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EMSDI Course For KGIS June 2019

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Engine Management
System 1
Instructor-Led Course
Student Guide

Cover Sheet
Modules 01-08
With Tabs

Kia University Course Number: TTEMS1309IL

Print Run – #3 - 07/12

EMS1 Course Guide 01 1

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Engine Management System Diagnosis

Course Guide

COURSE OVERVIEW This instructor-led course (ILC) picks up where the Kia
Engine Management System web course ends. The
course develops skills you need to increase your engine
management diagnostic proficiency through theory and
instructor supervised hands-on guided practices.

COURSE GOALS The course is designed to develop your diagnostic skills

for Kia Engine Management System related concerns
and obtain a first visit fix through:
 Application of mechanical theory
 Performance of skills related to diagnostic solutions.

Critical diagnostic and service topics include:

 Key engine components and subsystems
 Tools necessary for an effective diagnosis
 Diagnostic procedures including:
o Inspection
o Analysis
o And troubleshooting process
 Specific diagnostic tests
 Analyzing diagnostic results

COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the course modules, you will be

able to demonstrate to their instructor, with 80% or
greater accuracy:
 Match basic control module elements with their
 Identify power/ground/operation flow on ETM of
related engine management system (EMS) parts
 Retrieve and print SI inspection of selected (EMS)
 Inspect, measure, and evaluate EMS components
 Analyze and print oscilloscope patterns using
GDS/VMI on selected EMS circuits
 Successfully complete the performance assessment

EXPECTATIONS In this course, you will be expected to use diagnostic

processes and equipment to test and monitor engine
management, fuel, and electrical circuits and

EMS1 Course Guide 01 2

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

TARGET AUDIENCES The target audience for this course consists of Kia
dealership technicians who have an intermediate level
of understanding of engine management systems and
have successfully completed the prerequisites.

PREREQUISITES The following web & ILC courses must be completed

prior to the start of the EMS1 course:
 Introduction to Engine Management System web
course (IEMS)
 Kia Engine Mechanical Diagnosis ILC (EMD)
 Advance GDS Diagnosis ILC (GDS5)
 Automotive Electrical Diagnosis ILC (AED)

TECHNICAL TRAINING Kia University has adopted a training delivery system

SYSTEM where you will need to successfully pass several
prerequisite courses and a web course containing
knowledge that supports this course. The courses have
system theory and operation, and then give you a
chance to practice what you have learned. Finally, we
will test what you have learned.

REVIEW The Review Module will review critical objectives

from the engine management prerequisite web course.

INSTRUCTOR The Instructor Demonstration Module will show

DEMONSTRATION critical tasks performed when diagnosing engine
management concerns.

THEORY A Theory Module presents information to increase

your working knowledge of the subject, which helps
guide you to successful diagnosis and repair.

GUIDED PRACTICE The Guided Practice Module allows you the

opportunity to practice diagnostic skills through hands-
on experience. The tasks are to be instructor
supervised and verified.

PERFORMANCE The Performance Assessment Module provides you

ASSESSMENT the opportunity to demonstrate and prove that you can
diagnose engine management concerns.

COURSE ACHIEVEMENT A final score of 80% or higher is needed for this course.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 3

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

PERFORMANCE SCORECARD The Performance Scorecard is used to track your

performance on guided practices, diagnosis &
troubleshooting, and any written knowledge

SCORECARD ROUTING One copy of the scorecard is yours, and one copy is
used to update your Kia technical training records.
Should you not complete the course, the third copy is
forwarded to your Kia District Parts and Service.

Record your Progress Check and Performance

Assessment answers on this sheet and turn it in to your
instructor for grading. Your score will be transferred to
the scorecard.



Module Title

Course Day



01 Course Guide ** 1 8:00 – 8:45 am
02 Review Module X 1 8:45 – 9:30 am
03 Starting & Engine X X 1 9:30 – 11:30 am *
04 Fuel System X X 1 12:30 – 2:00 pm
05 Component and Circuits – Section 1 X 1 2:00 – 5:00 pm *
06 Component Diagnosis – Section 1 X 2 2:00 – 5:00 pm *
Day One Review 2 8:00 – 8:30 am
05 Component and Circuits – Section 2 X 1 8:30 – 11:30 am*
06 Component Diagnosis – Section 2 X 2 8:30 – 11:30 am *
05 Component and Circuits – Section 3 X 1 12:30 – 3:30 pm *
06 Component Diagnosis – Section 3 X 2 12:30 – 3:30 pm *
07 EMS Diagnostic Strategies X 2 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Day Two Review 3 8:00 – 8:30 am
8:30 – 11:30 am *
08 Performance Assessment X 3
12:30 – 4:00 pm *
Review and Clean-up 3 4:00 – 4:30 pm
** Kia update information *Includes Break

Beginning of each day begins with a review of modules completed the previous day.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 4

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

COURSE MANAGEMENT The course and its materials are here for you to learn
and keep. Use them and your time in a way that will
benefit you when you return to your dealership.

TAKE NOTES Make drawings, jot down notes, and highlight these
materials to help you remember important details. Each
module is designed with ample margins for your
important notes.

ASK QUESTIONS If you do not understand something in this course, ask

your instructor for clarification. Asking questions is
strongly encouraged to help you get the most out of
this course.

TEAMWORK During the hands-on activities, you will often be

working as a team. By actively engaging in each
activity, you will maximize your learning experience.
While in the lab, feel free to ask the instructor
questions at any time.

LEARN AT EVERY This course is an opportunity for you to learn in a

OPPORTUNITY controlled environment under the guidance of a trained
Kia instructor. Through active participation you can
build confidence in your abilities to diagnose customer
concerns right the first time, every time!

ICONS The Reference Icon indicates you must refer to

additional publications in order to complete the
questions or activity.

The Activities Icon indicates an activity that supports

a critical learning objective. These activities are offered
to help you master the material.

The Feedback Icon indicates a progress check meant

to provide you with feedback on your understanding of
the course material.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 5

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Engine Management System Review

MODULE GOAL Upon completion of this module, you will have an
opportunity to demonstrate through discussion, your
knowledge of the engine management system needed to
enhance the skills required to diagnose engine management
system faults.

MODULE OBJECTIVES Given this module, and information learned from successfully
completing the prerequisite courses, you will be able to
answer questions and participate in class discussions on the
 Engine mechanical
 Engine management basic functions
 Pressure, vacuum and temperature
 Engine management subsystems
 Engine management components
 Fuel system pressure

MODULE INSTRUCTIONS During this review, participate in the discussion to get the
most out of this review module while answering the
questions and recording your answers.

Questions are based upon the web and instructor-led

courses that are required prerequisites.

EXPECTATIONS It is expected that you passed the prerequisite web course

that supports this course that you will be able to complete
this review module, and then participate in class discussions
on the information presented.

TIME TO COMPLETE Approximately: 45 minutes

EMS1 Course Guide 01 6

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

ENGINE MECHANICAL 1. Which engine component can cause low single cylinder
compression if it has been damaged?
Blown head gasket between cylinders #1 and #2
Stuck open PCV valve
Stuck open throttle plate
Burned exhaust valve

2. Which of the vacuum readings below indicate a normally

operating engine at idle?
a. 18”HG
b. 24”HG
c. 0”HG
d. 12”HG

3. What special tool is used to verify a specific engine

component is causing low cylinder compression?
a. Compression gauge
b. Vacuum gauge
c. Cylinder leakage tester
d. Inspection mirror

ENGINE MANAGEMENT BASIC 4. What two types of input signals are sent to the ECM?
___________________ ___________________

5. What is the function of the ECM?


6. What two types of output signals are generated by the

___________________ _______________________

PRESSURE, VACUUM, AND 7. What is manifold vacuum?

TEMPERATURE a. The difference between manifold pressure and
absolute pressure.
b. The sum of manifold pressure and absolute pressure.
c. The difference between barometric pressure and
absolute pressure.
d. None of the above.

8. Why is the temperature of a component important to

consider when taking component resistance readings?

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I

AIR INDUCTION 9. List ECM input components of an air induction

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

IGNITION 10. List ECM input/output components of an ignition

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

FUEL 11. List ECM input/output components in the fuel subsystem:

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

IDLE SPEED CONTROL 12. What are the two types of idle speed control used on Kia
___________________ ___________________

13. What are the two types of TPS inputs used on Kia
___________________ ___________________

14. What characteristic of an engine does the MAP sensor

a. Engine torque
b. Engine horsepower
c. Engine BTUs
d. Engine load

15. What is the temperature coefficient of the currently used

IAT and ECT sensors?
a. Positive
b. Negative

16. What are the two types of CKP sensors used on Kia
________________________ ___________________

EMS1 Course Guide 01 8

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

17. What type voltage signal does the knock sensor

a. AC
b. DC

FUEL SYSTEM PRESSURE 18. What type of customer concern would be indicated if the
fuel pressure dropped to zero just after the engine is
shut off?

19. What are the two types of recommended fuel pressure

test? (circle all that apply)
a. Running pressure
b. Wide open throttle
c. Rest pressure
d. Vacuum pressure

20. What is the minimum amount of time that the fuel

pressure gauge reading should hold steady after the
engine is shut off?
a. 5 minutes
b. One hour
c. Overnight
d. No time limit

TOOLS 21. Which of the following tools would you use to connect to
a fuel injector connector to check available voltage?
a. T-connector
b. Back probe adapter
c. BOB Pro
d. A/T Tester Plus

22. When using the GDS Current Data screen, what can you
do with the available data?
a. View an oscilloscope pattern
b. Graph the data
c. Compare the data with known good data
d. None of the above

23. What adapter can be connected to the GDS for DVOM

and oscilloscope functions?
a. VCI
b. VMI
c. Trigger Module
d. None of the Above

EMS1 Course Guide 01 9

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

DTC DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE 24. Each DTC defines a specific:

a. condition, system and circuit or component.
b. component to be replaced for proper repair.
c. connector, component or category to be inspected.
d. voltage, amperage, and resistance for each

25. To find information on the conditions that will set a DTC,

which section of the DTC Guide would you look at?
a. General Information
b. Scantool Diagnostics
c. Inspection/Repair
d. Verification of Vehicle Repair

26. To view the MIL status, DTC status and DTC flag
readiness results for a specific DTC; you would look at
______________________________ in the DTC Guide.

27. The Inspection/Repair section of the DTC Guide is

usually divided into ______________________________
and __________________________________________.

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Note Page





















EMS1 Course Guide 01 11

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Engine Management System Diagnosis

Starting and Engine Theory with Guided Practice
MODULE GOAL Upon completion of this module, you will be able to
apply Engine Management System theory to starting
the engine.

MODULE OBJECTIVES After completing this module, two tasks, and a written
test using the materials listed, you will be able to
complete the following with 80% or greater accuracy:
 List three engine starting requirements
 List five items in the order necessary to start the
 Select the ideal air/fuel ratio for engine running
 Select results of no input from the CKP sensor

MODULE INSTRUCTIONS Pay attention, ask questions, and read and follow the
instructions for each task. Answer the questions, fill in
the blanks with the requested information, and
participate in discussion to get the most out of this
module. This module will conclude with answering
Progress Check questions that will assess what you
have learned.

When you have finished, discuss your work and results

with your instructor, who will then evaluate your work,
provide positive feedback, and sign off on your
scorecard. Clean up your area as instructed.

REQUIRED In order to complete this module, you will need:

MATERIALS TO  One of the following vehicles assigned to your team:
COMPLETE THIS o 2.0L Optima Turbo GDI
MODULE o 3.5L Sorento
o 2.4L Sorento
o 2.0L Soul
o 2.4L Sportage
 GDS with VCI and printer

EMS1 Course Guide 01 12

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

TASK STATION ONE Monitor “Start” data using KGIS Current Data.

EXPECTATIONS You will increase your understanding of the

requirements for an engine to start and run.
This course does not cover engine mechanical
conditions taught in prerequisite courses.

TIME TO COMPLETE Approximately: 1 hour and 45 minutes

ACRONYMS BTDC – Before Top Dead Center

CKP – Crankshaft Position sensor
CMP – Camshaft Position sensor
ECM – Engine Control Module (ECM)
ECU – Electronic Control Unit
ECT – Engine Coolant Temperature sensor
EMS – Engine Management System
ETM – Electrical Troubleshooting Manual
DTC – Diagnostic Trouble Code
GDS – Global Diagnostic System
HC – Hydrocarbons
IAT – Intake Air Temperature sensor
MAF – Mass Air Flow sensor
MAP – Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor
N2 – Nitrogen
O2 – Oxygen
PCM – Powertrain Control Module (See ECM)
TPS – Throttle Position Sensor

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Step 1
Inputs Basic Injection Duration Determined
Using Input Values

Step 2
ECT Corrected Injection Duration
IAT Basic Injection Duration Correction
IAT Correction
Warm-up Enrichment
After-start Enrichment
Power Enrichment

Step 3
Final Injection Signal Determined
Voltage Correction

ECM actuates Injector ON

INTAKE When the piston is moving down on the intake stroke;

 The intake valve opens and the air/fuel mixture (HC,
O2 and N2) is pulled into the combustion chamber.

FUEL INJECTION To get the air fuel mixture accurately calculated, the
fuel injection system operates in three steps:

Step 1:
 Basic injection duration is calculated from:
o Mass Air Flow sensor (MAF)
o Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor (MAP)
o Engine rpm - Crankshaft Position sensor (CKP)
Step 2:
 Input sensor values, used to add or subtract fuel
from the basic injection duration, are collected from:
o Engine Coolant Temperature sensor (ECT)
o Intake Air Temperature sensor (IAT)
o Throttle Position sensor (TPS)
Step 3:
 Battery voltage correction is based on charging
system voltage, which changes depending on
electrical load.

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


COMPRESSION  Both the intake and exhaust valves close.

 Piston moves up compressing the air/fuel mixture.
 Air/fuel mixture temperature and pressure rise.
 Compressed air/fuel mixture produces more power
when ignited.

IGNITION  Both the intake and exhaust valves remain closed.

 When the piston is at a few degrees Before Top
Dead Center Compression (BTDC), the ignition coil
produces a spark across the electrodes of the spark
 Ignition of the compressed air/fuel mixture occurs
raising the combustion pressure.
 The pressure developed pushes the piston down.

The ignition timing is determined by the ECM based

upon input from the following sensors:
 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
 Mass Air Flow (MAF)
 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
 Crankshaft Position (CKP)
 Camshaft Position (CMP)

EMS1 Course Guide 01 15

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

STARTING SEQUENCE Now that we’ve discussed what is necessary for an

engine to start, what is the starting sequence?
Looking at the engine diagram above, list five key items
other than power and ground, in the order
necessary to start the engine:
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________

Next, participate in the class discussion on these items.

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Hot with
Switch in



ON/START INPUT When the ignition switch is in the run or start position:
MAIN RELAY  Voltage is supplied to the ECM ON/START input.
 This signal wakes up the ECM, which energizes the
Main Relay by grounding the Main Relay Control
 Voltage is supplied to the Fuel Pump relay and
various components and monitored by the ECM
through ECU fuse #2:
o Momentarily at first key ON to pressurize/prime
the fuel system.
o Fuel pump relay is energized when ECM receives
an engine RPM signal from the CKP.

Note: If the ECM/PCM does not get the ON/START

input, the GDS will not be able to communicate.

FUEL PUMP RELAY When the Fuel Pump Relay is ON:

 Fuel Pump Relay contacts supply voltage to turn the
pump on.
 The fuel system is pressurized with fuel.

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


CRANKSHAFT POSITION During starting (cranking):

(CKP) AND CAMSHAFT  CKP detects the engine speed.
POSITION (CMP) SENSORS  CKP detects the position of the pistons in the
cylinder on the compression stroke.
 CMP detects top dead center (TDC) of cylinder
number 1.
 CKP and CMP detect the position of the relevant
shaft directly for higher accuracy.
 Input necessary to start fuel injection operation.

Started (running):
 If CMP signal is lost, ECM can determine position by
crank angle.
 If CKP signal is lost, ECM can determine position by
cam position.

Note: If the CKP signal is not present, the system will

use the CMP signal to allow the engine to start. Some
systems may experience extended crank time to start.

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


FUEL INJECTION During starting (cranking):

 Fuel lines are pressurized with fuel.
 Rpm and intake air volume are erratic.
 Injectors are pulsed.
 After a CMP and CKP signal are received, extra fuel
is supplied to ensure a smooth transition from
starting to running, stabilizing the engine.

Started (running):
 Once stabilized, the engine rpm and intake air
volume are used to determine the basic injection
 The injectors are controlled independently in
relation to the position of the piston.
 The fuel system supplies fuel to the injectors.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 19

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


SPARK - IGNITION ECM controls the ignition coil primary ground circuit to
produce a spark to ignite the air/fuel mixture at the
proper time during the compression stroke.

Spark timing is based on:

 Engine speed
 Engine load
 Coolant temperature
 Throttle position

The ECM advances timing for:

 Cold engine
 Starting

The ECM retards timing for:

 High temperature
 High altitude

If pre-ignition (knocking) is sensed:

 Timing is retarded until the knock stops.
 After retarding timing, the ECM increases the timing
advance gradually to obtain the optimal value.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 20

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


GDS COMPONENT This guided practice will allow you to view many of the
MONITORING signals discussed in the theory portion of this module.

Use the vehicle assigned to you by the Instructor.

1. Connect the GDS to the vehicle.

2. Remove the fuel pump relay.

3. Start the engine and let it stall.

Note: Take care not to run down the battery by

excessively cranking the engine.

4. Using the GDS, select the following items to monitor

in current data. Key ON, engine OFF, record the
current data values.
a. Engine Operating Status ____________
b. Fuel Pump On ____________
c. Main Relay On ____________
d. Ignition Switch ____________
e. Injector Timing (cylinder 1) ____________
f. Actual Engine Speed (RPM) ____________
g. Engine Running Detected ____________

5. Using the GDS, select the following items to monitor

in current data. While cranking the engine,
record the values of the items.
a. Condition Start ____________
b. Fuel Pump Relay ____________
c. Main Relay ____________
d. Ignition Switch ____________
e. Injector Timing (cylinder 1) ____________
f. Actual Speed (RPM) ____________
g. Engine Running Detected ____________

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6. Reinstall the fuel pump relay.
7. Start the engine and record the value of the items
being monitored.
a. Condition Start ____________
b. Fuel Pump Relay ____________
c. Main Relay ____________
d. Ignition Switch ____________
e. Injector Timing (cylinder 1) ____________
f. Actual Speed (RPM) ____________
g. Engine Running Detected ____________

8. Using the GDS, print the MFI Control System ETM

page that contains the fuel pump and fuel pump
relay for the assigned vehicle.

9. Using the appropriate tools, perform the following

tests and record your results:

10. Are the injectors being pulsed?


11. Is there ignition spark?


12. Erase any DTCs.

Feedback: Review your results with your instructor.

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I

SUMMARY In this module:

 You have learned about engine starting
requirements, including:
o Air/Fuel ratio
o Cylinder Compression
o Ignition
o Starting Sequence
 CKP/CMP signals
 Input → CPU → Output
 Main & Fuel Pump relay
 Fuel Injection
 Spark

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


1. List three key items needed for starting an engine:

2. Which input is NOT used for ignition timing?

a. Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
b. Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S)
c. Mass Air Flow Sensor (MAF)
d. Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP)

3. If the Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP) signal

remains at zero, what is the most likely result?
a. No start
b. Extended crank
c. Misfire at idle
d. Misfire at cruise

4. In most Kia vehicles, where does the control side of

the fuel pump relay receive voltage from?
a. Main relay
b. Ignition switch
c. Fuel pump fuse
d. ECM

5. Which signal wakes up the ECM?

a. Fuel pump relay control
b. Main relay control
c. Battery voltage
d. On/Start input

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


FILL IN OR SELECT THE 6. Number from 1 to 5 the order of the five items
BEST ANSWER AND below needed for starting an engine discussed in
_____ Relays: Main ON/Start and Fuel pump
_____ Injection
_____ Ignition
_____ Starter
_____ CKP/CMP signal

7. The main relay, when energized, supplies voltage to?

a. ECM ON/Start input
b. Fuel pump relay
c. Active wheel speed sensors
d. Fuel pump

8. Using the ETM on page 6 of this module, how is the

fuel pump grounded?
a. Internally through the ECM
b. Internally through the Fuel Pump
c. Externally through a chassis ground
d. Internally through the fuel line

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Note Page





















EMS1 Course Guide 01 26

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Engine Management System Diagnosis

Fuel Theory and Instructor Demonstration
MODULE GOAL Upon completion of this module, you will be able to
explain the fuel system theory to your instructor and
perform a system inspection.

MODULE OBJECTIVES After completing this module using required materials,

instructor demonstration with discussion, and a written
test, you will be able to complete the following with
80% or greater accuracy:
 Select differences between Return, Returnless, and
Gasoline Direct Injection types of fuel systems and
pressure relief valves
 Interpret fuel pressure using a fuel pressure gauge
 Inspect for internal fuel system leakage
 Analyze fuel pressure drop test
 Evaluate the GDS Simulation Test of a MAP sensor
 Measure alcohol content in a gasoline sample

MODULE INSTRUCTIONS This theory module will include an instructor

demonstration of performing a fuel injection system
pressure test and a fuel injector pressure drop test. It
will conclude with inspection of the fuel system and
Progress Check questions that will assess what you
have learned. Pay attention, ask questions, and
participate to get the most out of this module.

REQUIRED A vehicle will be assigned by the instructor and a:

MATERIALS TO  GDS set up with VMI
COMPLETE THIS  Fuel pressure gauge with fuel rail adaptor
MODULE  100 ml graduated cylinder with stopper
 Electronic fuel injector tester
 Fuel temporary storage container
 Fender cover and safety glasses
 Battery charger

EXPECTATIONS You will gain a better understanding of fuel system

theory and participate in an instructor demonstration on
connecting a fuel pressure gauge, inspecting for fuel
leaks, and measuring fuel pressure. Next, you will test
a fuel injector pressure drop and measure the alcohol
content in the fuel.

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I

TIME TO COMPLETE Approximately: 1 hour and 30 minutes

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I

instructor demonstration
STATION ONE Measuring the amount of alcohol in the fuel sample
DEMONSTRATION ONE when diagnosing a drivability or fuel trim concern.

STATION TWO Fuel pressure set-up and test to determine if there is a

DEMONSTRATION ONE fuel delivery to the injectors concern.

DEMONSTRATION TWO Fuel injector (pulse) pressure drop test to determine if

all cylinders are receiving the same amount of fuel.

DEMONSTRATION THREE Simulation of an input signal to the ECM to determine

the input circuit and ECM functionality.

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Fuel lines


INTRODUCTION Now that we have inspected a fuel system related

no-start concern, let’s look at the fuel systems used on
Kia vehicles.

Three types of fuel delivery systems are used on Kia

 Return
 Returnless
 Gasoline Direct Injection

The fuel delivery system includes:

 Fuel tank
 Fuel pump
 Fuel filter
 Fuel delivery pipes/lines
 Pressure regulator
 Injectors and fuel rail
 Electrical system and controller (ECM)

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I




RETURN FUEL DELIVERY The return type fuel delivery system contains:
 In-tank pump:
o With a sock type filter
o Pressure relief valve
 External in-line fuel filter
 Lines and hoses
 Fuel rail
 Fuel injectors
 Pressure regulator with/Return pipe

EXTERNAL REGULATOR An external vacuum type pressure regulator:

 Adjusts the fuel pressure to correspond to the
intake manifold vacuum
 Maintains a constant pressure differential across the
injector, from the inlet pressure to the injector
 Keeps fuel pressure in the rail at a specified value
above intake manifold pressure to have a constant
effective injection pressure
 Acts as a check valve to maintain fuel pressure
when the engine is off

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


RETURNLESS FUEL The returnless fuel delivery system contains:

DELIVERY  In-tank pump with:
o Fuel pressure regulator
o Sock type filter
o Pressure relief valve and return line
o Fuel filter
 Fuel rail
 Fuel injectors
 Pressure damper

INTERNAL REGULATOR An internal regulator for a returnless system:

RETURNLESS SYSTEM  Installed at the fuel pump
 Set at a fixed value (~ 55 psi)
 Fuel pressure does not change during normal
operation, only injector ON time

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Internal Damper

External Damper
DAMPER The fuel rail damper is:
 Internal on plastic fuel rails
 External on either plastic or steel fuel rails

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I


GASOLINE DIRECT The Gasoline Direct Injection fuel delivery system

 Low pressure in-tank pump with:
o Fuel pressure regulator
o Sock type filter
o Pressure relief valve and return line
 Fuel filter
 High pressure camshaft driven fuel pump
 High pressure regulator (580 psi (40 bar) at idle to a
maximum of 1958 psi (135 bar)
 Fuel pressure sensor
 Fuel rail
 Fuel injectors

An internal regulator for the system:

 Installed at the fuel pump
 Set at a fixed value (~ 65 psi)
 Reduces fuel pressure buildup in tank
 Fuel pressure to the high pressure pump does not
change during normal operation

EMS1 Course Guide 01 34

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

The cam driven high-pressure fuel pump delivers fuel to

the fuel rail. A fuel pressure sensor on the fuel rail
inputs fuel pressure to the ECM/PCM, which controls a
Pulse Width Modulated fuel pressure regulator on the
high-pressure pump.

The low-pressure electrical pump is controlled by the

PCM and fuel pump relay, and provides fuel pressure
(65 psi) to the high-pressure pump when the ignition
switch is ON. An internal fuel pressure regulator
controls the pressure of the low-pressure system.

The high-pressure system utilizes a mechanical pump

driven by the camshaft, and provides high-pressure fuel
(580-1,958 psi) to the fuel rail and injectors. An
electronic fuel pressure regulator (FPR), mounted on
the high-pressure pump, controls the pressure in the
high-pressure system.

Warning: The system operates at extremely high

pressure. When removing the high-pressure fuel pump,
high-pressure fuel pipe, delivery pipe, or injector follow
all procedures in the shop manual to prevent injury. Do
not attempt to test the fuel pressure of the high-
pressure system.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 35

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


relief valve Float and
sending unit

Sock filter
Fuel Fuel filter
Fuel pump

IN-TANK FUEL PUMP Internal fuel pump assembly:

(RETURNLESS)  Has a sock filter to remove debris that may enter
the tank.
 Has a wet pump, which is an electric motor,
operated submerged in fuel for cooling and
 Has an internal fuel pressure regulator, which is set
at a fixed value (≈ 55 psi.)
 Includes a pressure relief valve.
 Has a float and fuel level sending unit.

INTERNAL FILTER Internal filter has a serviceable filter as part of the fuel
pump assembly.

Note: If any of the O-rings are damaged or missing it

can cause a loss of fuel pressure and act similar to the
bad check valve.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 36

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Relief Valve


Discharge Fuel

Check Valve
Inlet Port
DC Motor

PUMP Fuel pumps are internal to the fuel tank (in-tank) and:
 Are capable of supplying a high volume of fuel at
high pressure (up to approximately 150 psi).
 The fuel pump draws high current.
 Any resistance in the circuit can reduce the pump
 As the pump motor ages, its resistance decreases,
and current increases.
 The pressure relief valve is located on the output
side of the fuel pump in the tank and releases
excess pressure from the fuel pump if fuel line is
 The check valve helps maintain fuel pressure when
key is OFF.

Note: When a pump motor fails, you should inspect

the electrical terminals and fuel pump relay for
overheating. A damaged relay or terminals may indicate
an impending pump failure.

Warning: Do not bench test fuel pump.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 37

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Fuel lines

LINES AND FUEL RAILS The fuel lines and rails:

 Are constructed from rubber or steel.
 Run from the fuel pump assembly to the fuel rail.
 Return line runs back to the tank on systems with
an external regulator.
 Some vehicles use hose clamps to attach the lines
and others use quick disconnects.
 To reduce pump pulsation, plastic fuel rails have an
integrated damper installed inside of the rail and
consist of a deformable steel chamber.

Warning: Only fuel rated and labeled lines should be

used as replacement lines.

IN LINE FUEL FILTER Some are externally mounted in the fuel line from the
pump to the fuel rail and are a service part.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 38

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Fuel Inlet
Fine (micron)

Electrical Spring




FUEL INJECTORS ECM controlled metering valve consists of the housing,

nozzle, valve, return spring and solenoid:
 Supplied battery voltage from the active main relay
(ignition key ON)
 ECM grounds the solenoid to open and holds for
duration of ON time.
 Return spring closes the valve.
 High resistance injector (12 -17 Ohm @ 68° F)
 O-rings to seal fuel
 Held in place by fuel rail
 ECM can precisely control injection quantity by
varying the injector ON time

Note: When installing injectors, correctly install and

lubricate new O-rings with petroleum jelly in the rail
and manifold to avoid leakage.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 39

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Fuel Supply


Supply Tube



Armature Valve Body


Combustion Chamber
Spray Generator

The GDI fuel injector injects high-pressure fuel directly

into the combustion chamber, as opposed to the MPI
injector that injects fuel into the intake manifold. Unlike
the standard injector which is ground-side controlled,
the ECM controls both sides of the GDI injector.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 40

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

GASOHOL FUEL Almost 80% of the gasoline sold in the U.S. contains
 Made from corn or grain and called gasohol
 Most of that gasoline is what’s known as “E10:”
o A mixture that is 10% or less ethanol and 90%
or more unleaded gasoline.
o Ethanol raises both the oxygen and the octane
content of gasoline, allowing it to burn more
efficiently and produce fewer emissions.
 A new blend with 15% alcohol has been approved
by the EPA for 2007 and newer vehicles.

E85 fuel is an alternative fuel for Flexible Fuel Vehicles

and is comprised of:
 A mixture that is 85% ethanol and 15% unleaded

EMS1 Course Guide 01 41

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Kia vehicles are designed to operate with gasohol up to

10% alcohol content.

Gasohol containing more than 10% ethanol or any

methanol may cause drivability problems and damage
to the fuel system:
 Up to 10% alcohol is safe for most engines.
 11% to 15% alcohol causes engine performance
problems to occur which brings customers into the
 16% to 25% will cause no-start, frequent stalling,
difficulty accelerating, and reduce engine life.

Vehicle damage or drivability problems may not be

covered by the warranty if they result from the use of
gasohol containing more than 10% ethanol.

Most states sell gasohol, but not all require that a sign
be posted advising customers of the gasohol or what
the percentage is.

Kia recommends avoiding fuels containing MTBE

(Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) over 15% by volume.

Kia recommends using good quality gasoline treated

with detergent additives such as TOP TIER Detergent
Gasoline, which help prevent deposit formation in the

For more information on TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline

go the website (www.toptiergas.com).

EMS1 Course Guide 01 42

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Next, your instructor will demonstrate installing the fuel

pressure gauge and testing the fuel system pressure.

A faulty fuel delivery system can cause failure to start,

hard starting, rough idle, lack of power and poor fuel
economy. The fuel pressure test can indicate or confirm
a problem with fuel delivery to the injectors.

REVIEW PREPARING FOR A Start vehicle to confirm that the engine starts and runs.
FUEL PRESSURE TEST Next, turn the ignition key OFF.

1. Install fender cover to protect the vehicle’s finish.

2. Remove the fuel pump relay.
3. Start the engine and wait until the fuel in the line is
used up and the engine stalls.
4. Turn the ignition key OFF and disconnect the
negative terminal from the battery.

Warning: The following tests involve flammable liquid.

Use safety procedures listed in the service manual.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 43

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Fuel Rail

Fuel Gauge Adaptor

Fuel Line

REVIEW GAUGE Install the Special Service Tool (SST) fuel pressure
INSTALLATION adaptor for measuring the fuel pressure, if not
previously installed.

1. Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel rail.

2. Install the fuel pressure gauge adapter between the

fuel line and the fuel rail.

3. Connect the fuel line to the fuel pressure gauge


EMS1 Course Guide 01 44

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Fuel Gauge Connector Fuel Gauge Adapter

CONNECTING THE GAUGE 4. Connect the fuel pressure gauge and hose to the
(CONT.) fuel pressure gauge adapter.

5. Turn the key to the run position. (DO NOT START


6. Determine that there are no fuel leaks. (Repair any

leaks before starting the engine.)

Were there any leaks? YES NO

PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE The pressure release valve is used to:

 Purge air from the line for accurate pressure
 Reduce fuel volume and pressure into a fuel bottle
before removing the gauge.
 Obtain a fuel test sample for (fuel quality/alcohol.)

Note: Some vehicles may not prime the pump at

KOEO, but may require cranking the engine for a short
period of time.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 45

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

SYSTEM OPERATING 1. Start the engine.

2. Use the fuel pressure gauge release valve to bleed
the hose into the fuel drain bottle. (Safely dispose of
the fuel using proper procedures.)

3. Take a fuel sample with the pressure gauge release

valve and fill the graduated cylinder with fuel up to
the 90 ml mark. Set it aside for later use.

4. Record the running fuel pressure at idle: ____ PSI

5. Increase the engine to 2000 RPM.

6. Record the fuel pressure: _____________ PSI

7. Turn off the engine and record the fuel pressure.


8. Record the fuel pressure after 5 minutes.


Discuss what an acceptable rest fuel pressure is.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 46

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

FUEL PRESSURE DURING Participate in a class discussion on procedure and

TEST-DRIVE results from measuring fuel pressure under various
driving conditions relating to the customer concern.

Why perform a driving fuel pressure test?


What additional steps are performed for a driving



Results of test:


Warning: When checking fuel pressure during a test

drive, use caution to secure the fuel pressure gauge
and hose in a way that will prevent any damage to the
hose or vehicle.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 47

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

SYSTEM REST PRESSURE & Fuel system rest pressure should remain constant when
LEAK CHECKING the engine is turned off.

If the fuel pressure drops, check for:

 Leaking check valve in the fuel pump
 Leaking external fuel pressure regulator
 Leaking fuel injector

To check for a leak:

1. Start the engine.

2. Shut off the engine and record the fuel pressure.

Results of test: _______________________________

3. Allow the vehicle to set for 5 minutes.

4. Record the fuel pressure again.

Results of test: _______________________________

EMS1 Course Guide 01 48

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Gasohol fuel samples

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Engine Management System Diagnosis I

MEASURING ALCOHOL IN Test for excess alcohol in the fuel when you have a
FUEL drivability or fuel trim concern or:
 Rough unstable idle
 Lack power
 No-start with normal fuel pressure and spark
 Problem started after last fill-up

Warning: The test involves flammable liquid. Use

safety procedures listed in the service manual.

Note: E85 is cloudy white in appearance.

1. Use the graduated cylinder with fuel up to the 90 ml

mark. (Figure 1)

2. Add 10 ml of water to bring the total volume up to

100 ml. (Figure 1)

3. Install the stopper and mix the fuel and water for 10
– 15 seconds, then carefully loosen the stopper in
order to release the pressure.

4. Reinstall the stopper and mix again for 10 – 15

seconds, then carefully loosen the stopper to
release the pressure.

5. Install the stopper and allow the cylinder to rest for

5 minutes to allow for separation.

Feedback: While waiting, discuss the expected

outcome with your instructor.

6. If alcohol is present, the volume of the

alcohol/water will increase above the 10 ml level in
the cylinder. (Figure 2.)

7. The ml level of alcohol/water above 10 ml is the

percentage of alcohol in the fuel. Example: 15 ml =
5% alcohol, 20 ml = 10% alcohol. Figure 3 indicates
8% alcohol.

8. What percentage of alcohol is in the test sample?


EMS1 Course Guide 01 50

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Inspecting Vacuum and Regulator

DISCUSS CHECKING AN This procedure is to check operation of the external fuel

EXTERNAL REGULATOR pressure regulator:

1. Start the engine and record the fuel pressure.

2. Disconnect the vacuum line to the regulator. The
fuel pressure should increase by _______ psi. (See
vehicle specifications for correct value.)

3. Reconnect the vacuum line to the regulator. The

fuel pressure should decrease to the amount
recorded in step 1.

If you suspect a leaking regulator:

1. Check for fuel in the vacuum hose to the regulator.

2. Start the engine and record the fuel pressure, and

then shut off the engine.

3. Immediately pinch off the return line.

4. The fuel pressure should maintain for 5 minutes.

5. Release the return line, if the fuel pressure drops

significantly the regulator is leaking.

If there is no evidence of a leaking check valve or

regulator, you probably have a leaking injector.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 51

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Condition: Probable Cause: Suspected Area:

Clogged fuel filter Fuel filter
Fuel leak by the fuel-
pressure regulator that is
Fuel Pressure too low
assembled on fuel pump Fuel Pressure Regulator
because of poor seating of
the fuel pressure regulator.
Sticking fuel pressure
Fuel Pressure too high Fuel Pressure Regulator

MEASURED FUEL PRESSURE The chart above can be referenced when the measured
CONCERNS fuel pressure values are high or low.

Condition: Probable Cause: Suspected Area:

Fuel pressure drops slowly
Injector leak Injector
after engine is turned off.
The check valve within the
Fuel pressure drops
fuel pump is open.
immediately after engine is Fuel Pump
Damaged or missing O-rings
turned off.
in sending unit assembly.

HOLDING PRESSURE After stopping the engine, the measured valve should
CONCERNS hold for 5 minutes; if it falls, refer to the chart above.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 52

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


INSTRUCTOR DEMO This test is run with a fuel pressure gauge and done
FUEL INJECTOR after electrical test on the fuel system is inconclusive.
1. Connect the fuel pressure gauge to the engine.

2. Disconnect all the fuel injector connectors.

Caution: To prevent damage to the tester, do not

allow test terminals to contact chassis.
Warning: Do not connect tester to negative battery
terminal near fuel or the fuel rail tap.
3. First, connect the positive lead to the Electronic Fuel
Injector Pulser to #1 injector, and then connect the
negative lead to the battery. Set the pulser to
shortest pulse width.

4. Turn the ignition to the RUN position or use GDS

fuel pump activation.

5. Turn OFF the ignition and record the fuel pressure.

6. Press the button on the pulser.

7. When the injector pulses stop, record fuel pressure.

8. Repeat test for all injectors.

9. If an injector has a pressure drop of less than 1.5

psi from the other injectors, it has a restriction.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 53

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


USING GDS/VMI ON The GDS with VMI will allow simulating inputs and
INPUTS outputs to the ECM to determine the input circuit and
ECM functionality.

The VMI can create a simulated input:

 Analog voltage level from .1 to 5 volts DC
 Digital pulse signal from 1 to 1kHz
 The VMI can operate components by creating a
digital duty pulse width modulated power or ground
from 1 to 1 kHz and 10% to 90%.

To simulate an input voltage:

1. Connect the VMI to the GDS.

2. Connect the yellow test lead to the VMI

(channel B).

3. Connect the VCI to the vehicle.

4. Connect a T-connector between the MAP sensor

and the MAP sensor wiring harness.

5. Turn the ignition to RUN.

6. View the engine current data and select the MAP


7. Record the MAP sensor reading: ____________

EMS1 Course Guide 01 54

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

8. On the GDS, select Simulation Test.

9. Select VOLT (V) Output.

10. On the T-connector, connect the positive VMI lead

to the MAP output signal, and the negative lead to
MAP ground.

11. On the Simulation Test screen, adjust the voltage

to 4.0 volts. Then remove the T-connector lead
from the MAP sensor only.

12. Use the 0.1 V up and down arrow while observing

the voltage or MAP value on the engine current
data screen.

13. The voltage or MAP value should change


14. Change the MAP value from PSI to KPA, or KPA to

PSI, and watch the sensitivity.

If the value changes, it indicates the input circuit is

operating correctly. If it does not, you need to check
the input circuit for an open, short, or high resistance.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 55

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

ECM Fuel lines

SUMMARY In this module, you have learned about:

 Fuel system components
 Return, Returnless, and Gasoline Direct Injection
fuel systems
 Checking fuel pressure
 Checking external fuel pressure regulators for
 Checking fuel pump check valve for leakage
 Checking fuel injector pressure drop
 Checking for alcohol in fuel
 Simulating an ECM input signal with GDS and VMI

EMS1 Course Guide 01 56

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 1. Which type of fuel pressure regulator is used in the
AND RECORD ON THE returnless fuel system?
ANSWER SHEET a. Internal vacuum controlled
b. Internal pressure controlled
c. External vacuum controlled
d. External pressure controlled

2. Technician A says that the fuel pressure relief valve

can be either internal or external.
Technician B says that the fuel pressure relief valve
releases excess pressure from the fuel pump if a
fuel line is blocked.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

3. Technician A says that if fuel pressure drops after

two minutes when the key is off, the fuel pump
check valve may be leaking.
Technician B says that if fuel pressure drops when
the key is off, an injector may be leaking.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

4. What is indicated from the following reading when

performing a fuel injector pressure drop test?

Inj #1 Inj #2 Inj #3 Inj #4

Start pressure 55 psi 55 psi 55 psi 55 psi
Stop pressure 32 psi 34 psi 53 psi 33 psi

a. Injector #3 is leaking.
b. Injector #3 is restricted.
c. Injectors #1, #2, & #4 are leaking.
d. Injectors #1, #2, & #4 are restricted.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 57

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


SELECT THE BEST 5. Technician A says that the quantity of alcohol in fuel
ANSWER(S) AND RECORD can be measured with a refractometer.
THEM ON THE ANSWER Technician B says that the quantity of alcohol in fuel
SHEET can be measured with a graduated container and
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

6. When diagnosing a fuel pressure problem, you

determined the fuel system pressure drops when
the key is off. What would you do to determine if
the external fuel pressure regulator is leaking?
a. Pinch off the brake booster line.
b. Pinch off the fuel rail.
c. Pinch off the pressure line.
d. Pinch off the return line.

7. What type of signal can the GDS with VMI input to

an ECM?
a. Analog voltage
b. Digital pulse
c. Analog saw tooth pulse
d. Both a and b

In the following question, three of the answers are

correct. Select the one that is not correct.

8. If the fuel pressure drops, check all of the following

for a leak, EXCEPT:
a. External fuel pressure regulator
b. Fuel injector
c. Check valve in the fuel pump
d. Rail Damper

EMS1 Course Guide 01 58

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Note Page





















EMS1 Course Guide 01 59

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Engine Management System Diagnosis

Components and Circuits Theory

MODULE GOAL Upon completion of this module, you will be able to

demonstrate through discussion and questions, your
knowledge of specific engine management components
and circuits.

MODULE OBJECTIVES Given this module and a written test, you will be able to
complete the following with 80% or greater accuracy:
 Identify the function and operation of input circuits.
 Identify the function and operation of output

MODULE INSTRUCTIONS This theory module will conclude with Progress Check
questions that will assess what you have learned. Pay
attention, ask questions, and participate to get the
most out of this module.

EXPECTATIONS You will gain a better understanding of engine

management input and output components functions
and their electrical circuits. This includes the type of
circuit, its power, and ground; does it share power and
ground with other circuits, circuit operation, and testing
procedures? This module will prepare you for the
guided practice modules.

TIME TO COMPLETE Approximately: 2 hours

TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview page 2

Section 1 page 6
Section 2 page 36
Section 3 page 65

EMS1 Course Guide 01 60

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Input Processor Output

INTRODUCTION The EMS shown above has many inputs to the ECM and
outputs that control engine operation. These inputs and
outputs use circuits to communicate information and

EMS1 Course Guide 01 61

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

INTRODUCTION This module covers operation of the following systems,
components and circuits:
 Switches
 Relays and Relay Circuits
 Transistors
 Thermistors
o Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
o Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
o CVVT Oil Temperature Sensor (OTS)
 Potentiometers
o Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
o Accelerator Position Sensor (APS)
 Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Motor
 GDI Fuel Pressure Solenoid
 Pressure Sensors
o Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
o Boost Pressure Sensor (BOOST)
o GDI Rail Pressure Sensor (RPS)
o Barometric Pressure Sensor (BARO)
 Mass Air Flow (MAF)
 Crankshaft Position (CKP)
 Knock Sensor (KNOCK)
 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) and circuits (Narrow
and Wide band)
 Variable Intake Management (VIM) and Variable
Charge Motion (VCM) Systems
 Camshaft Position (CMP)
 Fuel Injector circuits (Standard and GDI)
 Ignition coil circuits
 CVVT Oil Control Circuits
 Fuel Control

EMS1 Course Guide 01 62

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Input sensor and output control signals

Analog Signal Digital Signal
Temperature Engine Coolant Voltage Divider
Intake Air Temperature Voltage Divider
Engine Oil Temperature Voltage Divider
Position Crankshaft Position Voltage Divider/Magnetic Inductive Hall Effect
Camshaft Position Hall Effect
Throttle Position Potentiometer
Acceleration Pedal Position Potentiometer
VCM Intake Position Potentiometer
Brake Pedal Position Pull-up voltage/switch
Clutch Pedal Position Pull-down voltage/switch
Transmission Range Pull-up voltage/switch
Ignition Key ON/Start Pull-up voltage/switch
Fuel Level Potentiometer
Pressure Manifold Absolute Pressure Voltage Divider/Strain Gauge
Fuel Tank Pressure Voltage Divider/Strain Gauge
Refrigerant Pressure Voltage Divider/Strain Gauge Pull-up voltage/switch
Power Steering Pressure Pull-down voltage/switch
GDI Fuel Pressure Sensor Voltage Divider/Strain Gauge
Air Flow Mass Air Flow Voltage Generator
Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Voltage Generator/Nernst Cell Amps
Vibration Knock Sensor Voltage Generator/Piezo Crystal
Speed Vehicle Speed Voltage Generator/Magnetic Inductive

System Power Mail Relay ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
System Diagnosis Malfunction Indicator Lamp ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
Fuel Delivery Fuel Pump ON/OFF control – Via Relay
Fuel Relay ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
Fuel Injector Variable Control – Pulse Width Modulated
GDI Fuel pressure Regulator ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
Ignition Control Ignition Coil Variable Control – Pulse Width Modulated
Valve Train Control CVVT Solenoid ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
Variable Intake Control VIC Solenoid ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
VCM Motor ON/OFF control – B+ Ground Side Switched
Idle Control IAC Motor Variable Control – Pulse Width Modulated
ETC Motor Variable Control – Pulse Width Modulated
Emissions Control Purge Solenoid Variable Control – Pulse Width Modulated
CCV Solenoid ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
HO2S Heater Control Variable Control – Pulse Width Modulated
A/C Control A/C Compressor Clutch Relay ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
Cooling Fan Control Cooling Fan Relays ON/OFF control – Ground Side Switched
Fan Control Module Variable Control – Pulse Width Modulated

Scan Tool K-Line, Can-C (High Speed)
Power Train Can-C (High Speed)
Body Can B-Low Speed

The chart above describes the type of PCM input

signals, output controls and communications lines.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 63

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Signal types

ANALOG INPUTS  Temperature Sensors

 Position Sensors
 Pressure Sensors
 Air Flow (voltage)
 Voltage Producing


 Hall Effect Position Sensors
 Air Flow (frequency)

OUTPUTS  Power Side Controlled

 Ground Side Controlled


EMS1 Course Guide 01 64

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Switches page 7
Relays page 10
Transistors page 13
Thermistors page 16
Potentiometers page 20
Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Motor page 26
GDI Fuel Pressure Regulator page 30

EMS1 Course Guide 01 65

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Brake Switch ON/Start Switch P/S Switch

(Pull-up) (Pull-up) (Pull-down)

FUNCTION Switches supply either a voltage or a ground signal to a

PCM terminal when the switch is closed and are
controlled manually, or by operating conditions (fluid
pressure, temperature, etc.).

PULL-UP A Pull Up circuit increases the voltage at the PCM when

the switch contacts close. An example of a Pull Up
circuit would be the Brake Switch or ON/Start Switch

PULL-DOWN A Pull Down circuit decreases the voltage at the PCM

when the switch contacts close. An example of a pull
down switch would be the Power Steering Pump
pressure switch.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 66

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

PULL-UP SWITCH  Reference voltage:
o B+ for pull down circuit
o Zero vdc for pull up circuit

Testing the switch

Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF measured
resistance between terminals
 Contacts Closed
o < 0.10 Ohm
 Contacts Open
o ∞ Ohm

Current Data Values

o ON (switch closed)
o OFF (switch open) condition
 Use GDS Current Data to monitor and graph change

Basic measurements with DVOM

Use T-connector and DVOM to test circuit
 Pull-Up Circuit:
o Input device Off = 0v
o Input device On = B+

A reading of less than B+ with the switch closed could

mean that unwanted resistance is causing a voltage
drop in the circuit.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 67

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

PULL-DOWN SWITCH • Pull Down Circuit:
o Input device Off = 5v or B+
o Input device On = 0v

Testing the switch

Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF measured
resistance between terminals
 Contacts Closed
o < 0.10 Ohm
 Contacts Open
o ∞ Ohm

Current Data Values

 ON (switch closed)
 OFF (switch open) condition
 Use GDS Current Data to monitor and graph change

Basic measurements with DVOM

Use T-connector and DVOM to test circuit
 Pull Up Circuit:
o Input device Off = B+
o Input device On = 0V

A reading of higher than 0v could indicate unwanted

resistance after the switch.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 68

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

RElays (Output)

FUNCTION Relays use a small current flow to control a larger

amount of current flow or remotely control another

Think of the relay as two separate circuits:

CONTROL SIDE  Source Voltage

 Control (switch or ECM)
 Load (coil)
 Ground

SWITCH SIDE Power Side-Controlled

 Source Voltage
 Control (relay contacts)
 Load (device being operated by relay)
 Ground

EMS1 Course Guide 01 69

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Fuel Pump Relay – Fuel Pump

The fuel pump relay shown above supplies power to

the fuel pump.

When the ignition key is ON, the engine control relay

supplies B+ to the fuel pump relay coil. The PCM
grounds the other side of the coil to energize the fuel
pump relay for starting, and keeps it energized while
the engine is running. As a fail-safe feature, when the
engine stops running the PCM de-energizes the fuel
pump relay and shuts off the fuel supply to the engine.

The fuel pump is power-side controlled and has a hard

wire ground.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 70

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

how to test relays

85 30 85 30 85 30

86 87 86 87 87 86 87 87a

TESTING A RELAY Check relays by using a battery or power supply and an

Select Ohms on the DVOM and touch the two leads
together. They should measure zero ohms such as 0.1
ohms. If not, inspect the leads or zero the meter.

1. Measure the resistance of the coil. The resistance

value will vary depending on the type of relay.
Typically, relay coils measure between 50 and 100
2. If the relay has NC contacts, measure the resistance
of the contacts, they should measure less than 1
3. Measure the resistance of the NO contacts, they
should measure infinite.
4. Connect 12 Vdc to the relay coil terminals.
 The relay should energize.
 NC contacts should open and measure infinite
 NO contacts should close and measure less than
1 ohm.

Note: Some relay manufacturers do not follow

“Convention” and label what should be two 87’s
as 87 and 87a on the NO contacts.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 71

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Supply Side Controlled Groundside Controlled

FUNCTION Like a relay, a transistor also use a small amount of

current to control a larger amount of current or
remotely control a circuit, but does so electronically.

Transistors can control either the supply side or

groundside of the circuit.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 72

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Supply Side Controlled

EMS1 Course Guide 01 73

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Ground Side Controlled

EMS1 Course Guide 01 74

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

temperature sensors (thermistors)

Thermistor Circuit

FUNCTION Temperature sensors (thermistors) are used to

measure the temperature of a gas (air) or a liquid, and
provide operating or ambient conditions to the ECM.

TEMPERATURE SENSORS The temperature sensor shown above uses a voltage

divider circuit (circuit divided at sensor) and measures
the voltage drop across the sensor in the circuit.

Temperature sensor circuits include:

 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
 Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
 Automatic Transaxle Fluid Temperature (TFT)
 Oil Temperature Sensor (EOT)

EMS1 Course Guide 01 75

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Temperature sensors
TEMPERATURE SENSOR Three types of ECT signals are used:

Voltage vs. Temperature







-40 -4 32 68 104 140 176 212 248 284 320

 Fixed Reference Voltage: Voltage drop across the

sensor decreases as temperature increases.

Voltage vs. Temperature







-40 -4 32 68 104 140 176 212 248 284 320
Temperature F

 Dual Reference Voltage: Voltage drop across the

sensor decreases as temperature increases. At a
specific temperature, (varies by vehicle) the transistor
switches, the reference voltage increases, again the
voltage drop across the sensor decreases as
temperature increases.
 Dual Reference Voltage Cycling: Voltage drop across
the sensor decreases as temperature increases. At
approximately 50 C (125 F), the transistor cycles ON
and OFF creating a square wave for a more accurate
reading. At approximately 80 C (175 F) the
transistor stays on, the reference voltage increases,
again the voltage drop across the sensor decreases as
temperature increases.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 76

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

temperature sensors
Current Data Values
 Open sensor:
o -40° F or modified value (ECM design)
 Shorted sensor:
o 240° F or modified value (ECM design)

Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to ground:
o Signal
 5 vdc (most Kia vehicles)
o Ground
 Zero vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals:
o Sensor
 Resistance based on temperature

Basic measurement with scope

 Use GDS and T-connector with VMI to provide a
substitute voltage value
 Observe Current Data to confirm PCM is interpreting
simulated value correctly

EMS1 Course Guide 01 77

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


2012 Sorento ECT

2012 Sorento IAT

2010 Soul TFT

2010 Soul OTS

Always check the service information for the correct

resistance/temperature chart. Specifications may vary
by model, year, and type of sensor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 78

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

position sensors (potentiometers)

FUNCTION Position sensors (potentiometers) measure the position
or movement of a component.

POSITION SENSORS The position sensors shown above use a voltage divider
circuit and measures the voltage based on the position
of the sensor arm.

These include:
 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
 Accelerator Position Sensor (APS)
 Fuel Level Sensor

Position sensors can act as variable pull-up, or pull-

down, signal circuits.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 79

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Throttle position sensor

THROTTLE POSITION The TPS, mounted on the throttle body, uses two
SENSOR - TPS sensors to detect the opening angle of the throttle
valve and malfunction of the sensor.
 Power supplied by ECM
 Load provided by resistor
 Grounded through ECM
 Signal to ECM based on resistance provided through
sensor (pull-up)
 ECM signal grounded through resistance provided
by sensor (pull-down)

EMS1 Course Guide 01 80

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

throttle position sensor

THROTTLE POSITION The TPS provides feedback to the PCM to control the
SENSOR - TPS throttle motor for throttle valve opening that is in
response to the driving condition.

In the examples above:

 At idle TPS1 voltage is low and TPS2 voltage is high
 As the throttle opens TPS1 voltage increases and
TPS2 voltage decreases

EMS1 Course Guide 01 81

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

accelerator position sensor

ACCELERATOR POSITION The APS, mounted on the accelerator pedal, uses two
SENSOR - APS sensors to detect the opening angle of the accelerator
pedal and malfunction of the sensor. The PCM controls
the throttle motor based on these inputs.
 Power supplied by ECM
 Load provided by resistor
 Grounded through ECM
 Signal to ECM based on resistance provided through

EMS1 Course Guide 01 82

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


ACCELERATOR POSITION The PCM controls the throttle motor based on APS
SENSOR - APS inputs.
In the examples above:
 Both APS1 and APS2 increase in voltage.
 APS1 increases at a higher voltage level than APS2.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 83

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Position Sensors
Current Data Values
 Open sensor:
o Reference voltage measured
 Shorted sensor to ground:
o Zero voltage measured
 Shorted sensor to voltage
o Reference voltage measured

Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to ground
o Supply
APS Characteristics
 5 vdc (most Kia vehicles)
o Signal
 5 vdc (single TPS)
 5 vdc (ETC TPS1)
 0 vdc (ETC TPS2)
o Ground
 Zero vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor
 Resistance based on the position of sensor

Basic measurement with scope

 Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope and simulate input.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 84

Engine Management System Diagnosis I



INTRODUCTION The ETC eliminates the mechanical connection between

the accelerator pedal and the throttle valve through the
use of the following inputs:
 Throttle position sensor (TPS)
 Accelerator position sensor (APS)

And the following output:

 Electronic throttle control (ETC) motor

In addition, the PCM electronically controls the amount

of throttle valve opening. With ETC, the need for
dedicated cruise control modules, traction control units,
and idle air control valves (IAC) has been eliminated.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 85

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


ELECTRONIC THROTTLE The ETC system components:

CONTROL - ETC  Throttle body
 Integrated control motor
 Throttle position sensor (TPS)

 Monitors the APS signal
 Calculates the target throttle angle
 Controls the ETC motor to position the throttle
 Controls cruise control functions

Note: 2004 Amanti uses an Electronic Throttle System

(ETS) control module separate from the PCM.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 86

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Figure 1 - Normal waveform of ETC motor with acceleration

Figure 2 – Normal waveform of ETC motor with deceleration

ETC MOTOR The ETC motor, mounted on the throttle body, moves
the throttle valve opening as determined by the PCM.
The ETC motor is PWM on both terminals. The PCM
supplies power to one terminal and grounds the other
to control the motor position forwards and backwards.

 Figure 1 above shows the motor opening from

spring-loaded fail-safe position
 Figure 2 above shows the motor closing from
spring-loaded fail-safe position

EMS1 Course Guide 01 87

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

ETC Default Modes

DEFAULT MODES The above chart lists the six modes the ETC system will
go into. Five when a problem is detected and one when
the ETC system is normal. The ECM/PCM will select the
mode depending on the fault.

The chart above describes the action that the ECM/PCM

takes during these types of faults.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 88

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fuel pressure regulator (FPR) – GDI Output


FUNCTION The ECM controls the fuel pressure of the high-pressure

fuel pump using the fuel pressure regulator valve.

OPERATION The ECM controls the fuel pressure of the high-pressure

fuel pump by using the fuel pressure regulator valve to
bleed off fuel pressure from the pump when needed.
The ECM controls the fuel pressure ON time of the
regulator valve by opening and closing the valve.
 High = OPEN
 Low = CLOSE

Normal fuel pressure is 580 psi at idle, to a maximum of

1,958 psi at 6,300 RPM.

If there is a problem with the system, fuel pressure is

maintained at approximately 65 psi in limp-home mode.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 89

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


SIGNAL INSPECTION The ECM controls the fuel pressure by opening and
closing the fuel pressure regulator solenoid.
 When the solenoid is closed, both the high and
low circuits will read approximately 2.5V
 When the solenoid is open, the low circuit will
read 0V and the high circuit will cycle between 0
and source voltage
 When the solenoid closes the low side will show
a voltage spike
Movement Control is the voltage required to open
the solenoid valve.
Sustenance Control is the pulsed voltage required to
keep the solenoid valve open.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 90

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

progress check questions

SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 9. Technician A says that ECT, IAT, and Oil temp
AND RECORD ON THE sensors are a voltage divider circuit.
ANSWER SHEET Technician B says that ECT, IAT, and Oil temp
sensors are a parallel circuit.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

10. Technician A says that both APS signals increase

when depressing the throttle with ETC.
Technician B says that both TPS signals increase
when the throttle is depressed with ETC.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

11. Technician A says that switch inputs can supply

voltage to the ECM.
Technician B says that switch inputs can supply
ground to the ECM.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

12. Technician A says that relays can be 4-pin and 5-pin

Technician B says that a relay circuit can be tested
with a DVOM.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

EMS1 Course Guide 01 91

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 13. Which two components are no longer needed in an
AND RECORD ON THE ETC equipped vehicle?
ANSWER SHEET Select all that apply.
a. Electronic Throttle Control Module
b. Throttle Cable
c. Transmission Control Module
d. Cruise Control Module

14. Technician A says that on a vehicle with ETC, the

APS signals are considered feedback from the
throttle actuator.
Technician B says that on a vehicle with ETC, the
TPS signals are considered the drivers input.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

15. Technician A says that the PCM will change modes

when a problem is detected in the ETC system.
Technician B says that the PCM always will force
engine shutdown when a problem is detected in the
ETC system.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

16. Technician A says that at idle TPS 1 has a low

voltage signal and TPS 2 has a high voltage signal.
Technician B says that as the throttle opens TPS 1
voltage increases and TPS 2 voltage decreases.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

EMS1 Course Guide 01 92

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 17. The GDI fuel pressure regulator is controlled by:
AND RECORD ON THE a. A vacuum line
c. The fuel pressure regulator relay
d. None of the above

18. If the fuel pressure on a GDI engine is steady at

65psi, the system is most likely:
a. Operating normally
b. Malfunctioning mechanically
c. Out of gas
d. In limp-home mode

EMS1 Course Guide 01 93

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Note Page






















EMS1 Course Guide 01 94

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Pressure Sensors page 37
Mass Air Flow (MAF) page 47
Magnetic Inductive page 52
Knock Sensor (KNOCK) page 54
Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) page 56
Catalytic Converter page 60

EMS1 Course Guide 01 95

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Pressure SEnsors


FUNCTION A pressure sensor measures positive pressure, or

negative pressure (vacuum), and sends the information
to the ECM as a voltage signal.

PRESSURE SENSORS The pressure sensor shown above uses a strain gauge
voltage divider circuit based on the difference in

Pressure sensors include:

 Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
 Boost Pressure Sensor (BPS)
 Rail Pressure Sensor (RPS)
 Barometric Pressure (BARO)
 Fuel Tank Pressure (FTP)

EMS1 Course Guide 01 96

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Current Data
 inHg
 mmHg
 mbar
 bar
 kPa
 MPa
 hPa
 psi

Basic measurements with DVOM

MAP  Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to ground
o Supply
 5 vdc
o Signal
 Zero vdc
o Ground
 Zero vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor
 No measurement
• Use GDS Current Data to monitor and graph
pressure while operating
o If a failure occurs value is substituted (modeled)

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope and simulate input.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 97

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


DESCRIPTION When testing and diagnosing a MAP sensor, it is
important to understand the relationship between
manifold vacuum and manifold absolute pressure.

Manifold vacuum is essentially atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric pressure is 30 In. Hg (inches of mercury)
at sea level, and varies based on altitude. Anything less
than atmospheric pressure is vacuum. That’s why when
we measure manifold vacuum at 20 In. Hg we state
that we have “20 inches of vacuum.”

Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) is not the same as

manifold vacuum, or atmospheric pressure. Manifold
absolute pressure measures the negative pressure in
the intake manifold using 0 In. Hg as the reading for
atmospheric pressure.

 Manifold Vacuum 30 In. Hg = MAP 0 In. hg.

 Manifold Vacuum 15 In. Hg = MAP 15 In. hg
 Manifold Vacuum 0 In. Hg = MAP 30 In. hg

The conversion chart on the next page shows the

relationship between manifold vacuum and MAP.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 98

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Manifold Absolute Manifold Vacuum Manifold Absolute Manifold Absolute
Pressure (In. Hg) (In. Hg) Pressure (kpa) Pressure (psia)
30 0 101.59 14.73
29 1 98.21 14.24
28 2 94.82 13.75
27 3 91.43 13.26
26 4 88.05 12.77
25 5 84.66 12.28
24 6 81.27 11.79
23 7 77.89 11.30
22 8 74.50 10.81
21 9 71.11 10.31
20 10 67.73 9.82
19 11 64.34 9.33
18 12 60.95 8.84
17 13 57.57 8.35
16 14 54.18 7.86
15 15 50.80 7.37
14 16 47.41 6.88
13 17 44.02 6.39
12 18 40.64 5.89
11 19 37.25 5.40
10 20 33.86 4.91
9 21 30.48 4.42
8 22 27.09 3.93
7 23 23.70 3.44
6 24 20.32 2.95
5 25 16.93 2.46
4 26 13.55 1.96
3 27 10.16 1.47
2 28 6.77 0.98
1 29 3.39 0.49
0 30 0.00 0.00

EMS1 Course Guide 01 99

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


BOOST PRESSURE SENSOR The Boost Pressure Sensor (BPS) is a second MAP
sensor located between the intercooler and throttle
body. The ECM compares the MAP 1 signal, negative
intake manifold pressure, to the MAP 2 signal, positive
pressure caused by turbo output, to determine boost
pressure for proper control of timing and air/fuel

 Reference voltage:
o 5 volts
 Operates as a voltage divider
 Current Data is calculated pressure
o May display voltage
 Use T-connector and DVOM or GDS with Vehicle
Module Interface (VMI) to scope and simulate input.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 100

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

rail pressure sensor (GDI ENgine)


FUNCTION The Rail Pressure Sensor (RPS) is installed on the fuel

rail and measures the fuel pressure going to the

RAIL PRESSURE SENSOR The sensing element is a strain gauge that converts the
pressure to a voltage signal. Based on RPS input, the
ECM can control correct injection amount and timing
and adjust the fuel pressure with the high pressure,
fuel pressure regulator if the target pressure and the
actual pressure measured by the Rail Pressure Sensor
are different.

 Supply voltage:
o 5 volts
 Use GDS Current Data to graph pressure while

EMS1 Course Guide 01 101

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


RPM 753 3988 750


Accel (3.988 RPM) 1090 PSI
Fault (750 RPM) 72 PSI

EMS1 Course Guide 01 102

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


FUNCTION The barometric pressure sensor detects the

atmospheric pressure at the vehicle's current location.
Depending on vehicle model and year, the sensor may
be located in the engine compartment or within the

BAROMETRIC PRESSURE The barometric pressure sensor calculates the density

SENSOR (BARO) of air (quantity of oxygen) and accurately detects the
intake air amount along with intake air sensor and
intake air temperature sensor. The ECM adjusts the
amount of fuel based on barometric pressure.

 Reference voltage:
o 5 volts
 Operates as a voltage divider
 Current Data is calculated pressure
o May display voltage
 Use GDS Current Data to graph pressure while

EMS1 Course Guide 01 103

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Current Data
 inHg
 mmHg
 mbar
 bar
 kPa
 MPa
 hPa
 psi

BARO Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to ground
o Supply
 5 vdc
o Signal
 Zero vdc
o Ground
 Zero vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor
 No measurement
• Use GDS Current Data to monitor and graph
pressure while operating
o If a failure occurs value is substituted (modeled)

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope and simulate input.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 104

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


2006 Optima 2011 Optima

FUNCTION Kia uses two types of FTP sensors for EVAP testing that
does not affect drivability.

2006 Optima
 voltage increases as pressure decreases and
indicates 1.5 volts at zero pressure

 2011 Optima
 voltage decreases as pressure decreases and
indicates 2.5 volts at zero pressure

Refer to service information for the type being used on

the vehicle being serviced.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 105

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

mass airflow (maf) - Analog


FUNCTION The mass airflow sensor measures the amount of air

flowing into the engine. The air temperature sensor
may be included in the MAF.

MASS AIRFLOW The mass airflow sensor show above measures the
airflow and outputs an analog dc voltage based on the
amount of airflow.
Mass Air Flow (MAF) voltage type
 Reference voltage:
o 12 volts (most Kia vehicles)
 Sensor voltage:
o 0 – 5 vdc, pull-down circuit, frequency only
 Current Data is calculated airflow
o May display voltage
 Use GDS Current Data to graph airflow and voltage
while operating
 Use T-connector and DVOM or GDS with Vehicle
Module Interface (VMI) to scope and simulate input.

Note: The ETM does not indicate the type MAF. Use the
BOB Pro overlay sheet or the component information in

EMS1 Course Guide 01 106

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Current Data Values
 lb/h – pounds per hour
 lb/m – pounds per minute
 gm/s – grams per second
 kg/h – kilograms per hour

Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
MAF measured to ground
o Supply
 B+
o Signal
 Zero vdc
o Ground
 Zero vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor
 No measurement

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope and simulate input.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 107

Engine Management System Diagnosis I



AIR FLOW The Mass Airflow Sensor shown above uses an internal
transistor to pull the 5-volt MAF sensor signal to ground
based on the amount of air passing through the sensor.

Mass Air Flow (MAF) frequency type

 Supply voltage
o 12 volts
 Sensor voltage
o 5 volts
 Operates as a pull down circuit
Note: The ETM does not indicate the type MAF. Use the
BOB Pro overlay sheet or the component information in

EMS1 Course Guide 01 108

Engine Management System Diagnosis I



Current Data Values

 lb/h – pounds per hour
 lb/m – pounds per minute
 gm/s – grams per second
 kg/h – kilograms per hour

Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to ground
o Supply
 12 vdc or
o Signal
 5 vdc (most Kia vehicles)
o Ground
 Zero vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor
 No measurement

EMS1 Course Guide 01 109

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Use GDS Current Data to graph airflow while operating.

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.

Note: Set up the scope for the same time, voltage level
and frequency that is comparable to example shown in
the service information.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 110

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

crankshaft position (ckp)

Magnetic Inductive

FUNCTION The magnetic type crankshaft position sensor generates

an analog signal based on the rotation of the crankshaft
and uses a trigger wheel to indicate piston position.
Together, the crankshaft position and camshaft position
signals are used to control ignition timing. It is used to
measure engine speed.

CRANKSHAFT POSITION The magnetic inductive sensor shown above produces

SENSOR an ac voltage when the target wheel moves past the
pickup coil.

 Supply voltage:
o 2.5 or 1.8 vdc
 Sensor voltage:
o ac millivolts ≈ 200 – 2500 mv
 Current Data is not available
 Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope input.

Note: when using a T-connector it is important to

maintain the correct pin configuration
(1 to 1) and (2 to 2) for proper engine operation.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 111

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

crankshaft position Sensor (CkP)


Current Data Values


Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to chassis ground
o High
 2.5 or 1.8 vdc
o Low
 2.5 or 1.8 vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor
 Resistance based on sensor temperature
 ac volts while target wheel is turning

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.

Note: A fault in the CKP circuit can cause an extended

crank condition. The engine may start after it
determines the crankshaft position by using information
from the CMP sensor(s).

EMS1 Course Guide 01 112

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

knock sensor


FUNCTION The ECM uses the knock sensor signal to control

ignition timing to control engine performance and
eliminate engine knocking.

KNOCK SENSOR The knock sensor shown above produces an ac voltage

when it senses vibration.
Knock Sensor
 Supply voltage:
o Voltage varies by model
 Sensor voltage:
o ac volts (varies according to intensity of knock)
 Current Data is not available
 Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 113

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

knock sensor
Current Data Values

Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to ground
o High/Signal
 Voltage varies by model
o Low/Ground
 Voltage varies by model
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor
 Resistance based on sensor temperature
 ac voltage while tapping on engine near

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope input.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 114

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

heated oxygen sensor (ho2s)

Narrowband HO2S

FUNCTION The HO2S monitors the air/fuel ratio by measuring the

amount of oxygen in the exhaust stream.

NARROWBAND HO2S The narrowband heated O2 Sensor shown above

ZIRCONIA TYPE detects the oxygen content in the exhaust gas. The
oxygen sensor generates a voltage that indicates the
difference between the oxygen content of the exhaust
stream and the oxygen content of ambient air.
When the exhaust stream is “rich,” the voltage will be
higher. When the exhaust stream is “lean,” voltage will
be lower.
 Bias voltage:
o 0.45 volts dc
 Sensor voltage:
o < 0.45 volts (lean)
o > 0.45 volts (rich)
 Current Data shows voltage.
 Use GDS Current Data to graph voltage while
 Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 115

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Narrowband HO2S

Current Data Values

 Open circuit:
o 0.45 volt dc
 Short circuit:
o Zero volt dc

Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to ground
o Sensor
 0.45 vdc
o Ground
 Zero vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor heater
 Resistance based on based sensor

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 116

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Wideband HO2S

WIDEBAND HO2S The heated O2 Sensor shown above detects the oxygen
OXYGEN PUMPING content in the exhaust gas. The oxygen sensor
generates a voltage that indicates the difference
between the oxygen content of the exhaust stream and
the oxygen content of ambient air. When the exhaust
stream is “rich,” there is less oxygen in the exhaust
stream, so the voltage will be higher. When the exhaust
stream is “lean,” there is more oxygen in the exhaust
stream, so the voltage will be lower.

 Bias voltage:
o 0.45 volts dc
 Sensor voltage:
o Adjusts to maintain 2v based on changes in
engine operating conditions (acceleration,
deceleration, engine load, etc.)
 Pump current
o Pump cell current varies with O2 content
 Current Data shows voltage
 Use GDS Current Data to graph voltage while

EMS1 Course Guide 01 117

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Wideband HO2S

Basic measurements with DVOM

 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor heater
 Resistance based on based sensor

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.

Note: The four sensing circuits should not be

measured with a DVOM or oscilloscope; placing a meter
in the circuit will change resistance and will affect the
The post cat HO2S (zirconia type) can be used as a
reference for exhaust oxygen content, as a guideline
for the front HO2S’ relative performance.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 118

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

catalytic converter


The catalytic converter is a three way catalyst that:

 Oxidizes Hydrocarbons (HC) and Carbon Monoxide
(CO) into Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and water H2O
 Separates oxygen from the oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
to reduce it into Nitrogen (N2)
 The oxidizing portion of the converter is very
efficient when the exhaust is lean.
 The reduction portion of the converter is very
efficient when the exhaust is rich.
 The A/F Ratio must remain as close as possible to
14.7:1 (stoichiometry) for the best overall gas
o Rich A/F Ratio will provide an efficient conversion
of NOx but an inefficient conversion of HC and
o A Lean A/F Ratio will provide an efficient
conversion of CO and HC, but not for NOx.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 119

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

HO2S data for Catalytic Converter

Upstream HO2S signal

Downstream HO2S signal

HO2S SIGNALS The ECM uses dual oxygen sensors (HO2S) to monitor
the oxygen storage capacity (Cerium in the CAT stores
and releases O2) by indirectly calculating its conversion
efficiency of the exhaust gases:
 The upstream (front) HO2S detects the amount of
oxygen in the exhaust gas before it enters the
catalytic converter.
 The downstream (rear) HO2S also detects the
amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas as it leaves
the catalytic converter.

When the catalytic converter is operating effectively:

 Post catalytic converter HO2S should indicate a
steady voltage.
 If post catalytic converter HO2S is fluctuating, it is an
indication that the catalytic converter is not operating
correctly and more diagnosis is required.

When catalyst efficiency drops, no chemical reaction

takes place. This means the concentration of oxygen
will be the same at both the rear and front sensors.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 120

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

progress check questions

SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 1. If the Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP) signal
AND RECORD ON THE remains at zero, what is the most likely result?
ANSWER SHEET e. No start
f. Extended crank
g. Misfire at idle
h. Misfire at cruise
2. Technician A says that a CKP sensor can be a
magnetic inductance type.
Technician B says that a CKP sensor can be a Hall
Effect type.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

3. Technician A says that a MAP sensor measures mass

Technician B says that a FTP sensor can measure
both pressure and vacuum.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

4. On a turbo GDI engine ___________ is used to

measure boost pressure.
a. a 2nd MAP sensor
b. barometric pressure
c. the knock sensor
d. the turbo pressure inverter

5. Technician A says that during closed loop operation

a narrow band front HO2S will maintain a constant
Technician B says that a wideband front HO2S will
show a higher voltage when the air/fuel mixture is
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

EMS1 Course Guide 01 121

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 6. Technician A says that when manifold vacuum is 29
AND RECORD ON THE In. Hg manifold absolute pressure is 1 In. Hg.
ANSWER SHEET Technician B says that manifold absolute pressure is
actually measuring manifold vacuum.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

7. What happens when the knock sensor senses

a. It’s voltage signal changes based on resistance
b. Amperage flow through the circuit changes
based on the changing resistance
c. It sends a digital pulse wave to the ECM
d. It produces an AC voltage

8. For the catalytic converter to be as efficient as

possible what should the air/fuel ratio be?
a. 14.7:1
b. Cycling between 13:1 and 15:
c. Below 14.7:1
d. It doesn’t matter sense the converter controls
the mixture

9. Pressure sensors use a ____________________ to

measure pressure.
a. vacuum modulator
b. pressure diverter
c. strain gauge
d. All of the above

10. Based on the Rail Pressure Sensor signal, the ECM:

a. Controls the fuel amount
b. Controls the injector timing
c. Adjusts fuel pressure
d. All of the above

EMS1 Course Guide 01 122

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Note Page






















EMS1 Course Guide 01 123

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


Hall Effect Sensor page 66
Fuel Injectors (Standard and GDI) page 68
Ignition Coil page 72
Continuously Variable Valve Timing (CVVT) page 74
Fuel Control page 85

EMS1 Course Guide 01 124

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

camshaft position SENSOR (cmp)

Hall Effect

FUNCTION The CMP sensor is installed on the engine head cover

and uses a target wheel installed on the camshaft to
detect camshaft position.

HALL EFFECT The Camshaft position sensor is a hall-effect type

There are numerous target wheel configurations. When
the tooth in the target wheel aligns with the sensor, the
sensor voltage outputs low. When the opening in the
target wheel aligns with the sensor, the sensor voltage
output is high. Together, this creates a square wave

The hall-effect sensor shown above uses an internal

transistor to pull the 5-volt sensor signal to ground
based on the position of the target wheel.

 Supply voltage:
o 5 volts or
o B+
 Sensor voltage
o 5 volts
 Operates as a pull down circuit
 Current Data is not available
 Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope and simulate input.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 125

Engine Management System Diagnosis I



Current Data Values


Basic measurements with DVOM

 Harness connector unplugged Key ON Engine OFF
measured to ground:
o Supply
 12 vdc or
 5 vdc
o Signal
 5 vdc (most Kia vehicles)
o Ground
 Zero vdc
 Component unplugged Key OFF Engine OFF
measured between terminals
o Sensor
 No measurement

Basic measurement with scope

Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 126

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Fuel INjector

Fuel Injector

FUNCTION The ECM controls the fuel injectors to inject the proper
amount of fuel into each cylinder based on engine
operating conditions.

STANDARD FUEL INJECTOR The fuel injector shown on the previous page is
ground-side controlled.

Based on sensor input, the PCM determines the amount

of fuel to inject. The fuel injector is a solenoid-operated
valve and the amount of fuel injected is controlled by
length of time the solenoid is held open, ON time or
(injector pulse width). When the PCM energizes the
injector by grounding the control circuit, the circuit
voltage should be low (theoretically 0V) and the fuel
injector is opened. When the PCM de-energizes the
injector by opening the control circuit, the fuel injector
is closed and circuit voltage should momentarily peak.

The peak voltage is created by the collapse of the

magnetic field in the injector winding and referred to as
a transient voltage spike.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 127

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Fuel INjector

Normal 3.52 ms

Lean – Adding Fuel 5.38 ms Rich – Subtracting Fuel 2.82 ms

 Source voltage:
o B+
 Ground control
 Current Data is calculated ON time.
 Use noid light to check for pulses.
 Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.
 GDS actuation tests can perform a cylinder balance
test by shutting off the injector for a predetermined
amount of time.
 Compare rpm drop for each cylinder.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 128

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

gdi fuel injector

GDI Fuel Injector Driver Circuit

FUNCTION The GDI fuel injector injects high-pressure fuel directly

into the combustion chamber, as opposed to the MPI
injector that injects fuel into the intake manifold. Unlike
the standard injector which is ground-side controlled,
the ECM controls both sides of the GDI injector.

OPERATION The ECM controls each injector by controlling both sides

of the injector. 55 Vdc on the high side, and ground on
the low side.
Prior to turning ON the injector the ECM supplies a
pulsed low voltage current to the high side and grounds
the low side to create a magnetic field in the injector
winding. To open the injector the ECM applies a high
voltage to the injector for precise opening timing then
keeps the injector open using a pulsed low voltage

EMS1 Course Guide 01 129

Engine Management System Diagnosis I



GDI SCOPE PATTERN  High side voltage:

o OFF – 0 volts
o Preparing injector for opening –B+
o ON – 55 volts

 Low side voltage

o OFF – mirror image of the high side
o ON – 0 volts with transient voltage spike

 Current Data is calculated ON time.

 GDS actuation tests can perform a cylinder balance
test by shutting off the injector for a predetermined
amount of time.
 Compare rpm drop for each cylinder during test.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 130

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

ignition coil

Ignition Coil

FUNCTION The ignition coil is used to produce the high voltage

needed to fire the spark plug.

GROUND-SIDE CONTROLLED The ignition coil shown above uses ground-side

switching to control how long the coil charges (dwell),
and when coil discharges and fires the spark plug
(ignition timing).

The ignition coil is supplied B+ on one side of the

primary winding and the ECM grounds the other side to
create a magnetic field in the secondary winding. When
the ECM opens the ground circuit, the primary coil high
voltage is induced into the secondary winding, which
jumps the gap at the sparkplug.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 131

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

ignition coil

Burn Time

Dwell Time

Ignition Coil

IGNITION COIL  Source voltage:

o B+
 Ground control
 Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope the primary circuit.
 Use spark tester and GDS actuation test to check if
the secondary ignition coil is able to generate
enough secondary voltage to jump the gap.
 Compare dwell and burn time to other cylinders.

Note: The primary resistance of the ignition coil is very

low. Be sure to zero your ohmmeter or adjust your
reading to compensate for resistance in the test leads.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 132

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Oil Control Valve (OCV)

Oil Control Valve

FUNCTION The oil control valve is used to control engine valve

timing based on engine operating conditions. The OCV
is groundside controlled.

OCV The CVVT Oil Control Valve (OCV) supplies or releases

engine oil pressure for the cam phaser based on the
ECM PWM (Pulse With Modulation) control signal.
The Cam Phaser varies the timing by using the
hydraulic force of the engine oil.
The engine oil exhausting from the OCV varies the cam
phase in the direction (Intake Advance/Exhaust
Retard) or opposite direction (Intake Retard/Exhaust
Advance) of the engine rotation by rotating the rotor
connected with the camshaft inside the cam phaser.

The variable Force (linear) solenoids use high

frequency (300 to 600 Hz) pulse width modulation to
control how far the solenoid is open or closed.

Note: Some solenoids are power-side controlled. They

are typically used in the automatic transmissions or

EMS1 Course Guide 01 133

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

oil control valve (ocv)

Oil Control Valve

 Source voltage:
o B+
 Ground control
o PWM low frequency 30 Hz. (duty cycle)
o PWM high frequency 300 – 600 Hz. (linear)
 Current Data is calculated ON/OFF or percentage of
 Use GDS Current Data to graph change.
 Use T-connector and GDS with Vehicle Module
Interface (VMI) to scope.
 GDS actuation tests operate some of the output

EMS1 Course Guide 01 134

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

CONTINuously VARIABLE Valve Timing – CVVT

INTRODUCTION Continuously Variable Valve Timing (CVVT) system

advances or retards the valve timing in accordance with
the ECM control signal calculated by the engine speed
and load. Depending upon the engine, this can include
both the intake and exhaust valve timing or just the
intake. This valve overlap or underlap provides:
 Improved fuel economy
 Reduces HC exhaust gases
 An internal EGR effect reducing NOx
 Improved volumetric efficiency

The CVVT system is located on the cylinder head and

consists of:
 CVVT Oil Control Valve (OCV)
 CVVT Oil Temperature Sensor (OTS), not all engines
 CVVT housing with cam phaser (rotor vane)
The camshaft sensors provide the ECM with the
position of the camshaft.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 135

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

CONTINuously VARIABLE Valve Timing – CVVT

Variable Intake Cam – Fixed Exhaust Cam

(1) Low Speed / Low Load (2) Part Load

(3) Low Speed / High Load (4) High Speed / High Load

Variable Intake and Exhaust Cam

CVVT Two versions of the CVVT are used by Kia:

 Variable intake cam
 Variable intake and exhaust cam

Top example is a variable intake cam

 Intake cam can advance up to 40°

Bottom example is a variable intake and exhaust cam

 Exhaust cam can retard up to 40°
 Intake cam can be advanced 40°
 Calculated by engine speed and load

EMS1 Course Guide 01 136

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

cvvt – cam phaser

Lock Pin

Drain / Engine Oil Engine Oil Drain /

Exhaust Pressure Pressure Exhaust

CVVT ROTOR VANE The CVVT varies the cam phase by:
 Advancing the rotor with engine oil supplied to the
advance chamber.
 Retarding the rotor with engine oil supplied to the
retard chamber.
 Hydraulic force supplied by the oil control valve.

With the engine ON, oil supplied to the advance

chamber unlocks the pin and allows the housing to

With the engine OFF, oil drains from the advance

chamber allowing the housing vane to return to retard
and lock by the pin.

Note: Exhaust CVVT cams are returned to their normal

advanced position by a large external spring.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 137

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

cvvt oil control valve – OCV

OIL CONTROL VALVE The CVVT Oil Control Valve (OCV) supplies, drains
ACTUATION (releases) or holds the engine oil pressure for the cam
 In accordance with the ECM PWM (pulse with
modulation) control signal.
 And that regulates the cam angle using oil pressure
through the OCV.

The dual trace scope of the GDS with VMI can be used
to monitor operation.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 138

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

cvvt measurements

Figure 1: Normal waveform of crankshaft position sensor and intake camshaft position
sensor at idle
DTC P0022 Camshaft timing at idle can be checked by comparing
the following two signals:
 Camshaft signal
 Crankshaft signal

If the 17th signal of the crankshaft sensor (CKP), after

the missing tooth, aligns with the high signal of the
camshaft position (CMP) sensor at idle, then the ECM
recognizes the synchronization between the CKP and
CMP. If not a DTC may set after 2 drive cycles.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 139

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

cvvt measurements

Figure 2: Normal waveform of crankshaft position sensor and intake camshaft position
sensor at acceleration with load

DTC P0022 Camshaft timing advance or retard during acceleration

can be checked by comparing:
 Camshaft signal
 Crankshaft signal

Under load conditions shown above, the number of

teeth between the missing tooth and the tooth aligned
with the edge of the CMP high signal decreases due to
the change in camshaft position from idle condition.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 140

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

cvvt measurements

Figure 3: Normal data of intake CVVT at idle

Figure 4: Normal data of intake CVVT at acceleration with load

CVVT operation should be inspected using current data

at idle and at off idle:
 At idle, camshaft values should be close to zero.
 At off idle, camshaft values should increase (power

EMS1 Course Guide 01 141

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

cvvt actuation test


The oil control valve and camshaft phaser can be

checked with actuation tests:
 Check the oil control valve with KOEO.
 Check the camshaft phaser with KOER.

Run these tests 4 to 5 times each to check for


EMS1 Course Guide 01 142

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

graphing camshaft data

Figure 5: Normal graph of intake CVVT at acceleration with load

Graphing can also be used in verifying operation of the

CVVT system, by comparing the following for related
changes under various operating conditions:
 Camshaft actual position
 Camshaft desired position
 Engine speed
 Actual torque

EMS1 Course Guide 01 143

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fuel control

Intake Exhaust
14.7 Parts Air Oxygen Sensor
to 1 Part Fuel

STOICHIOMETRIC Atomization combines the fuel and air in the

AIR/FUEL RATIO – A/F combustion chamber. The Air-fuel ratio (A/F) is the
RATIO ratio of air to fuel present during combustion. The
engine management system targets an A/F average of
14.7:1 (stoichiometric mixture) during various operating

Lambda (λ) is an alternative way to represent A/F

Ratio. Lambda is the measure of how far from
stoichiometry that mixture is. A stoichiometric A/F Ratio
of 14.7:1 has a Lambda value of 1. Rich mixtures
(<14.7:1) are less than 1.0, and lean mixtures
(>14.7:1) are greater than 1.0.

Engine management systems use an oxygen sensor(s)

and closed loop to control A/F Ratio; these compensate
automatically for changes in the fuel by measuring the
exhaust gas.

Most fuels consist of hydrocarbons, plus additives

including detergents, and oxygenates such as ethanol.

Oxygenates add extra oxygen to the combustion

chamber and are released during combustion.
These compounds may alter the stoichiometric ratio.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 144

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

air/fuel ratio

Fuel Air
10:1 12:1 14:1 16:1 18:1 20:1 22:1
Rich Air Fuel Ratio Lean

0.68 0.82 0.95 1 1.09 1.23 1.30 1.44


STOICHIOMETRIC, RICH An average air to fuel ratio of 14.7:1 provides the best
AND LEAN balance between power, fuel economy, and emissions.

 A/F Ratio of 14.7:1
 14.7 pounds of air to 1 pound of fuel
 Referred to as Lambda
 14.7:1 Lambda = 1
 At idle and cruise

 Additional fuel
 A/F Ratio < 14.7 to 1
 Lambda < 1 as shown above
 During startup, acceleration

 Too much air
 A/F Ratio > 14.7 to 1
 Lambda > 1 as shown above
 During deceleration

EMS1 Course Guide 01 145

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Air/Fuel Mixture: Effects on a vehicle:
Increased NO emissions
Engine lacks power
Misfiring at cruising speeds
Too lean Burned valves
Burned pistons
Scored cylinder
Spark knock or ping
Low exhaust emissions
High gas mileage
Slightly Lean
Reduced engine power
Slight tendency to knock or ping
Best all around engine performance
emissions levels
Increased CO emissions
Increased HC emissions
Slightly rich
Higher fuel consumption
Less tendency to knock or ping
Increased CO emissions
Increased HC emissions
Poor fuel mileage
Too rich
Oil contamination
Black exhaust

AIR/FUEL MIXTURE As the air/fuel mixture moves away from stoichiometric,

EFFECTS ON EMISSIONS a number of conditions could occur, including emissions
AND DRIVEABILITY test failures and engine problems as shown in the chart

The engine management system reliably achieves

stoichiometric efficiency in order to have an efficient
balance between power, mileage, and the emissions

EMS1 Course Guide 01 146

Engine Management System Diagnosis I








OPEN LOOP In open loop, the oxygen sensor is out of the fuel
strategy loop and not used by the engine management

The engine will be in open loop:

 After starting an engine (cold or hot)
 If the HO2S is too cold to measure exhaust gas
 During wide open throttle to provide a rich A/F Ratio
 When quickly closing the throttle for very lean A/F

The PCM calculates the open-loop A/F Ratio from the

TPS, ECT, MAP/MAF, IAT, and CKP sensor inputs.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 147

Engine Management System Diagnosis I







CLOSED LOOP Once the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) warms and can
provide an accurate voltage signal, the engine
management system enters closed-loop mode.

Closed-loop operation occurs based on individual

engine application, such as:
 The oxygen sensor is operating properly and is
sending a valid signal to the PCM.
 The engine coolant sensor is above a specified
 A specific amount of time has elapsed after start-up.
 Throttle position sensor and MAP or MAF input

The PCM calculates the closed-loop air/fuel ratio from

HO2S and feeds back to the PCM exhaust rich or lean:
 Lean condition - the PCM responds by increasing
injector on-time increasing the fuel delivery.
 Rich condition – the PCM responds by decreasing
injector on-time reducing the fuel delivery.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 148

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fuel trim

LONG-TERM AND Fuel trim is ideal at 0% value. The ECM adds or

SHORT-TERM subtracts fuel to maintain the proper air/fuel ratio
based upon changes in the exhaust gas oxygen

The ECM uses two types of fuel trims:

 Short-term fuel trim (STFT)
 Long-term fuel trim (LTFT)

Fuel trim values are expressed as a percentage:

 Positive (+ %) adding fuel
 Negative (– %) subtracting fuel

STFT is an instantaneous response to HO2S input

during closed-loop operation to maintain 0% range.

LTFT has a slower response rate and is used by the

ECM if the STFT stays out of range. Changes are stored
in memory, and used in both open-loop and closed-loop

Fuel Trims are monitored and stored as separate

values in the PCM for various driving conditions, such
as idle, cruise, light acceleration and moderate
acceleration, etc.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 149

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fuel trim adjustment

STFT & LTFT The above engine is operating normally:

NORMAL  Basic injector pulse width is 3.0 ms.
 Feedback from the HO2S is cycling from below
0.30V to above 0.60V as expected.
 STFT is ± 10% to maintain a stoichiometric mixture.

SHORT-TERM FUEL TRIM Same engine with a small vacuum leak is shown above.
SHORT-TERM ADJUSTED  Basic injector pulse width is 3.0 ms.
NO LONG-TERM  Feedback from the HO2S is lazy and cycling below
ADJUSTMENT 0.45V, lower as expected.
 STFT has increased to + 20%.
 LTFT is still at 0%.

Because STFT is immediate and engine running

conditions are constantly changing, it is normal to see
STFT rapidly moving back and forth between small + %
values and small – % values.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 150

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fuel trim adjustment

LONG-TERM FUEL TRIM The same engine is shown with a small vacuum leak
SHORT-TERM & LONG- over an extended period of time:
TERM STILL ADJUSTING  LTFT has increased to +10%.
 STFT still is adding +15%.
 HO2S is cycling below 0.45V but still indicating a
lean mixture.

LONG-TERM FUEL TRIM Now the vacuum leak still exists but the LTFT has
AFTER CORRECTION adjusted to compensate for it:
 LTFT has increased +20%.
 STFT is back to ± 10%.
 HO2S is cycling normally from below 0.30V to
above 0.60V as expected.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 151

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

LTFT greater than +/– 5 %

Current data

When diagnosing a customer concern:

 Review current data.
 Review the freeze frame data.
 Drive the vehicle under the same driving conditions
that caused the DTC to set.
 Record the current data for the STFT and LTFT
 This information will help guide you whether you
are looking for fuel problems or other concerns.

If the LTFT values are greater than +5% the system is

adding fuel, you should be looking for anything that
could make the engine lean, such as:
 Poor HO2S function
 Vacuum leak
 Low fuel pressure
 Low fuel volume
 Exhaust leak before the HO2S
 Bad valve

If the LTFT values are less than –5% the system is

subtracting fuel, you should be looking for anything
that could make the engine rich, such as:
 Need for an oil change (oil contaminated w/gas)
 PCV system restriction
 Restricted intake/air filter
 High fuel pressure
 HO2S concern such as contamination

LTFT values are stored in memory at key off.

STFT values are lost at key off.

Note: Depending on the engine and vehicle, LTFT will

indicate a potential problem at +/- 5% or +/- 10%.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 152

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

SUMMARY In this module, we have discussed the following input
sensors and output actuators.
 Switches
 Relays and Relay Circuits
 Transistors
 Thermistors
o Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT)
o Intake Air Temperature (IAT)
o CVVT Oil Temperature Sensor (OTS)
 Potentiometers
o Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
o Accelerator Position Sensor (APS)
 Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Motor
 GDI Fuel Pressure Solenoid
 Pressure Sensors
o Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)
o Boost Pressure Sensor (BOOST)
o GDI Rail Pressure Sensor (RPS)
o Barometric Pressure Sensor (BARO)
 Mass Air Flow (MAF)
 Crankshaft Position (CKP)
 Knock Sensor (KNOCK)
 Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) and circuits (Narrow
and Wide band)
 Variable Intake Management (VIM) and Variable
Charge Motion (VCM) Systems
 Camshaft Position (CMP)
 Fuel Injector circuits (Standard and GDI)
 Ignition coil circuits
 CVVT Oil Control Circuits
 Fuel Control

EMS1 Course Guide 01 153

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

progress check questions

SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 1. Technician A says that battery voltage may power
ANSWER SHEET Technician B says that a CMP sensor can be
powered with 5 volts.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

2. What can the CVVT control?

a. Variable intake cam
b. Variable intake cam and exhaust cam
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

3. During open loop operation, which sensor’s

information is not used?
a. MAP
b. HO2S
c. ECT
d. CKP

4. Technician A says that STFT can add fuel to the

Technician B says that STFT can subtract fuel from
the engine.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

5. Under which of the following conditions would a

standard fuel injector be open?
a. When the PCM grounds the control circuit
b. When the PCM provides voltage to the control
c. When the high voltage side of the circuit is
d. Both A and C

EMS1 Course Guide 01 154

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


SELECT THE BEST ANSWER 6. Fuel injector voltage momentarily peaks when:
AND RECORD ON THE a. The injector closes
ANSWER SHEET b. The injector opens
c. The engine is first started
d. All of the above

7. The ECM controls a GDI injector by:

a. Opening and closing the ground circuit
b. Opening and closing the supply circuit
c. Controlling both the positive and negative sides
of the injector circuit
d. None of the above

8. Technician A says that the time the ignition coil

charges is called dwell.
Technician B says that the spark plug is fired when
the coil discharges.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

9. Which of the following is NOT part of the CVVT

a. Oil Control Valve (OCV)
b. Oil Temperature Sensor (OTS)
c. CVVT housing with cam phaser
d. Oil Control Advance Sensor (OCAS)

10. What is the function of the fuel control system?

a. Keep the air/fuel mixture at the ideal mix for
convertor operation
b. Control the air/fuel mixture at just lean of the
ideal air/fuel mixture for convertor operation
c. None of the above
d. All of the above

EMS1 Course Guide 01 155

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Engine Management System Diagnosis

Component Testing Guided Practice

MODULE GOAL Upon completion of this module, you will have an

opportunity to practice and demonstrate their ability to
measure and scope engine management system
components using GDS.

MODULE OBJECTIVES After completing this module and using the required
materials listed, you will be able to perform the
following tasks with 80% or greater accuracy:
 Measure voltage and frequency of specific engine
management system components using the GDS,
VMI, DVOM and oscilloscope, and print oscilloscope
patterns of the test results.
 Measure voltage and resistance of specific engine
management system components using the GDS,
DVOM & oscilloscope, and print the patterns.
 Measure voltage and view Current Data for on
vehicle circuits with and without a fault.
 Measure resistance of 4 relays

MODULE INSTRUCTIONS Carefully read and follow the instructions for each task.
Answer the questions and fill in the blanks with the
requested information as you perform the task. Check
off each item as it’s completed. When you have
finished, discuss your work and results with your
instructor who will evaluate your work, provide positive
feedback, and sign off on your scorecard.
Clean up your area as instructed.

REQUIRED MATERIALS Inorder to complete this module, you will need:

 A vehicle assigned by your instructor
 GDS set including VMI with test leads (5)
 12 volt 25 amp power supply with red and black
banana plug cables
 Component task boards number 1 & number 2
 Cool can/duster, temperature gauge, and hand
vacuum pump

TIME TO COMPLETE Approximately: 2 hours and 45 minutes

EMS1 Course Guide 01 156

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

task stations
SECTION ONE Task One: Using the ETM, GDS, and a DVOM,
identify, measure voltage, and graph Current Data of
the APS circuit with and without a fault.

Task Two: Using the ETM, GDS and a resistance

substitution box, identify, monitor Current Data of the
ECT circuit with and without a fault.

Task Three: Using the ETM, GDS with VMI, and a DVOM,
identify, measure voltage, and input a simulated signal to
the PCM, of the combination BARO and IAT circuit.

Task Four: Using the ETM, GDS, and a DVOM, identify,

measure voltage, and graph Current Data of the TPS
circuit with and without a fault. Monitor operation of the
ETC motor.

Task Five: Using the ETM, and GDS, identify, and

graph Current Data of the FPS and FPR circuit with and
without a fault.

Task Six: Use a DVOM and a 12 Vdc power supply to

measure four (4) relays.

SECTION TWO Task One: Using the ETM, GDS with VMI, and a DVOM,
identify, measure resistance, and voltage, of the CKP

Task Two: Using the ETM, and GDS, identify, and

graph Current Data of the HO2S circuit.

Task Three: Using the ETM, GDS, and a DVOM,

identify, measure voltage, and graph Current Data of
the MAP circuit.

Task Four: Using the ETM, GDS with VMI, identify,

measure voltage, and graph Current Data of the FPS
circuit, with and without a fault in the Fuel Pressure

Task Five: Using the Kia Service Information, and

GDS with VMI, identify, measure voltage, frequency,
and resistance of various engine management
components mounted on separate task boards.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 157

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

SECTION THREE Task One: Using the ETM, GDS with VMI, identify,
measure voltage, and graph Current Data of the CMP

Task Two: Using the ETM, GDS with VMI, identify,

measure voltage, and graph Current Data of the Fuel
Injector circuit with and without a fault.

Task Three: Using the ETM, GDS with VMI, identify,

measure voltage, and graph Current Data of the CVVT
Oil Control Valve circuit.

Task Four: Using the ETM, GDS with VMI, identify,

measure voltage, and graph Current Data of a GDI Fuel
Injector circuit.

Task Five: Using the ETM, GDS with VMI, identify,

measure voltage, and graph Current Data of the Bank1
Upstream HO2S circuit with the addition of propane.

EXPECTATIONS You will practice measuring selected engine

management components using GDS and then
demonstrate the task to your instructor.

You will practice diagnosing specific fault conditions on

engine management circuits using the GDS and then
demonstrate the task to your instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 158

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 1
APS MEASUREMENT During this task, you will use a DVOM, and GDS with
VCI while observing APS for both normal and APS
circuit faults.

Year: 2012 Model: Soul Engine: 2.0L

1. Ensure the GDS with VCI is connected to vehicle,

then turn Key ON Engine OFF and identify vehicle.

2. Using the ETM, select MFI Control System then MPI

A/T link. Next, identify the signals to the APS and
their wire colors. Record in the chart below.

APS Wire Color Circuit Function

Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4
Pin 5
Pin 6

KOEO= Key ON Engine OFF 3. In GDS, select Engine, Current Data and select the
sensors listed in the table below.
KOER= Key ON Engine
Running Record the values for both closed and wide open
throttle (WOT) conditions.
Use the sort function in
Current Data. This will list Sensor Data Closed Throttle WOT
the sensor data in APS %
alphabetical order. APS 1

4. What is the maximum voltage of both APS 1 & 2

with accelerator pedal fully depressed?

5. Next, within Current Data, select Graph.

6. Fully depress the accelerator pedal for 2 seconds

and then release the pedal.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 159

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 1 continued

7. Press stop in Current Data.

8. Within the graphed data, move the cursor to center

of WOT position.

9. Does the graphed data equal the current data in

step 3 for WOT?

10. Select Run, and continue with task.

APS SHORT-CIRCUIT / 11. With a jumper wire at the T-Connector terminal,

ETC RESPONSE connect to the APS 1 signal (pin 4) and jumper the
terminal to body ground (shorted circuit).

12. Start Engine.

13. In Current data, select graph.

14. With APS 1 signal shorted, press the accelerator


How does the ETC motor respond to pedal input?


15. Check for DTC(s) and record them in the chart below.

DTC Description

16. Remove short to ground on APS 1 sensor and press

on accelerator pedal.

Is there a change in ETC response?


17. From the T-Connector, jumper both APS 1 (pin 4)

and 2 (pin 6) signals to ground.

18. Press on the accelerator pedal.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 160

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

19. What is the response from the ETC?


20. Check for DTC(s) and record them in the chart below.

DTC Description

21. Remove both Jumpers from the T-Connector.

22. Clear all DTC(s). Press the accelerator pedal and

describe what happens to engine RPM.


NOTE: IF the throttle doesn’t respond, cycle the

ignition switch and repeat the test.

23. Turn off the engine.

Feedback: When finished, discuss your results with

your instructor. Clean up your workstation as directed
by the instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 161

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 2
ENGINE COOLANT During this task, you will use a Resistance
TEMPERATURE (ECT) Substitution Box with GDS and VCI. You will identify
TEST the engine management’s response to an open and
shorted conditions of the engine coolant temperature.

Year: 2012 Model: Sportage Engine: 2.4L

1. Using the ETM, locate and print the schematic view

of the ECT from MFI.

2. Locate the ECT sensor on the engine. If you are

uncertain of sensor location, refer to KGIS
component location to identify sensor.

3. Remove the connector to the ECT. Using the ETM

identify the ECT wires connected to the PCM and
record in the chart below.
Pin Circuit Wire Color

5. With Key Off, connect the Resistance

Substitution Box into the ECT circuit and set
switch to the Open position.

6. Ensure the GDS with VCI is connected to vehicle,

then turn Key ON Engine OFF and identify the

EMS1 Course Guide 01 162

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 2 continued

7. In GDS select Engine, Current Data and select the
following sensors:
 Water Temperature Voltage
 Water Temperature
 Cooling Fan Relay – Low
 Cooling Fan Relay - High

8. With the switch in the Open position, record the

values from Current data in the chart below.

Switch OPEN
Description Value
Water Temperature Voltage
Water Temperature
Cooling Fan Relay – Low
Cooling Fan Relay – High

9. Why does current data display an extremely cold

temperature with an open circuit?

10. When disconnecting the connector to the ECT, what

happens to the voltage in an open circuit?

11. Select Short on the box. What is the displayed


Description Temperature
ECT Short

12. Why does the PCM turn ON both cooling fans when
there is a fault with the ECT?

EMS1 Course Guide 01 163

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 2 continued

13. Next, select the Adjustable Resistor position on
the box. Rotate the knob full left and full right and
record the minimum and maximum temperature in
the chart below.

Description Temperature Voltage

ECT Minimum Temp
ECT Maximum Temp
Mid-range temperature

14 The PCM supplies the ECT with 5VDC. How does a

change in ECT resistance affect this supply voltage?

15. With the Key Off, remove the Resistance

Substitution Box from the ECT circuit

15 Reconnect the vehicle harness to the ECT.

16 Turn Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any DTC’s.

Feedback: When finished, discuss the results with

your instructor

EMS1 Course Guide 01 164

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 3
INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE During this task, you will use a DVOM and T-Connector
(IAT) and BAROMETRIC to measure Intake Air Temperature (IAT) / Barometric
(BARO) SENSOR TEST Pressure (BARO) sensors values and perform IAT
simulation with GDS.

Year: 2012 Model: Sorento Engine: 3.5L

1. Using the ETM, locate and print the schematic view

of the IAT from MFI.

2. Locate the IAT and BARO sensor on top of the air

filter housing. If you are uncertain of sensor
location, refer to KGIS component location to
identify sensor.

3. If the T-Connector (B) has not been installed,

disconnect the vehicle harness connector at the IAT
sensor and install the T-Connector between the
vehicle harness and the sensor.

4. Turn Key ON engine OFF.

5. Using the ETM, identify the wire color and purpose

of each terminal of the IAT/ BARO sensor. Then
with a DVOM, measure circuit voltage.

Pin number
T-Connector Wire Color/Purpose Volts
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4

6. Connect VCI to the vehicle, and ensure the power is

on, then in GDS identity the vehicle.

7. Within Engine, Current Data select the following

sensors and record their values:

Circuit: Value:
Intake Air Temperature
Barometric Pressure

EMS1 Course Guide 01 165

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 3 continued

8. Connect VMI to GDS using the USB cable.

9. From VMI, connect Channel B to Pin 3 of the T-

Connector and confirm IAT voltage is the same
voltage as identified in Step 5. If not, check your
test lead connections.

SIMULATION IAT 10. Next, on GDS select Simulation Voltage Output and
select YES to the pop-up window. The Default
simulation voltage should read 0V.

11. On the T-Connector, remove Pin 3 from the IAT

Note, this removes the IAT resistor from the circuit
and allows the VMI to send a voltage signal to the
ECM only.

12. Select the UP Arrow and increase voltage as

indicated in the chart below. Then record the
temperature for each voltage level.

Simulation Voltage Temperature


13. Why does the Temperature suddenly change to 67° F

with a voltage level of 3.5VDC?

14. Re-connect pin 3 of the T-Connector to the IAT


15. Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any DTC's.

Feedback: When finished, discuss the results with

your instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 166

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 4
THROTTLE POSITION During this task you will use an instructor installed T-
SENSOR - TPS Connector, with a DVOM and GDS. You will measure
normal and shorted operation of the Throttle Position
Sensor and monitor electronic throttle motor operation.

Year: 2012 Model: Sorento Engine: 2.4L

1. Ensure the VCI power is turned ON and is
connected to the DLC.

2. Using the ETM, locate and print the schematic view

of the TPS from MFI.

3. Turn KOEO and identify the vehicle.

Normal Operation 4. In GDS click Engine, Current Data and select the
following sensors:
 TP Angle 1
 TP Angle 2
 TP Voltage 1
 TP Voltage 2
 Actual Engine Speed

5. In GDS, select Graph Data and start the engine.

6. Let engine idle for 5 seconds, then snap throttle, let

engine return to idle for 5 seconds.

7. Turn Ignition Off, then KOEO.

8. In Current Data, press Stop and move the window

slider until the peak snap throttle positions are

9. Move the cursor to each throttle position indicated

and record the sensor data in the table below.

Description Snap Throttle Idle

TP Angle 1
TP Angle 2
TP Voltage 1
TP Voltage 2
Actual Engine Speed

EMS1 Course Guide 01 167

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 4 continued

10. Print the graphed data for Idle and Snap Throttle by
selecting the Snap Shot icon. In the pop-up menu,
select Send to Print.

11. View the graphed data and answer the following


12. How does TPS Angle 1 & 2 compare with each other?

Same Opposite

13. How does TPS Voltage 1 & 2 compare with each other?

Same Opposite

14. Turn KOER.

USE ETM 15. Use the ETM, locate the electronic throttle motor
and identify the pin connections for TPS 1 and TPS
2 and record below.

Pin Number Signal

16. Use a DVOM, and measure the voltage on the pin

identified as TPS 1. Confirm it’s a sensor signal.

Short TPS 1 to Ground 17. Short TPS 1 to ground by inserting a jumper wire
into the installed T-Connector.

18. Is the Check Engine Light ON?


19. List the Current DTC's in the table below:

DTC Description

EMS1 Course Guide 01 168

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 4 continued

20. If necessary, ensure the sensors selected in Step 4
are still listed in Current Data. Refer to the sensor list

 TP Angle 1
 TP Angle 2
 TP Voltage 1
 TP Voltage 2
 Actual Engine Speed

21. Raise engine speed to approximately 2500 RPM and

hold for 5 seconds, then snap throttle and allow
engine to return to idle speed.

22. In Current Data, press Stop and move the window

slider until all three-engine conditions are displayed.

23. Move the cursor to each condition and record the

sensor values in the table below.

Description Idle 2500 Snap

RPM Throttle
TP Angle 1
TP Angle 2
TP Voltage 1
TP Voltage 2
Actual Engine Speed

24. With TPS 1 still shorted to ground, press the pedal,

and describe how engine RPM responds to pedal
input angle.

TPS 1 and 2 Shorted 25. Short both TPS 1 and TPS 2 sensors to ground using
the installed T-Connector. Refer to the ETM and
identify signal output.

26. How did the MFI system respond with both TPS 1 &
TPS 2 shorted to ground?

EMS1 Course Guide 01 169

Engine Management System Diagnosis I


27. Depress the pedal. Why does TPS Angle 2 indicate
95 degrees open?


28. List the Current DTC's in the table below:

DTC Description

29. Remove shorts, Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any


Feedback: When finished, discuss the results with

your instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 170

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 5
FUEL PRESSURE During this task, you will use the GDS to monitor the
REGULATOR (FPR) Fuel Pressure Regulator (FPR) during normal and
disconnected operation.

Year: 2012 Model: Optima Engine: 2.0L GDI Turbo

NORMAL OPERATION 1. With the Key ON Engine OFF, identify vehicle with

2. In GDS, click on Engine, Current data and select the

following two sensors:

 Fuel Pressure
 Actual Engine Speed

3. Start the engine and idle for 5 seconds, then snap

the throttle and allow engine to return to idle for
another 5 seconds.

4. Press Stop on Current Data.

5. Next, move the cursor to idle and peak snap throttle

positions, then record the data for each condition in
the table below.

Description Idle Snap Throttle

Fuel Pressure
Actual Engine speed

EMS1 Course Guide 01 171

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 1 – task 5 CONTINUED

FPR DISCONNECTED 6. Disconnect the connector to the FPR.

7. Select Current Data and press Run.

8. Idle engine for 10 seconds, then snap the throttle

and allow engine to return to idle for another 5

9. Press stop in Current data.

10. Next, move the cursor to idle and peak snap throttle
positions, then record the data for each condition in
the table below.

Description Idle Snap Throttle

Fuel Pressure
Actual Engine speed

11. What was the difference in pressure between

normal and when the FPR is disconnected during
snap acceleration?

12. Reconnect the connector to the FPR.

Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any DTC’s.

Feedback: When finished, discuss the results with

your instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 172

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

TESTING RELAYS 1. Using the DVOM, measure the resistance of each
relay coil pins 85 and 86, record your results below.

2. Measure the resistance of the 4-pin relay contacts

30 & 87 and record your results below.

85 30 3. Connect the 12 Vdc power supply red terminal, to

terminal 85 of the relay and the black terminal, to
terminal 86 of the 4-pin relay coil.

4. Turn on the power supply to energize the relay,

measure the resistance of the 4-pin relay contacts
86 87 87a
30 & 87 and record your results below then turn off
the power supply. Repeat for both 4-pin relays.

5. Measure the resistance of the 5-pin relay contacts

30 & 87 and 30 & 87a and record your results

6. Connect the 12 Vdc power supply red terminal, to

terminal 85 of the relay and the black terminal, to
terminal 86 of the 5-pin relay coil.

7. Turn on the power supply to energize the relay,

measure the resistance of the 5-pin relay contacts
30 & 87 and 30 & 87a and record your results below
then turn off the power supply. Repeat for both 5-
pin relays.

Relay 4 pin (A) 4 pin (B)

Terminals 85 & 86 85 & 86
Coil Resistance
Terminals 30 & 87 30 & 87

Relay 5 pin (A) 5 pin (B)

Terminals 85 & 86 85 & 86
Coil Resistance
Terminals 30 & 87 30 & 87a 30 & 87 30 & 87a

Feedback: When finished, discuss your results with

your instructor. Clean up your workstation.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 173

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

This is the end of Section 1

Consult with your instructor on how to proceed

EMS1 Course Guide 01 174

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 1
CRANKSHAFT POSITION During this task, you will use GDS, a T-Connector, a
SENSOR - CKP DVOM, and VMI on the crankshaft position sensor
(CKP). You will test both normal and disconnected CKP
sensor output voltages.

Year: 2012 Model: Soul Engine: 2.0L

Normal Operation 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift to access the CKP

connector from under the vehicle.

2. Install T-Connector (A) between vehicle harness and

the CKP sensor.

3. Set Fluke DVOM to Vac and connect both test leads

across the CKP.

4. Start engine, let idle and record your results.

Sensor Idle

Measure Bias Voltage 5. Shut engine off.

6. Turn KOEO.

7. Disconnect only the sensor from the T-Connector.

8. Measure the Bias voltage to the CKP referenced

from ground. Do this by connecting the negative
test lead to ground while measuring each terminal
of the CKP with the positive test lead. Record the
results in the table below.

CKP Sensor DVOM Vdc

Terminal A
Terminal B

9. Now measure voltage across by placing both test

leads across the T-Connector.
What voltage did you measure?

EMS1 Course Guide 01 175

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 1 continued

10. Why is the voltage measured across the connector
different from the voltage referenced to ground?

11. Re-connect CKP sensor to T-Connector

1 Terminal of CKP 12. Disconnect only one terminal from the vehicle
disconnected harness side.

13. On the DVOM select Ohms, and measure the

resistance of the CKP and record below.

14. Leave the T-Connector connected to the CKP sensor

Lower the vehicle.

15. Set the DVOM to Vac, crank the engine, and record
the measured volts below.

NOTE: Engine may start and run rough with the CKP
disconnected from the PCM.

16. Turn engine OFF

17. Turn Key ON Engine OFF, and identify vehicle from

18. Connect VMI to GDS. Connect Channel A to one
terminal of the CKP sensor.

19. Select oscilloscope, press Trigger and set position at

1 V above ground

20. Select Configuration, press Bi and icon will change

to UNI. This centers the voltage signal on the

21. Close the Configuration window.

22. Crank engine for 5 seconds, and then press stop on

the oscilloscope.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 176

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 1 continued

23. Move the lower slider bar until the CKP signal is
displayed on screen.

24. What is the peak-to-peak voltage of the CKP


CKP Peak-to-Peak Voltage AC

Terminal A

25. Reconnect the T-Connector to the vehicle harness.

26. Click Start on the oscilloscope.

27. Start engine. What is the peak-to-peak voltage of

the CKP sensor?

CKP Peak-to-Peak Voltage AC

Terminal A

28. Remove T-Connector and reconnect CKP sensor to

vehicles harness. Note: Ensure CKP connector is
secured to the bracket.

29. Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any DTC's.

Feedback: When finished, discuss the results with

your instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 177

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 2
HEATED OXYGEN SENSORS During this task, you will use Current Data in GDS, and
monitor both the Upstream and Downstream Heated 02
sensors (HO2S).

Year: 2012 Model: Sorento Engine: 2.4L

1. Using the ETM, locate and print the schematic view

of both Up and Down stream Heated Oxygen
Sensors from MFI.

2. How many wires does the printed schematic show

for the Upstream HO2S?

3. In the engine compartment, locate the connector for

the Upstream H02S.

UPSTREAM HO2S 4. How many wires does the front Upstream H02S

5. How many wires are in the harness side?


6. Why is there a difference in the number of wires

between sensor and car harness?

EMS1 Course Guide 01 178

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 2 continued

7. Using the ETM, identify wire color and electrical
signals for the Upstream Heated Oxygen Sensor.
Record results in the chart below.

Upstream HO2S Wire Color Purpose

Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4
Pin 5
Pin 6

DOWNSTREAM HO2S 8. Identify the wire color and signal for the
Downstream Heated Oxygen Sensor in the chart

Downstream HO2S
Wire Color Purpose
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4

9. With Key ON Engine OFF, identify vehicle with GDS.

10. In GDS click Engine, Current Data and select the

seven sensors in the chart below.

 Actual Engine Speed

 02 Sensor Linear Type Bank 1 Upstream
 02 Sensor Binary Type Bank 1 Downstream
 02 Sensor is ready for Operation-Bank 1-Up
 Lambda Closed Loop Active
 Lambda Fuel Trim Active Downstream Bank 1
 Lambda Sensor Correction Value Bank 1

11. In Current data, select Graph and click Run.

12. Start engine and wait until current data indicates

ON for:
 02 Sensor is ready for Operation-Bank 1-Upstream

EMS1 Course Guide 01 179

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 2 continued

13. Allow engine to idle for 30 seconds.

14. Operate engine speed as indicated below:

 2500 RPM for 5 seconds
 Snap throttle
 Idle for 10 seconds

15. In Current Data, press Stop.

16. Move timeline slider until the window display shows

Engine RPM changing from Zero to Engine Start.

LAMBDA STATUS AFTER 17. What is the status of the following sensor 10
START seconds after the engine has started?
 Lambda Closed Loop Active


18. Move timeline slider to the right until the window

display shows the RPM increase during snap throttle.
(Engine RPM increasing)

19. Move cursor over falling edge of snap throttle.

(Engine RPM decreasing)

20. What is the status of the following sensor?

 Lambda Fuel Trim Active Downstream Bank 1


21. Why does the downstream 02 sensor indicate low

voltage after deceleration?

22. Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any DTC’s.

Feedback: Print screen and discuss results with the


EMS1 Course Guide 01 180

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 3
MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE You will measure intake manifold pressure, compare
PRESSURE (MAP) TEST pressure with engine speed, and throttle angle. In
current data, you will identify sensor values for both
PSI and kPa scales.

Year: 2012 Model: Sorento Engine: 3.5L

1. Locate the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor

on the intake manifold. If you are uncertain of
sensor location, refer to KGIS component location to
identify sensor.

Install T-Connector 2. If the T-Connector (B) has not been installed,

disconnect the vehicle harness connector at the MAP
sensor and install the T-Connector.

3. Using the ETM, locate and print the schematic view

of the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor from MFI.

4. Ensure VCI is powered ON and use GDS to identify

the vehicle.

5. Key ON, Engine OFF.

6. Using the printed schematic, identify each terminal

of the MAP sensor and with a DVOM measure the
voltage of each pin. Record in the results in the
chart below.

MAP Sensor
T-Connector Purpose KOEO Volts
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4

EMS1 Course Guide 01 181

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 3 continued

7. In GDS click, Engine, Current Data and select the
following sensors:
 Intake Manifold Pressure
 Actual Engine Speed
 TPS Angle Mean

8. Using a DVOM record voltage in the chart below

while switching scales in GDS between Hg, PSI and
KPa for each engine condition.

Intake Manifold Pressure KOEO Idle

Inches Hg

9. When the engine is not running, what condition is

the Intake Manifold Pressure sensor measuring?

10. Ensure engine is idling.

11. In current data, select graph.

12. In the graph view, change the scale by pressing the

up/down Arrow icon until it indicates the I symbol.

13. Snap the Throttle and press Stop in graph view.

14. Move the timeline slider to the right until the

window display shows the RPM increase during snap
throttle (rising edge).

15. Move the cursor to the highest point of the TPS Angle
Mean and record the results in the table below.

Description Idle Snap Throttle

Intake Manifold Pressure
Actual Engine RPM
TPS Angle Mean

EMS1 Course Guide 01 182

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 3 continued

16. What reading would a vacuum gauge indicate when
connected to the intake manifold at idle?

17. Why does GDS sensor data indicate a low vacuum

reading at idle?

18. Print the results of the graph. Select Snap Shot icon,
from the pop-up menu select Send To Print.

19. Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any DTC's.

Feedback: When finished, discuss the results with

your instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 183

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 4
FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR You will graph the Fuel Pressure Sensor (Rail Pressure)
using GDS with the Fuel Pressure Regulator (FPR)
normal/connected and default/disconnected.

Year: 2012 Model: Optima Engine: 2.0L GDI Turbo

1. Use the ETM (Electrical Troubleshooting Manual),

print and identify the pin connections of the Fuel
Pressure Sensor.

2. Turn Key ON, engine OFF.

3. Ensure the VCI is powered up and connected to the

DLC. Then identify vehicle in GDS.

Normal Operation 4. In GDS, click Engine, Current Data and select the
sensors listed below.
Then graph the values and record in the table below
while monitoring normal sensor operation.

Description Idle Snap Throttle

Fuel Pressure
Signal Voltage of FPS
Actual Engine speed

5. What is the difference between idle and snap

throttle fuel pressure?

6. Connect VMI to GDS, a place Channel A to the

signal side of the fuel pressure sensor.

7. Select oscilloscope and measure the signal voltage

of the fuel pressure sensor at the T-Connector.

8. Compare the value of the oscilloscope reading to

the GDS data in the chart below.

Description GDS Oscilloscope

Fuel Pressure Voltage

EMS1 Course Guide 01 184

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 4 continued

9. Are the voltage values similar or different at idle?

Fuel Pressure Sensor 10. Disconnect the FPR connector by removing the
Disconnected yellow T-Connector wire from pin 10 and record the
data in the table below.

Description Idle Throttle
Data/Scope Data/Scope
Fuel Pressure
Signal Voltage of FPS
Actual Engine speed

11. Describe why there was no change in fuel pressure

sensor and signal data with a change in engine RPM?

12. Check for DTC(s) and record them below.

DTC Description

13. Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any DTC's.

14. Re-install the yellow T-Connector wire to pin 10 of

the sensor.

Feedback: When finished, discuss your results with

your instructor. Clean up your workstation as directed
by the instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 185

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5

INTRODUCTION The purpose of these tasks are to provide technicians

with an opportunity to practice measuring individual
engine management components on the task board,
using the GDS with VMI, DVOM, and oscilloscope until
confident in the skill and then successfully demonstrate
this to the instructor.

 MAF voltage
 MAF frequency
 APS voltage
 TPS voltage
 MAP voltage

SET-UP Using the component task board one, GDS set and
power supply, complete the following tasks at station

EMS1 Course Guide 01 186

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 Continued

MASS AIR FLOW - MAF 1. Connect the 12 Vdc/25 amp power supply red
terminal to the test board red terminal using the red
banana plug cable; then connect the power supply
black terminals to the test board black terminal
using the black banana plug cable and then turn on
Air Flow Output Frequency
(kg/h) (Hz) the power supply.
12.6 kg/h 2,617Hz
2. Using the GDS and VMI, select the GDS DVOM
18.0 kg/h 2,958Hz function to measure Hertz, and then connect the
23.4 kg/h 3,241Hz positive test lead to the MAF #1 signal and the
32.4 kg/h 3,653Hz negative test lead to ground.
43.2 kg/h 4,024Hz
3. Turn on the fan and record your results.
57.6 kg/h 4,399Hz
72.0 kg/h 4,704Hz __________________________________________
108.0 kg/h 5,329Hz
144.0 kg/h 5,897Hz 4. Use your hand to restrict the airflow through the
MAF. What did the frequency do?
198.0 kg/h 6,553Hz
270.0 kg/h 7,240Hz
360.0 kg/h 7,957Hz 5. Turn off the fan.
486.0 kg/h 8,738Hz
666.0 kg/h 9,644Hz 6. Set the GDS DVOM to measure VOLT, and then
connect the positive test lead to the MAF #2 signal
900.0 kg/h 10,590Hz
and the negative test lead to ground.

Air Flow
Output Voltage (V) 7. Turn on the fan and record your results.
4.9 0.70 __________________________________________
7.3 0.90
12.2 1.18 8. Use your hand to restrict the airflow through the
20.8 1.51 MAF. What did the voltage do?
28.3 1.73
38.9 1.97 9. Turn off the fan.
64.7 2.40
113.3 2.90 10. Using the charts, approximately how much airflow
185.3 3.35 was measured by #1 and #2 MAF?
256.0 3.64
404.6 4.07
476.7 4.25 11. Using the ETM for the vehicle assigned to you,
603.25 4.6 which PCM pin is the MAF signal?

EMS1 Course Guide 01 187

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 Continued

ACCELERATOR POSITION 1. Using the GDS and VMI, set the GDS oscilloscope to
SENSOR – APS 500 ms, and then connect the (CH-A) red cable to
the VMI. Connect the positive test lead to the APS
#1 signal and the negative test lead to ground.

2. Connect the previously attached (CH-B) yellow cable

positive test lead to the APS #2 signal and the
negative lead to ground.

3. Record your results for APS #1 voltage with the

pedal up and with the pedal down.

4. Record your results for APS #2 voltage with the

pedal up and with the pedal down.


5. Select “View All” on the oscilloscope.

6. Using the ETM for the vehicle assigned to you,

which PCM pins are the APS signals?
APS 1 _____________________________________

APS 2 _____________________________________

7. Using the chart below, did your recorded results

match the chart?


8. Print the oscilloscope pattern for both the pedal up

and down and discuss with your instructor.

Output Voltage (V) [Vref = 5.0V]

Pedal Position
Closed Throttle 0.7 ~ 0.8V 0.29 ~ 0.46V
W.O.T 3.85 ~ 4.35V 1.93 ~ 2.18V

EMS1 Course Guide 01 188

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 Continued

THROTTLE POSITION 1. Using the ETM for the vehicle assigned to you,
SENSOR - TPS which PCM pins are the TPS signals?

TPS #1 ____________________________________

TPS #2 ____________________________________
Output Voltage(V)
Throttle [Vref = 5.0V] 2. Connect the previously attached GDS/VMI (CH-A)
TPS1 TPS2 positive test lead to the TPS #1 signal and the
0° 0V 5.0V negative test lead to ground.
10° 0.5V 4.5V
3. Connect the previously attached (CH-B) positive test
20° 0.9V 4.1V
lead to the TPS #2 signal and the negative test lead
30° 1.4V 3.6V to ground.
40° 1.8V 3.2V
50° 2.3V 2.7V 4. Move the throttle switch to OPEN and record your
60° 2.7V 2.3V results for TPS #1 and #2 voltage.
70° 3.2V 1.8V
80° 3.6V 1.4V
90° 4.1V 0.9V 5. Release the switch and record your results for
100° 4.5V 0.5V closed throttle TPS #1 and #2 voltage.
110° 5.0V 0V

6. Select “View All” on the oscilloscope.

7. Print the oscilloscope pattern for both the closed

and open throttle.

8. Using the chart, what is the approximate throttle

angle, for open and closed throttle?

Open _____________________________________


Note: Current data may display the TPS as % instead

of degrees.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 189

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 Continued

MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE 1. Set the GDS DVOM to measure VOLT, and then
PRESSURE - MAP connect the positive test lead to the MAP signal and
the negative test lead to ground.

2. Using the ETM for the vehicle assigned to you, what

is the PCM pin number for the MAP signal?
Output Voltage
20.0 kPa
(≈24” Hg) 3. Connect the hand vacuum pump to the MAP sensor.
46.66 kPa
1.84V _________________________________________
(≈16” Hg) Idle
101.32 kPa (0” Hg)
4. Record your results for MAP voltage.
Engine OFF

5. Apply ≈ 16” Hg to the sensor.

6. Record your results for MAP voltage.


7. Apply ≈ 24” Hg to the sensor.

8. Record your results for MAP voltage.


9. Using the chart, did your recorded results match the



Feedback: When finished, discuss your Station One

results and printed oscilloscope pattern for your

Clean up your workstation as directed by the instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 190

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 – component task board two

INTRODUCTION The purpose of these tasks are to provide an

opportunity to practice measuring individual engine
management components on the task board, using the
GDS with VMI, DVOM and oscilloscope until confident in
the skill and until it is successfully demonstrated to the

 Ignition coil primary resistance

 Fuel injector resistance
 CVVT oil control valve resistance
 ECT sensor resistance
 Knock sensor oscilloscope AC voltage pattern

SETUP Using the component task board two, and a GDS set,
complete the following tasks at station two.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 191

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 Continued

IGNITION COIL 1. Use the GDS DVOM function.

2. Select ohms.

3. Measure the resistance of the primary coil winding

and record your results.

4. Using the chart below, did your recorded results

match the chart?


Primary Coil
Resistance (Ω)
0.62 ± 10%

5. Follow the onscreen instructions to zero the


6. Re-measure the resistance of the primary coil

winding and record your results.


7. Now, did your recorded results match the chart?


8. How would NOT zeroing the ohmmeter affect your



9. Using the ETM, what PCM pin is used to activate the

ignition coil for Cylinder #1?


EMS1 Course Guide 01 192

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 Continued

ENGINE COOLANT 1. Measure the resistance ECT signal and ground.
2. Record your results for ECT resistance.


Temperature Resistance 3. Warm the sensor with your hand.

°C °F (kΩ)
-40 -40 48.14kΩ 4. Record your results for ECT resistance.
14.13 ~
-20 -4
16.83 kΩ
0 32 5.79 kΩ 5. Cool the sensor with canned air.
2.31 ~ 2.59
20 68
kΩ 6. Record your results for ECT resistance.
40 104 1.15 kΩ
60 140 0.59 kΩ __________________________________________
80 176 0.32 kΩ
7. Using the chart, did the sensor respond accordingly
to the temperatures listed?


8. Using the ETM, which PCM pins connect to the ECT



EMS1 Course Guide 01 193

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 Continued

CVVT OIL CONTROL VALVE 1. Measure the resistance of the CVVT oil control valve
and record your results.
2. Using the chart, did your recorded results match the


Item Specification

Coil Resistance (Ω) 6.7 ~ 7.7 Ω

3. What would the resistance of the coil do if the valve

was measured with the engine at normal operating

4. Using the ETM, where does the OCV receive power?

5. Which PCM pin controls the OCV?
INJECTOR 1. Measure the resistance of the fuel injector coil and
record your results.
2. Using the chart below, did your recorded results
match the chart?


Item Specification

Coil Resistance (Ω) 11.4 ~ 12.6 Ω

3. What would cause the resistance of a fuel injector

to decrease below specification?

4. When finished, close the DVOM function on the


EMS1 Course Guide 01 194

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 2 – task 5 Continued

KNOCK SENSOR 1. Select the GDS oscilloscope 2-channel function.

2. Connect the “A” positive and negative leads to the


3. Select the configuration for “A.”

4. Select 800 mv, BL, AC, DATA, and 500 ms.

5. Using your finger, tap on the sensor and record the

minimum, and maximum values.

6. What could be the result if the knock sensor was

not properly torqued?

7. Using the ETM, which PCM pins connect to the

knock sensor?
Feedback: When finished, close out the DVOM and
oscilloscope functions on the GDS then closed GDS and
return to Windows. Discuss your result with your

Clean up your workstation as directed by the instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 195

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

This is the end of Section 2

Consult with your instructor on how to proceed

EMS1 Course Guide 01 196

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 1
CAM POSITION SENSOR # 1 You will use the ETM to identify the wire colors and
CMP signals to the Camshaft Position Sensor (CMP). Using
VMI and oscilloscope, record sensor data in GDS.

Year: 2012 Model: Sorento Engine: 2.4L

1. Using the ETM, locate and print the schematic view

of the CMP.

2. If the T-Connector (A) has not been installed,

disconnect the vehicle harness connector at the CMP
and install the T-Connector.

3. Turn Key ON Engine OFF.

CMP 4. Using the schematic, identify CMP wire color, and

DVOM MEASUREMENT electrical signals. With KOEO, connect DVOM to T-
Connector terminals and record results below.

CMP Wire Color Purpose KOEO

Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3

5. Connect the VMI to GDS, select oscilloscope and set

time base to 50 msec per/div. Set Trigger to rising
edge. Connect Channel A to CMP signal and record
CMP signals with engine at idle.

6. Stop the recording, move the cursors to the positions

indicated below and record the values.

Highest Position Lowest Position Avg

7. Is the CMP sensor a Hall Effect or an inductive type



EMS1 Course Guide 01 197

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 2
FUEL INJECTOR –INJ Using the Fuel Injector Resistance Harness and
VMI, you will use an oscilloscope to measure Normal
and Abnormal fuel injector ground signals.

Year: 2012 Model: Sorento Engine: 3.5L

1. Using the ETM, locate and print the schematic view

of the Fuel Injector.

2. Using the printed schematic, which pin number is

the groundside of the fuel injector?

3. Install T-Connector (B) to both fuel injectors

#2 and #4 at the injector connector.

4. Turn key ON, engine OFF.

5. Ensure VCI is powered ON, and identify vehicle in


6. Connect VMI to GDS using USB cable.

7. Connect Channel A to groundside of #2 Fuel


8. Connect Channel B to ground side of #4 Fuel


9. Start engine.

10. In GDS, select oscilloscope and use the following

 Auto Configuration for both channels.
 Trigger falling edge (set within 1st time division
on the far left of the screen.)
 Time base 5 msec per div

Note: Confirm both injector #2 & #4 are visible on

screen with engine idling.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 198

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 2 continued

11. Again, select Configuration and set the voltage for

both channels to:
 20V per Div

12. Compare the groundside of #2 fuel injector

waveform to the groundside of #4 fuel injector.

13. How does the 0V line on Cylinder # 2 the abnormal

pattern compare with the 0V line on Cylinder #4,
the normal pattern?

14. How can high resistance on the groundside of the

fuel injector affect fuel trim?

15. Turn Engine OFF.

Feedback: Discuss your findings with the instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 199

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 3
OIL CONTROL VALVE #1 Using GDS with VMI, you will connect the oscilloscope
OCV leads, measure OCV pulse width modulation, and
compare measured values with Current Data sensor

Year: 2012 Model: Sportage Engine: 2.4L

1. With the key OFF, if T-Connector (A) has not been

installed, disconnect harness connector and install
the T-Connector.

2. Ensure VCI is powered ON and identify the vehicle

in GDS.

3. Turn KOEO and clear any DTCs.

4. Using the ETM, locate and print out the schematic

view of the Oil Control Valve.

5. What pin number provides groundside control of the


6. Use the printed ETM to identify wire color and

electrical signals for the Oil Control Valve #1. With
KOEO, connect DVOM to T-Connector terminals and
record results in the chart below.

OCV Wire Color DVOM

Pin 1
Pin 2

EMS1 Course Guide 01 200

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 3 continued

7. In GDS select Engine, Current Data, and select the
following sensors:
 CVVT State
 OCV Holding Pulse Width-Inlet CVVT

8. In current data, record the status of the two

conditions in the chart below.

Description KOEO Idle

CVVT State
OCV Holding Pulse Width-Inlet

9. Ensure engine is idling.

OSCILLOSCOPE 10. Using GDS with VMI, select oscilloscope and

MEASUREMENT configure using the following settings:

 Connect Red test lead from Channel A to

pin 2 of the OCV
 Connect Black test lead to ground
 20V per / div
 Set time base to 1 msec per/div

11. Press Stop recording, and position the cursors as

 Cursor A to high side of 1st pulse
 Cursor B to low side of last pulse

12. In the chart below, record your findings.

A B Avg
Oil Control Valve

13. Without moving the Cursors, in the oscilloscope

window, select Configuration and click Data twice
(2X) until the display shows Duty Cycle, then
record the data in the chart below.

Oscilloscope Readings Value

Duty Cycle +
Duty Cycle -

EMS1 Course Guide 01 201

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 3 continued

14. Repeat while performing a light Brake Torque and
record the data in the chart below.

Oscilloscope Readings Value

Duty Cycle +
Duty Cycle -

15. In the oscilloscope window, click on start and record

OCV at idle for 10 seconds.

16. Press Stop recording, and position the cursors as

 Cursor A to high side of 1st pulse
 Cursor B to low side of last pulse

ACTUATION TEST 17. In GDS, click on Actuation test and Select Oil
Control Valve Bank 1.

18. Click on Configuration and select the following:

 20V
 Set time base to 500 µs per/div
 Then click on Start.

Note: If Actuation Test fails, re- identify the vehicle in


19. What is the duty cycle of the oil control valve during
the actuation test?

20. Can you hear the OCV cycling ON and OFF?


21. Press Stop Actuation test.

22. Press the Snap Shot icon and from the pop-up
window, select send to print.

23. Discuss with instructor.

24. Key ON, Engine OFF, clear any DTC's.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 202

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 4
Cylinder No 1 Fuel Injector During this task, you will use GDS with VIM and use the
Measurement oscilloscope to measure the GDI fuel injector. Using the
captured oscilloscope pattern, you will identify normal
ON and OFF GDI fuel injector waveforms.

Year: 2012 Model: Optima Engine: 2.0L GDI Turbo

1. Using the ETM, locate and print out the schematic

view of the Cylinder No 1 Fuel Injector.

2. Ensure the GDS with VCI is connected to vehicle,

then connect VMI to the GDS.

3. With KOEO, in GDS, identify vehicle.

4. On VMI, connect Channel A to pin 1 and Channel B

to pin 2 of the T-Connector.

5. In GDS select Engine, Current Data then select

these two sensors:
 Cyl.1 Injection Time-1st Pulse
 Actual Engine Speed

6. Next, click on oscilloscope, Configuration and

select the following:
 Set time base to 200usecs per division
 Trigger Upper and set to 80V
 Select Auto for both Channel A & B

7. Next, click Run and let engine idle for 15 seconds.

8. Press Stop and move the lower slider in the

oscilloscope window until Channel B only shows two
positive pulses.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 203

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 4 continued

9. When the injector patterns are the same, is the fuel
injector ON or OFF?


11 Print the results of the graph. Select Snap Shot icon,

from the pop-up menu select Send To Print.

12 Next, move the lower slider until Channel A & B

displays the same pulses in the oscilloscope window.

13 When the injector patterns are the opposite, is the

fuel injector ON or OFF?


Feedback: When finished, discuss your results with

your instructor. Clean up your workstation as directed
by the instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 204

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 5
FUEL TRIM / PROPANE Using GDS, you will monitor Linear 02 sensor operation
ENRICHMENT by adding propane to enrich the fuel mixture. Also, with
current data, identify Lambda sensor correction values
for both rich and normal conditions.

Year: 2012 Model: Soul Engine: 2.0L

1. With VCI connected, identify vehicle in GDS.

2. From GDS, click Engine, Current Data and select the

following sensors.

 02 Sensor Linear Type Bank1 Upstream

 Lambda Sensor Correction Value – Bank1
 Actual Engine Speed

3. Start engine and ensure it is at operating

temperature. If not, run engine until warm.

4. With engine idling, select Graph and record the

current sensor data. Record the sensor values

Description Value
02 Sensor Linear type Bank1 Upstream
Lambda Sensor Correction Value – Bank1
Actual Engine Speed

5. Disconnect the vacuum hose affixed on top of the

intake manifold.

6. Connect the propane hose to the intake manifold.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 205

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

section 3 – task 5 continued

PROPANE ENRICHMENT 7. Open Propane valve slowly rotating knob approximately
¼ turn until Lambda Sensor Correction reach
minimum stop of -40%.

8. Record in the chart below the values with propane


Note: Allow the engine to idle for a minute between

each condition.

02 Sensor Lambda Engine

Condition Linear Type Sensor RPM
Bank1 Correction
With Propane

9. What did the Lambda Sensor Correction do to the

air/fuel mixture after propane was added?

10. Close propane valve and allow engine to idle for one

11. Open propane valve slowly until lambda correction

value begins to oscillate (approx 30 seconds).

12. Turn OFF propane valve.

13. Record the values without propane in the chart below.

02 Sensor Lambda Engine

Linear Type Sensor RPM
Bank1 Correction
Condition Upstream
Without Propane

RECONNECT VACUUM HOSE 14. Shut the engine OFF, remove the propane hose from
the intake manifold, and reconnect the vacuum hose.

Feedback: When finished, discuss your results with

your instructor. Clean up your workstation as directed
by the instructor.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 206

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Note Page





















EMS1 Course Guide 01 207

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Diagnostic Strategy Theory

MODULE GOAL Upon completion of this module, you will be able to

demonstrate through discussion and questions, the
skills required to use DTC fault code and non-fault code
diagnostic procedures when diagnosing Kia Engine
Management Systems.

MODULE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this module and a written test, you
will be able to complete the following with 80% or
greater accuracy:
 Select the following diagnostic items within the DTC
fault code diagnostic chart:
o Component location and general information
o Detecting and enabling conditions
o Specifications
o Schematic information
o Wire harness inspection
o Component inspection
o Verification of repair
 Diagnosis without a DTC using a flow chart

MODULE INSTRUCTIONS This theory module will conclude with Progress Check
questions that will assess what you have learned. Pay
attention, ask questions, and participate to get the
most out of this module.

EXPECTATIONS You will gain a better understanding of engine

management related DTC and non-DTC diagnostic

TIME TO COMPLETE Approximately: 60 Minutes

EMS1 Course Guide 01 208

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

DTC diagnostic

INTRODUCTION The information contained in a specific DTC will give

DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE you a better understanding of the specific circuit you
CODES – DTC are dealing with, its operating characteristics, enable
conditions, specifications, and testing procedures.

This information is valuable, whether it is during

diagnosis of a specific DTC, while verifying that the
circuit is operating properly, or when doing other types
of diagnosis, such as a during a no-code drivability

DTC STRUCTURE A DTC has a five-place alphanumeric highly defined

structure due to the sophisticated monitors.
 The first character identifies the broad systems of
the detected trouble.
 The second character identifies a generic OBD II
code or a manufacturer’s code.
 The third character identifies the system or
subsystem the DTC occurred in, by their related
general function.
 The fourth and fifth characters are the numbers
assigned to the specific fault within the system
identified in the third character of the DTC.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 209

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

dtc information

DTC INFORMATION A DTC is used to help diagnose a fault in an input or

output circuit, or a system that has failed to perform
properly (misfire, EVAP leak, and fuel mixture). It is
only an indication of the circuit that has the fault. It
does not say which part is at fault.

First, click on the Manual Button on the bottom of the

GDS Home Screen, and then select DTC Guide.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 210

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

dtc information

DTC GUIDE With the vehicle and system selected (VIN), the screen
above will appear, listing the various DTCs available in
the selected system.

DTCs are broken down into the following sections and


 General Information
o Component Location
o General Description
o DTC Information
o DTC Detecting Condition
o Specification
o Schematic Diagram

 Scan Tool Diagnostics

o Monitor DTC Status

 Inspection/Repair
o Wire Harness Inspection
 Terminal and Connector Inspection
 Power Circuit Inspection
 Ground Circuit Inspection
 Signal Circuit Inspection
o Component Inspection

 Verification of Vehicle Repair

Note: The above sections may be in a different order

depending upon the vehicle or KGIS/GDS information.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 211

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Component Location

ETC Motor and TPS

General Description

The Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) system is made of the components, throttle body,
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) 1 and 2 and Accelerator Position Sensor (APS) 1 and 2. TPS1
and 2 are sharing the same source voltage and ground. The throttle valve opening is
controlled by the throttle motor, which is controlled by the Engine Control Module (ECM).
The opposite position indicator shows inverted signal characteristics. TPS1 output voltage
increases smoothly in proportion with the throttle valve opening angle after starting. TPS2
output voltage decreases in inverse proportion with the throttle valve-opening angle after
starting. TPS provides feedback to the ECM to control the throttle motor in order to control
the throttle valve opening angle properly in response to the driving conditions.

DTC Description

When checking output signals from TPS1 and 2 under Detecting Condition, if output signal
difference between TPS1 and TPS2 is detected more than 4.5% for the specified number of
times, ECM sets P2135, and then the MIL (Malfunction Indication Lamp) turns on.

DTC P2135 BREAKDOWN The first sections of the DTC chart will give you the:
 Component Location
 General Description
 DTC Description

The location is either a drawing or a photo indicating its

basic location.

General and DTC Description is a short description of

how the circuit operates and how the code sets.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 212

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

DTC Detecting Condition

Item Detecting Condition Possible Cause

Determines if TPS#1 disagrees with
DTC Strategy TPS#2

Poor connection
Enable Conditions Ignition "ON"
Open or short in TPS
Difference between average values of
Threshold value TPS1 and TPS2 > 4.5% Faulty TPS
Faulty ECM
Diagnosis Time Continuous

MIL ON Condition 1 driving cycles

DTC DETECTING A DTC has a set of Detection Conditions, which are

CONDITION classified by item. These Detection Conditions
determine how the circuit or component is tested.

The Detection Conditions are grouped by the following

Item classifications:

 DTC Strategy
 Enable Conditions
 Threshold values
 Diagnosis Times
 MIL ON Condition

Next, let us look at each classification.

The DTC Detecting Conditions above list the conditions
used by the ECU when testing the circuit for a P2135

This information is useful when you perform the test

drive to verify the repair.

While it’s good to confirm the repair by test driving the

vehicle under similar conditions reported by the
customer, also perform a test drive following the
Detecting Conditions. This is how the ECU is going to
check to determine if a fault exists.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 213

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

DTC STRATEGY DTC Strategy specifies the condition(s) under which the
circuit or component is tested.

Within any DTC Strategy, the testing may include one

or more of the following:

 No signal
 Rationality
 Voltage range
o Circuit Low = circuit voltage below allowable
o Circuit High = circuit voltage above the allowable
 Open, ground or short
 Stuck OFF
 Stuck ON
 Not operating/moving at an expected rate
 Comparing one signal with another

ENABLE CONDITIONS Enable Conditions gives the operating conditions of the

engine when the circuit is tested.

These typically include several of the following:

 Engine state ON/OFF

 Engine speed (RPM)
 Engine soak time >360 min
 No fault present
 Throttle position
 Input speed
 Output speed
 Vehicle speed
 Temperature
 Battery voltage
 Another system/component signal is normal

EMS1 Course Guide 01 214

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

THRESHOLD VALUE Threshold value is data parameter(s) stored in the

computer that the measured or calculated value of the
data is being compared too.

Examples of typical threshold values can include:

 Difference between startup and current values
 Average of short or long fuel trim
 Feedback voltage less than or equal to (≤) X.XX
 Feedback voltage greater than or equal to (≥) X.XX
 Out of voltage range
 Short to power or ground, open
 Component actual value
 Calculated value

DIAGNOSIS TIME Diagnostic time is the amount of time the condition

must be present for, before the DTC will set.

Depending on the DTC requirements this can be:

 Continuous
 Continuous (within time limit)
 Less than (<) 1 second
Or, greater than (>) 120 seconds


 No MIL ON (DTC only)

 MIL ON (1 Drive Cycle)
 MIL ON (2 Drive Cycles)

A drive cycle, also referred to as a TRIP, is when the

ignition is ON and the Enable Conditions are met to
enable the monitor and allow it to complete its
operation. This determines if the system has a fault or
is operating as designed.

Now that we have covered the detecting conditions,

let’s take an in-depth look each of the DTC sections.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 215

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135


Output Voltage (V) [Vref=5.0]

Throttle Opening (°)

0° 0.0V 5.0V

10° 0.5V 4.5V

20° 0.9V 4.1V

30° 1.4V 3.6V

40° 1.8V 3.2V

50° 2.3V 2.7V

60° 2.7V 2.3V

70° 3.2V 1.8V

80° 3.6V 1.4V

90° 4.1V 0.9V

100° 4.5V 0.5V

110° 5.0V 0.0V

SPECIFICATIONS Specifications provide the testing results of the

component using test equipment.

The chart above provides the specifications, at

specified throttle opening, for TPS1 sensor and TPS2
sensor. If the results are different, the component may
be at fault or additional testing required.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 216

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Diagnostic Circuit Diagram

SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM The Schematic section shows the individual electrical

schematic and the associated connectors and circuits
that apply to the specific DTC P2135.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 217

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Signal Waveform & Data

Fig. 1: Normal waveform of TPS1 and TPS2 with no accelerator pedal depressed under IG
ON conditions

Fig. 2: Normal waveform of TPS1 and TPS2 with accelerator pedal depressed under IG ON

SIGNAL WAVEFORM The signal waveform shows the output measurement in

AND DATA scope pattern format when viewed with the GDS and
VMI. The scope pattern indicates the voltage and time

EMS1 Course Guide 01 218

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Signal Waveform & Data

Fig. 3: Normal data of TPS1 and TPS2 under IG ON condition*

Fig. 4: Normal data of TPS1 and TPS2 under open condition

Fig. 5: Normal data of TPS1 and TPS2 under short to ground in TSP2 circuit

SIGNAL WAVEFORM GDS current data screens show values under current
AND DATA specific operating conditions. This information is useful
during diagnosis when looking for any unusual data.

Note: Pay attention to the text descriptions below the

GDS images.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 219

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Monitor Scan Tool Data

1. Connect scan tool to Data Link Connector (DLC).

2. IG ON.
3. Select DTC button, and then Press DTC Status to check DTCs information from the
DTCs menu.
4. Read DTC Status parameter.

5. Is parameter displayed Present Fault?

▶ Go to Terminal and Connector Inspection procedure.
▶ Fault is intermittent caused by poor contact in the sensor’s and/or ECMs
connector, or, was repaired and ECM memory was not cleared. Thoroughly
check connectors for looseness, poor connection, contamination,
corrosion, deterioration, or damage. Repair or replace as necessary and go
to Verification of Vehicle Repair procedure.

MONITOR SCAN TOOL DATA The "Monitor Scan Tool Data" for a DTC will give you
information related to the MIL status, DTC status, and
DTC Readiness Flag results.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 220

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Terminal and Connector Inspection

1. Many malfunctions in the electrical system are caused by poor harness and terminal
connections. Faults also can be caused by interference from other electrical systems,
and mechanical or chemical damage.
2. Thoroughly check connectors for looseness, poor connection, bending, corrosion,
contamination, deterioration, or damage.
3. Has a problem been found?
▶ Repair as necessary and go to Verification of Vehicle Repair procedure.
▶ Go to Power Circuit Inspection procedure.

TERMINAL & CONNECTOR The Terminal and Connector Inspection section

INSPECTION reminds you to inspect and verify proper electrical and
mechanical connections, including wiggling harnesses
and connectors.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 221

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Power Circuit Inspection

■ Check voltage
1. IG OFF and disconnect ETC Motor and TPS connector.
2. IG ON.
3. Measure voltage between TPS power terminal of ETC Motor and TPS harness connector
and chassis ground.

Specification: Approx. 5V

4. Is the measured voltage within specification?

▶ Go to Signal Circuit Inspection procedure.
▶ Repair open or short in harness and go to Verification of Vehicle Repair

POWER CIRCUIT The Power Circuit Inspection:

 Describes where to measure voltage in the circuit
 Provides specifications and explanations
 Calls for repair if a problem is found. If not,
continue to Signal Circuit Inspection (next page).

Note: When performing measurements, use the

correct size T-Connectors. Be extremely careful not to
damage the terminals.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 222

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Signal Circuit Inspection

■ Check short in harness

1. IG OFF and disconnect ETC Motor, TPS connector and ECM connector.
2. Measure resistance between TPS1 signal and TPS2 signal terminals of ETC Motor and
TPS harness connector.

Specification: Infinite

3. Is the measured resistance within specification?

▶ Go to Component Inspection procedure.
▶ Repair short in harnesses and go to Verification of Vehicle Repair

SIGNAL CIRCUIT This section provides specific procedures and

INSPECTION – HARNESS specifications for checking the signal circuit.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 223

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Component Inspection

■ Check TPS
1. IG ON.
2. Monitor signal waveform of TPS by stepping on and off the accelerator pedal on scan
Output Voltage (V) [Vref=5.0]
Throttle Opening (°)

0° 0.0V 5.0V

10° 0.5V 4.5V

20° 0.9V 4.1V

30° 1.4V 3.6V

40° 1.8V 3.2V

50° 2.3V 2.7V

60° 2.7V 2.3V

70° 3.2V 1.8V

80° 3.6V 1.4V

90° 4.1V 0.9V

100° 4.5V 0.5V

110° 5.0V 0.0V

COMPONENT INSPECTION The specification section gives the values that you
would typically view in the current data screen.

Note: If the current data is in a different form, you can

change the configuration measurement on the GDS.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 224

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Fig. 1: Normal waveform of TPS1 and TPS2 with no accelerator pedal depressed under IG
ON condition
Fig. 2: Normal waveform of TPS1 and TPS2 with accelerator pedal depressed under IG ON
The above example shows normal throttle position
voltage with KOEO accelerator pedal up and down.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 225

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

3. Is the measured voltage within specification?

▶ Substitute with a known, good ECM and check for proper operation. If
the problem is corrected, replace ECM and go to Verification of Vehicle
Repair procedure.

There is a memory reset function on scan tool that can erase optional
parts automatically detected and memorized by ECM. Before or after
testing ECM on the vehicle, use this function to reuse the ECM on the

▶ Substitute with a known, good ETC motor and TPS, and check for
proper operation. If the problem is corrected, replace ETC motor and TPS
and go to Verification of Vehicle Repair procedure.

ETC Initialization Procedure

A. Erase the trouble codes on ECM.
B. Turn the ignition key OFF and keep this condition until the main relay is turned off.
(It will take 10 sec.)
C. Turn ignition key ON more than 1 second to record the throttle motor position on

If you are sure that everything in the circuit checks out,

then for the next step, the chart suggests substituting a
known good component.

If applicable, you may be able to use the Simulation

Mode of GDS to test circuit operation.

Before you start installing known good parts, open a

TechLine case using GDS. listing all tests and results
that you have performed. TechLine will review your
diagnostic results and contact you.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 226

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

fault code diagnosis procedure sections – p2135

Verification of Vehicle Repair

After a repair, it is essential to verify that the fault has been corrected.
1. Connect scan tool and select DTC button.
2. Press DTC Status button and confirm that DTC Readiness Flag indicates Completed. If
not, drive the vehicle within conditions noted in the freeze frame data, or in other
Enable Conditions.
3. Read DTC Status parameter.
4. Is parameter displayed History (Not Present) Fault?
▶ System performing to specification at this time. Clear the DTC.
▶ Go to the applicable troubleshooting procedure.
VERIFICATION OF VEHICLE After you have completed the repairs, always verify that
REPAIR the fault has been corrected by operating the vehicle
under the conditions detailed in the DTC Detecting
The procedure did not have you clear the code, but
check to see if the code went to “History” status.
Clearing codes erases learned data, DTCs and may
make it more difficult to duplicate the problem.

Note: If multiple related DTCs are stored, look for

common power and ground circuits (wire, pins, and
connectors) related to the DTCs.

DTC DIAGNOSTIC Based upon the related DTC stored, the Fault Code
SUMMARY Diagnosis procedure is used to diagnose the concern
and includes:
 Location
 General Description of how the circuit works
 DTC Description of how the DTC sets
 Detecting Conditions to set the DTC
 Schematic of the circuit
 Terminal and connector inspection
 Power supply circuit inspection
 Signal circuit inspection
 Component inspection
 Verification of vehicle repair

EMS1 Course Guide 01 227

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Diagnostic flow without a dtc

Verify Concern

Base Engine Fuel Ignition VMI

EMS1 Course Guide 01 228

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Diagnostic flow without a dtc

CUSTOMER CONCERN First, Verify the Complaint again:
WITH NO DTC STORED  Confirm that you are attempting to diagnose what
the customer brought the vehicle in for.
 The repair order may have been poorly written, or
there might have been misinterpretation between
the customer and service advisor.
 Re-interview the customer and discuss possible
conditions when the complaint occurs.

BASE ENGINE The following diagnostic procedures should be followed.

Check for an engine mechanical concern.

Go back to your basic inspection tools:

 Start with a vacuum gauge reading (especially while
operating the vehicle when the problem is
 Compression test
 Cylinder leakdown testers

CURRENT DATA ANALYSIS Current Data is the input and output values that are
processed data and interpreted by the ECM/PCM for
display on the GDS. Once a PCM detects a problem with
an input it may use substitute or “modeled” values,
which will appear in Current Data. True values must be
measured with DVOM or scope connected directly to
the circuit.

Common movement:
 Many current data readings tend to “trend”
 If rpm increases, so will TPS, airflow, and injector
Look for a value moving in an opposite direction to the
rest, if you know it should be “going with the flow.”

EMS1 Course Guide 01 229

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Diagnostic flow without a dtc

DATA ANALYSIS Abrupt changes:
CONTINUED  Engine values often increase and decrease over
time, like engine speed, airflow, throttle position to
name a few.
 They seldom, if ever, should abruptly change, start,
or stop.
 If driving the vehicle at a steady state of speed,
most readings should also remain steady.
 If the TPS value drops instantly from 2 volts to 0
volts, yet you didn’t move the throttle, that’s a good
sign something is wrong electrically with the circuit
or sensor.
 Look for values that change when you aren’t moving
the throttle while you’re driving.
 In addition, a component might be heating up,
changing its resistance, or causing its value to drift.

FLIGHT RECORD Flight Record the vehicle using the customer stated
 Drive the vehicle using the customer stated
 If possible, Flight Record an identical vehicle using
the same driving conditions.
 Compare readings.

FUEL AND IGNITION Sometimes if the diagnostic process does not lead to a
system or component level conclusion, don’t forget the
basics still apply.
 Good spark at the right time.
 Good fuel delivered in the right amount.
 Do not expect the PCM to set a DTC if the spark is
weak or the injector spray is inadequate.
 Review what tests you have already performed.
 Think about what additional tests you can do.
 Confirm on a component-by-component level that
each part and system is doing its job.

SYMPTOM ANALYSIS GDS has symptom analysis available for some specific
 Enter the customer’s symptoms into the VIN screen
on the GDS.
 GDS has some symptom charts that can help you
think about what could be causing the problem.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 230

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Diagnostic flow without a dtc

SHOP MANUAL Just because something doesn’t set a DTC doesn’t
mean everything’s OK.
 Maybe the problem has not met DTC enable criteria.
 Look at the DTC lists for suspect components.
 Also, if you are at the component level of diagnosis,
use the Shop and DTC information for test

VMI Sometimes it’s necessary to observe the voltage in the

circuit of a MFI component.
 The Current Data display is not actual values in a
circuit. The values are what the PCM thinks is
happening in a circuit.
 The VMI allows you to look at voltages in detail and
also record them and play them back.
 The VMI can look at the voltages faster than you
can with a DVOM.
 If a signal is a digital signal that changes quickly,
you should use the scope function of the GDS and
 If you suspect something is cutting in and out, then
record it with the oscilloscope at a fast rate, and
then play it back.
 The scope is an extremely fast and powerful
 Scope voltages that should be going to ground (0v);
fuel injectors are an example.
 Make sure digital on/off circuits are low enough.

ETM Review the ETM diagrams:

 Identify all of the connections in a circuit.
 Inspect them all with a bright light.
 Drag test pins for tension (except for PCM pins).
 Look for chafing and corrosion as well.
 Apply Stabilant 22 as appropriate.

If you have multiple concerns:

 Study the diagrams for shared connectors, fuse, or
 You likely do not have several individual problems.
 You may have one circuit or connector issue
affecting many things.

EMS1 Course Guide 01 231

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

SUMMARY Now you should have the skills required to use specific
DTC information when diagnosing Kia Engine
Management Systems and Electronic Throttle Control

In this module, you have learned about:

 Individual breakdown of a DTC including
o Component location
o General information
o Detecting and enabling conditions
o Specifications
o Schematic information
o Wire harness inspection
o Component inspection
o Verification of repair

 Diagnosis without a DTC using a flow chart

EMS1 Course Guide 01 232

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

progress check questions

SELECT THE BEST The following question refers to the DTC detecting
ANSWER(S) AND RECORD conditions chart.
SHEET 19. Technician A says the chart lists the enabled engine
operating conditions when the circuit is tested.
Technician B says the chart lists the component
threshold value when the circuit is tested.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

20. Which Item of the DTC Detecting Condition Chart

gives you information for the number of drive
a. DTC Strategy
b. Enable Conditions
c. Threshold Value
d. MIL ON condition

21. Technician A says when finished with a DTC repair,

you should drive the vehicle following the Freeze
Frame Data Conditions.
Technician B says when finished with a DTC repair
you should drive the vehicle following the Enable
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

22. Technician A says DTC diagnostic time is the time

for the specific DTC to activate using GDS.
Technician B says diagnostic time is the amount of
time the condition must exist, before the DTC will
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

EMS1 Course Guide 01 233

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

progress check questions

SELECT THE BEST The following question uses the component inspection
ANSWER(S) AND RECORD section of the DTC fault code diagnostic procedure.
SHEET 23. Technician A says the specifications are provided for
monitoring the signal waveform.
Technician B says the scope patterns shown are
based upon the specifications.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

24. What information is available from the schematic

diagram section of the DTC fault code diagnostic
a. Component location
b. Voltage and resistance values
c. Signal information
d. Circuit schematic and connectors

25. Technician A says that the DTC Guide lists each DTC
available for a specific system.
Technician B says that the DTC Guide lists only
DTCs that are stored in the ECM/PCM memory.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

26. Technician A says a DTC signal waveform shows the

scope pattern when the pattern was recorded.
Technician B says a DTC signal waveform shows
only what a faulty component signal would look like.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

EMS1 Course Guide 01 234

Engine Management System Diagnosis I

Progress Check Questions

SELECT THE BEST 27. Technician A says that GDS Current Data screens
ANSWER(S) AND RECORD show values under specific operating conditions.
THEM ON THE ANSWER Technician B says that the Specification section
SHEET provides the testing results of the component using
test equipment.
Who is correct?
a. Technician A only
b. Technician B only
c. Both Technician A and B
d. Neither Technician A nor B

28. When diagnosing a no-DTC customer concern, what

is the first thing you should do?
a. Perform a flight recording
b. Check for a symptom chart using the GDS
c. Use GDS to view current data
d. Verify the customer concern

EMS1 Course Guide 01 235

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