12.0 Conclusion
12.0 Conclusion
12.0 Conclusion
Based on that, HBR Consultant have been assigned to design five storey buildings.
Each part of the building such as foundation, slab, beam, and column need to be design. The
usage of software such as Esteem, AutoCAD and StaadPro is very important in a way to define
the suitable design for each part of the building. Although calculation for loading or bending
can be achieve by using software such as StaadPro can be gathered, manual calculation will be
also,need to be done to make sure that the calculation between manual calculation and software
calculation is tally. Some problems have been faced in designing the building that is some
measurement is not suitable and may result as fail. The problem is faced by seeking reference
and make a group discussion with group member and lecturer. Thus, some changes for the
measurement need to be done after done the group discussion. It is important for each group
member to give tolerance, communicate and work together to achieve the success for the
project. In a nutshell, from this project, each group member had gain new knowledge in termof
using technology, know how to design building and allocate budget for the project.
Roof structure
Allow detail as describe in table below for ITEM
every level including roof. Refer table
Inside Building:-
Other works