Dynamic Behaviour of An Air Spring Element
Dynamic Behaviour of An Air Spring Element
Dynamic Behaviour of An Air Spring Element
Abstract: Air springs are well-known for their low transmissibility coefficients and their ability to vary load capacities easily by changing
only the gas pressure within the springs. Air springs can be used for a mechatronic approach in suspension design because of their ability to
provide a controlled variable spring rate and they offer simple and inexpensive automatic levelling. Air spring dynamic model with
frequency dependent characteristics has been developed for the purpose of this research. The mathematical model enables application of the
model in simulation without many experimentally obtained parameters. Frequency dependence of the stiffness characteristic implemented in
the new model is the main difference between the classical models and the new dynamic model. The verification of the dynamic air spring
model is done by an experiment. The experimental results and results obtained by simulation in Matlab/Simulink are compared.
2.2. New dynamic model of an air spring
x 10 The derivation of a new mathematical model of an air spring is
done with a physical model of a simplified air spring. The model
consists of two gas volumes connected with a pipeline. In order to
take in consideration the change in gas state in the two volumes, a
mechanical barrier has been introduced in the pipeline as a fictive
Stiffness [N/m]
piston. The mechanical barrier is considered to be with neglected
5 mass, and to the barrier is added equivalent fluid mass that is
New dynamic
air springmodel
4 Classical air
classical spring model
model oscillating along the pipeline. The barrier displacement causes
3 pressure change in the two volumes. The gas state change is
2 polytrophic. Considerable assumptions for small changes for the gas
1 state and appropriate linearization are applied for the simplified air
spring model.
0 5 10 15 20 25 Fz
Frequency [Hz]
Frequency (Hz)
Aef z
2.1. Classical model of an air spring
The absolute pressure in the air spring and the force coming zp
from the elastic element are: p B , VB p R , VR
(1) p0 = p B + p at Ap
(2) Fz = ( p0 − pat ) Aef = pB Aef
where p0 is the absolute pressure in the air spring, pat is the Fig.4. Air spring physical model
pressure of the atmosphere, pB is the measured pressure in the air
spring, Aef is the effective area and Fz is the vertical force.
The stiffness characteristic of the pneumatic element can be From the force balance that acts on the mechanical barrier from
determined form the equations above: the cylinder and from the motion equation of the fiction piston,
dAef dp B dAef dp 0 come out the following equations:
cz = = pB + Aef = p B + Aef
(3) dz dz dz dz dz Fz = Aef p B − Aef p at
m &z&p = (Δp B − Δp R ) A p − b pp A p z& p
If the gas condition change is determined that it is polytrophic, the
following equation is valid:
(4) p V n = const where: pat is the outside ambient pressure, bpp is the coefficient
for the pressure fall from the flow resistance in the pipeline, and the
where n is the polytrophic coefficient. pressure fall is taken in consideration with quadratic change. The
The equation (4) is differentiated: bpp reduced to the surface of the barrier Ap gives the damping
p 0 V n = p 0 n V n −1
dV dp0 n
V =0
coefficient bp= bpp Ap.
By rearranging the expressions the result is following equations:
(5) dz 2
p 0 n Aef p0 n Aef A p
Fz = ( p0 − p at ) Aef + z− zp
From the equations above, follows that: VB 0 VB 0
p 0 n Aef dAef p0 n Aef A p p0 n Ap
p0 n Ap
cz = + pB = c z1 + c z 2 m &z&p = z− zp − z p − b p z& p
(6) V dz (8)
VB 0 VB 0 VR 0
The equivalent mechanical model according the classical The equivalent mechanical model that is implemented is shown
approach is presented at figure 3, consisting of 2 springs with on figure 5.
stiffness cz1 and cz2.
z Fst
To fit the equivalent model, equations (8) need to be scaled for represent the stiffness of the spring; a non linear spring cz3 that
the piston displacement from the pipelines by scaling factor k1: describe change of area due to deflection; a mass M, a nonlinear
viscous damper bz and a friction damper Ffr which describe the
inertia of the air in the pipe between air bag and auxiliary volumes.
⎧ A p ⎛ VB 0 + VR 0 ⎞
⎪ k1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = 1 Fz
⎪ Aef ⎝ V R0 ⎠
⎪ k 2 p 0 n Aef A p k1 p 0 n Aef A p
⎪ = z
(9) ⎩ VB 0 VB 0 Fst
The solution of this linear system of equations is:
⎧ Aef VR 0
⎪ k1 = cz3 cz1 Ffr
A p (V B 0 + V R 0 )
⎨ z1
⎪k =k
(10) ⎩ 2 1 bz
3 Simulation-V1p1
⎛ Aef ⎞
VR 0
bz = b p ⎜ ⎟ Measurement-V1p1
⎜ A (V + V ) ⎟ 7 Measurement-V1p2
⎝ p B0 R0 ⎠
⎛ Aef VR 0 ⎞
M = m⎜ ⎟ 6
⎜ A (V + V ) ⎟
⎝ p B0 R0 ⎠ 5.5
(12) dz 14
The diagrams show that the simulation results match the
experimental results. This verifies the new dynamic model for air
spring suspension system.
4. Conclusions
Air springs are well-known for their low transmissibility
coefficients and their ability to vary load capacities easily by
changing only the gas pressure within the springs.
This paper has outlined improvements of the classical model
with a new dynamic model of an air spring with frequency
dependent characteristics.
It is shown that connecting an additional volume to the air
spring gives two values of the stiffness property and the design
parameters of the surge pipe that connects two volumes influence
the frequency dependence of the stiffness properties. The stiffness
frequency dependence could enable design of an air spring with
lower stiffness for lower frequencies and higher stiffness for higher
frequencies, which will improve road holding and riding comfort at
the frequencies near the sprung mass natural frequency. The
proposed air spring with additional volumes has two main benefits:
possibility for vehicle level control and possibility for suspension
stiffness control. With the design of surge pipe that connect the
volumes a possibility is given to tune the frequency range where the
additional volume is operating.
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