Name: Mohammad Zaid Akram Roll No: 30 Subject: Operations Research Paper Code: Mba (Ib) Cp-202 Mid-Term Assignment-I
Name: Mohammad Zaid Akram Roll No: 30 Subject: Operations Research Paper Code: Mba (Ib) Cp-202 Mid-Term Assignment-I
Name: Mohammad Zaid Akram Roll No: 30 Subject: Operations Research Paper Code: Mba (Ib) Cp-202 Mid-Term Assignment-I
In a business application, a shadow price is the maximum price that
management is willing to pay for an extra unit of a given limited resource.For
example, if a production line is already operating at its maximum 40 hour limit,
the shadow price would be the maximum price the manager would be willing to
pay for operating it for an additional hour, based on the benefits he would get
from this change.
For maximization problems like this one the constraints can often be thought of
as restrictions on the amount of resources available, and the objective can be
thought of as profit. Then the shadow price associated with a particular
constraint tells you how much the optimal value of the objective would increase
per unit increase in the amount of resources available. In other words, the
shadow price associated with a resource tells you how much more profit you
would get by increasing the amount of that resource by one unit.
When the problems related to the mixed constraints are given and the simplex
method has to be applied, then the artificial variable is introduced. The artificial
variable refers to the kind of variable which is introduced in the linear program
model to obtain the initial basic feasible solution. It is utilized for the equality
constraints and for the greater than or equal inequality constraints.
A feasible solution is a set of values for the decision variables that satisfies all of the
constraints in an optimization problem. The set of all feasible solutions defines
the feasible region of the problem. Most optimization algorithms operate by first
trying to locate any feasible solution, and then attempting to find another (better)
feasible solution that improves the value of the objective function. This process of
trying to find improving feasible solutions repeats until either no further
improvement is possible or some other stopping criteria is met.
An optimal solution is a feasible solution where the objective function reaches its
maximum (or minimum) value – for example, the most profit or the least cost. A
globally optimal solution is one where there are no other feasible solutions with
better objective function values. A locally optimal solution is one where there
are no other feasible solutions “in the vicinity” with better objective function
values – you can picture this as a point at the top of a “peak” or at the bottom of
a “valley” which may be formed by the objective function and/or the constraints.