Hybrid Composites For Automotive Applications - A Review: B Ravishankar, Sanjay K Nayak and M Abdul Kader
Hybrid Composites For Automotive Applications - A Review: B Ravishankar, Sanjay K Nayak and M Abdul Kader
Hybrid Composites For Automotive Applications - A Review: B Ravishankar, Sanjay K Nayak and M Abdul Kader
Composites have become preferred material for weight reduction in automobile. Hybrid composite materials are used
in many engineering applications for their versatile properties like lightweight, strength to weight ratio, low cost, ease of
structure development and high strength. Automobile industry utilizes composites and hybrid composites in many of the
interior and exterior applications. Considering ease of manufacturing methods under the wider choice of fabrication
techniques, hybrid composites are developed wherever it can contribute for the enhancement of functional requirement
simply by replacing the existing materials. Hybrid composites made from blending of natural and synthetic fibers in a
polymer matrix show synergistic effect on properties which cannot be achieved from normal composites. In this paper,
hybrid composites and especially its types, diversity of properties and possible material combinations are reviewed in
detail. The development of a various type of hybrid composites in automotive applications such as in automotive piston
application, brake friction material for medium duty automotive application, development of eco-friendly automotive
anti-roll bar and low-velocity impact response of hybrid carbon/glass fiber-reinforced polymer composites are also
reviewed in detail.
Hybrid composite, composites in automobiles, natural fibers, mechanical properties
composites having various construction features also billion by the year 2025 expanding at an estimated
exhibit a wide range of properties. Hence, the proper- CAGR of 6.8% over the forecast period.2 The
ties of composite materials can further be improved by market is characterized by the presence of large-scale
incorporating the right choice of constituent materials automobile production and some stringent regulations
and selecting proper fiber orientation, fiber density, implemented in the automobile industry. Again, the
fabrication method, composition of composite materi- revenue generated from polymer composites for auto-
als, etc. motive applications and the future forecast of its share
Hybrid composites are widely used in engineering, for revenue is much higher than that of other types of
medical, defense and other industries. The research in composites as indicated in Figure 1(a).2 The consump-
composites is one of the most exciting activities in sci- tion pattern of polymer composites clearly indicates
ence and technology during the past three decades. (Figure 1(b)) that the majority of composite materials
Many methods are applied to change the composition goes towards exterior and structural components justi-
and to control the properties of this wonder material. fying requirement of large quantity of polymer compo-
New composite materials are developed for specific sites in automobile industries.
applications and the technology is transferred to indus- Currently, the automobile industry is going through
tries for bulk production. Particularly, the combination challenges in aligning their production (or) assembly
of functional inorganic materials with functional processes with enhanced material processes and inno-
organic and biological components made hybrid mate- vative designs, specifically for large volume production
rials to play probably the broadest role in different facilities. Even though steel and aluminum perform
disciplines of materials science and technology. well in auto parts, successful weight reduction can be
Engineered composites (mortars, concrete, rein- achieved by the use of high-performance Fibre
forced plastics, metal composites, ceramic composites, Reinforced Plastics (FRP) composites in the place of
etc.) and natural fiber composites are preferred in many aluminum and steel. The use of multiple reinforcements
engineering applications. The arrangement of reinforc-
ing fibers in a laminate structure possessing good
mechanical and structural strengths is the most discov-
ered area in composites. There are two or more solid
materials in the hybrid mix, which are closely intercon-
nected to each other. Mixed or hybrid reinforcements
may be of two types derived from natural or synthet-
ic sources.
Generally, natural fibers have advantages over syn-
thetic and mineral fibers due to their low density, eco-
friendly, nontoxicity, renewability, biostandardization,
relative nonabrasion, high specific strength, modulus,
and ease of processing. Despite many advantages, nat-
ural fibers have few limitations such as low strength,
low modulus, high moisture absorption and easily
flammable. To overcome these disadvantages, a hybrid-
ization technique is considered by the combining syn-
thetic fiber reinforcement along with natural fibers into
polymer matrix leading to the formation of the hybrid
composite. The hybridization technique allows modify-
ing the properties of the composite to the required
application. In most cases, the hybridization is carried
out to obtain a new class of material that retains the
advantages of its constituent materials and hopefully
overcoming some of their limitations. Another desired
advantage is related to the cost, with one of the two
reinforcements being generally cheaper than the
other one.
In automobile polymer composites market industry Figure 1. (a) US automotive polymer composite market reve-
report, it is reported that the market size for automo- nue, by product, projected up to 2025. Reproduced from Grand
tive polymer composite was valued to be USD 6.40 View Research.2 (b) Global application pattern of polymer
billion in 2016 and it is expected to be USD 11.62 composite in automotive components.
Ravishankar et al. 3
in hybrid composites helps in further weight reduction The diversity of properties from possible
along with enhancement in performance. material combinations
By enhancing the end of life value of composites by
optimum recycling technique, the overall life cycle The diversity of properties obtained from the possible
assessment score gets improved. The end of life vehicle combinations of constituent material in a polymer
directive for cars stipulates mandatory use of recycling hybrid composite is too many for detailing. Literature
85% of vehicle components, although energy recovery data refers to the most common type of polymer matrix
is not considered as recycling. hybrid composites consisting of carbon/glass, carbon/
Growing demand for fuel economic vehicles and Kevlar, and carbon/ultra highmodulus polyethylene
increasing production of lightweight automobile com- (UHMPE) fiber-reinforced epoxy/vinyl ester/phenolic/
ponents are some of the factors that anticipate prompt- polyester hybrid composites. Other hybrid composite
ing manufacturers to opt for backward integration in systems include the reinforcement from carbon/
the chain value. As per the survey, the automobile nylon, aramid/UHMPE, and UHMPE/glass/bio fiber
manufacturers are expanding their production facilities (pineapple leaf, Cecil, bamboo threads)/glass.4,5
across the globe to focus and cater to the growing Sometimes, a “hybrid effect,” briefly defined as a pos-
market demand. itive deviation of a certain property from the “rule of
mixtures” have been reported. With respect to the ten-
sile behavior, the hybrid effect is generally defined as an
Types of hybrid composites
enhancement of the first failure strain of the low-
The demand for hybrid composites is largely weighed elongation fiber component of hybrid composite.
by the development of the automotive and transporta-
tion, aerospace and defense, marine, wind energy, and Properties of hybrid polymer composites
sporting goods end-use industries. Although the classi-
fication of hybrid composites is exhaustive, the method Among many matrix materials, polymers are found
of manufacturing the hybrid composite is considered as useful for preparing composites because of their versa-
the main criterion for classifying hybrid composite. tility. Both thermoset and thermoplastic polymers are
On considering the way constituent materials are mostly used. Table 1 shows the physicomechanical
arranged, the hybrid composites are classified properties of matrix materials. The mechanical proper-
as follows3: ties of natural/synthetic fiber-reinforced thermosets
composite increase because of the incorporation of syn-
1. Interply hybrids in which two (or more) layers do thetic fiber. Incorporation of glass fiber has shown
not interfere with hybrids that have the same great development in the mechanical properties of nat-
reinforcements. ural fiber embedded thermoset composites. The tensile,
2. Intraply hybrids, in which two (or more) fibers are flexural, and chemical resistance properties of sisal/
mixed in the same layers. carbon fiber-reinforced polyester hybrid composites
3. Intermingled hybrids where the constituent fibers are have been developed positively compared to both
mixed randomly as possible so that no concentra- sisal and carbon composites.
tions of either type are present in the material. Tables 2 and 3 show the variety of reinforcing fibrous
4. Selective hybrids where placements in which rein- materials derived from natural and synthetic sources
forcements are placed wherever additional strength and their characteristics properties, respectively.
is required, over the base reinforcing laminate layer A study on the mechanical properties of the glass/
5. Super hybrid composites which contain metal foils sisal/jute hybrid polyester composite noted that the
or metal composite plies stacked in a specified inclusion of glass fiber, jute, and sisal fiber-enhanced
orientation. the mechanical properties composite. It is observed
Glass transition
temperature Specific
S. no. Thermosets TS (MPa) TM (GPa) FS (MPa) FM (GPa) (Tg) ( C) gravity
Diameter Density
S. no. Fibers Species Parts of plant (lm) (g/cm3) TS (MPa) TM (GPa) Elongation (%)
Coefficient of
S. no. Fiber Diameter (lm) Density (g/cm3) TS (MPa) TM (GPa) Elongation (%) thermal expansion
that the glass/jute composite yielded maximum tensile However, only a few studies are reported in the lit-
strength and glass/jute/sisal displayed maximum erature for hybrid composites with respect to the ther-
flexural load while glass/sisal showed the maximum moplastic matrix.
impact strength.10
The hybrid composites prepared from glass/abaca/
jute as reinforcements and epoxy as a matrix have Hybridization of composites for
shown the maximum value of tensile strength, tensile automotive applications
modulus, and flexural modulus when compared with
conventional composites. Hybridization of coconut coir with glass
From the aforementioned works, it is under- fiber composite
stood that
Karikalan et al. developed an idea of hybridizing the
• Natural fibers can be used in place of synthetic fiber polymer matrix composites with synthetic and natural
without compromising the mechanical properties. fibers.11 In their experiment, the laminate was fabricat-
• Hybrid composites made from thermoplastic matrix ed with the coconut coir and glass fiber to check their
has shown improved mechanical properties. dissimilar mechanical properties under various circum-
• Hybridization process can develop the mechanical stances. The merger of coconut coir with glass fiber in a
properties of single fiber-reinforced polymer compo- composite has enlarged growing claims of use of hybrid
sites and increase its versatility. Mechanical properties composite in many extents of engineering and technol-
of natural/synthetic fiber-included hybrid polymer ogy. The laminate was fabricated by hand layup tech-
composites are found to increase due to the inclusion nique and it was placed under the load for a week so
of either synthetic fiber or natural fiber having compa- that it can bond firmly with one another. The measured
rably high compatibility with the matrix. mechanical properties such as tensile strength, hardness
• Natural fibers have many advantages such as low and impact strength were evaluated on segments of the
cost, low density, eco-friendly, recyclable, and read- composite material made from natural fiber found
ily available in the market. useful for automotive and aerospace engineering
Ravishankar et al. 5
applications.The macroscopic analyses are conceded Therefore, the above comparison concluded that the
out to study the interfacial features of the lami- developed composites showed a significant improve-
nate.12–15 ment in mechanical and thermal properties.
Here, the tested specimens were prepared as per the
ASTM Standards. Finally, the author concluded that Development of Cu/SiC-based hybrid composite
the obtained tensile, impact, flexural, and hardness material for brake friction material
properties of the hybdrid composite is higher than the
wood properties and so it can be effectively used in Raja et al. carried out an investigation on the synergis-
developing furnitures, hulls, automobile, and aerospace tic effect of multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) in a
components. Cu/SiC hybrid composite brake friction material which
is shown in Figure 2. In this investigation, various com-
binations of materials were used such as copper as a
Hybridization of CCNSp and SiCp hybrid composite
matrix, silicon carbide as a reinforcing fiber, graphite as
for automobile piston application a solid lubricant, and barium sulfate as a filler com-
Donald et al. have developed a hybrid aluminum bined with varying volume percentage (0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
matrix composite for automobile piston application 1.5 and 2.0) of MWCNT by conventional powder met-
using locally available material.16 They selected Al allurgy technique.26 Later, the brake friction materials
6061 alloy as the matrix material while carbonized are characterized to analyze their mechanical proper-
coconut shell particles (CCNSp) and SiCp as reinforce- ties such as compression strength, density, and hard-
ment based on its availability, cost and its natural and ness. The tribological behaviors such as friction and
mechanical properties.17–19 wear were carried out using a pin on-disc test rig with
a linear variable differential transducer for wear rate
• Here the powder metallurgy technique is chosen by and strain gauge for friction measurement under the
the author as the best suitable method to develop dry condition for medium duty applications.
this composite. It has been observed that the coefficient of friction
• The mold is developed as per the ASTM standard response is stable for 0.5% MWCNT and it is also
for the compaction process, the powder is mixed well observed that further addition of MWCNT up to
and stuffed into a steel mold made of hard- 2.0% increases the coefficient of friction of the compo-
ness 65HRC. sites. This is because of the pro-abrasive nature of
• And then the green compacts of the powder blend MWCNT which is contributing to an increase in the
are prepared using a hydraulic press with a punch coefficient of friction, where it is compared as perfor-
and die assembly and then the measured powder is mance defining criterion and the sequence of friction
poured carefully into the die by one end closed tem- composites as shown in Figure 3.27,28 Moreover, micro-
porarily.20–25 structural analysis of the tested samples using scanning
• After compaction, the powder is sintered inside a electron microscopy also confirms that an increase in
muffle furnace to increase its bonding and mechan- MWCNT volume percentage changes wear mecha-
ical properties. nisms from adhesive wear to abrasive wear. Initially,
• After the sintering process, the material is removed wear loss has increased significantly with the addition
properly and it is machined as per the ASTM E228 of MWCNT, but further increase in MWCNT volume
standard for the coefficient of thermal expan- percentage has caused the wear loss to decrease.
sion (CTE). Although the sample with 0.5% MWCNT volume
Criteria Description
Figure 4. Automotive anti-roll bar made from natural fiber polymer hybrid composite.
implemented in three phases: HoQ, material character- from the life cycle assessment results, the environmen-
istics deployment, and finally material selection matrix. tal impact of producing both sugar palm fiber and
The sugar palm was selected as a priority source fol- kenaf fiber was highly ranked in the selection. As a
lowed by kenaf. The selected natural fibers will contin- lighter fiber, sugar palm fiber has low energy consump-
uously and consistently reduce the production costs tion and CO2 footprint. Therefore, it satisfies the
which results in a higher product sustainable rate sim- mechanical properties required by customers for the
ilar to the synthetic fibers used for the invention of material used in the automotive ARB and it has a
composite ARBs as shown in Figure 4. Moreover, low impact on the environment. Also, it is said that
8 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)
further investigation is needed in order to evaluate the further help to reduce the damage occurs, as the flex-
performance of the overall properties of the hybrid ural strength is controlled by the strength of the bottom
biocomposite ARB based on the selected natural layer but large deflection may generate a failure, which
fiber. The proposed approach has demonstrated similar substantially induces inherent delamination for auto-
results as the life cycle assessment with regard to eco- motive and aircraft engineering applications, in which
friendly condition. Thus, the systematic approach in they are susceptible to a foreign object impact, impact-
QFDE is acceptable for material selection considering induced damages are hard to be noted on the surface of
the environmental aspect, which is different from the vehicles. Most of the impact damage happens on the
traditional QFD found in many practices. bottom of structures or an area between the plies that
would end up in delamination. In this case, thermo-
Low-velocity impact response of hybrid carbon/glass graphical image, a kind of nondestructive evaluation
fiber-reinforced polymer composites for automotive techniques can be effectively used to identify any
application hidden damage that cannot be seen from both sides
of the structure.46–48
Pui-Yan et al. discovered the impact response of hybrid
carbon/glass fiber-reinforced polymer composites
designed for automotive applications44 as shown in Perspectives
Figure 5(a) and (b). It was found that a hybrid com- The purpose of the hybridization technique is to
posite with surface carbon fiber layers would help min- improve the properties of the material by including
imize the risk of damage, in terms of the size of damage two or more fibers in the matrix. Failures usually
and deflection subject to an impact load. Dong and happen because of low strength and load bearing abil-
Davies45 have studied the flexural strength of glass/ ity of a material. To improve various properties such as
carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites. A visible thermal, electrical, mechanical, and structural proper-
tensile failure at the bottom surface was observed when ties of the material, more than one fiber is included in
the compression side was entirely crushed, due to a the matrix. The involvement of various types of fiber in
localized compressive load applied in the three-point the matrix is to overcome the difficulty by its varying
bend test. In the experiment, carbon is used as both
top and bottom layers for composites and that would Table 6. Recent application hybrid composites used in models
and parts of cars across various automobile manufacturers.
manufacturer Model/parts
nature by giving a consistent performance and also it The thermographic imaging technique was suggested
helps in improving the lifetime of the material. as an effective technique to analyze the low impact
Therefore, hybrid composites can be replaced with response of hybrid composites designed for the auto-
composite materials of less consistency and can be uti- motive applications.
lized effectively with prolonged lifetime.
Declaration of conflicting interests
Hybrid composites in various parts and The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
models of top automobiles respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.
Natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites are used
widely in different models and parts of cars as shown in Funding
Table 6. In coming years, hybrid composites will be
playing a major role in automobile sectors on account The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
of their attractive physical and mechanical properties authorship, and/or publication of this article.
and strength to weight ratio consideration. Majority of
the automobile parts can be replaced by hybrid com- ORCID iD
posite materials to enhance their structure effectively M Abdul Kader https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4766-6657
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