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The 19 th

Century World
of Jose Rizal
Growth and
Development of
is a sense of loyalty or psychological attachment that
members of a nation share, based on a common language,
history, culture, and desire for independence.
It is a feeling that drives a people together as a
nation. It is love of country expressed in devotion to and
advocacy of national interest and independence.
The growth of nationalism can be attributed to two
major revolutions of the earlier century;

the American Revolution of 1776; and

the French Revolution of 1789

The American Revolution gave birth
to the United States of America. On the
other hand, French Revolution led to the
overthrowing of the absolute rule of the
Bourbon Dynasty and the abolition of
the feudal system.
The ideology of the French Revolution ;
– had influenced subject peoples to cast off the yoke
of colonialism by means of armed uprising.
There are three points that stand out in this complex
1.Nationalism has evolved from a real and or imagined
cultural unity manifesting itself in a common
language, history and territory.
2.Nationalists have usually sought to turn this cultural
unity into political reality so that the territory of each
people coincides with its state boundaries.
3.Nationalist believed that every nation has the right to
exist in freedom and develop its character and spirit.
Negative side of Nationalism;
- The ideas of national superiority and national
mission can lead to aggressive crusades and counter-
- Nationalism can also stress differences among
Rise and Gradual Spread of Liberalism and Democracy

-The principal ideas of liberalism- liberty and equality- were first

realized successfully in the American Revolution and then
achieved in part in the French Revolution. This political and
social philosophy challenged conservatism in the European
-Liberalism demanded representative government as opposed to
autocratic monarchy, equality before the law as opposed to
legally separate classes. The idea of liberty also meant to specific
individual freedoms: freedom of the press; freedom of
speech,freedom of assembly; and freedom from arbitrary arrest.
Rise and Gradual Spread of Liberalism and Democracy

-Democracy became a way of life in many European countries, like

Britain, Belgium, and Switzerland.
-Democracy was gradually established thru the following means:
*promulgation of laws that advance democracy;
*undertaking of reforms thru legislation; abolition of slavery;
*adoption of a liberal constitution; providing the citizens the
*opportunity to propose laws;
*adoption of manhood suffrage; and
*granting of political, economic and social rights to the
The Industrial Revolution
One of the most crucial developments in
the 19th century was the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution refers to the
transformation of manufacturing brought
about by the invention and use of the
machines. This development started in
England and later on spread into Belgium,
France, Germany, and even in the United
Positive effects of industrial revolution;
The rise of the factory system;
Mass production of essential and non-essential goods;
Improvement of people’s standard of living;
Greater urbanization of society;
Beginnings of specialization or division of labor;
Invention of labor-saving devices;
The beginnings of industrial capitalism;
Fostering of liberalism and nationalism; and
Encouragement of people’s mobililty.
Negative effects of Industrial Revolution;
-Widening of gap between the rich and the
-Unending economic warfare between labor and
capital and other environmental problems
-Beginning of child and women labor; and
-Intensification of imperialistic rivalry between
and among industrialized countries.

In the Philippines, it caused the displacement of

the farmers from their lands.
The Advancement of Science
The triumph of science and technology had at least three
significant consequences.
- First, everyday experience and innumerable scientists
impressed the importance of science on the mind of ordinary
-Second, as a science became more prominent in
popular thinking, the philosophical implication of science
spread to broad sections of the population. Technical advances
led the people to develop optimistic faith in man’s capability to
achieved progress.
-Third, the methods of science acquired unrivaled
prestige after 1850. For many, the union of careful experiment
and abstract theory was the only route to truth and objective
Optimism and Confidence in Progress
Optimism or faith in society and man’s ability to
progress was brought about by the advancement of science, the
coming of steam-powered industry, and the spread of liberalism
and socialism. The optimism of the century was summed by
Marquis de Condorcet in his work, Sketch for the Historical
Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind. He saw that “the
strongest reason for believing that nature has set no limit to the
realization of our hopes” and foresaw “the abolition of inequality
between nations, the progress of equality within nations, and
the true perfection of humanity. Progress was now independent
of any power that might wish to halt it and will never be
Optimism and confidence in progress can be gleaned from the
achievements of men in the 19th century. Notable among these
were the following;
-Extensions of human rights to many people;
-Promotion of higher education for men and women;
-Education for nationalism in schools;
-Investment in science to serve mankind;
-Improvement of public health thru the establishment of
numerous, hospitals; and
-Emergence of realistic literature, depicting the life of the

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