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Worksheet No. 5 Electrostatics: Answer Each of The Questions Below To Show Your Achievement of The Lesson Objectives

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Republic of the Philippines NS 122 – Physics for Engineers


Nabua, Camarines Sur Instructor: Engr. Lara Jane D. Mendoza
ISO 9001:2015

Worksheet No. 5

Answer each of the questions below to show your achievement of the lesson objectives.

I. Lesson Objective: Understand how an imbalance of electric charge is produced.

1. Describe how an imbalance of charge can be produced through contact.

Electrons may move from one material to the other, which leaves an excess of
positive charge on one material, and an equal negative charge on the other
material. When the materials are separated they retain this charge imbalance.

2. Describe how an imbalance of charge can be produced without contact.

Lightning and storm clouds example. Imbalance can build-up to the point where
air becomes a conductor, and the imbalance is reduced by a rapid spark within
the cloud or to the Earth. This is the lightning flash we see.

II. Lesson Objective: Understand that there are two different kinds of electric

3. Describe the differences between protons and electrons.

Electron- is a charged particle with negative polarity

- Are present in spherical shells and moving around the nucleus in an

orbital path

Proton- a charged particle having a positive charge

- It’s important part of an atom that forms the nucleus of an atom with the

4. Describe the similarities between protons and electrons.

Electrons and protons have the same quantity of charge, though electrons are
negative and protons are positive.
Republic of the Philippines NS 122 – Physics for Engineers
Nabua, Camarines Sur Instructor: Engr. Lara Jane D. Mendoza
ISO 9001:2015

They are both very small and they both make up an atom.

III. Lesson Objective: Understand that electric charge is conserved.

5. A person with a rubber soled shoe walks on carpet. As a result, the carpet
becomes negatively charged and the person becomes positively charged.
Describe how this demonstrates the conservation of electric charge.

This type of charging can also occur if a conductor or even human skin is rub
against an insulator, but it does not occur when a conductor is rub against
another conductor. Human skin will charge positively when rubbed against
insulators, but skin is a conductor so it will not charge when rubbed against other

6. In the scenario described above, the person becomes positively charged as a

result of

a. Gaining protons

IV. Lesson Objective: Understand that electric charges hold atoms together.

7. Describe the electrostatic force between each of the following charged particles
by circling the correct answer choice. Then, explain the reason for your choice.

a. Two protons

a. Repulsive

Two protons are subject to two forces; the nuclear force and the electrostatic
force. When they are very close together the nuclear force is dominant, and when
they are far apart it is the electrostatic force that is dominant

7b. Two electrons

a. Repulsive
Republic of the Philippines NS 122 – Physics for Engineers
Nabua, Camarines Sur Instructor: Engr. Lara Jane D. Mendoza
ISO 9001:2015


The combined electric fields result in a higher and higher potential energy as they
get closer. In order to minimize the potential energy, they repel each other

7c. A proton and an electron

b. Attractive
The electromagnetic force of attraction among negative electrons and
positive protons in the nucleus holds electrons in the area surrounding the

The electromagnetic force of attraction between negative electrons and positive

protons in the nucleus keeps electrons in the area surrounding the nucleus

IV. Lesson Objective: Understand the difference between conductors and


8. Describe one material that is a good conductor. Explain the reason for your
Silver is the best conductor of electricity because it contains a higher number of
movable atoms, the free electrons.

9. Describe one material that is a good insulator. Explain the reason for your choice.

Plastics don't have free electrons moving around so they can't conduct heat and
electricity which gives them the property of good insulators.

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