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Rubric Thesis.6

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Category (9-10 points) (6-8 points) (3-5 points) (0-2 points)

1. Quality of Information clearly Information clearly relates Information clearly Information has little or
information relates to the main to the main topic. It relates to the main nothing to do with the
topic. It includes several includes 1-2 supporting topic. No supporting main topic.
supporting details
9 and details and examples details and examples
examples are given.

2. Contents The chapter includes all Only 1 of the elements Only 2 of the elements More than 2 of the
the needed materials/ is missing. are missing. elements are missing.
information/ parts.

3. All related ideas are Most related ideas are Few ideas are grouped No sentence
Organization grouped together. grouped. Ideas are together. Order is connection. No
It has clear beginning, arranged confusing evidence of order is
middle and9 ending. present.
Ideas are logically
4. Language There are no spelling, There are 1 or 2 spelling, There are 3 or 4 There are more than 4
Convention grammar or grammar or spelling, grammar or spelling, grammar or
punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.
5. Clarity The paper is written in a The paper is written is Expression of some The paper does not
reader-friendly written in a mostly reader- ideas is confusing to promote reader
manner that models friendly manner. the reader. Uses lots of understanding. It is
clarity of expression There is a slight tendency long, rambling unclear in language
to use few long rambling sentences. used and expression.
sentences. Uses long, rambling or
run-on sentences.
6. Promptness
in submission The paper is submitted The paper is submitted The paper is submitted The paper is submitted
on or before the late for an hour or two on late for more than 2 late for a day or more.
specified date 10
and time. the specified date and hours.
Date of Total Score: 55
  Teacher Parent's Signature Over Printed Name Date: 05/12/2021

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