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Types of Resources Physical Human Financial

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Who are our key partners?
- A What key activities fo our value - A What value do we deliver to RELATIONSHIPS SEGMENTS
proposition require? the customer? What type of relationship does each of
B - B Out distribution channels? - B Which one of our customer’s - A our customer segments expect us to - A For whom are we
Who are our key suppliers? Customer relationships? problems are we helping to establish and maintain with them? creating value?
C - C Revenue streams? - C solve? - B - B
Which ones have we established?
Which key resources are we acquiring
- C Who are our most
from partners?
What bundles of products -
How are they integrated with the rest o
C important customers?
Categories: and services are we offered
our business model?
great to each customer
Which key activities do partners perform? Production How costly are they?
segment? Mass Market
Problem solving Which customer needs are Personal assistance
Platform/network Dedicated personal assistance Niche market
we satisfying? Segmentation
Motivations for partnerships: Characteristics: Automated service Diversified
Communities Multi sided platform
Newness Co-creation
Optimization and economy Performance
Production of risk and uncertainty KEY RESOURCES Customization CHANNELS Potential customers
Acquisition of particular resources
and activities - A What key resources do our
value proposition require?
“Getting the job done” - AThrough which channels do our customer
segments want to be reached New customers
Design How are we reaching them now? Impulsive customers
- B Our distribution channels? Brand/status - BHow are our channels integrated?
Customer relationships? Which ones work best? Discount customers
- C Revenue streams? Price - CWhich ones are most cost-efficient?
Cost reduction How are we integrating them with customer
Risk reduction routines?
Types of resources Channel phases
Physical Accessibility 1. Awareness: how do we raise awareness about our company’s product
Human Convenience/Liability and services?
Types of resources
Financial 2. Evolution: how do we help customers evaluate our organization’s value
Physical parents, copyrights, data)
3. Purchase: how do we allow customers to purchase specific products and
Human services?
4. Delivery: how do we deliver a value proposition to customers?
Financial 5. After sales: how do we provide post-purchase customer support?


For whaat values are our customers really willing to pay?
A What are the most important costs inherent in our business model? - A For what do they currently pay?
Which key resources are most expensive?
B Which key activities are most expensive? - B How are they currently paying?
How much they prefer to pay?
C IsCost
your business more
driven(cost structure, low price value proposition, maximum automation, extensive outsourcing)
- C
Types: How much does each revenue stream contribute to overall revenue?
Value driven(focused on vale creation, premium value proposition) Asset sale Fixed pricing:
Sample characteristics Usage fee List price Dynamic pricing:
Fixed cost (salaries, rents, utilities) Subscription fees Product feature Negotiation(bargaining)
Variable costs Lending/leasing department yield management
Economic of scale Real time market
Licensing Customer segment
Economics of scope
Advertising Volume

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