Character-Based Learning and Self-Development To Improve The Students' Character Education
Character-Based Learning and Self-Development To Improve The Students' Character Education
Character-Based Learning and Self-Development To Improve The Students' Character Education
Samsinar1, Fitriani2
1,2InstitutAgama Islam Negeri Bone
1,2Jl. Hos Cokroaminoto Watampone
This study aimed to describe character-based learning, to identify self-development
forms, to find out the application of character education, and to find out whether there
was a significant influence between character-based learning and self-development in
improving the students’ character education at Islamic Junior High School in Bone
Regency. The method used was mixed-method. The sample of this research consisted
of 50 students. The instruments used were questionnaire, observation guidelines,
interview and document. The findings indicated that the implementation of character
education was carried out through inculcating values, exemplary values, facilitation,
academic activities, social, and religious activities. The application of self-
development activities was done through routine, spontaneous, exemplary,
programmed activities and conditioning. The character education was carried out
through the application of class-based character education, school culture, and
community-based character education activities. Therefore, there was a significant
influence between the character-based learning process and self-development
activities on improving the students’ character.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pembelajaran berbasis karakter,
mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk pengembangan diri, mengetahui penerapan
pendidikan karakter, dan mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara
pembelajaran berbasis karakter dan pengembangan diri dalam meningkatkan
pendidikan karakter siswa pada SMP Islam di Kabupaten Bone. Kombinasi metode
penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sampel penelitian
ini terdiri dari 50 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, pedoman
observasi, wawancara dan dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter dilakukan melalui penanaman nilai-nilai
keteladanan, fasilitasi, dan kegiatan pengembangan akademik, sosial dan keagamaan
pada SMP Islam di Kabupaten Bone. Penerapan kegiatan pengembangan diri melalui
kegiatan rutin, spontan, keteladanan, kegiatan terprogram dan pengkondisian.
Pendidikan karakter dilakukan melalui penerapan pendidikan karakter berbasis
kelas, budaya sekolah, dan kegiatan pendidikan karakter berbasis masyarakat. Oleh
karena itu, terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara proses pembelajaran berbasis
karakter dan kegiatan pengembangan diri pada peningkatan karakter siswa.
Character Based Learning, Personal Development, Character Education
How to Cite: Samsinar, & Fitriani. (2020). Character-Based Learning and Self-Development to
Improve the Students’ Character Education. Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah dan
Keguruan, 23(1), 108-126.
This research was field research using mixed method or a combination of qualitative
and quantitative research methods. This combination method was used together in a
research activity in order to obtain objective, complete, valid and reliable data. This
combination method used a concurrent triangulation strategy model or design. This design
model was defined as a research method that combined qualitative and quantitative
research methods together, both in data collection and analysis, then comparing the data
obtained which data could be combined and distinguished (Sugiyono, 2011). The research
model was carried out in one stage by using qualitative and quantitative methods in a
balanced manner or qualitative methods higher than the quantitative method or vice
versa. The population of this research was the teachers and the students that consisted of
246. The sample in this study was 35 teachers and 50 students whom selected by using
purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling technique was a sampling technique
with certain considerations. The sample chosen was considered to know the most about
what was expected so that it would be easier for the researchers to explore the object of
this research.
The research instruments used were questionnaire, observation guidelines,
interview guides and documents. Observation was used as supporting data to collect data
by directly observing research objects, in this case observing the processes and procedures
of character education during learning activities and self-development activities of the
students at Islamic Junior High School in Bone Regency. Questionnaire was used as a tool
to gain data which related to data about the character-based learning process, self-
development activities, and character education at Islamic Junior High School in Bone
Regency. The interview was used to reveal information directly from the research subjects,
they are the teachers and the students related to the character-based learning process,
self-development activities, and character education at Islamic Junior High School in Bone
Regency. In addition, researchers also did interview to the school principals to support
information about character education implemented at Islamic Junior High School in Bone
10% 1% 0%
37% 52%
6% 0% 0%
The application of character-based learning process in Islamic Junior High School
in Bone Regency was done by inculcating values, exemplary values, facilitation, and
academic, social and religious development activities. Application of self-development
activities in Islamic Junior High School in Bone Regency was done through routine
activities, spontaneous, exemplary, programmed activities and conditioning. Improving
the character education in Islamic Junior High School in Bone Regency was carried out
through the application of class-based character education, school culture, and
community-based character education activities. There was a significant influence
between the character-based learning process and self-development activities on
improving the students’ character at Islamic Junior High School in Bone Regency. The
average increase in the students’ character education at Islamic Junior High School in Bone
Regency was 78.02 with 7.058 of standard deviation. This standard deviation, if it was
associated with the increase in the students’ character by 78.02, then the increase in
character would range between 78.02 ± 7.058. The average of character-based learning
process was 87.88 with 7.761 of standard deviation and the average of self-development
activities was 95.98 and 7.673 of standard deviation.
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