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The Concept of Cyber Defence Exercises (CDX) : Planning, Execution, Evaluation

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The Concept of Cyber Defence Exercises (CDX):

Planning, Execution, Evaluation

Ensar Seker Hasan Huseyin Ozbenli

NATO CCD COE STM Defense Technologies Engineering and Trade Inc.
Tallinn, Estonia Ankara, Turkey
ensar.seker@ccdcoe.org hhozbenli@ssm.gov.tr

Abstract - This paper discusses the concept of cyber defence 12 level [16, 17]. The architecture of a cyber defense
exercises (CDX) that are very important tool when it comes to competition [18] and different tools and techniques used and
enhancing the safety awareness of cyberspace, testing an how they fit into an active learning approach and how it
organization’s ability to put up resistance and respond to focuses on the operational aspect of managing and protecting
different cyber events to establish the secure environment,
an existing network infrastructure were described by Green et
gathering empirical data related to security, and looking at the
practical training of experts on this subject. The exercises can al [19].
give ideas to the decision makers about the precautions in the
cybersecurity area and to the officials, institutions, organizations, Patriciu and Furtuna [20] presented a number of steps and
and staff who are responsible on the cyber tools, techniques, and guidelines that should be followed when designing a
procedures that can be developed for this field. In the cyber cybersecurity exercise. One another approach of such live-
defense exercises, the scenarios that are simulated closest to attack exercises presented by White [21], lessons learned from
reality which provides very important contributions by bringing illustrative examples of such exercises, as well as suggestions
together the necessity of making the best decisions and
to help organizations conduct their own exercise. Other
management capabilities under the cyber crisis by handling
stress and coordinated movement as a team. The objective of this
literature examined how to offer cyber defense competitions in
paper is to address the issue from a scientific point of view by the private sector, using a service provider model [22].
setting out the stages of planning, implementation, and
evaluation of these exercises, taking into account and comparing Existing literature has examined the potential benefits of
international firefighting exercises. Another aim of the work is to cyber defense exercises. One another benefit of cyber defense
be able to reveal the necessary processes that are required for all exercise that can be instrumented to generate scientifically
kind of cyber exercises, regardless of the type, although the valuable modern labeled datasets for future security research
processes involved vary according to the target mass of the [23, 24] and help uncover gaps in IT Security policies, plans
planned exercise.
and procedures [25]. It was claimed that [26] cyber exercises
Index Terms— Cyber defense, security exercises, cyber can be developed with a focus on measuring performance
resilience, cyber threat, cyber security, cyber-attack mitigation, against specific standards. In cyber defense exercises, to
cyber crisis management. measure team effectiveness and gain knowledge how to do
that, the role of behavioral assessment techniques was
I. RELATED WORK investigated as a complement to task-based performance
measurement [27].
CDX have been identified as an efficient mechanism to
practice IT security awareness training [1, 2] but are also an In the literature, The RINSE simulator that is the real-time
ultimate tool to reveal and define the different security needs of immersive network simulation environment for network
every organization [3]. It provides an excellent opportunity and security exercises was presented as a realistic rendering of
ultimate learning experience [4, 5] for the students to improve network behavior [28]. In addition to that to execute real-time
their skills in protecting and defending information systems are security exercises on a realistic inter-domain routing
assessed in the context of realistic, true-to-life scenario [6]. On experiment platform was presented in the past [29]. A
the other side, as discussed by Vigna [7] and Mink [8], the developed method for Job Performance Modeling (JPM) which
offensive security training is also an effective way to learn uses vignettes for improving cybersecurity talent management
information security. The previous works in this area examined through cyber defense competition design was described by
the structure [9] and how to use of cyber defence competitions, Tobey [30].
overall effectiveness of live-attack exercises in teaching
information security [10], curriculum and course format at
CDX in which teams design, implement, manage and defend a
network of computers [11-15]. Other literature has examined
the benefit of conducting cyber defense competitions at the K-
II. INTRODUCTION cyber defense exercises have been carried out in Europe, as can
Since the cyberspace was recognized as the fifth battlefield be seen in Figure 1 [5].
after land, sea, air, and space, it has begun to be of critical
importance, especially in terms of national security. These
attacks have become more popular in recent times, as cyber-
attacks can be performed anonymously, declassified, and
relatively inexpensive to perform in other areas. Therefore,
countries have begun to use and develop cyberweapons at a
sophisticated level of technology and sophisticated technology.

In order to safeguard the digital security of the public and

the society, which is becoming an integral part of the national
security, against cyber-attacks, states accept the idea that it is
necessary to establish and disseminate authorities such as cyber
defence commands, national cyber incident response teams,
computer emergency readiness teams, and other information
security centers. They also have begun to develop national
cybersecurity strategies and put into practice.
Figure 1 - Cyber Defence Exercises (Worldwide
In terms of cyber defense, cyber exercises have been Distribution)
playing a very important role in testing the technical cyber
capacity of nations or organizations, cyber training, and cyber
awareness raising that’s why they have started to become Another actor, at least as important as Europe, in the field,
widespread all over the world. Among the main objectives of is North America, especially the United States. North America
the cyber defense exercises, they can increase [31, 32, 33, 34]; is followed by Asia, mostly Japan, Malaysia, India, and
Singapore. Australia comes right after Asia.
x The ability to test and develop common and
coordinated technical and strategic mobility against
the cyberattacks that may occur on a national basis.
x The Ability to test and develop common and
coordinated technical and strategic mobility against
cyber attacks, which may occur on an international
x Ability to test and develop continuity and improving
continuity processes with cybersecurity capabilities.
x Strengthening cooperation and coordination between
public and private sectors in the cyberspace.
x Gathering empirical data related to cybersecurity
x The maturity level of legal and regulatory compliance.
Figure 2 - Cyber Defence Exercises (Asia Distribution)
In the following sections, the worldwide cyber defense
exercises, and processes, types, and contributions of these Cyber defense exercises that were executed in Asia is as
exercises was examined with examples. shown in Figure 2 [35]. It is noteworthy that Malaysia has
moved up to second place just right after Japan, especially with
From the planning stage through to the implementation, investments that Malaysia has made in recent years to this
execution and finally to the evaluation stage, cyber defense field. Even though Japan’s and Malaysia’s number are close to
exercises can provide important contributions to both the each other, it is clear that Japan has much more experience in
exercise planners and their participants. These processes of cyber defense exercises than in Malaysia.
exercises also can give an idea to a developer who develops
mechanisms for the cyber defense. Locked Shields, Cyber Coalition, Cyber Europe can be
given as examples of a few cyber defense exercises carried out
on an international scale.
Europe is at the forefront of the biggest players in the field
of cyber defense exercises. In the past, 42 percent of the global Locked Shields: Locked Shields is organized annually by
the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence
(NATO CCD COE) in Tallinn, Estonia. It’s accepted by the
authorities that Locked Shields is the world's largest, most
complex and technologically advanced cyber defense exercise.
More than 900 cybersecurity experts from around the world
have been involved in the 2017 Locked Shields exercise and
the national teams of 20 countries have contributed. More than
2,500 attacks on the national teams (blue teams) were carried
out by the red team in the exercise where more than 3,000
virtual systems were involved. Locked Shields exercises follow
a successful route to adopting information technologies. As an
example, the smart grid systems, air-to-air fueling systems, and
drone control systems were added to exercise environment in
2017 [36].

Cyber Coalition: Cyber Coalition is organized annually by

NATO. It’s a three-day event and participation are from NATO Figure 3 – CDX by Type [40]
members and alliance countries. In December 2016, more than
700 cyber defense and legal experts, government officials, Despite all the different types of exercises that can be
officers, academics and industry representatives were involved created such as capture the flag, discussion-based game,
in this exercise. In the exercise, there was also cyber defense simulation, workshop, drills, seminar, cyber defense exercises
personnel from the European Union and representatives of can basically be divided into three categories [41];
non-NATO countries such as Algeria, Austria, Finland,
Ireland, Japan and Sweden [37]. 1. Table Top Exercises: All scenarios / sub-scenarios,
injections, and red team attacks are written and
Cyber Europe: It is organized by ENISA (European Union prepared before the exercise. In most cases, exercise
Agency for Network and Information Security), every two planners and actors sit on a table and perform
years for members of the European Union. Unlike military- exercises, so such exercises are called table-top
based exercises such as Locked Shields and Cyber Coalition, It exercises. Table-top exercises should have a fairly
is organized by a civilian authority. The exercise, which took limited number of training units and very well defined
place in 2016, was included of the 28 European Union member objectives [42]. The application process is relatively
states and 2 member countries of the European Free Trade easy as it can be planned faster and in a shorter time
Association (EFTA), although those countries are not a than other types of exercises.
member of EU [38]. 2. (Hybrid) Exercises: Exercise scenario / sub-scenarios
and injections are pre-written, but the red team
performs and attacks live during the exercise.
IV. CYBER DEFENCE EXERCISES TAXONOMY Exercise planners perform exercises with a red team
Cyber defense exercises can be carried out in various that applies real events according to pre-determined
forms. According to the data set to be obtained, these types of targets [43].
exercises differ. However, the differences are based on 3. Full Live Exercises: In such exercises, while the main
parameters from ISO 22398, an international standard. It is scenario and some sub-scenarios have already been
possible to categorize cyber defense exercise into the following prepared, there are instant scenarios and injections
four groups for their objectives [39]: which are developed by the white teams (usually)
according to the blue team's progress and strategies.
i. Improvement and test of national/international cyber The red team also develops new attack strategies
incident response cooperation. based on the defensive capacity and status of the blue
ii. Evaluation/Competition of the cybersecurity skills, team. When compared with cyber defense exercises
incident preparedness of individuals, organizations, types, the planning process for full live exercises is
and systems. much longer and more realistic [44].
iii. Assessing information, readiness, capability,
endurance and/or technical capacity. V. CYBER DEFENCE EXERCISES LIFE-CYCLE
iv. Training participants in real-world scenarios that
provide the opportunity to gain knowledge, insight, In general, cyber defense exercises life-cycle has four
experience by developing their skills and resilience major parts as follow [45];
before an incident.
Identifying: Includes topics such as recognizing and creating
participants profile, determining the type and size of the
exercise, evaluating current scenario options.
Planning: Includes topics such as Informing and training the x Identifying the operational impacts of cyber-
people and teams involved in the exercise, setting up the media attacks and assessing the ability to implement
policy, inviting observers and media members, providing recovery and recovery procedures required for
financial resources, setting the schedule and location of the these attacks,
exercise, distributing roles and creating a realistic scenario, x Determining the success of scenario planning and
preparing the exercise materials. implementation,
x The elimination and correction of weaknesses in
Conducting: Includes topics such as Implementation of the cybersecurity systems,
exercise in the most appropriate frame and rules, x Removal and correction of weaknesses in policies
implementation of the scenarios and injections according to the and procedures related to cyberspace,
determined sequence, resolution of the problems and faults that x To maintain an information system and to
can occur during the exercise in the shortest and quickest determine what equipment or capabilities are
manner, observation of participants and taking notes of required to carry out the necessary activities in a
decisions and activities of participants, and the management of cyber-environment where harmful attacks are
the questionnaire and surveys for participants in order to carried out,
support them.
x Determining whether the injections meet the
objectives of the exercise,
Evaluating: Includes the creation of a group evaluating the
x Increasing cyber awareness, readiness and
exercises’ results, the collection and evaluation of
coordination against cyber-attacks,
questionnaires and surveys answered by the participants, the
collection of necessary information from the participants in the x Development of emergency preparedness plans for
exercise, the preparation of documents to be submitted to the minimum damage, prevention by taking necessary
media, and the preparation of reports to be shared with the precautions and protecting the information
evaluators. systems against cyber-attacks,

are common targets set for all cyber defense exercises in


B. Planning Process
Figure 4 - CDX Life Cycle [43]


A. Determination of Objectives Figure 5 - Planning Process [40]

A cyber exercise can be organized as an individual acting
on an isolated network or as a broader training application on 1) Initial Planning Meeting/Conference;
an operational network. Planning processes are similar. The Covers topics such as;
exercise planning process begins with the determination of the x Determination of requirements and conditions,
purpose of the exercise and its desired outcome. Without x Determination of scenario variables and draft scenario
explicit targets, planners cannot design a meaningful exercise. proposals,
These goals allow participants to clearly configure scenarios in x Collection of required information and distribution of
practice to determine whether they have the necessary skills in tasks between execution planners,
a cyber-environment against cyber threats. Different It takes place approximately 6, 7 months before the exercises.
organizations have different guiding principles, tools, tactics,
and procedures that make it important to create a starting point II) Main Planning Meeting/Conference;
for each exercise. Covers topics such as;
x Reconciliation of logistical and organizational
x The determination of the effectiveness of the problems such as personnel, scenario and time
cyber training provided to participants before the schedule development and administrative
exercise started, requirements,
x Evaluation of the effectiveness of exercise x Examining, evaluating and finalizing all the draft
incident reports and preparation of analysis guides documents to be used in the exercise,
to address the deficiencies identified through the x Examination and development of the injections prior
exercise, to the final planning stage,
x Evaluation of the ability of participants’ necessary
response against harmful activities and assess,
x Reviewing of the duties, conditions, and standards 32, 33, 34], the applicable laws and regulations, and any illegal
determined for the purpose of the exercise, action was taken by the team members is deemed
It takes place approximately 3, 4 months before the exercise. unacceptable. Therefore, it is very important that all the actions
and decisions taken by the blue team, even in the simulation
III) Final Planning Meeting/Conference; environment, be performed without ignoring the existing laws
The final planning conference is the final meeting to and regulations.
oversee the implementation processes and procedures. After
this meeting, no major changes should be made to the design or Another clear rule in the rules of engagement is that the
coverage of the exercise or its supporting documentation. It blue team cannot attack the exercise infrastructure, other blue
takes place approximately 3, 4 weeks before the exercise. teams, the red team and the virtual systems.

IV) Test-Run; Blue team members must provide the right information,
Test-Run is the final preparation phase for testing and which will not harm their operational safety when requested.
evaluating the technical infrastructure of the cyber defense
exercises. In test-run, it is aimed to establish all the sub- Blue teams are able to communicate the green team that is
structures to be used for the exercise in the selected place for responsible for exercises infrastructure, through the web page
the exercise and to test these sub-structures as if the exercise designed for them by submitting notifications and requests
process is working normally and to observe the possible related to the technical problems about the exercise
problems before the exercise. Participation from all teams environment. The green team is responsible for resolving these
except the blue teams takes place in test-run. Thus, all teams technical problems within reasonable time.
will have the chance to review their final situation and practice
process before the exercise. Test-run takes place approximately It is important that all reports created by the team are made
one week before the exercise. through the command chain within the team. Blue teams are
allowed to use their own tools and software products, but all
responsibility for the licensed copy of these products belongs
VII. EXECUTION to this team.
A. Teams Within the white team, there is a group of people called
I) Blue Team (Defensive); ‘blonde user’ who are a response to occupy blue teams’ users’
Blue team is responsible for ensuring and defending the services and systems. These users represent unconscious users
security of a company's or organization’s information systems and they may open harmful emails and files by clicking
against virtual attackers (red team) in a virtual environment malicious links unconscıously. It is against the rules for the
created within the scope of practice. In international cyber blue teams to deny these users' services and systems used by
defense exercises, blue teams represent the national teams of these users. It is also expected that the blue teams will be able
each participating country. Against the simulated attacks, blue to resolve the requests submitted by these users regarding
team should defend its network; technical problems related to the systems they are using, within
x over a given period of time, a limited time.
x a defense based and operational context,
x following the exercise’s rules. In order to transfer preliminary information about the
systems to be used with the exercise environment, blue teams
Blue team also should identify and prevent any data are informed through webinars before the exercises.
leakage on their system The team also responsible for the
protection of privacy, integrity, and usability of their network. II) Red Team (Offensive);
The aim of the red team is to achieve cyber-attacks equally
Since the cyber defense has been a part of national and to all the blue teams participating in the exercise. For this
international law and politics, media and national security purpose, the red team follows a predefined scenario and has the
strategies in recent times, the cyber defense exercises have also permission to use security vulnerabilities that are already
begun to be designed in this context. Only the technical created in the blue team's systems. Successful attacks by the
defense by the blue team has begun to be seen as insufficient red team lead to a negative score for the blue teams. The red
within the scope of cyber defenses. For this reason, legal, team and the white team must work closely together. The red
policy, strategy, and media scenarios have begun to be team must always follow the instructions given by the white
included in addition to technical scenarios, especially for team. It is strictly forbidden for the red team to attack the
international cyber defense exercises, so the responsibilities of services and infrastructure used by the green team. It is
the blue team have been increased. imperative that all attacks carried out by the Red Team remain
within the exercise environment. This includes social
The responsibilities of the Blue Team must always be engineering.
observed within the framework of the rules of engagement [31,
III) White Team;
The white team is responsible for organizing the exercise The Republic of X is in diplomatic conflicts with the
and checking it during the execution. The white team Country of Y (a neighbor), which has been criticized by the
determines the exercise objectives, the scenario, the high-level international community for having a vigilant anti-democratic
objectives for the red team, legal injections, rules, media government. For a long time, the Republic of X is exposed to
preparations and communication plans. During the execution, the cyber-attack, which is predicted to originate from the
the white team provides control of the exercise by determining Country of Y. Immediately following the last diplomatic crisis
when to start different stages, controlling the execution of the between the Republic of X and the Country of Y, cyber-attacks
red team's campaign, and scoring issues. Management, blonde started to take place at the Air Force base of the Republic of X
users, injections, scoring and media simulation are among the and a number of confidential information and documents were
responsibilities of the white team. stolen. As part of the international coalition, the mission of the
blue team is to take necessary precautions at the Air Force
IV) Yellow Team; base, analyzing IT devices, preventing ongoing and possible
The role of the yellow team is to provide situational future attacks, and reporting to the HQ.
awareness during the exercise first for the white team and then
for all participants in the exercise. The main sources of The Blue Team should try to fulfill the duties assigned to it
information for the yellow team are the interim reports in an unfamiliar system. They need to take in consideration the
provided by the blue teams, the reports of the attack campaigns rules, media and strategy-based sub-scenarios and injections
from the red team members, and the reports provided by the that will be included later throughout the exercise.
system. The yellow team provides regular updates to white
team leaders and blue teams.
C. Scoring
V) Green Team; Scoring is one of the most troubling issues for cyber
Green team is responsible for preparing and maintaining defense exercises. Even if the scoring systems that are made
exercise systems and infrastructure. These infrastructures are tried to be standardized, it is highly probable that objections
include systems that design, set up, and manage administrative always arise from the blue teams because scoring is usually
computer nodes, virtualization platforms, storage, and core made based on the initiative of the white team. For this reason,
networking, as well as systems that blue teams must defend many cyber defense exercises, especially the ones that are
during the exercise. In order to ensure that these systems are organized at the international level, opposed the scoring system
functioning properly during the exercise, it is expected from by arguing that scoring isn’t the main purpose of the cyber
the green team that they will be able to solve the technical defense exercises. Creating competition environment to build a
problems submitted by the blue teams within a reasonable better cyber defense is the main reason for score supporters.
period of time. One of the examples of exercises that do not use the scoring
system is Cyber Europe organized by ENISA. However, the
use of the scoring system in such exercises was seen as a
B. Scenario motivation tool for participants, and the positive competition
The desired outcomes of the exercise vary from one between participants was a greater impetus for achieving more
exercise to another, but these outputs always revolve around successful outcomes. Locked Shields, which was organized by
presenting realistic scenarios to demonstrate the cyber- NATO CCD COE, has been using scoring systems at the
threatening methods of participation and to evaluate the exercise.
success of the exercise programs. Exercise outcomes should
aim to raise awareness of various cyber threats and to give an
D. Monitoring
idea to make a plan to prevent them. An example scenario of
an international cyber defense exercise in the past years as Monitoring and logging is the basis for the scoring system
follows; Country X is an island republic located in the western and it helps identifying and responding to incidents during the
part of Africa and is a member of an international organization. exercise at an early stage. Cyber defence exercises are
There is a coalition force of this organization in the country. performed in a limited time and too many attacks and network
While the size of the island is comparable to that of Ireland, the activity occurs via exercise team members in this period that
climate and landscape are closer to Morocco. The Republic of makes difficult for organizators to monitor corporate data being
X is a poor country, and especially sanitation, communication, created across multiple networks and nodes. Therefore,
medical services and education are quite inadequate. For monitoring provides a good understanding and in-depth
example, the country has an insecure internet connection with analysis of fields in event logs and alerts created via Syslog,
the rest of the world, and the bandwidth of the connection is Nagios, DPI, NetFlow, etc. It is believed that controlling and
low. There are no law enforcement agencies or CERT to scoring is one of the primary and critical asset in CDX that
protect the country’s information systems. This forces most helps understanding real-time situation and performance of
international actors in the county to install and use expensive teams throughout the exercise and provides fine-grained
satellite communications or locally operated systems. control over network links and hosts.
E. Media Activity Simulator includes analysis, evaluation, weaknesses and weak points,
The media simulator allows the actors to view and interact recommendations and recommendations during the practice.
with the media and social media as if they were in real life. All
players have their own passwords for social media use. Live to
broadcast on all media and social platforms such as Twitter, The importance of defense exercises is increasing day by
Facebook, TV, radio, online news and newspapers are day. It would be possible for countries to be involved in the
available through the simulator. With this simulation, web global cyber defence exercises in the international arena,
pages for the institutions and organizations of the host country spreading the development and implementation of their own
are also available based on the scenario. While blue teams are cyber defence exercise platforms on a national basis, and
busy taking the necessary precautions against attacks from red allocating higher budget figures to the planning and
teams, they have to take the necessary steps in the media development of these exercises could contribute to achieving
dimension as well like in real life. beneficial outcomes in the future to create stronger cyber
defence systems. The emphasis on these exercises on the
national and international scene will provide benefits in terms
F. Injections of uncovering the vulnerabilities in the area of the cyberspace,
Injections can be divided into 4 categories as; scenario as well as the revitalization of the cyber defense awareness,
injections, media games, legal games, and forensics. and also the integrated technologies that can be followed in
1. scenario injections; scenario injections prepared by exercises related to the cyber defense.
the white team that includes taking necessary precautions
against cyber threat and vulnerabilities, following the news, As mentioned earlier for future studies, a technical tool will
evaluating intelligence, gathering information about cyber- be developed on the scoring system, which is a problematic
attacks and preparing reports. issue for cyber defense exercises, and on the standardization of
2. Media scenario; As mentioned before, the purpose of this system and the development of a fairer system. As
the media simulation is to bring the media environment to mentioned, the integration of new technologies such as power
exercise environment so to challenge the blue teams even grid systems and drone control systems into cyber defense
further. The stories in the news include information about exercises is a critical issue. With the integration of these special
events that occurred on ongoing cyber events, negative systems into the exercises, the existing problems and the
comments for the current cyber-attacks as well as fabricated methods to be followed are another work to be done in the
news about them. future.
3. Legal games; The ability of the blue team to answer
questions from the chain of command depends on having deep
legal knowledge. To deal with complicated legal issues, to REFERENCES
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