (rotation).
 Initiate stop and ensure the pump stops.
 Start new unloading operation to end and record your observation on the
o Operation of Air Eliminator (level switches, solenoid valve and vent)
o Pump noise and vibration at the start and end of unloading operation.
o Smoothness of starting and completion of loading operation.

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o Operation of Digital Control Valve

o No leak during operation
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 20 (Appendix 2)
11.5 Unloading Interruptions
Initiate unloading operation and initiate the following actions
a. Loss of Truck Grounding
Disconnect one leg of Truck Grounding indication contact wiring at CJB and
verify that counter is not incrementing.
b. Absence of Vapor Flow
Disconnect one leg of Vapor Flow Switch indication contact wiring at CJB and
verify that counter is not incrementing after 30 seconds.
c. Faulty Pressure Transmitter
Disconnect one leg of pressure transmitter connection at the EJB and verify that
Counter is not incrementing. Arms will be rendered unavailable for loading
unless the error is corrected.
d. Faulty Temperature Element
Disconnect one leg of Temperature Element connection at the EJB and verify
that Counter is not incrementing. Arms will be rendered unavailable for loading
unless the error is corrected.
e. Breached of Level B Pulse Security
 Disconnect Pulse A Input connection, during loading operation, at EJB and
verify that Counter on preset controller is not incrementing. Arm will be
rendered unavailable for loading unless the error is corrected.
 Disconnect Pulse B Input connection, during loading operation, at EJB and
verify that Counter on preset controller is not incrementing. Arm will be
rendered unavailable for loading unless the error is corrected.
 Disconnect the wires from pick-up A prior to loading, start the loading
operation the process shall stop after the time set in “Flow Error Delay” and
ensure the error message FLOW ERROR will be displayed.
 Disconnect the wires from pick-up B prior to loading, start the loading
operation the process shall stop after the time set in “Flow Error Delay” and
ensure the error message FLOW ERROR will be displayed.

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 Disconnect the wires from pick-up A & B and start the loading process.
Check the response from the Pre-set Controller. The NO FLOW ALARM
shall be raised after the time set in “No Flow Time out.”
 Reverse the connection to meter pick up A and B (B connected to A and A
connected to B).
 Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 21 (Appendix 2).
12. Miscellaneous Test
This section is for any additional tests required, that are not detailed in the text of this
document. Record observations in Test Record Sheet # 22 (Appendix 2).
13. Punch List
Truck Loading Metering System shall be checked against project FSD and 34-SAMSS-
167. Truck Unloading Metering System shall be checked against project FSD and
34-SAMSS-168. Any deviation from these documents shall be recorded as part of the
punch-list (Appendix 3) and resolved prior to shipping the metering system to the site.
14. System Acceptance Certificate (Test Record Closure)
Appendix 1 to 6 are the FAT and SAT reports that list the required tests and documents for
truck loading metering system and truck unloading metering systems, when approved by
the Company representatives, these reports shall be used as the certification that the FAT
and SAT has been successfully completed.

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Appendix 2 - Test Record Sheets

Test Record Sheet # 1

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Remarks (Acceptable “Y”/

Not Acceptable “N”)
Verify all materials/equipment are in accordance with
the specification.
Check that the skid is in line with relevant P&ID,
dimension, GA drawing and location of the equipment.
Standard Drawings AA-036123, AA-036139, and
Verify the skid is designed to give adequate access to
equipment for operation, inspection, and maintenance
purposes. Also, space to allow removal of individual
Piping supports shall be provided to hold piping in
place facilitate removal of the meter. Such supports
shall not subject the meter to excessive forces, strains
or vibrations.
Verify structural calculations provided by the Supplier
and approved by Saudi Aramco.
Verify no tubular members are used.
Verify no formed plate shapes are used and supports,
and bearing members are structural shapes.
Verify metal self-tapping screws in drive guards or
other component are not used.
Ensure steel plate with diamond or other patterns is not
be provided.

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Test Record Sheet # 1

Deck plates and grating around equipment such as
pumps and drivers shall be removable to allow easy
access for maintenance. All removable deck plates and
grating shall be held in place with bolts and/or clips.
All designs and materials, in particular gaskets and
packing, etc., which may have contact with
hydrocarbon liquids loaded, shall be suitable for the
Bolts, nuts, and washers to be used for skid assemblies
shall be minimum 3/4 inch diameter. The minimum
thickness of connection angles and gusset plates shall
be 5/16 inch except where other sizes are specially
permitted on approved fabrication drawings.
Module base frame shall be of suitable height from
grade (approx. 200 mm) to allow easy access to inside
of the skid.
Verify skid dimension against purchase requisition
Loading calculation and diagrams for foundation and
support of equipment shall be provided.
Anchor bolt location on all equipment for the design
shall be furnished.
A thermal relief valve shall be installed downstream of
each set-stop valve and before the corresponding
coupler in a bottom loading type truck loading and
unloading metering systems.
A vent consisting of a plugged valve shall be provided
at each high point of the truck loading metering
system(s) to facilitate expulsion of trapped air or vapor.
Check valves shall be spring actuated, double disk,
wafer-style valves.
Is instrument design tagging used meeting requirement
and specification?
Verify the assembled module was hydrotested at the
factory prior to the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT).

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Test Record Sheet # 1

Hydrostatic test shall be conducted to conform to the
requirements in 01-SAMSS-010 before the application
of external coating system and/or insulation.
Ensure each drain connection and thermal relief valve
located downstream of the meter shall discharge to an
open funnel. An isolation valve discharging to the oily
water sewer shall be provided under each such funnel.
Each drain connection located on or upstream of the
meter shall be piped directly to the oily water sewer.
Verify loading/unloading arms and vapor arm in
accordance with API RP 1004 for each meter run,
and shall be flange mounted. Arm geometry shall
allow for the connection of all arms for products at one
time to support multi-compartment-loading operation.
Shall be possible without any inter-arm contact,
without excessive stress being placed on any
component. Standard Drawing AE-036141.
Verify connections and joints shall be continuously
seal welded. Skip welding is not acceptable.
Contact surfaces within welded joints shall be free of
oil, paint lacquer or galvanizing.
Verify module skid frames shall be of sturdy
construction designed to withstand handling stresses
during shipment and installation without undue
distortion or strain on the equipment mounted thereon.
Modules shall be provided with suitable lifting lugs.
Non-grating walking surfaces that could be exposed to
a slippery fluid, such as water or oil, shall have a non-
skid surface.
All exposed portion of the skid shall be covered by
grating to comply with safety requirement at the plant.
Piping shall be such that each individual meter can be
isolated and drained without affecting the operation of
the adjacent meter.
Seal Welding threaded joints as per Standard Drawing

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Test Record Sheet # 1

APCS-26 Mastic Epoxy Coatings, cured epoxy or
phenolic epoxy with Inorganic Zinc primer shall be
used for coating.
Verify Small volume prover calibration socket.
Verify strainer body carbon steel and shall be designed,
constructed and tested in accordance with ASME SEC
Verify sampling probe with ball valve or gate valve is
provided at the exit of the probe.
Verify fabrication is complying with Saudi Aramco
Materials System Specification 12-SAMSS-007.
Verify all thermal relief per SAES-J-600.
Electrical equipment and materials shall be designed,
fabricated, and assembled in accordance with
17-SAMSS-515 and 34-SAMSS-831.
Electrical equipment/boxes and instrumentation shall be
certified for use in the hazardous area classification
specified on the Instrument Specification Sheet,
SA-8020-167 and/or SA-8020-168.
Prior to powering up, all skids wiring shall be
continuity tested and report is generated.
Ensure junction boxes are not damaged and properly
Ensure the terminals are in accordance with the
junction box interconnection diagrams
Ensure all terminals, cables, closure are tightened
Ensure cables marking is in accordance with
specification and drawings.

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Test Record Sheet # 1

Signals from the truck grounding and overflow
interlock devices from the truck and vapor flow and
vapor lock liquid level switches shall be wired to a
junction box on the skid. A single interlock signal
from a PLC (provided by others) shall be wired from
the same junction box to the preset controller.
A differential pressure gauge shall be provided for each
strainer and a pressure gauge shall be provided for each
The pressure and temperature instruments for each
meter shall be located in a 1-meter long piping segment
immediately downstream of the meter. Instruments
shall be installed in the following order in relationship
with the flow:
RTD, Test thermowell at a distance not to exceed
0.3 meter from the RTD and pressure gauge and
pressure transmitter (if required).
Wiring and a connection socket shall be provided for
transmission of unaltered meter pulses to a small
volume prover computer.
Check for proximity switches to detect loading arm rest
Digital control valves provided with solenoid valves,
needle valves, filtration equipment.
Preset controller, installation, NEMA 250

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Test Record Sheet # 1


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 2

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading Stream/Arm #


Test Description Tag # Opening Closing

Inlet Valve to Strainer

Outlet Valve to Strainer

Isolation Valve

Double Block and Bleed Valve/ prover

connection in truck unloading (on Truck

Air Eliminator inlet/outlet (on Truck

Unloading) Valve

Other (specify)


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 3

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Description Remarks


Arm 1 Permissive

Arm 2 Permissive

Arm 1 Pump Enable

Arm 2 Pump Enable


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 4

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Range (mA)

Test Data
% Difference % Difference
Input Pressure Preset
Transmitter Accuracy Accuracy
mA Controller
±0.075% ±0.075%
0% of range

100% of range

Additional Test: Disconnect PT during loading operation and record observation


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 5

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:


Test Data
% Difference
Input Pressure Indicator






Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 6

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Range: Calibration Range:

Test Data
% Difference
Input Resistance (Ohms) Preset Controller (Deg. C)
0% of span

25% of span

50% of span

75% of span

100% of span

TE Resistance Equivalent Temp. Test TW (Reading % Difference

(Deg. C) (Deg. C)

Additional Test: Disconnect RTD during loading operation and record observation


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 7

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Data

Status (ON/OFF) Close Solenoid Valve Open Solenoid Valve


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 8

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Data

Description Remarks

Filling up Air Eliminator Low level switch no action on Solenoid

High level switch. Solenoid de-energized. Vent closed

Draining Air Eliminator High level switch no action on solenoid

Low level switch. Solenoid de-energized. Vent open

Switch Level Set Points Low Set Point

High Set Point


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 9

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading



Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Range: Set Range:

Test Data

Input Pressure Reading % Difference


0% of span

25% of span

50% of span

75% of span

100% of span


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 10

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Data
Action Red Light Blue Light
Apply VAC Power Supply

Probe Connected to

Additional Test: Disconnect grounding and record observation


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 11

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Data
Action Green Light Red Light
Apply VAC Power Supply

Probe Connected to Kit/Dummy

Overfill Bypass


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 12

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading

Description: LEVEL SWITCH

Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Data

Action Indication Contact

Apply Power Supply

Simulate increasing level

Simulate decreasing level

Sensor in Water bath


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 13

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading

Description: FLOW SWITCH

Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Data

Action Indication Contact

Apply Power Supply

Simulate increasing flow

Simulate decreasing flow

Overflow Line Injected with Air


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 14

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Data

Action Indication Contact

Apply 120VAC/24VDC Power Supply


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 15

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Model:

Serial Number: Tag Number:

Test Data

position Indication Contact


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 16

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Test Data

Description Arm 1 Arm 2




Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 17

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Test Result

Description Loading Arm 1 Loading Arm 2

(Acceptable Yes/No) (Acceptable Yes/No)

Loading Permissives Healthy

Enter preset quantity and Start Loading from

Preset Controller

Flow Rate At Slow Start Quantity

Slow Start Quantity (L) of configured


Flow Rate after configured delivered

volume (Ramp up)

Flow rate when pre-stop quantity reached

(Ramp down)

Start and completion of loading operation

Operation of Digital Control Valve

Noise, vibration and smoothness of loading


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 18

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Test Result

Description Loading Arm 1 Loading Arm 2

(Acceptable Yes/No) (Acceptable Yes/No)
Loading Permissives Healthy
Enter preset quantity and Start Loading
from Preset Controller
Stop Loading From the Preset
Loss of Truck Grounding
Truck High Level
Absence of Vapor Flow
Truck Overflow (Truck loading only)
Faulty Pressure Transmitter
Faulty Temperature Element
Faulty Arm Pulse Input A (prior and
during loading)
Faulty Arm Pulse Input B (prior and
during loading)

Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 19

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Tag number:

Test Result

Description Remarks (Acceptable: Yes/No)

Sequence of operation Low-High-Low

(starting of unloading operation-normal
unloading operation-end of unloading
Flow rate against speed (low speed at low
flow and high speed at high flow)


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 20

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Manufacturer: Tag number:

Test Result

Description Remarks

Verify correct operation (rotation)

Initiate stop and ensure the pump stops

Start new unloading operation to end and

record your observation on the following:

Operation of Air Eliminator (level switches,

solenoid valve and vent)

Pump noise and vibration at the start and

end of unloading operation.

Smoothness of starting and completion of

loading operation.

Operation of Digital Control Valve

Verify no leak during operation


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Test Record Sheet # 21

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Test Result

Description Unloading Arms (Acceptable Yes/No)

Loading Permissives Healthy
Enter preset quantity and Start Loading
from Preset Controller
Stop Loading From the Preset
Loss of Truck Grounding
Truck High Level
Absence of Vapor Flow
Truck Overflow (Truck loading only)
Faulty Pressure Transmitter
Faulty Temperature Element
Faulty Arm Pulse Input A (prior and
during loading)
Faulty Arm Pulse Input B (prior and
during loading)

Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Additional Test Record Sheet # 22

Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading


Test Result

Description Result


Acceptable Yes/No
Date: Location
Tested by: Witnessed by:
On Behalf of: On Behalf of:

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Appendix 3 - System Punch List

(To be completed after the FAT and SAT)


Project Reference # Skid Tag #

Systems: Truck Loading/Unloading

Submitted Completion Acceptance

Item No. Description Action by
by Date Signature


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Appendix 4 - Test Equipment Calibration Certificates

(To be supplied by the Manufacturer)

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Appendix 5 - Skid Instrument Calibration Certificates

(To be supplied by the Manufacturer)

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