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AC Locomotive Technical Notes

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Cab changing SU:- Ensure SA-9 in applied condition and A-9 in release condition in working cab.

Ensure the physical application of brakes and

3.5 Kgs/sq.cm in BC guage.For changing the cab, ensure closing of A-9 inlet and outlet cocks and SA-9 apply/supply cocks in the working
cab.Close the windows and cab doors before going to other cab.After going to other cab, keep SA-9 in application position, open SA-9
apply/supply and A-9 inlet/outlet cocks without fail.Ensure physically application of loco brakes and also BC guage pressure to indicate 3.5
Kgs/sq.cm.Ensure loco brake power before starting the loco.

Cab changing procedure inConventional MU Locos

Driving Cab (of the loco which is to be working as trailing loco): Build up MR pressure to 9.5 kg/cm2.Keep A-9 on release position and SA-9 on
application position.Check that BC pressure gauge indicates 3.5 kg/cm2 .Apply hand brake/ wooden wedges towards falling gradient.Do not
change pneumatic COC position.Open DJ, switch off all auxiliary switches, lower pantograph, put MPJ to '0', lock BL and remove all the
keys.Proceed to other loco.
In the other loco (which is to be working as leading loco):
Apply loco brake through SA-9 and keep A-9 in release position. Then open A-9 and SA-9 supply and apply COCs. Ensure BC gauge is
showing 3.5 kg/cm2.Put MU2B on 'LEAD' position and open BP charging COC A-8.Unlock BL, raise pantos, close DJ, start auxiliaries.Proceed
to rear loco. Change MU2B to 'TRAIL' position and close A-8 cock, A-9 and SA-9 supply and apply COCs.Close the cab doors and
windows.Then return to leading loco. Check the working of A-9 and SA-9.Release hand brake/ remove wooden wedges of trailing loco.Before
moving loco, conduct loco brake power test.

Conventional Locos Quick Troubles shooting Resetting of VCD 1. Keep MP on '0'. 2.Keep A9 in Full Service. 3.Wait for 32 seconds. 4.Then press
VCD reset button.

Manual Control(Operation) of GR
Procedure:Manual operation of GR should be done, when MP and EEC failed in both cabs. Place MP on position N for closing of line
contactors. Turn ZSMGR handle anti-clockwise from 6O clock to 3O clock position and remove the handle. Ensure SMGR drum is on 0, Ensure
pacco switch in pressed condition. Insert ZSMGR handle on GR shaft at 6O clock position, rotate ZSMGR handle in clock wise direction within
0.6 seconds from 6O clock to 6O clock position for one notch Progression. Turn ZSMGR handle in anti-clockwise direction within 0.6 seconds
from 6O clock to 6O clock position for one notch regression. Watch RGR for any overheating during progression and regression. Progress and
regress by exchanging signals (normally use corridor lights for indication) or any communication. Speed of the train as per G&SR. In case of
emergency, Loco Pilot shall open DJ and apply brakes. Whenever DJ is tripped GR should be brought to '0' manually and MP should be
placed on '0' for closing DJ. While regressing, ensure that GR is not over travelled beyond '0' by observing notch indicator of SMGR drum and
lamp LSGR. Assistant Loco pilot is responsible for manual Control(operation) of GR. After clearing the block section, contact TLC for advice.

Rear Cab Driving Instructions

Procedure while LP in leading cab, ALP in trailing cab:
In rear cab: Place ZPT on position '2' and raise the panto. Close DJ, switch on BLCP and BLVMT. Keep A9 in release position and do not
change I/L and O/L COCs position.SA9 supply and apply cut out cocks should be in closed position.
In leading cab:Keep A9 handle in running position and do not change supply and apply cut out cocks (open position).Do not change SA9
supply and apply cut out cocks to apply loco brakes when required (open position).The loco shall be operated by the Assistant Loco Pilot
from rear cab as per GR. The Loco Pilot will remain in leading cab control the train as and when required. If necessary, the Loco Pilot can
operate A9 to emergency position to regress GR to '0'.The loco shall be operated by exchange of signals between the Loco Pilot and
Assistant Loco Pilot. At neutral section, the Assistant Loco Pilot shall open DJ and lower panto if necessary.If the LP is in leading cab, the
speed to be followed as per G&SR.
LP in trailing cab, ALP in leading cab: If the Loco Pilot is in trailing cab and Assistant Loco Pilot is in leading cab, the speed is as per G&SR. LP
will energise, drive and control the train from trailing cab. ALP will exchange signals with LP, proper using of horns, in case of emergency
operating of ALP emergency brake valve to stop the train. Inform TLC, Enter in the loco logbook stating the place from where TLC has been

Q118 not energised::Ensure battery voltage is above 90 volts.Ensure the pantograph is in raised condition. If it is lowered, check the fuses
CCBA and CCPT.If one or both fuses are melted, renew the same. If it melts again, place HOBA in OFF position, renew the fuse and resume
traction with precautions.Check C118, C105, C106 and C107 are fully opened. If anyone is welded, release the same; operate 2or 3 times with
precautions.Check and ensure the relays Q44 and Q46 are in de-energised condition, tap and clean I/Ls of Q44/Q46.Check GR is on '0' (LSGR
is glowing), operate GR 0-5-0 manually.If everything is normal, manually operate the relay Q118.
Manual energisation of relay Q118:Close BLDJ and BLVMT, press Q118 manually and press BP2DJ.Release BP2DJ after LSDJ, LSCHBA
extinguished and release Q118 after 30 seconds or after all the blowers are started.If DJ is closed and maintained, resume traction. For
closing DJ every time energise Q118 manually.While manually operating Q118, if any abnormal sign is noticed, release Q118 and trouble
shoot for the same.If DJ does not close, check Q45, Q44, C118 and EFDJ/MTDJ branches for any abnormality.If DJ is closed but tripped after
releasing Q118, wedge Q118 in energised condition and work with precautions.
Precautions for wedging Q118.Before wedging ensures all EM contactors are opened. After closing DJ ensure C118 is fully opened. Check the
working of MVMT1, MVMT2, MVRH, MVSL1, MVSL2 auxiliaries frequently. Check TFR oil level for any colour change or any abnormal increase
of oil level. Avoid quick regression of GR.
Q45 Not energised :-Ensure BLDJ is closed. ZPT is in '1' position, LSGR is glowing, and GR drum is in '0'. Check CCDJ. If it is melted renew the
fuse. If it melts second time, put HOBA in 'OFF' position, renew the fuse and operate Q45 manually. If once again the fuse is melted, try from
rear cab. If unsuccessful, contact TLC. If CCDJ is in good condition, operate GR manually from '0' to '5' notches and back to '0'. Then try to
close DJ and resume traction. Press BP2DJ instead of BLRDJ for closing DJ and press BP1DJ couple of times to make proper contact.
Change ZPT to other position and try. Try from rear cab. If unsuccessful, energise Q45 manually.
Manual energisation Of Q45: Keep ZPT '1' position, Close BLDJ and Press Q45 and release after 4 seconds after extinguishing of LSDJ. If DJ
closes, resume traction. Every time for closing DJ, operate Q45 manually. If DJ closes but trips before or after releasing Q45, pick up the
abnormal sign and trouble shoot. If DJ does not close, check Q44, C118, and EFDJ/MTDJ branches
Trouble Shooting: Q44 Not energized :-Ensure Q118, Q45 are energised, and LSGR is glowing, clean the interlocks of Q118, Q45. Operate GR
manually '0' to '5' and back to '0' and try to close DJ and resume traction. If unsuccessful, manually energise Q44.
Manual energisation Of Q44::-Close BLDJ, keep ZPT in '1' position and depute Asst Loco Pilot to watch RGR. Press BP2DJ and press Q44
manually. Release Q44 as soon as DJ is closed and BP2DJ after extinguishing of LSCHBA. If DJ holds, resume traction. Every time for
closing DJ operate Q44 manually. While operating Q44 manually, if any abnormal sign is noticed, release Q44 and trouble shoot for the same.
While manually operating Q44, if DJ does not close, wedge Q44 and work further with precautions.
Precautions before wedging Q44: Take the permission from TLC for wedging Q44. Conduct GR efficiency test. (GR travelling time from 1-32 or
32-1 is 11-13 sec, to be conducted in LT.) Wedge with suitable wooden wedge.
Precautions after wedging Q44: Check the working of all auxiliary motors MVSI-1, MVSI-2, while on run. Check the OHE voltage frequently and
trip DJ when OHE voltage drops below 17.5KV. Take all the precautions which have to be taken after wedging Q118. Manual operation of GR
should not be done.

C118 not closed:-Reasons:-After energising of relays Q44 and Q45, if normally opened interlocks of relays Q44 and Q45 and normally closed interlock
of QCVAR are not making proper contact, C118 coil will not get energised.
Trouble shooting:--Check wire connections of C118 are normal, check the flexibility of the contactor. If it is not moving freely, operate 2 OR 3
times and try if failed, contact TLC. Ensure RS pressure if C118 is of EP type Contactor; ensure C 118 coc is opened condition if available.
Clean the interlocks of Q44, Q45and QCVAR (DC coil) and try to close DJ. Try in LT, if successful, defective Q 44 I/L, inform to TLC and take
advice from TLC for looping of wire 726,731 near BV box with precautions. If unsuccessful, contact TLC for further instructions. C118 should
not be operated manually for closing DJ.
Quick trouble shooting of ICDJ, first ensure C118 closing or not and then check one by one branch. If C118 is closing no need to check Q118,
Q45, Q44 &C118 branches.

MTDJ branch 5-branches VCB locos):-Causes:-If QOA or QOP1 or QOP2 are permanently energised or if air pressure is less than 6.5 Kg/cm 2 or QPDJ
is defective or C118 N/O I/L is defective or MTDJ coil is open circuited or disconnection of wires, MTDJ will not get energised and cause ICDJ.
Action to be taken::-Ensure MR/RS pressure is above 6.5 kg/cm 2. C118 wire connections (739 & 733) are intact, operate C118, 2 or 3 times with
precautions and try. Gently tap the safety relays, if any relay target drop, act accordingly. Buildup air pressure in RS up to 8 Kg/cm 2 or until
SS1 blows and try to close DJ. If DJ does not close, gently tap QPDJ and try to close DJ. If successful work the train. If DJ does not close,
place HQOA on '0' and try to close DJ. If successful, work the train duly observing precautions for HQOA on '0'. If DJ does not close, place
HQOP1 & HQOP2 one by one on 'OFF' position and try to close DJ. If successful, work the train duly observing precautions for HQOP1/2 on
'OFF'. If not successful place HQOA '0', HQOP1 and HQOP2- OFF Position and try. If not successful place HOBA also in OFF position and try.
Ensure pressure in VCB is more than 5 kg/cm 2, if gauge available. ( If pressure less ,we can clean fine filter by operating nipple and can adjust
pressure with check nut of PRV with precautions in VCB unit). If unsuccessful, contact TLC.

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