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Chapter - 3 Highway II

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HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 The deterioration of paved roads caused by traffic

results from both the magnitude of the individual
wheel loads and the number of times these loads are
 It is necessary to consider not only the total number
of vehicles that will use the road but also the wheel
loads (or, for convenience, the axle loads) of these
 Equivalency factors are used to convert traffic
volumes into cumulative standard axle loads.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 The mechanism of deterioration of gravel roads

differs from that of paved roads and is directly
related to the number of vehicles using the road
rather than the number of equivalent standard axles.
 The traffic volume is therefore used in the design of
unpaved roads, as opposed to the paved roads which
require the conversion of traffic volumes into the
appropriate cumulative number of equivalent
standard axles.
 Traffic loading is the most important factor in
pavement design and analysis.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 The most important traffic loading factors are:

 Loading magnitude

 Loading configuration

 Number of repetition

 Speed of loading

 Three different procedures are used to consider the

effect of traffic loading in pavement design.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 Fixed traffic: - deign thickness of pavements are

determined from single wheel load magnitude
independent of load repetitions.
 Any wheel configurations are converted to equivalent single
wheel load (ESWL)
 Design is performed based on the largest equivalent single
wheel load within all configurations.
 Commonly used for airport and heavy wheel load , but not for
light traffic volume highways
 Not commonly used.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 Fixed vehicle: - deign thickness of pavements are

determined from number of repetitions of standard
single axle load (80KN).
 Any axle configuration is converted to equivalent single load
(80KN) by multiplying the number of repetitions of each
configuration by its equivalent axle load factor (ESAF).
 Design is performed based on the combined effect of all
type of axle loads in terms of equivalent single axle loads
 Because of the great variety of axle load and traffic, it is the
most commonly used method.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 Variable Traffic and Vehicle: - design is

performed based on individual effect of each traffic
and vehicle.
 Most commonly used in the mechanistic design approach.
 No need to convert equivalent axle load factor.
 It has been used by Portland Cement Association with
design charts.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Fixed Traffic Procedure

 In fixed traffic procedure, a single wheel load governs the

thickness of the pavement and the number of repetition
is not considered as a variable.
 It involves converting multiple wheel loads to an
equivalent single wheel load (ESWL).
 An equivalent single wheel load is defined as the load on
a single tyre that will cause an equal magnitude of stress,
strain, deflection or distress at a given location within a
specified pavement system to that resulting from
multiple wheel loads.
 This method has been used most frequently for airport
pavements or highway pavements with heavy wheel loads
but light traffic volume.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Fixed Traffic Procedure

 Usually the heaviest wheel load anticipated is used

for design purposes.
 The different criteria used for converting multiple
wheel loads to single to single wheel loads include:
 Equal vertical stress,
 Equal vertical deflection,
 Equal contact pressure and
 Equal tensile strain.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Equal Vertical Stress ESWL

 The method of equal vertical subgrade stress is based up on

approximation of stress distribution concepts in elastic half space.
 The total load, Pd, is applied on dual tyres assembly with center to
center spacing Sd and clear distance between tyre edges d(d=Sd-2a).
 For pavement thickness, z, smaller than half the clearance between
dual tyres, i.e., d/2, no stress overlap occurs and thus the stress at
this depth is only one wheel of the dual.
 For thickness greater than twice center to center spacing of tyres,
i.e., 2Sd, the subgrade stress due to the two wheels overlap
 By assuming a straight line relationship between pavement
thickness and wheel load on logarithmic scales, the ESWL for
intermediate thickness can be easily determined as shown in Figure
3-1. For tandem axle dual wheels, the procedure can be applied after
the ESWL for dual wheels is obtained.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Equal Vertical Stress ESWL

 thickness smaller than half the clearance, ESLW = Pd

 thickness greater than center to center, Sd, ESLW = 2Pd
0.301 log( 2 z / d )
log( ESLW )  log Pd 
log( 4 S d / d )
 To obtain ESWL, Ps:
   
qs  z   qd  z 
 qs   qd 

 From the figure

Ps  z / qd

Pd  z / qs

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Equal Vertical Stress ESWL

 Figure 3-1

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Equivalent Vertical Deflection

 max. deflection caused by dual tires are equal to the

deflection by single load.
 assumption of half space is not safe and yield inadequate
thickness since ESWL is greater for layered systems.
qs a qd a
ws  Fs , wd  Fd
qs Fs  qd Fd , Ps  Pd
 ESWL based on layered
theory by Huang (1968):

2 Pd
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
Equal Tensile Strain

 tensile stress due to any wheel configuration

 is converted to equivalent tensile stress by single load.

qs qd
e Fe , eC Fe
E1 E1
Single wheel Dual or dual-tandem

qs  Cqd , ESLW  Ps  CPd

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Equal Contact Pressure ESWL

 In this approach, the single wheel has different contact

radius but the same contact pressure as the dual wheels.
 The interface deflection for single and dual wheels with the
same contact pressure can be written as:
 For Equal deflection,

 Where &

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Fixed Vehicle Procedure

 In fixed vehicle procedure, the number of repetition of a

standard vehicle or standard-axle load governs the
thickness of a pavement.
 Axle loads which are not equal to the standard single-axle
load or consist of tandem or tridem axle are converted to
the standard single-axle by multiplying them with the
corresponding EALF to obtain the effect of a standard
single-axle load.
 An equivalent axle load factor (EALF) defines the damage
per pass to a pavement by the axle in question relative to
the damage per pass of a standard single axle load, usually
the 80KN (18kip) single-axle load.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
Fixed Vehicle Procedure

 The summation of the equivalent single-axle load of all axle

loads during the design period results in a traffic loading
parameter for pavement design.
 Due to the intractable effect of the great variety of axle
loads and traffic volumes, highway pavements in most
cases fail by fatigue cracking and thus the design methods
are based on fixed vehicle concept.
 EALF depends on the type of pavement, thickness or
structural capacity, and the terminal conditions at which
the pavement is considered failed. EALFs in use today are
either based on experiences developed from the AASHTO
Road Test or theoretical analysis.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
EALFs for Flexible Pavement

 AASHTO Equivalent factors: The following regression

equation is one of the most widely used methods for
determining EALF obtained from AASHTO road test:

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

EALFs for Flexible Pavement

Wtx = the number of x-axis load application at the end of time t.
Wt18 = the number of 18kip (80KN) single-axle load application of time
Lx = axle load in kip on one single axle, one set of tandem axles, or one
set of tridem axle.
L2 = axle code, 1 for single axles, 2 for tandem axles and 3 for tridem
SN = structural number – a function of thickness, modulus of each
layer, and drainage condition of base and sub base.
Pt = terminal serviceability – indicates the pavement conditions to be
considered as failures.
β18 = the value of βx when Lx = 18 and L2 = 1.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

EALFs for Flexible Pavement

 Since EALF is not very sensitive to pavement thickness, a SN equal to 5

may be used for most case and a Pt value of 2 or 2.5 are assumed.
 Theoretical analysis: Fatigue characteristics and permanent
deformation parameters are important factors in pavement design. To
limit the failure due to fatigue cracking, the allowable load repetition is
expressed as:

Nf = the allowable number of load repettion for fatigue cracking.
εt = the tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer.
E1 = modulus of asphalt layer, and
f1, f2 and f3 are constants to be determined.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

EALFs for Flexible Pavement

 If k represents the constants, ,the equation can be

rewritten as

 For the allowable number of x-KN and 80KN axle load

repetition, the corresponding Ntx and Nf18 are expressed as:

 The EALF is then,

 εtx and εt18 are the tensile strains at the bottom of asphalt layer
due to xKN and 80KN axle load repetition respectively.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
EALFs for Flexible Pavement

 The constant f2 was determined by Asphalt Institute and

Shell and the values are 3.291 and 5.671 respectively.
 A theoretical analysis of EALF was conduction by Deacon
based on an assumed f2 of 4 which is in the range
determined by Asphalt Institute and Shell.
 For single axles, it is reasonable to assume that tensile
strains due to the axles in question and standard single axle
are directly proportional axle loads.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 The structural deterioration of paved roads caused by

traffic mainly depends on (MoW, 1999):
 magnitude of the loads (axle loads)
 number of load repetitions
 The damage that vehicles do to a road depends greatly on
the magnitude of the axle loads and as such the damaging
effect of an axle loading follows an exponential function.
 The damaging effect of all axles expected to traverse the
road is converted into Equivalent Standard Axles (ESA) and
added up over a chosen design period to become the basis
for the structural pavement design.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Period

 Determining an appropriate design period is the first step

towards pavement design.
 Many factors may influence this decision, including budget
 However, the designer should follow certain guidelines in
choosing an appropriate design period, taking into account the
conditions governing the project.
 Some of the points to consider include:
 Functional importance of the road
 Traffic volume
 Location and terrain of the project
 Financial constraints
 Difficulty in forecasting traffic

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Period

 It generally appears economical to construct roads with longer

design periods, especially for important roads and for roads with
high traffic volume.
 Where rehabilitation would cause major inconvenience to road
users, a longer period may be recommended.
 For roads in difficult locations and terrain where regular
maintenance proves to be costly and time consuming because of
poor access and non-availability of nearby construction material
sources, a longer design period is also appropriate.
 Problems in traffic forecasting may also influence the design.
When accurate traffic estimates cannot be made, it may be
advisable to reduce the design period to avoid costly overdesign.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Period

 Table 3-1: Design Period

Road Classification Design Period (years)

Trunk Road 20

Link Road 20

Main Access Road 15

Other Roads 10

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 Vehicle classification is an essential aspect of traffic volume

evaluation (as well as evaluation of equivalent axle loads).
 The types of vehicles are defined according to the
breakdown adopted by ERA for traffic counts: cars; pick-
ups and 4-wheel drive vehicles such as Land Rovers and
Land Cruisers; small buses; medium and large size buses;
small trucks; medium trucks; heavy trucks; and trucks and
 This breakdown is further simplified, for reporting
purposes, and expressed in the five classes of vehicles (with
vehicle codes 1 to 5) listed in Table 3-2.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 Table 3-2: Vehicle Classification

Vehicle Code Type of Vehicle Description

Passenger cars, minibuses (up to 24-passenger seats), taxis,

1 Small car pick-ups, and Land Cruisers, Land Rovers, etc.

2 Bus Medium and large size buses above 24 passenger seats

Small and medium sized trucks including tankers up to 7 tons

3 Medium Truck load

4 Heavy Truck Trucks above 7 tons load

5 Articulated Truck Trucks with trailer or semi-trailer and Tanker Trailers

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 It is most often in terms of volumes (e.g. AADT) in each of

these 5 classes that the traffic data will initially be available
to the designer.
 Small cars do not contribute significantly to the structural
damage, particularly for paved roads.
 Even though the small cars count is included in any regular
traffic count survey, their number does not influence the
pavement design of paved roads.
 It is also worth noting that the “heavy” vehicles used in the
development of the pavement structures essentially
correspond, for all practical design purposes, to vehicle
codes 2 through 5.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

 In order to determine the total traffic over the design life of

the road, the first step is to estimate initial traffic volumes.
 The estimate should be the (Annual) Average Daily Traffic
(AADT) currently using the route (or, more specifically, the
AADT expected to use the route during the first year the
road is placed in service), classified into the five classes of
vehicles described above.
 Adjustments will usually be required between the AADT
based on the latest traffic counts and the AADT during the
first year of service. These adjustments can be made using
the growth factors discussed further below.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 The AADT is defined as the total annual traffic summed for

both directions and divided by 365.
 It is usually obtained by recording actual traffic volumes
over a shorter period from which the AADT is then
 It should be noted that for structural design purposes the
traffic loading in one direction is required and for this
reason care is always required when interpreting AADT
 For long projects, large differences in traffic along the road
may make it necessary to estimate the flow at several
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

 Traffic counts carried out over a short period as a basis for

estimating the AADT can produce estimates which are
subject to large errors because traffic volumes can have
large daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal variations.
 The daily variability in traffic volume depends on the
volume of traffic, with particularly high variability on roads
carrying less than 1000 vehicles per day. Traffic volumes
vary more from day-to-day than from week-to-week over
the year.
 Thus there are large errors associated with estimating
annual AADTs from traffic counts of only a few days
duration, or excluding the weekend.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

 For the same reason there is a rapid decrease in the likely

error as the duration of the counting period increases up to
one week.
 For counts of longer duration, improvements in accuracy
are less pronounced.
 Traffic volumes also vary from month- to-month so that a
weekly traffic count repeated at intervals during the year
provides a better base for estimating the annual volume of
traffic than a continuous traffic count of the same total
 Traffic also varies considerably through a 24-hour period
and this needs to be taken into account.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

 It is recommended that traffic counts to establish AADT at

a specific site conform to the following practice:
i. The counts are for seven consecutive days.
ii. The counts on some of the days are for a full 24 hours, with
preferably at least one 24-hour count on a weekday and one during
a weekend.
iii. Counts are avoided at times when travel activity is abnormal for
short periods due to the payment of wages and salaries, public
holidays, etc.
iv. If possible, the seven-day counts should be repeated several times
throughout the year. Countrywide traffic data should preferably be
collected on a systematic basis to enable seasonal trends in traffic
volumes to be quantified. Presently, classified traffic counts are
normally obtained by counting manually.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
Traffic Volumes - TRAFFIC FORECAST

 Even with stable economic conditions, traffic forecasting is an

uncertain process. Although the pavement design engineer may
often receive help from specialized professionals at this stage of
the traffic evaluation, some general remarks are in order.
 In order to forecast traffic growth it is necessary to separate
traffic into the following three categories:
a) Normal traffic. Traffic which would pass along the existing road or
track even if no new pavement were provided.
b) Diverted traffic. Traffic that changes from another route (or mode of
transport) to the project road because of the improved pavement, but
still travels between the same origin and destination.
c) Generated traffic. Additional traffic which occurs in response to the
provision or improvement of the road.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Traffic Volumes - TRAFFIC FORECAST

 Normal traffic: - The most common method of forecasting

normal traffic is to extrapolate data on traffic levels and assume
that growth will either remain constant in absolute terms i.e. a
fixed number of vehicles per year, or a fixed percentage increase.
 As a general rule it is only safe to extrapolate forward for as
many years as reliable traffic data exist from the past, and for as
many years as the same general economic conditions are
expected to continue.
 As an alternative to time, growth can be related linearly to
anticipated Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This is normally
preferable since it explicitly takes into account changes in overall
economic activity.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Traffic Volumes - TRAFFIC FORECAST

 Diverted traffic: - Where parallel routes exist, traffic will

usually travel on the quickest or cheapest route although this
may not necessarily be the shortest.
 Thus, surfacing an existing road may divert traffic from a parallel
and shorter route because higher speeds are possible on the
surfaced road.
 Origin and destination surveys should preferably be carried out
to provide data on the traffic diversions likely to arise.
 Diversion from other transport modes, such as rail or water, is
not easy to forecast. Transport of bulk commodities will normally
be by the cheapest mode, though this may not be the quickest.
 Diverted traffic is normally forecast to grow at the same rate as
traffic on the road from which it diverted.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
Traffic Volumes - TRAFFIC FORECAST

 Generated traffic: - Generated traffic arises either

because a journey becomes more attractive by virtue of a
cost or time reduction or because of the increased
development that is brought about by the road investment.
 Generated traffic is also difficult to forecast accurately and
can be easily overestimated.
 The recommended approach to forecasting generated
traffic is to use demand relationships. Some studies carried
out in similar countries give an average for the price
elasticity of demand for transport of about -1.0.
 This means that a one per cent decrease in transport costs
leads to a one per cent increase in traffic.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

 In order to determine the cumulative number of vehicles

over the design period of the road, the following procedure
should be followed:
 Determine the initial traffic volume (AADT0) using the results of the
traffic survey and any other recent traffic count information that is
available. For paved roads, detail the AADT in terms of car, bus,
truck, and truck-trailer.
 Estimate the annual growth rate “i” expressed as a decimal fraction,
and the anticipated number of years “x” between the traffic survey
and the opening of the road.
 Determine AADT1the traffic volume in both directions on the year of
the road opening by:
AADT1= AADT0(1+i)x

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 For paved roads, also determine the corresponding daily one-

directional traffic volume for each type of vehicle.
 The cumulative number of vehicles, T over the chosen design period
N ( in years) is obtained by:
T = 365 AADT1[ (1+i)N– 1] / ( i )

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 The damage that vehicles do to a paved road is highly dependent on the

axle loads of the vehicles.
 For pavement design purposes the damaging power of axles is related
to a “standard” axle of 8.16 metric tons using empirical equivalency
 In order to determine the cumulative axle load damage that a pavement
will sustain during its design life, it is necessary to express the total
number of heavy vehicles that will use the road over this period in
terms of the cumulative number of equivalent standard axles (ESAs).
 Axle loads can be converted and compared using standard factors to
determine the damaging power of different vehicle types. A vehicle’s
damaging power, or Equivalency Factor (EF), can be expressed as the
number of equivalent standard axles (ESAs), in units of 80 kN.
 The design lives of pavements are expressed in terms of the ESAs they
are designed to carry.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

 Axle load surveys must be carried out to determine the axle

load distribution of a sample of the heavy vehicles using the
road. Data collected from these surveys are used to
calculate the mean number of ESA for a typical vehicle in
each class.
 These values are then used in conjunction with traffic
forecasts to determine the predicted cumulative equivalent
standard axles that the road will carry over its design life.
 Most of the countries have regulations on the size and
weight of vehicles to ensure road safety and to contain the
weight of vehicles within the carrying capacity of the road
pavements and bridges.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

 Once the axle load data has been gathered, it remains to be

used to determine the mean equivalency factor for each
class of vehicle.
 Computer programs may be used to assist with the analysis
of the results from axle load surveys.
 Such programs provide a detailed tabulation of the survey
results and determine the mean equivalency factors for
each vehicle type if required.
 Alternatively, standard spreadsheet programs can be used.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 The following method of analysis is recommended:

I. Determine the equivalency factors for each of the wheel loads
measured during the axle load survey in order to obtain the
equivalency factors for vehicle axles. The factors for the axles are
totaled to give the equivalency factor for each of the vehicles. For
vehicles with multiple axles i.e. tandems, triples etc., each axle in
the multiple group is considered separately.
II. Determine the mean equivalency factor for each class of heavy
vehicle travelling in each direction. It is customary to assume that
the axle load distribution of the heavy vehicles will remain
unchanged for the design period of the pavement.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 Finally, the cumulative ESAs over the design period (N) are
calculated as the products of the cumulative one-directional
traffic volume (T) for each class of vehicle by the mean
equivalency factor for that class and added together for
each direction. The higher of the two directional values
should be used for design.
 The relationship between a vehicle’s EF and its axle
loading is normally considered in terms of the axle mass
measured in kilograms. The relationship takes the form:

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


axlei= mass of axle i
n = a power factor that varies depending on the pavement construction
type and subgrade but which can be assumed to have a value of 4.5 and
the standard axle load is taken as 8 160kg with the summation taken
over the number of axles on the vehicle in question.
 When the pavement design is for carriageways with more
than one traffic lane in each direction, a reduction may be
considered in the cumulative ESA to take into account for
the design.
 The ranges given in Table 3-4 are suggested for the
percentage of design ESAs to consider in the design lane:

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 Table 3-3: Percentage ESAs per Lane for Multiple Lanes

Number of lanes in each Percent of ESAs in design

direction lane

1 100

2 80 – 100

3 60 – 80

 The pavement design thicknesses required for the design

lane are usually applied to the whole carriageway width.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Traffic Classes for Flexible Pavement Design

 Accurate estimates of cumulative traffic are very difficult to

achieve due to errors in the surveys and uncertainties with
regard to traffic growth, axle loads and axle equivalencies.
 To a reasonable extent, however, pavement thickness design is
not very sensitive to cumulative axle loads and the method
recommended in this manual provides fixed structures of paved
roads for ranges of traffic as shown in Table 3-4.
 As long as the estimate of cumulative equivalent standard axles is
close to the center of one of the ranges, any errors are unlikely to
affect the choice of pavement design.
 Depending on the degree of accuracy achieved, a higher traffic
class may be appropriate for some cases.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Traffic Classes for Flexible Pavement Design

 Table 3-4: Traffic Classes for Flexible Pavement Design

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Example

 Initial traffic volumes in terms of AADTs have been

established for 2001 for a section of a trunk road
under study, as follows:
Vehicle classification 2001 AADT
Car 250
Bus 40
Truck 130
Truck-trailer 180

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Example

 Initial traffic volumes in terms of AADTs have been

established for 2001 for a section of a trunk road under study,
as follows:
Vehicle classification 2001 AADT
Car 250
Bus 40
Truck 130
Truck-trailer 180
 The anticipated traffic growth is a constant 5%, and the
opening of the road is scheduled for 2005. In addition, an axle
load survey has been conducted, giving representative axle
loads for the various classes of heavy vehicles, such as given
below for truck-trailers (it is assumed that the loads are
equally representative for each direction of traffic):

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Example

Axle loads (Kg)

Vehicle No Axle 1 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4

1 6780 14150 8290 8370

2 6260 12920 8090 9940
3 6350 13000 8490 9340
4 5480 12480 7940 9470
5 6450 8880 6290 10160
6 5550 12240 8550 10150
7 5500 11820 7640 9420
8 4570 13930 2720 2410
9 4190 15300 3110 2450
10 4940 15060 2880 2800

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Example

 The projected AADTs in 2005 can be calculated as (AADTs

in 2001) x (1.05)3, and the corresponding one-directional
volumes for each class of vehicle in 2005 are:
Vehicle classification One-directional traffic volume in 2005
Car 145
Bus 23
Truck 75
Truck-trailer 104

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Example

 Selecting, for this trunk road, a design period of 20 years,

the cumulative number of vehicles in one direction over the
design period is calculated as:
Vehicle classification Cumulative no. of vehicles in one direction
over 20 years
Car 365x145[(1.05)20-1]/0.05=1750016
Bus 365x23[(1.05)20-1]/0.05=277589
Truck 365x75[(1.05)20-1]/0.05=905180
Truck-trailer 365x104[(1.05)20-1]/0.05=1255184

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

Design Example

 Equivalency factors for the sample of truck-trailers, and a mean equivalency

factor for that class of heavy vehicles, can be calculated as outlined below:

Axle 1 Axle 2 Axle 3 Axle 4 Total

Load Factor Load Factor Load Factor Load Factor Factor
1 6780 0.43 14150 11.91 8290 1.07 8370 1.12 14.54
2 6260 0.30 12920 7.91 8090 0.96 9940 2.43 11.60
3 6350 0.32 13000 8.13 8490 1.20 9340 1.84 11.49
4 5480 0.17 12480 6.77 7940 0.88 9470 1.95 9.77
5 6450 0.35 8880 1.46 6290 0.31 10160 2.68 4.80
6 5550 0.18 12240 6.20 8550 1.23 10150 2.67 10.28
7 5500 0.17 11820 5.30 7640 0.74 9420 1.91 8.12
8 4570 0.07 13930 11.10 2720 0.01 2410 0.00 11.18
9 4190 0.05 15300 16.92 3110 0.01 2450 0.00 16.99
10 4940 0.10 15060 15.76 2880 0.01 2800 0.01 15.88
Mean equivalency factor for truck-trailers = 11.47

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements


 For the sake of this example, it will be assumed that similar

calculations have been performed, giving mean equivalency
factors for buses and trucks of 0.14 and 6.67 respectively.
 Finally, the cumulative numbers of ESAs over the design period
are calculated as follows, using the cumulative numbers of
vehicles previously calculated and the equivalency factors:
Vehicle classification Cum. no. of vehicles Equivalency factor 106 ESAs
 Car 1750016 0.00 0.0
 Bus 277589 0.14 0.0
 Truck 905180 6.67 6.0
 Truck-trailer 1255184 11.47 14.4
 Total ESAs = 20.4
 Based on the above analysis, the trunk road under study would belong to
the traffic class T8 for flexible pavement design.

HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements



HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements

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