MYP Unit Planner: Stage 1 - Establishing The Purpose of The Unit
MYP Unit Planner: Stage 1 - Establishing The Purpose of The Unit
MYP Unit Planner: Stage 1 - Establishing The Purpose of The Unit
Statement of inquiry
STATEMENT OF INQUIRY: Patterns can be represented as relationships in order to model and analyse their behaviour.
Inquiry questions
Line of inquiry: Students will investigate the different ways in which linear patterns can be represented.
Line of inquiry: Students will explore whether natural phenomena can be modelled through representations using mathematics.
Debatable – What model is more natural, order or chaos?
Criterion A: Knowing & Understanding Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative assessment
(Topic test) including assessment criteria: task(s) and statement of inquiry:
select appropriate mathematics when solving Patterns can be represented as relationships in
problems order to model and analyze their behavior.
(G) The goal is for you to understand that patterns
apply the selected mathematics successfully can be represented as relationships in order to The summative task asks students to model the
when solving problems model and analyse their behaviour. Thus creating behaviour of a natural event (a hurricane) by
solve problems correctly in both familiar and a model about a natural phenomenon and its representing the pattern of its latitude and
unfamiliar situations in a variety of contexts potential damage. longitude over time. Using interpolation and
extrapolation, students will find that they can
(R) You are a meteorologist who analyses
predict the movement of such natural
Criterion C: Communicating (Hurricanes ‘R’ Us) geographic data
phenomena fairly accurately once the relationship
use appropriate mathematical language (A) Your work has to be presented to the City has been established.
(notation, symbols and terminology) in both board, who are responsible for making decisions
oral and written explanations in the city administration
use appropriate forms of mathematical (S) A natural disaster is about to hit a city and
representation to present information evacuation notices may need to be given.
move between different forms of
mathematical representation (P) You will create a written report for the City
communicate complete and coherent council and will present your findings.
Approaches to learning (ATL) ATL can be for the Summative, Objective or Criteria and for the Learning Experience
ATL for the Criteria
In order for students to explain whether a solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life situation , they will have to draw reasonable
conclusions and generalizations. (ATL Category: Thinking, ATL Cluster: Critical Thinking).
In order for students to select and apply appropriate mathematical strategies when solving authentic real-life situations , they will have to collect and
analyse data to identify solutions and make informed decisions. (ATL Category: Research, ATL Cluster: Information Literacy) .
In order for students to use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols and terminology) in both oral and written explanations , they will have
to understand and use mathematical notation. (ATL Category: Communication, ATL Cluster: Communication skills) .
(Communication, Written Report- Teaching students the ways to write a report and include visuals)
(Research Skills- Students need to know how to research data, evaluate data and cite this information in their task)
ATL Skill: draw reasonable Inquiry Question: What is a pattern? A) The activities are scaffolded so that
conclusions and generalizations students who experience difficulty will
A) Exit slips (Students answer questions be led through the discovery of linear
A) The linear function f (x) = mx + A) Students work in pairs and groups on a slip of paper before they exit the functions. The teacher can provide
c, its graph, gradient and y- through the activities provided by the class, providing feedback to the teacher additional support where necessary
intercept teacher. There is an investigation on on their level of understanding.) and/or pair students so that a stronger
Line of Inquiry- The patterns can “How do you know it’s a line?” as well as student can help one who may struggle.
be classified on the basis of their on gradient-intercept form. Direct
instruction will take place on concepts
and skills that students may need to
review (intercepts, graphing, etc.)
Students should be fairly comfortable with graphing Students quickly picked up on how they know The summative task went really well and students
points so that we can focus on linear functions. The something is linear just by looking at the equation. needed very little help in finding the equations.
teacher last year showed them how the solution to a That investigation went really well. They also had no Graphing the data, however, took a little longer since
linear equation can be represented graphically so that problem finding how the gradients of parallel lines the times were in Greenwich Mean Time. Next time,
should be a good introduction to linear functions as relate. A few did need some help with how to write though, I will change them to EST and I’ll also have to
well as to systems of simultaneous equations (if they the relationship between gradients of perpendicular ask students to “find the model/equation” since many
remember!). Last year they studied Pompeii so lines mathematically. However, once hey saw it, they asked what a “model” was. I should have emphasized
introducing the unit with the video should prove to be said it made a lot of sense. Students need a lot of that a little more.
pretty motivating. I’m a little worried about the time reinforcement of vocabulary such as “intercepts” so
for the investigations and covering it all in the 15 I’ve decided to have them make flashcards with key
hours. words on them (like they do in History). Finding the The test included a variety of questions that I thought
equation of a line is going pretty well, though some would be challenging but, in general, all of the students
students wished I would just tell them which form to were successful. They found the skills questions almost
use all the time. They don’t seem to like having a too easy! Most students achieved a 5 or better!