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ASSIGNMENT 3: Project Stages



Design/Bidding ➢ Develop the program ➢ Initial meeting to discuss the ➢ Review the plans and specs
➢ Describe project needs and project ➢ Prepare bid for the project
It is the first project requirements ➢ Create schematic drawings ➢ Prepare cost estimates
stage wherein the ➢ Specify budget and provide ➢ Prepares working drawings ➢ Tabulate the bid
designer creates plans the funding and structural drawings. ➢ Submit the sealed Bid
and specifications as ➢ Design approvals ➢ Research about the materials
per the client’s need ➢ Evaluates the bids and equipment as per client
and requirement. ➢ Choose a bidder and award choice.
Design process the contract ➢ Delivers contract documents
includes four steps: ➢ Provide a notice to proceed with specification
Designing, bidding, to the contractor
Award the contract
and the notice to

Pre-construction ➢ Keep a check that site ➢ Responsible for the site Project manager
investigation is done related reports are being ➢ Creates a strategy and schedule
It is the stage in diligently and soil tests are updated in the contract ➢ Assemble a team to do the work
which the project conducted. ➢ Offering cost-saving options
manager is ➢ Check that permits are ➢ Managing project scope
responsible for being issued. ➢ Identifying potential issues of the site and
understanding the outlining solutions
scope, planning and ➢ Evaluating soil condition on site
scheduling, ➢ Checking existing utilities
identifying potential ➢ Determine any option for value
issues, cost engineering
estimation before ➢ Responsible for timely permit release.
construction on site. Contractor Administrator
➢ Assists PM and superintendent
➢ Coordinate the construction activities on
site and align the project to match.
➢ Responsible for the permit inspection
requirements connected to the project.

Procurement ➢ Responsible for Sourcing

➢ CM deals with subcontractors/ material
This stage is referred vendors/ equipment suppliers
to as the purchasing ➢ Finalize PO and receive an invoice
of the labor, materials ➢ Gets the order delivered
and equipment
needed for the
completion of a

Construction Superintendent
➢ Conducts a pre-construction meeting
It is the stage that with subcontractors and vendors.
involves mobilization ➢ Formulate and diagram a site layout plan
and execution of the and staging strategy
project on site. Construction Manager
➢ Responsible to conduct all the
mobilization activities during the
mobilization process to start construction
➢ Controlling of construction tasks
➢ Responsible to execute a project on time,
good quality and within budget.
Post-Construction ➢ Responsible to check what Architect Construction Manager
all work items are ➢ Responsible to check what ➢ Creates a punch list during a formal
It is referred to as the remaining. all work items are remaining. walkthrough of the project with the
clean-up stage. It owner and architect, and clears it.
involves the ➢ Releases all the remaining ➢ Responsible to check and
completion of all the payments of the contractor approve the punch list
work items remaining after the final completion. ➢ Issues a formal certificate of
to be done before the substantial completion after
handover of the site. the punch list completion
➢ Issues a certificate of final
completion after all
paperwork is completed.

Owner Occupancy ➢ The owner is handed over ➢ Directs the commissioning in ➢ The contractor and architect are
the keys and can move-in the presence of the owner to responsible to call the building official
It is the final stage. which means they can shift the subcontractor. for final inspection after substantial
The owner can move- their things like furniture completion. Building official issues a
in after the certificate and equipment. Certificate of occupancy.
of occupancy is being ➢ Responsible to learn and ➢ Responsible to conduct commissioning in
issued by the building check the working of the the presence of the owner and architect.
official. systems and equipment. ➢ Responsible for the touch-up repairs after
all the setup is being done.
➢ Responsible for the two types of
- Express Warranties
- Implied Warranties

➢ The last step, the CM team conducts a

project evaluation wherein they list down
the issues faced and what worked well.



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