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Short Circuit Analysis

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The magnitude of short circuit current that the system is capable of producing is

determined using a short circuit analysis, which is then compared to the interrupting rating of

the over current safety devices (OCPD). Because the interrupting ratings are based on

standards, the methods utilized to conduct a short circuit study must follow the protocols

specified by the standard-setting bodies. Both equipment standards and application

guidelines, which specify calculating methods, are published by the American National

Standards Institute (ANSI).

Short-Circuiting is a term used to describe a situation in which Currents are currents

that introduce huge amounts of destructive energy into a power system in the form of heat

and magnetic force. A fault is another term for a short circuit. It's a particular type of current

that injects a lot of energy into a power system. It can take the form of either heat or magnetic

force. In essence, it is a low-resistance energy route that bypasses part of a circuit and

causes the bypassed circuit to stop working. The accuracy and extensive understanding of

possible short-circuit fault currents, as well as the capacity of protective devices to

satisfactorily interrupt these currents, are critical to the dependability and safety of electric

power distribution systems. Engineers involved for the planning, design, operation, and

troubleshooting of distribution systems must be familiar with computational methods of power

system analysis.

Short circuit currents offer the greatest general hazard to power distribution system

components, and they are the primary concern for designing and implementing protective

systems. Short circuit currents, on the other hand, are relatively simple to compute. The

underlying nature of short circuit currents can be determined by applying three or four

fundamental circuit analysis ideas.

A device that interrupts short circuit current is a device that is linked to an electric

circuit to protect it from severe damage in the event of a short circuit. It provides this

protection by stopping huge current flows automatically, hence the device should be rated to

interrupt and cease fault current flow without causing harm to the over current protection



A short-circuit study is an electrical system examination that identifies the quantity of

currents flowing during an electrical fault. The first step in verifying that the power system is

safely protected is to compare these estimated values to the equipment ratings.

Short Circuit Currents and Their Risks

Short-circuit currents may not be appropriately shielded in the building/facility. These

currents have the potential to harm or deteriorate equipment. Short-circuit currents that aren't

properly shielded can harm or kill maintenance workers. New initiatives have recently been

implemented to require facilities to correctly identify these problematic locations within the

facility's power distribution system.

Why Is A Short Circuit Dangerous?

A huge amount of current can flow across a short circuit. When extremely high

currents exceed the protection capabilities of protective devices (fuses, circuit breakers, etc. ),

huge, rapid releases of energy in the form of heat, extreme magnetic fields, and even

explosions known as arc blasts can occur. Wiring insulation and electrical components might

be damaged or destroyed by the heat. An arc blast creates a shock wave that can carry

vaporized or molten metal and can kill humans who are unprotected nearby.

To properly determine the type, interrupting rating, and tripping characteristics of

power and lighting system circuit breakers and fuses, fault current calculations are required.

Fault current calculations are frequently used to calculate the required short-circuit ratings of

power distribution system components such as bus transfer switches, variable speed drives,

switchboards, load centers, and panel boards. In order to calculate the maximum fault

current, you must first figure out the total contribution from all paralleled generators, as well as

the motor contribution from induction and synchronous motors.

Short Circuit Analysis

The steady state solution of a linear network with balanced three phase excitation is

what short circuit analysis is all about. Currents and voltages in a power system during a

faulty state are provided by such an analysis. This data is necessary for determining the

circuit breakers required interrupting capacity and designing a good relaying system. To
obtain sufficient data, several sorts of faults are simulated at various sites and the study is

repeated. Normally, in a short circuit analysis, all shunt parameters such as loads and lime

charging admittances are ignored*, leaving only the linear network to be solved.

 Transmission network

 Generator system and

 Fault. By properly combining the representations of these components we can solve the

short circuit problem

Bolted, Arcing and Ground Faults

 A bolted fault occurs when two conductors of differing voltages are “bolted” together,

or when a source of power is directly connected (bolted) to ground, as a result of a

manufacturing or assembly error. There is no arc formed since the connectors are solidly

fastened together, and the high current quickly tripped a protection device, reducing the


 An arc fault occurs when a short circuit produces an arc. A flow of electricity between two

conductors that are not in touch is known as an arc. The extreme heat that results can

cause a fire, major equipment damage, and even an arc flash or arc blast, which can

cause serious injury.

 When electricity finds an unintentional, low resistance path to ground, it is called a

ground fault. When that path passes through the human body, the ensuing heat can

inflict catastrophic burns, and the electrical shock can cause the human heart to stop

working (fibrillation).

Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Currents

 A symmetrical or an asymmetrical fault can occur in a polyphase system. A symmetrical

fault current affects all phases in the same way. The fault current is asymmetrical if just

some of the phases are impacted, or if the phases are impacted unequally.

 Symmetrical faults are simple to analyze, although they only account for a small

percentage of actual faults. Only around 5% of faults are perfectly symmetrical.

Asymmetrical faults are harder to analyze than symmetrical faults, yet they are the more

common fault type.

Protective Devices for Short Circuit Analysis

Protective devices are meant to identify a fault state and turn off the power before it

causes serious damage. Protective devices come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but the

two most popular are:

Fuses and Circuit Breakers

Fuses and circuit breakers turn off the power supply to safeguard an electrical circuit

from an over-current scenario, which is usually caused by a short circuit. Fuses are only good

for one use. Circuit breakers can be reset and utilized again and again.

Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI)

When the current flow in the electrified conductor does not equal the return current in

the neutral conductor, this gadget detects it. The GFI protects humans by switching off the

current flow rapidly, preventing shock damage. Ground Fault Interrupters are commonly used

in homes for electrical sockets in the bathroom, kitchen, and outdoors. In most cases, the GFI

will be incorporated into the electrical socket. The GFI will typically be built into the electrical


Over-current protection is not provided by a GFI, and the circuit that includes a GFI

will additionally include a fuse or circuit breaker.

Electrical protection devices, in addition to fuses, circuit breakers, and GFIs, include:

 detect changes in current or voltage levels 

 monitor the ratio of voltage to current 

 provide over-voltage protection 

 provide under-voltage protection 

 detect reverse-current flow 

 detect phase reversal 

 When are Short Circuit Analysis Needed? 

When a power system is first designed, a short-circuit analysis should be undertaken,

but this should not be the only time. Any facility expansion or the addition of new electrical

equipment, such as circuit breakers, transformers, and cables, necessitates these

investigations. Short circuit studies must be performed on a regular schedule of at least every

5-6 years even if no new additions or adjustments are made.

Short Circuit Current Calculated

To correctly apply equipment in line with NEC and ANSI regulations, short-circuit

calculations are required. The level of detail necessary to complete these computations varies

substantially depending on the size and utility connection. The short-circuit study performed

by Carelabs will contain calculations that follow the most recent ANSI guidelines.


Short circuit analysis is performed so that existing and new equipment ratings were

sufficient to with stand the available short circuit current. This short circuit analysis can be

done either through hand calculations or through known software like NEPLAN. 

Using NEPLAN we can perform short circuit studies on electrical systems in a quick

time and effective manner in four steps. 

 Data Collection and SLD Preparation 

 Short circuit calculations 

 Relay Coordination Studies 

 Load flow Analysis  

Benefits of Short Circuit Analysis 

Conducting a short circuit analysis has the following benefits: 

 Helps avoid unplanned outages and downtime

 Is critical for avoiding interruptions of essential services

 Reduces the risk of equipment damage and fires

 Increases safety and protects people from injuries

 Determines the level and type of protective devices that are needed

 Provides the information needed for NEC and NFPA required labels 

 Keeps you in compliance with NEC requirements 

 Reduces the risk a facility could face and help avoid catastrophic losses

 Increases the safety and reliability of the power system and related equipment 

Short Circuit Calculation:

Basic Point-to-Point Calculation Procedure

kVA x 1000
3Ø Transformer I F .L . A =
E L . L x 1.732

kVA x 1000
1 Ø Transformer I F .L . A =
E L. L

Step 1. Determine the transformer full load amps (F.L.A.) from either the nameplate, the

following formulas or table 1:

¿ % Z transformer

Step 2. Find the transformer multiplier.

See Notes 1 and 2

* Note 1. Get %Z from nameplate or Table 1. Transformer impedance (Z) helps to determine

what the short circuit current will be at the transformer secondary. Transformer impedance is

determined as follows: The transformer secondary is short circuited. Voltage is increased on

the primary until full load current flows in the secondary. This applied voltage divided by the

rated primary voltage (times 100) is the impedance of the transformer.

Example: For a 480 Volt rated primary, if 9.6 volts causes secondary full load current

to flow through the shorted secondary, the transformer impedance is

9.6/480 = .02 = 2%Z.

* Note 2. In addition, UL 1561 listed transformers 25kVA and larger have a ± 10% impedance

tolerance. Short circuit amps can be affected by this tolerance. Therefore, for high end worst

case, multiply %Z by .9. For low end of worst case, multiply %Z by 1.1. Transformers

constructed to ANSI standards have a ±7.5% impedance tolerance

(Two-winding construction).

Step 3. Determine by formula or Table 1 the transformer letthrough short-circuit


See Notes 3 and 4.

IS.C. = Transformer F.L.A. x Multiplier

Note 3. Utility voltages may vary ±10% for power and ±5.8% for 120 Volt lighting services.

Therefore, for highest short circuit conditions, multiply values as calculated in step 3 by 1.1 or

1.058 respectively. To find the lower end worst case, multiply results in step 3 by .9 or .942


Note 4. Motor short circuit contribution, if significant, may be added at all fault locations

throughout the system. A practical estimate of motor short circuit contribution is to multiply the

total motor current in amps by 4. Values of 4 to 6 are commonly accepted.

Step 4. Calculate the "f" factor.

1.732 x L x I 3 Ø
3Ø Faults f¿
C x n x EL.L

2 x L x I L− L
1Ø Line-to-Line (L-L) Faults f¿
C x n x E L .L
See Note 5 & Table 3

2 x L x I L−N
1Ø Line-to-Neutral (L-N) Faults f¿
C x n x E L .N
See Note 5 & Table 3


L = length (feet) of conductor to the fault.

C = constant from Table 4 of “C” values for conductors and Table 5 of “C” values for busway.

n = Number of conductors per phase (adjusts C value for parallel runs)

I = Available short-circuit current in amperes at beginning of circuit.

E = Voltage of circuit
Note 5. The L-N fault current is higher than the L-L fault current at the secondary terminals of

a single-phase center-tapped transformer. The short-circuit current available (I) for this case

in Step 4 should be adjusted at the transformer terminals as follows: At L-N center tapped

transformer terminals, IL-N = 1.5 x IL-L at Transformer Terminals. At some distance from the

terminals, depending upon wire size, the L-N fault current is lower than the L-L fault current.

The 1.5 multiplier is an approximation and will theoretically vary from 1.33 to 1.67. These

figures are based on change in turns ratio between primary and secondary, infinite source

available, zero feet from terminals of transformer, and 1.2 x %X and 1.5 x %R for L-N vs. L-L

resistance and reactance values. Begin L-N calculations at transformer secondary terminals,

then proceed point-to-point.

Step 5. Calculate "M" (multiplier) or take from Table 2.


Step 6. Calculate the available short circuit symmetrical RMS current at the point of

fault. Add motor contribution, if applicable.

IS.C. sym. RMS = IS.C. x M

Step 6A. Motor short circuit contribution, if significant, may be added at all fault

locations throughout the system. A practical estimate of motor short circuit

contribution is to multiply the total motor current in amps by 4. Values of 4 to 6 are

commonly accepted.

Calculation of Short-Circuit Currents When Primary Available Short-Circuit Current is


Use the following procedure to calculate the level of fault current at the secondary of

a second, downstream transformer in a system when the level of fault current at the

transformer primary is known

Step A. Calculate the "f" factor (IS.C. primary known)

3Ø Transformer (I S.C. primary and IS.C. secondary are 3Ø fault values)

I SC primary x V primary x 1.73(%Z )

100,000 x kVA transformer

1Ø Transformer (I S.C. primary and IS.C. secondary are 1Ø fault values: IS.C. secondary is L-L)

I SC primary x V primary x(%Z)

100,000 x kVA transformer

Step B. Calculate "M" (multiplier). M=

Step C. Calculate the short-circuit current at the secondary of the transformer. (See

Note under Step of "Basic Point-to Point Calculation Procedure".)

V primary
I SC secondary = x M x I SCprimary
V Secondary

Example Problem:
Single-Phase Short Circuits

Short circuit calculations on a single-phase center tapped transformer system require

a slightly different procedure than 3Ø faults on 3Ø systems.

1. It is necessary that the proper impedance be used to represent the primary system. For 3Ø

fault calculations, a single primary conductor impedance is used from the source to the
transformer connection. This is compensated for in the 3Ø short circuit formula by multiplying

the single conductor or single-phase impedance by 1.73. However, for single-phase faults, a

primary conductor impedance is considered from the source to the transformer and back to

the source. This is compensated in the calculations by multiplying the 3Ø primary source

impedance by two.

2. The impedance of the center-tapped transformer must be adjusted for the half-winding

(generally line-to-neutral) fault condition. The diagram at the right illustrates that during line-

to-neutral faults, the full primary winding is involved but, only the half-winding on the

secondary is involved. Therefore, the actual transformer reactance and resistance of the half-

winding condition is different than the actual transformer reactance and resistance of the full

winding condition. Thus, adjustment to the %X and %R must be made when considering line-

to-neutral faults. The adjustment multipliers generally used for this condition are as follows:

•1.5 times full winding %R on full winding basis.

• 1.2 times full winding %X on full winding basis.

Note: %R and %X multipliers given in “Impedance Data for Single Phase Transformers”

Table may be used, however, calculations must be adjusted to indicate transformer kVA/2.

3. The impedance of the cable and two-pole switches on the system must be considered

“both-ways” since the current flows to the fault and then returns to the source. For instance, if

a line-to-line fault occurs 50 feet from a transformer, then 100 feet of cable impedance must

be included in the calculation. The calculations on the following pages illustrate 1Ø fault

calculations on a single-phase transformer system. Both line-to-line and line-to-neutral faults

are considered.

Note in these examples:

a. The multiplier of 2 for some electrical components to account for the single-phase

fault current flow,

b. The half-winding transformer %X and %R multipliers for the line-to-neutral fault

situation, and
Example problem:

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