Magazine - Car Mechanics - 03.2018
Magazine - Car Mechanics - 03.2018
Magazine - Car Mechanics - 03.2018
& water
renewal Turbo swap
Renault Clio 1.2 16v Vauxhall 2.0 CDTi
Supplemental Restraint
System repairs Seatbelt & airbag
Automatic 10PAGE
Troubleshooting faults
Making repairs TICKETS
to the March
MkII 1.8 petrol Preventive NEC 23-25
Jaguar Common
2.2D WIN Hitachi
DIY combi drill
service & impact
see page 18
1,000 Classic cars on display | Over 150 Classic Car Club stands | 350 Specialist
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*Savings are based on on-the-door ticket prices. Savings are pre-applied to all prices on the website. The code stated above is used for marketing purposes only. To book by
phone, call 0844 858 6758. Calls cost 13ppm plus network extras. All bookings are subject to a single transaction fee of £1.50. Tickets include a show guide worth £4.00. Advance
tickets are available until midnight Thursday 22nd March. After that date, tickets will only be available at the show.
Editorial Martyn Knowles, Editor
Follow us on Facebook @ Car Mechanics
MOT no change
X Hooray! The Department of Transport 10 years, which was then reduced in
Gumtree and
eBay join forces
X Online car dealers can now reach
two big audiences with one advert
(DfT) has decided NOT to extend the 1967 to three years. Although the build
following a decision to merge
first MOT of cars and motorcycles to quality of modern vehicles has vastly
Gumtree’s motoring division with
four years due to safety concerns. improved since the 1960s, parts still
eBay. It also means punters will be
After a consultation period, the DfT wear out: tyre rubber slowly erodes or
able to choose from more vehicles
has listened to members of the public, suffers damage (sometimes unseen),
on one viewing platform.
motoring bodies and those working in suspension bits break or fall off,
According to the parent company,
the industry and decided that moving brakes leak fluid or wear down below
eBay Classifieds Group, Gumtree
the first MOT to four years, from three, recommended limits, etc. The majority
is currently the fastest-growing
is not a good idea. I agree that keeping of motorists never check over their
classifieds marketplace for selling
it at three years is the right decision vehicles regularly, so someone should
vehicles in the UK. Apparently, six
– moving it to four years would be be doing it annually, at least.
million users per month visit the
detrimental to road safety. Cars today rack up huge mileages in
motoring division on Gumtree, while
The MOT test is conducted to confirm a year and need to be tested at three
3.7 million users per month search
the roadworthiness of a vehicle, as well years. Take the 2015 Skoda Rapid 1.6
on eBay for a new vehicle.
as highlighting potential dangers in the TDI being sold on eBay recently. It had
Three packages with add-ons for
future through the advisory system. done 409,000 miles in less than three
all budgets will be offered to dealers
It was introduced in 1960, requiring years, but still wasn’t old enough to be
to list their stock.
all new vehicles to be checked after presented for its first MOT!
O O.E. Brands –
(Some post codes maybe excluded – Saturday A.M. not included in the offer).
efore US decadence is blamed
for the ‘lazy-man’ automatic
transmission, consider that
changing gear was not as easy
on 1930s manual cars compared to
those of today. While those early, bulky Automatic transmissions ware developed to has accelerated automatic transmission
be more responsive and efficient. Pictured is
automatic transmissions worked fine an eight-speed, rear-drive unit made by ZF.
development, with makers of the
with big American V8s being driven latest types boasting that they have
on wide open highways, they did not the outer ring gear of the appropriate caught-up in the efficiency stakes. As
translate well initially, when fitted to epicyclic gear set within the gearbox. automated manual gearboxes face their
sub-2.0-litre European four-cylinder The arrival of sophisticated own problems, chief among which
engines that had to make swift electronics, especially the self-learning are relatively poor reliability and high
overtakes on busy two-way roads. This ECUs that were pioneered by Japanese costs, it is believed that the traditional
explains the initial scepticism with manufacturers from the 1980s, made the torque converter clutch, coupled to an
which the ‘slushbox’ was met by British transmissions more responsive. Most electronically-controlled, epicyclic-geared
motorists, many of whom felt that they subsequent developments have focused transmission, on which this feature
not only robbed the driver of control, on making the unit lighter, less wasteful, focuses, will increase in popularity.
but were also uneconomical and sapped cheaper to produce and more compact,
power from the engine. especially for front-wheel drive vehicles.
In the late 1990s, when carbon dioxide
emissions and fuel economy figures were
Gaining acceptance chosen as the means by which car owners
Early automatic gearboxes were so bad and manufacturers could be taxed/
at deciding the appropriate moment for penalised, automatic gearboxes were
ratio shifts that some initial European still relatively inefficient, compared to
applications left the task of changing gear manuals. The arrival of single- and
to the driver. On certain types, such as twin-clutch automated manual gearboxes
the Wilson pre-selector, one could select
X Engine coolant can contaminate the gearbox
the next gear with a small hand lever fluid, causing it to congeal. This may be due
and the ratio change would be made by to either impact damage, or corrosion of the
depressing a foot pedal, which released water/oil heat exchanger (as pictured), caused
a brake band that was wrapped around by infrequent antifreeze changes.
X Unlike many popular automatic transmissions of the 1950-1980s, on modern
systems, there is no need to adjust kickdown cables, or clean mechanical governors
(which prevent engine overspeeding) and to set brake bands periodically.
However, modern automatics rely still on the correct quantity of specific fluids
to maintain reliability. Always follow level check advice carefully, because it is
easy to make mistakes. Take extra care to ensure that you pour new fluid through
the correct aperture and do not dismantle part of the gearbox unintentionally, by
undoing an external bolt instead of a plug.
The oil should be clean. Dark-coloured fluid indicates a major internal problem,
due possibly to overheating, or deterioration of the clutch friction plates. While
many transmissions are described by the car manufacturers as being sealed for
life, it is accepted that periodic fluid changes are beneficial on an older vehicle.
Pay attention on a road-test, too. Any jerks, clunks, harsh changes, or a
sudden engine speed rise between gear changes (known as ‘flaring’) will need
investigating. It is possible that such issues might not illuminate a warning lamp
on the instrument panel.
CT06A CL07
Replacing the traditional dry
Unfortunately for home mechanics, carrier acts as the output and interacts clutch, the torque converter
the torque converter is a sealed unit with both the sun and ring gears as is a sealed unit that evolved
that requires special equipment to the inputs (see illustration below). from the earlier fluid
allow dismantling. Unlike the clutches Theoretically, any one of these three flywheel concept.
in a manual, or automated, manual gears can be locked, which allows the
vehicle, the torque converter will not others to handle the output. By having body, which receives commands from
be damaged by holding the car on a hill several interlinked epicyclic gear sets the transmission control module (TCM),
using just the throttle, although this and a set of brakes, or clutches, a gearbox based on feedback from the various
will increase the temperature of the can be designed with a number of sensors on the transmission and vehicle.
transmission fluid markedly. While it different ratios.
is immensely reliable, faults can still RING GEAR
occur, with any contamination in the
gearbox damaging the torque converter.
Topic 3
To avoid ‘infecting’ a replacement
transmission, never reuse the torque
CARRIER Electrics
converter from a failed unit. The arrival of sophisticated electronics
helped to reduce production costs of
Topic 2
automatic transmissions, by doing away
with earlier hydro-mechanical controls.
It also overcame some of the auto’s
The epicyclic gearbox GEARS x 3
drawbacks. Self-learning ‘fuzzy logic’
While the actual automatic gearbox unit The clutch consists of a series of systems could not only be programmed
is quite daunting, the principles upon friction plates, each of which bears against with a wide range of complex
which it operates are also fairly simple. metal plates (called ‘steels’) and this algorithms but could also adapt to
The heart of the unit is the epicyclic arrangement provides a large working different driving styles. CANbus wiring
gear set, which creates two inputs and surface area. The friction plates and their technology advanced things further,
one output. At least several of these steels are housed within a clutch drum permitting the transmission’s ECU to
gear sets are installed within a typical that contains a piston, activated by oil communicate with other computer
automatic transmission. Named after pressure, which squeezes the clutch pack modules to provide additional functions,
ancient astronomy theory, a so-called together, locking the relevant component such as downshifting under braking.
sun gear is mounted in the centre and and permitting it to turn. Older In some of the latest models, drivers
meshing with its outer teeth is, usually, a transmissions tended to use adjustable can select ‘sports’ and ‘winter’ settings
trio of planetary gears that are supported brake bands, which are wrapped around manually, the former encouraging
by a planetary carrier frame. The ring the ring gear, literally holding it in higher engine speeds, while the latter
gear (or annulus) sits on the outer edge position. In most cases, modern wet allows the car to start in second or third
and its internal teeth run on those of clutch plates have replaced them. The gear, to minimise the risk of wheelspin
the planetary gears. Thus, the planetary oil pressure is provided by the valve from a standing start.
W While there is a limited
1 number of transmission
manufacturers, automatic
gearboxes are tailored for each
application. Autobox repair
specialist, ATP Industries Group,
categorises remanufacturable core
stock into the different types.
X As cleanliness is critical,
2 ATP has designed its own jigs
for each transmission model. These
block-off any ports, so no dirt
that is loosened by the automated
cleaning and sandblasting
processes can enter the housings.
W Some transmission
7 sumps boast a magnetic
filter – metal swarf saturation
indicates a major problem.
Note that a filter assembly is
located within the fluid pick-
up attached to the valve body.
With the valve body removed, the The output gear and its bearing are
9 accumulator components can also 10 removed using the same method as The second and fourth gear carrier
be extracted. These consist of a spring and that used to extract the input gear (see 11 pulls-out from the main gearbox – the
piston fitted with rubber seals – these tend Step 5). The bearings are replaced, damaged centre bush shows that severe
to be renewed post-cleaning. regardless of their condition. harm has resulted from a lack of lubrication.
X Severe damage
13 has also been done
to the outer ring gear’s
teeth (arrowed). It was
unsurprising to discover that
the epicyclic gear set had
chipped planetary gears, too.
X Working in the strictest
16 cleanliness, every valve body
casting is stripped of its many
small parts. The inexperienced
rebuilder is at risk of either
losing parts, or fitting them in
the wrong order.
W Even if there
17 is no obvious
damage, ATP replaces After reassembly, the valve body is
all filters, check balls,
18 pressure-tested on the company’s
thermal valves and special rig so that a successful overhaul
rubber seals, regardless is confirmed, before it is refitted into the
of their condition. remanufactured transmission.
X On this six-speed
20 rear-wheel drive
transmission, made by
Chrysler, the low and reverse
gear clutch drum needs
assembling with a mixture
of examined and new parts,
before it is refitted.
W The component
21 parts of this clutch
drum are (top, left to right):
first and reverse drum,
piston, one-way housing and
one-way clutch; (bottom, left
to right): six clutch plates
and steels, diaphragm and
retaining circlips.
X Once the
22 clutch drum
for first and reverse
gears is assembled,
it is located into the
rear of the gearbox Continued
and held in place on page
with a large circlip. 14
J & C R Wood Ltd, Dept MCR18, 66 Clough Road, Hull HU5 1SR
Tel: 01482 345067 Email: Tel: 0115 9305454 Email:
Vehicle Wiring Products, 9 Buxton Court, Manners Ind.Est.,
Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8EF
With so many demands from work, home and family,
there never seem to be enough hours in the day for you.
Why not press pause once in a while, curl up with your
favourite magazine and put a little oasis of ‘you’ in your day.
When replacing the fluid, it
is impossible to drain the
W The planetary
25 gear set for fourth
gear is then inserted
into the case. Here, extra
Torrington-type bearings
are fitted to both sides of
the sun gear (one of them
is arrowed in the inset pic).
X A washer is
26 fitted to the ring
gear (annulus), before the
assembly is inserted into
the transmission casing
and the planetary gear set.
The oil pump locates in front of the The transmission case is flipped
32 clutch pack and is secured to the 33 over on its jig. Note that, when the Final assembly sees the rear housing
case on this transmission by a series of selector is placed in the ‘Park’ position, the 34 refitted on this rear-wheel drive
bolts that will be tightened to their transmission is locked mechanically by a application. Any bushes, bearings, or oil
recommended torque. lever that acts on the output shaft (arrowed). seals are renewed, where necessary.
The various plugs and sensors are The testing includes running through
38 40
replaced, regardless of their condition,
because faulty electrical components can
39 ATP runs each of its rebuilt gearboxes
on a comprehensive test rig. The
all gears at extended engine speeds
and output loads. Computer algorithms,
create strange operating conditions that operator fills the unit with the appropriate written by ATP’s research team, dictate
can be blamed – often incorrectly – on the transmission fluid and subjects it to an the test cycle for each gearbox and which
transmission’s mechanical internals. intensive test cycle. parameters determine a pass, or fail.
While much of this work is The spigot that engages within the
T4 impossible for a DIYer, you can check T5 centre of the engine’s flexiplate
the tab that engages with the oil pump has flywheel can wear and the only repair The oil pump drive is checked for
not broken and that the internal bush is method is to build up its surface with weld
T6 scoring and the dimensions measured
not excessively scored. and machine it to the specified dimensions. with a set of Vernier calipers.
The stator is positioned between the The rear housing (the impellor is When reassembled, the unit is
T11 turbine and impellor and its one-way T12 located within it) is placed over the T13 tested for free rotation, to ensure
clutch is either replaced, or receives new other half. The drain hole that was drilled in that its internal tolerances are correct, prior
needles and rollers, depending on the design. Step T1 has been sealed by MIG weld. to the run-out being checked.
X To leak-test the
T15 entire converter,
it is pressurised with
compressed air, prior to
being plunged into a tank
of water. Any pressure drop
is monitored electronically.
X While space precludes listing common failures for every automatic gearbox produced
in the last 20 years, look out for five common symptoms that indicate potential problems.
1. Slipping gears and sudden rising engine revs between shifts (‘flare’)
This tends to be caused by low oil pressure, or incorrect or poor-quality fluid being used. Look for
incorrect fluid levels, as well as a blocked oil filter.
2. No clutch lock-up from the torque converter Usually caused by an electrical
problem and not the transmission. Check the brake pedal switch, as lock-up should cancel, when
the pedal is depressed. As lock-up functions only at normal operating temperatures, a faulty
coolant temperature sensor might be responsible, for example.
4. Missing gears or no drive Usually caused by faulty gear-speed sensors mounted on the transmission. With some
gearboxes, it is possible to swap the connectors around by accident. Have a live diagnostic check conducted to evaluate the
readings before suspecting that the more expensive gearbox internals are the cause of your problems.
5. Noise Any new and unusual sounds indicate a problem and should be investigated immediately, not only to ensure safety,
but also to prevent catastrophic damage leading to expensive repairs.
Hitachi Combi Drill and GIVE
AWAY Morris 0W-30
Impact Wrench Twin Pack Engine Oil
X One of the world’s leading manufacturers of professional X Multivis ECO PC 0W-30
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18V impact driver in the KC18DGL(S)/JF Twin car engine oil formulated and
Pack to provide two garage essentials in one. developed for the latest PSA
Weighing in at 1.6kg, the DV18DGAL combi petrol and diesel engines,
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of 70Nm (hard), and it can drill 13mm into brick and viscosity grade of 0W-30 not
steel and 38mm into wood. The WH18DGL impact driver only promotes fuel efficiency
weighs 1.4kg and has maximum tightening torque of 145Nm under a range of driving
(hard) and comes with a ¼in (6.35mm) hex bit holder. The conditions, but ensures rapid
Twin Pack also features two 5.0Ah Lithium-Ion batteries, circulation in stop-start engines,
compatible with each even when the engine is cold.
tool, and a UC18YFSL It is recommended for use
charger, all packed in a robust in the latest PSA engines,
carry-case. It is backed up with including BlueHDi
a three-year warranty. and Puretech
The Hitachi KC18DGL(S)/JF units and those
Combi Drill and Impact Wrench Twin We have one Hitachi employing
Pack has a list price of £420, but Combi Drill and Impact electronic stop-
always shop around for the best Wrench Twin Pack start technologies.
to give away to a CM Multivis ECO
deals and special offers. reader. For a chance to
For further details, visit PC 0W-30 can be
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Ring Dual Power GIVE
Preset Tyre Inflator
X At CM we are always highlighting the importance of tyre
maintenance, stressing how the correct tyre pressures
not only improve vehicle handling and economy but also
increase safety. The Ring RAC660 Dual Power Preset
Tyre Inflator can be used both at home and by the
roadside, inflating a 13in tyre from 0-35psi in under
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The device also features a backlit digital screen, so Car SOS on National
you can set tyre pressures easily and accurately in even Geographic channel on
the lowest light conditions. It can be used for cars, caravans, motorhomes and 4x4 March 8. Special guest in
tyres, and comes with an eight-piece adaptor set to fit most inflatables from footballs to airbeds. the first episode will be
actor James Nesbitt from
The RAC660 Dual Power Preset Tyre Inflator comes complete with a sturdy carry-case and
hit shows such as Cold Feet,
has a recommended price of £79.99.
The Missing and Lucky Man.
X Walkers Garage in South
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sees the company receiving
WIN We have two Ring
RAC660 Dual Power
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lights, battery care equipment, vehicle lighting and dashcams. please complete the
coupon on page 21.
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To be in with a chance of winning one of our FREE giveaways this issue, please indicate your preferred product below:
Hitachi Combi Drill and Impact Wrench Twin Pack
Ring Dual Power Preset Tyre Inflator *Please enter this information so that Car
Mechanics can keep you informed of
Simply fill in your details below and send to: Car Mechanics Giveaways March, newsletters, special offers and promotions
Bauer Media, Media House, Lynchwood, Peterborough PE2 6EA. Offer closes March 16, 2018. via email. You may unsubscribe from
receiving these messages at any time and we
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boot catch
X We are often accused
of being fitters and not
mechanics because very
often a repair cannot be
carried out without fitting a
new part. This is not always
the case and quite often we
FIAT FIORINO do manage to carry out a
repair without the need to
Blocked DPF
X Complaining that his BMW
520d was emitting a constant
sound of rushing air, the owner
was surprised to discover that the
problem was down to a blocked
diesel particulate filter (DPF).
The rush of air was the sound of
the exhaust gases fighting their
way out via a small leak in the
front flexi-pipe. The unit had long
since passed the stage where a
regeneration would have helped
and replacement was going to be
the only option.
In theory, this looked like a
quick and easy task. Bolted into
place with four nuts and bolts
at the square flange on either
end of the unit, it only needed
the bolts to be undone and the Once the DPF has been removed, the difference
DPF to be dropped out. But the between the new and old filters is obvious.
effects of rust had been at work,
so the nuts refused to come undone and the bolts were Once the new unit was fitted, the sound of rushing air
stuck fast in the holes, although the use of a grinder and was no longer audible and the vehicle’s performance was
an air saw helped ease the job a little. also increased.
MOT failure
on damaged
steering rack BMW 3-SERIES
X Sometimes the statements made
by customers are priceless. I’ve
lost track of the number of times
The subframe needs to
be dropped to remove
a vehicle has come in for its MOT
and I’ve been told: “It should pass
everything OK.”
the steering rack,
which had blown off
one of the rack boots.
drop failure
X The soft-top on this
The owner of this 2008 Ford 2001 BMW 318Ci has a lip
Fiesta bought the car in because the around the top of the door’s
power steering had failed, saying drop glass to ensure it is as
“I don’t think it’s serious, because weatherproof as possible.
when I top up the fluid, it works.” When the car’s designers
This was true, but it only really introduced this feature
proved that the steering pump was they realised it could cause
operational. The reason the fluid a problem with the glass
wasn’t staying in the system was catching the roof as the door
because the power steering rack was opened and closed. As
had blown a seal, which, in turn, had a result, they introduced a
pushed the fluid out along the rack until it the excess oil had been mopped up from clever addition to the window
eventually blew off the rack boot. under the subframe, we could replace the motor that would drop the
On the Fiesta, although the subframe rack. It only remained for the steering to be glass fractionally when the
needs to be lowered to get the rack out of bled out and the tracking to be set up before door handle was pulled, then
position, the job itself isn’t too difficult. Once the owner could have their Fiesta back. close it up again when shut.
This system relies on a
small microswitch built into
the door lock. However, this
FIAT PANDA feature was not working on
this BMW because of a failed
Heated microswitch. Unfortunately
for the owner, spraying the
3 £347 worth more than
RRP £155.98
inc VAT
to be
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PART TWO: Our Insignia is transported to
our local garage to have the engine oil drained FOUR-WHEEL ALIGNMENT
Plus anything else that goes wrong in the coming months
and the turbo renewed in a bid to fix its low oil
pressure problem. Rob Hawkins reports.
e’ve had an anxious few weeks you take a look at Your Letters this month,
since buying and collecting you’ll find that several readers have
our Insignia before Christmas. already written in with advice – including
The low oil pressure warning a couple of useful methods of recognising
is the major cause for concern. According when a regen is occurring. Our sponsors,
to Vauxhall, if the engine oil is shown to Autovaux, have also been very helpful.
be overfull on the dipstick, this is often a Dan Smith at MJ Motors suggested
sign of an incomplete DPF regeneration. running the engine so that he could see
Allegedly, there’s no way of telling the problem for himself. Straight away,
when a regen is happening, so if the he could tell that the turbo was noisy. He
engine is switched off, the process isn’t detached the oil feed pipe to the top of
completed. The consequence of this is the turbo and no oil spurted out. It had
that diesel fuel is dumped into the engine clearly been starved of oil.
oil, resulting in the overfull reading. So the turbo definitely needed
During a DPF regen, the engine runs renewing. The engine oil pick-up pipe that through Vauxhall is £715.20). So a turbo
rich to heat up the exhaust system and we discussed last month should also be was delivered to MJ Motors along with
DPF. If the engine is switched off during replaced as it’s a common cause of low oil a selection of gaskets and several other
a regen, there may be excess diesel fuel pressure if it has perished. However, the parts that we will be fitting over the
inside the cylinders which hasn’t been Vauxhall technician we spoke to explained forthcoming months. We’ve managed to
combusted. This can seep past the piston that, if you’re lucky, changing the engine renew the turbo this month, but not fix
rings and into the oil, increasing the oil can fix the low oil pressure problem. the low oil pressure problem, yet. We have
volume of oil with fuel. We suspect this We weren’t so optimistic, but tried this however, managed to successfully renew
is the case with our Insignia’s engine. approach anyway. Sadly, it didn’t help. the nearside rear wheel bearing, although
We had our Insignia transported to A replacement turbo was needed. removing the old wheel bearing wasn’t as
our local garage, MJ Motors in Batley, for We contacted Autovaux, who were able easy as we had expected. Thankfully the
a second opinion and to devise a plan of to supply a remanufactured GM turbo replacement from Autovaux comes with
action for the low oil pressure problem. If for £438 (recommended retail price a two-year warranty.
for all you
needs on
0333 358 3615
W After lifting the Insignia
3 on a two-post ramp, the
engine undertray was detached
by undoing a couple of quick-
release plastic fittings, then left The 13mm sump plug has a banjo-
suspended on its front mountings 4 style drain hole, which means it can
(it’s hinged across the front for be slackened to allow the engine oil to be
easy access to the sump). The steadily drained. This also avoids the risk
base of the sump was coated of oil surging out when the drain plug is
in oil and there were traces of removed and either missing the drain-pan or
engine coolant residue. running down your arms.
W Unfortunately,
5 the engine oil is
viscous. Realising it
could take the rest of the
day to drain, we decided
to remove the drain plug,
allowing the oil to drain
out much faster.
X After refitting
6 the drain plug, we
poured four litres of
5W-30 fully-synthetic low
ash oil into the engine,
then ran it to see if the
low oil pressure problem
had been resolved. It
hadn’t, and the turbo
was still sounding noisy,
suggesting it’s being
starved of oil.
Judging by the noise from the turbo The turbo is located at the front of the The clamp proved difficult to detach.
1 and the lack of power from the engine, 2 engine bay. After detaching a small 3 Luckily, we had a new one from
we suspected the turbo needed replacing. heatshield, we made a start on removing the Autovaux, so we prised the old one open with
Autovaux manage to source a remanufactured 16mm bolt for the clamp that secures the a couple of pry bars. It still refused to budge,
GM turbo for a reasonable £438. exhaust downpipe to the turbine housing. so we resolved to try again later.
X The turbo is
8 attached to the
exhaust manifold with three
11mm nuts. The easiest of
the three is accessed from
above, as shown here. Our
nut had seized, so the stud
came out with it, which
was a help when it came to
removing the turbo.
Fitting the turbo and making sure the Lowering the turbo into position proved A new firing ring was carefully inserted
3 new gaskets didn’t fall off wasn’t easy. 4 to be awkward. On the part of the turbo 5 between the turbine housing and the
Some of the gaskets have foldable tabs, that connects to the exhaust manifold, there exhaust downpipe. It should only be fitted
which can help to keep them in position, are two studs that need to be fed through one way round, with the raised edge against
such as the intercooler gasket shown here. mounting holes on the exhaust manifold. the exhaust downpipe.
X Plenty of
5 penetrating fluid
was sprayed around
the area where the hub
carrier makes contact
with the upright. We
left it to soak in, then
tried releasing it with
a hammer, to no avail.
We also tried an air £2070.00
chisel, but no luck.
Remanufactured GM turbo £438.00
Gaskets and fittings £20.51
Turbo oil feed pipe £46.33
AFL bulb £12.00
6 W A lump hammer
and a long bar was
Automega rear wheel bearing £68.64
5W-30 low ash engine oil (five litres) £25.98
tried next, using them to
hit the back of the wheel TOTAL £2681.46
bearing. We returned
to the air chisel and
penetrating fluid, but the
wheel bearing assembly
refused to budge.
We’ll be removing the engine sump
to check the oil pick-up pipe seal and
inspect the crankshaft bearings.
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It doesn’t have a glowing reputation in the
trade, but what makes the N-Series petrol
unit tick? Andrew Everett is your guide.
hose of you who read Steven Ward’s Dealer’s Diary
column may have seen his diatribe in the December 2017
issue about the N43 engine produced by BMW, used from
late 2007 in four-cylinder petrol 1- and 3-Series cars until
the replacement N20 and N13 units arrived around five years
ago. It has a well-deserved reputation for spelling trouble.
The N43 was the final development of the engine series
that began in 2001 with the N42. Back then, the N42 2.0 was
a revolutionary unit and was built in a brand-new factory in
Hams Hall, not a million miles away from the Rover plant at between the valves, inlet
Longbridge, where it was suggested it could be used in a future cam and rockers. A 12V
range of Rover cars – that didn’t happen, of course. electric motor bolted to the
The spec of the N42 was impressive for late 2001 and it would top of the head turned the
still be thoroughly modern if launched again today. It included eccentric shaft via a toothed
an all-alloy construction with a ladder-type block – a regular quadrant to increase or decrease valve lift, to allow the engine
alloy block but with the main bearing caps built into a frame to breathe more easily without the restriction of a throttle
for rapid assembly and extra strength – as well as Double Vanos body. The motor was controlled by a separate ECU that took
cam timing, 16 valves with Simplex chain-driven camshafts, information from the engine ECU, based on load, revs and a
double cam sensors (one for each cam) and Valvetronic. sensor on the front of the Valvetronic shaft. Further refinements
The last of these was BMW’s new concept where the lift of over the old iron block/alloy head M44 that preceded it (E36 and
the inlet valves – and thus engine speed and load – was variable Z3) included a plastic inlet manifold and cam cover – this helped
thanks to an eccentric shaft running the length of the head in keep the weight down, with the new engine weighing 87.5 kilos
as opposed to more than 100 kilos for the old unit.
The timing chain set-up was all new and was designed for rapid
assembly. This was a cassette-type chain assembly, lowered down
into the engine with the head fitted as a complete unit with the
chain, the plastic guide rail and pivoting tensioner blade, crank
sprocket and the two Vanos units. The N-Series crank had no
‘nose’ onto which the crank sprocket might slide because it was
all lowered in as one unit and the big crank end bolt tightened
to 300Nm. This immense torque meant there was no locating
keyway, relying on the torque of the bolt to keep it together.
The Vanos units were not keyed to the camshafts and stretch
bolts were fitted. The Vanos units also differed from previous
BMW practice – on the pre-2005 six-cylinder engines the
complete oil-pressure-fed Vanos unit was fitted to the front on
the head and located onto the front of the cams. On the N42,
though, separate Vanos units were built into the cam sprockets
themselves. They were activated by oil pressure and regulated
by the electronic solenoids in the front of the block that also
controlled the oil pressure going to the units.
The alternator, power steering pump and water pump all ran
off one auxiliary belt, with a spring tensioner fitted to the front
of the block. To save space and weight, the water pump was
combined with the power steering pump and bolted to the side
of the block. Due to the Valvetronic design, there was no inlet
manifold vacuum ( just like a diesel) and so a camshaft-driven
brake vacuum pump produced vacuum for the brake servo.
The oil pump was in the sump, integral with the balance shaft
assembly bolted to the block and driven by a second short chain
from the front of the crank. An ECU-controlled thermostat
regulated engine temperature.
N45B16 & N45N driven brake vacuum pump, albeit of a different design.
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) was incorporated, along with
X The N45B16 was the 1.6-litre unit fitted to the 116i from mind-boggling exhaust gas sensors – as well as the main
2004 until early 2007 and was quite different to the N42/46. Lambda probe, there is a second regulating Lambda sensor
For a start, it didn’t have Valvetronic or balance shafts, and plus a Lambda monitor sensor. Automatic cars have an
due to the regular throttle body it didn’t need the brake extra temperature sensor and all N43s have a NOX (nitrogen
vacuum pump. The head was a unique design. The N45N oxide) sensor as well.
from early 2007 was almost identical and was fitted to cars While little is interchangeable, the basic block is very
after 2007 where the direct-injection N43 would not meet similar to before, with only an extra mounting lug for the
US emissions regulations. N45 engines had a small primary electric coolant pump. In 2009, the N43 1.6 was replaced by
catalytic converter fitted to the exhaust manifold. a lower output 2.0 unit for the 116i.
The N-Series unit has a catalogue of potential troubles, with the later N43 being by far the worst. Frequent oil
changes can help, but while the N42 and N46 can be kept plodding on, the N43 really is a disaster area.
TIMING CHAIN this and the stray bits will block the oil
pick-up and the engine will seize. If the
Use a 16mm socket on a breaker bar
and see if the Vanos units can be
X Chain issues are infamous. The links
guides are all in one piece then you can moved in relation to the camshaft (they
wear, causing chain stretch, resulting
do it with the sump still attached by should be locked), because they’re
in the chain thrashing against the rails
avoiding turning the oil pump chain and scrap if they do. With the timing chain
and eventually breaking them. Look into
thus disturbing the balance shafts. A tensioner plunger removed and the
the oil filler cap and if the guides are a
new chain kit from Febi Bilstein with new crank and cams timed up and locked in
dark brown or burnt orange colour (they
cam/crank bolts (you cannot reuse the place, it’s simple enough to fit a new or
were ivory coloured when new) then
old ones – they are stretch bolts) costs secondhand Vanos unit, but you must
they will be brittle and need changing.
around £120, but be careful with cheap fit a new bolt. Vanos units are the same
Replacing the chain isn’t difficult, but
locking tool kits as they can require for N42, N46 and N45 engines, as is the
involves locking tools and a ¾-inch
work with a file or a grinder to get them chain assembly; N43 ones are different.
breaker bar and socket to get the
to fit. For some reason N43 chain guides
300Nm crank bolt undone. It requires a
clean working area (not out in the road)
don’t last as long and we’ve heard of
them failing at as little as 30,000 miles.
and patience – getting the locking pin X The eccentric shaft can wear on the
into the flywheel is very frustrating but tips of the lobes, affecting the amount
essential as you cannot time it up on VANOS of valve lift so that the engine misfires at
Top Dead Centre down a plughole. If the X Vanos units can fail, although N43 idle but smooths out over 1000rpm – if
guides have broken up, the sump needs ones are better. Bad ones can rattle the misfire reduces with the Valvetronic
to be dropped to get the bits out. Ignore and throw up cam timing fault codes. sensor unplugged, that’s the issue.
Here is an N42/45/46 timing tool set. Top Here we can see the reluctor plates and the
is the gold front locking bar and below that, The front locking tool located in situ. It has holes drilled in. When you remove the cam
on the right, are the black tools that lock the two dowels that lock into the small holes on cover and see this for the first time, the fact
back of the cam – my cheap set needed a the cam sensor reluctor plates fitted to the that the plates aren’t a mirror image of each
mod with a grinder! On the left are the crank front of the Vanos units. If these aren’t in the other makes you think the cam timing has
locking pin and chain tensioner. right place, cam sensor errors are unavoidable. jumped when it hasn’t.
This will cause an MOT fail on emissions. engine idling for two minutes before it down with the wishbones, but it’s
Unplugging the sensor can often scrape blipping the throttle. If a small cloud more involved on later cars. So do the
a pass, but repairing it is an involved of blue smoke issues from the tailpipe easy bits first, clean everything up and
job that is rarely worthwhile on a £500 then the engine hasn’t much of a future. maybe you’ll be lucky.
banger. The Valvetronic motors can fail Anything over 100,000 miles is prime
and, to be honest, are best replaced by for a bit of ring wear – not an issue
new units as they cost less than £100 on a £400 E46 winter hack, but not N43 DRAMAS
online. You will need proper diagnostics something you want on a £2500 car. X The N43 is notorious for running
to both reset the Valvetronic and Vanos faults and misfires. It’s not really BMW’s
adaptations, as well as to make sure it’s fault, as they were forced down the
the motor at fault and not the sensor. OIL LEAKS direct-injection route by emissions
Replacing the sensor requires extreme X The N-Series can really leak oil, laws and the bits that fail were made
care to avoid dropping the three 10mm particularly the N42, N45 and N46. by other companies. The original Piezo
bolts into the engine. The main leak points are the plastic injectors are dire and should have been
cam cover’s rubber gasket, the oil filter replaced by new ones by now – look
housing’s rubber seals, the vacuum to pay around £170 each, but forget
HEAD GASKET pump O-ring where it bolts to the head, used ones and remember that they
X Beware coolant leaks from the back the dipstick tube O-ring and the rubber will need coding to the car. Coil packs
of the head gasket. You might think it’s Vanos solenoid O-rings. By 100,000 were another problem area and four
leaking from the plastic coolant elbow, but miles you’ll find that they have all been new Bosch ones at around £30 each is
Sod’s Law says it won’t be. Alloy corrosion baked hard and become brittle and the solution, unless you enjoy chasing
of the block around the bore liners will crack-prone. Replacing the whole lot misfires. Once you’ve fitted new coils
cause gasket leaks and pressurising, but – it’s not worth skimping – will cost you and injectors, you then have the NOX
forget about repairing it – a good used £50 in parts and you’ll need to degrease sensor, which can fail and make the car
engine is the only way to go. the engine and undertray before blasting run massively rich. It costs £434 from
it with a serious pressure washer. But it’ll BMW with no aftermarket alternative,
transform a car that marks its territory, and used ones are rare – would you
OIL BURNING as well as stinking of burnt oil. The really want one anyway? Thankfully, the three
X The N42, N45 and N46 can get nasty one is the sump gasket, which Lambda probes are pretty reliable.
smoky in old age. It’s a combination requires removal of the front subframe. N43 plus points? Well, they don’t
of deteriorating valve guide oil seals On the E46 it’s not so bad, as once the suffer piston ring wear like the older
(rare) and, more commonly, worn piston engine is supported on a brace, you units and oil leaks are less of an issue,
rings. The acid test is to leave a warm can unbolt the steering rack and drop but overall the N43 is worth avoiding.
This is the rear exhaust cam locked – the Here’s the exhaust camshaft position On these units, there are Vanos control
inlet one slides in first, then the one sensor. Both inlet and exhaust sensors are solenoids mounted on the front of the head
pictured above. The cams are locked, then the same part number, but N43 ones do not to control the flow and pressure of oil to the
the chain is pre-tensioned with the threaded interchange with those from the older N52 Vanos units. These need periodic removal
tool and, once set up, the Vanos bolts (six-cylinder), N45, N46 engines. As with the and cleaning, along with new O-rings to stop
tightened and the locks removed. crank sensor, avoid cheap aftermarket items. annoying engine oil leaks.
OTHER ISSUES the two bolts that secure the base of replace it. With crank sensors, only
X The crank sensor is positioned under the manifold to the steady bracket (not use a genuine part or one from Febi, as
the inlet manifold by the starter, making it fitted to the N45) are a pain to undo cheap ones rarely work for long, if at all.
impossible to see, let alone change, until and replace. The crankcase breather Also, the brake vacuum pump can fail
the inlet manifold is removed. Removing assembly lives under the manifold and, (the servo won’t work) and it’s not so
the manifold is not that bad, although if the engine uses oil, you might as well easy to replace.
SRS trouble on
the MGF & TF
Rob Hawkins explains how to fix the
common seatbelt and airbag problems
X Breaker bar X Stereo removal
that can arise on the MGF and TF. X Ratchet: ½inch tools
X Spanners/ X Torque wrench
f the warning light for the At the heart of the SRS is a control unit,
supplemental restraint system which has been known to fail, although sockets: X Torx: T27, T30,
(SRS) illuminates on the dashboard not as frequently as the coupling and 10, 13 & 19mm T50
of an MGF or TF, there are a number seatbelt tensioners. The unit is hidden X Thread lock X Trim tools
of problems that could have arisen. away behind the centre console.
The components that make up the SRS Identifying the cause of an SRS fault is
include the seatbelt tensioners, where the possible with diagnostic equipment, but
wiring can get trapped or disturbed by the when we tried to pinpoint such a problem REPLACING
seat, especially if it’s moved forwards and
backwards repeatedly. Sometimes, the
on a 1996 MGF, there were no fault codes
logged for this system, so we had to rely on
SRS light only appears when the seat is in a process of elimination. Consequently, SRS COUPLING
a certain position, suggesting its wiring MGFnTF Bitz sell a used SRS pack
is damaged. If the seatbelt tensioner has for £20, which includes a control unit,
failed, they are straightforward to test seatbelt tensioners and an SRS coupling
and just as easy to replace. to help identify and fix the problem.
Another component that causes Disconnect the battery and leave it for
issues is a coupling that sits behind the at least 15 minutes before starting the
steering wheel. It provides the wiring job, to help keep static electricity away
for the airbag and can get worn over from wiring plug connectors.
time through use of the steering wheel.
If the horn doesn’t work, it’s likely the THANKS TO
coupling has failed. MGFnTF Bitz 01457 238202
According to marque specialists Website
MGFnTF Bitz, the coupling is designed Email
to last for 5-10 years, and while
New SRS coupling £35 Check the steering wheel is exactly
secondhand couplings can be bought for 1 central. This will make it easier to
£10-£12, a new one only costs £35 from Used seatbelt tensioner £5
remove, renew the coupling and reassemble
them. Steering wheel airbags appear to Used SRS control unit £5 everything. Disconnect the battery,
be a little more robust, so used ones are Used airbag £5 detaching the negative lead from the
plentiful and cost just £5. terminal, then leave it for 15 minutes.
Renewing a
seatbelt tensioner
X First, disconnect the battery and leave
it for 15 minutes before undoing any
plugs. Reach underneath the seat and
locate the connector plug for the seatbelt
tensioner, then disconnect it and plug in
another one. Reconnect the battery and
see if the replacement tensioner extinguishes the SRS light on the dashboard.
On MGFs and TFs with a square key-fob (pre-53-plate models), the tensioner’s plug
connector should be red. Later models with a round key-fob have a yellow connector.
Renewing a seatbelt tensioner requires the seat to be removed, by undoing the
four Torx T50 bolts holding it in place. The seatbelt tensioner is held to the side of First, the airbag has to be removed. It
the seat with a single Torx T50 bolt. Do not undo the bolt that holds the tensioner 2 is secured by two Torx T27 bolts. These
and seatbelt socket to the mounting bracket. bolts are accessed from behind the steering
When refitting the bolt with a replacement tensioner, apply a little thread lock. wheel and will require a reasonably long T27
tool to reach and undo them.
Carefully prise off the airbag from the Grip the steering wheel and use a 19mm
3 steering wheel, then detach the yellow 4 socket with a long ratchet or breaker
plug from it (note how it is fitted). The airbag bar to undo the centre nut. This should be
can now be removed and stored safely or tightened to 50-63Nm, so it may need a sharp
replaced. From inside the steering wheel, jolt at first to help shock and slacken it. Ask a
disconnect the plug with red wires for the horn. helper to hold the steering wheel if necessary.
X If the SRS control unit has to be
replaced, disconnect the battery
and leave it for 15 minutes before
undoing any wiring plugs. The front
of the centre console needs to be
detached to access the SRS control
unit, so this may mean the radio
has to be removed. Lever out the
lower switch panel using a trim tool,
then disconnect all the electrical
plugs behind it. Prise off the front
of the centre console with a plastic
trim tool, unscrew the gearknob
and detach the gearstick surround.
Carefully remove the steering wheel, Dismantle and remove the plastic
5 pulling it forwards to slide it off the 6 cowling around the steering column.
You should now be able to
splines on the end of the steering column. It consists of two halves and may have a access the three Torx T30
Take care not to damage the wiring, especially few securing screws keeping them together, mounting bolts for the control unit.
the red and black wires for the horn. along with some plastic clips.
Undo the four crosshead screws that The coupling can now be detached
7 secure the SRS coupling to the stalk Two wiring plugs are connected to the 9 from the end of the steering column.
switch assembly. The coupling will now feel
8 top of the coupling. Look for a release Pull it forwards to release and remove it.
loose, but it cannot be removed yet because tab on the top of each plug, push it in, then Note how the coupling is fitted with the plug
it’s still attached by its wiring. It will be ease the plug out of the coupling’s socket. connector at the top and the four holes for
removed in Step 9. Handle these electrical plugs with care. the mounting screws.
Compare the old coupling with the Fit the new coupling over the end of Refit the wheel, tightening the nut to
10 replacement you intend to fit. Check 11 the steering column. Replace the four 12 50Nm on pre-2000 MGFs and 63Nm
the wiring and plug sockets are the same. crosshead screws, attach the two wiring plugs on MY2000 and later models. Reconnect the
Do not rotate the inner ring of the new or at the top, then remove the plastic blue tag (if horn. Carefully refit the airbag, making sure the
replacement coupling or remove the plastic fitted). The blue tag will have to be snapped yellow plug is in the correct position. Reconnect
blue tag (if fitted) that prevents it moving. off, leaving a small piece of it remaining. the battery and switch on the ignition.
X I read the letter entitled ‘Reversing sensors’
(Help!, October 2017) with interest. I have
would have meant inserting a wire in the flexible
rubber tube connecting the hatch to the body. In VISCOUS
installed a similar kit on several Vauxhall Corsas
– a 12-plate, 14-plate and 17-plate. I chose a
addition, Vauxhall had colour-coded all the wires
in the hatch as black. After a bit of exploration, CIRCLE
location for the sensor by looking at a factory- I located a connector behind the plastic panel on X I want to share something
fitted system on a car in a car park. the nearside of the car, on the C-post level with the I discovered about the oil
With the 12- and 14-plate, I placed the control top of the back seat. At this point Vauxhall changed viscosity in the 1.33-litre
unit behind the plastic surround at the offside back to normal coloured wiring and I could identify engine in my Toyota Yaris.
of the boot and connected a feed from the the feed to the reversing light, so once again I bought the car new from Hills
reversing light, putting a fuse in the feed. I fed I fed the control unit via a fuse behind one of the of Woodford, along with some
the cables from the sensors to the control unit plastic panels in the boot. All the subsequent Toyota top-up oil, which was
through the vents behind the bumper after wiring was as in the 12- and 14-plate cars. 5W-30 fully-synthetic. After
protecting them against sharp corners. The Before I installed the kit in the 17-plate car, a the first service, I queried
cables did not cause problems with either the friend suggested I fit a reversing camera instead why it had been serviced with
ventilation or road noise pick-up. The cable to the of sensors. I tried this, but found the display Toyota 0W-20 fully-synthetic
display was hidden behind the plastic trim on the that clips on the interior mirror to be useless rather than the 5W-30 that had
driver’s side of the floor until I could run it up the because the reflected daylight from the rear been recommended when I
trim on the inside of the A-post. The display was window makes it impossible to see the image bought the car a year before. All
then mounted with double-sided tape. clearly. At night, it worked OK. So if you want to I was told was that Toyota had
The 17-plate had the new body style, so it was fit a reversing camera, perhaps a dash-mounted changed the specification.
trickier to find a feed to the reversing light as display might be better. Last year, I took over
Vauxhall had put the light on the hatch, which Paul servicing the car myself and
went to another Toyota dealer
for engine oil, only to be
Gone beyond
X My Land Rover specialist has had just
about enough of the new models. They’re
so complex to fix, he’s struggling to make
money on the troubleshooting. This
explained why he charged me £5500
to stop a Range Rover TDV8 going into
‘limp-home’ mode – that bill was for
two turbos and two EGRs. However, the
problem isn’t so much the big stuff as
things like the warning lights.
Now my specialist is a former auto
engineer, as opposed to a mechanic. But
he’s got a terrific mechanic as well, so
together they’ve got brains and common
sense. They’d taken on an Evoque
from a used car outfit that had its auto ‘The Evoque fix worked for just under two miles’
transmission failure warning light
illuminated; the car drove fine otherwise. correctly calibrated, the fix worked for one was ordered and fitted, which
Before the Evoque was booked in, just under two miles. finally fixed the problem.
they’d spent around five hours reading up Days had now been spent on this and In an effort to save some money,
on the possible causes for the fault code patience was wearing thin. Defeat was my specialist then asked if the old
logged by the ECU. The specialist has the admitted and it was sent to the local dealer. parts could be refitted to the car. After
Land Rover diagnostic kit – SDD, I think The local dealer also had a game with it. another two hours, they realised that
it’s called – that costs a fortune to license. He decided it also needed a new electronic they couldn’t refit and recode them
It was eventually decided the Evoque handbrake ECU, which was supplied and – the failed battery had spiked them.
needed a new transmission control coded. This fix lasted just a few miles. All in, and if you ignore the time my
module, so one was ordered. It made The dealer went to Land Rover specialist had spent on diagnostics and
no difference. After more hours poring Technical for help. Together they the like, the total bill was more than
over the diagnostics kit, it was decided realised that a small auxiliary battery £2800 on parts and LR dealer labour.
it also needed a position sensor for the buried deep within the dashboard must For these reasons, the trade is starting
shift mechanism in the cabin, so one have failed. Nobody knew about this to run a mile from new LRs. I’ll not even
was bought, fitted and coded-in. Once battery and it couldn’t be tested. A new get into the new Disco 5 and its issues…
Rolls over
covered 71,000 with eight RR
stamps in the service book.
It was in good nick, although
X It was supposedly a dealer part-ex I did find some cosmetic faults,
sale – an end-of-the-week sub-£2000 meaning the top book of £95,500
wash-up of swappers, finance repos was too salty for me. Bottom
and anything that had failed to sell book was £79,900. The fact it
earlier in the week. Not really the place had six registered keepers was
to bid on The Best Car In The World. also off-putting.
Why then was I standing in front But hey! Who am I kidding?
of a dark blue Rolls-Royce Phantom, The car was mortgage money to
a car more locomotive than lithe in me and, I dare say, to the trader
styling? Despite its discreet colour, standing next to me. So why
it still looked like a prop from The He had a valid point. Why on was I even taking note of its faults and
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. earth would somebody with such a bits of missing trim?
The trader next to me muttered: magnificent car choose to sell it to The Phantom entered the hall
“What do you think they paid for that an online company which specialises quite majestically. The auctioneer
to make the gamble worthwhile?” in cash purchases? This particular had asked for £83,000 to get the ball
It was a question I’d not considered. establishment advertises via boards rolling. Reserve was set at £84,000
I was just taking in the details and its cable-tied to lamp posts. This – mid-book, I later found out.
incongruous presence at the sale. Phantom was on an 07-plate and had It failed to elicit a single bid.
Steady on!
X It was an evening sale just before
The advent of internet bidding has, for
the most part, stemmed the flow of the
colourful phrases, dialect and banter
that were once part of the auctioneer’s
Christmas and nothing much was arsenal. The style, choice of words
happening. The public weren’t milling and even the tone of the auctioneer
around, for it was -2°C out in the yard. has changed to suit the anonymous
There were no internet bids flashing on the watcher and distant click-bidder. It’s all
monitors – I expect Amazon had replaced homogenous and exceptionally dull now
Auctionview in the nation’s web browsers. as the assembled audience can no longer
The Trade, weary from a difficult year, be exclusively captivated.
weren’t hedging bets by buying before No longer can a Skoda be routinely It was quite routinely described by the
Christmas. They therefore weren’t in referred to as a ‘Whisky & Soda’. No auctioneer as “A tidy thing…” As such,
anticipation of a strong start to the New longer can the auctioneer blatantly take I took no real notice. But I was then
Year. That’s significant in the scheme of the mickey out of those standing below tickled to hear the auctioneer follow this
things, but not relevant to this story. the rostrum or give nicknames to the with “…a bit like the driver”.
No, my story today revolves around regulars who bid in the shadows. The I did a double-take and saw the
the auctioneer and a rare lively moment internet buyer doesn’t get the joke and auctioneer give a cheeky wink to the
in an otherwise quiet sale. is distracted rather than amused. jockey. What was going on? These drivers
Back in the good old days, the Sobriety is the new flamboyancy. are miserable felons at the best of times.
auctioneer was the star turn in any sale Tonight, though, there was a rare I discreetly edged over to the misfiring 206
and their level of charisma and colourful moment of old-fashioned spontaneity to see a blonde driver behind the wheel.
patter encouraged bids. Remember, when a Peugeot 206 entered the ring. She was indeed fairly described as ‘tidy.’
the Qash?
Nissan’s first crossover model was also one of
its most successful, with more than two million
sold in Europe, Japan, Australia and the US.
It’s a hugely popular secondhand choice. Rob
Bradshaw explains how to get the best deal.
hen it was first shown at 128bhp and 2.0 147bhp units, offered as
the 2006 Paris Motor Show, both two- and four-wheel drive.
the Qashqai was quite Interestingly, the Qashqai actually
a departure for Nissan. had less boot space than the Almera
Replacing both the Almera and the it replaced, but featured a number of
Almera Tino MPV, the newcomer was the hidden and clever storage areas, such
brand’s first so-called crossover model. as a secret cubby box beneath the main
It was also the first Nissan to be one in the armrest and, on some models,
fully designed, engineered and built in a modular boot floor with a separate
the UK, with most of the styling work compartment beneath.
carried out at the company’s design
studio in Paddington, the engineering
at the Nissan Technical Centre Europe More seats option
in Cranfield, Bedfordhsire, and the In 2008, Nissan extended the range
manufacturing at the company’s plant in further with the Qashqai+2. As the name
Washington, Tyne and Wear. suggests, this was a seven-seater, although
From the outset, it was a huge success. legroom in the rear was extremely
Keenly priced, well laid out and decent to cramped and only really suitable for
drive, it was the vehicle that kickstarted children. For most Qashqai buyers, that
a revolution in the new car market, was who would be sitting in them, so
with buyers abandoning traditional they serve a purpose.
five-door hatchbacks in pursuit of ever In terms of trim levels, the range
more lifestyle-based niches. kicked off with the Visia, which was
Three engines were offered at launch. pretty well catered for with aircon,
A 1.6 petrol with 115bhp and a 2.0-litre four electric windows, a trip computer, Production line at the Tyne and Wear plant.
with 138bhp, along with a 1.5-litre dCi Bluetooth, six airbags, alloy wheels
diesel, sourced from Renault. Both and a CD stereo. The door mirrors,
petrol models could be ordered with a handles and front grille were finished in
CVT automatic gearbox. With 109bhp, unpainted black plastic to remind you
the diesel was only good for steady that it was the base model, but it’s not a
progress, but was soon supplemented by bad package and is more generous than
a new family of engines developed in 1.6 most European rivals.
Engine Power Average MPG 0-60mph Top speed CO2
1.6 petrol 115bhp 45mpg 11.5sec 113mph 144g/km
2.0 petrol 138bhp 36mpg 9.8sec 121mph 184g/km
1.5 diesel 108bhp 57mpg 12.3sec 110mph 129g/km
1.6 diesel 128bhp 57mpg 10.0sec 118mph 129g/km
2.0 diesel 147bhp 47mpg 9.2sec 121mph 155g/km
X All Qashqais were sold with a
12-year anti-perforation warranty,
so any external corrosion other than
that caused by accident damage
should have been repaired under
warranty, if it has appeared at all.
However, Nissans don’t have the
best reputation for rust, and the
Qashqai, sadly, seems to be afflicted
by underbody corrosion, with
several reports of 2007 and 2008
models requiring welding to the
front subframe at MOT time.
The problem is engine-specific,
too. The 1.6- and 2.0-litre
diesels have bigger underbody
splashguards, which seem to protect
the vulnerable areas far better. The
problem is usually apparent around
the bulkhead, where the rear part of
the front subframe is mounted to
the bodyshell. It seems that there’s
a moisture trap here that’s worse on
petrol and 1.5 dCi models, causing
the subframe to rot from the top
downwards. When inspecting one,
shine a torch into the engine bay
behind the block and inspect for
advanced corrosion on the top part
of the subframe.
If you can be sure to find a solid
subframe, the best option is to clear
off any surface corrosion and drown
the area with rustproofing wax.
Otherwise, reports of body
problems are few and far between,
though some owners have reported
leaking tailgates. The problem here
is that the seals are easily damaged
X Such is the popularity of the Qashqai, resale values
are ridiculously steep. Unless you’re looking at a
particularly shabby or high-mileage example – and
they do exist – prices for well-maintained 2007 cars
are still upwards of £3000-£3500. You can spend less
on numerous 10-year-old cars that serve as perfectly
functional family vehicles, such as a Vauxhall Zafira or
Citroën C4 Picasso, but they don’t have the suburban
driveway appeal of the Qashqai. In many ways, the
Nissan has become the default choice of family car, as warranty period, but these are the market prices.
well as being the one that really sets the trend in the In terms of which model to go for, none is a bad choice,
burgeoning crossover market. with even the base model Visia having quite a few toys on
If you have around £6000 to spend, this covers the bulk board. That said, the Tekna is brilliantly well-equipped and,
of the used market and will get you a good 2010-2011 car, allowing for depreciation, either this or the n-tec+ make the
which is probably a better choice. Forewarned about the most sense today if you’re prepared to spend a couple of
potential for future corrosion, you can apply preventive hundred quid more than you would on a Visia or Acenta.
maintenance rather than end up with an expensive repair. Whichever one you go for, it should retain its value better
Top-end values are still north of £10,000, which is quite than most similar cars. The only real downside is that you
a lot to pay for a non-premium car that has come out of its will have had to pay more for it in the first place.
Next up was the Acenta, which got This sat between the Acenta and Tekna at a strange angle. You’ll still be able to
17-inch wheels in preference to the Visia’s and was style-focused, with 18-inch close the window if you’re the kind of
16-inchers, along with cruise control, alloys, a panoramic glass roof, satin silver frugal motorist who wants to wear it out
auto headlights and wipers, dual-zone roof rails and a standard-fit sat-nav, completely before replacing it, but you’ll
climate control, front fog-lamps, a CD along with a reversing camera. It quickly need to guide in the glass with your hand.
changer and a leather steering wheel and replaced the Acenta as the best-seller. Replacement is obviously the best
gearknob. There was also the option of a Nissan replaced the n-tec+ for the final course of action, but the problem is so
panoramic glass roof. Acenta was initially year of production with the 360 Edition, common that good used regulators are
the best-selling trim level in the UK. named after its pioneering Around View few and far between, meaning you’ll need
Tekna models added leather seats, camera system, which gave a birds-eye to pay £200 to get one from a Nissan
xenon headlamps, ‘intelligent key’ view of the car to help with manoeuvring dealer, unless you get lucky and find
automatic unlocking, larger alloy wheels in and out of tight parking spaces, along a low-mileage accident-damaged car
and a panoramic glass roof. In April with front and rear reversing cameras. at a breakers. The job is also tricky, as
2009, the Tekna trim was upgraded Other than piano black trim highlights you need to strip the door, which also
with more leather, heated front seats on the dashboard, the equipment was means taking out the window and mirror
and keyless entry and start. essentially the same as that of the n-tec+. controls before carefully removing the
The first Qashqai special edition, door trim, which is a very large moulding.
aimed squarely at retail buyers, came Another common problem is the
along in 2008. Called the Sound & Style, Interior Qashqai rattle, reported by many
it was only available with a choice of One of the most common faults with owners on the excellent Qashqai Forums
2.0-litre engines, either diesel or petrol, older Qashqais relates to ‘stuttering’ ( It
and was finished in a unique dark purple electric windows, which go up and down emanates from the rear of the cabin and
paint colour. Based on the Tekna, it with a jerky motion. This is caused by tends to occur if the rear seats have been
gained 18-inch alloy wheels, red-stitched worn joints in the regulators, which get folded flat to accommodate large loads.
part-leather trim, alloy pedals and a Bose slack and work loose. If left unrepaired, The cause is believed to be wear to the
premium audio system. the regulator will eventually break at clips that hold the seat base in place, which
In 2009, Nissan launched the n-tec+. one end, causing the window to go up makes the base itself rattle at low revs.
Toyota Ay
Small is beautiful, but does that mean
parts costs are similarly minor?
ize obviously matters for Aygo Reliability of this Czech-made
buyers, but when Toyota joined miniature is good overall, but during its
ranks with Peugeot and Citroën nine-year lifespan it was subject to three
to launch its new city car in recalls. The first was to resolve a well-
2005, its diminutive proportions weren’t documented sticking accelerator pedal
its only asset. The firm suspension and that affected all cars built to the end of
nippy 68bhp three-cylinder 1.0-litre August 2009. Another recall concerning
VVT-i engine made it fun to drive, it the rear axle was issued in 2013 for
could do 65mpg on a run, and it also cars made in July and August that year,
qualified for free road tax. Available as followed by one in 2015 regarding faulty
both a three- and five-door, a 1.4 HDi front shock absorbers. Chances are the
turbodiesel was added in January 2006, necessary work will have already been
but this was sluggish and barely more done, but it’s worth checking.
economical than the petrol model. It also Regarding price, the Aygo was cheap
incurred road tax of £20, so it didn’t sell new and is even more affordable now, Most components for the Czech-made Aygo
well. There was also a MMT (Multimode with the cheapest we’ve seen advertised are shared with the Citroën C1 and Peugeot
Manual Transmission) auto, but this was at just £1000. The only tiny question 107. Reliability is generally good.
also disliked and is therefore rare today. mark hanging over what’s otherwise
In 2012, the Aygo received a front end considered a brilliant little car regards
makeover, as well as an improved interior build quality, because despite scooping and the occasional electrical gremlin.
with extra equipment. There was another numerous accolades in reliability As far as parts prices go, Toyota remains
revision in August 2013 before it was surveys, early examples are prone to competitive, but as always it pays to shop
replaced by the Mk2 in 2014. premature clutch failure, water leaks around for the best deals.
Toyota Aygo
Model 1.0 1.4 HDi
Engine (cc) 998 1398
Power (bhp) 68 54
0-60mph (sec) 13.7 16.3
Top speed (mph) 98 96
Toyota’s three-cylinder 1.0 VVT-i is nippy, frugal and bulletproof. Average fuel (mpg) 65 68
We deliberately tackled this job in the
he 2004 Renault Clio 1.2 16v is essential to check the manufacturer’s same way as a do-it-yourself mechanic,
hatchback brought into J&C advice relating to the specific model, as avoiding employing special tools and
Motors in Bournemouth was mileages and time change periods vary. possibly different book methods that a
suffering from coolant loss, With minor variations, the cambelt professional mechanic might employ.
suspected to be from an ailing water set-up on this car applies to Clios and It is necessary to raise the front of the
pump, and it was believed the engine other Renaults with similar engines car and support it on axle stands, and to
was still running on its original timing from 1998 to 2008. remove the right-hand front wheel. From
belt, well overdue for renewal. On this Clio, the water pump is driven within the wheelarch, the protective
For this model, it’s recommended by the cambelt, so it’s a good idea to renew inner wing cover panel can then be
the cambelt is renewed every five years both at the same time, even if the pump is detached, making it easier to access the
or 74,000 miles, whichever comes not yet leaking. Doing both jobs together cambelt/water pump areas.
first. The engine is regarded as an gives peace of mind and saves time in the For peace of mind, it is wise to install
interference type, which means piston long run, especially in view of the effort a complete camshaft belt kit, including
to valve contact is highly likely if the required to strip down components to a new tensioner assembly, rather than
cambelt breaks. For other Renaults, it reach the cambelt and water pump area. just the belt itself.
X Before dismantling anything, disconnect the car’s battery. X The cambelt links the camshaft and crankshaft sprockets
X Store all nuts, bolts, clips, etc. in separate, labelled with a tensioner assembly towards the top of the rearmost
containers so that you can tell at once where they have belt run, with the water pump positioned halfway down the
come from when the time comes for reassembly. belt run towards the front of the engine. Normal direction
of rotation of the engine and the cambelt is clockwise
X Rotate the engine ONLY in the normal direction of
when viewed from the right-hand side of the car.
rotation when running (ie, clockwise when viewed from
X Before removing the water pump, place a bowl
the right-hand side of the vehicle) and never in the
underneath the car to catch the coolant as it escapes;
opposite direction. Note: If the spark plugs are removed,
dispose of it in an environmentally-friendly manner.
eliminating compression, it is easier to rotate the engine.
X On reassembly, apply torque settings as recommended
X When releasing/tightening the crankshaft pulley bolt,
by Renault. These vary according to the vehicle model,
the engine can be prevented from rotating by locking the
so refer to the manual specific to your particular car.
flywheel using a large flat-blade screwdriver or long bar,
X Note that, on completion of the job and having refilled
but take care that it doesn’t slip.
the cooling system with antifreeze, the system needs to
X Avoid turning the crankshaft and/or camshaft while the be bled of air. There’s a Schrader valve-type bleed point
cambelt is removed. at the air filter end of the cylinderhead, underneath the
X NEVER use the cam sprockets to rotate the engine. filter housing.
The right-hand end of the engine is what you need to access. The engine’s top cover panel (shielding the high-tension leads)
1 At first glance, there appears to be plenty of room around the 2 has to be released and removed. Store it safely where it cannot
engine, although the right-hand mounting assembly is in the way get dropped or trodden on – if you are feeling enthusiastic, now is a
– it’s easy to remove, though. good time to clean the cover.
This is what the aluminium cover The plastic cover panel between the
7 8 There is no need to fully remove the
looks like when removed; for this
photograph, we left the four through-bolts
right-hand wheelarch and the engine bay
is secured by a series of plastic clips, which
9 plastic cover panel from the wheelarch.
in position. Check the condition of the cover need to be carefully eased out. These clips Simply rotate it upwards and out of the way,
and the threads on the bolts, storing them are easily damaged and it may be necessary leaving enough room to reach the lower end
carefully for reassembly. to buy replacements for reassembly. of the engine and cambelt.
X We used a scraper to
24 remove old gasket material
and sealant from the cylinder
block’s face, against which the
new pump will sit. Check for
pitting. It’s a good idea to wipe the
block face with a clean rag dipped
in cellulose thinners.
We applied sealant to the new water A bead of sealant applied to the gasket Fit the new pump, taking care to align
25 pump’s gasket face and the mating 26 face helps hold the gasket in position 27 the bolt holes in the pump body with
face on the engine. We suspect the pump while the new pump is installed. Wipe any those on the engine. Fit the bolts and tighten
had been weeping coolant from the gasket, excess sealant away from the inside of the a little at a time in diagonal sequence, until
in addition to leaking from the pump itself. gasket, so that it doesn’t stray into the pump. they are fully tightened.
W The tensioner
30 assembly is fitted to the
stud on the cylinder block, so
that it appears as shown just
before fitting the locking nut.
At this stage, the cambelt has
yet to be fitted.
W When the
33 belt is correctly
tensioned, hold the
tensioner assembly
in this position using
the Allen key and
fully tighten the
assembly’s locknut
to 24Nm (18lb ft).
Re-check belt tension,
then reassemble
all components
in reverse order
Correctly setting the belt tension is very important. With the aid to dismantling
32 of a mirror, initially apply a 6mm Allen key (with the tensioner and observing the
locknut loose) to rotate the adjuster body anticlockwise so that the recommended
belt is tensioned and the tensioner assembly pointer and prongs align. torque settings.
Car One tended to be the vehicle driven by the celebrities appearing The back-up Liana can be identified by its front fog-lamps, while Car
on the show. To ensure continuity during editing, the back-up Liana, One has blanking plates fitted. Car Two also has narrower racing
occasionally, wore an identical numberplate. seats and slightly smaller Suzuki badges on its front wings.
fitted all-round every time the cars were technical modifications to be made to
One became two dispatched for filming, and the engine the cars during filming, which both the
Two Suzukis, therefore, shared the oil and filters were changed after every BBC and Suzuki refused.
limelight in Top Gear. The 52-plated other visit. Car One was fitted with a “The BBC was determined that both
original, Car One, spent most of its life roll-cage after Jay Kay’s ‘enthusiastic’ cars would be as near identical as
being ill-treated by celebrities, while the driving style almost caused it to flip possible,” recalls Paul M. “We even had
03-plated Car Two provided support over. When Lionel Richie and Trevor Eve to top-up fuel levels to ensure that the
duties, although it tended to be the understeered off the track, shearing kerb weights remained consistent.”
preferred choice of the F1 drivers. the wheel studs, Suzuki replaced the “With the F1 drivers especially,” adds
According to Alun Parry, current hub assembly and lower suspension Paul B, “car choice depended not on
head of Press and PR at Suzuki GB arm, prior to sending the car to the reliability, but which seat was fitted. Car
PLC, the publicity did not influence the bodyshop. Patrick Kielty, however, One possesses a wider racing seat than
Liana’s UK sales figures, but it lifted managed to bend the front suspension. its 03-plated sister – ultimately, the
the manufacturer’s brand profile, even The BBC instructed Suzuki that no decision came down to which seat the
after the model ceased production. uprated parts were to be fitted under driver preferred.”
The company retained both Lianas any circumstances; only racing seats, Suzuki’s master technicians also
used in the series, transporting them harnesses (which were replaced after recall how Kimi Räikkönen advised them
to the Dunsfold aerodrome for filming, their use-by dates had expired for safety that one car felt slightly more powerful
after being given the obligatory four reasons) and roll-cages were permitted. than the other. Suzuki GB PLC’s own
days’ notice from the BBC. At least one dynamometer confirmed his findings.
Suzuki master technician accompanied Not only were both cars’ engines
them on location, not only to provide The professionals producing greater outputs than their
technical support but also to ensure By the time Suzuki GB PLC master conservative factory figures stated (not
they were not sabotaged. technicians, Paul May and Paul Buckman, unusual with Japanese models), but Car
Parry corroborates Porter’s admission were charged with looking after the Lianas, Two was around three horsepower more
that Car One confounded engineers with the regular celebrity slot had been taken- potent. It was also found that the older
its tolerance to such repeated abuse, over by newer models, but the Lianas Liana’s rear suspension had become
especially as only consumable spare remained in demand for the F1 drivers’ softer with age, even though the
parts were replaced, crash damage leader board. The racing professionals dampers were not leaking. At this point,
excepted. He told CM that new original- were not only more competitive but the springs and dampers of both cars
specification Bridgestone Tyres were also tried to get permission for minor were renewed to restore the balance.
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Overall difficulty rating
2011 Jaguar XF
2.2 turbodiesel
Rob Hawkins
finds out how Elite &
Performance Jags
services Jaguar’s mid-
range executive model.
aguar’s mid-range executive XF
first appeared in 2008. We’ve yet
to see their secondhand values
plummet as fast as many X- and
S-TYPEs, but it probably won’t be long
before they fall below the £5000 mark, in problems and failure of the rear Equipment required
which usually means owners will be camera, boot lights, numberplate lights i Jack i axle stands i oil tray i sockets/spanners
looking to maintain their cars themselves. and boot release. They are also fixing a lot (up to 27mm) i Allen keys (6-9mm) iTorx bits
The 2.2-litre diesel XF is a reliable of EGR/cooler-related issues at present. (T20-T30) i flat-head and crosshead screwdrivers
i wheel brace i pry bars i antifreeze hydrometer
and economical Jaguar to own, unlike Surface corrosion is seemingly an i electronic brake/clutch fluid strength checker
the larger 2.7- and 3.0-litre diesel models embarrassing problem on some XFs. We ibattery tester ihammers iimpact driver
that have been blighted with engine inspected a 2010 model back in 2014 and ibrake caliper windback tool iwire brush
failure. However, many of the common were horrified to find the suspension iabrasive paper ibrake grease ispray grease
ityre pump itorch itorque wrench irags for
problems associated with Jaguars can arms, rear subframe and one of the cleaning idisposable gloves idiesel primer pump
be found on the XF. The front bush on underbody brace bars were all looking
the front wishbone arms (known as very rusty. At that time, it was difficult
banana arms) wears, but can be renewed. to tell whether the corrosion would
Other suspension bushes are known to lead to structural problems, but holes in
wear, though new bushes and complete parts ranging from the shock absorbers
assemblies are available through many to subframes has long been a problem
independent spares specialists. associated with Jaguars.
Elite & Performance Jags have found The following pages follow Elite &
that the wiring loom routed into the boot Performance Jags servicing a couple of
can become damaged and worn, resulting 2.2-litre diesel engine XFs.
Pinch the two
plastic tabs
together to
remove and fit
a wiper blade.
The coolant level can be checked via the 2 POWER STEERING FLUID 3 WASHER FLUID
expansion tank. Look at the side of the The power steering fluid reservoir is located The reservoir for the windscreen washer
plastic expansion tank to check the level. in front of the coolant expansion tank. fluid is on the offside rear of the engine
Test the strength of the coolant when it’s Shine a torch onto the side of the reservoir bay. Top it up with a mixture of washer fluid
cold (don’t release the pressure cap when to check the level, looking for the level and water (or a premix). Test the wipers
it’s hot). Elite find that the pink-coloured markers – clean the side of it if it’s covered and screenwashers to make sure they
G13 coolant lasts for up to 10 years, as long in dirt. If the level is low, top up with are correctly aimed and that there are no
as there are no leaks or coolant problems. Dexron III power steering fluid. blockages in the pipework and spray nozzles.
The pollen filter is accessed via the Test that the motorised dashboard vents The battery is located inside the boot. Make
passenger footwell. Unclip a section of trim, open and close. These can fail and cost sure it’s secure and the terminals are firmly
then extract the filter, swap the plastic end around £150 each – Elite charges around fixed. Look for water inside the spare wheel
cover over to the new one and make sure the £250 to supply and fit a motorised vent, well and dry it out if there is any. There’s a
airflow arrows are in the correct direction. which involves dismantling part of the stop-start system installed next to the battery,
Finally, refit the plastic end cover with the dashboard. Check all seatbelts and the which must not get wet, so find and fix the
new filter and refit the trim. functions on the electric front seats. cause of the water leak (check the boot seal).
W Wiggle each raised road wheel at
the top and bottom and from side to
side to check for play in the wheel
bearings and upper wishbone bushes.
Do the same to each front road wheel
from left to right to check the track
rod ends. Hold each rear wheel at
ten-past-seven and ten-to-four and
wiggle it to check the frontmost and
rearmost suspension arms.
X Use a pry bar to check for excessive
play in the front bush for the front
lower wishbone (also known as
the banana arm due to its shape).
Wear is common on this arm’s large
suspension bush, which can be
renewed two or three times. A new
bush is around £30, although new
arms only cost around £85.
age, it will be interesting to see how for £49.94 will read and clear all fault
GENERAL they fare. As far as handbrake operation codes from EOBD-compliant vehicles,
goes, there is no substitute for a proper but will not reset your service lights or
Stop-start hand-operated parking brake which
you can release mechanically when you
read the ABS or airbag systems.
For something which will cover more
motoring wish. Driving a manual vehicle with an
electrically-operated handbrake does
systems on both vehicles, the Foxwell Pro
NT624 ALL System Scan Tool at £299
My last car, a Volkswagen Golf, take quite a bit of practice. should be just about all you will need.
had an electronic handbrake All are available from
and stop-start technology. Being
old-school, I hated this, as I could imagine GENERAL
the starter and starter ring engaging so GENERAL
frequently that sooner or later something
would break. Am I missing something?
Fault code reader Oil specification
Have manufacturers come up with a way Can you recommend a fault code
to avoid this happening? I asked the VW reader for a 2015 BMW 520d F11 I maintain all of the cars in my
and SEAT service departments and they Touring and a 2005 Corsa SXi 1.2 family and many of them are
just shrugged and said the manufacturers petrol, although there is a good chance the made by Vauxhall and Ford. The
knew what they were doing! latter vehicle will be swapped in the future Ford cars require 5W-30 engine oil to
Mike Nurse for something a lot newer and probably specification WSS-M2C913-A, while the
petrol? I am not expecting too much to Vauxhalls use 5W-30 engine oil to Dexos
One would hope that vehicle go wrong, so I don’t need anything too 2 specification. I am looking to buy the
manufacturers knew what they professional – maybe a device that will engine oil in bulk, so is it acceptable to use
were doing, but one can’t help read and reset fault codes and perhaps Dexos 2 engine oil in both makes?
but wonder if stop-start systems were reset service lights. Bruce Selby
simply introduced to lower emissions to Melvyn Allen
meet targets! I would need the exact details of
There are a few variations of starter There are a few options and the each vehicle to be certain, but
motor used in stop-start systems. main factors to consider are the Ford-specified 5W-30 oil is
These vary from the standard type whether you wish to reset the possibly ACEA A5/B5, while the Vauxhall
which has been strengthened to cope service lights on your BMW and, of course, oil may be ACEA C3. Even though both
to permanently-engaged systems which which vehicle will replace your Corsa. are 5W-30, this only refers to the viscosity
also act as an alternator. The battery The Foxwell NT510 Full Systems of the oil, not its performance qualities.
also needs to be improved to handle Scanner at £169 will cover all systems Despite the difference in price, it would
stop-start driving and has to prevent the on your BMW and will reset the service be far better to buy the correct oil for
system operating if the battery voltage lights, but its all-round abilities are each vehicle than to compromise on a
drops too low. Most of these systems restricted to BMW and MINI. It will read one-size-fits-all alternative.
can be – and often are – disabled. off codes from any EOBD-compliant This is a problem we come across in
I have yet to see any extensive wear vehicle, which will cover any petrol the workshop. Whereas years ago a bulk
on the ring gear from such systems vehicle from 2001 onwards and any delivery of 20W-50 would satisfy most
and so far have not come across any diesel from 2004 onwards. Alternately, vehicles, we now carry around six drums
starter motor failures. But as vehicles the Foxwell NT204 Diagnostic Scan Tool of different oils to varying specifications.
not again for the next 50 miles. It is more By removing the induction pipe from
noticeable in cold weather; in warm the air filter to the inlet manifold, you
weather it seems to disappear. should be able to see the electronically-
At first I wondered if it was a sticking controlled butterfly. I would spray this
FORD MONDEO throttle, but I understand this car has an with a carb cleaner – such as this one
electronic throttle. The car is regularly – to dislodge
Split-second serviced, but as the fault is so random
and infrequent it never occurs when
any carbon deposits and free up the
operation of the spindle.
surging it’s at the garage and the car runs fine
otherwise. Any thoughts about what the
The other possibility is that the
surging is actually a slight misfire. As
I have a 2009 Ford Mondeo problem could be? this happened not long after the last
2.0 petrol with 70,000 miles. G Marriott service, I would check that you do not
Following a major service two have a spark plug or coil pack that is
years ago, the engine occasionally seems The problem may be the throttle failing or poorly connected.
to surge for a split-second – this is most body, which incorporates the Even though you have no EML
noticeable when cruising. Acceleration butterfly and control motor. showing, if you can gain access to a
and cruising is otherwise fine. This Sometimes the butterfly will stick scanner then you may find that a fault
surging occurs randomly, sometimes a slightly on the spindle, meaning the has been logged in the ECU, which will
couple of times over 20 miles and then throttle will not react as it should. guide you to the source of the problem.
and stored in a dry place away from Up until this problem, the vehicle was
sunlight should be good for around five running fine and not showing any faults on
years. As the oil ages, the first sign of the dash. It has always started first time,
ageing is usually deposits at the base of hot or cold, and has never been run low
the liquid. This is the residue of additives on fuel. It is well maintained and always
that have begun to separate. garaged when not in use.
Russ Bedford
ROVER 75 You will appreciate that if a
Gearbox oil Non-starting 75
mechanic who has had the benefit
of actually testing the vehicle has
change I have a 2001 Rover 75 with the
BMW 2.0 CDT diesel engine, now
not been able to remedy the problem, then
it can be a difficult task from a distance.
I was going to refresh the oil in my As you have had a mobile diagnostic firm
Rover 45 as the Haynes manual showing 111,000 miles. It was out, I am assuming the codes were read,
recommends changing it every running fine when I last used it, but a week but none was present. I'm also assuming
60,000 miles. However, I have found that the later it would not start – it was cranking that the fuel lines up to the high-pressure
drain and refill plugs are blanked off. How over well on the starter, but would not fire. pump were full and that the electric low
do I check the oil level or refill the gearbox I checked what I could – such as the fuses pressure pump was working.
if the driveshafts have to be removed and – and operated the door locks with the From the information you have
refitted? Also, does engine oil have a shelf ignition key several times, but the engine supplied, there are two possible causes.
life, as I have five litres in storage? would not fire. A mobile diagnostics team The first is that an injector is allowing
Michael Kent checked it, but didn’t find anything wrong. the fuel to bypass it, preventing
I checked for fuel in the line – ie, under sufficient pressure from building up in
As your Rover 45 is a late model, the bonnet, fuel pump and filter, etc – all of the common rail. However, if this were
I am assuming it was built around which seemed OK, but no fuel was being the case you would have an engine
2005 and has a manual gearbox. delivered to the common rail. I changed management light caused by a low
The drain and level plugs should be the camshaft sensor, but this made no pressure in the fuel rail. Nevertheless,
situated at the nearside of the differential, difference. I have since talked to a couple I would carry out a leak-off test on the
just below and beside the nearside of Rover mechanics and they said it could injectors to ensure this is not the case.
driveshaft. The filler and level plugs be the Bosch injection pump, although The leak-off test is done by placing the
should not be blanked off, but may have this a pretty reliable unit. I believe there is leak-off pipe from each injector into a
a recessed hex. The plugs do become a valve on the injection pump body that receptacle. The leak-off return should be
very tight over time and it is always may benefit from cleaning, but I have not blocked off, then, by cranking the engine
advisable to check the filler plug can be touched this yet. for a couple of minutes, the fuel coming
removed before draining the gearbox oil. from the leak-off pipes can be measured.
In addition, the IB5 unit will have a filler The level in all receptacles should be
plug, but may not have a drain plug. equal, so if one is much higher than the
The type of oil depends on whether others, this indicates a faulty injector.
you have the PG1 or R65 unit fitted. Both As you have had no previous problems
were used in the Rover 45, as well as the and the fault appeared without any
IB5 gearbox. Thus, the oil will either be prior warning, I would be surprised if the
MTF94 or 10W-40. problem was an injector. The most likely
The shelf life of oil depends on the cause is the high-pressure fuel pump.
temperature and conditions of storage. As you point out, there is a fuel pressure
A sealed container that prevents A non-starting 2001 Rover 75 may have sensor and inlet filter on the Bosch
airborne moisture entering the liquid problems with the injectors or fuel pump. pump, which may benefit from cleaning.
Screeching noise
Using my Pico NVH kit, I tracked down a screeching noise
VAUXHALL CORSA on a 1990 Opel Kadett E to the THM125C automatic transmission. It is
coming from the transaxle end, rather than the sidepan, valve body end.
First oil change From the ATSG General Motors manual on the 125C, I eliminated the possibility
that the speedo-driven gear needs lubrication – it’s well lubricated and does it with
My daughter bought a brand-new the car static – but it does sound as if it’s coming from the governor/speedo-gear
Corsa 1.2 and has now covered body. I thought it might be an alternator lack-of-bearing-lubrication noise or a loose
6500 miles. I was wondering if, alternator fan rattling and contacting the alternator body, but the NVH kit showed
in your opinion, it would be OK to do an that not to be the case. I’ve attached the original Pico.
oil and filter change? The reason I ask is The noise only occurs at one engine speed, with the car moving or static. I can
I have read that some cars have running-in get it in neutral and in gear, although it’s easier to achieve and stay at the exact revs
oil from new and I am not sure if Vauxhall when in gear, which is about 1200rpm. I wasn’t able to measure the revs precisely
employ this system. In the past I have because all four channels on the PicoScope were in use.
always changed the oil and filter every six I’ve dosed the transmission with Wynn’s ATF Flush and extracted all the oil from
months regardless of mileage. the sump and refilled it three times while collecting the waste fluid from the return
James Shaw oil-cooler pipe. I used AC Delco Dexron III ATF. I have some Wynn’s Automatic
Transmission Treatment, but I’m reluctant to add this to a proprietary lubricant that
As you say, some engine meets the gearbox manufacturer’s standards, especially if it’s going to start swelling
manufacturers use a different seals that are fine at the moment.
Drive chain sits
oil for the first fill than what With it being a resonant noise, I’m between flywheel
is recommended for the balance of not too worried, but I wonder if you and gearbox in this
can shed any light on it? Looking on section of casing
the vehicle’s life. At 6500 miles, your
daughter’s Corsa will have bedded in YouTube at a teardown of a THM125C,
the necessary components and I would I have a mental image of a set of
be quite happy for the oil and filter to plates loosely vibrating at resonance.
be changed. The oil capacity should be Martin Rubenstein
four litres and the recommended oil is a
fully-synthetic 5W-30 low saps oil such With noise vibration
as Comma Syner-Z 5W-30. harshness (NVH) issues,
it can be very difficult to
pinpoint the source. One of the
VAUXHALL ASTRA BERTONE problems in tracing such problems
is that noise and vibrations can
you mentioned that at one point you suspected the alternator bearing, I would
I recently bought an Astra Bertone
remove the alternator belt just to be sure that one of the driven pulleys is not the
with the Z18XE engine that is
cause of the vibration. You can then be confident this area is not to blame.
possibly suffering from gearbox/
The Turbo-Hydramatic 125C gearbox is quite a complex unit, but the earlier
clutch failure. When starting the car
units contained a torque converter clutch that locked up at around 50mph using
from cold, there is a whirring sound that
vacuum and temperature sensing; later units use a solenoid activated by the ECU
instantly goes away when you put your
to lock up the impeller. As the noise occurs at only 1200rpm, it may be due to the
foot down on the clutch. It also seems to
impeller vibrating within the torque convertor, although I appreciate that this is
go away after a few minutes of running.
not near the area you suspect. One other possibility is that the chain driving the
When I was reversing the car, the
main shaft has stretched slightly and vibrating through the output shaft, which
nearside front wheel felt like it was seizing
would travel the length of the gearbox.
up or going to fall off. The nearside lower
balljoint on the wishbone had a lot of play
in it, which was also causing play on the depressed. The input shaft that will be With the driveshaft removed from the
wheel. It did occur to me that, given the spinning at engine speed will slow down hub, you should be able to feel any
amount of play, the driveshaft may not be and stop when the clutch is depressed. problems with the outer joint by rotating
sitting in the gearbox correctly. As the noise goes as the vehicle it in a circular motion. This should be
Could this be the case or do you think warms up, this may indicate that warm smooth and, if any notches can be felt,
the balljoint is the culprit? oil is reaching the bearing and silencing this would confirm a failure of the joint.
Paul Mccully the noise. It may be worth checking the oil
It is unlikely that play in the balljoint level of the gearbox to ensure that the
If the noise goes away when the is preventing the driveshaft from sitting problem is not down to lack of oil. Of
clutch is pressed, it is most likely correctly in the gearbox, but you may course, given the balljoint/driveshaft
to be the input shaft bearing. If it have an outer CV joint which is worn and issue, it would be difficult to test-drive
was the release bearing, the noise would locking up, which would give very similar the vehicle to ensure that you have no
normally increase as the clutch was symptoms to the ones you describe. further gearbox problems.
Runaway diesel Switched live circuit
I need advice on resolving issues
following a runaway diesel engine My vehicle is a 2012 BMW 320i Sport.
on a 2006 Zafira 1.7 CDTi. The I recently purchased a dashcam and
circumstances were that I was driving hardwire kit, which I’ve routed through
along normally, then plumes of thick white to the engine bay fusebox. The trouble I’m having
smoke came from the exhaust. I dipped is finding a switched live circuit to use, as they all
the clutch, but the engine raced even stay live when the ignition is switched off. Apparently
higher. I coasted to a halt and turned off most circuits do stay live for a while, so I would
the ignition, but the engine continued appreciate some guidance on how to find one.
to run, until eventually it stopped of its I have attached a fusebox diagram.
own accord, before self-destructing. John Bond
The fusebox layou
The garage recovered it and said it could
have been caused by an attempted The systems used in the modern vehicle
regeneration following a blocked DPF. do keep certain circuits live for a period
So far, they have done an oil and filter after the ignition has been switched off.
change, emptied out all the induction As you have found, it is difficult with the CANbus
components of the engine oil/diesel fuel system to locate a directly switched 12V circuit.
mixture, and checked the timing belt, In the boot fusebox, fuse number 162 is a switched
timing and camshaft sensor, but the accessory circuit and should do the job. Alternately,
engine will not fire up. They have found the circuit to either the heated seats (fuses 141 & 164 in your picture) should
multiple error codes relating to over- power down within a short period.
revving. They tried Easy Start, just to see If neither of these options works, I suggest using a relay taking its power from
if they could get it to run, but it refused a permanent live. With the switch side of the relay wired into the rear of the EOBD
to start. There are no nasty noises when socket using pin number 1, this should be switched on and off with the ignition.
it turns over and it appears to have good
compression. It feels normal on cranking.
The injectors cannot be removed for a test. but when the car has warmed up a little bit
Eddy Hurst the selector becomes stiff to move. The
stiffness occurs before the temperature
One of the more common at which the transmission ‘thump’ occurs.
problems with the 1.7 CDTi engine I’ve greased the selector joints underneath
is a failure of the turbo seals, the car but this hasn’t helped.
which allows engine oil to enter the inlet BMW 5-SERIES R Darvill
system. Once in the cylinders, the oil will
begin to burn and can feed the engine,
causing the runaway effect you have
Banging gearbox Answering your last point first,
provided the engine idle speed is
experienced. This is far more likely than I would appreciate some help with correct, it is quite normal for the
a failed regeneration being the cause. an issue I have with the automatic vehicle to creep forward if left in gear
You mention that the induction gearbox in my 2002 BMW 540i with and unchecked. As long as the engine is
components were emptied of oil (there the ZF 5HP24 transmission. When coming not labouring when pressing the brake
should be no fuel in the induction to a stop, the gearbox bangs down into to prevent this movement then there is
components) and this would back up first gear. It can be controlled with a very, nothing to worry about.
the idea that the turbo was the cause very gradual stop, but in normal driving As the vehicle has covered 133,000
of the failure. The multiple codes found it happens at every stop. The issue only miles without any evidence of having
should be cleared to allow any further occurs when the gearbox has warmed up. had the gearbox oil changed, I would
returning codes to show up. I have a C110 code scanner and have start by doing an oil change to see if
You say that the engine stopped of noted that the problem starts when the any improvement is made. If there is no
its own accord, before self-destructing. gearbox reaches around 90°C and I have improvement, the problem may be due
If this is the case, any damage to the seen the gearbox reach 107°. The car has to a faulty speed sensor in the gearbox.
pistons, bores or valves may also have done 133,000 miles and, as far as I know, There are two sensors that detect input
damaged the injectors. It would be has never had a gearbox oil and filter and output speeds, and you should be
interesting to know how much oil was change. I’ve checked the fluid level with able to check these using your C110
left in the engine when it finally stopped. the car running and it is fine. Every other scanner to read off the live data. I would
A very low level would confirm that the aspect of the gearbox works well, including list the transmission temperature sensor
engine was running on engine oil when kickdown and manual selection mode. as another possibility, but you have
the failure happened, but if the level was One other point that may be relevant already checked this and ruled it out.
still high then the failure may have been is that the car will drive at around 5mph Another problem which can occur on
due to a fuel injection fault. on the flat in forward and reverse without the 5HP 24 gearbox is that the valve
As the engine will not fire up with pressing the accelerator pedal. I have body can crack, releasing pressure from
Easy Start, this suggests that there is never owned a car with an automatic the seals. This normally only occurs
insufficient compression. The next step gearbox before, so I’m not sure if this is when the ’box is warm and the valve
would be to remove the injectors to test normal. I’d also like to add that the gear body slightly expanded by the heat. I am
the compression of the cylinders and to selection between Park, Neutral, Reverse not sure if this would affect the actual
check the injectors for damage. and Drive is fine when the car is stone cold, gearchange, but it is a possibility.
removed the instrument cluster, which cluster. I can only find one fuse in the SAM
was when the cable connection dropped for the cluster and that is obviously OK.
out of its seating position. I refitted the Simon Wright
cluster, making sure it was correctly
SMART ROADSTER connected, reattached the battery and Provided the plug to the
turned on ignition. This time everything lit
Tachometer up, but the tachometer wasn’t working.
Is there any way of checking the cluster
tachometer wasn’t misaligned or
inadvertently placed in the wrong
position, it is unlikely that any damage
trouble without creating more problems? I have
inspected the cables leading to the
should have occurred to the unit, given
that you took adequate precautions by
The instrument cluster tachometer cluster and noted some fusible links on disconnecting the battery. However, it
doesn’t function at all in my 54-plate some of the wires, but I’m not sure how is possible that even though you believe
smart roadster with 107,000 miles. to test them without disturbing the SAM the plug is now correctly located, a poor
The car is fitted with the optional extra trip unit below. I’m not sure how to check the connection is still present. With this in
computer which still shows the correct cluster circuit for the tacho stepper motor, mind, my first move would be to remove
RPM, so I’m assuming the RPM signal/ or if the tacho stepper motor can be the plug again and spray the plug and
sensor is functioning properly. replaced easily and what problems would connection with an electrical switch
Unfortunately, I caused this problem arise if I tried to replace it. cleaner spray, then firmly reconnect
by swapping the instrument cluster I have managed to get hold of a the plug in the socket and check the
dial face from white to black, although secondhand instrument cluster – I’m operation of the tachometer.
the procedure went exactly as per the unsure of its mileage and other settings As the second rev counter function is
Evilution website instructions. The stored in it – but I’m not too confident operating, you can discount the possibility
problem arose when I reattached the about fitting it as I have read that the that the tachometer circuit is at fault.
instrument cluster connection plug, as mileage stored in the cluster EEPROM As you mentioned the
I unknowingly failed to seat and connect it could overwrite the ECU/SAM mileage. website, I presume that you are a
properly. I then connected the battery and I have also got the correct wiring diagram member of the site, in which case
turned on the ignition, but nothing lit up on for the car, but I’m unsure what to look for excellent instructions are available for
the cluster. I disconnected the battery and as everything else is working fine on the cloning the ECU. From the details I have,
the ECU will override the cluster and not
the other way round.
SMART FORTWO Other problems that can occur include
water damage to the SAM unit, but
Servicing tips as everything was working before the
disconnection, this is unlikely. One option
I have a 2002 smart fortwo 599cc with only 51,000 miles on the clock and may be to let a company such as this
would like to service it myself. I have changed the oil and filter, and fitted one check and,
new tyres and a battery. In its life, it has been serviced nine times if required, repair the unit. Prices start
(according to the paperwork), but I can’t be sure what was done, as the items at around £40, but as I've not personally
are not mentioned, only the mileage of service. It seems impossible to find a used this company this is only a
manual. Perhaps you could advise me how I check the known faults and suggestions and not a recommendation.
problems? Even a small book on servicing would be useful.
Terence J Gwin
The plug lead removal tool. SMART FORTWO
As with many modern vehicles, a
workshop manual is available but
only via an internet download. As you
have written to me using paper and pen, I will
assume that you do not have access to the internet.
remote key
The smart’s three-cylinder engine, as you have no doubt discovered, does not My granddaughter received two
have a sump drain bung (although conversions were available) and the oil must keys with the 2005 smart fortwo
be drawn out with a syringe when it requires changing. The engine also has six cabriolet she bought recently.
spark plugs, and while the top three are quite accessible, the other three sit at the One remote works fine, but the other
back of the engine and require the removal of the rear bumper to allow sufficient one probably needs a new battery. If we
access. The spark plug leads also have a metal cap which is prone to sticking onto replace the battery will the remote need to
the plug. A special removal tool is available, but I just use a length of flattened be synchronised with the car?
brake pipe with a small hook formed at the end. Dave Fisher
Provided regular oil changes are performed, the smart is a reliable vehicle.
Sometimes the door handle can stick, causing the door to not latch. This is a As the system does work with
common problem, caused by a sticky cable in the handle, which is easily removed one key, replacing the battery on
by undoing the screw from inside the door handle and fixing this can be quickly the second key should restore
remedied by lubrication. its operation. If the problem is more
Another area sometimes prone to failure is the clutch actuator, which can than a failed battery, the keys can only
become sticky and require cleaning. This will be apparent by a failure of the unit be reprogrammed using diagnostic
to select a gear and three bars displaying in the gear display window. equipment. Before replacing the battery,
There is a smart car owners club that offers an offline membership and the ensure that the second key will operate
contact details are: thesmartclub Ltd, Offline Membership, 1 Corbiehill Park, the ignition and start the engine, which
Edinburgh EH4 5EQ; Tel 0845 299 0332. will confirm whether the immobiliser
chip has been affected.
loss from the sump gaskets on the MINI position, so I manually opened it with the
One, but as the gasket sits above the emergency cable. This has left her with
oil level, the loss only occurs when the a boot that remains shut, but can’t be
vehicle is on the move. opened without lifting the rear seat. I have
One litre of oil every 450 miles is confirmed that the solenoid is working.
MINI ONE excessive and the allowed limit according Do you know of any common faults with
to BMW is one litre every 1000 miles. these cars? I guess a break in one of the
cables from the opening and closing of
Oil consumption With this in mind, I would definitely
bring it to the attention of the warranty
company in the first instance, although
the tailgate is the most likely cause, but
I have been unable to track down a wiring
My daughter bought a 2007 MINI
One in May 2015. It goes well, if this is an aftermarket and not a diagram to identify each wire.
doesn’t appear to have any oil BMW warranty they may not cover Chris
leaks and doesn’t burn oil. The mileage is this problem. If this is the case and
approximately 86,000. your daughter’s MINI has a full service Although the vehicle has been
I have read on websites that the oil history, I would bring it to the attention re-registered, it is normal to put a
consumption can be quite high, but after of your local BMW dealer, although as the registration number on the vehicle
careful monitoring I am finding that the vehicle is now out of the manufacturer’s which reflects the year of manufacture.
vehicle is only achieving around 450 miles to warranty it is unlikely they will be able to Working on this basis, I am assuming the
one litre of oil. Do you think I should inform carry out any repair under warranty if the MINI is a 2007 (R50-N12) model.
the warranty company of this situation vehicle was not purchased through them. As you correctly say, the most likely
before the warranty expires? Are you aware source of the problem is a broken wire
of any BMW response to the problem of MINI COOPER between the body and rear hatch. The
high oil consumption in the MINI? wires to the solenoid should be green/
Eddie Gracia Boot lock grey and green/brown; there are also
two earth wires on the solenoid, both
The first thing I would check I wonder if you could help me of which are brown. By pulling back the
is the PCV (positive crankcase with my sister’s 57-plate MINI sheathing between the body and the
ventilation) valve; this is located Cooper D, although I understand rear hatch, it is very likely that any break
at the top of the cam cover on the left that the car has been re-registered, so in the wire will become visible.
as you look at the car from the front. I can’t confirm its actual age. The problem Autodata also informs me that water
This valve does wear, causing excessive started when she found she was unable ingress through the rear wiper spindle
crankcase pressure, which can lead to oil to shut the boot. When she asked me to can also cause problems by entering
use. There have also been reports of oil look at it, I found the latch in the locked the harness.
the reversing light switch. Loosening off ran OK, but the engine light remained
the back bracket is simple enough, but illuminated, so I took it to a local garage to
accessing the bellhousing top bolt is have the codes read. I was told it was an
difficult without dropping the gearbox EGR problem, but the garage reset the light.
slightly. This requires the gearbox to be So now I have a car with no real fault and
supported and the crossmember lowered. no engine light, although it still stutters
The top bolt does not need to be removed occasionally, particularly at a steady speed
when I lift the throttle slightly. I decided to
Fitting a reverse totally, just loosened off enough to allow
the bracket to move sufficiently. Rubber
hoses connect the vacuum pipe at either
try EGR cleaner spray and also ran some
fuel system cleaner with a full tank of fuel,
light switch end, so once the metal pipe has been
loosened, it can be put aside to access
and this appeared to make a difference.
The engine idles smoothly, seems to pull
I’m trying to figure out how to the reversing light switch. As the box has OK, the fuel consumption is pretty good at
replace the reverse light switch also been dropped slightly, access to the 30-35 mpg, and there’s no smoke or signs
on a 56-reg Shogun Sport 2.5 TD. switch is easier. of a problem. However, it still occasionally
I can see where the switch is located, but This may seem like a lot of work to stutters when I lift the throttle.
how do you remove it? There’s almost no replace a switch, but sometimes the Is this still a symptom of an EGR
space between it and the car floor and long way round is the quickest. This way problem or is there something else likely
there is a solid vacuum line on top of it, it is also easier to start the thread on the to be causing it?
plus the vacuum line bracket is in the way new switch, avoiding the possibility of Thomas Hills
and it almost appears to be recessed. Do cross-threading.
you know if a special tool is required? The symptoms you have do
Matthew Fliege suggest a sticking EGR valve,
MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER especially given the information
As far as I am aware, there is no from the fault code and the fact that
special tool for the job. Here’s
the method I use to replace it.
EGR problem things have improved after using an EGR
cleaner. If the valve has gummed up, it
As you have seen, the switch is located I have a Spanish-registered 2010 may require another treatment with the
on the offside of the gearbox. The vacuum Mitsubishi Outlander 2.2 DI. cleaning spray to fully shift the carbon
line that runs alongside is secured in two Recently, the vehicle stalled and, that builds up and restricts its operation.
places on the gearbox – the front fixing when it was restarted, went into ‘limp- In severe cases, it’s possible the unit will
is through the bellhousing top bolt and home’ mode and showed the engine fault need to be completely removed to clean it
the back fixing is on a bracket just behind light. Next day, the vehicle started and effectively or may even need replacement.
MAZDA5 Have a
problem vehicle?
Bad vibrations GET IN TOUCH...
My 2007 Mazda5 2.0 Sport is experiencing a vibration through the steering
wheel and the body of the car. The problem is most noticeable when If you have a problem vehicle,
accelerating between 60-70mph. Car Mechanics has the answer in
The problem started after I had some work done on the nearside driveshaft the shape of our technical editor
– there was perhaps a slight vibration before the work, but nothing like it is now. STEVE ROTHWELL. Contact Steve,
The car failed the MOT due to the outer CV boot being split and, when it went in for as detailed below, for FREE advice
repair, the garage found the inner joint was corroded and required replacement. on all car-related problems. Please
There is now what looks like a rubber sleeve fixed to the driveshaft with cable ties, help Steve to help you by giving as
which I presume is a balance weight that was removed in order to replace the much information on the symptoms
gaiter/CV joint and was put back in the wrong place. as you can.
I have had all four wheels balanced and also had a full four-wheel alignment check As Help! is a free service, some
and adjustment. Do you know if it is possible to have the driveshaft properly balanced complex questions may require more
while it is on the car and, if so, can you advise me of any companies in or near Kent time and resources than we can
who could do this work? If not, is it possible to have the shaft removed, balanced and reasonably allow – when this is the
replaced somewhere locally? A last resort would be to replace the entire driveshaft case we will let you know.
– would that need to be a manufacturer’s original part to guarantee good balance
Steve will reply to all queries as
or would an aftermarket item be fine?
quickly as possible, but please allow
Tim Collins up to 28 days for a reply. Difficult/
complex questions or those requiring
From your description and the fact that research may take a little longer –
the vibration started after the remedial please be patient.
work for the MOT, it does sound as though
the balance of the driveshaft is the problem. Neither Bauer Media nor Steve
Cable ties are not really adequate to ensure that The driveshaft Rothwell can accept any liability for
showing the centre loss, damage or injury resulting from
the balance weight does not move on the shaft
balance weight. replies to readers’ queries.
and I would replace these with wormdrive clips.
I know of no company that can balance the shaft on the vehicle. I would first To access web addresses starting
try to adjust the balance weight – it’s less likely to have been put in the wrong with just type these into
position than it is to have been rotated incorrectly. By marking the shaft and the your browser address line, rather
weight, it should be possible to rotate it 90° at a time, then road-test the vehicle than the search engine and they
to assess the effect. If this reduces the vibration, further fine-tuning by rotating should work as intended.
10° or so at a time may alleviate the problem. The other option would be a
replacement shaft, but, as you have already paid out for a replacement joint, this
should not really be necessary.
WRITE (enclosing a SAE):
and the needle stayed at the top no BAUER CONSUMER MEDIA LTD
matter the throttle position and it was still MEDIA HOUSE, LYNCHWOOD,
stuck there when I returned home.
The following day, the rev counter went
wild for the first mile or two, then it started
to relate to the throttle position and over E-MAIL:
NISSAN ALMERA the next half-hour operated normally.
Since then, on most days it always starts Please include your postal address
Difficult starting
My car is a 2008 Audi A3 2.0 TDI (engine code BKD) costs around £60, but when
showing 100,000 miles on the clock. It is serviced and this problem occurs it does
gets new oil, fuel and air filters regularly. normally trigger a fault code.
Over the past year, it has developed a strange fault. It starts Other common faults
up first thing when hot or cold, regardless of the outside include the failure of the injector rubber seals and problems
temperature, for a day or two, but after 3-4 days it behaves with the camshaft operating system. If either of these
as if there isn’t diesel coming through the system. It will are present I would expect to see smoke when the vehicle
eventually start on the second or third try. started and/or a slight misfire. As you report neither of these
Apart from this, all systems are OK and there are no warning problems, we can hopefully discard these possibilities.
lights. Audi has tested it for hidden faults, too. Aside from this, This leaves the fuel pressure system. One possibility is
the car runs like new, cold or hot. that the fuel pump at the end of the camshaft (tandem
George Patelaros pump) is draining when left for a period of time, meaning no
fuel is initially supplied to the injectors.
The engine in your Audi is the Pumpe Düse unit. With this in mind, I would examine the fuel pipes and
The injection pressure is delivered by the injector connections on the fuel filter. Also inspect the fuel pipes
itself, using the cam lobe to operate the injector and between the fuel filter and pump. There is a non-return
provide the pressure. The injection timing is still electronic valve built into this pump, but it can fail over time. A
and a wiring loom runs within the cam carrier housing to cheaper alternative to replacing the tandem pump, which
trigger the injectors. also supplies the vacuum to the braking system, is to fit a
One problem that is very common on this engine is for the separate non-return valve in the system. VAG manufacture
loom that runs within the cam carrier housing to fracture. such a valve (part number 165201542B) and it costs around
This will give an intermittent connection and can cause a £18. Fitting one of these in the return feed from the tandem
problem such as you are experiencing. A replacement loom pump to the fuel filter should remedy the problem.
X The throttle
potentiometer and
throttle body have
been replaced.
JAGUAR XJ6 X The ECU has been
replaced, along with the
Sudden MAF sensor, Lambda
sensor and spark plugs.
Diagnostics Doctor
Exhaust First, I should say that all
vehicles with a DPF should be Diagnostics Doctor is a FREE helpline
pressure sensor using a low ash oil to extend the
life of the DPF. It should be noted that
service for CM readers – including
trade readers – who are struggling with
The EML in my 2009 Volkswagen ash and soot are two different products. diagnostic/engine management related
Passat 2.0 CR TDI came on after Soot will burn off from a DPF during faults. Steve Rothwell will answer all
93,000 miles. My Foxwell NT500 regeneration, whereas ash will not, as it your queries. He will need as much
is made up of inert inorganic metals and detail as possible:
scanner – which I am not very good
at using! – is giving the codes ‘001137 mineral compounds from lubricants and CODE of your vehicle, and the type
exhaust pressure sensor 1 (G450) the result of engine wear. This will build of management system installed
implausible signal’ and ‘009299 DPF filter up to a point where the DPF will become Obviously, Steve will not be able to
differential pressure sensor implausible blocked. The regeneration will continue assess the vehicle up close, so his
signal’. The scanner gave the code info: to take place but will not reduce the answer will be on the basis solely of
‘01137 Fault status 11100000; priority 2; back pressure. The maximum oil ash your description. This is a FREE service
freq 1; pressure -82mbar and -77mbar’ and volume of the DPF should be around and it may take some time to respond
‘09299 Fault status 11100000; priority 2; 380ml and, using the recommended to certain problems. If you would like
low ash oil or low SAPs (Sulphated Ash, to receive a personal response via post,
freq 1; pressure -87mbar and -77mbar’.
please enclose an SAE.
I have cleared the codes and driven 30 Phosphorous, Sulphur), it would be
Write to:
miles so far without bringing on the EML expected that the engine should have
again. I assume that it is the same sensor? covered nearly 400,000 miles before DIAGNOSTICS DOCTOR
If so, I suppose this could be a faulty sensor this was achieved. CAR MECHANICS
or problems with hoses or wiring. Given The ‘G450’ implausible signal codes BAUER MEDIA, MEDIA HOUSE
that I have had the differential pressure do indicate a fault with the sensor, but LYNCHWOOD
sensor replaced on a Peugeot 307 2.0 at it is also very likely that the problem is PETERBOROUGH
100,000 miles, it would seem likely to be in the wiring loom between the sensor PE2 6EA
the same thing. However, I understand it and the ECU. Pay particular attention to e-mail:
would need adaptation/calibration once the loom where it intersects with other
fitted, and to do this I need a channel sets of wires just above the gearbox. It
number and value to code it. I know that has often been found that where the
two part numbers were used, but mine is loom then connects to the vehicle body,
the later one – part no 076 906 051B. the plastic insulation trunking can chafe
Common abbreviations
Also, the DPF has 108ml of ash and it through the wires internally. If no faults ATS Air Temperature Sensor
has been 530 kilometres since its last are found with the wiring, then the AFM Air-Flow Meter – not a MAF type (see below).
regeneration. How much ash can the DPF sensor will most likely need replacing It could be, for example, a vane type
hold before it needs to be cleaned? – this does not need calibrating, but just CAS Crank Angle Sensor
Ian Hildrew requires fitting into place. CPS Crank Position Sensor
CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU Electronic Control Unit
SUBARU IMPREZA EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation – meters exhaust
gas back to the intake manifold
Tracing and fixing faults in electronic engine management systems
aking its European debut petrol units,
in 1998, Ford’s Escort first dating
replacement, the Focus, from 2001 (and
initially received mixed part of the Mazda All references in our text and
reviews for its idiosyncratic styling, L engine family). This is captions to ‘left’ and right’ sides are
yet was almost universally praised for the engine in the Focus featured here, a from the point of view of someone sitting
in the car and looking ahead.
its dynamism and comfort. Successive second-generation, 1.8-litre (engine code
generations have become more QQDB) petrol model registered in March while the plug on another cylinder fires
conventional in appearance and, 20 2010. This model features a combined simultaneously on the exhaust stroke,
years down the line, the Focus remains igniton and fuel Engine Control Module this has no effect on engine power and is
a family and fleet favourite, for both (ECM) from Visteon. thus said to be ‘wasted’.
new and used examples. At various Our guide to this model’s engine and In addition, this Focus features a
times during the last decade it has its system is Edward Haggar. Smart Charge alternator, which varies
been the best-selling car in Britain, and the level of battery charging according to
sometimes the best-seller globally, too. the temperature of the engine, delivering
Second-generation models arrived for Preparation a higher rate of charging at lower
2005, with mildly-restyled body panels, At the outset it is worth mentioning temperatures. It is important to never
lamps and front grille introduced late in that this engine operates under a parts- jump-start a car with a Smart Charge
2007. The Focus MkIII arrived in 2011. saving wasted-spark ignition system. set-up if the battery is discharged. This is
Over the years, a wide variety of petrol In this, two spark plugs are fired at the
and diesel engines have powered the same time in pairs: one plug fires on
Focus, including direct-injection, twin the compression stroke, igniting the
overhead camshaft, four-cylinder Duratec fuel mixture and producing power,
because the system may supply up to 18 pressure (MAP) sensor carrying out
volts, potentially causing major damage
to electrical components/modules on Tool of choice this task. Again, the information is fed
through to the ECM as a vital part of
the vehicle. It is also important to note the fuel requirements equation.
that vehicles with Smart Charge systems Note that, in Ford terminology,
require special enhanced flooded types the ECM is known as the Powertrain
of battery (EFB); normal lead-acid types Control Module (PCM).
will not do the job.
Note that there is no cambelt to
renew on this engine, as it features a Fault 1
chain-driven camshaft.
This Focus employs an accelerator X For this Focus, the Snap-on Verus IGNITION COIL FAILURE
position sensor mounted on the throttle Pro diagnostic tool is user-friendly Symptoms of our first fault on this Focus
and comprehensive in coverage. It
pedal. Like most recent vehicles, it has include misfiring, poor running and
can also be used with many other
a fully electronic link between the pedal vehicle makes and models.
possible cutting-out of the engine. The
and the throttle body, as opposed to the car will be undriveable and the engine
mechanical connection on older cars. The warning light will be illuminated, with
information gathered by the sensor is sent how warm the engine is and delivering fault codes stored for relevant cylinder
to the ECM so the required level of fuel/ this information to the ECM, which can misfires. This could be due to failure of
air mixture can be supplied to the engine. then calculate and control appropriate/ one or more of the four separate ignition
The inlet manifold incorporates optimum fuel delivery (see Fault 3). coils – with this engine one individual
throttle flaps that move in response to The mass air flow (MAF) sensor in coil serves each spark plug.
the accelerator pedal position. Throttle this Ford assesses the rate of air flowing The first diagnostic step should be a
flap cleaning is possible if performed through the intake system. The data is fault code check. Fords are really good
with care using a non-aggressive passed electronically to the ECM, which from a diagnostic point of view and a basic
cleaning agent and a small brush. then uses the information to calculate EOBD reader will show codes. You will see
Another vital component of the and adjust the required levels of fuelling. fault codes relevant to the failed cylinder.
management system on this Focus is the It is essential that the pressure Examples of these engines that are
coolant temperature sensor. This assesses within the inlet manifold is precisely poorly maintained can suffer from valve
the temperature of the coolant, indicating assessed, with the mass absolute or piston ring issues. Always remove the
The sticker attached to the right-hand end of the cam cover This Focus needs an enhanced flooded battery (EFB), not a
1 can provide invaluable information about the engine. If the 2 conventional lead-acid type. Before carrying out diagnostic
sticker on your Focus is still in place and legible, it is worth taking procedures, check the battery to ensure it is of the correct type/
a photograph of it and saving it for the future. specification (see Preparation).
Engine management The Visteon System 7 type ESU 121 management system
used on this Focus incorporates these primary components:
X Smart charge alternator X Inductive crank sensor X Knock sensor mounted
X EFB battery to engine block
X Brake position sensor mounted
to brake pedal X Coolant temperature
X 4 x fuel injectors
sensor, monitoring coolant
X 4 x pencil-type ignition coils X Accelerator position sensor temperature
(one serving each spark plug) mounted to pedal
X Fuel pump in tank,
X Wasted-spark ignition coil X Pre- and post-cat oxygen sensors with level sensor
spark plugs and check for arcing, but the rear of the coil plug. In some cases, coils at the same time – remember that
also pay attention to the tip for signs of damage occurs to the seal, allowing the other three are the same age and will
oil and excessive carbon build-up. moisture ingress and corrosion. have covered the same mileage as the
If suitable test equipment is available, If a new plug is required, a secondhand one that has failed.
carry out a cylinder leakage check or connector is inexpensive, but it will need
compression test – in each case you are
looking for obvious drops. If all is OK
to be soldered in. Don’t be tempted to use
normal connections because, over time,
Fault 2
on this front, you can then inspect the
ignition coils. A quick check is to swap
moisture will find its way in. Where
available, always use solder in conjunction
the coil from one cylinder to another, with heat shrink for an air-tight seal. OXYGEN SENSOR
noting if the misfire moves to that Due to the high volumes produced, When our next fault arises, most of the
cylinder. A more in-depth test involves genuine Ford parts are usually relatively time the driver will only be aware that
using an oscilloscope to check primary inexpensive – a decent branded coil can the engine warning light is on, but that
and secondary circuits. be bought for around £20. If finances the car is driving faultlessly. In this
A less common fault is corrosion in allow, it is advisable to renew all four situation, the first thing to do is carry
We advise carrying out careful checks Located just in front of the cam cover, These are the connectors for the
6 of the plug/socket connectors 7 along the front of the engine, are the 8 Lambda/oxygen/O2 sensors (pre-
serving the ignition coils. These are prone four fuel injectors. The good news is that the and post-cat). Check condition/security and
to corrosion due to the long-term ingress injectors are usually long-lasting. If fitting cable connections. The sensors determine
of moisture. Separate the connections and new injectors, the rubber O-rings on the the amount of oxygen present in the exhaust
scrutinise the plugs/sockets. ends of the injectors require renewal as well. system, advising the ECM to adjust fuelling.
The exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) The inlet manifold assembly The throttle body with idle control
9 valve is bolted to the left-hand end 10 incorporates throttle flaps which 11 system is situated within the intake
of the cylinderhead. The function of the move in response to the driver’s demands trunking and incorporates a flap valve that
EGR system is to recirculate exhaust via the accelerator pedal and accelerator allows fuel/air mixture to pass to the engine.
gases back through the engine, helping position sensor (see Preparation), to vary The flap and the interior of the throttle body
to minimise emissions. the fuel/air mixture entering the engine. must be clean to ensure correct operation.
The underbonnet fuse and relay box This Focus is comparatively unusual The air filter assembly is easy to
12 is found on the left-hand side of the 13 for a recent model in that the layout, 14 access and is positioned on the
engine bay, just behind the headlamp and function and electrical rating of the fuses in left-hand side of the engine bay, just
ahead of the suspension strut tower. Unlike the underbonnet fuse/relay box are marked ahead of the battery. Inspect the trunking
many modern vehicles, this fuse/relay box is on the underside of the lid, which also holds and ensure that all the securing clips are
easily accessible. a tool for removing and refitting the fuses. sound and securely tightened.
The bonnet latch assembly, linked Found adjacent to the coolant tank In this Focus, the diagnostic socket
15 to the key slot within the front grille, 16 on the right-hand side of the engine 17 is located low down on the right-
is located in a vulnerable position and can bay is the air-conditioning pressure sensor, hand side of the fascia. It is shown here
suffer from seizure unless it is regularly which measures pressure within the system with a bluetooth connector plug for the
lubricated. It’s worth applying fresh grease so the ECM can control operation of the Snap-on Verus Pro tool already plugged
at every service. aircon. This sensor is a three-wire type. in and ready to supply information.
As an example of the type of information the Verus Pro can Actuator tests are available using the Verus Pro. These help
20 provide, this screenshot shows live data relating to the coolant 21 to determine the source of problems with the dash gauges,
temperature and its sensor. Malfunctions resulting in calculations etc. Some owners find that pressing and holding down the fascia-
that are too high or low will adversely affect fuelling levels. mounted reset button can help with instrument panel diagnostics.
gn ge
gn ws
gn ws
X28-I B A B
gn og
27 36 22
F132 F138 1 3 F111
K4 2 5 K46 K79-II K256 15A 10A 15A
F33 F35 F9 F36 F34
10A 10A 20A 10A 10A A11
2 5
1 3 2
31 36 13 16 32 7 38 37 17
gn ws
gn ws
sw ge
gn ge
gn og
gn og
gn ge
gn og
sw bl
gn bl
gn bl
gn bl
sw rt
rt sw
gn rt
gn rt
br rt
br rt
gr rt
gr rt
sw ge
gn ws
gn sw
gn sw
gn ge
gn og
gn ge
gn ge
gn bl
gn bl
gn rt
gn rt
gn rt
gn rt
gn rt
22 23 13 14 31 10
sw ge
gn ge
rt sw
H63 P9
Y3-I Y3-II Y3-III Y3-IV Y179 B33 Y102 Y151 Y104 T1-I T1-II T1-III T1-IV S13-II X1 S258-I
2 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 11 3 km/h 2 1 2 3 6 1 S39
18 17
1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 4 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 14 3 5 4 2
gn ws
sw og
sw ge
sw ge
br rt
br rt
gr rt
gr rt
sw bl (sw rt)
sw ws
sw ws
ws gn
sw ge
sw og
sw ge
sw og
sw gn
sw og
sw ge
gn ge
gn og
gn og
ws bl
ws bl
sw bl
sw bl
ws rt
sw rt
sw rt
sw rt
gn rt
gn ws
gn bl
br rt
gr rt
l2 g1 d1 d2 e1 e2 d2 b3 d1 b1 b2 c1 c2 h1 m2 m3 h1 h4 h2 h3 b2 a4 b4 e3 d2 g2 k2
A=48 B=32 C=32 A35 A35
c1 e1 d1 e2 m1 b2 b3 a1 d4 f1 e4 f3 g1 h3 h4 b1 a2 a2 c3 c4 f1 e1 f2 d4 c2 e4 e3 l4 g1 h1 m4 e2 a4
ws sw
ws gn
ws gn
sw og
sw gn
sw gn
sw og
sw ge
sw og
sw ge
sw ge
sw ge
sw ge
ge gn
br ws
br ge
ws bl
ws bl
ws bl
ws vi
ws vi
ws vi
ws rt
ge bl
ge vi
gn rt
br bl
br rt
sw ge
gn og
2 4 2 4 1 2 1 2 5 6 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 3 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 1
M89 B169 B25
1 3 1 3 4 2 4 2 1 1 5
B54 B132 A177 B83 A95 B69 G1
B72-I B72-II B24 B161 S153 S389 M12
sw og
gn ge
br ws
br gn
sw rt
gn rt
br bl
br bl
br rt
sw ws
sw bl
EP3 1154837 EP1 EP3 1154837 EP9 EP16
EP10 = LHD
n 2016, CM bought a 2005 Audi
A3 2.0 TDI with 101,581 miles and
ran it as a project car from April
to October that year. Despite the
magazine having paid a reasonably high
price of £3284 for the car, when some
A3s in good condition were selling
for less than £3000, the 11-year-old
Sportback still seemed a bargain given
it was loaded with toys, including a And don’t even mention insurance… had access to at Town Garage in Leeds
panoramic glass roof and six-speed Being a journalist means it isn’t cheap, when the A3 was a project. It took me
gearbox. I bought it when the project despite me having a squeaky-clean track almost 15 minutes to undo the fittings
series ended – after all, the car had been record, so there’s no change out of £500 for the undertray and slide it out from
with me from the start and everyone per year for a fully comprehensive policy. underneath. Space was equally tight when
in my family loved the ride quality, Fortunately, that’s all of the major it came to draining the oil. I used a shallow
performance and standard of equipment. expenses covered, for now. The project drainer that only just managed to squeeze
It’s approaching two years since the series in CM meant most of the big underneath. Time quickly seemed to
A3 was bought by CM and there are now jobs were completed, ranging from the disappear as I renewed the oil filter, which
116,000 miles on the clock. Similar-aged glow plugs to the timing belt and water is accessed from the top of the engine,
models with low mileages are being pump. And the dual mass flywheel and air filter. The whole job from start to
advertised on for less was renewed for Clutch Clinic in the finish took a bewildering one-and-a-half
than £2000, so I’ve lost a fair amount of September 2017 issue. hours. I can complete an oil change on
money in depreciation, especially when So aside from checking the tyres and my Mazda MX-5 in 20 minutes.
the mileage is taken into consideration. underbonnet fluids every week, the A3
You could say that losing £1284 over hasn’t needed any attention for several
around 15,000 miles equates to 8.5 pence months. However, it wasn’t long before Brake pad inspection
per mile, and that’s before fuel, tax, I started thinking about renewing the All of the A3’s brake discs and pads
insurance, servicing and repairs. engine oil, oil filter and air filter. The were renewed in 2016, along with the
I’ve spent almost £1600 on fuel Febi engine oil we used in the June 2016 brake fluid. So while I was confident
(including the time when the A3 was issue should be changed every 20,000 they wouldn’t be excessively worn after
a project car) and, in that time, the miles or 12 months. So I waited for a 15,000 miles, I wanted to make sure they
2.0-litre BKD engine has returned an discount offer at Euro Car Parts and weren’t dragging and that all of the slider
average of 46mpg (long runs generally bought five litres of fully-synthetic bolts were free to move.
return 50-55mpg, but urban driving 5W-30 Triple QX, along with an oil filter. A service of the brakes at a garage is
drops to 40mpg). I recently renewed the Renewing the oil on my driveway at quite straightforward, especially with a
tax on the A3 and paid £150 for a year. home made me appreciate the ramps we two-post ramp. Simply raise the vehicle,
All of the A3’s brake discs and pads were Engine oil service on Rob’s driveway was
The air filter was 12 months old and was changed in June 2016. An annual strip and time-consuming without the benefit of a
showing signs of needing renewal. clean ensured they’re working properly. ramp or inspection pit.
remove the wheels and work around all were lubricated with multi-purpose
four brakes. On my driveway, it’s a two- grease, although I have recently acquired In Rob’s garage
hour job, requiring each corner of the a tube of brake grease, which I will be
car to be raised in turn with a trolley jack using on the next service. 2005 Audi A3 2.0 TDI
and supported by an axle stand before We MOT-tested the A3 during the Ex-project car from CM, which replaced the
removing the respective road wheel project series, but it soon came around deceased Ford Focus as the family transport.
and working on the brake. Thankfully, again. I had nothing to worry about. With
this was a good opportunity to ask my lots of new components fitted and no 1998 Mazda MX-5 1840cc
Another ex-project car from CM. Budget
youngest son, Joel, if he wanted to earn signs of corrosion, it sailed through. respray is the next major job.
some extra pocket money. He couldn’t
refuse, so I gave him a bucket of soapy 1976 VW Transporter 1584cc
water, a wash-mitt, a large old towel, Rear wiper motor Family accommodation for the summer
some polish and wax, and several clean In the October 2016 issue, we looked into holidays since 2010, travelling regularly to
France, Holland, Germany and Belgium.
cloths. The A3’s alloy wheels are in why the rear wiper motor wasn’t working
reasonably good condition, so I’m hoping and concluded that the motor had failed.
that a thorough wash, polish and wax A secondhand replacement was fitted occurred. I was driving home and was
will help to keep corrosion away. after the project series had finished, only a few minutes away when I heard
While Joel was sprucing up the wheels, so the wiper motor was alive once a strange whoosh-like noise from
I could take my time servicing the brakes. more. Sadly, it only lasted six months. the engine bay. At the same time, the
I removed the caliper and brake pads, I inspected the fuses and they seemed nearside front brake seemed to start
cleaned around the carrier and edges of fine, so I’ll have to check there’s a supply squealing. I made it home and looked
the brake pads, made sure the slider bolts to the motor. The last time the wiper under the bonnet and through the spokes
were free, then reassembled everything motor failed, it would squirt washer fluid of the wheel for any signs of trouble.
with a tiny smear of copper grease across the rear glass but refused to wipe. There was nothing. I even spoke to a few
applied to the top and bottom edges of This time, it won’t even squirt washer mechanics and Audi specialists who
the brake pads, where they make contact fluid. Maybe the stalk switch has failed. probably thought I’d lost the plot. To
with the caliper carrier. The slider bolts An equally confusing problem recently date, the noise hasn’t returned.
ast month I related how
I replaced the body panels on a
2002 MG TF X Power 160 with
glassfibre replacements from
RPS Ltd of Lowestoft to transform it into
an RPS RPX. Having trailered the part-
completed car to MG K-Series experts
Mike and Martin at MJS Auto and that he’d just fixed and sent off for a spot cornering. Unfortunately, I forgot that
Marine in Littlehampton, they phoned of porting and polishing. the dampers and springs lowered the ride
with the bad news a few days later. MJS also fitted new underfloor height by 1.5in, thus when reloading the
I thought the engine sounded a bit stainless steel coolant pipes which fitted MG onto the trailer, I fractured the front
‘endy’ when I loaded it onto the trailer and well with the aluminium radiator. On went splitter. Another job for the paintshop.
Mike’s verdict confirmed my suspicions: EBC discs and Yellowstuff pads all-round,
the little ends were kaput, but he had a along with Automec brake pipes and brake
decent secondhand block in his stores. fluid. I also upgraded to ProTech dampers, Back on the road again
A couple of days later, I got another specially adapted for the TF by a On the morning of its MOT, as
phone call from Mike. Having built modification firm; being a fan of Nitron, I started the engine, the Brown &
the bottom end up, he was turning his I went for their turquoise springs (350lb Gammon low coolant level kit began
attention to the cylinderhead, only to fronts with 850lb rears). emitting a warning buzz. I suspected an
notice it had been skimmed too many I had been apprehensive about overly airlock and went through the MG TF
times to be of any use. VVC heads, stiffening the springs over standard, process of eliminating trapped air from
particularly Trophy 160 ones, cost silly but the Nitrons transformed the TF’s the system. This seemed to sort it and the
money, even on eBay and Gumtree. often jarring ride and it now does a car duly flew through the MOT.
Luckily, Mike had a spare cylinderhead decent impression of a Lotus Elise when However, next time I started up, the
buzzer went off again. This problem
This Brown & Gammons stumped MJS for weeks until, by
kit emits a buzz if the chance, Mike noticed a minuscule
coolant level drops pinprick in one of the internal coolant
below a certain level.
pipes that was causing problems
when the system was pressurised.
A call to XPart and new pipes were
In Steve’s garage
2015 smart forfour
prime I felt the need to try and
do my bit for the environment
and decided on a small city car.
In the two months I’ve had it, it’s
on their way. Fitting them is quite proven trouble-free and a willing
involved and requires half of the car’s little companion with the two extra
interior to be removed, but it solved the seats in the rear (it’s more of a 2+2
problem instantly. Mike also adjusted than full-on four-seater) proving
the handbrake to stop the dash-light useful at times. I’ve also been
illuminating – another common MG TF seeing 60mpg around town.
issue. And he fitted a neat sump plug 2010 BMW X5 E70
replacement called an EZ Oil Drain Have made several upgrades
Valve, a clever ‘tap’ that means you don’t and mods. The odometer clicked
need to remove a sump plug ever again. past 118,000 miles recently,
Finally, the car was taken to Kingswell although the engine is strong and
Coachworks in East Sussex for respraying. feels healthy, pulling strongly all
I went for a Citroën colour called Karma The EZ Oil Drain Valve replaces the sump plug through the range without leaving
Purple with a glittery enhancer – a and releases the oil at the turn of the tap. smoke trails behind her. Sadly,
a neighbour recently reversed
Marmite colour, but it certainly sparkles
into my driver’s door and this got
in sunlight – plus a yellow painted
me thinking that a change was
pinstripe on the front splitter. Now needed. As I write this I’m about to
I just have to inform DVLA of the colour- collect my new X5 F15 XDrive 3.0d.
change and complete the re-registration
process by filling out a V627/1 (built-up 1996 JAKABI ABSTER
vehicle report) and I’m all set. Formerly known as an MGF! The
project car is nearly finished after a
Next time I’ll discuss another recent
major transformation. More soon...
bodykit conversion, turning an MGF
into a Jakabi Abster.
CM’s 16-year-old
PART TWO E46 on French soil.
X With just a day to test the wind-up. Eventually he said: “Can I bring
roadworthiness of our 2001 BMW Vic? He’s a mobile mechanic.”
3-Series E46 before heading off on a “Of course”, I said. “There’s loads of
1000-mile trip to the Continent, I was room in a 3-Series.”
feeling a little less nervous. The German The car was ready, my passengers
four-door saloon was now performing were here... and so was Gavin, a CM
better than it did before it went into the reader driving with us to France in his
garage for a few repairs. With a fresh 1990 Mazda MX-5 Eunos. We set off in
MOT certificate, a new radiator and convoy at midday on Friday, heading
coolant, a fixed leaking downpipe, fresh towards the Port of Dover.
oil and filter, a new cam cover gasket The BMW six-pot was purring along
and revitalised front suspension, it nicely and we hit the M20 for some
was driving perfectly. The only warning faster road speeds. All good so far.
issued by the garage was that it might The DFDS ferry crossing service was
still be leaking engine oil. smooth and both cars were parked up
S My two passengers helping drive the BMW
Two weeks previously, I had no in Calais for the night while we refuelled across France: Ken Lowe (top) and Vic Smith.
passengers in the BMW with me. So ourselves at the local food outlet/ What had they let themselves in for?
I made contact with my old mate Ken, shopping centre at Cité Europe.
whom I’d known from previous French You can cover many miles on the
tours involving Jaguars – lots of them – ultra-quiet French road system – we
and had been part of a breakdown crew Where are we going? were averaging over 60mph. Ken had
who could orchestrate roadside repairs The next morning – in what was to the accelerator firmly planted as we hit
if (when) they broke down. become a daily ritual – we checked a steady incline on the dual carriageway,
At first, Ken thought my invitation to the BMW dipstick before firing up the before: “Oh shit, we’ve lost power.”
join me on an all-expenses trip was a engine. It needed a top-up at Calais. As Ken spoke, the orange EML
Was there a visible leak underneath? illuminated, but the engine was still
Not really. No worries then. firing, albeit not on all cylinders. The
We headed south-west onto the next rest area was two miles away.
French motorway system towards our It was only Day One and we’d
overnight stop in Rennes, 320 miles travelled just 100 miles from Calais, so
away. Our first stop would be the port I was fearing the worst for a few sweaty
A bottle of of Honfleur for lunch. I did the first stint minutes. But as we slipped the gearstick
Cataclean went of driving, clicking on the cruise control into neutral while taking the slip-road
into the BMW at 80mph. The E46 computer was into the rest area and coasting to a stop,
fuel tank to showing an ever-increasing average fuel the EML went out. Phew! I had loaded
help clean the
fuel system.
consumption, getting into the mid-30s my code reader in the boot with my
before it was time for Ken to take over. luggage, so plugged it in for a diagnosis.
Drinking to excess car museum at Lohéac. The previous next overnight stay. The BMW was
Our now regular engine oil check the evening, we had made arrangements behaving itself and we felt the engine
next morning revealed that the BMW to join Donald Stickland and his friend was actually becoming more responsive
was down to the minimum mark on the Jason on a tour of the museum. After during acceleration. With only 150 miles
dipstick. Where was the oil going? Gavin half-a-day looking at the splendid to reach Bayeux, all was well.
reported seeing a bit of blue from the exhibits (turn to page 92 for photos of The next morning, we started heading
exhaust occasionally while following us, some of the highlights), we made our for home, dropping by the coastal
but the amount the engine was using, departure, saying we’d be back one day town of Arromanches-les-Bains, one of
you’d think a cloud of smoke would be for a longer look. the sites of the Normandy landings in
visible. Not to us, it wasn’t. Donald and Jason were heading off 1944. We had breakfast in a small café,
Twenty-odd miles south-west of in different directions, while we were and reflected back on the historical
Rennes is the Manoir de L’Automobile turning north towards Bayeux for our importance of this small town.
Gavin Tarrant’s 1.6 MX-5 is a great drive. It’s 27 years old and still likes the
occasional 7000rpm gearchange. This engine required just an egg-cup of
oil during our 1000-mile jaunt, whereas the BMW needed just a bit more.
A rare
Citroën BX
4TC entered
into Group
B rallying in
the 1980s.
The hanging
A 1928 Citroën C4 Torpedo illuminated
with a four-cylinder engine signs are
and no door handles! brilliant.
It’s not all French vehicles on display. Here’s a LHD A few Fords, including a Lotus Cortina Mk1,
Austin Mini Cooper Mk1 alongside a Lotus Elan. Escort RS2000 Mk1 and a Capri RS2600 Mk1.
Lurking in the background is a Sinclair Model re-enactment gives you an The mocked-up old-timer workshop is
C5. You really need to visit at least insight into how they made certain fantastic. This early diagnostics centre
twice to spot everything on show. components back in the old days. had a timing light attached to it.
MAY 1979
commercial derivatives of the Series blunt instrument persona it
AA and a Hillman the marque that Britain’s rich
subliminal advertising for the Minx, a Commer Express delivery
van was intended to be fitted with
lifebelt in case the owner of the
engine version of the LT It’s a short hop to the Isle of Man Next in line are a couple of Morris and famous all wanted a piece
Aston Martin’s new 5340cc V8
A notchback version of the
Traveller gets in difficulty), there’s
a Vauxhall
van, and a
The 1970s was a remarkable
Polo – the Derby – made
was introduced. Karmann for this shot,
where everybody seems to have vanished
The green one is a 1954 1956 Series
II still
of during the 1960s but those
pieces were looking a little
But this wasn’t ready in time
Viva HC estate, a Bedford HA decade for VW as it turned started work on the Golf
retaining the original split front
windscreen so the DBS ‘made do’ with the
yellow Capri. The HA van could
possibly be its debut in 1977. In 1978 the dated Enter the DBS in 1967
around its business – and convertible in February 1979, that would be dropped for the 1000
variant, DB6’s 4 0 litre straight six until
ons vehicle final German-built Beetle
e know that seaside holiday resorts looking much more modern
shadow of the town’s castle walls
a Post Office Telecommunicati its vehicles – to feature the third-gen T3 Transporter as typified by the white model adjacent
This 1969 The six cylinder DBS was
yellow paint left the Emden production
A host of classics shelter in the
as that company used a lot of front-end, water-cooled vehicles were introduced
aren’t usually that busy during car would have been built after 1962,
as it has
than its predecessors
dropped in 1972 while the V8
recall their line with manufacture
– many readers will doubtless engines. It had begun winter, but Douglas, the Isle of the larger combined indicators/sideligh Its larger proportions gave it
in August and production became the non DB prefixed
used in their continuing in Mexico until ts up
Buzby cartoon bird character with VW’s takeover of Man s capital, seems to be front The bumper overriders suggest vaguely American muscle car
Helen’s Road (to the right of our
photograph) of the Jetta began the AM V8 instead built right the
advertising campaigns from 1976
onwards. 2003 The VAG brand name strangely deserted, even for the off that looks As f to underline this
ooking at this splendid view of of heritage on NSU and the launch of following month season it’s a DeLuxe version A Minivan way through until 1989
So, there was and is plenty
in the appeared and a diesel rests next
Caernarfon, I would suggest that town and the You’d expect to find Japanese cars the K70, to be overtaken Aside from the solitary, shadowy
figure has been writing for CCW since 2000, and in that door, not that much of it can be seen
offer to attract tourists to the
was cutting his teeth as a cub reporter are at least thanks
the slide was taken just before and visitors picture by this time and there by the first Passats from walking past the scaffolding clad
Villiers time has spent most of his wages repairing the to the inconveniently parked bus
demand for car parking for locals the blue car One of only
down in London in the late 1970s, and went three Datsuns in the mix, with
have Hotel on the left, it s almost like
mid day on 25 May 1979 No, I 1973 From 1974 the FWD the zombie
various beige 1970s cars he’s ended up buying. two foreign vehicles both of which,
of the sun and alike remains a priority at the front of the next row being
a 1200 apocalypse has struck this corner perhaps
Scirocco opened new
on to interview many of the decade’s stars.
this 220bhp leviathan to 120mph
not been calculating the angle Stepping back into our picture
of May 1979 Datsun of Loch unsurprisingly, are Volkswagens
is the last Its bulk
four door saloon The bright red doors for the firm while on Promenade and Victoria Street in
that the almost completely obscures a red
shadows cast, as the date and time the Slate Quay car park certainly
offered row and the UK s identifiable vehicle in this row, in
the form Mini A
photograph was taken is dutifully
recorded on
cars Being a complete Sunny 120Y stands out in the back 1 July that year the last of closest off shore tax haven There
isn t even of a Beetle An Austin A35 and BMC Rover P4, BMC 1800, two more Minors,
a good variety of Unfortunately on the island and dating from the 1100 can two
the unknown photographer’s slide
mount As an orange there s a 180B Bluebird nearby almost 12 m llion Beetles anyone on board the No 10 bus which, mid 19th just be made out nearer the sea behind Minis, another red Cortina and the
Volkswagen ‘divi’ I instantly detect You might expect to find a Princess
in such
corrosion killed many of these
imports off because century was demolished in 1996/97 second
an avid collector of old slides,
this is a real
left distance and a left the assembly ine in public service vehicles are often
better The Over on the other side of the road, Volkswagen, an 11 window Type
1 bus in two BE NICE IN SPACE
and white T2 in the close proximity to a castle so a
four cylinder,
prematurely, and unlike their
British rivals Royal Bank of Scotland now occupies a white
bonus as it cuts out the guesswork row of cars Wolfsburg Germany The chronicled than private ones, we its spot Ford Cortina MkI four door saloon, tone green and white, complete the replaced by a lookalike
news that Scirocco lurking among the back twin headlight example does not
look out
these 1970s trailblazers for Japan
s carmaking can tell you In the distance, the Promenade Methodist black chain The UK USA and Soviet
While the nation reeled from the two appearance of the Golf s a 1949 Douglas Corporation Transport Morris Minor and grey Triumph However, it’s another two tone vehicle Album covers and song
Much more in yer face is a ‘Brenda’ of place It is keeping a safe distance
giants are now a rare sight at today’s
classic AEC Church has been replaced by a modern Herald are Union sign the Outer Space
the price of milk was about to
rise by 10 per steels in 1974 marketed as the Regent III with Northern Counties place that stands out most the yellow lyrics supposedly hold hide
door 1 3 Ford Escort MkII on standard a Hillman Imp, a two door saloon
that I did
car shows, with values on the up
bodywork. of worship. But apart from these parked outside the Villiers A red
Austin 1100 and white Treaty Among its principles
cent to 15p a pint from the start
of April, metal Rabbit in the US produced Out of service in 1976, it went to losses, this Metropolitan coupé, BMC s idiosyncratic clues including this year’s
(cue Saxon’s Wheels of Steel heavy have some experience of earlier
in the 1970s
Further along the back row you’ll
find a the London Victorian terrace remains largely sits beyond the bus Occupying the
centre are no placing of weapons
motorists were still recovering
from other With its Vo kswagen’s real cha lenger Bus Preservation Group in Cobham, unbroken. compact collaboration with its US Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts
Thatcher s anthem from the following year) A friend had one and each time
we went on
Rover SD1, a typical beige Maxi,
a Citroën Surrey, Sadly, the same probably can’t be ground of this wide promenade (and
blocking equivalent, of mass destruction in
rises introduced since Margaret the MkII, a joint to the Beetle s long held before ending up in Germany, where said for the lines of the summer only Douglas the American Motors Corporation, Club Band
modern square cut lines, holiday it broke down and I had
to contribute
GS in Pallas trim, a CX Safari,
Rover P6, it most of the cars here. Although this sold in space close to Earth and no
Conservative government won
power three and Germany, crown The famous hot disappeared The buildings on the may Bay the UK from 1957 Although never
development between Ford UK to running repairs Perhaps surprisingly,
he is
Morris Minor 1000, and a Harvest
Gold be 1967, many of the machines hail Horse Tramway, saved from closure badged as sneak ly putting them on the
weeks earlier The price of bread,
gas and it came to hatch GTI followed in 1976 from an in 2016 an Austin here, the car became informally FIT FOR A SAINT
petrol was up offered a simplistic purity when still a friend We later toured parts
of central
1100/1300 Plenty to keep the
peak capped left have also gone The
earlier era, with Morris Minors being after more than 2000 supporters Moon either Conventional
electricity had all risen, while There were The Polo supermini joined most signed known as one, while ‘Metropolitan’ St Pancras Station
driving, but they just rotted away and north Wales in his Maxi The
Renault 12 is
car park attendant occupied
Villiers Hotel largest prevalent - obviously much appreciated a petition supporting it) is a regal was weapons are fine though NO STRINGS
by 6p per gallon (it averaged 79p per gallon such as the fleet in 1975 as did a Golf, Passat, Polo and Scirocco. looking often shortened to ‘Metro’ thus that towering Victorian
motoring had updates in the mid to late 1970s, a reminder of another good looking,
The car park s still being used
to host the The VW range had the Derby, by Daimler Majestic Major, with its making it No probs there ATTACHED
that year) However, the cost of with the third light truck called the LT Mann-kind. Starting on the right,
there’s a huge an Austin Metro 20 years before Gothic cathedral to the
people from visiting square headlights for L models, style mid sized saloon Among
the vehicles
cars of North Wales’ tourists to
this day, but boot and 4 6 litre V8 capable of propelling the better Britain wins the Eurovision
obviously not deterred when there known holder of this title came along railways is made a Grade
still spaces generation appearing in 1980, beyond the Mini is seen a Bedford
CF and its
we wish a few more had Imps and
Escorts PAUL IS DEAD Song Contest with
Caernarfon, though there were were more than 600,000 MkIIs
on the roads Transit I isted building following
Quay car park fans earlier competitor the MkI Ford (HONESTLY) Sandie Shaw’s Puppet
available on the Slate Ford a campaign led by Poet
They’re in big demand with today’s
As the name suggests, the still
thriving car
A rumour starts going Laureate John Betjeman
on a String The UK also
park occupies the old quayside
where slate
FIT FOR A IMPORT HIT CALLING MINOR around that Beatle Paul starts negotiations to join
IN 1979
Just in time too it was only
was transferred from railway wagons
to boats The C troën MARVEL MEETING McCartney has been the European Economic
By 1979, the harbour was mainly used by PRINCESS The Datsun 1200
B110 was the first CX’s room and Bizarrely, this AEC
The M ni’s tiny killed in a car crash and
ten days away from being
demolished in November
Community So how’s that
of Caernarfon Hydropneumatic Regent ended up Is this a gathering working out these days?
pleasure craft though a couple Four-cylinder Japanese motor dimensions are
be found Princess models imported into suspension meant The good news for in Germany. Does of the nascent
(CO) registered fishing boats can were given round it was a favourite anyone know
well illustrated Isle of Man Morr s
was the UK in large anyone wishing not alongside a small’
in this view The current castle headlamps. numbers. for UK fi m crews. where it is now? Minor Owners’
to hear the voice Beetle and Minor
built from 1283 by order of the Club branch?
King Edward I and occupies a
strategic of the UK’s first ANGLIA
position overlooking the southern
end lady Prime Minister
was that the Sony
of the Menai Strait opposite the Commer’s M nx Nudging into view
Wa kman personal
of Anglesey The castle and medieval based light van is th s 1953 1957
cassette player
town walls are part of a World competed n the Anglia A cross
was introduced 8 10cwt market
Heritage Site Don’t look now, Gary, mesh grille was
this year in the through to 1957
Though Caernarfon lost its last but you’ve forgotten introduced in 1957
a US The bad news your car. You said you
BR station in 1970 (there’s now
site) was that it cost feel safest of all in it!
Morrison’s supermarket on the
$200 We needed Luckily the song itself
the town has been the northern the UK.
some good music was a big hit in
terminus of the Welsh Highland
to put us off our
Railway narrow gauge line since running at
in St woes in the UK as inflation was
October 1997, with its station economy was in a bad shape and
17% the
of the
acts of terrorism were rarely out
world head ines But f you could afford a
play on it?
new fangled Walkman what to
months a lot of people
Come the summer
were grooving to Michael Jackson’s
solo album Off The Wall, which
You Get
hits singles such as Don’t Stop ‘til
Enough and Rock With You. Old
rock fans could get into Pink Floyd’s
Wall, The Clash had us singing along to RTINA MAJOR, NOT AN AUSTIN
London Calling, and Squeeze took
us Up
The Junction. Led Zeppelin played a brave owner
last ever UK gig at Knebworth, while o parks h s car
To balance out all No not that kind!
on drums the Minors here’s
Who returned with Kenney Jones ont of some a more potent
We bet this bright
following the death of Keith Moon. ffolding Hope Metro(politan)
WORK HACK felt with and apt y named
looked more at
Electro-pop made its presence hing fell on it Majestic Major home in summer
This Hillman Imp the likes of Tubeway Army’s Are
Transit MkI had
been replaced looks l ke it’s led a Electric, then their lead singer Gary
the previous year pretty tough life, Numan’s Cars, while M had everybody
by the MkII, but judging by the talking about Pop Muzik. SIC CAR WEEKLY The Way We Were
still built by Ford corrosion on both
in Southampton. its wheel arches.
Way We Were
p to 5
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