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Cont933 Course Culminating Activity Tommy Ip

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Name: Tommy Ip

Resource #1
Name of
technological HyperDocs

Description of
how this resource Prior to this course, I had never thought of using a HyperDoc to teach
could be used: math. Now that I have been introduced to this new world, I am so excited
to create and use it for future classes. HyperDocs could be used in a style
similar to a flipped classroom as it is accessible from home. However,
since no one can see how far each classmate is. The HyperDocs can also
be used as a check in with students that are falling behind.

Justification for
using this My favourite part of creating the HyperDoc was the creativity I could put
resource: into it. I love the idea of having a collection resources all in one place. It
allows students to learn a specific unit at their own pace but they are also
held accountable for the amount of work they put in. You could even
challenge the stronger students to create their own version of a HyperDoc
that explains their own understanding of complex topics.

Curricular Competency:
 Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic

Resource #2
Name of
technological Microsoft Teams

Description of
how this resource Among the different websites and resources we have used in this course.
could be used: Many of them can be downloaded as apps on Teams. It is not necessary
for tests and assignments to be written on paper. Rather than sticking to
worksheets and written tests, students can now express their thinking in
many different ways. Some examples of different forms of submissions
are Flipgrid videos, or uploading completed work onto their own website.
As my district has been using Teams in the last year, the implementation

© Continuing Teacher Education, Queen’s University, 2020

of other ideas will be less daunting as students are already familiar with it.

Justification for
using this The chat function on Teams has always been a great tool to keep in
resource: contact with students that miss some days. However, there are so many
more ways to use Teams effectively and I feel that this is just the start of
something great. The newsfeed function easily allows for students to see
what to do on any given day. Creation of exit tickets and quizzes through
google forms also allows for effective and confidential formative

Curricular Competency:
 Reflect on mathematical thinking.

Resource #3
Name of
technological Infographics

Description of
how this resource Students can create their own infographic of core concepts to use as a
could be used: cheat sheet during assignments and possibly tests. They can also be hung
up around the classroom for students to have something to look back on if
they get stuck. This encourages activities that may involve more
movement such as stations.

Justification for
using this I was quite surprised because I never thought that I would enjoy the use of
resource: infographics. Not only was it fun to make, I saw how enriching it could be
to have a simple mini poster on a wall to prompt memories of core
concepts. Math can be treated as if it were another language, so the
infographics are a great way for students to understanding the vocabulary
of every subsequent unit.

Curricular Competency:
 Explain and Justify mathematical ideas and decisions.

Resource #4

© Continuing Teacher Education, Queen’s University, 2020

Name of
technological Padlet

Description of I really liked that Padlet offered a new type of forum for students to
how this resource express their thoughts. Padlet is a great alternative to live documents that
could be used: eliminates the clutter and constant formatting of many users making
changes simultaneously. I will also be using Padlet in a unit to post
YouTube Lessons, and Exit Slips. Students will be able to justify their
knowledge using different submission choices such as Video, Voice,
Uploads and even screen recordings.

Justification for I think that Padlet offers a different opportunity for students to show what
using this they know. I love how organized it is in a way for everyone to still be
resource: heard among the many posts. It is very easy to navigate and students will
be able to find missing work at the click of a button. I also like that it
allows each post to be expanded so it is very easy to focus on one specific

Curricular Competency:
 Communicate mathematical thinking in many ways.

Resource #5
Name of
technological Hour of Code

Description of
how this resource Coding can be a very useful tool for students to enhance their deeper
could be used: thinking. With technology being more prevalent in today’s world, students
need to be able to use devices beyond just their phones. Coding is no
different. Hour of Code offers a variety of different activities that target
specific skills such as computational thinking, and problem solving.
Anyone using the website can choose the level of coding that they are
most comfortable with and each activity grows in difficulty as you
progress. I would introduce my students to the Crossy Road tutorial that I
completed to gauge their skills in analyzing problems and identifying and
fixing problems within them.

Justification for
using this It is incredibly hard to teach coding without the necessary experience.
resource: Hour of Code provides endless free tutorials and activities for learners of
all ages to try. The website gives students that are interested in pursuing

© Continuing Teacher Education, Queen’s University, 2020

coding and programming the chance to practice with many different skills.
I do believe that it is beneficial for most if not all students to be introduced
to some sort of coding before their high school graduation. Having the
added experience of different subject areas will open more opportunities
for their future careers.

Curricular Competencies:
 Use logic and patterns to solve puzzles and play games.
 Use reasoning and logic to explore, analyze and apply
mathematical ideas.

Evaluation of Your Google Site:

Upon first glance, I was not very happy with how much website looked. I think that it is a good
in creating a resource for future practice, but I felt that there was too much clutter and it was hard
to remember which tab is what. I find that a website can be hard to maintain, with the scanning
and formatting, but it is definitely worth it to create an effective one. With that in mind, the
current website is a collection of everything that has been completed in this course, the lessons
and activities target the high school 9-12 levels. I will definitely be using it as a reference for
more innovative ideas in my classes. However, I believe that the website as it is now will only
benefit my own learning and practice. Therefore, I would want to create a new website that focus
on student learning.

I have always liked the idea of having a website for students to reference back to. It is very easy
to translate the ideas built from this course onto a website for students to navigate. I have many
ideas when it comes to enhancing my website. Each section/lesson within any unit will have
buttons that direct to hidden subpages.

Beyond just the curricular content, I would love to build a “daily review page” with new
problems every day on previous topics. A link to a Padlet page or some sort of collaborative
document would be provided for students to answer the questions in any form they want.
Another page that I want to build is one for students to report their own progress and self-
reflections using surveys or Google Forms. Lastly, with student permission, I want to make a
page specifically with their work and use them as resources for future students to reference to. I
really feel that this will help students want to learn math on a more personal level. These are only
some of the ideas I currently have to enhance a website for teacher and student focused learning.
I can’t wait to turn even more of my ideas to life moving forward.

© Continuing Teacher Education, Queen’s University, 2020

Connection to Curricular Competencies:
Each lesson and resource that is provided on my website is connected specifically
towards the BC Math Curriculum’s Big Ideas, Core and Curricular Competencies.

Reasoning and analyzing

 Model mathematics in contextualized experiences – Connecting assignments to real life
situations and how math correlates to each experience. (Workplace 10 Common Tech

Understanding and Solving

 Apply strategies to solve problems in abstract situations – Problem solving through
Coding activities and other online tech tools.

Communicating and Representing

 Explain and Justify mathematical ideas and decisions – Students are provided many ways
to show their learning.
 Represent mathematical ideas in pictorial and symbolic forms – Padlet, Infographics,
HyperDocs allow for students to express their knowledge in many different ways.

Connecting and Reflecting

 Connect mathematical concepts to each other and to other areas and personal interests –
Chequebook assignment provides the opportunity for students to learn about their money
and future costs. Social media PLC’s also provide students a safe learning space with
access to many resources.
 Incorporate First Peoples worldviews and perspectives to make connections to
mathematical concepts – Budgeting party in the Multiple Forms of Technology page.

© Continuing Teacher Education, Queen’s University, 2020

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