8.2 Hydropower Engineering
8.2 Hydropower Engineering
8.2 Hydropower Engineering
6. Sediment data
Secondary Power:
The excess power available over firm power is called secondary power. It is also
called surplus or non-firm power. It is available only in periods of high flow in
Secondary energy
The area of power duration curve gives energy. Its unit is watt.sec or KWh or GWh.
Secondary power= Design Power- Firm Power
Secondary Energy= Total Energy – Firm Energy
2. Peak Load
3. Base Load
Load Curve
• Utilization factor or plant use factor= Peak load/ Installed Capacity (0.4-0.9)
2. Optimization Approach:
Flow duration curves are studied and alternative project costs and benefits are
studied to find the optimum capacity which becomes the installed capacity
Intake: It is a structure that collects water from the diversion structure and passes
it on to the penstock. Its primary function is to regulate the flow of water to the
hydropower plant and to prevent debris from entering the penstock.
Gravel Trap: It is a structure located upstream of the intake that removes gravel
and other debris from the water before it enters the intake. Its primary function is
to prevent damage to the intake and downstream components.
Fore bay: It is a small reservoir located upstream of the powerhouse that receives
water from the headrace conveyance system. Its primary function is to regulate
the flow of water to the powerhouse and to provide a constant head of water for
the turbines.
Penstock: It is a large pipe that carries water from the forebay to the turbines in the
powerhouse. Its primary function is to deliver water to the turbines with high
pressure and velocity.
1. By contour map
2. Absorption losses
Life of a reservoir:
• The term life of reservoir denotes the period during which whole or specified fraction of its total
or active capacity is lost. Life of the reservoir is mainly governed by sedimentation rather than
structural life.
• The deposition of sediments gradually reduces the available storage capacity of the reservoir.
ii) Useful storage: The volume of water stored in the reservoir between normal and
minimum pool level is called useful storage.
iii) Surcharge Storage: The volume of water stored between the maximum pool level and
normal pool level is called surcharge storage.
iv) Valley Storage: Before the construction of the dam, a variable amount of water is
stored in the stream channel is called valley storage. After construction of the dam,
storage increases and there is a net increase in the storage is equal to the storage
capacity of a reservoir minus natural valley storage.
Effective storage for flood mitigation = Live Storage + Surcharge Storage – Valleys Storage
It has found that the trap efficiency is the function of Capacity inflow
Higher value of load factor higher average load or less maximum demand.
Yearly Average Load = No. of units (kWh) generated in a year / 365*24 hours
2. Which type of hydropower plant uses the difference in water levels between high tide
and low tide to generate electricity?
a) Tidal plant
b) Reservoir plant
c) Run-of-river plant
d) Pumped-storage plant
12. For high head hydro-electric plants, the turbine used is _________
a) Pelton wheel
b) Francis
c) Kaplan
d) All of the above
18. If the peak load for a power plant equals the plant capacity then the ratio of the
capacity factor to load factor will be
a) 1
b) o
c) < 1
d) > 1
20. The volume of water stored between normal reservoir level and maximum reservoir
level is
a. Useful Storage
b. Live Storage
c. Surcharge Storage
d. Dead Storage
22. The correct sequence in direction of flow of water for installation in a hydropower plant
a. Reservoir, surge tank, penstock, turbine
b. Reservoir, penstock, turbine, surge tank
c. Reservoir, surge tank, turbine penstock
d. Reservoir , penstock, surge tank, turbine
24. Which of the following method is utilized for fixing installed capacity of Hydropower
a) Demand Supply Approach
b) Rule curve Approach
c) Mass Analysis Approach
d) Marginal Cost Benefit Approach
26. Which act provides for the establishment of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)?
a) Electricity Authority Act Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) was created on August 16,
b) Hydropower Act 1985 (Bhadra 1, 2042) under the Nepal Electricity Authority Act.
c) Energy Act 1984, through the merger of the Department of Electricity of
d) Renewable Energy Act Ministry of Water Resources, Nepal Electricity Corporation and
related Development Boards.
28. What is the highest elevation of water level that can be maintained in the reservoir
without any spillway discharge either with gated or non-gated spillway?
a) Normal Water level
b) Minimum Water level
c) Weighted average level
d) Operating head
30. If the peak load on a power plant having a capacity of 100 MW is 70 MW during a given
week and the energy is 58, 80,000 KWH, the capacity factor for the plant for the week
will be
a) 35%
b) 50%
c) 70%
d) 65%
32. Calculate utilization factor if the maximum power utilized is 40,000 kW and two turbo
generators installed each of capacity 23,000 kW.
a) 73%
b) 87%
c) 57.5%
d) 63%
36. In a hydropower plant of installed capacity 100MW, 42GWh energy is produced in one
month What is the approx. capacity factor of that plant?
a) 56%
b) 58%
c) 60%
d) 64%