Common Causes of Leakages in Parapet Roof Construction in Ghana: A Case Study From Kumasi
Common Causes of Leakages in Parapet Roof Construction in Ghana: A Case Study From Kumasi
Common Causes of Leakages in Parapet Roof Construction in Ghana: A Case Study From Kumasi
S.O. Afram
Department of Architecture,
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
In Ghana, especially Kumasi, the second largest city after Accra, the country’s capital, parapet
roof construction became fashionable in building construction in the 1970’s. It entailed hiding the
roofs of buildings from view behind parapet walls. This concept is popularly known as
“Bohyemu”, literally meaning “construct it inside’” or more appropriately “hide it in”. The paper
examines roof designs and their functional requirements in general and specifically discusses
problems associated with parapet roof construction in the country, with particular reference to
Kumasi. It outlines some examples of such roofing and their respective problem areas, which in-
clude design and poor detailing, and offers practical suggestions that may help in arresting these
problems. The paper concludes by sounding a note of caution to technocrats in the building pro-
fession to be more diligent in the detailing, construction and supervision of this type of roof, as
well as “diagnosing” problems of leakages associated with parapet roofs, since they are usually
caused by a plethora of factors which, if not well-considered and assessed, may ultimately lead to
the wrong “prescriptions” in trying to in solve them.
structural function of spanning the space and tions of protecting roofs against violent wind-
helping to control the climatic conditions within storms, facilitating rain harvesting, etc, these
it (Schrenkenbach, 1981; Foster and Greeno, functions, however, did not inform its use in
2007). This is imperative due to the fact that, the Kumasi in the 1970’s, as this paper would show.
choice of certain roof types may not be prudent It was primarily to hide the roof finishing, since
if the spans are large. For instance, the use of a there were very limited varieties of roof materi-
double pitched roof (with only a 15o inclination) als in that particular era. Exposing them to view,
for a 30m span roof would produce a roof more in a way, reduced the building’s aesthetic ap-
than one storey high at the ridge (about four me- peal.
tres) in addition to a large and costly roof space,
In addition to the structural function, roofs have
which may not be needed. Such large spans with
certain performance and functional requirements
high levels of inclinations also set up serious
(which are inter-related). These vary according
stresses within the walls of the structure which to the type of building and roof form. Some of
needs to be taken care of in the design. How- these requirements are to;
ever, in multi-storey buildings, the spans are
i) Shade the external walls,
usually not great and the roof is, generally, con-
ii) Insulate against solar heat penetration,
structed along the structural lines of the floors
iii) Shed rainwater quickly and effectively,
below. This is usually so since the structural grid
iv) Withstand any superimposed loading e.g.
in multi-storey structures are not as wide as wind pressure, weight of snow, rain etc,
those that could be conveniently employed in v) Durability and freedom from maintenance,
single-storey buildings.
Pitched roofs are commonly employed in build- vi) Aesthetics.
ing designs in Ghana, especially in the southern
and middle portions of the country, where levels For instance, with (i) above, this could be
of rainfall are relatively high. The pitch roof achieved with wide overhangs as well as sun-
construction generally relies on triangular shading devices for walls facing east and west.
frames of sloping rafters tied together with hori- This, if well done, would provide a considerable
zontal ceiling joists, usually with a system of drop in temperature inside the building. For
struts. There are also different kinds of pitched multi-storey structures, other means of shading
roofs depending on the requirements of the are used. With (ii), insulation against solar radia-
building and climatic conditions. For instance, tion through the roof structure into the building
there are symmetrical and asymmetrical pitch could be reduced in a number of ways; this
roofs. There are also the lean-to roof, mono- could be done by the use of a suspended ceiling,
pitch as well as butterfly roofs. All these types of with a ventilated space between the two, use of a
pitched roofs are prevalent in Ghana. However, dense roof covering material or incorporating
whatever type of roof is employed in a building, insulative material between the roof structure
it has certain functional requirements of helping and the covering, or painting with special light
to keep out rain, snow, wind and dust. In addi- reflective paints. With (iii), it is perhaps the most
tion to these, it should prevent excessive heat important aspect of the performance require-
loss in temperate climates or excessive high gain ments after (iv). A roof must be so designed that
in tropical climates, while providing stability rain or storm water does not stay too long on it
with durability. It must, also be aesthetically as it may induce the ingress of water into the
pleasing. This last requirement, of an aestheti- interior spaces of the building, through flooding
cally pleasing roof, encouraged the parapet roof of roof gutters and by capillary action between
construction in Kumasi in the 1970’s. Although the side laps of the roofing sheets. This is the
parapet roof construction has its peculiar func- reason why pitched roofs are mostly employed
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Common causes of leakages in parapet roof construction in Ghana Afram
in areas where there are excessive rains. Drain to the horizontal and a pitched roof has a slope
pipes and water spouts should be of the required in any place exceeding 10o to the horizontal
sizes or dimensions to facilitate an effective and (Grundy, 1997). Other writers state that a roof
quick evacuation of rain water. can be “defined as flat when its weather plane is
finished at a slope of 1o to 5o to the horizon-
The ability to withstand any superimposed loads
tal” (Emmitt and Gorse, 2006). This could be a
as stated in (iv) is, perhaps, the most important
requirement of a roof. The other requirements single or monopitch, double pitch, butterfly, etc.
stated above, if not properly met, could be toler- Chudley and Greeno (2005) also define a
pitched roof as, “any roof whose angle of slope
ated but if the roof collapses due to a heavy layer
to the horizontal lies between 10o and 70o; below
of snow, strong winds or rain, lives could even
this range it would be called a flat roof and
be lost. This also explains why pitches of roofs
above 70o it would be classified as a
of buildings in countries that have snow are
sometimes very steep (about 35 to 40 degrees). wall” (Fig.1). While the pitch is generally deter-
This ensures that snow does not pile on them to mined by the roof covering, the basic form is
governed by the load and span.
a point of collapse. It preserves a useful
“insulating blanket” of snow during cold sea-
sons, but permits thaw water to run off freely PARAPET ROOF CONSTRUCTION
There are basically two forms of parapet walls;
(Foster and Greeno, 2007). Durability as stated
in (v) is also important since the roofs cannot be one type consists of the external walls of the
constantly replaced in the life of a building due buildings raised above the level of the roof for
the sake of appearance of the building as a
to deterioration. It must be built to last as long as
whole, while another type are walls which are
the building stands, with occasional periods of
built as external walls or fascia to concrete roof
maintenance. Absolute freedom from mainte-
nance is, however, not possible since every gutters. The former, most times, acts as abut-
building material has it life span and as such the ments to the roof since they usually make direct
contact with the edges of the roof, along the
roof finishing may need to be replaced after a
slopes, while the latter does not. The former is
period of time.
usually thicker than the latter. This paper would,
Finally, as said earlier, roofs if well designed however, be restricted to the latter.
contribute in a large measure to the beauty of
Parapet walls are exposed, in both cases, to driv-
buildings since they are the most exposed part of
ing rain and are more liable to damage than ex-
the structure after the enclosing walls. A well
ternal walls below eaves level. The top, which is
designed building may not be appreciated if the
normally exposed to rain, are covered or capped
roof looks incongruous with the structure. Roofs
could be flat, pitched or curved. However, there with some dense material to prevent rain from
are other types of roofs which may be a combi- saturating them. In earlier days in some devel-
oped countries e.g. the United Kingdom, natural
nation of two or all the three. A flat roof is one
stone, termed coping stone, was commonly used.
where the slope in any plane does not exceed 10o
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Common causes of leakages in parapet roof construction in Ghana Afram
(Stone is not a major building material in cially, when they are fair-faced (unplastered
Ghana). They were made to project some 50mm brick walls).
or more on each side of the parapet wall, with a A pitched roofs could still have the roof edges or
semi-circular groove cut in the underside of the eaves exposed or hidden with a concrete fascia
over-hang edges (throating) so that water runs or parapet if it is so required (Plates 1and 2).
off at the extreme drip edges of the coping (Fig. There are several reasons for the use of parapet
2). The coping is also made to slope so that the walls. A designer could use them to articulate
weathered top surface slopes towards the roof to the aesthetics and character of a building. It must
minimise staining of the external walls, espe- not, however, be mistaken here that the sole pur-
pose of roof parapet walls is to hide the roof
coverings of buildings. Functionally and techni-
cally, it is a practical way of collecting and chan-
nelling storm water to specific areas for collec-
75mm thick
concrete coping
tion and storage or appropriately discharged
through rain gutters, especially, for multi-storey
buildings, where rain water falling from great
heights, may create serious erosional activities
throating and soil degradation. They could also be em-
ployed in areas where strong winds, have the
100mm conc. tendency of blowing roofs off buildings.
From the aesthetic perspective, it may be merely
rainwater spout a client’s own idiosyncrasy or an attempt to hide
an inexpensive and not too appealing roof cover-
blockwork ing from public new. The latter reason is what
prevailed in Ghana in the early 1970s, especially
in the city of Kumasi. Parapet roof construction
became the fashion during that era. It was popu-
Fig. 2: A typical cantilevered roof gutter with larly known in the local parlance as ‘Bohyemu’
a parapet wall
Plate 1 A building without roof parapet walls Plate 2: A building with roof parapet walls
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Common causes of leakages in parapet roof construction in Ghana Afram
laterally meaning ‘construct it inside’ or more the parapet walls. Of the seven single-storey
appropriately, ‘hide it inside’ (Plate 2). buildings studied, all were built in the early
1970’s and had their ceilings in place, as such it
Before and after the country’s independence in
was difficult to see the ring beam from within
1957, most of the buildings materials were im-
during the field work. The author had personally
ported. However, after the first coup d’état that
worked and resolved leakage problems on four
toppled the first President of the nation in 1966,
importation of these materials become a lot more of them, while the other three had had no history
difficult due to scarce foreign exchange. The of roof leakages. Of the four whose problems of
leakages were resolved, one had to change its
variety of roofing materials, which hitherto were
entire roof covering from normal-sized corru-
available on the Ghanaian market, was limited.
gated aluminium sheets to long span roofing
People, therefore employed the use of mainly
sheets. Two of these buildings had extra rain
corrugated galvanised, aluminium or asbestos
roofing sheets, which were then available. As water spouts added to facilitate a quick evacua-
could be predicted, their aesthetic qualities were tion of rain water in the roof gutters (Plate 6),
while the last one had so acute a problem of
not as appealing as some of the current roofing
leakage in almost all the rooms, that the parapet
finishings. This, therefore, called for ingenious
walls were shortened and constructed with a ring
ways of roofing in order not to expose the roof
beam to enable a new, and completely redes-
cover. The parapet roof construction method was
then found to be most appropriate. igned pitched roof, to be built on it (Plate 7).
20m x 20m may have a concrete fascia with a enters through the overlapping sheets by capil-
height of one metre. The fascias are not usually lary action and drip onto the ceiling of the build-
built higher than that due to structural stability. ing into rooms below (Fig. 3).
With reference to Fig. 1, it would be realised
that with a maximum height of one metre at the Depth of Roof Gutter
ridge, the ratio of the horizontal distance to the Figure 4 shows a detail drawing of a roof gutter,
height would be approximately 1:10. This works parapet and the eaves of a typical parapet roof.
out to be about 6o, making it technically a flat It would be observed that it has everything that
roof. would make it function as a roof gutter. How-
ever, a critical assessment would reveal certain
The problem that this roof is normally associated
basic flaws, which may result in a leakage.
with is, basically, that of leakage during rain-
storms. Most local artisans are usually baffled by A ring beam of about 150mm x 225m supports
this kind of leakage, since it usually occurs at the and anchors the rafters. The concrete slab of the
overlaps or junctions of the corrugated roofing gutter is about 150mm thick, supporting a para-
sheets used. Due to the almost flat nature of the pet wall of 100mm. This, therefore, means the
roof, rainwater stays slightly longer on them depth of the gutter, has been reduced to about
than it would on a pitched roof, as such water 75mm. With a cement/sand screed finish of
Fig 3: Low-pitched roofing and the risk of leakage through the overlaps of the roof coverings
Fig. 4: A reduction in the height of the upstand beam and the risk of water entering the roof space
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Common causes of leakages in parapet roof construction in Ghana Afram
about 25mm thick laid to fall, it would be further leakage occurs outside the building rather than
reduced to 50mm deep. This therefore means, into the interior space. Figure 6 shows a detailed
the critical depth at the beam end of the gutter drawing of a parapet wall built entirely of
available for rainwater collection, is only 50mm.
This situation would definitely result in leakage
problems during heavy rainstorms when water,
collected in the gutter, rises quickly and goes
over the edge of the beam (i.e. under the wall
plate into the ceiling space). In most of the leak-
ing roofs encountered in practice and during the
study, the water does not drip directly onto the
ceiling. To the annoyance of the occupants, it
drips along the walls, thereby making it difficult
to collect the drops in a container. During the Fig. 6: The use of block work instead of rein-
study, a landlady indicated that she always forced concrete for a parapet wall
leaves the house in the rainy season with pieces
of cloth lined along the base of the walls which
drip with water, in order to soak the water in
case it rains in her absence.
Fig. 7: 1 ½ and 2 corrugations side lap for pitched and long span flat roof coverings in tropical
countries, respectively
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Common causes of leakages in parapet roof construction in Ghana Afram
The horizontal overlap (side lap) of corrugations the parapet walls but give the roof a good slope
of the sheets could also be increased to forestall to prevent rain water staying longer on it.
any capillary action, of storm water in that direc-
tion. Usually one and a half corrugations side Depth of Roof gutter
lap is recommended for corrugated roof cover- With this problem, the easiest solution that could
ings built in tropical countries while flat roofs be effected is to introduce extra and/or bigger
with long spans should have two corrugations rainwater spouts to help the quick exit of water
side lap (Schrenkenbach and Abankwa, 1981) from the gutters (Plate 6). Another solution
(Fig. 7). would be to widen the width of the gutter itself,
if it is found to be too narrow. That would how-
Another solution one could consider if the client
ever, entail greater costs.
wants a concrete fascia parapet, (but is not too
concerned about hiding the roof) is to increase However, to forestall any leakage, parapet roof
the pitch and make it higher than 10o. This gutters should be designed or constructed such
would make the ridge appear above the top of that they are wide and deep enough (at least
400mm and 300mm, respectively). The number
of rainwater spouts should also be enough,
(depending on the area of the roof) and regularly
spaced to help water exit quickly. An innovation
that could be used is by redesigning the gutter
itself such that the point at which it is connected
to the ring beam is thicker than the edge on
which the parapet wall sits (Fig. 8).
In effect, the concrete base on which the parapet
wall sits is sloped. In this instance, stormwater
would exit as fast as is necessary and would not
rise to the level of the ring beam, since it could
be rightly assumed that before that happens, all
the water would have drained off through the
Plate 6: Shows the introduction of extra rain provision of an effective system of water spouts.
water spouts in the parapet walls of the roof
to solve the problem of leakage.
Fig. 8: A wedge-like slab and an increase in the depth of the upstand beam as a
solution to leakages
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 3, Dec., 2008 131
Common causes of leakages in parapet roof construction in Ghana Afram
upstand beam
132 Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 3, Dec., 2008
Common causes of leakages in parapet roof construction in Ghana Afram
clean. As a precautionary measure, all solutions presently under construction within the suburbs
discussed above should have the sand/cement where the study was undertaken were without
screed finish in the gutters painted over with two roof parapet walls. However, if any had a terrace
coats of flinkote or any other appropriate water with a flat roof, short parapet walls were em-
proofing material. However, this needs regular ployed to restrict, control, and direct storm water
maintenance of repainting. into rain water spouts. This somewhat, confirms
the fact that people now felt comfortable expos-
Lack of Maintenance ing their roofs due to the plethora of roof finish-
The solution to this problem is obvious; clean ings presently available. Others explained that
out the rain water spouts on a regular basis, at with the present high cost of iron rods, it made
least, once a year, before the major raining sea- economic sense to avoid the use of concrete roof
son. Most times, the water spouts employed in gutters with the parapet walls.
the buildings are 75-100mm PVC pipes, in- This problem with roofs also brings to mind the
serted, horizontally in the parapet walls, ena- problem of roof anchorage to the superstructure
bling rainwater to fall outwards, away from the
in buildings. In a research conducted in Kumasi,
building. Over time, they accumulate pieces of
it was realised that there are major problems
debris, especially, leaves which are blown about
with how local artisans anchor roofs to the su-
during the onset of rains. There have been in-
perstructure, which has led to a number of
stances where wood shavings, saw dust and mor- houses having their roofs ripped off during rain-
tar, left in the gutter during construction, find storms (Afram and Amos-Abanyie, 2008). De-
their way into these pipes, clogging them with
signers must therefore, not only consider the
the inevitable consequence of flooding of the
aesthetics of a building but must also pay extra
gutters and eventual leakage into the interior
attention to those aspects of the structure which
spaces. Fixing a metal grille over their openings would enable it stand the test of time.
would, exacerbate rather than solve the problem,
since they clog up faster with debris than the
The study dealt with parapet roof construction
In an attempt to resolve these problems revealed which became fashionable in the 1970’s in Ku-
by the study, an accurate assessment needs to be masi due to the limited variety of roof finishing.
carefully made and considered before any of the It brought in its wake problems of leakages due
recommended solutions is employed. This is to poor construction and detailing, mostly asso-
essential, since a wrong “diagnosis’ could cost ciated with local artisanal construction. After
the client dearly and dent the reputation of the purposively selecting a number of buildings
consultant as well. One thing that one can be within the categories of the 1970 era, multi-
sure about is that, if the inside walls of a build- storeys and mode of construction (i.e. artisanal
ing where the gutters are, drips with water after or conventional), the study revealed a number of
rains, then definitely there is a problem with the leakage problems associated with this type of
gutters. If it is a flat roof (roofed without long roof, namely, leakages due to; low-pitched roof,
spans) and leaks from the ceiling but not along insufficient depth of roof gutter, use of down-
the walls, then it could be a side lap problem or a stand ring beam and blockwork for the parapet
simple problem of nailing down the edges of the walls, as well as the lack of maintenance.
side laps since they might have been lifted by
From the results of this study, it could be con-
windstorms over the years, as usually observed.
cluded that, greater care must be exercised in the
One fact that was established during the study is design, detailing, construction and supervision
that all the single-storey domestic buildings of parapet roofs. Most of the problems of leak-
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 3, Dec., 2008 133
Common causes of leakages in parapet roof construction in Ghana Afram
age were as a result of poor detailing and con- above are not the ultimate to the problems, but
struction, in addition to inadequate technical the principles governing them remain the same
know-how and ignorance by local artisans who and upon these, other appropriate and perhaps
were usually commissioned to build them. better ones, could be developed.
Qualified technocrats in the building profession
in our part of the country should design in REFERENCES
greater detail and with a little more ‘margin of Afram, S.O. and Amos-Abanyie, S. (2008).
safety’, coupled with intensive supervision and Structural Failures of Artisanal-built Roofs
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these artisans would, in the long run, help train Research Institute, (BRRI) KNUST. (In
these artisans with the public at large benefiting Press).
from their expertise, since they would invariably
be commissioned to construct houses for them. Chudley, R. and Greeno, R. (2005). Construc-
Building technicians, who may be consulted to tion Technology, Third Edition. Pearson
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study, must carefully carry out a diligent and Emmitt, S. and Gorse, C. (2006). Barry’s Intro-
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The public should also exercise due diligence Foster, J.S. and Greeno, R. (2007). Structure and
when commissioning these artisans to build for Fabric, Part 1, (7th Edition). Mitchell’s Se-
them. They should visit and inspect some of ries. Pearson Education Ltd, UK. pp 138-
these buildings that have been built by them in 140.
order to ascertain how well they have performed Schrekenbach, H. and Abankwa, J. (1981).
over the years, in terms of leakages. This could Construction Technology for A Tropical
be of immense help in averting most of the prob- Developing Country. Deutsche Gesellschaft,
lems revealed by this study. It must, however, be Germany. pp 153.
emphasised here that the solutions prescribed
134 Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 3, Dec., 2008