Chapter Six Runoff: Components of Stream Flow
Chapter Six Runoff: Components of Stream Flow
Chapter Six Runoff: Components of Stream Flow
Direct surface flow can be analyzed for relatively large drainage areas by the unit
hydrograph method and for smaller areas by overland flow analysis. The direct runoff results
from the occurrence of an immediately preceding storm while the ground water contribution,
which takes days or months to reach the stream, in all probability has no direct relation with
Fourth Year Engineering Hydrology Dr. Taymoor A. Awchi
the immediately preceding storm. The ground water flow into the stream would have continued
even if there had been no storm immediately preceding. It is for this reason it is termed as
base flow in hydrograph analysis. When the overland flow starts (due to a storm) some flowing
water is held in puddles, pits and small ponds; this water stored is called depression storage.
The volume of water in transit in the overland flow, which has not yet reached the stream
channel, is called surface detention or detention storage. The portion of runoff in a rising flood
in a stream, which is absorbed by the permeable boundaries of the stream above the normal
phreatic surface, is called bank storage, Fig. 2.
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The value of r lies between 0 and 1 as r can have only positive correlation with P. The value
of 0.6 < r < 1.0 indicates good correlation. Further, it should be noted that R > 0. For large
catchments, sometimes it is found advantageous to have exponential relationship as
R = β Pm (4)
where β and m are constants, instead of the linear relationship given by Eq. (1). In that case Eq.
(4) is reduced to linear form by logarithmic transformation as
In R — m In P + In β (5)
and the coefficients m and ln β are determined by using methods indicated earlier. Since rainfall
records of longer periods than that of runoff data are normally available for a catchment, the
regression equation [Eq. (1) or (4)] can be used to generate synthetic runoff data by using
rainfall data. While this may be adequate for preliminary studies, for accurate results
sophisticated methods are adopted for synthetic generation of runoff data. Many improvements
of the above basic rainfall-runoff correlation by considering additional parameters such as soil
moisture and antecedent rainfall have been attempted. Antecedent rainfall influences the initial
soil moisture and hence the infiltration rate at the start of the storm. For calculation of the
annual runoff from the annual rainfall a commonly used antecedent precipitation index Pa is
given by
Pa = aPi + bPi-1 + cPi-2 (6)
where Pi, Pi-1 and Pi-2 are the annual precipitation in the ith, (i - l )th and (i - 2 )th year and i
=current year, a, b and c are the coefficients with their sum equal to unity. The coefficients are
found by trial and error to produce best results. There are many other types of antecedent
precipitation indices in use to account for antecedent soil moisture condition. For example, in
SCS- CN method the sum of past five-day rainfall is taken as the index of antecedent moisture
Example 1: Annual rainfall and runoff values (in cm) o f a catchment spanning a period o f 21
years are given below. Analyze the data to (a) estimate the 75% and 50% dependable annual
yield of the catchment and (b) to develop a linear correlation equation to estimate annual runoff
volume for a given annual rainfall value.
Solution: (a ) The annual runoff values are arranged in descending order of magnitude and a
rank (m) is assigned for each value starting from the highest value (as shown in the Table). The
exceedence probability p is calculated for each runoff value as p= m / (N+1).
In this m = rank number and N = number of data sets. (Note that in the Table three items have
the same value of R = 32 cm and for this set p is calculated for the item having the highest
value of m, i.e., m = 12). For estimating 75% dependable yield, the value of p = 0.75 is read
from the Table by linear interpolation between items having p = 0.773 and p = 0.727. By this
method, the 75% dependable yield for the given annual yield time series is found to be R75 =
23.0 cm. Similarly, the 50% dependable yield is obtained by linear interpolation between items
having p = 0.545 and p = 0.409 as R50 = 34.0 cm. (b) The correlation equation is written as R
= aP + b The coefficients of the best fit straight line for the data are obtained by the least square
error method as mentioned in the Table. From the Table:
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Fourth Year Engineering Hydrology Dr. Taymoor A. Awchi
As the value of r is nearer to unity the correlation is very good. Figure below represents
the data points and the best fit straight line.
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Runoff is that balance of rainwater, which flows or runs over the natural ground surface after
losses by evaporation, interception and infiltration. The yield of a catchment (usually means
annual yield) is the net quantity of water available for storage, after all losses, for the purposes
of water resources utilization and planning, like irrigation, water supply, etc. Maximum flood
discharge. It is the discharge in times of flooding of the catchment area, i.e., when the intensity
of rainfall is greatest and the condition of the catchment regarding humidity is also favorable
for an appreciable runoff.
Runoff Estimation
The runoff from rainfall may be estimated by the following methods:
(i) Empirical formulae, curves and tables
(ii) Infiltration method
(iii) Rational method
(iv) Overland flow hydrograph
(v) Unit hydrograph method
(vi) Coaxial Graphical Correlation and API.
The above methods are discussed as follows :
(i) Empirical formulae, curves and tables. Several empirical formulae, curves and tables
relating to the rainfall and runoff have been developed as follows:
Usually, R = a P + b ... (7) (linear relationship)
sometimes, R = a Pn …... (8) (non-linear relationship)
where R = runoff, P = rainfall, a, b, and n, are constants. Eq. (7) gives a straight line plot on
natural graph paper while Eq. (8) gives an exponential curve on natural graph paper, Fig. 3 a
and a straight line plot on log-log paper Fig. 3b; the constants can be obtained from the
straight line plots as shown in Fig. 3.
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The yield of a catchment can be simply worked out by taking about 75 to 80% of the a.a.r. and
assuming a suitable runoff coefficient. The rainfall of an average bad year ≈ 2/3 to 3/4 of the
a.a.r., which may be taken for runoff computation. Further improvement over the a.a.r. is the
dependable rainfall. The available annual rainfall records for about 35 years are arranged in the
descending order and the rainfall of 75% dependability, i.e., of the 27th year from the top is
taken for runoff computation.*
In the rational method, the drainage area is divided into a number of sub-areas and with the
known times of concentration for different subareas the runoff contribution from each area is
determined. The choice of the value of the runoff coefficient C for the different sub-areas is an
important factor in the runoff computation by this method. This method of dividing the area
into different zones by drawing lines of time contour, i.e., isochrones, is illustrated in the
following example.
The rational method makes the following assumptions:
• Precipitation is uniform over the entire basin.
• Precipitation does not vary with time or space.
• Precipitation duration is equal to the time of concentration.
• A design storm of a specified frequency produces a design flood of the same frequency.
• The basin area increases roughly in proportion to increases in length.
• The time of concentration is relatively short and independent of storm intensity.
• The runoff coefficient does not vary with storm intensity or antecedent soil moisture.
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Example 2: A 4-hour rain of average intensity 1 cm/hr falls over the fern leaf type catchment
as shown in Figure below. The time of concentration from the lines AA, BB, CC and DD are
1, 2, 3 and 4 hours, respectively, to the site 0 where the discharge measurements are made. The
values of the runoff coefficient C are 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd hours of rainfall
respectively and attains a constant value of 0.8 after 3 hours. Determine the discharge at site 0.
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Example 3:
The following data are collected for a proposed tank in the Deccan plains of south India:
Catchment area = 1200 ha, a.a.r. = 90 cm, Intensity of rainfall of duration 1 hr and frequency
35 years = 5 cm/hr , Average runoff cofficient for the whole catchment = 20%
Tank gets filled = 1.5 times in a year Difference between the maximum water level (MWL)
and full tank level (FTL) = 0.6 m
The runoff equation for the area is given as:
(a) the yield of the catchment and the capacity of the tank
(b) the area of rice crop that can be irrigated from the tank
Solution :
a.a.r. is available only in 50% of the years. To ensure filler of the tank in deficient years
dependable rainfall ≈ 75% of a.a.r. = 0.75 × 90 = 67.5 cm or 0.675 m. Corresponding to this
rain (P) of 75% dependability, the runoff (R) can be found from the given equation:
Q) Determine the yield of the catchment and the capacity of the tank from the following data:
Catchment area = 20 km2, a.a.r. = 80 cm, Tank gets filled: 2 times in a year, Runoff coefficient
= 1/5 (average for the catchment)
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The rational method which is an empirical relation between rainfall intensity and peak flow, is
widely accepted by hydraulic engineers. It can be used to predict the peak runoff from a storm
event. Despite being one of the oldest methods, it is still commonly used especially in the
design of storm sewers, because of its simplicity and popularity, although it contains some
limitations that are not often treated. The peak runoff is calculated according to the following
Qp = C · i · A
where Qp is peak flow [cms (cubic meters per second)], C is runoff coefficient, i is mean
rainfall intensity (mm/hr) for a duration equal to time of concentration tc, and an exceedence
probability p, A is drainage area (km2). . To estimate tc some empirical formulae are listed
in Table below:
Fourth Year Engineering Hydrology Dr. Taymoor A. Awchi
It is to note that for estimation of peak runoff, duration of rainfall must be equal to or greater
than the time of concentration. In case of non-availability of rainfall data, rainfall-frequency
duration relationship for the given catchment area can be used. As per this relationship, the
rainfall intensity corresponding to a duration t, and return period T can be expressed as:
where, a, b, c, and m are constants. It is to note that a, b, c, and m are catchment specific. The
peak runoff corresponding to the occurrence of precipitation for a time equal to or greater than
time of concentration is also termed as peak flood.
Example 4:
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…………….. (11)
(ii) The second concept is that the amount of initial abstraction (Ia) is some fraction of the
potential maximum retention (.S').
Thus Ia = S (12)
Ia is a fraction of the storm depth after which runoff begins, regardless of storm duration.
Combining Eqs. (11) and (12), and using (10)
For operation purposes a time interval Δ t = 1 day is adopted. Thus P =daily rainfall and O
=daily runoff from the catchment.
CURVE NUMBER (CN) The parameter S representing the potential maximum retention
depends upon the soil-vegetation-land use complex of the catchment and also upon the
antecedent soil moisture condition in the catchment just prior to the commencement of the
rainfall event. For convenience in practical application the Soil Conservation Services (SCS)
of USA has expressed S (in mm) in terms of a dimensionless parameter CN (the Curve number)
Fourth Year Engineering Hydrology Dr. Taymoor A. Awchi
and has a range of 100 > CN > 0. A CN value of 100 represents a condition of zero potential
retention (i.e. impervious catchment) and CN = 0 represents an infinitely abstracting catchment
with S=∞. This curve number CN depends upon:
• Soil type • Land use/cover • Antecedent moisture condition
In the determination of CN, the hydrological soil classification is adopted. Here, soils are
classified into four classes A, B, C and D based upon the infiltration and other characteristics.
The important soil characteristics that influence hydrological classification of soils are effective
depth of soil, average clay content, infiltration characteristics and permeability. Following is a
brief description of four hydrologic soil groups:
• Group-A: (Low Runoff Potential): Soils having high infiltration rates even when thoroughly
wetted and consisting chiefly of deep, well to excessively drained sands or gravels. These
soils have high rate of water transmission. [Example: Deep sand, Deep loess and Aggregated
• Group-B: (Moderately Low runoff Potential): Soils having moderate infiltration rates when
thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to
well-drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have
moderate rate of water transmission. [Example: Shallow loess, Sandy loam, Red loamy soil,
Red sandy loam and Red sandy soil]
• Group-C: (Moderately High Runoff Potential): Soils having low infiltration rates when
thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to
well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. These soils have
moderate rate of water transmission. [Example: Clayey loam, Shallow sandy loam, Soils
usually high in clay, Mixed red and black soils]
• Group-D: (High Runoff Potential): Soils having very low infiltration rates when thoroughly
wetted and consisting chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a
permanent high-water table, soils with a clay pan, or clay layer at or near the surface, and
shallow soils over nearly impervious material. [Example: Heavy plastic clays, certain saline
soils and deep black soils].
Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC): Antecedent Moisture Condition (AMC) refers to the
moisture content present in the soil at the beginning of the rainfall-runoff event under
consideration. It is well known that initial abstraction and infiltration are governed by AMC.
For purposes of practical application three levels of AMC are recognized by SCS as follows:
AMC-I: Soils are dry but not to wilting point. Satisfactory cultivation has taken place.
AMC-II: Average conditions
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AMC-III: Sufficient rainfall has occurred within the immediate past 5 days. Saturated soil
conditions prevail.
The limits of these three AMC classes, based on total rainfall magnitude in the previous 5 days,
are given in Table 1. It is to be noted that the limits also depend upon the seasons: two seasons,
viz. growing season and dormant season are considered.
LAND USE: The variation of CN under AMC-II, called CNU, for various land use conditions
commonly found in practice are shown in Table 2 (a, and b).
Note: The conversion of CNII to other two AMC conditions can be made through the use of
following correlation equations.
The equations (16) and (17) are applicable in the CNII, range of 55 to 95 which covers most of
the practical range.
Value of , On the basis of extensive measurements in small size catchments SCS
(1985) adopted =0.2 as a standard value. With this Eq. (13a) becomes:
where Q =daily runoff, P =daily rainfall and S =retention parameter, all in units of mm.
Equation 18, which is well established, is called as the Standard SCS-CN equation.
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Table 2(b) Runoff Curve Numbers for Suburban and Urban Land Uses
• It is a simple, predictable, and stable conceptual method for estimation of direct runoff depth
based on storm rainfall depth, supported by empirical data.
• It relies on only one parameter, CN. Even though CN can have a theoretical range of 0-100,
in practice it is more likely to be in the range 40-98.
• It features readily grasped and reasonably well-documented environmental inputs.
• It is a well-established method, having been widely accepted for use in USA and many other
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Example 5: In a 350 ha watershed the CN value was assessed as 70 for AMC-III. (a) Estimate
the value of direct runoff volume for the following 4 days of rainfall. The AMC on July 1st
was of category III. Use standard SCS-CN equations.
Fourth Year Engineering Hydrology Dr. Taymoor A. Awchi
Example 6: A small watershed is 250 ha in size has group C soil. The land cover can be
classified as 30% open forest and 70% poor quality pasture. Assuming AMC at average
condition and the soil to be black soil, estimate the direct runoff volume due to a rainfall of 75
mm in one day.
Solution: AMC = II. Hence CN = CNII. Soil = Black soil. Referring to Table
(2a) for C-group soil
Example 7: The land use and soil characteristics of a 5000 ha watershed are as follows:
Solution : (a) Calculation of weighted CN From Table 1 AMC = Type III. Using Table (2a)
weighted CNII is calculated as below:
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(c) From Table (1) AMC = Type III. Using Table (2b) weighted CNII is calculated as following: