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Session Plan: Gov. Pascual, Brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

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Arellano University

Jose Rizal Campus

Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

Session Plan
Sector : Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
Unit of Competency : Service and maintain domestic refrigeration and air-conditioning (DomRAC) units
Module Title : Servicing and Maintaining Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (DomRAC) units
Learning Outcomes:
LO1. Clean and replace air filter.
LO2. Service evaporator/ condenser.
LO3. Maintain fan motor assembly.
LO4. Service electrical power and control circuits
LO5. Accomplish service and maintenance report
A. Introduction:
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to Service and maintain domestic refrigeration and air-conditioning
(DomRAC) units. It consists of competencies in servicing and maintaining refrigeration and air-conditioning unit

B. Learning Activities
LO1. Clean and replace air filter.
Assessment Criteria
1.1 Air filter is identified and removed following standard procedures.
1.2 Filter is checked for damage and replaced if required in line with SOPs.
1.3 Air filter is cleaned using the correct tools and cleaning procedures.
1.4 Filter is replaced in accordance with filter specifications.
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
1. Air-filter of an Air- Self-Study Read Information Answer Self- Compare -Information 1hr
conditioner. Sheet. 2.1-1; Check No. 2.1-1 answer to Sheet No. 2.1-1 of
Identifying the of Answer Key CBLM
air-filters of an No. 2.1-1
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

Video Showing Pay attention to Answer Guide The model -white screen 1hr
the video and take questions answer will be -laptop
down notes. given by the -projector
trainer -video
presentation about
Identifying the
types of air-filters
of an ACU
Discussion Listen to the Perform Task Check -white screen 1hr
trainer while he sheet 2.2-1; Individual -laptop
discusses the topic Removing an works using -projector
regarding air-filter performance -service manual
Removing an air- criteria -Power point
filter in an Air- checklist presentation about
conditioning Unit Removing an air-
filter in Air-
conditioning Unit
Demonstration Pay attention to Perform Task Check - Service manuals 1hr
the trainer while Sheet No. 2.1- 1: Individual and service
he demonstrates: Cleaning and works using information
Cleaning and replacing air performance -white screen
Replacing of Air filter of a criteria -laptop
Filter of a Window window type checklist -projector
Type ACU ACU -PowerPoint
presentation of
Cleaning and
Replacing of Air
Filter of a
Window Type
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City


LO 2: Service evaporator/ condenser.

Assessment Criteria
2.1 Tools are selected in dismantling the evaporator/condensing unit as per standard operating procedures (SOPs)
2.2 High pressure washer is used in cleaning evaporator/condensing coil based on established procedures.
2.3 Evaporator/condenser coil fins are straightened in accordance with service procedure.
2.4 Cleaning agent or non-corrosive chemical is used in cleaning and maintaining evaporator/ condensing coil, fins and other body
accessories as per standard operating procedures (SOPs)
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
1. The evaporator and Self-Study Read Information Answer Self- Compare -Information 1hr
condenser of window Sheet No. 2.2-1; Check No. 2.2-1 answer to Sheet No. 2.2-1 of
type air-conditioning The evaporator Answer Key CBLM
Unit and condenser of No. 2.2-1
window type air-
conditioning Unit
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

Discussion Listen to the Perform Task Check -white screen 1hr

trainer while he sheet 2.2-1; The Individual -laptop
discusses the topic evaporator and works using -projector
regarding The condenser of performance -service manual
evaporator and window type air- criteria -Power point
condenser of conditioning checklist presentation about
window type air- Unit The evaporator
conditioning Unit and condenser of
window type air-
conditioning Unit
Demonstration Listen to the Perform Task Check -white screen 2hr
trainer while he Sheet No. 2.2-1: Individual -laptop
demonstrates the Dismantling and works using -projector
topic about Assembling Air- performance -service manual
Dismantling and conditioning criteria -Power point
Assembling Air- Unit (ACU) checklist presentation about
conditioning Unit Dismantling and
(ACU) Assembling Air-
conditioning Unit

Demonstration Pay attention to Perform Task Check - Service manuals 2 hr.

the trainer while Sheet No. 2.4- 2; Individual and service
he demonstrates Cleaning works using information
the procedures of window type performance -white screen
Cleaning window ACU Evaporator criteria -laptop
type ACU and Condenser. checklist -projector
Evaporator and PowerPoint
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

Condenser presentation of
Process in
Cleaning window
Evaporator and
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

LO 3: Maintain fan motor assembly.

3.1 Fan motor is maintained in line with manufacturer’s instructions.
3.2 Fan blades and blower are serviced and maintained in line with manufacturer’s instructions.
3.3 Fan motor terminals are checked and serviced in line with manufacturer’s instructions.
3.4 Fan motor mounting is checked and serviced in line with manufacturer’s instructions.
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
1. Types of ACU Fan Self-Study Read Information Answer Self- Compare -Information 1hr
Motor and Blower Sheet No. 2.3-1; Check No. 2.3-1 answer to Sheet No. 2.3-1 of
Types of fan Answer Key CBLM
motor and their No. 2.3-1
Discussion Listen to the Perform Task Check -Service manuals 1hr
trainer while he Sheet No. 2.3-1; Individual and service
discusses the topic Types of fan works using information
about Types of fan motor and their performance -white screen
motor and their functions criteria -laptop
functions checklist -projector
presentation about
Types of fan
motor and their
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

Video Showing Pay attention to Answer Guide The model -white screen 1hr
the video and take questions answer will be -laptop
down notes. given by the -projector
trainer -video
presentation about
Types of fan
motor and their
Demonstration Pay attention to Perform Task Check - Service manuals 2hr
the trainer while Sheet No. 3.2-1: Individual and service
he demonstrates Maintaining works using information
the procedures. ACU Blower performance -white screen
Maintaining ACU criteria -laptop
Blower checklist -projector
presentation of
Maintaining ACU

Demonstration Pay attention to Perform Task Check - Service manuals 2hr

the trainer while Sheet No. 3.2-1: Individual and service
he Demonstrates Service and works using information
the procedures of Maintain the fan performance -white screen
Servicing and blades and fan criteria -laptop
maintaining the motor checklist -projector
fan blades and fan -PowerPoint
motor presentation of
Servicing and
maintaining the
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

fan blades and fan

Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

LO 4: Service Electrical Power and Control Circuits

Assessment Criteria
4.1 Proper instrument is used in checking power supply and diagnosing electrical control.
4.2 Loose connections/wirings are repaired and reported in line with SOP.
4.3 Plugs and outlets are checked in line with SOP.
4.4 Grounding is checked in line with SOP.
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
1. General Set up of Self-Study Read Information Answer Self- Compare -Information 1hr
Electrical Sheet No. 2.4-2; Check No. 2.4-2 answer to Sheet No. 2.4-2 of
Connections in General Set up of Answer Key CBLM
window-type ACU Electrical No. 2.4-2
Connections in
window-type ACU
Discussion Listen to the Perform Task Check -white screen 1hr
trainer while he Sheet No. 2.4-2; Individual -laptop
discusses the topic General Set up works using -projector
General Set up of of Electrical performance -PowerPoint
Electrical Connections in criteria presentation about
Connections in window-type checklist General Set up of
window-type ACU ACU Electrical
Connections in
Demonstration Pay attention to Perform Task Check - Service manuals 2hr
the trainer while Sheet No. 2.4-2; Individual and service
he demonstrates procedures in works using information
the procedures in checking the performance -white screen
checking the loose loose criteria -laptop
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

connections, plugs connections, checklist -projector

and outlets in line plugs and outlets -PowerPoint
with the SOP in line with the presentation of
SOP procedures in
checking the loose
connections, plugs
and outlets in line
with the SOP
LO 5: Accomplish service and maintenance report.
Assessment Criteria
5.1 All defects and problems encountered are reported in line with enterprise policies and procedures.
5.2 Observation and recommendation are properly reported in line with enterprise policies and procedures
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
1. Different Defects and Self-Study Read Information Answer Self- Compare -Information 1hr
Problems Encountered Sheet No. 2.5-2; Check No. 2.5-2; answer to Sheet No. 2.5-2of
in Domestic Reporting Reporting Answer Key CBLM
Refrigeration and Air- Different Defects Different No. 2.5-2
Conditioning and Problems Defects and
Encountered in Problems
Domestic Encountered in
Refrigeration and Domestic
Air-Conditioning Refrigeration
and Air-
Discussion Listen to the Perform Task Check -white screen 1hr
trainer while he Sheet No. 2.5-2; Individual -laptop
discusses the topic Reporting works using -projector
about Reporting Different performance -PowerPoint
Different Defects Defects and criteria presentation about
Arellano University
Jose Rizal Campus
Gov. Pascual, brgy. Baritan, Malabon City

and Problems Problems checklist Reporting

Encountered in Encountered in Different Defects
Domestic Domestic and Problems
Refrigeration and Refrigeration Encountered in
Air-Conditioning and Air- Domestic
Conditioning Refrigeration and

C. Assessment Plan
Please refer to evidence plan.
D. Learning Facilitator’s Self-Reflection of the Session
The learners were active and very cooperative during activities. The delivery of the contents went well and was accomplished on time
according to the planned session. Based on the result of the assessment of the learners, they can now:
 Clean and replace air filter.
 Service evaporator/ condenser.
 Maintain fan motor assembly.
 Service electrical power and control circuits
 Accomplish service and maintenance report.
Prepared by:

Mr. Mark Ivan P. Reyes

Learning Facilitator

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