ABUS Modular Wire Rope Hoist: Technical Intelligence in Top Shape
ABUS Modular Wire Rope Hoist: Technical Intelligence in Top Shape
ABUS Modular Wire Rope Hoist: Technical Intelligence in Top Shape
The new wire rope hoist from ABUS impresses with its performance, service-friendliness, safety and convenience.
And with its modern design. Simply moving.
ABUS Kransysteme GmbH - P. O. 10 01 62 - 51601 Gummersbach - Phone +49 2261 37-0 - Fax +49 2261 37-247 - e-mail: info@abuscranes.com
Performance Service-friendliness Safety
Inductive load measurement Modularity and plug-and-play design Safety features
The reeving of the wire rope hoist can The modular wire rope hoist is equipped
be converted: from 4 fall (4/1) to 2 fall with an LED matrix display, which shows
(2/1) and vice versa. This is of benefit various operating information of the ABU-
if the operating conditions change or Control crane control as well as the status
the wire rope hoist is to be sold. The reports of the crane components. Errors
conversion is quick and easy, since the can thus be quickly and easily identified
deflection roller crosshead and the fixed and eliminated. The LED display shows
point crosshead are mounted through the characters with plenty of contrast and
The modular ABUS wire rope hoists a reliable bolt connection on the trolley can be easily read.
cover the load capacity range up to frame and can be easily changed as
5.0 t. The trolley frame consists of bolted required. The ABUS modular wire rope
and compressed side walls. This innova- hoist is equipped with adjustable and
tive and patented type of connection from cushion-mounted track guide rollers as
ABUS impresses with its high precision standard and thus preserves the lower
and stability. flange of the crane.
The modular wire rope hoist is driven The convenient folding mechanism
by a trolley travel motor operated with makes assembly of the wire rope hoist
a frequency converter. The hoist dri- on the crane very simple. The switch
ve has a 4-pole hoist motor with fre- cabinet of the wire rope hoist has a
quency converter control as standard. modular design: all components are
The lifting speed can be either infini- plug-and-play and can be purchased
AN 120242GB
tely adjustable or used to simulate pole on the open market from the production
switching. The maximum lifting speed is of well-known manufacturers – a huge
load-dependent and achieves double the service advantage!
nominal lifting speed when running emp-
ty. A patented inductive measurement
technique guarantees the load measure-
ment even when the hoist is at a standstill.
The ABUS modular wire rope hoist has a
modern, functional look, which is comple-
mented by a very high-quality designer
colour concept. Model GM800m GM1000m
Convenience 1,0
SWL (t) 1,25 2,5 5,0
Sway control 1,6
12 6 12 6
Hook path (m)
The ABUS sway control increases safety 18 9 18 9
and convenience during transportation C (mm) 540 427 567 500
of goods in sensitive areas. The sway
H (mm) 217 217 217 217
control is based on mathematical cal-
culations. Travel speeds, acceleration
and deceleration of the trolley, the hook
position and length of the load lifting
attachment are taken into account. Even
persons who rarely operate cranes can
transport loads more safely with the aid
of the sway control feature.