Atiq E-AI On Audit
Atiq E-AI On Audit
Atiq E-AI On Audit
K. Atique –e- Rabbani, B Tech (Hons), UK, FCA
Impact of AI on Audit – an Introduction
1. A word about me
2. Caution about AI
3. What is AI?
4. AI v NI – Natural Intelligence
5. History of AI
6. AI Evolution
7. AI in your phone – Siri
9. Stored Program Concept to Machine Learning
10. AI is a coordination of Machine Learning, Deep
Learning, Big Data, Cognitive Computing
11. IBM Watson – Cognitive Computing Platform
12. Application of AI
13. AI in Accounting
14. AI in Auditing (2 slides)
15. Blockchain and Bitcoin
16. Blockchain in Auditing
17. Closing thoughts
A word about me
• I am a FCA.
• I also have a B Tech (Hons) degree from
University of Bradford, UK.
• I studied Statistics, Computer Science, Pure
Maths, Applied Maths., Numerical Ananlysis,
Operations Research.
• Then I trained as a Trainee Chartered
Accountant with Arthur Young McClelland
Moores & Co ( now Ernst Young) in Luton, UK.
• I am a Chartered Accountant who has been a
Programmer, Software Developer, Integrated
Technology Solution Provider, ICT Project
Manager and an ICT Consultant for over 33
• I have not been a practicing Accountant as
Cautions about AI
Humans need resurrection
• Computers/ Machines traditionally store • The term ‘Machine Learning’ was coined
and follow instructions. in 1959 by Arthur Lee Samuel.
• John von Neuman in 1940s introduced • Machines progressively improve
this stored program concept. performance through feedback.
• Programmers program the computer to • Feedback is given through patterns and
do all the wonderful things, like trends.
Accounting and ERP that the computer • This discerning of patterns or trends is
does for us. done by data mining on Big data.
• Machine Learning, however, is a slightly • Big data as distinguished from data is
different concept from stored program extremely huge in volume and contains
concept. structured and unstructured data.
• Computers not only follow set of • Data mining techniques extract patterns,
instructions to do things repetitively but trends from Big data, say for financial
they can also ‘learn’ to do things better. transactions.
AI is a coordination of Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
Big Data, Cognitive Computing
• Artificial Intelligence is a
coordinated system which
involves Machine Learning, Deep
Learning, Big Data, Cognitive
Computing and much more.
• Artifical Intelligence (AI) uses
Intelligent Agents (IA) who can
sense and act accordingly.
• For example a thermostat is an
example of an Intelligent Agent
IBM Watson – Cognitive Computing platform
• IBM Watson is a cognitive computer platform • KPMG has partnered with IBM Watson to
that is being used across the world to boost integrate AI technology with taxes and
revenue, efficiency and even save lives. advisory services.
• With astronomical increase in computational • KPMG and IBM Watson has developed data
power and coming of age of human like analytics tool to address Lease Accounting
question and answering system like IBM and find trends, patterns, anomalies and
Watson AI is finding its use in our every day relationship in lease contract data.
life. • The above tool is for new IFRS 16 Lease
• Cognitive computing simulates human compliance (effective from 1 Jan 2019)
thought process in a computerized model. where Lessee treats pretty much all leases
• Cognitive computing consists of self learning in the same way
systems that mimics the way human brain • The Big Four PwC, EY, KPMG, Deloitte are
works. ramping up investment in AI and related
• This it does through data mining, pattern technologies to defend market share and
recognition and natural language processing. to address regulators’ tough stance at the
Applications of AI
• Auditing to be a less of a burden as • Auditors can harness the power of data mining
accountants embrace AI and AI to help avoid further high-profile
• Auditors use drones to use AI and image failures.
recognition to analyze inventory information • Automating some repetitive manual tasks will
• PwC and EY are using AI tools to automate part improve efficiency, by freeing up employees to
of the audit process concentrate on areas where human judgment
is needed.
• Firms are now exploring more sophisticated • Mindbridge AI is an analytics company using AI
artificial tools that “learn” over time the more to uncover material irregularities in data and
information they gather, gradually gaining the has built in AI Auditor, a world’s first.
ability to recognise complex patterns.
• Innovations in the pipeline include systems that • The MindBridge Ai Auditor analyzes all of the
can detect anomalies across all of a company’s transactions using a hybrid of artificial
financial transactions, such as unexplained intelligence, Machine Learning, statistical
entries that do not reflect what the business models and rule-based tests offering higher
normally does. assurance. This has been proven to be at least
10x more effective than current approaches.
AI in Auditing (Contd)
• Audit as we now have using samples will • Cognitive Technologies, AI will enhance
not exist audit quality, automate processes and
• Web robots also known as bots transform how an audit is performed.
can perform simple and repetitive tasks at • Natural language Processing, data
breakneck speed analytics, machine learning are
• Bots going around the system will do automating and streamlining labour
continuous audit intensive processes.
• Bots can learn and pick out the abnormal • Auditors will focus on higher value added
patterns areas, provide insights and deliver value
beyond compliance.
• Good Bots gather good information
• Organizations are already using Ethics and
• Bad bots produced as those used in US Compliance Software such as
elections to launch malicious and harsh CONVERCENT, PREDICT360, iSight Case
attacks. Manangement Software, Navex Global
GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance)
Blockchain and Bitcoin
• Blocks refer to record blocks and all blocks are linked using cryptography.
Hence block chain.
• Blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks.
• Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a time
stamp and transaction data.
• There is no central authority controlling blockchain.
• It can record transaction between two parties in a verifiable and
permanent way
• For use of Blockchain as decentralized, distributed public digital ledger it
is typically managed by a peer to peer network
• No record can be altered retroactively over a network of computers
without the collusion of network members.
• A global network of computers uses blockchain technology to jointly
manage the database that records Bitcoin transactions.
• That is, Bitcoin is managed by its network, and not any one central
BlockChain in Auditing