PRMG 020 Online Exam
PRMG 020 Online Exam
PRMG 020 Online Exam
QUESTION 1 (25%)
You are a site manager of a reputable firm. You are planning to complete a task
of 25,000 units within a 30-day contract period. Your main goals are to use
resources efficiently and to complete the task with a maximum delay of 7
working days.
Available Resources
[A] What is the cost of producing one unit if you managed to complete the task
exactly in the contract period?
[B] Suggest the optimum planning duration that corresponds to minimum direct
[C] Calculate the percentage of cost increase if this task is crashed to its minimum
QUESTION 2 (25%)
You are using the LOB technique to execute a major task of 100 identical houses.
Required rate of construction is 5 houses / week. To complete this task in one
house you need a total of 120 man-hours. Optimum gang size is 3 workers.
[A] Determine the number of gangs and the time required to complete the 100-house
[B] To crash this task using the same number of gangs calculate in part [A], you
decided to work 11 hours/day 6 days/week. Extended work hours caused the hourly
productivity to drop by 10%. How many calendar days will this crashing approach
QUESTION 3 (25%)
[A] Determine the optimum plan (completion duration, number of used crews,
rate of construction and total corresponding cost)
[C] Starting with the duration corresponding to minimum cost calculated in part
[A] as the normal duration, the subcontractor is examining reducing the execution
duration. He decides to pay extra money to reduce the task's duration such that
cost per crashed day should not exceed L.E. 500. Determine the execution plan/s
satisfying his condition.
QUESTION 4 (25%)
You are the project manager of a subcontracting firm specialized in painting
works. You are required to allocate resources for painting works in four different
sites next December on a 7-working-day week basis.
Available Resources
Although you should execute the four activities within their start and finish
dates, you are allowed to split activities. However, crews, supervisors and
engineers will be paid for any stoppage intervals during or between activities.
Two painting crews may be working simultaneously at the same site. To
supervise a site, you need a resident supervisor and an engineer. However, one
engineer may be simultaneously supervising two sites.
A] Determine the total optimum human resource costs of the painting
works at the four sites.
B] Draw a neat bar chart of the four activities showing the start and finish
dates that achieve the optimum human resource costs and allocate the
used painting crews on the bars.
C] Develop a table showing the working days of each painting crew,
supervisor and engineer.
(N.B. Using graphical methods may help you to reach the optimum solution.)
Good Luck
Prof. Dr . Ta r ek Sa k r