' K AV/v': Ks 2377 2 - 2 P, 0.013201 A or
' K AV/v': Ks 2377 2 - 2 P, 0.013201 A or
' K AV/v': Ks 2377 2 - 2 P, 0.013201 A or
1.27 If K - 2.2 GPa is the bulk modulus ot elasticity for water, what pressure is required to reduce a volume by 0.6
Ap _ 300 0 ,
I K 325000 AV_ 0.000923
_AV/V AV/1.00000
1.29 From the following test data. determine the bulk modulus of elasticity of water: at 500 psi the volume was
1.000 ft, and at 3500psi the volume was0.990 ft.
. 500 3500
' K Ap
AV/v' (1.000 300000
1.30 A rigid steel container is partially tilled with a liquid at 15 atm. The volume of the liquid is 1.23200 L. At a
pressure of 30 am. the volume of the liquid is 1.23100 L. Find the average bulk modulus of elasticity of the
liquid over the given range of pressure if the temperature after compression is allowed to retum to its initial
value. What is the eoeflicient of compressibility (ß)?
1.31 A heavy tank contains oil (A) and water (B) subject to variable air pressure; the dimensions shown in Fig. 1-2
canespond to 1 atm. 1t air is slowly added from a pump to bring pressure p up to l MPa gage. what will be the
total downward movement of the free surface of oil and air? Take average values of bulk moduli of elasticity of
the liquids ns 2050MPa for oil and 2075 MPa for water. Assume the container does not change volume. Neglect
hydrostatic pressures.
J__ Imlg_
. ; T
_ .\ 600mm
Water- :- ?
! 760mm
a B
300 mm ° ,' ;
äIIIIII/l _.L_ '1'
/ , Hg. 1-2
1.32 A thinwalled spherical tank is filled with water at a pressure of 4666 psig; the tank's volume is then 805.407 in.
If the water is released from the tank, how many pounds will be collected at amospheric pressule? 805.4(Jt59in3