Earth Science Week 7 OCR
Earth Science Week 7 OCR
Earth Science Week 7 OCR
In this module, we will learn the different sources of energy that are found on Earth, as well as
the processes that are being done to acquire these resources.
Energy resources are essentially obtained in order to sustain our daily living. They are used to
provide heat, light, and power — things which are necessary for the development of humankind. Energy
sources come in a variety of forms: fossil fuels, geothermal, hydroelectric, and bio-fuel energy.
Energy sources are classified into two: renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
Non-renewable energy sources are energy sources which cannot be replenished in our lifetime
and are likely to run out. Fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas are some examples of non-
renewable energy source.
Fossil fuel
Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources that took millions of years to form.
Despite this, the world uses up fossil fuels more than any other energy source in the world. The
world generates 66% of its electricity from fossil fuels.
The main element found in fossil fuels is carbon. In fact, the time period when fossil
fuels were formed (about 360-300 million years ago) is called the Carboniferous Period. They are
formed even before the dinosaurs came into existence. Earth had a different landscape: it was
covered with wide, shallow seas and swampy forests.
It is in this landscape that plants, algae, and plankton grew. These living organisms
absorb sunlight and create energy by means of photosynthesis. When they died, the organisms
drifted into the bottom of the sea or lake. There was energy stored in these dead organisms
even when they died.
Years passed by and these dead plants would be crushed under the sea bed, as rocks
and sediments will continuously pile on top of them. The remains of plants and animals will
eventually be turned into fossil fuels which we are using today.
Fossil fuel is the primary source of energy in the world today despite being non-
renewable. This is because it is relatively inexpensive to extract compared to other energy
sources. It is also easier to store these energy sources anywhere in the world.
However, the use of fossil fuels has a negative impact on the environment. Burning coal
and oil pollutes the air, water, and land.
Renewable energy comes from resources which are naturally replenished. The sun, the wind,
the water, the Earth's heat, and plants are some of these sources. Renewable energy technologies turn
these fuels into usable forms of energy which we utilize in our daily lives — be it electricity, heat,
chemicals, or mechanical power.
Geothermal Energy
The Earth's core can reach temperatures of up to 9000 1 F. This heat flows out of the
core, heating the surrounding area which can form underground reservoirs of hot water and
steam. This becomes what we now utilize as geothermal energy. We make use of this
renewable energy source to generate electricity or heat buildings.
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Source: vvvvvv.bgrs.C7C. uk
The heat coming from within the Earth can be captured and utilized for buildings. They
are also used to generate electricity by injecting water reservoirs underneath the earth, which
will become steam because of the heat. This steam will be harnessed and used for electricity.
The geothermal energy potential in the uppermost 6 miles of planet Earths crust
amounts to 50,000 times the energy of all the oil and gas resources in the world, and it can be
used almost anywhere. Nevertheless, it will take robust technological development and
substantial cost be able to fully harness this renewable energy source.
Solar Energy
The sun can become an endless source of energy which are now being used to generate
li ght, heat, and power.
While we are only able to use solar electricity recently, humans have been utilizing the
sun's power since the ancient times. Ancient Native Americans built their dwellings directly into
south facing cliff walls because they knew that the sun travels low across the southern sky in the
Northern Hemisphere during the winter. The people in the ancient times also knew that the
massive rock of the cliffs can absorb the sun's heat, hence it was warmer than any other place
during winter.
Hydroelectric power
Hydroelectric Dam
Hydroelectric power comes from flowing
water. The movement of water is used to
turn turbines and generators which
produce energy. Energy is neither created
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nor destroyed — it only changes its form. To
generate hydroelectric power, we make
use of water motion — a form of kinetic
energy — to turn blades in a turbine, thus
converting mechanical energy into
natural space and displace living organisms. Moreover, they create major difficulties to
migratory fishes, who are often threatened by the dangerous turbines which keep them from
Biomass energy
Another renewable energy source that is being utilized today is the biomass energy, or
energy formed from things such as wood wastes, agricultural residues and other forms of
When garbage decomposes, it releases methane gas. Natural gas, which is one of the
energy resources that we utilize today, is made up of methane gas. Pipelines are collected into
landfills to collect the methane gas. It is then used in power plants to generate electricity.
Aside from wood, animal waste can also be used to make biomass energy. It is an
efficient energy source which can help reduce global warming, compared to fossil fuels.
While governments and worldwide organizations are campaigning for ways to solve these
environmental problems, there are a lot of simple ways which we can do in order to conserve energy
and help save the environment. At home, for instance, you can save energy simply by turning off
appliances which you are not using. Turn off the lights when there is no one in the room. If you want to
travel somewhere within walking distance, try not to use the car so that you can save fuel.
Twidell, John and Weir Tony.Reneworble Energy Resources, 2 nd Edition.(2006). Retrieved from:
http:fimaxwe I I .sze.hut -Ma rcsajM egu iu lo E nergiaforra soklBooks/re newa bl e%2Clenergy%2Oresou ices. pd