Chapter - 3 Highway II
Chapter - 3 Highway II
Chapter - 3 Highway II
Loading configuration
Number of repetition
Speed of loading
Figure 3-1
2 Pd
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
Equal Tensile Strain
qs qd
e Fe , eC Fe
E1 E1
Single wheel Dual or dual-tandem
Where &
Wtx = the number of x-axis load application at the end of time t.
Wt18 = the number of 18kip (80KN) single-axle load application of time
Lx = axle load in kip on one single axle, one set of tandem axles, or one
set of tridem axle.
L2 = axle code, 1 for single axles, 2 for tandem axles and 3 for tridem
SN = structural number – a function of thickness, modulus of each
layer, and drainage condition of base and sub base.
Pt = terminal serviceability – indicates the pavement conditions to be
considered as failures.
β18 = the value of βx when Lx = 18 and L2 = 1.
Nf = the allowable number of load repettion for fatigue cracking.
εt = the tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer.
E1 = modulus of asphalt layer, and
f1, f2 and f3 are constants to be determined.
εtx and εt18 are the tensile strains at the bottom of asphalt layer
due to xKN and 80KN axle load repetition respectively.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
EALFs for Flexible Pavement
Trunk Road 20
Link Road 20
Other Roads 10
Finally, the cumulative ESAs over the design period (N) are
calculated as the products of the cumulative one-directional
traffic volume (T) for each class of vehicle by the mean
equivalency factor for that class and added together for
each direction. The higher of the two directional values
should be used for design.
The relationship between a vehicle’s EF and its axle
loading is normally considered in terms of the axle mass
measured in kilograms. The relationship takes the form:
axlei= mass of axle i
n = a power factor that varies depending on the pavement construction
type and subgrade but which can be assumed to have a value of 4.5 and
the standard axle load is taken as 8 160kg with the summation taken
over the number of axles on the vehicle in question.
When the pavement design is for carriageways with more
than one traffic lane in each direction, a reduction may be
considered in the cumulative ESA to take into account for
the design.
The ranges given in Table 3-4 are suggested for the
percentage of design ESAs to consider in the design lane:
1 100
2 80 – 100
3 60 – 80