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132 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 7, No.

2, April 2007

JPE 7-2-6

BLDC Motor Control Algorithm for Industrial Applications

Using a General Purpose Processor

Nam-Hun Kim†, Oh Yang * and Min-Huei Kim**

School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Cheongju University, Korea
Dept. of Automatic Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam College of Science and Technology, Korea


Electrical motors are an integral part of industrial plants with no less than 5 billion motors built world wide every year.
The demand for low-cost brushless DC (BLDC) motors has increased in industrial applications. This paper presents a
BLDC motor control algorithm for low-cost motor drive applications using general purpose microcontrollers which have
only one on-chip timer. This paper describes how to realize pulse width modulation (PWM) signals with general
input/output (I/O) ports to control a three-phase permanent magnet brushless DC motor using the timer interrupt on

Keywords: BLDC motor, PWM, industrial application, MSP430F1232

1. Introduction cost design was achieved by transferring the cost of the

electronic drives into a motor with mechanical parts
Low end applications of motor control can be found in (gearbox) thereby sacrificing efficiency and actual
diverse lines of consumer, medical, and industrial products. performance of the product for the end user application.
High efficiency variable speed and variable torque motor Battery powered tools only operate at their nominal
control is only possible using electronic components and speed/torque for a short period of time before recharging
microcontrollers. Low cost is still a dominant factor in the battery became necessary. As in the case of power
designing very low-end products using motor control. drills and saws, small increases in torque reduced the
Hand-held power tools and home appliances are just a few rotational speed of the motor-controlled system. It is also
of the examples on the market. interesting to note that the price of the battery charger is
Battery powered vacuum cleaners, drills, and electric comparable with the price of the actual product.
saw units were investigated. It was found these products, Digital electronic control of motors offers much higher
use brush DC or universal motors. The torque/speed efficiency and better power usage (a longer operating
variation is handled roughly by switching a 2-position period for the battery) at competitive cost. Despite all the
gearbox unit connected to the motor shaft. That is, a low obvious facts, replacing the cost of inefficient noisy
motors and mechanical components with the more efficient
Manuscript received December 5, 2006; revised March 3, 2007 brushless motors and digital electronics/microcontrollers in

Corresponding Author: cop1288@hotmail.com home appliances and hand-held power tools (with cords or
Tel: +82-053-650-9263, Fax: +82-053-624-4736, Cheongju Univ.
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Cheongju Univ cordless) would still require concentrated technical
Dept. of Automatic Electrical Engineering, Yeungnam College of sci. and tech. support and marketing efforts. Conducting a design
BLDC Motor Control Algorithm for Industrial Applications using … 133

comparative cost analysis, and reviewing application notes current sensor is required. Therefore, the system
for specific motor control end equipment will provide performance depends on the accuracy of the motor
design engineers with information leading to benefits such parameters.
as reduced design efforts and time spent learning about The sensorless techniques that utilize the back-EMF
microcontroller-based systems. voltage of the open-phase include the following methods,
Brushless DC (BLDC) motors have been used in 1) Terminal voltage sensing,
various industrial applications and have increased demand 2) Third harmonic back-EMF voltage sensing,
in diverse fields because of its high efficiency, simple 3) Freewheeling diode conduction current sensing.
control compared with AC motors, low EMI, and high When a phase is open, the back-EMF voltage which
reliability due to the absence of brushes. Most three-phase includes the information of the rotor position can be
motors, including BLDC motors need at least six PWM measured at the motor terminals. Since the terminal
channels for inverter power devices such as IGBTs and voltage sensing is simple from a hardware point of view,
MOSFETs. In order to meet these requirements, generally this approach is widely used in industry for sensorless
a single chip controller,[16,17] a special-purpose processor, a control of BLDC motors.
programmable logic device (PLD) or drive device to The purpose of these sensorless methods is elimination
generate control signal is necessary. Using a single chip of the position sensor, which is generally composed of
controller provides some good points, such as its small three hall sensors mounted across from the rotor.
size and cost effective drive. However, if more functions Sensorless techniques need extra computation time and
are required this type of drive system will need more external circuitry to estimate the back-EMF compared
devices which will make this drive system more expensive. with sensor-based systems. Therefore, sensorless
Adapting a special purpose processor or device for a techniques demand high performance processors, large
BLDC motor drive presents several advantages, such as program codes and large memory. Finally, instead of a
small drive size and less development time. However, position sensor, other components are required, so it is
these processors are more expensive than general purpose very difficult to decrease the total motor drive cost.
processors which eventually will increase the cost of the In order to achieve a low-cost BLDC motor drive, a
BLDC motor drive system. general-purpose processor with hall sensors is used,
Since the main flux of a BLDC motor is produced by instead of eliminating the position sensor, and a special
permanent magnets, this motor has high power density and purpose processor. In this paper, a general-purpose
is capable of operating at high efficiencies while having a processor, such as MSP430F1232 which is an ultra
similar torque control performance as a DC motor [1-2]. low-power 16-bit RISC mixed-signal processor from
Trapezoidal type BLDC motors are generally used for Texas Instruments (TI) is used for battery powered
low-cost industrial applications. Therefore, low-cost applications. The developed control algorithm is presented
applications of BLDC motors are being considered for use and a general purpose digital I/O port is used to generate
in many products, especially in sensorless operations [3]. the PWM signals. To verify the proposed algorithm the
Sensorless techniques for BLDC motor control with operation of a three-phase BLDC motor with three hall
trapezoidal back-EMFs can be classified into two sensors under an open-loop speed operation is described in
categories: algebraic equation-based techniques [4-6] and this paper.
back-EMF voltage sensing techniques [7-10]. The main idea
behind using algebraic equations is to calculate the flux 2. BLDC Motor
linkage from the motor parameters and voltage/current Permanent magnet (PM) motors are synchronous
measurements. Based on the estimated flux linkage, the motors that have permanent magnets mounted on the rotor
rotor position can be detected. This method can be with armature windings located on the stator. PM motors
operated over a wide speed range, but the motor are categorized into two types. The first type is referred to
parameters need to be known precisely and at least one as a PM synchronous motor (PMSM) which has sinusoidal
134 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2007

back-EMF as shown in Fig. (1-a). The other type has a respectively. According to Fig. 3 from the first interval,
trapezoidal back-EMF and is referred to as the brushless phase A will conduct positive DC link current while phase
DC (BLDC) motor shown in Fig. (1-b) [1]. B will conduct negative DC link current. Phase C will be
left open. As a result, only phase A and B are conducting
and phase C is left silent, which means that only two
switches (A_H and B_L) are active, while the rest (A_L,
] B_H, C_H, and C_L) are inactive.
M 0
kc A

0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Rotor Position[deg] Hall 3 Hall 1

(a) Three phase back-EMF of PMSM S


M 0
E- Hall 2

Hall 1
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 0 90 180 270 330
Rotor position[deg]

(b) Three-phase back-EMF of BLDC motor

Hall 2
0 90 180 270 360
Fig. 1 The back-EMF of PM motors
Hall 3
In BLDC motor drives, polarity reversal is performed 0 30
90 180 270 360

by power transistors switching in synchronization with the

rotor position. Therefore, the BLDC motor has to use
210 330
30 150
0 90 180 270 360

either an internal or external position sensor to detect the

actual rotor position. Also the rotor position can be I_B

0 90 180 270 360

estimated without the need for a position sensor. However
this paper uses three hall sensors to determine the actual I_C 210

rotor position. 0 30 90 180 270 330 360

In general, a BLDC motor may use either 60 deg or 120

Fig. 2 BLDC motor structure and signals
deg commutation intervals. In this paper, a 120 degree
conduction interval is used. Fig. 2 shows a schematic of During every PWM cycle to achieve this switching
the BLDC motor and the ideal current waveforms versus scheme, the desired duty cycle is imposed by the upper
position. Also, the position sensors outputs are switch (A_H) of the two involved switches (A_H and
illustrated. Fig.3 shows the ideal phase current in each of B_L) and the lower switch (B_L) is kept on (100% duty
the motor windings and the three-phase inverter, cycle). Therefore, there is no need for dead time to be
BLDC Motor Control Algorithm for Industrial Applications using … 135

considered for BLDC motors. Because whenever the always is already off and vice versa.
upper switch is turned on, the lower switch of the same leg

Fig. 3 Inverter configuration of BLDC motor

3. Proposed Algorithm
In order to keep the frequency constant, the CCR0
Fig. 4 shows the interrupt block diagram for generating register has a fixed value, which is 200h, and the CCR1
the PWM signal using the I/O port which is called an register has a proper value to generate the desired duty
asymmetric PWM strategy. To generate these PWM ratio. The software checks the value of the CCR1 register
signals, P3.0-P3.5 ports are used because the to ensure that it does not exceed the minimum or
MSP430F123 micro-controller does not have enough maximum value and prevents it from rolling over.
PWM channels to be directly used with three-phase motor The software flow chart for the three-phase BLDC
drives and only has two PWM channels. Timer_A has 4 motor with three hall sensors is described in Fig. 5. The
modes, up, stop, up/down, and continuous mode. In this initialization procedure includes the initialization of the
paper, it is configured in up-mode with MCLK as the watchdog timer, digital I/O, Timer_A, ADC10 and
timer clock source, also Timer_A overflow interrupt and variables. The main program consists of the initialization,
TACCR1 capture/compare interrupt are used to realize an start of conversion of the DC link current, hall sensor
exact PWM signal. check for rotor position detection, switch signals (SW1,
SW2) check for increasing the current reference or
T im e r _ A M o d e : U p M o d e decreasing the current reference and the check for motor
O v e rflo w In te r ru p t
(2 0 0 h - F ix e d v a lu e )
rotation direction (SW3).
M ax
(1 D 0 h )
To generate constant PWM signal, P3.0-P3.5 port is
CCR1 C C IF G used as the PWM output port, and Timer_A underflow
interrupt (TAIFG) is served, which is called every
M in .
(1 E h )
100msec. Also Timer_A underflow interrupts the specific
F ix e d P e r io d switching pattern for the BLDC motor operation based on
P 3 .0 -P 3 .5
V a ria b le d u ty r a tio
the position sensors signals. To control the motor current,
the DC bus voltage level applied to the motor using a
proper PWM duty ratio is adjusted accordingly and
C u rr e n t
S a m p lin g
End of
C o n v e r s io n
C u r re n t
C o n tro l
C u rr e n t
S a m p lin g
End of
C o n v e r s io n Timer_A CCR1 interrupt is utilized for regulating the DC
Fig. 4 Timer_A interrupt block diagram for the PWM signal bus voltage that is supplied in the motor phase. All
using the digital I/O algorithms are developed in assembly language using 422
136 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2007

bytes of flash memory. The flash memory address is from 0xE000. The developed code resides in the main code
0xE000 to 0xFFFF, the interrupt vector from 0xFFFF to memory. Therefore, there is no need to connect extra
0xFFE0, and the main code memory from0xFFFF to memory and peripheral devices.


* Initialization :
Watchdog Timer
Digital I/O
* Timer Setup

* Mainloop :
ADC conversion start
Read Hall sensor
Rotor position detection
Check motor rotation direction
Check motor speed reference
Increase or decrease Iref
Iref Limit

No No

If, Timer_A CCR1 Interrupt


If, Timer_A overflow Interrupt If, ADC10 EOC Interrupt

* CCR1_ISR : Yes
P3 out(For softswitching)
CCR1 load * ADC10_ISR :
P3 out(For PWM signal) Read ADC
Current Control(Current Limit ) Reti

Fig. 5 Software flowchart.

MSP-FET430P120 platform

I/O Port

Iref + Pattern Inverter Moter
P controller
- I act


Scaling Idc
I/O Port

Rotor Position

I/O Port

Iref Command Rotation direction

Push, Toggle Switches

Fig. 6 The schematic of the BLDC motor drive system

BLDC Motor Control Algorithm for Industrial Applications using … 137

Table 1 The comparison of processors for BLDC motor drive

Processor Manufacture ADC Internal Memory PWM Generation
8k flash,
MSP430F123 TI 2.30 (1 pu) On-chip ADC(10 bit) Not need
256 RAM
TMS320F2401A TI 3.50 (1.52 pu) On-chip ADC(10bit) 2k RAM On-chip PWM
16k flash,
ST7MC1K2 ST 3.30 (1.43 pu) On-chip ADC(10bit) On-chip PWM
4k RAM
384 -1.5kRAM
56F8013 Motorola 3.15 (1.37 pu) On-chip ADC(12bit) On-chip PWM
8k-60k Flash

4. System Configuration 5. Experimental Results

Fig. 6 shows a block diagram of the BLDC motor Fig. 8 shows the current waveforms, where Channel 1
control system used in this paper. The MSP430F123 illustrates the measured DC link current, Channel 2
processor receives feedback signal from the DC link represents the DC link current waveform using the current
current sensor which is used to provide current feedback probe and Channel 4 indicates the phase current waveform
for the closed loop current control. The rotor position using the current probe.
information supplied by the hall sensors of the BLDC Fig. 9 shows the PWM signal, where Channel 1 is the
motor is estimated with the 3 external I/O ports. Actual A_upper signal, Channel 2 is the B_lower signal and
motor current and the direction of rotation can be changed Channel 3 is the C_lower signal using the I/O port and
by the push and toggle switches. Fig. 6 represents the A_phase current waveform using a current probe. As
schematic of the BLDC motor drive system. To control shown in Fig.9, the upper leg and the lower leg switches
motor current, a proportional controller is used to supply a are not on simultaneously. Therefore, there is no need
proper switching pattern for the inverter where the three for dead-time to be included in this example.
hall sensors are used. It is shown in this figure to control
the BLDC drive system. Only the MSP430F123
processor is used while external timer devices for PWM
generation and memory for program download are never
considered. Fig. 7 shows the micro-processor used in this

Fig. 7 The MSP430F123 microcontroller board Fig. 8 DC link current and phase current
138 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 7, No. 2, April 2007

sensorless operation of permanent magnet motors,” IEEE

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[5] N. Ertugrul and P. Acarnley, “Indirect rotor position
sensing in real time for brushless permanent magnet motor
drives,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 13,
no. 4, pp. 608-616, July 1998.
[6] T.H. Kim and M. Ehsani, “Sensorless control of the BLDC
motors from near-zero to high speeds,” IEEE Transactions
on Power Electronics, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1635-1645, Nov.
[7] J.C. Moreira, “Indirect sensing for rotor flux position of
permanent magnet AC motors operating over a wide speed
range,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.
32, no. 6, pp. 1394–1401, Nov./Dec. 1996.
Fig. 9 PWM signals and current waveform [8] S. Ogasawara and H. Akagi, “An approach to position
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928-933, Sept./Oct. 1991.
[9] G.J. Su and J.W. McKeever, “Low-cost sensorless control
In this paper, an efficient algorithm that employs an of brushless DC motors with improved speed range,” IEEE
I/O port for PWM signal generation for BLDC motor Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 19, no. 2, pp.
control with three hall sensors is proposed. Control of the 296-302, Mar. 2004.
BLDC motor does not need to consider dead-time for [10] J.W. Shao, D. Nolan, M Teissier, and D. Swanson, “A
PWM generation, which allows proposed algorithms to novel microcontroller-based sensorless brushless DC
use one timer and a general I/O port. The general purpose (BLDC) motor drive for automotive fuel pumps,” IEEE
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[11] DSP-Based Electromechanical Motion Control, CRC Press,
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[1] J.R. Hendershot Jr. and TJE Miller, Design of Brushless

Permanent Magnet Motors, Oxford, 1994.
[2] T.J.E Miller, “Brushless permanent-magnet motor drives,” Nam-Hun Kim was born in Kangwon
Power Engineering Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 55-60, Jan. province. He received his B.S. degrees in
1988. Control and Instrumentation Engineering
[3] J.P. Johnson, M. Ehsani, and Y. Guzelgunler, “Review of from Samchuk National University,
sensorless methods for brushless DC,” in Proc. of IEEE Samchuk, South Korea, in 1998. Dr. Kim
IAS Annual Meeting, vol.1, pp. 143–150, 1996. received his M.S. and Ph. D. degree in
[4] N. Ertugrul and P. Acarnley, “A new algorithm for Electrical Engineering from Yeungnam University, Keungsang,
BLDC Motor Control Algorithm for Industrial Applications using … 139

Japan, in 2000 and 2003, respectively. From 2004 to 2007, he

had been with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA, where he was a
Post- Doc. Researcher. He is currently an instructor at the School
of Electronics and Information Engineering, Cheongju
University, Korea. He is engaged in research on motor control
and design, and fault diagnosis of electrical machines.

Oh Yang received his B.A., M.S., and Ph.D.

degrees in Electrical Engineering from Han
Yang University, Korea, in 1983, 1985, and
1997, respectively. From 1985 to 1997, he
was a Research Engineer at LGIS R&D Lab.
Department of Industrial Control, Anyang,
Korea. He was a Visiting Professor at A&M University, Texas,
USA, in 2006. He is currently an Associate Professor at the
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Cheongju
University, Korea. His research interests include motor drives,
power factor correction, and communication systems for
industrial controls.

Min-Huei Kim was born in Kyengbuk

Province, Korea on August 25, 1951. He
received his B.S. and the M.S. degrees from
Yeungnam University, Kyeungbuk, Korea,
and Ph.D. degree from the University of
Chung-Ang, Seoul, Korea, all in Electrical
Engineering, in 1974, 1980, and 1989, respectively. He worked
for Shinil Industrial Company in Research and Development for
electric motor from 1977 to 1978 in Seoul, Korea. In 1978, he
joined as an Instructor of Yeungnam Junior College, Daegu,
Korea. He became an Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
and Professor in 1981, 1987, 1992, respectively. From 1993 to
1995, he was a Visiting Research Professor in the Power
Electronics Application Center (PEAC) at The University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. He is currently a Professor in the
Department of Electrical Automatic Engineering at Yeungnam
College of Science and Technology, Daegu, Korea. His research
interests are in control systems of motor drives, power converters,
neural networks and their application in power electronics. He is
a member of the KIPE and JIEE, a life member of KIEE, and a
senior member of IEEE.

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