Hping3 Version 1.4 Cheat Sheet: by Via
Hping3 Version 1.4 Cheat Sheet: by Via
Hping3 Version 1.4 Cheat Sheet: by Via
4 Cheat Sheet
by ramkumaplays via cheatography.com/60600/cs/15755/
- --help show this help Example: hping --scan 1-30,70-90 - -- icmp type (default echo
h -S www.target.host C icmptype request)
-i -- wait (uX for X microseconds, -a --spoof spoof source addess --icmp- set gateway address for ICMP
interval for example -i u1000) gw redirect (default
--rand- random destionation address
--fast alias for -i u10000 (10 packets dest mode --icmp-ts Alias for --icmp --icmptype 13
for second) (ICMP timestamp)
--rand- random source address mode
--faster alias for -i u1000 (100 packets source --icmp- Alias for --icmp --icmptype 17
for second) addr (ICMP address subnet mask)
-t --ttl ttl (default 64)
--flood sent packets as fast as --icmp- display help for others icmp
- --id id (default random)
possible. Don't show replies. help options
- -- numeric output
- --winid use win* id byte ordering
n numeric UDP/TCP
- --quiet quiet -s -- base source port (default
-r --rel relativize id field (to estimate
q baseport random)
host traffic)
-I - interface name (otherwise
-f --frag split packets in more frag
Interface default routing interface)
-x -- set more fragments flag
- -- verbose mode
V verbose
-y -- set don't fragment flag
- --debug debugging info
-g --fragoff set the fragment offset
- --bind bind ctrl+z to ttl (default to dst
- --mtu set virtual mtu, implies --frag if
z port)
m packet size > mtu
- --unbind unbind ctrl+z
-o --tos type of service (default 0x00),
try --tos help
--beep beep for every matching
- --rroute includes RECORD_ROUTE
packet received
G option and display the route
--lsrr loose source routing and
default mode TCP
record route
-0 --rawip RAW IP mode --ssrr strict source routing and
-1 --icmp ICMP mode record route