Sorsogon National High School
Sorsogon National High School
Sorsogon National High School
1. Analyze the questions carefully.
2. Provide a “comprehensive” yet brief answers, in simple sentences; not an
essay-type of answer. Your teacher doesn’t have the luxury of time to read
your novel-length answers.
3. Please make sure that your answers are intelligible and pragmatic. State your
answers in your own simple words. “Too-canned” answers won’t be given
much weight.
4. In crafting your statements, consider grammar, substance, and originality.
5. Send your “answer sheets via your teacher’s gmail account or Facebook
messenger account not later than January 9, 2021, 5 PM.
1. Discuss the paramount concepts of research writing as an academic pursuit.
(3 points)
When writing academic research, it focuses more on the subject areas that the
student takes on. Not only will conducting this type of research will help the
students exceed it will also introduce the students to the field they are engaged
in. The writing process will help them remember what they have learned and to
better understand at a deeper level.
9. Can both methods be combined? How? How would it impact the results,
presentation of findings, and drawing conclusions and implications? (3
Both methods can be combined where they are called a mixed research method.
While qualitative research focuses on in-depth understanding, quantitative
research focuses more on data collecting. The results of the research will be
more about the widespread responses of population-based understandings, the
presentation of findings and conclusions drawn will be more likely in the
presentation of tables based on the collection of data and explanations about
10. Considering the 5 easy steps in conceptualizing a research topic, and the
three easier steps according to the “Online Writing Research Center”, what
makes a good topic? Elaborate. (5 points)
A research topic should be clear so that people can understand it easily. It
should also focus on one thing so that readers or people would not go off from
the topic that you’re trying to explain. Understanding the topic and having it
clear on your mind is a necessity so it will not be difficult to conduct it. Lastly,
it’s better if the research topic has not yet been discussed but not too rare
because it will not be able to conduct it and people might lose interest with it.
11. Why there is a need to narrow down your topic in the context of breadth,
sources, and originality? Expound. (2 points)
To ensure that the topic isn’t very broad and can easily be explained. Also
because it’s hard to explain certain topics when it’s very broad since there’s a
possibility that the research within that topic can drove off to another concept.
13. What are the characteristics of a good research question? Explain. (5 points)
The research should be direct to the point and with no added information that
isn’t near the topic. It will be based on procedures and when the research starts
with the problem at the very end of the research will go back to the problem. It
should consist of proven analytical data gathered no matter what method was
used. Most importantly the research should be not biased.
14. What makes each type of qualitative research question distinct? Discuss the
purpose of each type of qualitative research question. (10 points)
In the 4 types of qualitative research question, the first is the exploratory one
that is known mainly for exploratory questions than the answers with an
explanation. The second is predictive research, from the name itself already
affirms that it is based on predictions. Third one is interpretative research, it
has a unique feature of the survey when it comes to observing people in their
natural environments. The last is descriptive research that focuses on
explaining how or why things occur.
16. Identify the unique feature of each type of qualitative research. (5 points)
There’s a phenomenological method that has a feature where the research itself
is based on the observation of a phenomenon. Grounded theory type is the
commonly used one from qualitative research where it implies the realization
of social experiments. In case study research it is a method in which an in-
depth examination of a case. The historical research type that uses the method
used by historians to write research in the past. Another type is the
ethnographic research that focuses more on studies related to culture.