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Part A: Lesson plans.

Lesson 1:

Topic area: Stage of Learner: Syllabus Pages:

English 4 14

Date: Location Booked: Class- Lesson Number:

25/07/19 room 1/3

Time: Total Number of stu- Printing/preparation:!

60 minutes dents: - Avatar DVD
30 - Television
- Worksheets

Outcomes Assessment Students learn Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes: Lesson assess- The ways in which lan- Extract information from a
- EN4-1A: Responds to and com- ment: guage can be used to visual text, and use that
poses texts for understanding, achieve a particular information to inform their
interpretation, critical analy- - I will assess the goal.
sis, imaginative expression quality of stu-
and pleasure. dent contribution It can intentionally be Engage in group discussion,
- EN4-4B: Makes effective lan- and understand- used to deceive (ar- and synthesise the ideas
guage choices to creatively ing that I ob- guably as is done in the presented within that dis-
shape meaning with accuracy, serve.! film - convincing the cussion in order to inform
clarity and coherence. protagonist that he is their writing.
- Students will doing something “no -
hand in their ble,” when in reality he Communicate with a clear
Life Skills outcomes: worksheets and I is oppressing native message that accurately
- Outcome 2: Communicates for will assess them inhabitants and de- and coherently presents
a variety of purposes, based on:! stroying the environ- the information they are
audiences and con- ment for material attempting to convey.
texts. !
How accurate gain), it can be used to
- Outcome 3: Selects and uses effectively argue your Most importantly:!
language to commu- the work is in
relation to the case, or simply to co- they learn the process of
nicate according to herently communicate forming an idea, planning
purpose, audience text.! with friends and col- that idea and articulating
and context. ! leagues.
that idea.
- Outcome 4: Views and re- How clear their
sponds to a range of message is - is it If you understand how
visual texts, media structured well? to effective wield lan -
and multimedia. Are their primary guage, you can use it
points easy to for good (to speak up
understand? Is it for those who do not
coherent?! have the linguistic ca -
! pacity), or to achieve
things you otherwise
wouldn’t be able to do
(succeed at getting a
job interview etc.).
Cross Curriculum themes & General Explicit subject specific concepts and
capabilities skills

Cross curriculum themes:

Sustainability: When discussing the fact
that language has been used to deceive
the protagonist into destroying the envi-
ronment and oppressing native inhabi-
tants, it will be mentioned that the
‘solders’ method of making money relies
on infinite resource consumption on a
planet that has a set amount of re-
sources. Therefore, it is not a sustain-
able plan and will have detrimental im-
pacts on the environment. This will also
reference the issue of social justice in
relation to the native inhabitants,
therefore addressing:!
OI.3 & OI.4 of the Australian curricu-
lum’s “sustainability” key ideas.

General capabilities:
The ability to articulately communicate
a message, whether that be in a profes-
sional or unprofessional setting. !
The ability to participate in group dis-
The ability to synthesise a wide variety
of ideas (presented in the group discus-
sion) and use them to inform writing
(the worksheet).

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking

This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep under- 1.2 Deep understand- 1.5 Metalanguage
standing of important, substantive concepts, skills and ing 1.6 Substantive commu-
ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something that 1.3 Problematic nication
requires active construction and requires students to engage knowledge
in higher-order thinking and to communicate substantively
about what they are learning.

Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality 2.4 Social Support

This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where stu- criteria 2.5 Students’ self regula-
dents and teachers work productively in an environment 2.2 Engagement tion
clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expecta- 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships tions
between teacher and students and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
meaningful and important to students. Such pedagogy draws 3.2 Cultural knowl- 3.6 Narrative
clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and identi- edge
ties, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with mul- 3.3 Knowledge inte-
tiple ways of knowing all cultural perspective. gration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the les-
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.1 Deep After the first 20 minutes, the entire lesson consistently focusses on the
knowledge. process of:!
- Deciding on a message.
- Planning that message.
- Articulating that message effectively.

At no point in time does the lesson stray from this concept, it is a sustained
2.1 Explicit When I ask them to break into groups, I tell them exactly what I want to hear
quality cri- from them when they are finished:
“I want to hear one example from each group, I need:!
- The message they were trying to convey
- The thought process or planning that went into deciding how to convey that
- Did it work? Why/why not.”

They know that they will be called on to provide an example, and exactly what
that example must consist of.

The worksheets give explicit instructions of what is expected:!

“You should make sure to:!
- Write in a way that is easy to follow: one point should naturally flow into the
- Make sure your grammar and spelling is correct.!
- Write in a formal manner that is appropriate for communication in the work-
place: avoid colloquial language you would only use with your friends such as
“onya mate, how ya goin’).”!
And I also emphasise this when verbally explaining the worksheets, stating the
minimum amount of writing I expect from them by the time they are done:!
“at least 1 1/2 pages of work for the two written responses, and at least 3/4 page
of writing to accompany the poster.”
2.3 High ex- For the group task I state:!
pectations. “I know you may not have had to actively think about this before, but I
wouldn’t be asking you to do it if I didn’t think you could think of at least one
And when explaining the worksheet I have instructed myself to “State that
you’re expecting to sit down to read these and be very happy with how artic-
ulate and engaging their writing is.”

These comments show that I believe the students are highly capable, and
therefore I expect high levels of work from them.!

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Cen-

5 Watch first 20 minutes of Avatar Teacher: T


Resources: Television, Avatar


25 Discuss how the recruiters intentionally used Teacher: T

language to make Jake (protagonist) feel as
though he was doing something noble and pa- Student:
triotic by agreeing to the mission.
They clearly established that their goals were - Whiteboard markers/chalk.
- elicit a sense of patriotism and a need to
uphold family honour
- Use this to get Jake to agree to the mission.

They thought about what it was they wanted

to convey, they “mapped out” how they were
going to achieve this, and then they executed
their plan.

(emphasise the process: Decide on message,

plan how you are going to convey that mes-
sage, articulately execute that plan.

Clearly state that this lesson is going to focus

on how to use this process, and that by the
end students should be able to come up with
an idea, plan how to articulate that idea, and
write about it.

30 Break into groups and discuss WHY you think Teacher: S

it’s important to formulate a plan/structure
before making your argument.

I’m going to give you 5 minutes and then I Resources:

want to hear one example from each group, I
- One reason why you think it’s important to
plan your argument.

- One example of when this skill would come in

handy in your day-to-day life.

I know you may not have had to actively think

about this before, but I wouldn’t be asking you
to do it if I didn’t think you could think of at
least one example.

35 Get one example from each group, theoreti- Teacher: S

cally this shouldn’t take too long but the 5
minutes is allowing time for students unneces- Student:
sarily elaborating on their stories/speaking Resurces:
slowly due to nerves.
40 Hand out the worksheets and explain: Teacher: S

They must now choose one of the three avail- Student:

able activities, imagining they are any one of
the characters seen in the film thus far: Resources:
- Write a letter home to friends and family Worksheets 1,2 & 3
about anything you like. You could be telling
them about how exciting the mission is, or
you could be complaining that they don’t
have twisties in space - all that matters is
you articulate your point clearly.
- Write a formal email to head office of the
space station about anything you like. You
could be formally complaining about how you
were given an avatar without the ability to
fart, and explaining the health risks associ-
ated with this. Again, all that matter is that
your point is clearly articulated.
- Design a poster to be displayed in the cafe-
teria of the station, it can be anything you
like: a poster designed to convince people to
stop littering, trying to raise morale, trying
to get volunteers for a mission to a new part
of the planet, the possibilities are endless.

Make it clear that you expect at least 1 page

of work for the two written responses, and at
least 1/2 page of writing to accompany the
poster. State that you’re expecting to sit down
to read these and be very happy with how ar-
ticulate and engaging their writing is.

55 Thank everyone for working well and state Teacher: T

that these skills (communicating effectively)
will help them in all aspects of life, whether it Student:
be getting a job interview or communicating
with friends and family. Resources:

60 Get students to leave worksheets on your desk N/A

on the way out.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

EN4-1A Students will hand their worksheets into me at the end of

the lesson. Based on these, I will Judge how relevant their
writing is to the text being studied in order to measure
whether they are accurately responding to the text. I will
judge how articulate and easy to understand their expres-
sion is - does it flow organically? I will also get a sense of
whether or not they took any Pleasure in writing the text
based on the content. If it is imaginative and creative, that
would indicate they enjoyed the process, while if it seems
as though they are just giving me what I want to read, that
would not.
EN4-4B Students will hand their worksheets into me at the end of
the lesson. Based on these, I will Judge whether their writ-
ing is clear and coherent. I will do this by applying the
knowledge I have on literature to my observations, and see-
ing if the writing makes sense in general.

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with
the standard.
Graduate Evidence within this lesson

1.5 The worksheets I have created have three options, varying in level of diffi-
culty and method of expression. Worksheet 1 allows students to focus on
general structure and coherence of their writing without taking into consid-
eration the context - they can use unprofessional language so long as it
makes sense. Worksheet 2 forces the student to use language that is appro-
priate for a specific context as well as having to ensure their writing is
clear and coherent. While worksheet 3 allows students to express their
ideas visually (if they are not confident/capable writers) and simply explain
why they did what they did in relation to their visual design. This allows
them to focus on coherency and structure without feeling out of their

2.2 The students watch a film before listening to me talk about general con-
cepts. They then discuss these general concepts with each other and listen
to students outside of their group discuss these concepts before being given
the opportunity to synthesise these ideas and write about them.!
They are given the information in a wide variety of contexts to maximise
their chances of understanding the concept, and are then asked to display
their understanding.

3.1 This is similar to “1.5” - I have given worksheets that have the capacity to
challenge all students regardless of ability, while also making sure there is
enough variance to allow students of varying abilities and characteristics to
They can write while focussing on structure and coherence, they can
choose to add the layer of professional context on top of that, or they can
express themselves visually (artistically) and explain why they did what
they did, allowing them to focus on the basics.

3.3 I have included a range of teaching strategies by giving direct instruction to

the class, as well as constructivist strategies, such as splitting them up into
groups to discuss their own thoughts on the topic.

4.2 Classroom activities have been organised (worksheets designed), and in-
structions are very clear both through my verbalisation and through written
instructions on the worksheets.

2.3 I have referred to the curriculum and syllabus while constructing this lesson
plan to ensure that I have met the required learning outcomes.
What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated in
this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS policy- Out-
line the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?
- I must not engage in any discriminatory conduct.
- I must ensure walkways are clear to reduce risk of falling and/or injury.
- I will personally handle all tasks involving electric leads in order to min-
imise unnecessary risk to students.

New South Wales Government. (2011). Work health and safety act 2011 no
10. Retrieved from:https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/act/

References (In APA)

You must list all references that you have used for the content and resources of this les-
son in this space.

Cameron, J. (Director) & Landau, J. (Producer). (2009). Avatar [Film]. United

States:Lightstorm Entertainment.

Resources Attached:
Worksheet 1:

1. Imagine you are any one of the characters seen in the film thus far, write a letter
home to friends and family. This letter can be about anything you like. You could
be telling them about how exciting the mission is, or you could be complaining
that they don’t have twisties in space. !
You should make sure to:!
- Write in a way that is easy to follow: one point should naturally flow into the
- Make sure your grammar and spelling is correct.

A) Describe your main point in 1 sentence, this will be the primary focus of your letter.!
eg. “I am upset that there are no twisties on the space station”



B) Using dot points, make a plan for how you are going to articulate this, for example:!
- Twisties greatly increase my quality of life.
- If I stay on this planet I will have a low quality of life due to the lack of
- I am thinking of coming home in order to increase my quality of life.
- What do you think I should do?












C) Write your letter, using the plan you have created as a guide. Each dot point should
equate to roughly one paragraph. For example, this first paragraph is derived from the
first dot point listed above:
Dear Aunty Janet,

Being on this strange planet has reminded me of the comforts you can only ever
really find at home. I’m talking about the faded green recliner uncle Joe insisted
on keeping, even though it had foam bursting out of the tears on the back. I’m
talking about feeling the water drizzle down your shoulders in a nice warm shower.
Most importantly, however, I’m talking about those crunchy orange spirals of deli-
cious goodness - I’m talking about twisties. Whenever I was down, they would pick
me up. Whenever I was sad, they would make me happy. They were always there
for me. They made my life so much better - and now they’re gone.






























































Worksheet 2:

1. Imagine you are any one of the characters we have seen in the film thus far, write
a formal email to the head office of the space station. This can be about anything
you like - you could be proposing an adaptation to the avatars that will stop them
from farting, therefore increasing overall health and wellbeing for all staff mem-
bers on-site. !
You should make sure to:!
- Write in a way that is easy to follow: one point should naturally flow into the
- Make sure your grammar and spelling is correct.!
- Write in a formal manner that is appropriate for communication in the work-
place: avoid colloquialism language you would only use with your friends such as
“onya mate, how ya goin’).

A) Describe your main point in 1 sentence, this will be the primary focus of your Email.!
eg. “Avatars should not be given the ability to fart, as the methane they
release has negative health impacts on all humans in the surrounding area”


B) Using dot points, make a plan for how you are going to articulate this, for example:!
- Methane gasses have negative health impacts on humans.
- When avatars fart, they release large amounts of methane gasses.!
- Therefore, Avatars should not be given the ability to fart.










C) write your letter, using the plan you have created as a guide. Each dot point should
equate to roughly one paragraph. For example, this first paragraph is derived from the
first dot point listed above:

To whom it may concern,

As you are aware, methane is incredibly detrimental to the human body. There
have been a vast amount of studies detailing the negative impacts it has on vital
organs such as the lungs, liver, and even the brain. The World Health Organisation
has clearly stated in their report “why farts are really bad” that humans should at-
tempt to reduce the amount of contact they have with this substance.
































































Worksheet 3:!
3. Design a poster to be displayed in the cafeteria of the station, it can be anything
you like: a poster designed to convince people to stop littering, trying to raise
morale, trying to get volunteers for a mission to a new part of the planet, the possi-
bilities are endless. You will be expected to explain why you have made the deci-
sions you made in regards to designing the poster. You won’t be marked on your de-
sign techniques as we have not studied this, you will be solely marked on how clear
and articulate your explanation is!

You should make sure to:

- Write in a way that is easy to follow: one point should naturally flow into the next.!
- Make sure your grammar and spelling is correct.

A) Draw your poster"

B) In one sentence, describe the goal of your poster. For example:
“This poster is attempting to convince people to stop littering”



B) Using dot points, make a plan for how you are going to articulate this, for example:!
- The alien dog with a sad face is attempting to elicit sadness from the viewer.
- The capital “YOU” is designed to emphasise the fact that the responsibility falls on the
person viewing the poster. !
- These come together to cause the viewer to feel sadness, but also to realise that they
have the power to eliminate this sadness by changing their actions and putting their
rubbish in the bin.










C) Write your explanation, using the plan you have created as a guide. Each dot point
should equate to roughly one paragraph. For example, this first paragraph is derived
from the first dot point listed above:

I chose to use a dog as the primary alien life form being affected by the rubbish as
it most closely resembles the most loved animal on Earth. Therefore, people are
more likely to empathise with it and avoid causing it unnecessary pain and suffer-











































Lesson 2:

Outcomes Assessment Students learn Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes Lesson assess- The ways that texts (in Make connections between
ment: this case, film) can two texts.

EN4-1A - responds to and com- bring awareness to real

poses texts for understanding, Student learning in life situations such as Synthesise ideas gathered
interpretation, critical analysis, this lesson will be oppression and/or envi- from class and group dis-
imaginative expression and assessed in two ronmental destruction.
cussions, and use these
pleasure. ways:! ideas to inform their own
! Avatar debatably paral- writing.

EN4-4B - makes effective lan- 1. I will assess lels real life issues such
guage choices to creatively their learning by as the standing rock Communicate with a clear
shape meaning with accuracy, observing their pipeline, issues relating message that accurately
clarity and coherence demeanour and to culture such as peo- and coherently presents
level of contribu- ple climbing Uluru, and the information they are
EN4-5C - thinks imaginatively, tion during the unnecessary destruc- attempting to convey.

group and class tion for resources as

creatively, interpretively and discussions. seen in the amazon The process of forming an
critically about information, rainforest. idea, planning that idea,
ideas and arguments to respond 2. I will assess the and articulating that idea
quality of the writ- is reinforced.
to and compose texts
ten work they
hand in at the end
EN4-6C identifies and explains of the lesson.
connections between and among

Life Skills outcomes

Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Cross Curriculum themes & General Explicit subject specific concepts and
capabilities skills

Cross curriculum:
Class and group discussions will involve
issues relating to the necessity of the
ecosystem for the survival of all species,
as well as the need for healthy econom-
ic systems that do not negatively impact
the environment. This will address OI.2
and OI.3 of the Australian curriculum’s
“key ideas” surrounding sustainability.

General capabilities:

Literacy: Students will further their

ability to write articulately in accor-
dance with the context of the writing.

Critical and creative thinking: Students

will be required to think critically in or-
der to come to their own conclusion af-
ter viewing both pieces of material.

Ethical understanding: Students will

progress in forming their own sense of
ethics when discussing different view-
points in relation to the material pre-
sented. They will come to the conclu-
sion that one party is in the wrong,
while the other is in the right.

Intercultural understanding: As a result

of the contents of the texts being exam-
ined, students will realise that although
something may not have value in re-
gards to the economy, it can still posses
great cultural value.

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking

This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep under- 1.2 Deep understand- 1.5 Metalanguage
standing of important, substantive concepts, skills and ing 1.6 Substantive commu-
ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something that 1.3 Problematic nication
requires active construction and requires students to engage knowledge
in higher-order thinking and to communicate substantively
about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where stu- criteria 2.5 Students’ self regula-
dents and teachers work productively in an environment 2.2 Engagement tion
clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expecta- 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships tions
between teacher and students and among students.

Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity

This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
meaningful and important to students. Such pedagogy draws 3.2 Cultural knowl- 3.6 Narrative
clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and identi- edge
ties, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with mul- 3.3 Knowledge inte-
tiple ways of knowing all cultural perspective. gration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the les-
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.6 Substantive communication will be the focus of the first half of the lesson.
This is when students will engage in a discussion with the entire class and the
teacher. After this, the students engage in group discussions, during this phase
I will walk around to each group and involve myself in the discussion.

2.1 It is made clear in both the group discussions and the writing task that I ex-
pect work to be of a certain quality, and what that work should consist of.

2.2 The class and group discussions are designed to prompt the students to come
to their own conclusions, and in order to do this they must engage in these
discussions. Discussions are also designed to be about topics that the student
will find interesting/engaging - the movie Avatar and a social justice issue
that has recently seen heavy news and social media coverage.

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Cen-

Summarise last lesson and link to this one:! Teacher: T

0 Last lesson we looked at Avatar and how lan- Student:
guage can be used to achieve a particular
goal, and in order to effectively achieve this Resources:
goal we need to come up with an idea, plan it
out, and then articulate it.

This lesson we’re still going to focus on that

process, but we’re going to add another layer
on top, we’re going to analyse two videos and
compare them. We are then going to write
about them.

5 Watch Avatar from 1:37:38 - 1:47:30 Teacher: T


Avatar DVD

15 Class discussion: Teacher: S

“Last lesson we saw how the recruiters used Student:

language to elicit a sense of ethical responsi-
bility to convince Jake to sign up to the mis- Resources:
sion. However, now he has decided to fight
against the humans.”!
“Why did he change his mind?”!
(He came to his own conclusion in regards to
what the right thing to do was and developed
his own moral compass. After seeing life
through the eyes of another culture, his per-
spective changed)

I’m about to ask you to develop your own

opinion on what is right and what is wrong,
but before we do that, I want you to watch
this and see if you think it has any resem-
blance to what we just saw in Avatar.

20 (Watch standing rock video)! Teacher: T


Computer hooked up to projec-
tor OR video on USB played on
25 Break into groups and discuss the following:! Teacher: S
- What are the similarities and differences Student:
between Avatar and standing rock.
- Who do you think is in the right in each sce- Resources:
nario, or is it more complicated than that?

I‘m going to ask for:!

- 1 similarity
- 1 difference
- Is anyone in the “right?” If so, who?!
from each group

35 Ask for examples from class and discuss where Teacher: S



40 Hand out “worksheet 1” and explain what they Teacher: S

must do (can be seen in the worksheet).
Be sure to stress that you expect:!
- Clear and coherent arguments. Resources:
- At least 1 page of writing.
- An introduction, body and conclusion.
- For examples from Avatar AND Standing Rock
to be used in order to make their point.

55 Debrief: Teacher: T
Today we not only thought of an idea, planned Student:
that idea and articulated that idea, but we
also thought critically about some ethical Resources:
problems that relate to the real world.

This is a good example of how with the right

knowledge and skills, you can use literature to
make a difference - you can convince people
to change their ways.

Collect worksheets
What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

EN4-1A - responds to and com- I will read their writing task and judge whether they
poses texts for understanding, have interpreted the question correctly and whether
interpretation, critical analysis,
imaginative expression and plea- there is evidence of critical analysis.

I will also judge how well they are understanding the
concepts and imaginatively expressing themselves by
paying attention to their contributions in class and
group discussions.

EN4-4B - makes effective lan- I will read their writing task and judge whether the
guage choices to creatively shape language used is appropriate for the context, and
meaning with accuracy, clarity
and coherence
whether or not it is clear and coherent.

EN4-5C - thinks imaginatively, I will read their writing task and judge whether they
creatively, interpretively and crit- have used critical thinking in order to respond to the
ically about information, ideas question.

and arguments to respond to and

compose texts I will also pay attention to their contribution to class
and group discussions in order to see if they are think-
ing critically in order to respond to the question being
EN4-6C identifies and explains I will read their writing task to see if they have made
connections between and among an argument by drawing examples from both texts
texts discussed in the lesson, and judge the quality of the
connections made between these texts.
Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply
with the standard.

Graduate Evidence within this lesson


1.5 The first two questions within the writing task require students to present a
coherent argument, referencing and contrasting the two texts. This means
students not only need to think of an idea, plan that idea, and execute that
idea, but must also critically engage with both texts as they talk about simi-
larities and differences between them. The third option, however, while
still building on prior knowledge only requires students to reference both
texts and are otherwise free to write about whatever they want. This allows
them to hone their focus on the newly added information (the implementa-
tion of both texts, and making links between them) as opposed to also hav-
ing to focus on making a convincing argument.

2.2 Content is organised in a way that allows students to have the best chance
of formulating an argument in the writing task and cementing the targeted
skill. Information is presented, it is discussed by both the teacher and other
students, and finally, students are required to synthesise this knowledge in
order to form an argument.

3.1 Achievable learning goals are set for students of all abilities, this is a simi-
lar explanation as in 1.5 above. More advanced students are required to
form an argument, and use evidence from both texts within that argument
to convince the reader of their point. Less competent students on the other
hand simply have to coherently write about a topic of their choosing while
involving references to both texts, making connections between them.

3.2 This lesson is scaffolding on top of the preceding lesson, adding slightly
more complexity to knowledge that has been taught previously.

3.3 The lesson involves both teacher (direct instruction) and student orientated
(constructivist) activities. Sometimes the teacher is speaking at the front,
and sometimes the students are conversing with each other.

4.2 Clear instructions and expectations are given prior to the commencement
of group discussions and the writing task.
What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/elimi-
nated in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other
WHS policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this les-

- I must not engage in any discriminatory conduct.

- I must ensure walkways are clear to reduce risk of falling and/or injury.
- I will personally handle all tasks involving electric leads in order to min-
imise unnecessary risk to students.

New South Wales Government. (2011). Work health and safety act 2011 no
10. Retrieved from:https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/act/

References (In APA)

You must list all references that you have used for the content and resources of
this lesson in this space.

Cameron, J. (Director) & Landau, J. (Producer). (2009). Avatar [Film]. United

States:Lightstorm Entertainment.
Carla, H. (2016, November 23). The whole world is watching, pray with Standing
Rock [video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w76mDr-

Resources Attached:
You must list all the resources that you have created or found in this space.

Worksheet 1:!

Compare the plot of Avatar with the issues surrounding Standing Rock in order
to do one of the following.

1. Imagine you are Jake Sully - you have been locked out of your Avatar body
and must write an email to head office convincing them that attacking the
Navi (native population) is unethical.!
It should be structured something like this:!

Hi (Name),

I have been made aware that you have disabled the access to my Avatar as a
result of my behaviour. Due to this, I must now resort to using words as op-
posed to physical force in order to convince you to stop this attack. I hope to
convince you that this attack should be stopped due to the fact that it is un-
ethical and cruel.!
I believe it is unethical because (insert reason, this should be at least one
paragraph long).
(your name).!
[do not copy this word for word, this is just an example]

2. Imagine you work in head office, you have received an email from Jake Sully
asserting that the treatment of the Navi is similar to the treatment of pro-
testers at Standing Rock. He uses this to argue that it is unethical and should
be stopped. Reply to his email stating why the treatment of the Navi is dif-
ferent to the treatment of protesters at standing rock.!

Hi Jake,

Thank you for your email, I have read it thoroughly and although I can em-
pathise with the points you make, your argument is not convincing as a
whole. !
I disagree that the attack on the Navi is unethical because (insert point, this
should be at least one paragraph).!
(your name).!
[do not copy this word for word, this is just an example]

3. On the back of the worksheet, design a poster to hang up around the

military camp designed to show how the assault on the Navi is akin to what
happened at Standing Rock, the goal is to convince the soldiers to refuse to
fight. After this, describe why you designed it the way that you did.

For example:

I chose to do (insert technique you used/thing you did) in order to (why did
you do that particular thing? What does it accomplish?)

Write about at least two seperate techniques/tactics you used to achieve your

A) Describe your main point in 1 sentence, this will be the primary focus of your





Using dot points, make a plan for how you are going to articulate this.!










C) Using the plan you have created as a guide, begin writing your email/article.
































































Standing rock video:!

Lesson 3:

Outcomes Assessment Students learn Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes Lesson assess- Different cultural Create links between
ment:! issues from around different texts.

EN4-1A - responds to and ! the world and how

composes texts for under- I will assess this they relate to each Respond to texts while
standing, interpretation, crit- lesson in two other.
drawing evidence from
ical analysis, imaginative
ways:! both texts.

expression and pleasure. Different ways to

present a similar Consider different cul-
EN4-6C - identifies and ex- I will pay atten- message.
tion to the level tural views.
plains connections between
and quality of
and among texts engagement dur-
ing class and
EN4-8D - Considers and ap- group discussions
preciates cultural expression through my par-
in text. ticipation in sub-
stantive commu-
Life Skills outcomes: nication and my
passive observa-
12C, 13C, 16D. tions.

I will read the

written texts
they hand in at
the end of the
Cross Curriculum themes & General Explicit subject specific concepts
capabilities and skills

Through the discussion of the Stand-
ing Rock pipeline references will in-
herently be made to the negative im-
pact of oil spills on the environment.
This will stress the importance of
considering these impacts prior to
putting industry before environmental
concerns. As a result, Sustainability
outcomes OI.6, OI.7 and OI.8.

General capabilities:
- Literacy!
They are required to write coher-
- Critical and creative thinking!
Critical thinking is required to make
connections, while creativity is re-
quired to write about why they like
one text more than the other.
- Ethical understanding.!
The texts contain content which
will cause the students to judge
which party is “right” and which is
- Intercultural understanding.!
The texts both consist of content
relating to differing cultural views.

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowl- 1.4 Higher-order think-

This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep edge ing
understanding of important, substantive concepts, skills 1.2 Deep under- 1.5 Metalanguage
and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as some- standing 1.6 Substantive com-
thing that requires active construction and requires 1.3 Problematic munication
students to engage in higher-order thinking and to knowledge
communicate substantively about what they are learn-

Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality 2.4 Social Support

This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where criteria 2.5 Students’ self regu-
students and teachers work productively in an envi- 2.2 Engagement lation
ronment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy 2.3 High Expecta- 2.6 Student direction
sets high and explicit expectations and develops posi- tions
tive relationships between teacher and students and
among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
meaningful and important to students. Such pedagogy 3.2 Cultural knowl- 3.6 Narrative
draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge edge
and identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, 3.3 Knowledge in-
and with multiple ways of knowing all cultural perspec- tegration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within
the lesson.
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson

1.6 The class heavily revolves around substantive communication in the

form of class and group discussions.

2.1 For the group discussion and writing task, it is clearly stated exactly
what I expect to see in order to be considered successful.

2.2 The class requires high levels of engagement in order to make the class
and group discussions successful.

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Cen-

0 Link to last lesson! Teacher: T

Last week we compared the plot of Avatar to Student:
the issues surrounding standing rock, this
week we are going to compare standing rock Resources:
to cultural issues here in Australia. !
We’re going to watch another standing rock
video, I want you to think about:!
- What the message is

- how does it convey that message?

5 (Watch standing rock video) Teacher: T


TV hooked up to internet and

9.5 Class discussion:! Teacher: S

What is the video’s message? What is it Student:
trying to achieve?! Resources:
It is a call to action for people to join the
standing rock protest.

How does it achieve this?!

The answers to this are not overly impor-
tant, it is more for the sake of giving stu-
dents “ammunition” to use in their writing
task at the end of the lesson. This will allow
them to elaborate on the reasons why they
prefer one text over the other.

14.5 Watch “Please resist me” by Luka Lesson. Teacher: T

17.5 Class discussion: Teacher: S

What is the video’s message? What is it Student:

trying to achieve?!
It is challenging the oppression of minorities Resources:
within Australia and attempting to make
these issues salient. It is also aiming to raise
the spirits of those who are feeling op-
pressed, reminding them that “diamonds are
made under pressure” and “whatever
doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” - refer-
ences to evolution being caused by necessity
to push through negative stimulus. !
How Does it achieve this?!
The answers to this are not overly impor-
tant, it is more for the sake of giving stu-
dents “ammunition” to use in their writing
task at the end of the lesson. This will allow
them to elaborate on the reasons why they
prefer one text more than the other.

22.5 Break into groups and discuss the differ- Teacher: S

ences between the two texts. Make it clear
that I will be coming around and expecting:! Student:
- one way in which the texts are similar
- one way in which they are different! Resources:
I will travel around and facilitate conversa-

37.5 Hand out writing task, explain that stu- Teacher: S

dents are expected to:!
- state which one they like better Student:
- state WHY they like that one better,
comparing it to the other. Resources:
- Refer to the cultural issues within the
text in SOME way.

57.5 Conclude lesson Teacher: T

Today we looked at two different texts from Student:

different places in the world, looking at dif-
ferent (but similar) issues. What I really Resources:
wanted everyone to be able to do by the end
is write their opinion by comparing two texts
to each other, and you’ve all done that, so
well done!
How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

EN4-1A - responds to and com- This will be measured through my observations/par-
poses texts for understanding, ticipation in substantive communication during group
interpretation, critical analysis,
imaginative expression and plea- and class discussions, as well as through the writing
sure. task. I will look for critical thinking and level of un-
derstanding what has been discussed in class.

This will be recorded through the writing task.

EN4-6C - identifies and explains This will be measured through my observations/par-

connections between and among ticipation in substantive communication during group
texts and class discussions, as well as through the writing
task. I will look for links being made between the
texts being discussed.

This will be recorded through the writing task.

EN4-8D - Considers and appreci- This will be measured through my observations/par-

ates cultural expression in text. ticipation in substantive communication during group
and class discussions, as well as through the writing
task. I will look for references to cultural issues and
how they are expressed.

This will be recorded through the writing task.

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply
with the standard.

Graduate Evidence within this lesson


1.5 The writing task contains two questions. One asks students to ex-
plain which text they like more and why, while the other asks
them to argue why one is more effective than the other. The first
requires the student to state their opinion, while the second re-
quires them to PERSUADE the reader, adding more layers on to
the task.
2.2 Information is provided through facilitated class discussions, stu-
dents then take this information to facilitated group discussions,
which aids in solidifying knowledge. Finally, students take the
knowledge they have gained from both activities and synthesise
it in order to compose a piece of writing.
3.1 Achievable goals are set for all ability levels, while particularly
challenging goals are set for those who are more capable. This
can be seen in the writing task, as described in 1.5 above.

3.2 Lessons have been planned in a sequence that gradually increases

the level of ability required, gradually adding more layers on top.

3.3 Direct instruction (as part of class discussion when class has no
answers) and facilitated group discussion were both used in this
lesson, as was a student centred writing task. This provides both
introverted and extroverted students with a chance to learn in
their preferred way.
3.4 A range of resources were selected, these included ICT (videos)
and hard copy (writing task).

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/elimi-
nated in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other
WHS policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this les-
- I must not engage in any discriminatory conduct.
- I must ensure walkways are clear to reduce risk of falling and/or injury.
- I will personally handle all tasks involving electric leads in order to min-
imise unnecessary risk to students.

New South Wales Government. (2011). Work health and safety act 2011 no
10. Retrieved from:https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/act/

References (In APA)

You must list all references that you have used for the content and resources of
this lesson in this space.

Lesson, L. (2012, August 23). Luka Lesson - please resist me [video file]. Retrieved
from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-HED2UXwbw
Pushetonequa, Y. (2016, October 24). Standing Rock by Trevor Hall with footage
[video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyzzEnRR8f8

Resources Attached:
You must list all the resources that you have created or found in this space.!
Standing Rock video:
Luka Lesson video:!

Making reference to BOTH of the videos we watched in class today, do one of

the following:

1. Write about which video was your favourite, and why. An example of what is
expected can be seen below:!
“I preferred the video of the polar bear over the video of the penguin. The di-
rector of the polar bear video was much better at conveying the emotions being
felt by the animal, whereas the penguin video was difficult to connect with on
an emotional level.”!
You should elaborate on this explanation and write at least a 1/2 page re-

2. You work for a news agency and your employer has decided to publish the
video that you like the least. Write an email to them, persuading them to
publish the video you prefer instead. An example can be seen below:!
“Dear John,!
I noticed that you were planning on posting video X as opposed to video Y, and
wanted to share my opinion on this. I feel that video Y would be more appealing
to a larger audience than video X, this is due to the fact that it (insert positive
aspects), while video X (insert negative aspects).”!
You should write at least a 1/2 page response.

A) Describe your main point in one sentence.!





B) Using dot points, make a plan for how you are going to articulate this.!












C) Write your piece.






































































Part B: Rationale.

This rationale will explain how the lesson plans above achieve learning outcomes

while allowing for differentiated learning. It will then discuss the learning theories and con-

cepts that motivated the specific deign of both the individual lessons, and the sequencing of

the three lesson plans.

In the first lesson, students discuss instances in which they would make use of plan-

ning to improve an argument in their day-to-day lives, and engage in a writing task at the end

of each lesson. This meets learning outcome EN4-1A as it requires them to explore the

“power of language to communicate information” (Board of Studies, 2012, p.123) during

discussions, and to “experiment with language forms and features to compose texts for en-

joyment” (Board of Studies, 2012, p. 123) during the writing tasks. Within these writing

tasks students are given the option to write for personal or professional reasons and are re-

quired to choose the most suitable language forms for their purpose. This means they must

shape meaning while evaluating how context and intended audience affect the writer’s

choice of vocabulary (Board of Studies, 2012,), therefore meeting learning outcome

EN4-4B. During the second lesson, students engage in a group activity to discuss differences

and similarities between the two texts. This requires them to share their opinion while evalu-

ating the opinions of others, which is a requirement of learning outcome EN4-5C (Board of

Studies, 2012, p. 131). Within the third lesson students are set the task of comparing a Stand-

ing Rock video with a spoken poem in order to discuss how they are similar, how they are

different, and which one they prefer. This means they must “explain the similarities and dif-

ferences in meaning and language between texts created for different purposes or

audiences” (Board of Studies, 2012, p.133), therefore meeting outcome EN4-6C. These

comparative exercises also aid in building students’ confidence in the face of cultural and

ethical difference, which Kress (as cited in Stevens, 2012) asserts is something that should
result from effective pedagogy in the English classroom. Finally, through the analysis of the

Standing Rock video and spoken poem, students will need to identify the different ways in

which the texts express issues surrounding culture, ethnicity and social class, which is re-

quired to meet learning outcome EN4-8D (Board of Studies, 2012).

Each lesson is differentiated to cater for multiple levels of student competency and

different types of student interests in order to maximise engagement and learning. This is

done for competency by offering multiple options in the writing task. Some allow for collo-

quial language while others require professional communication, some simply ask students

to state an opinion while others require them to make a persuasive argument. This can be

seen in the first lesson where option one asks students to write a letter home about anything

they like. The key learning outcomes will still be met, but it is not as challenging as the sec-

ond option which asks them to send a persuasive email to a colleague, which does not allow

for colloquial language and requires more professional communication. The third option is

directed at students who may not have interests involving a focus on writing. Instead, it asks

them to design a poster and then explain why they designed it the way they did. This is an

attempt to increase engagement, and therefore learning, by integrating student interests into

the lesson (Dunn et al., 2010). Similar themes can be seen across all three lessons. Templates

have also been provided for students that are struggling to grasp the concepts. This allows

them to clearly see what is expected of them and guides their writing (Dunn, Thies &

Honigsfeld, as cited in Dunn et al., 2010).

If students cannot see how subject matter connects to their day-to-day lives, they can

become uninterested, and as a result, unengaged (Douglass, 1979; Dunn et al., 2010). There-

fore, it is important to assist students in linking lessons to the real world. This is the goal of

the activity in the first lesson, where students are asked why it is important to plan arguments

prior to writing them down, and when they would use this skill in their lives. This allows
them to link the information from the lesson to their own life experiences, as constructivists

suggest this is how students learn most effectively (Clark, 2018b). This activity also provides

the opportunity for students to link their own personal interests to the lesson, which Dunn et

al., (2010) suggest is a good way of increasing engagement. All three lessons contain group

discussion tasks similar to this one. This draws from constructivism, which argues heavily

for activity-based, collaborative learning due to the fact that it allows students to make use of

their tools, as well as their classmates’ tools in order to construct knowledge (Keengwe &

Onchwari, 2011). Although these group tasks increase engagement, this does not always

necessarily equate to better results. Psycho-educational theory asserts that people will try to

the best of their ability to achieve what they believe to be their full potential (Chaplain and

Peterson, as cited in De Nobile, Lyons and Arthur-Kelly, 2017). This means that even if a

student is engaged, if they do not believe they can achieve difficult tasks, they may not even

attempt them. This is why the lesson plans include explicit quality criteria which state exact-

ly what they are expected to achieve. When students see teachers have high expectations of

them, it implies that the teacher believes they are capable of doing difficult tasks. This affects

the student’s self-image, work ethic, and as a result, the quality of their work (Hallinan &

Kubitschek, 1999).

The progression throughout the lessons in regards to the scaffolding of concepts is

based on theories surrounding constructivism and cognitivism. These two schools of thought

assert that learning is effective when the information being introduced is connected with in-

formation that has been learnt in the past (Clark, 2018b; Clark, 2018a). Constructivism

specifically advocates for the scaffolding of knowledge, arguing that new information should

be linked to concepts that have been learnt in the past (Sadker, Sadke & Zittleman, as cited

in Keengwe & Onchwari, 2008). This is exactly what is done in the three lessons attached

above. First, the concept of planning is covered, then that same concept is covered with the
added layer of comparative analysis, and finally, the third layer: the comparison of two cul-

tural issues presented in different ways.

In conclusion, the lesson plans above meet learning outcomes while allowing for dif-

ferentiated learning by drawing from the learning theories of constructivism and cognitivism."

Board of Studies New South Wales. (2012). NSW Syllabus for the Australian curriculum:

English K-10 Syllabus. Retrieved from: http://www.educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/


Clarke, K. (2018a). Learning theories: Constructivism. Radiologic Technology, 90(2),

176-179. Retrieved from:http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uws.edu.au/ehost/detail/



Clarke, K. (2018b). Learning theories: Constructivism. Radiologic Technology, 90(2),

180-182. Retrieved from:http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uws.edu.au/ehost/



De Nobile, J., Lyons, G., & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2017). Positive learning environments: Creating

and maintaining productive classrooms. (1st ed.). Melbourne, Australia: Cengage Learn-


Douglass, C. (1979). Making Biology easier to understand. The American Biology Teacher,

41(5), 277-299. doi:10.2307/4446583

Dunn, R., Craig, M., Favre, L., Markus, D., Pedota, P., Sookdeo, G., Stock, J., & Terry, B.

(2010). No lights at the end of tunnel vision: Steps for improving lesson plans. The Clear-

ing House, 83(5), 194-206. doi:10.1080/00098650903507460

Hallinan, M., & Kubitschek, W, (1999). Curriculum differentiation and high school achieve-

ment. Social Psychology for Education, 3(2), 41-62. doi:10.1023/A:1009603706414

Keengwe, J., & Onchwari, G. (2011). Fostering meaningful student learning through con-

structivist pedagogy and technology. International Journal of Information and Communi-

cation Technology Education, 7(4), 1-10. doi:10.4018/jicte.2011100101

Stevens, D. (2012). A guided reader for secondary English: Pedagogy and practice. (1st

ed.). New York, USA: Routledge.

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